(cannibals prefer those who have no spines. - stanislaw lem )

(Cannibals prefer those who have no spines. - Stanislaw Lem) Hooverville - A name for a shantytown built by unemployed and destitute (poor) people during the Depression of the early 1930s.

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(Cannibals prefer those who have no spines. - Stanislaw Lem ) . Hooverville - A name for a shantytown built by unemployed and destitute (poor) people during the Depression of the early 1930s. Hoover’s Policies. Believed in individuality and self reliance. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Cannibals prefer those who have no spines. - Stanislaw Lem

(Cannibals prefer those who have no spines. - Stanislaw Lem) Hooverville - A name for a shantytown built by unemployed and destitute (poor) people during the Depression of the early 1930s.Hoovers PoliciesBelieved in individuality and self reliance.Didnt want the government to interfere with the economy and make people dependent.(Unwilling to run a budget deficit to pay for welfare programs).Thought that private companies / charities would help people.

(Another Project!)Youre either a 1, 2, or 31s = Watch historical films for extra credit.2s = Write two short papers after reading an assigned historical book.3s = Go into the poorest neighborhoods in Santa Ana and conduct a survey asking residents about the historic parts of their city.Keep your part of the project in mind as you watch the following video

The march of the Bonus Army(The Bonus Army)In 1932 17,000 veterans of WWI marched on Washington. (With their families, the total number of marchers was 43,000).Veterans were unemployed and wanted their bonus checks early. (They camped in a Hooverville right outside Washingtons core).

(They called themselves The Bonus Expeditionary Force).(Washington said Get out.)

(The U.S. Army was told to evict the Bonus Army)(General Douglas MacArthur was given the order and was supported by Maj. George S. Patton in six battle tanks).(The Bonus Army thought the soldiers were having a parade for them until the cavalry charged them).(Spectators yelled Shame! Shame!)

(The Attack Continues)(The Bonus Army retreated to their main camp across the river).(MacArthur kept going, injuring many veterans. A 12 week old baby was killed).(Maj. Dwight D. Eisenhower was an aid to MacArthur and argued against the action).

(Right or Wrong?)Turn to your neighbor and discuss whether or not the Government was justified in treating the Bonus Army as they did. Be ready to share.Points to consider:Were they trespassing?Wouldnt they have gotten money if they were patient?Can you imagine this happening today?Occupy Oakland

(Kayvan Sabehgi, 32, an Oakland resident and former marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, has since undergone surgery on his spleen. He says it took hours for him to be taken to hospital, despite complaining of severe pain. Police have told the Guardian they are investigating the incident).

(Scott Olsen, 24, was critically injured on Tuesday night when he was hit in the head with a projectile thrown or shot by law enforcement officers combating protesters trying to re-enter a downtown plaza that had been cleared of an encampment earlier in the day. Mr. Olsen, who served two tours of duty in Iraq as a Marine, suffered a fractured skull).

(1932)(FDR wins in a landslide election).

The Presidential Election of 1932FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) was elected in a landslide.His campaign slogan: Happy Days are Here Again.He promised Americans a New Deal.

FDRs ChallengesHe took office at a time when 25% of Americans were unemployed.(Stock Markets value went from $89.7 billion to 15.6 billion).Farmers were the worst hit. (Wheat went from $3 per bushel to .30).Thousands of banks closed while others seized bankrupt families homes and farms.

The Rise of FDRFDR had a privileged upbringing (he was a bit of a snob in college).In 1921, he was infected with polio and could never walk again (he could stand by using two 10lb leg braces).Served 2 terms as governor of New York.(Cousin of Theodore Roosevelt. T.R. was an Oyster Bay Roosevelt while F.D.R. was a Hyde Park Roosevelt).

(3-2-1 Exit Slip)Tell me three (3) things you learned.Ask me two (2) questions you have.Give me one (1) comment, any comment, about the class.

I need it in my hand as you leave.