canadian oil and gas (talisman, imperial oil, suncor)

Canadian Oil and Gas Industry Fundamental Analysis and Recommendations: Suncor, Imperial Oil, Talisman

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Canadian Oil and Gas Industry

Fundamental Analysis and


Suncor, Imperial Oil, Talisman


Karen Ford– Industry Overview Aaron Cawker– Suncor Stephanie Cornell– Talisman Rahim Dhanji– Imperial Oil

Industry Overview Largest industry in the world Oil & gas trade surplus accounts 57% of

Canada’s merchandise trade balance in 2003 3.5 per cent share of the world market, since

1998 Employment near 500,000 in Canada Invest close to $24 billion

Overview…continued Payments to governments have averaged close to $8.5 billion per

year over the last 10 years

In 2003, the oil and gas industry contributed an estimated $16 billion to government revenues in the form of royalty payments, bonus payments and income taxes. 

We produce more than 20% of North America’s crude oil and natural gas but account for only 10% of its consumption

Capital Spending 2003: Conventional $23.8 billion  Oil Sands $5.0 billion  Total $28.8 billion

Origins and History

Most crude oil and natural gas originate from plant and animal life millions of years ago: swamps and oceans.

Heat and pressure transformed the soft parts of the plants and animals into solid, liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons known as fossil fuels - coal, crude oil or natural gas

Located in sand oils and oil fields Found by drilling and creating wells

Sectors of the Industry Petroleum Exploration and Production


Refining Midstream

Distribution and Retail Sales Downstream


Types and Uses Crude Oil and Natural Gas Uses:

Mobility, heat and cool our homes and provide electricity

Products: plastics, life-saving medications, clothing, cosmetics,

and many other items you may use daily Barrel – a unit of measure for oil and petroleum products

that is equivalent to 42 U.S. gallons

Canadian Economy Canada's GDP 2003 grew 1.7%., 2002 it grew 2.2% Slowdown of Canada’s economy:

weak U.S. economic growth for most of the year; a strong appreciation of the Canadian dollar; the SARS outbreak in Toronto; restrictions on exports of softwood lumber and beef (due to mad cow

disease). Recovery of the U.S. economy, high oil and natural gas prices,

and continued spending from the Canadian government are expected to boost Canada’s economy in 2004.

The Canadian economy is forecast to grow 3.6% in 2004

Situational Analysis Demand is increasing Oil and Natural Gas together provide the largest source

of energy (64%) in Canada Natural gas 39% and Oil 25% Hydro 20% Coal 11% Nuclear 5%

Prices have become volatile on the market Energy shares make up 17 percent of the value of the

S&P/TSX, the second-largest group in the index

Crude Oil in CanadaHighlights

Ninth-largest producer of crude oil in the world

Prior to 2002, Canada did not even rank in the top 20 of countries with the most proven crude oil reserves. Alberta's oil sands, which stood at 174.4 billion barrels as of January 2004

Saudi Arabia holds most crude oil reserves in the world      

Crude Oil…continued

Reserves: 178.9 billion barrels (2nd)

World Reserves

Crude Oil…continued

Production: 3.1 million barrels per day (bbl/d) for 2003, an increase of

7% over 2002

Oil sands production is expected to increase significantly and to offset the decline in conventional crude oil production, becoming Canada's major source of oil supply

Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB), underlying most Alberta and parts of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Northwest Territories main source of oil

Crude Oil Continued… Wells Drilled: 4,845 Exports

US: 1.4 million barrels per day 3rd largest exporter of crude oil to the US Canada makes up 15% of total US oil imports Canada supplies 9% of US oil consumption

Imports 912,000 barrels per day

Crude Oil Prospects

Crude Oil Forecast

Significant potential for new crude oil production planned to come on stream over the next ten years

Canada’s crude oil production growth is driven by the development of oil sands in Alberta and to a lesser degree by offshore projects in eastern Canada

Crude Oil Prospects

Maturing basin being extended by technology Horizontal drilling 3D Seismic New drilling/recovery technology

Emerging basins Oil Sands Northern Canada Offshore East Coast

Technology is key Total Canadian production is projected to increase

from the current 2.6 million barrels per day to reach 3.6 million barrels per day (b/d) by 2015.

Crude Oil Resources (Billions of Barrels)

Crude Oil Supply Forecast

Natural Gas Highlights Canada is the third-largest producer of natural gas Production:

16.9 billion cubic feet per day Reserves:

59.1 Tcf (Jan. 2004) Wells Drilled in 2003: 12,951 Exports:

2nd largest exporter in world to US: 3.8 trillion cubic feet per year Largest exporter of natural gas to the US Canada makes up 94% of total US gas imports Canada supplies 17% of US gas consumption

No imports listed

Natural Gas Production and Consumption

Natural Gas Outlook

Short-term outlook, natural gas production is expected to decline 3%, from 16.3 Bcf/d at the end of 2002, to 15.8 Bcf/d in 2005new fields coming onstream are small and

quickly depleted If prices stay high, incentive to exploit the many

small natural gas pools in the WCSB, as well as coalbead methane, of which the region holds considerable reserves

Natural Gas Outlook: Productive Capacity

Prospects of Natural Gas

Natural gas demand keeps growing– Supply running hard to catch growing demand– New sources of supply coming on

Gas from tight sands is promising resource Arctic gas from the Mackenzie Delta to be piped to

Canadian and U.S. network of pipes As demand for gas grows, Canada’s resources will

combine with Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) imports as important sources of this cleaner-burning fuel of choice in an increasingly environmentally conscious North America

Natural Gas Prospects…

Significant untapped potential remaining

Sufficient pipeline capacity New supplies: Northern gasEast Coast offshoreCoal-bed methane

Potential of Natural Gas (TCF)

North America Natural Gas Demand

Strengths Size and number oil sands in Alberta Potential of Eastern and Northern Canada high-tech exploration cold-climate and offshore operations construction and operations of pipelines specialized controls and computer applications environmental protection technology and safety training innovative products and services that meet customer needs refining processes that produce quality petroleum-based

products while minimizing the impact on the environment.

Weaknesses Limited natural gas reserves Capacity for natural gas is forecasted to decrease Canada is one of the high-cost places in the world to find

and produce oil and gas Deep gas, natural gas from coal and developments

offshore, in the oil sands and the North are large, complex and expensive and have long lead times before they turn a profit

Challenges in meeting North America’s energy needs

Opportunities Exporting to the US Oils Sands Exploration of Northern and Eastern Canada World population is currently around 6 billion

people, but is expected to grow to approximately 7.6 billion by 2020.-- a huge increase in the demand for transportation fuels, electricity, and many other consumer products made from oil and natural gas.


Canada/US Foreign Exchange Rate


Price volatility High Development costs Environmental Issue

Especially Marine Life

SubstitutesAlternatives to oil and gas

Solar Power, Coal, Wind, Hydro, and Nuclear Power

Competitive RivalryTop Companies in Oil and Gas Producers

(Selected by Assets) EnCana Corp. Canadian Natural Resources Nexen Penn West Petroleum Western Oil Sands Inc Paramount Resources Compton Petroleum Bonavista Energy Trust PetroKazakhstan Inc.

Price History –Crude Oil 1 Year

Crude Oil Prices since 1920

Crude Oil Price Forecast

West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil Price $/bbl Average of Month.Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005

Value 37.9 30 32.1 40.8 40.6 40.9Standard Deviation 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.9 1 1Correlation Coefficient 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95Updated Thursday, October 28, 2004

Natural Gas Prices- 1 year

Natural Gas Prices-Since 1930

Natural Gas Price Forecast

Current Events

Despite high oil and gas prices, anticipated market volatility is preventing energy companies from increasing their rate of investment

Nov. 8 (Bloomberg) Canadian Stocks Fall as Oil Prices Slip; Suncor, Talisman Drop -- Canadian stocks fell, led by oil and gas producers such as Suncor Energy Inc., after crude oil prices declined. A rise in the Canadian dollar to 84 U.S. cents for the first time in more than 12 years weighed on the benchmark index. ``Oil and gas stocks in Canada are very sensitive to falling oil prices because of how high'' crude prices are

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Crude oil futures tumbled below $48 (U.S.) a barrel Tuesday, closing at their lowest level in seven weeks, on rising expectations that the U.S. supply of transport and home-heating fuels will be adequate this winter.

Company Overview

Suncor Energy Inc. is an integrated energy company strategically focused on developing one of the world’s largest petroleum resource basins – Canada’s Athabasca oil sands.

Strong focus on technology 37 years of oil sands experience

Company Overview

Became a publicly traded company in 1992

Total returns to shareholders have averaged more than 25% per year.

Corporate Committee Richard George – President & CEO since 1991 Kenneth Alley – Senior VP & CFO since 2003, with Suncor since

1984 Mike Ashar – Executive VP, Refining and Marketing since 2003,

with Suncore since 1987 David Byler – Executive VP, Natural Gas & Renewable Energy

since 2000, with Suncore since 1979 Terrence Hopwood – Senior VP & General Council since 2002,

with Suncore since 1988 Sue Lee – Senior VP, HR & Communications since 1996 Kevin Nabholz – Senior VP, Major projects since 2002, with

Suncore since 1986 Thomas Ryley – Executive VP, Energy Marketing & Refining, with

Suncore since 1983 Steven Williams – Executive VP Oil Sands since 2003, with

Suncore since 2002. 20 years of energy industry experience.

Pipeline network

Businesses Oil Sands

Located near Fort McMurray, Alberta The foundation of Suncor’s assets and is the center of their

growth strategy.

Natural Gas and Renewable Energy Based in Calgary, Alberta Produce natural gas in Western Canada Provides a price hedge against internal consumption at oil sands

and refining operations.

Refining, Marketing and RetailCanada

Refinery feedstock and natural gas production are marketed to commercial and industrial consumers.

Products from the Sarnia refinery are sold to customers in Ontario, Quebec, and the Northeastern US, and to retail customers through approximately 500 Suncor-owned(Sunoco) and joint venture service stations in Ontario.


United States In August 2003, acquired a Denver, Colorado

refinery along with 43 Phillips 66 retail stations. Expansion into the rocky Mountain States allows

easier movement of crude oil products to US markets.


Business Strategy - growth

Develop multiple sources of supply from the oil sands resource base

Upgrade technology to increase production Use increase production to feed growing North

American energy market How to improve current model: make it bigger.

Short term Goals

Increase crude oil production to more than 500000 barrels per day by 2010-2012 from current level of 216600 bpd.

Reduce costs of production Provide superior shareholder returns while

providing social and economic benefits to stakeholders.

Reduce environmental impact of operations

Crude Oil Production Planned expansion is

designed to leverage economies of scale to keep costs per barrel among the lowest in the industry.

Natural gas

Main Resource – Oil Sands

Oil Sands

Suncor’s future is built on Canada’s oil sands

An estimated 175 billion barrels of crude oil reserves

First company to develop oil sands Leases contain an estimated 12 billion

barrels of bitumen reserves (heavy oil)

Oil Sands

With known resource base, Suncor doesn’t have risk and cost associated with conventional exploration.

12000 million barrels = (12000/0.5)1/365 = 65+ years of resources.

In the process of acquiring further leases

Supply of Bitumen

Mining – Surface mines supply majority of current production, plans to extend current mines with new operations planned to begin in 2010

In-situ – Firebag development uses steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) to heat the underground reservoir, allowing the bitumen to be pumped to the surface. Expected to be at full production in 2005.

Third Party Agreements – plan on providing a fee-for-service agreement to process 27000 barrels per day of 3rd party butimen (2008).

Production of Crude Oil vs. Revenue

Total Revenue by Year









1999 2000 2001 2002 2003






Refining and marketing strategy builds on connections between the Oil sands production base and North American refiners and consumers.

This is the largest crude oil and refined product market in the world.

Markets - continued

•Don’t just supply the market, also participate in it through short and long-term marketing contracts as well as through retail distribution (Sunoco).

Retail operates nearly 300 Sunoco-branded retail

stations in Ontario and supplies to over 200 other stations through joint venture operations.

In 2003, purchased 43 Phillips 66 retail stations in Colorado and long-term supply contracts with nearly 150 more retailers.

Markets - continued

Breakdown of Businesses


Currently producing hydrocarbon fuels to meet today’s needs

Investing to supply new markets with renewable energy.

In 2003, they began the wind power project in southern Alberta, with partner EHN Wind Power Canada, Inc.

Stock Info.Price as of Nov. 10, 2004: $40.46

52 week low: $27.00

52 week high: $44.49

Average Daily Volume 1,500,000

Number of Shares Outstanding: 453,421,000

1 Year weekly chart

1 Year weekly chart

1 Year weekly chart vs. S&P Energy

5 Year Weekly Chart

5 Year weekly chart vs. S&P 500

Company Analysis (Excel file)2004

(9 months) 2003 2002 2001 2000

Share Price (End of period): 40.69 32.5 24.7 26.2 19.15

Revenue($millions): 6311 6306 5032 4294 3484

Net Earnings($millions): 767 1,084 761 388 377

EBIT ($millions) 1186 1,804 1277 531 628

Total Assets($millions) 11362 10427 8683 8094 6833

Total Liabilities($millions): 6774 6002 5225 5317 4361

Total Debt($millions): 2347 2479 2686 3144 2256

Interest Expense($millions): 50 83 133 18 8

Equity($millions): 4588 4,588 3458 2777 2472

Shares Outstanding(EOP):453,000,00






Beta: 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16

Operating Cash Flow($millions): 1562 2,081 1440 831 958

Capital Expenditures: 1174 1,316 877 1678 1998

Dividends: 0.17 0.1925 0.17 0.17 0.17

Analysis of Earnings

Performance MeasuresMeasures 2004 (9 months) 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999

Price to Book: 4.02 3.19 3.21 4.21 3.44 3.17

EPS 1.69 2.41 1.70 0.87 0.85 0.42

P/E 24.03 13.51 14.57 30.10 22.53 35.89

NAV 10.13 9.82 7.70 6.23 5.57 4.77

Free Cash Flow($millions) 388 765 563 -847 -1,040 -512

ROA 10.4% 17.3% 14.7% 6.6% 9.2% 6.5%

ROE 16.7% 23.6% 22.0% 14.0% 15.3% 8.8%

Interest Coverage 23.7 21.7 9.6 29.5 78.5 13.0

Debt to Equity 0.51 0.54 0.78 1.13 0.91 0.66

Dividend Yield 0.42% 0.59% 0.69% 0.65% 0.89% 1.13%

Market Cap.($millions) 18432 14641 11086 11680 8493 6674

Performance Measures









2003 2002 2001 2000 1999






Net Earnings

Total Assets


OperatingCash Flow

Recent News

Oct 18: Suncor CEO Richard George told the downtown Toronto business

audience: American consumption of oil and gas is expected to increase almost 50

per cent by 2025, Domestic production is projected to remain flat. The United States is looking north to close the gap, and this represents

a big opportunity for Canada's energy industry. "The bottom line for Canada is that energy is not an obstacle to

economic growth. It's a key driver of economic growth," said George.

"This is not just an opportunity for Western Canada. Our energy industry is about Canada's opportunity, Canada's prosperity, and our role globally."

More news

Suncor profit climbs, but oil hedges limit gain

Suncor, known for its huge oil sands mining and synthetic crude operations, would have earned 25 percent more if over a third of its output not been sold forward at $22.50 a barrel. Oil averaged nearly $44 a barrel in the quarter.

What the Brokers say

Strong Buy 5

Buy 8

Hold 6

Sell 2

Strong Sell 0

Value Drivers

Production of crude oil Since they are essentially price takers, the more

they produce, the more revenues increase The price of oil

This is the price of their product, and if price increases, earnings increase.

To a lesser extent the success of downstream operations


BUY Pros:

Sound business plan Product is in constant demand Near unlimited resources, just a matter of extracting them Continuous growth in revenue and earnings

Cons: Stock price has surged over last year, and stock is expensive

compared to 1 year ago

Talisman’s Background Large independent oil and gas producer with

global operations focused mainly on exploration and development 

Created in 1992 – Formally British Petroleum Canada

Started out with operations solely in Canada Market Capitalization approximately $500million Produced 51,00 boe/d

Talisman’s Background

Through corporate and asset acquisitions , operations were quickly established in the North Sea, North Africa, and Southeast Asia

Today – 11 billion dollar company with global operations 2003 – production was 437,000 boe/d

60% of reserves are natural gas, 40% crude oil and natural gas liquids

Mission Statement

“To create value for its shareholders in the upstream oil and gas business”


Committed to continuing production per share growth of at least 5-10% per annum for the next three years (2004, 2005, 2006) Most transparent measure of value creation

Continue to grow its large North American natural gas reserves while pursuing world scale international opportunities

Management Team James W. Buckee, President & CEO

o 1977-1991 British Petroleum Canada, 1991 appointed Chief operating officer of Talisman, 1993 became CEO of Talisman

Ron J. Eckhardt, Executive Vice President, North Americao 1986 – Joined Talisman (then British Petroleum Canada)

T.N.D. Hares, Executive Vice-President, Frontier & International Op.o 1972-1994 – Worked for British Petroleum, 1994 joined Talisman

Joseph Horler, Executive VP, Marketingo 1987 – Joined Talisman (BP Canada)

Michael D. McDonald, E.V.P. Finance and CFOo 1982 – Joined BP Canada

Robert M. Redgate, E.V.P., Corporate Serviceso 1978 – Joined Talisman (BP Canada)

Jacqueline Sheppard, E.V.P., Corporate and Legalo 1993 – Joined Talisman, prior to this she was a partner in a law firm

John ‘t Hart, E.V.P., Explorationo 1978 – Joined Talisman (BP Canada)

Competitors  EnCana Penn West Petroleum Compton Petroleum Canadian Natural Resources Western Oil Sands Inc Bonavista Energy Trust Nexen Paramount Resources PetroKazakhstan Inc 

Areas of Operation North America – 50% of company’s production

(2003) International – 50% of company’s production (2003)

North America (Canada and US)

Mainly Natural Gas, but also oil and liquids

Focuses mainly on natural gas in Rocky mountain foothills in Alberta

New core gas area in upstate New York

North Sea (United Kingdom and Norway)

Represented 2/3 of international production in 2003 Mainly oil and liquids In UK central North Sea - Established a number of commercial

hubs Norwegian sector of North Sea– building a new core area Large drilling program underway designed to increase liquid and

oil production by 5-10% in 2005

Malaysia/Vietnam (Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia)

2003 - Talisman completed a $1billion oil and gas development project on time and on budget

Southeast Asia

Large gas reserves in Indonesia Negotiating new gas sales and

transportation agreements

Caribbean and Latin America (Columbia, Trinidad and Tobago)

Working in a number of high exploration areas.

Trinidad – development of the Greater Angostura oil and gas project is underway

Columbia and Trinidad – exploration drilling programs

Africa and Middle East (Algeria, and Qatar)

March 2003 – completed sale of its indirectly held interest in the Greater Nile Oil project in Sudan $1.1 billion, gain of $296 million

Production and development interests in Algeria and exploration acreage in Qatar

Stock Information Share Price – $30.85 CAD (November 8, 2004)

Listed – Toronto and New York Stock exchanges

Ticker Symbol – TLM

Shares Outstanding – 384,105,983 (November 8, 2004)

Market Capitalization – $11,849,669,575.55 (384,105,983* $30.85) 

52 Week low and High – $21.25 - $35.10 

Dividends - June 30, 2004 - $.15 and Dec 31, 2004 - $.15

Talisman - 1 Year Prices

Talisman - 5 Year Prices

 Talisman vs. S&P 500 – 1 Year

Talisman vs. Energy – 1 year

Performance Measures

Performance Measures










2003 2002 2001



ns (

$) Revenue

Net Earnings

Total Assets


Operating CashFlow

Performance Measures

Measures 2004 (YTD) 2003 2002 2001Price to Book: 2.43 1.9 1.65 1.92EPS 1.41 2.62 1.33 1.82P/E 22.81 9.35 14.21 11.06NAV 16.99 16.09 13.97 13.3Free Cash Flow($millions) 280 -263 321 271ROA 8.30% 10.10% 5.90% 8.10%ROE 10.70% 20.30% 11.60% 17.30%Interest Coverage 8.5 8.4 4.2 6.3Debt to Equity 0.45 0.44 0.67 0.66Dividend Yield 0.47% 0.95% 1.05% 0.99%

Production (daily average) Three months ended Nine months ended --------------------------------------September 30, 2004 2003 2004 2003--------------------------------------------------------------------Oil and liquids (bbls/d)North America 57,049 59,612 57,418 60,267North Sea 111,301 112,360 119,818 107,811Southeast Asia 36,047 22,241 35,853 22,170Algeria 14,044 7,795 12,935 4,839Sudan - - - 17,433-------------------------------------------------------------------- 218,441 202,008 226,024 212,520----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Natural gas (mmcf/d)North America 892 853 884 863North Sea 98 91 111 106Southeast Asia 273 120 253 105-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,263 1,064 1,248 1,074--------------------------------------------------------------------Total mboe/d (6mcf=1boe) 429 379 434 391


Three months ended Nine months ended --------------------------------------September 30, 2004 2003(1) 2004 2003(1)--------------------------------------------------------------------Oil and liquids ($/bbl)North America 45.47 33.94 41.46 36.89North Sea 54.57 38.66 47.59 40.08Southeast Asia 56.95 38.58 50.46 41.26Algeria 63.98 39.37 53.03 38.44Sudan - - - 43.89-------------------------------------------------------------------- 53.30 37.33 46.87 39.60----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Natural gas ($/mcf)North America 6.63 6.14 6.77 7.01North Sea 4.88 4.26 5.35 4.65Southeast Asia 5.03 5.21 4.81 5.92-------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.15 5.87 6.25 6.67----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total $/boe (6mcf=1boe) 45.19 36.34 42.35 39.79----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hedging loss (income) -excluded from the above prices Oil and liquids ($/bbl) 7.15 2.01 4.68 2.04 Natural gas ($/mcf) 0.10 0.02 0.09 0.13 Total $/boe (6mcf=1boe) 3.91 1.13 2.67 1.45--------------------------------------------------------------------


2004 - YTD

Sept. 30/04 – Production up 11% over last year Net Income

Sept 30, 2004 - $542m ($1.39/share) Sept 30, 2003 - $904m ($2.29/share) Income down this year because of the sale of the

Sudan in 2003 Talisman lost $103 million due to hedges to sell at

below below market prices

Breaking News – Nov. 9/04

Supply cushion – only about 1% of the 82.4 million barrels consumed daily

Two key exporters might be vulnerable to disruptions in the near future Iraq – US military have vowed to disrupt the country’s

oil exports, and a northern pipeline has been knocked out by saboteurs lowering supply

Nigeria – Oil workers are planning a general strike aimed at halting the country’s exports –

Nigeria is America’s fifth largest source of crude oil

Value Drivers

o Production o Oil and Gas Prices

Recommendations  Sound business plan Product is always in demand Price of stock is down right now and is likely to

increase Company has increased production by 11% year

to date BUY! 

Corporate Profile

Imperial Oil Limited has been a leading member of the Canadian energy industry for more than 120 years

One of the largest producers of crude oil and natural gas liquids in Canada and a major producer of natural gas

Canada’s largest refiner and marketer of petroleum products – sold primarily under the Esso brand name

Major producer of petrochemicals

Management Team

Imperial's 2003 Board of Directors (left to right) P. Des Marais II, B.J. Fischer, T.J. Hearn, R. Phillips, J.F. Shepard,

P.A. Smith, S.D. Whittaker, K.C. Williams, V.L. Young

•Majority of management team are from within Imperial Oil or Exxon/Mobil

•(Exxon has a 69.59% interest in Imperial)

Management Team

T.J. (Tim) Hearn has been a director of Imperial Oil since January 1, 2002. With the company since 1967 He is currently Imperial's chairman, president and CEO

P.A. (Paul) SmithMr. Smith has been a director of Imperial Oil since February 1, 2002.

He is currently controller and senior vice-president, finance and administration.

Joined Imperial Oil in 1980

Management cont…

B.J. (Brian) FischerMr. Fischer has been a director of Imperial since Sept. 1, 1992. He is currently senior vice-president of Imperial's products and

chemicals division Joined Imperial Oil in 1968

J. M. (Mike) YeagerMr. Yeager has been a director of Imperial Oil since August 1, 2004. He is currently senior vice-president, resources division, and president

and chief executive officer of Imperial Oil Resources He joined the company from Mobil

Business Segments1. Natural Resources

2. Petroleum Products

3. Chemicals

Natural Resources Segment

CRUDE OIL Wholly owned Cold Lake operation in Northern

Alberta 25 percent ownership position in Syncrude.

NATURAL GAS Wizard Lake Sable Offshore Energy Project Gwillim Field

Crude Oil – Cold Lake

This is a long-life asset Net proved reserves were 760 MB at year-

end 2003 Additional untapped resource

- Received regulatory approval for further development in March 2004

Crude Oil - Syncrude World's largest mineable oil sands

operation.   Syncrude is the single largest crude oil

producer in Canada with net reserves of about 3 billion barrels and production of over 200 kbd in 2003.

Imperial was a founding member of Syncrude and has a 25 percent interest

Crude Oil – Syncrude (cont…)

Syncrude is currently progressing a major expansion for the operation -- one that will increase production by 50 percent and improve the quality and the sales price of the entire sales stream.

Total expected cost of $7.8 billion Disappointing cost and schedule

performance to date

Natural Gas Full production from the natural gas cap at Imperial’s Wizard Lake

oil field in Alberta began in July 2003. Production rates of about 180 million cubic feet a day will be achieved in

2004 once gas plant capacity is available and are expected to continue through 2006.

In November, the first natural gas was produced from the Gwillim field in northeastern BC. Additional development of this field is planned.

Natural gas production from 9% interest in the Sable offshore energy project averaged 40 million cubic feet a day before royalties. production began from a fourth Sable field, Alma, and construction was

started on facilities for a fifth field, South Venture.

Funding was also approved for a natural gas compression facility that will service production from all Sable fields by late 2006.

Natural Resources - Potential

Kearl Oil Sands (200k barrels/day) Mackenzie Gas Project

regulatory review process to take about 2 years design and construction should take 3-4 years potential for Mackenzie gas production by the end of the

decade Cree exploration well abandoned in the third

quarter Acquired 25% interest in Orphan Basin (Natural



Net Proved Reserves












1999 2000 2001 2002 2003


Cold Lake



Natural Gas

Petroleum Products Segment

787 company-owned sites

Average productivity per site for 2003 was 5.2 million litres a year, up six percent from 2002.

650 Esso convenience stores across Canada, including On the Run and Tiger Express, was the second largest in Canada.

Convenience-store sales rose by about nine percent in 2003, well above the industry average.

400 sites with car-wash facilities is the largest in the industry.

Esso retail sites providing Tim Hortons food and refreshments had increased to more than 300 from 270 in 2002

Petroleum Products cont…

Points-Exchange alliances Market leader in finished lubricants Exclusive Canadian marketer of Mobil

products Quadrupled average productivity per site

Petroleum Products cont…

Focus on reducing working capital Decreased days inventory by 4% vs. 2002 Freed up more than $35 million in cash Over the last 10 years, this has been

reduced by about 25 percent.

Petroleum Products cont…

Capital Expenditures of $478 million in 2003Allowed them to meet specifications of 2004

model-year automobile technology Refineries have improved energy

efficiency by more than 40 percent over last 30 years

Chemicals Segment

Earnings of $37 million Cash flow from earnings of $66 million Sales of petrochemical products were

3,300 tonnes a day, down slightly from 2002.

N.A. demand was low in 2003, with high feedstock costs and soft sales volumes.

Chemicals cont…

One of Canada’s leading producers of chemical products

Largest market share in North America for polyethylene

Largest share of the Canadian market for solvents

Annual capacity of 450,000 tonnes

Chemicals cont…

$41 million in Capital Expenditures aimed at reducing net costs of ethylene production by 10 percent.

Financial Summary of Segments

Net Earnings by SegmentPetrolem Products




Natural Resources68%

Valuation Ratios

Measures Industry 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999

P/E 21.9 12.73 13.92 13.88 11.69 21.30

Price to Book: 3.70 3.71 3.27 4.03 3.92 3.09

Price to Sales 0.9 1.11 1.00 1.01 0.91 1.04

Price to CF 11.3 9.76 13.01 11.29 11.50 16.89

EPS $4.3 $4.52 $3.23 $3.19 $3.38 $1.46

Dividend Yield 1.90% 1.51% 1.87% 1.87% 1.98% 2.42%

Ratios cont…Financial Strength Company Industry

Quick Ratio 0.775 0.87

Debt to Equity 0.24 0.86

Interest Coverage 57.2 7.39


Gross Margin 60.28 56.90

Net Profit Margin 8.76 14.94


ROA 19.4 6.47

ROE 29.1 16.51

Inventory Turnover 28.45 18.43

*Due to repayment of LT Debt

Growth Measures

Revenue growth of 49.44% from 1999 S/H Equity growth of 33.53% from 1999:

Increased due to increasing net earningsPartly offset by Share Repurchase Program

Statement of Cash Flows

Cash Flows cont…

  2003 2002 2001 2000 1999

Operating Cash Flow($millions): 2194 1676 2004 2089 1470

Capital Expenditures

($millions): 1393 1491 1024 312 566

Free Cash Flow($millions): 801 185 980 1777 904

Use of Cash Flow

Value Drivers and Earnings Sensitivities

Stock Information

Ticker Symbols:(IMO-T) on TSX(IMO-A) on Amex

Market Capitalization(IMO-T) 24.79 Billion(IMO-A) 20.69 Billion

Stock Information

Ticker Close Open Change Volume 52-Week High

52-Week Low

IMO-T $70.15 $68.90 $1.25 340,600 $73.17 $51.12

IMO-A $58.56* $57.40 $1.10 35,000 $59.75 $38.84

* Prices in U.S. Dollars

As of 10/11/04

2003 2002 2001 2000 1999

Dividend 0.87 0.84 0.83 0.78 0.75

IMO vs Oil & Gas Index (1 year)

IMO vs. Oil & Gas Index (5 year)

Wall St. Recommendations


Strong sales and EPS growth High profitability compared to industry and S&P

500 High return ratios (ROE, ROA, ROI) Steady return potential for capital investments Strong dividend record and repurchase record