canada reorganizes fisheries operations · canada reorganizes fisheries operations directorate and...

ForeIgn Fishery Developments Canada Reorganizes Fisheries Operations Dir ec torate a nd Ac tin g Dir ec tor- Ge neral for Fi he ri es R esea rch a nd D eve lo pm e nt. A pp o int ed Reg ional Dir ectors- ew or ga ni za ti onal a rr ange me nt s which are a part of a co ntinuin g pr o- gram to s tr engthen the ca pabili t] and of th e a nd 1a ri ne Sen ice of Envi ro nm e nt Ca n a- da h ave been anno un ce d by Robert F. Sh aw . Minister of E nVi ro n- ment. ResponSiveness to regio na l a nd pr o Vincia l needs within th e frame wo rl.. of nati o na l policies v. III be a chieve d by grea ter delega ti on of man age ment re pons lb il iti es to th e r eg ional e\- ecu tives of the Se rvice. In Ott awa. admini st ra ti on of line operations will co me unde r t wo assistant de put y mini - s ter s report I ng to Ken Lu cas. Senior AS Sis t a nt Depu ty Mini ster. Fishe ri es a nd Ma nn e Service . At h ea dqu arters. the Fishenes and Marine Service ha co n so li da ted what we re pr eviously s ix lin e orga nizatio ns int o t wo major gro upin gs. ( I) Fis h eries Man ag em e nt a nd (2) Oc ean a nd A qu a ti c Aff a irs. Among ac ti vities which will be br ought t oge th er withi n th ese t wo gro up s are t he for me r Fis he ri es O p era ti ons Dir ec- t ora t e. the res ea rch fu nctions fo rm e rl y ma nag ed directl y by the Fis herie Re- sea rch Boa rd . and the Mar ine Sc iences 01 re cto rate. Respo nsibilities co nso li dated und er the n ev.. A DM . Fis heries Ma n ageme nt. includ e r eso ur ce manageme nt a nd con ervatlOn, e nfo rce ment of fis he ri es r eg ulations incl ud i ng operation of a major ocea n pa tro l fleet a nd su rve il - lance aircr aft: ind ustrial d eve lopme nt and fi sh In spe ctio n: marke ti ng a nd prom o ti o n , bio log ica l a nd t ec hn ical research on fish a nd o th er a qu a ti c flo ra a nd fauna : fis hing vessel ins ur - ance a nd ves el co nst ru ction s ub sidy a dm ini tra tion: man age ment of sma ll cr aft h arbo ur s ac ross Ca nad a: prom o- tion and man age ment of r ec rea tional fis he ri es: a nd a dmini s tr at io n of int er - national a nd federal- pr ov incial fi sh er - ies ag r ee ment . Re gi onal fi he ries man ag eme nt w ill be co nso lidat ed und e r fiv e reg ional dir e ct or -general loca ted at Va nco uver. Winnipe g, Qu ebec Ci ty, Ha li fax. and t. Jo hn 's. The ADM, Oc ea n a nd Aqu a ti c Affa irs . w ill be responsible for th e con so lida ted ph ysica l a nd chemical o ce a nog raphic r esea rch: biolog ica l re- sea rc h related to the qu ality of the ma rin e en vi ron me nt : environ me ntal as sess ment s of ac ti v it ies affect ing freshwater a nd marine life: ma ri ne geophysica l mapping: operating of a tl ee t of re ea rch and vessels: hydr og ra phic tide a nd water lev e ls meas ur e men t a nd pr o duc - t io n o f n av iga ti ona l. ba th y me tric and other charts of Ca nadian coastal and in la nd waters. Repo rtin g dir ec t ly to the ADM. O cea n a nd Aqu a ti c Aff a irs. will be thr ee dir ecto rs-general located at Victoria. B.C. . Dartm outh. .S .. a nd Burlin gto n. Ont. The e officer wi ll dir ec t co nso lidated o ce an and a qua t ic pr og rams in a s im il ar mann er to a nd in coo pera ti o n wi th th eir fi she ri es man age- ment co unt e rp a rt App o int ed to th e p os ition of Assis- tant Deput y Minis ter. Fishe ri es M a n- age me nt. is David J. McE ac hr an . 39. wh o s in ce 1972 has b ee n Acting De put ] Minister of the Al berta De- pa rtm e nt of In du s tr y a nd Co mmerce und er the Feder a l G o ve rnme n t' s Exe- cutive Int erc hange Pr og ram. a med As istant Deput y Minister. Ocea n and Aqu atic Aff air . is Dr . A.E . Co llin . 44. of Ott aw a. fo rm e rl y Dir ec- t or-Ge neral of the Marine Sciences Ge neral fo r Fisheries Man age ment we re: H.D. Jo hn sto n. 40. Ma ri t im es Reg ion. Fishe ri es Reg ional Dir ec tor at Halifax sin ce Jul y. 1973: LJ . Co w- ley. 38 , Newfo undl a nd R eg ion. Fisher- ies Reg io na l Dir ec t or at St. Jo hn ' s in ce Au gu st. 1972 : J ea n Frec het. 4 9. Qu e bec R eg ion. has bee n c lo e ly asso- ciated with federal-pr ov incial fis he ri es devel o pm ent pr ojec ts in the p rov in ce o f Q u eb ec for many y ea rs. App oin ted Regional Di rec tors- Ge n er a l fo r Ocea n and A qu a ti c Af- fa irs we re: Dr. R.W. St ewa rt. 50 . P ac ific R egio n. who has b ee n Dir ec t or. Pacific R eg ion. Ma rin e Scie n ces D irec- torate. at Vic to ri a. sin ce 1 970 : and Dr . W.L. Fo rd . 60 . At lantic Region. wh o has b ee n Direc t or of th e At lan t ic Oc e an o gr aphic Labo r atory. Dart- mo ut h. .S. sin ce 1965 . Sta ffi ng is pre ently un de r way fo r th e rem ain ing di rec tor-general p os it ions. Refer ring to the pr ese nt organi za tion o f th e Depa rtm e nt of th e E n viro n- me nt. Mr . Sh aw noted th at fresh wa ter q u a lit y a nd qu a ntit y·. -river bas in s tu dies and resea rch hydrolog y. with the exce pti o n of s tud ies related to fis h and other a qu a ti c li fe . wo uld remai n with the Inland Waters Dir ec torate of th e En vi ro nm e nt a l M a n age me nt Se r vice. while the dr aftin g a nd impl e- menta ti on of enviro nm ental r eg ula- ti ons wo uld t ay with th e En v ir o nm e nt - al Pr ot ec tion Servi ce . Japan Tells Tuna Purse Seiner Status Five years h ave elap ed sin ce th e Ja pa nese bega n focusing attenti on on .S.-type purse seine fi s hin g fo r tun a. At pr ese nt. th e numb er of ind epen- de ntly operated tun a se in ers in Japan to tals I I, ranging in size from 2 10 to 1,000 gross tons. T he Unit ed St at es h as a pur se se ine fl ee t o f arou nd 130 vessels. Some Japanese say that Japan wi ll ne ed at leas t 30 se ine r to estab- li sh a tuna se ine fi shery. A se arc h for th e m os t econ om ic size of se iner con- tinu es in J apan , but r ece nt p ur se sein er co ns tr uction tr ends in dica te that 500- ton-class vessel s. w hi ch co mpri se ove r 46 ha lf of th e pr e ent fl ee t. are pr efe rred by the Japanese . The Ni pp o /l Marti (999 gro s ton s and about 8 00 to ns car rying cap acity). the lar ges t sei ner in Japan. bega n opera ti ons in 197 1 with a cr ew of se ven Ame ri ca ns and t we lve Japanese, b ut she is n ow ma nn ed only by fifteen Japan ese me mbers. In 197 1, th at ves- se l, which operated in th e eas te rn Pacific and eas te rn A tl antic, ca ught 7 60 me tric tons of fi sh in 56 se ts durin g four and one- half mo nth s of operation. T he ca tch in th e seco nd yea r wa s 2,1 00 tons taken in 208 se ts durin g

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Page 1: Canada Reorganizes Fisheries Operations · Canada Reorganizes Fisheries Operations Directorate and Acting Director ... Seni or ASSistant Deputy Minister. Fisheri es and Manne Service

Fore Ign Fishery Developments

Canada Reorganizes Fisheries Operations

Direc to ra te a nd A c tin g Directo r­Gene ra l fo r Fi he ri es Research a nd Deve lo pment.

A ppo inted Regio na l Direct o rs-

ew o rga ni za ti o na l a rra nge me nt s whi c h a re a pa rt o f a co ntinuin g pro­gram to strength en th e capabili t] a nd re po n~ i ve n ess of th e Fi s h e ri e~ a nd

1 a ri ne Sen ice of Envi ro nm ent Cana­da have been announced by Ro be rt F . Shaw . Deput~ M iniste r o f E nVi ro n­ment.

ResponSiv eness to regio na l a nd pro Vincia l needs within th e frame wo rl.. o f nati o na l po lic ies v. III be achieved by grea te r de lega ti o n o f ma nage ment re pons lb il iti es to th e regio na l e \ ­ecu tives of th e Service . In Ott awa . admini st ra ti o n of lin e operati o ns will come unde r two ass istant deput y mini ­sters re po rt I ng to K en Lu cas. Seni o r ASSistant Depu ty Mini ste r . Fi she ri es and Ma nne Service . At headqu a rt e rs . th e Fishen es and M a r ine Se rvice ha conso li da ted wha t were prev io usly six lin e orga nizatio ns int o two majo r gro upin gs. ( I) Fisheries Ma nageme nt and (2) Ocea n a nd A qua ti c Affa irs. A mo ng acti vit ies whi ch will be brought togeth er withi n th ese two g roups a re the fo rme r Fishe ri es O pera ti o ns Direc­tora te. the research fu nctions fo rm e rl y ma naged directl y by the Fishe r ie Re­search Boa rd . and the Marine Sc iences 01 recto ra te.

Responsibiliti es conso lidated unde r th e nev.. A DM . Fisheries Ma nageme nt. include resource management a nd con ervatlOn, enfo rcem ent of fis he ri es regul at io ns inc lud ing ope rat io n of a major ocean patrol fleet a nd su rve il ­lance a irc raft : indust r ia l deve lopment and fi sh Inspection : ma rk eti ng a nd prom oti o n , bio logica l and techn ica l research o n fish and other aqua ti c flo ra and fauna : fis hing vesse l insur­a nce and ves e l const ru c ti on subsid y adm ini trat io n : manage ment o f sma ll c raft harbours across Canada: promo ­tio n and m anagem ent of recrea t io na l fis heri es: a nd admini strat io n of inter­na ti ona l and fed eral -prov inc ia l fi sher­ies ag reement .

Regi o na l fi heries ma nagement will be conso lidated unde r fiv e regio na l directo r -ge neral located a t Va ncou ve r . Winnipeg, Que bec Ci ty, H a li fax. a nd

t. Jo hn 's. T he A D M , Ocean a nd Aqua ti c

Affa irs . w ill be respo nsib le for th e conso lida ted ph ys ica l a nd chem ica l ocea nog ra phi c resea rc h : bio log ica l re­sea rc h re la ted to th e qu a lit y o f th e ma rin e e nvi ro nme nt : enviro n me nt a l assessment s o f ac ti v it ies affect ing freshwa te r and ma r in e life: ma ri ne geo phys ica l ma ppi ng: ope ra t ing o f a tl ee t o f re ea rch a nd ~urvey vesse ls : hydrog raphic ~ ur ve] in g : t ide and wa te r leve ls measure men t a nd produc ­t io n o f nav iga ti o na l. ba th ymet ric and o the r cha rt s o f Ca nad ia n coast a l a nd in la nd wa te rs.

Re po rtin g direc t ly to the ADM. O cean a nd Aqu a ti c Affa irs . will be three directo rs-ge ne ra l loca ted a t Vic to ri a . B.C. . Dartm o ut h . .S .. a nd Burlin gto n . Ont. The e o fficer wi ll direc t conso lida ted ocea n and aqua t ic progra ms in a sim il a r manne r to a nd in coope ra ti o n wi th th eir fi she ri es ma nage­ment count e rpa rt

Appo inted to th e pos it io n o f Ass is­ta nt Deputy Minis te r . Fi s he ri es M a n­age me nt. is David J . McEachran . 39. wh o s ince 1972 has been Acting Deput ] Mi niste r o f the A lberta De­pa rtme nt of In dustry and C o mmerce unde r the Federa l G o ve rnme nt's Exe­cu tive Int erchange Prog ra m .

a med As is ta nt Deput y M in iste r . Ocean a nd Aqu a t ic Affa ir . is Dr . A.E. Collin . 44. of Ott awa. fo rm e rl y Direc­tor-Gene ra l o f th e M a rin e Sc iences

Gene ra l fo r Fi sh eri es Ma nage me nt were : H . D . Jo hnsto n . 40. M a ri t imes Reg io n . F isheri es Reg io na l Directo r a t H a lifax s in ce Jul y. 1973: LJ . Cow­ley. 38 , Newfo undl and Regio n . Fi she r­ies Reg io na l Direc tor a t St. J ohn ' s in ce A ugust. 1972 : Jea n Freche t. 49. Quebec Regio n . has been c lo e ly asso­c ia ted wi th fede ra l-p rov inc ia l fis he ri es devel o pm ent p rojec ts in the p rovince o f Q uebec for ma ny yea rs .

Appo inted Regi o na l Di rec to rs-Genera l fo r Ocean a nd A qua ti c Af­fa irs were : D r . R .W . Stewart. 50 . Pac ific Region . w ho has been D irector. Pac ific Regio n . M a rine Sciences D irec­to ra te . a t Vic to ri a. s in ce 1970 : a nd Dr . W .L. Fo rd . 60 . At la nt ic Regi o n . wh o has been Director of th e At lan t ic Ocean ogra ph ic Labo ratory. Dart­mo ut h . .S . s ince 1965 . Sta ffi ng is p re entl y un de r way fo r th e rema ining d irec to r-ge ne ra l pos it ions .

Refer rin g to th e prese nt o rga ni za tio n o f th e D epa rtm ent of th e E n viro n­me nt. Mr . Shaw no ted th a t fres hwa te r q ua lit y a nd qu a ntit y·. - rive r bas in s tu dies a nd resea rch hyd ro logy . w ith th e excepti o n of stud ies re la ted to fis h and o th er aqu a ti c li fe . would remai n wi th th e Inl and W aters Direc to ra te of th e E n vi r o nm e nt a l M a n age m e nt Service. whil e th e draftin g and impl e­m ent a ti o n of e nviro nm ent a l regu la­ti o ns wo uld tay with th e En viro nme nt ­a l Pro tec t io n Se rvice .

Japan Tells Tuna Purse Seiner Status

Five years have e la p ed since th e J apanese bega n foc us in g a tt enti on o n

. S .-type purse se ine fi shin g fo r tuna . At p rese nt. th e numbe r of inde pe n­de ntl y o pe rated tuna se iners in J a pa n to ta ls I I , rangin g in size fro m 2 10 to 1,000 gross to ns. T he U nited Stat es has a purse seine fl eet o f arou nd 130 vesse ls . So me J a pa nese say th a t J a pa n will need at leas t 30 se ine r to esta b­li sh a tuna se ine fi she ry . A search for th e m ost eco nom ic size o f seine r con­tinues in J apan , bu t recent purse se iner construct io n trends indica te th a t 500-to n-c lass vesse ls. whi ch co mpri se ove r


ha lf o f th e pre ent fl eet. a re pre fe rred by the Ja pa nese .

T he N ippo /l Marti (999 gro s tons and a bout 800 to ns car rying capaci ty). the larges t sei ne r in J a pa n . bega n opera ti ons in 197 1 w ith a c rew of seve n A me ri ca ns a nd twe lve J a pa nese , but she is now ma nned onl y by fiftee n J a panese me m be rs . In 197 1, th a t ves­se l, w hi ch o pera ted in th e eas te rn Pacific a nd easte rn A tl a nti c , caught 760 me t ric to ns of fi sh in 56 sets durin g four and o ne-h a lf m onths o f o pera ti on. T he catc h in the second yea r was 2, 100 to ns taken in 208 sets durin g

Page 2: Canada Reorganizes Fisheries Operations · Canada Reorganizes Fisheries Operations Directorate and Acting Director ... Seni or ASSistant Deputy Minister. Fisheri es and Manne Service

Japanese distan t-water tuna purse seiners .

Name of vessel

Nippon Maru

Hayabusa Maru Hayabusa Maru No 2 Wakaba Maru Hakuryu Maru No 55 FukUlChl Maru Gempuku Maru No 82 Hayabusa Maru No 3 Nlssho Maru Talkel Maru No 23 Toklwa Maru No 58

SIZe (Gross

,(,,'>( .. 1


499.99 499 .96 499.37 49906 499.57 499 27584 25293 21020 357 .95


Kalgal Maklaml Gyogyo K K (Overseas Purse Seine Fishing Company) TalYo Gyogyo TalYo Gyogyo Kyokuyo Kyokuyo Fukulchl Gyogyo Toy o Gyogyo T a Iyo Gyogyo Fukulchl Gyogyo Ogata Kimpel Okura Gyogyo

nine months of fi~hing in the same ocean. and in the third lear 1.700 ton v.ere tal-.en In ten month~ . Thi lear. the ipp(lli f urtl. \~ hich entered the eastern Pacific )ellowfin regulator) area on Januar) 10. reported a catch of 350 ton to Februar) 2 . I n the

outh Pacific. 5-6 seiners v.-ere reported fi hlng in late April. The outlool-. for profitable operations in that region appears hopeful .

J apane e tuna seining in the eastern Atlantic launched b) ichiro FI herie~ in 196-1 v.ith fi\e \essel con I ting of a 1.600-ton mothership and tv.-o pair-boat seiners (pair of 1-I5-ton and 5-ton einer l. ichiro continued operation unprofitabl) for the ne\.t nine jear and terminated the \ enture in 1972 becau e of the dete­rioration of the \-essel

Sources Mlnaro Sh lm bun SU lsan Shuho . and Shin SU ls an Shlmbun


The Department of Fisheries of Naga aki University is building a U .S.­type tu na purse ei ner of I.OOO-gross­to n ize. It will be the second I.OOO-ton tuna sei ner in J a pan and probably the world's first U .S.-type seine r to be used as a tra ining ve sel by an educational in titution . Con truction completion is set for early April 1975 .

To be built at an estimated cost of 1,400-1,500 million yen (US$5-5.4 mi Ilion at 280 ye n = $ I) . the sei ner will have the fo llowing specifications: overal l length. 62 meters (203 feet) ; width. 11 .5 meters (38 feet) ; depth . 5.2 meters ( 17 feet) ; mai n propu Ision .

2.S00-hp diesel engine: max imum speed. 15 knots: cruising speed. 1-1 knots. It wi ll carry four instructors and 50 students. Upon comp letion. th e


vesse l will be se nt o n a training cruise to th e Co ra l Sea and the waters north of N ew Guinea in th e southwest Pac ific .

Recent NMFS Scientific Publications

Circu lar 330. Volume S. Love. Cuthbert M . (editorl. "EASTROP AC Atlas." March I 97-1. vii + IS-I figures . For sa le b) the uperintendent of Documents. U .S. Government Print ­ing Office . W a hington. DC 20-102.

ABSTRA T This atla contain charts depict­

Ing the distribution of physical. chemical. and biologica l oceano­graphic properties and associa ted meteorological properties observed during EASTROPAC. EASTRO­PA was an international coopera­tI\-e imestigati n of the ea tern tro,rical Pacific Ocean (20 0

• to 20 .. and from the west coast of the American co ntin ents to 11 9 ° W .) which wa intended to provide data neces arJ for a more effective use of the marine resources of the area. e peciallj tropical tunas. and a lso to increase knowledge of the ocean circu lation. air- ea in terac ti on. a nd eco logy. The Bureau of Commer­cia l Fisheries (n w National Marine

i herie Service) was th e coordi ­nating agency. The fie ld work. from Februa ry 1967 through March 1968. was di vi d ed into even 2-month cru ise peri ods. Durin g each c rui e period o ne o r more ships were ope rati ng in th e study a rea.

On completi o n of the fie ld work the data seemed too num erous for a c lassica l data report. Instead . it was decided to produce an I 1-vo lum e atlas of the results. with 5 vo lum es containing physical ocean­ograp hic and meteorological data from th e principal participa ting ships. 5 volumes containing bio logi­ca l a nd nutri ent chemistry data from the same sh ips. and I volume containing a ll data fr om Latin American cooperatIng shIps and ships of opportunity. Extensive use was made of a computer and auto­matic p lotter in preparation of the at las charts . Methods used to col­lect and process the data upon wh ich the atlas is based are de­scribed in detail by the contributors of the followin g categories of charts: temperat ure. sa linity. and


derived quantit ies; thickness of th e upper mixed layer ; dissolved oxy­gen: meteorology: nutrient chem is­try; phytoplankton standing stocks and production: zoop lankton and fis h larvae ; micronekton; birds. fis h schools. and marine mammals.

NOAA Technical Report NMFS C IRC-388. Shaw. William N. (editor) "Proceedings of the first U.S.-Japan meeting on aquaculture at Tokyo, Ja pan, October 18-19, 1971." Feb­ruary 197-1 . 133p . For sale by the Superi ntendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office . Wash­ington. DC 20-102 . (No abstract)

Data Report 84. Saloman. Carl H. "Hydrographic and meteorological ob­servations from Tampa Bay and ad­jacent waters--1971." 554 p. (9 micro­fic he) . For sale by U.S. Department of Commerce . National Technical In­formation Service. 5285 Port Royal Rd .. Springfield. VA 22131.

ABSTRACT H ydrographic data include water

temperature. salinity . total phos­phorus . total Kjeldahl nitrogen , pH. dissolved oxygen. turbidity. water transparency. chlorophyll a, h, and c, astacin and nonastacin carote­nOlds . and primary producti vity based on chlorophyll a extraction. Hourly observations on air and water temperature . rainfall. wind velocity and direction, tidal height . barometric pressure. and daily re­cordi ngs of solar radiation are also included . Methods of collecting and analyzing samples are described. Tables summarizing data collected from 30 permanent stations accord­ing to month and area. tables sum­marizing data for each individual station of the 30 permanent si tes for 1966-7 1, and tables summariz­ing the mean , range. and number of observations of samples taken twice dai ly at the Laboratory dock are included .