canesten guide athlete's foot

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  • 7/21/2019 Canesten Guide Athlete's Foot


    Use this training to: Refresh your knowledge of treating athletes foot and the

    range of treatments

    Learn about Canesten Bifonazole Once Daily 1% w/w Cream

    Help you recommend suitable products for dierent

    customers and give confident advice Improve customer care with tips to prevent athletes foot

    Tinea pedis or athletes foot is very common one in four

    people will suffer at some point in their lives.1It is a manageable

    condition, and can be treated with an antifungal cream

    containing clotrimazole (e.g. Canesten AF Dual Action Cream)

    or if inflammation is present, clotrimazole and hydrocortisone

    (e.g. Canesten Hydrocortisone). Now available is a once dailycream containing bifonazole that is easy to use and treats the root

    cause of the condition.

    Canesten Bifonazole Once Daily 1% w/w Cream:

    Once daily application for two to three weeks

    Bifonazole penetrates well into the skin where it keeps

    IntroducingCanestens once daily cream

    to fight athletes foot


    athletes foot


  • 7/21/2019 Canesten Guide Athlete's Foot


    Advising customersNow you can put your new product knowledge into practiceusing the following customer scenarios.

    Who is the medicine for?From your conversation, you already know that this medicine is

    for John.

    What are the symptoms and How long has he hadthem? Ask him to confirm his symptoms.

    H t ll h h fl k li ki b t hi f th d fifth

    Athletes foot symptoms are easy to recognise and there are a

    number of treatment options. Before recommending a product,

    remember to make sure that you ask the WWHAMquestions:

    scenariocustomer 1

    30-year-old builder Johnasks you for advice as hehas had athletes foot on

    and o for several months He tells you he wears

    the same work bootsevery day

    He wants a product that iseective and easy to useso that he can get rid of

    athletes foot

  • 7/21/2019 Canesten Guide Athlete's Foot


    Medication is he taking any other medicine?

    He is taking a daily multivitamin but is taking no other medicines.

    While speaking to John, you can explain to him that there are

    certain things he can do to prevent athletes foot from recurring.For example, it is important to keep feet and toes dry as fungi need

    a damp, moist environment to thrive.

    Other prevention tips you could advise customers about include:

    After washing feet daily, dry thoroughly paying particular

    attention to the area between the toes

    Wear cotton socks and shoes made from natural materials

    (e.g. leather) as these help the feet breathe and stop themgetting sweaty and damp

    Change socks daily

    Dont wear the same shoes every day

    Dont share bath towels

    Dont walk around barefoot in communal changing areas

    wear shoes or flip-flops to protect feet

    Wash hands after applying treatment to prevent the spreadof infection

    You could recommend the Canesten Bifonazole Once Daily 1% w/w

    Cream, which is for all types of athletes foot without inflammation.

    Its once-a-day application makes it convenient to use. Once applied to

    the skin, bifonazole keeps working for 36-48 hours.2

    He should apply the cream directly to the affected area as well as

    4-6cm of the healthy adjacent skin, as the fungi may be lurking there.

    Point out that if he does get inflamed skin, then he could use CanestenHydrocortisone cream, but only for up to seven days.

    Make sure that you emphasise the importance of treating his athletes

    foot correctly as if he has had the condition for months, it could

    increase his chances of experiencing complications such as fungal

    nail infections.


  • 7/21/2019 Canesten Guide Athlete's Foot


    Advising customers


  • 7/21/2019 Canesten Guide Athlete's Foot


    Who is the medicine for?

    Youve learnt from your conversation that the medicine is for her.

    What are the symptoms?

    She tells you she has flaky, peeling skin between her fourth and

    fifth toes and on the soles of her feet as well as a small area of


    How long has she had the symptoms?

    She has had the symptoms for a few days.Action has she already tried a treatment?

    Shes tried an antifungal product which has soothed the area but

    it is still inflamed, red and sore.

    Medication is she taking any other medicine?

    She is not taking any other medication.

    You can recommend Canesten Hydrocortisone, which is a

    triple-action cream that provides a complete treatment for inflamedathletes foot. Canesten Hydrocortisone acts in three ways:

    Antifungal treats the cause of the infection

    Anti-inflammatory reduces inflamed, sore skin and itchiness

    Antibacterial helps to reduce bacteria that may cause odour

    Advise her that she should apply the cream twice daily for seven days

    (not on broken skin) then continue using an antifungal cream such as

    clotrimazole until the infection clears and for two weeks afterwards.

    You could also recommend she uses an antifungal powder in her socks

    and shoes to kill any residual fungal spores and prevent reinfection.

    Also discuss preventative measures with her. Since she goes to the gym

    several times a week, mention to her that she can pick up athletes foot

    from communal shower floors or from the nylon lining of her trainers

    While Laura has given you some information, you need to ask

    theWWHAMquestions before making a recommendation.


  • 7/21/2019 Canesten Guide Athlete's Foot


    Treating athletes foot

    with imidazoles

    The convenience of Canesten Bifonazole Once Daily 1% w/w Cream

    addresses one of the main problems when treating athletes foot

    compliance. Because it only needs to be applied once daily, its

    convenient for customers to use and therefore they may be more

    likely to complete the treatment.

    When to refer to the pharmacist:

    If left untreated, athletes foot can spread to other parts of the foot

    such as the toenail. Other complications can be a secondary bacterialinfection (causing inflammation of the skin and yellow discharge)

    due to breaking of the skin surface or a fungal nail infection. In these

    cases, the customer should be referred to the pharmacist.

    Antifungal agents (e.g. clotrimazole, bifonazole and miconazole) are

    examples of imidazoles and can treat most types of athletes foot.

    These agents can be divided into the following categories:

    Fungistatics work by inhibiting the growth and reproduction

    of fungi, resulting in their eventual death. Treatments include the

    imidazole group of antifungals such as bifonazole (e.g. CanestenBifonazole Once Daily 1% w/w Cream), clotrimazole (e.g. Canesten

    AF Dual Action Cream), undeconates and miconazole

    Fungicidals work by killing the fungi (e.g. terbinafine)

    Canesten offers a range of treatments for athletes foot, including:

    Canesten Bifonazole Once Daily 1% w/w Cream

    Canesten AF Dual Action Cream

    Canesten Hydrocortisone

    ComplianceCustomers should follow the packaging information to ensurethey stick to the recommended treatment time as relieving

    symptoms doesnt mean the infection has cleared.

  • 7/21/2019 Canesten Guide Athlete's Foot


    Recommendingthe right product

    Canesten AFDual Action


    Clotrimazole 1% w/w

    Refer to the pharmacist if the


    Suffers from diabetes

    Also has a fungal infection ofthe toenail

    Has signs of a bacterial infection Has used an antifungal

    treatment for four weeks withoutimprovement

    Is allergic to antifungaltreatments

    Has associated pain or


    To help prevent the conditionfrom recurring in the future,

    advise customers to:

    Keep feet and toes dry Wash feet daily and dry

    thoroughly, particularly

    in between the toes Wear cotton socks

    and shoes made fromnatural materials (e.g.

    leather) Change socks and

    tights daily Dont wear the

    same shoesevery day

    Dont share towels Dont walk

    around barefoot incommunal changing

    rooms Wash hands after

    applying treatment toavoid spreading the


    When to refer

    Self help tipsfor customers


    CanestenBifonazoleOnce Daily 1%

    w/w CreamCream:

    Bifonazole 1% w/w



    Clotrimazole 1% w/w andHydrocortisone 1% w/w



  • 7/21/2019 Canesten Guide Athlete's Foot


    Contains bifonazole fungistatic

    antifungal agent

    Only needs to be applied once a day inorder to eliminate the fungal infection,

    helping to improve patient complianceEective against all relevant types of fungi

    Works to inhibit growth of fungi and relievethe symptoms in two to three days

    Treatment takes 14 to 21 once daily


    Contains clotrimazole and hydrocortisoneTriple-action cream has antifungal,

    anti-inflammatory and antibacterial eects

    It relieves soreness, reduces redness,inflammation and stops itching

    Treats the fungal infection and relievesinflammation

    Suitable for suerers with small areas ofinflammation

    Contains clotrimazole 1% w/w

    Treats the root cause of infectionAn antifungal treatment suitable for all

    types of athletes foot (also known as

    broad spectrum)Helps cool and soothe the itching

    and burning sensation

    Athletes foot suerers

    without inflammation







    Customers who lead busylifestyles and want the

    ease and convenience

    of a once dailyapplication

    Suerers of athletes

    foot with small areas of


    Benefits ... Suitable for

  • 7/21/2019 Canesten Guide Athlete's Foot


    1. A customer suering from athletes foot

    may have which of the following symptoms?

    a. Dry skin in between their toes

    b.Swollen feet

    c.Itchy skin between the fourth and fifth toes

    d.Very dry skin on the soles of the feet

    2. When recommending Canesten Bifonazole Once

    Daily 1% w/w Cream, you should recommend the

    customer applies it:

    a.Once a week

    b.Once a day

    c.Twice a week

    d.Three times a day

    3. When recommending an antifungal cream you

    should advise the customer to:

    a.Use the cream sparingly

    b.Apply only when the skin is itchy

    c. Apply until the symptoms have completely


    d.None of the above

    4. Canesten Hydrocortisone cream:

    a.Treats the cause of the fungal infection

    b.Reduces skin inflammation

    c.Reduces bacteria that may be causing

    any odour

    d.All of the above

    5. What advice will help a customer to

    prevent the condition from recurring:

    a.Wash feet once a week

    b.Wear nylon socks

    c.Always walk around barefoot

    d.Keep feet and toes dry

    6. Which of the following statements is true about

    Canesten AF Dual Action Cream:

    a.It can help relieve inflamed skin

    b.It has broad-spectrum, antifungal properties

    c.It should be applied to the affected skin weekly

    d.It contains clotrimazole 2% w/w

    Assessing knowledgeTraining is a key part of your role in helping to provide customers with a professional service.

    If you know about athletes foot, you will be more confident when talking to customers andwhen to recommend suitable treatments.

    Now that you have read this guide, use the following questions to check your understanding

    of athletes foot and its treatment. Discuss your answers with your pharmacist.

    A complete training resource for your pharmacy

    This resource has not been awarded the NPA Training Seal.

    Visit the Canesten Training Centre at

    E-learning moduleson thrush, athletes foot, cystitis

    and sweat rash

    Customer Care Guidesavailable to download from the website

    Answers to knowledge questions:1.c,2.b,3.c,4.d,5.d,6.b

  • 7/21/2019 Canesten Guide Athlete's Foot


    No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publishers, Bayer Healthcare inassociation with CIG Healthcare Partnership. CIG Healthcare Partnership, Linen Hall, 162-168 Regent Street, London W1B 5TB.www.

    For further information, visit the healthcare professional section of the Canesten website:

    NPA Disclaimer - The training content has been approved by the NPA. The NPA in no way endorses any product(s) or product range(s) mentioned.

    Product Information for Canesten HydrocortisonePresentation: Canesten Hydrocortisone contains clotrimazole 1% w/w and hydrocortisone 1% w/w. Indications: Athletes foot and candidalintertrigo where co-existing symptoms of inflammation require rapid relief. Dosage and Administration: Adults, elderly and children aged10 years or over: Apply thinly and evenly twice daily. Rub in gently. For a maximum of seven days. Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity toclotrimazole, hydrocortisone, or any of the other ingredients e.g. cetostearyl alcohol. Do not use on face, eyes, mouth or mucous membranes;broken or large areas of skin; cold sores; acne; untreated bacterial skin diseases, chicken pox, vaccination reactions, perioral dermatitis, viral skindiseases, or for longer than seven days. Unless prescribed by a doctor should not be used in children under 10 years; pregnancy and lactation;on ano-genital area; to treat ringworm or secondarily infected skin conditions. Warnings and Precautions:This product contains cetostearylalcohol, which may cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis). Long-term continuous therapy to extensive areas of skin should beavoided. Avoid covering treated area with tight dressing. Side-eects: Allergic reaction, blisters, discomfort/pain, oedema, irritation, peeling/exfoliation, pruritus, rash, stinging/burning. After use on large areas and/or after long-term use or use under occlusive dressings, skin atrophy,

    teleangiectasis, hypertrichosis, striations, hypopigmentation, secondary infection and acneiform symptoms may occur. Use in pregnancy:Onlywhen considered necessary by a physician. RRP:4.46 (excl. VAT). MA Number:PL 00010/0216. MA Holder:Bayer plc, Consumer Care Division,Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1JA. Legal Category: P. Date of Preparation: July 2010. = Registered trademark of Bayer AG.

    Product information for Canesten Bifonazole Once Daily CreamCanesten Bifonazole Once Daily 1% w/w Cream (bifonazole 1% w/w). Indications:Treatment of athletes foot. The preparation is not for vaginaluse. Dosage and Administration: Apply thinly and rub into the affected area once daily, preferably at night before retiring, for two to three weeks.The affected areas should be washed and dried thoroughly before the cream is applied. A doctor or pharmacist should be consulted if symptomsdo not improve within 7 days. Contraindications: History of hypersensitivity to imidazole antifungal agents or any of the excipients. Treatment ofnail or scalp infections, or infants with nappy rash. Warnings and Precautions:This product contains cetostearyl alcohol which may cause localskin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis). If unsure of diagnosis the patient should seek confirmation from a doctor or pharmacist. Side-eects:Very rarely, systemic hypersensitivity reactions may occur. Pain or peripheral oedema at administration site. Dermatitis contact, dermatitis allergic,erythema, pruritus, rash, urticaria, blister, skin exfoliation, eczema, dry skin, skin irritation, skin maceration, skin burning sensation. These side-effectsare reversible after discontinuation of the treatment. Use in pregnancy and lactation: Only to be used during pregnancy or lactation after anevaluation by a doctor. During the lactation period bifonazole should not be applied to the chest area. RRP: 4.57 (excl. VAT). MA Number:

    PL00010/0508. MA Holder: Bayer plc,Consumer Care Division,Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1JA, UK. Legal Category:GSL. Date of Preparation:February 2012.

    = Registered trademark of Bayer AG.Product Information for Canesten AF Dual Action CreamPresentation: Canesten AF Dual Action Cream contains clotrimazole 1% w/w. Indications: Treatment of tinea pedis (athletes foot) and tineacruris (jock itch). Dosage and Administration:Apply thinly and evenly to the affected area two or three times daily. A physician should be consultedif symptoms do not improve within 7 days. Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity to clotrimazole or any of the other ingredients e.g. cetostearylalcohol. Do not use to treat nail or scalp infections.Warnings and Precautions:This product contains cetostearyl alcohol, which may cause local skinreactions (e.g. contact dermatitis). Side-eects: Allergic reaction, blisters, discomfort/pain, oedema, irritation, peeling/exfoliation, pruritus, rash,stinging/burning. Use in pregnancy:Only when considered necessary by a physician.RRP: 15g tube 3.10 (excl. VAT), 30g tube 3.67 (excl. VAT).MA Number:PL 00010/0016R. MA Holder:Bayer plc, Consumer Care Division, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1JA. Legal Category:GSL. Date ofPreparation: July 2010. = Registered trademark of Bayer AG.



    2. Plempel M et al, 1983. Antimycotic efficacy of bifonazole in vitro and in vivo. Arzneim-Forsch. / Drug Res. 33 (I)