canton, d. t., wednesday, january 16.1878. · f t1 j. ' ft \1w.t v" vhv* taimb f«wf«s...

f T 1 J. ' ft \1W.T V" VHV* taiMb f«Wf«S ' ®SJW/ *U**HfsSft&1rW£ <m « ? : .<?-tf < *• ^ wm> H > vt- r w mp A*!. T^'M > 1 » ^ >f » " 1> * A' > »« V/J'MWU^j'i,,^ ; iiiii..<''(i(i>r^«ii —it?.!; •fe I«"i'«<'I :?.•«<» ww4iA#V6^lteielffl8 iCt)e©anton&tobocatt ^ , rmiM» •••»! wavffMDAt it '" 1 ' '!& " Ou(to«, Lincoln County, D. I. mm or SUBSCBIPTIOXI 1 #f* i three•enths,.,,.i ,io ••' «'.• mine >{.». N,, , 7 We have adopted tha as* in adraaca ay.tem, Siertaf « mm* better for tbe patron., and know* It te.fce »«*• dsairable for the pnbiieher. likUMii. •. a. «jlbtu, CABTEtt BHO'S, A. r. * A. M. tJ#WB«jtanI*wiBNo. 4, A. t. k A. It. _. It? gjhnalaaisaMnn Wednesday on or before th. S 1 ft'.'* aaeond Wadneaday iftar W.H.MlLfc<M*«*. tt> f - ••-. Mi- - " iii " lijf! ,i} •ji t ,:.kV r kflT'll ?/<( « »* an * *** * r * 3 w«4afc^^fc ^imwav% ' ' ' * >;* */* f .- /i j v 4v;.r..|I (, f'l Off *t, 4 ' 3* ' " ' (lit ,|M.f3 i »3 ' v ,'•» ffH/j 4 At f '•«.« («' .nwvt- .»Wa JSM-U, Aet^cn^iaJk. ffuSjdf - «fi 2^p.^yt f t | f r . V-', V, -' Evil Newt Rides Fast; While Good News Baits! »<-$ MTO#^Wfe SSJSSP 5B'»5 ^Uh- - f.p &v ' : lit iX VOh.ll .V ,. >;i ppir } ( «^rj ~ <M. Jt> "Hpftl CANTON, D. T., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16.1878. '•««W .*i fJ ' &w P- # - l W >" v J' NO. as. Railroad and Coal. *fcj;. COUNTY OFFICERS. . 1. W* OAByit! Dltlrlat Attoraqr. ' 'f- yti%. Ovrrtrtr, Ottrk of Dlttrlot Conrt; t| TfW J. T*oa«f AP, BcgbUr of D**d* nd Ix- •••io Ora^} Olottu •M. SaTLOB, fNMVW. . t. Q. rimmu, Judg. «( ProbkU. r 4 #, Dixon, Bb.riff. : B. 0. IaooMi 8ap«riot»Bd«nt of lokoob. ! A AMaooii.Oliklrmui, | v "WcJf. P«i>HC»t VOo. OommUslonen. i.% taum, ) CANTON POtT'OFFICE OflfECTORY ^VMttSm^^Or'imU aCrilM* rr«ry d»y ez*ept»»t- |li«tt i:ili. M. OojpMta W*rj d»jr**oept lion- A»Mr •• nVwwl"°"— iadl irritn uiry Tueadir Mtlitirhri" r. u. D.p»rU or.ry Monday and 1% wradaf a* 6 x. M* A Biahtand wall anrtvM every Tridajr, al IK* Dapartaaveqr Tkuriday, «t 8i. u. Owtnii fc T~rftlf"——" depart* every Thnri 4«ga> l A. U. Arriraavrery rrid»y at > (MB 1 A. M. to * r. M. S A. K. On Saadaya M OyM (rMil to j r, md one hoar tfUr the mall wr JOUX FALDK, PoAtmiiter. invtw *• draa froa th. Morih. BusinesH Cards. o. a. oiFjroai) ual«.iAiin. BAILEY & GIFFOBD, Attorneys & Counselors at Law, CANTON. D.T. r ; a. W. CABTEB, \\ torney and Counselor at Law, CANTON. D. T. : ; Jr. W. TAYtdB, / .t' •••' Attorney and Counselor at Law, ,< a AND NOTABY PUBLIC. *'?•• Canto*, Lincoln County, D. T. eyaa W«a> aa« Batott Bridge. | P, J. MURK AY, ATTOBXBY AND COCNSELOa AT LAW, AND 1v ;,.v; . OQLIJtCTINO AOENT. Biloit, Lyon, County, Iowa. WW yneMc. In the court, of Iowa and Dakota. l^lk^ ud a*U laad, maka eolleatloiu Ao., K^afafenee. civen. Best Mi MRS. E. M. WELLS, -DBiLKB W- ' Uiinery and Fancy Goods. JmI lart)Tail.« anr ttnrk of the lateat ai^lea of Ooo4a,aUo a new «upplyofmo«t fuhonable ~ ' k "Ordan for Drata and Olokk making will I prompt attention. Callaarty,anda«mjgood.,aodUaru myprloea kafara Ifariag otdera uawbar*. (W-tf; ]; J. C. HEWITT, IfSCarpenter and Builder,';? 1.1a aaw pnpand *-o do all kind of work in hla Wt^ort notlM* Oin ba fbwdaii : Wffwffl iB&anAonalUlf nUlM aMth of Caatoa^ 1 H s B. Yi BROWN, M. D., PHYSICIAN &_ SURGEON. aia. ulm m»tmr r °t K,aHT DAT erornpB Da 8TOKK. Ommion, f D.T , 11, SOUTHARD, M. D., ®Shb£{Canton, Lincoln Co., D.T. Real Estate and Abstract Office, WM. M. CUPPETT, Will fay taxaa for non«raiideht«. Diwl Hooaa, Canton. D. T. Office at the 7tf. - O.W. NAYLOR, , ; bounty Treasurer, CANTON, D.T. Seal Batata acd tax paying bndneai promptly at- (aMto. Offloe at Court Hotue. ltf. J-:Kv t M. M. CLARK, M. D., PHYSICIAN ANCT SURGEON, And—» " J. I. Cx^minihg Surgeon for Pen«ion» BBLOIT, IOWA. '' « > HARLAN HOUSE, 1 CANTON, D. Paai'maiia on Howard'a Btag» .. «atirtwean 8ion* Ytl Is sfldPortisodvlUo gointf loute "®n get bwftlcjiwt, ^nd thoM aotna north oa& set *npper at thia House. MaidUaMommodationa fo*alltraT(der«,aiid good •iakleaU " " u> " L i in oaonaetkm with the Honae. O. W ,HABLA>. Proprietor. t IfEW HARNESS SHOP1 p* S-n-pt* (koore'a old »tand.) ' ! JOHN W. HEWITT, . "Mtottfaetnrw'and Dealer In— SAUfSM.' HALtBBS, OOLLiBS, BIDING ' BBIDLE8,,Eto^ ko. OaBataaBr on bax>d a good aaeortment of WWpi l.a>l>»a, Braahea, Carry domba, OolUra, to. Wll aall aa aheap aa the eheapeat. Give him a oall. Owtan, dU. 9S. [M"' v,m M. L. 8YVERUD, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, " ABdDa^erin ••W§: Clpcksi, J ewe I ry, &c., i *t Gilbert'*Store, Canton,'D- T. % AllUnda of work in my Una attended to promptly a* l oo ahort notloe. ; : tf Bsrauntcn—VT WOBK. ^ PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY «|A»n CAPITAL... OAHK BOBPLUa .. 1600,000,00 $1^52,308.82 - The oldeat and moat reliable company in the Unl- W Btatea. OTW $10,000,000 In loaaea have , ttfbytfctJWwMT , vyin ir ,v J'fijJOHN FALDE, Agent, *"• ,3 Canton. D.T. Meat Market ;r»r> >*• ' ->«* ee MJka **° , > 00 * , * 0,T * °* W*"* l ® n1, . t •*W» i -•••:: •, t .1M •<»3 t*3 , a." 1 '4 . . WW ka^o*kaad allaartaof ,fan»a and vageta- HtrrroN, HA.M8, rtmi&P. - BACON, £ " VttJ BAU8A.QE. r mil inoa wjoron au>m * ~i WRK, y*iftia«»tt«»0My,yMaaatake tke «ooda dWIteMatka •Kmajynm*«at»ego«le, ROBERT LAN IMG- Thess two subjects are We'w eli^itii); the attention of the. people of this Valley, Scarcely » faf«ier that returns fr om mark* •etiDg his grala at LeMara, bat what ex- presses liig desire for the extension of the P^ntblfla Read into Lincoln County." Oc, casionally i man who.'lire* by teaming, will be found, *rho does not wanl any Rail- road, and above ail would in ao manner give any aid towards the securing of one. And there are also a few who are .sufficiently intelligent to'ltiow better who argue thatlh|iO',vinty iaWtor otfwithout than it would lAjwith ocp, and cite some isolated instance wlierf theiri^great down ealt ancestors once prospered, fcefortf tbe InabVatidns'of these 'great regulators of commerce and orosperity. Bat such fogy* ism is too far behind the spirit and re.ison of the day, to occasion other than a con- temptuous i.nditferance. And thftse same croakers with all their denunciation and apparent ignoring. of tlie advantages gained by railroad facilities, are the very ones te seeic the best railroad market for the disposition of their products, and then leave their money in the purchase of arti- cle's that could be furnished them within their own county. By these acts they only belie their own theorv, pay tribute to strangers, aid in building up men and towns, other than their neighbors, and with, in their own county. It is true, a man Second and Third Days Proccefr tagtf of tbe Board of Co. 1"" CommiHsioners. , ,'' J ABOAB* 8th. Board - met pursuant to adjournment. Upon motion of Hogobooa it m hereaf- ter made a rule to read the prerioui .dsya proceedings in the moraiog. ? , Yesterdays proceediBg» were read ud approved. Requisition from the District Clejk re. ceired tor the Ailing up of the Requisite number of Jurors on the J«rjT lint of 900 n a m e s . f > > The Board procee^i to make and com. Board adjourne^S^mwejit^ m. Board re-convened at 1 p.- aad pro. •ceeded witiythe Jury list und furnished the following addjtioaal names to-wit: can go where he choses, trade and spend. .Rolf, Chester P. his money when and with whom he de- sires; but we 'ike to see men consistent, those who are constantly placing obstruc- tions. and using false theories, against the building of a railroad into Lincoln county. Some also say that companies are rich, they will build when they get ready, they only want to bleed us all they can, force us to give aid to Vich corporations, and then as we would have but one road they would monopolize.matters by putting on a high tarifi for freight and passage. Why, bless your dear souls, there is not a rail- road company outside of three or four main line corporation, bat what are heavi- ly in debt and paying heavy interest on Ainsworth, Richard Arioso, C. J. Bradshaw, Win, Bennett, Robert Z. Best, Lewis Ebe, P. ^ Bkly, Knuut " Fossum, Eren E. Gralap Chat Gage, Rotwell Gubberud, Petor P Gerber, Frederick Knight, Thomas . Lokken, Peter J. Liesmyer H. Messner, Andrew May, Richard R Pierce, Job M. Bntndfcueifj Ola Bedford m Bonihe Walter B Brooks Richacd Clark Frank Hargrove, W, H. Hanson, Paul Hammer. Knut O. Johns, George L. F. Jensen. Christian Jones, John W. Kilts, Bafaiy Kindert, Henry Leavitt, Thomas J. Larson.'John ' Moscrip, Edwin Parke, Wm. Pierce, Niiea F. Straud, Nilas F. .Stilwell, William •Tuller, Frank Soule, Ira South, Josiah Wilson, Bartel Board considered the matter of the Co. printing upon the proposal and suggest- ions presented by the Editors of tha Sioux Valley Newt, and the CANTOS ADVOCATE, and, without settling the matter the.Board. took a recess until after supper. Board met after supper and p*oceeded up to the time of adjournment to examine b&nded County Warrants- Board adjourned at 10 o'clock p. m., to meet at 9 o'clock in the morning next day JANUARY 9 th. Board met pursuant to adjournment. that the Treasurer Mull receive and te ap- ply the same ujpoa the taxes of said Henry C.Johnson. * Complaint fraying been entered by . E S. Ingalls for wrongtully assessing prop- erty belonging to him, for the year 1876' That said Ingalls daims and makes. affi- davit to the fact that lit was not a resident Jf5f the Territory «s the^flrat day of A|jrifi 187f, and that said property was not in The Territory at that time. ' ' : Aad upen motion said IngalTs Is haraby relieved from tha payment of the aaid tax- es for the year 1870, and the Clark is here- by ordered to caacsl tlie same. m-*. On motion the following RetfolnlfcM- jrftiado^tild. ^ •' Whereas, that Geo. W. Martin by not complied jyitl^a cert«itt|jeoatract entered into at tflf Ragular session of the Board in October,-1877, for the hauling of only first class coal tor the County at 5 Dollata per ton, and i*. . Whereas, that the said Geo. W. Martin has brought a poor artiole of coal contrary to said contract. Therefore be it resolved that the Clerk be instructed not to receive any more coal from the said Geo. W. Martin unless it be good coal. The matter of County Prirititfg taken up, and the following agreement entered into between the editors of the Sioux Val- ley New* and the Canton ADVOCATB, for the publishing of the proceedings and the County printing for the ensuing year, to- wit: It is hereby agreed by and between J. their bonded indebtedness. And as to- ^ raenib « rs i? f lh « Board b « tn « , wA' V :i. t yww . „i.. /v -' the Pembina road it is no secret that un der the past and present status it is daily bleeding what little reserve the Dakota Southern has from its earnings, and under the depressed state of tke market for rail roads sfceureties, only the best can be sold, or even liyijothiciitetl for any reasonable suin.' It is a literal fact that the managers of this road can n?t with a ay safety what- ever cmbarrais Utems^lves^Cfu.rthur out- lay, at least for an fndefinate time, they must have help if the road is to be built within the next two years, and as we haye said before it U the rule and not tha excep- tion, that ro:ids now-a-days will have sub sidies. Why do men refrain from encour- aging cr contributing according to their ability. We speak plainly, but is not the principal and main secret of opposition caused by a selfish jealously on the part of individuals who really are envious of the prosperity that would naturaly tollow those whose business'places them within the business towns of a county ? That this foolish bpririt of envy exists to some extent is undeniable. ~ Actions Speak loud- er than words, and words will often in spite of man's cunning,bubble up from the fullness of the heart.. ; Every man is bonefited proportionately by the development and increase of wealth in a community. In Lincoln county there can be ko other than a community of in tarest, between the farmer and townsman. The village merchant, mechanic or pro- fessional m«n, is dependant upon the farmer, and on the other hand the farmer raises to sell to those who are in other pursuits thaa theirs. It is at present* and for a long time will be purely an agricul- tural county, hence its advancements must necessarily be slower than that where manufacturing establishments exist. And any pl«n that will tend to better aur con- dition, and particularly that will occasion no discrimination, should receive a united approval. -• Local and useless ©Sorts on the part of individuals i9 build up one village to the detriment of another, should cease; let past political,or local differences be by gones, a sluggish inch by 4nch and, un- healthy growth of these localities under the unfortunate spirit that has prevailed, should be of su fflcient warning. A united effort ofthe citizens of Beloit and Canton, and ofthe surrounding country, tributary, will alone secure us a Railroad, and as that is the main desire and need now. we are pleased to learn that a unity of action is promised, and that leading citizens of these localities are now working together tor tLe attainment of that object. Tho Coal fever als^ia resuming proper tionate prominence. That coal can be found in paying veins in this portion of-^ the Sioux Valley is beieived by those who are conversant with coal indications. Ah effort fs being made to form a company and have an expert prospect and bere for coal. Some have suggested the plan adopted by Cherokee County, la., that of the purchase of the necessary machinery by the county, to be used by any proper persons for experimenting, and if soccess- ful award the discoverer by a reward of |1.000. The Journa\ reports the discovery of a 14 inch vein 3 miles of Cherokee, and that a New York gentleman immediately purchased 200 acres ot lahd surrounding the discovery. Should we discover pay- ing vein, Lincoln Countv would be in a condition to receive Railroads withou 'haying Genets" «- , " " " ' 10 to 80 doHars. : ' - . ' Stallions for service, 100 to 200. > ^ Sheep over 8 months o]d 2 dallars. Swine over 3 months old 1 to 5. Carriages and Vehicles at their cash val- ue- ; i'-i 5 0.: Farming Implements, ifachinery, and all other property not mentioned above are to be assessed at their caah value wheth- er paid for or not WW ft W-} Breaking on government land assessed at 50 cents per acre, and other improve- ments on Government land, at correspond, ing rate. K - v " ^ _ All deede<ffand Ih RangM'17, 48 and 49 to be assessed at flrom $3.50 to . #3.50 par acre. All deeded land fn Range .50, and 51 to be assessed at $2. to |2.t>0 per acre. Timber laad to be assessed from 5 to 20 Dollars per acre. Lots n the Village of Canton and its additions thereto to be assessed at from 5 to 20 Dollars each lot and tha improve- ment thereon to he added. It is also required that eac^ assessor shall ascertain tho first name of each prop- erty holder in full, ancNnter the eama.oia their list. Complaint being entered by Hen- ry C. Johnson, a resident of Lincoln Town, ship accompanied by the affidavit of Wil- liam Kurtz and Lewis flint, setting forth the facts that said Henty C. Johnson did on or about the last day of January, 1876, deliver a certain Township Warrant to Henry B. Donaldson then Couaty Treas- urer to the amoant of 18 and <2-100 Dol- lars for the purpose of applying tho same on his taxes, but having been neglected .by the said H. B. Donaldson, nOjCredit has *been allowed upon any of the tues of tho said Henry G. Johnson. Therefore it is upon motion, hereby ordered that tho Clerk issae to him an order for thoamodat specified in tho above named Warrant and m 'M;X Warnpr Jnapnh A * o5*«vu n\ " 'W. Carter of Canton D. T„ o^thefirst part, and the County Commissioners of Lincoln county D. Tn of the second part. First.—That the said J. W. Carter here- by agrees to d > the county printing as may be required by the said Commission- ers, for and during the year of 1878, at such times and in such manner as by the Board of county Commissioners required, for, and at the rate ef one half of the rate allowed by law. Second.—That the said county commis- sioners, to wit: A. L. Arneson, W- W. Pal- mer and M. T. Hogoboom, do hereby gree, for and ^consideration of said ser- vices rendered J. W Carter as above, designated, to pay an amount equal to one half ofthe legal rates, and in case that N. C. Nash shall fail to publish or print any matter as required by said-County Com. missioncrs at any time durlpg thf year of 1878. and that the said J. W. Carter should publish pr print the same as requir- ed. Then andituhnt case said porter is to receive full legal ntes fur such print- ing. Dated Canton D. T., J. W. CARTBB. Jan. 9th, 1873. A. L. Arneson, Chairman J W. W, PalmoifV >Comm's. M. T. Hogoboom, ) It is hereby agreed by mid between N, C, Nash of Canton, D. T.. of the first part, and the County Commissioners of Liucoln county, D. T., of the second part. First.—That the said N. C Nash hereby agrees to do the county printing as may be required by the said commisioners, - for and during tho year 1873, at such times and in such manner as by the said Board required, and at the rate of one half of the rate allowed by law Second.—That the aaid County Commis- 4_sion«r8, towit ^A. L. Arneson, W. W. Pal- mer and M./T, Hogoboom, do hereby agree far aad in consideration of services rendered by N. C. Nash as above designat- ed, to pay an amount equal to one half of the legal rates, and in case that J. W. Car- ter should fail to publish or print any matter as required by said county com- missioners, at any time during the year 1878, and that (he aaid N, C. Nash should publish or print tho same |s required. Then and in that case, said JT. C. Nash is to receive foil legal rates for such printing. N. C. NASH. Pub of Sioux Valley 2feiot. Dated Canton D. T, Jan. 9th, 1878. A L. Arneson, Chairman) W. W. Palmer, > Comm's M. T. Hogoboom. ^ J ; ^ Upon motion, in the Blatter relative to the assessment ot Henry Shaw, it was or- dered that M. H. White shall appear be- fore the Board of county' commissioners on the 4th day of Febuary next, to show cause why Shaw's assessment should aot be changed on to states, and if the said M. H. White does not appeal, tho assess- ment will be changed. < ' «|- Upon motion, It was agreed to, that any Church society may rent tho Court room for church aervic es at the rate of 75 conts for each and every service, with fliel fur- nished daring the time of service, said rent to be , paid by seating the room. Excise Jttond of Fred Barrows with Thomas^argent and A. M. Ross sureties, was upon motion of Palmer, accepted and Bond approved. License granted up to the 25 -day of April, 1878. Upon motion the followiag Res olutions was adopted; Whereas, that in view of the conditions of the roads, being such that .farmers can- not market their grain. Tunfore bo it Resolved that we do hereby extand the time for the attaching of thio Penally ud interest to delinquent taxes until January 31st inst.' Upon motioir the proceedings of this day was read and a< . ... Mctina of W. W. Palmer,Board ad- journedatll p. m. to meet on the 1st Monday of February, at 10 o'clock a. m. A. L. Aiunaoir, AtUtt. ^Chairman. TBOHB'J.THOBSTAD, ... Clerk of tho Boardr g By MATS. HAIMOV, ' Minutes of yasterdays proceedings were read and approved. Board then proceeded with the.exami- nation of bonded County Warrants and to unncel the same which work was complet- ed. On niotion the Board proceeded to make out the Assessors instructions, the list not being yet complete, tho Board adjourned at 12 m^ to meet at 1 p. m Board met at 1 p. m.; Wiih a fall Hoard in attendance. The work of making out the Assessors instructions was again taken up, and the I following was agreed to for the assessment v^f property for the year follows to. wit: , ^ Oxen to be valued at from 40 to 60 Dol- lars per pair. Cows to be valued at fiom 12 to 18 Dol- lars. i s >• Cattle over 1 and under two years old on the first day of Feb: 1878, at from 5 to 8 Dollars. Cattle over 2 and under 3 years old 10 to 15 Dollars. Steers over 3 aad under 4 years old 15 to 20 Dollars. Horses 40 to 60 Dollars. Colts oyer 2 and under 3 years old, 30 to 40 dollars. "Colts overl and under $ years old, 20 to 30 dollars? .. Mules same as horses. Ponies to be valued at from 10 to 20 dol- lars. Jacks " " " - 50 to 100 dollars. a Local Items, —JLMr kind df Job Printing desired crfn bo obtained at this office, and if not [satis- factory to the Patron,, no charge w^U bo HOTKI, arrivals ..are thin sinco the roads became bad. SATUBDAT was a lively day in towp, ovary'store being crowded wijh custom- ers. f i TPKSDAT, was Indian summer, and fcome persott-iouth of town was burning pfHiHe for spring purposes. -II ATj WHBAT, OATS, POTATOBS, WOOD •Sgaa-SS* »• ' 5 '' —Ur to the middle of Jsntury, the weather record is a counterpart of early spring; milcf, no saOw, warm days. RAILBOAD IS now tlie daily topic with country aad town people. It is the time to strike for the aid and extension of the Pembina Branch. TBE trees on the Sioux banks, appear ed as If festooned with silver, Monday morning under the sparkling drapery of Jack Frost. REV. MR NEWKLL has commenced a series of meetings at the School House, following week -of prayer, which are well attended. MHS. FI TZOKBALD veiy kindly gave posession of her house Tuesday efening, to the joung members of the Blue Ribbon Club, which we are informed is receiving accessions at each meeting. —HOMES fnppiK has resigned as Prin- cipal of the District School and is to open a Select School in Canton. Such a School has been long needed, and we hope this will be well patronized. DB. PLUMBS, ono of our former towns- men, has grabbed tbeFaberand is enlight- ening the people ofSioux Counly, through the columns of the Independent, a neat paper published at East Orange, Iowa •ARTHUR RUDOLPH has moved into Thompson's new building on Main St one door south of Haraldson ABehlmcr's, which is one of the most, pleasant and de- sirable locations in Canton. —DB L. N. BEDPOBD, the Dentist from Worthington, Minn , will visit Canton, where he can be seen professionly, on the 24th, 25 and 26 inst, at the Harlan House, and at Beloit on the *83^, 29 and 30th of January. - —To* HOOD has left the. banks of the Big Muddy, and returned to' his haunts in the Sioux Valley. His faith in Canton is unlroken, and he will settle down' to business when he returns fromjhis eas- tern trip. —OTTO RCDDTPN is getting earnest about coal matters. His principal faith in this county aside from its farming es- sentials is based upon the belief that some day discoyeries will be made of a paying and profitable character. We would sug- gest to Otto that he compare notes with Capt. Whcclock of Eden, who, unless he has forgotten how, can spin endless and interesting theories relative to coal depos- its, and a unity of action may cauro some- food to come out of Nazareth. Thk ladies of the Episcopal Church held their regular sociable at the residence of Mrs. O. S. Gifford, last Saturday eve., •Jan. 12th; quite a number of people were in attendance, tbe evening passed off pleas* antly. after indulging in refreshments and amusements, the company dispersed; to meet for the same purpose at the Harlan Honso, in two weeks, Saturday eve, Jan. 26th. •*.»* i ' . * T MRS. LEON BEBTBAND. 1 i NOTICE is hereby given, not to pur- chase a note, executed by me, Dec. 11,1877> to John Steensland for the sum of $123.50 as sHch nolo was obtained by fraud. ''' Cuton.Dec. 24, 1877. ^ « i f J . L . D AHT.. M. i ^ -.f-fH. IT .. ' ' ..-i , LOST/ •• s > On Saturday avening, Dec. 89th, between the Canton Court House ud tho Beloit Bridge, a LeatherPocketBookcontaining money, drafts, and other valuable papafs. Any word leading to a recovery eif the same may. be loft at;Rowley's store, Beloit, low*. A Uboral reward oflbred. -H •' ,1)s m Illinois Central Railroad. :J .• f* f ^ wj* Crrv. Nov. 82d 1878. EDITOR ADTOCATR: From Nov. 22d, to March 1st. 1878,1 will sell excursion tick, ets, Sioux City to New Orleans and return for $60.00, .good to return to Sioux City until April 15th, 1878. ' W. H. HAJOLYO*. CLUB LIST, "4, ABTOOATS «nd Ameriean IgMInU aaid a vatnable Weroaeope, ' ' $8.11 ADTOOASB ladScUattfte tiwhi |i .1i *• N Weddy Inter Oaaan fSJO « / " Bemi-waakly Inter Oeean « *• DnoeatialtoatUy $SJS <• * ThaNwarty ii < Land For Sale t ON LONG TIMS, BY > , FRED. P. DEAN, Tipton, low» lisM, Baetioa Jl, SS-4S, Lyon mMt, low*. * aH « t«V « » Ha "aaflt* ItS' « aiK N : », " * , m " " * m "aifc-at nwJi •* " « m <f sH aaeHai •, .IM^i|a«i4vif*-.- Ik-* ^ « •• ' Vm-"-' rv';'- T . Dayton, D. T.) " Z-.-'J January, 10/1878. f In the Sioux Valley Newt of the 5th inst, is a commiinication from 1). B: Burke, wherein he characterizes the connty Board as law defying, and accuses' them of ignorance in construing the Statutes. As I was a member of the Board at the time referred to, I desire *? show to |your readers that the statement asade by Burke is false, ud only prompted by malice. He attempts to create the impression that the Commissioners willfuly planned the for- mation of School District 56, and further that they forced the Comly Superintend- ent to form that district. The facts are as follows: District 56 was formedsby the Superintendent, April 12; 1877. On the 28th Of April, he withdrew from the offi& of Register of Deeds the notice of forma* tion, after having filed it according to law, and at or about the same time he inform, ed Mr. Gould that he had decided not to issue the notices for the first meeting. An appeal was then taken by Mr. Gould to the Board of County Commissioners as provided for in Section 16 of the School law. This appeal brought for the consider- ation of the Board the question, Whether it was the,dnty of tbe Superintendent to issue the notices as by law required? ; See. 16, 8. L., says *** The County Su- perintendent thatt, (making it obltgatory) withiit 15 days after he ha* formed a Dis- trict issue the notices for tbe first jneeting appointing the place 4c, so you will see that a School district after it is founded has.certain lights, guaranteed it by law) the same as any other person, whether either came into existance Legally or oth- erwise. The matter was decided on May 9th, 1877, to-wit: that it was hiodoty to issue the notices and he was so instructed. Now did this decision form School district 56, or torce the county Superiten- dent to do any act but what the law enjoin- ad upon him. and again did it prejudice, or in any way abridge the rights of Dist 28 and 33, not in the least, for Sec-16 says, any person agrieved by the acts of the county Supt., in forming any School Dist thall haye the right to appeal is tl: of County Commissioners, if said appeal be taken within 60 days from date of change or formation, this gaye districts 28 and 33, until June 12th in which to appeal- Had they done this, the question of forma- tion would have been before the County Board, and had they sustained the Supt. in in doing an illegal act, then this charge of legalizing might have some ioundation.-r- But they wanted their right to appeal, and petitioned lite oounty Supt to destroy Dist. 56, which he succeeded to do, on the 9th day of J une, 1877. O. S. Gilford, attorney for Dist. 56, appealed from the decision of Supt Jacobs, to tho Board of County Com- missioners, the Board designated Monday, Sept. 3d, 1877.for a hearing, and the ease ably argued by O. 8, Gilford for the appelants, and Messrs Jaicobs, Burke, and Faloon in thtf interests of Dist. 28 and 33, and after a careful inyeatigation of the facta in and the Law governing the case. The Board decided that they cannot de- stroy Dist 56 without the Consent of a ma- jority of the residents of said district, ud in this you will see, that their grievances whether real or imaginary, they had taken a course exactly the opposite ofthe proviso ions of Law to obtain redress. Next came the appeal from the decision of the Board to tlie district Court, (which this willful deceiver entirely ignores.)— Case was called Oct 18, R. F. Pettigrew appearing for district 28 and 33, Ud O. S. Gifford for 56. Mr. Pettigrew produced the petition on which the. district was founded, read the papers and decision ap- pealed from 4c. Judge Shannon said that it was too We to go back to the formation and gave, as his opinion that School Dist 56 was£a corporation De-tacto, ud could not be dissolved without the .consent of the residents of said district, ud ordered that the decision ofthe Board of Co. Com- missioner* bo affirmed. If they were dissatislfod with this decis- ion, they had.* legal ud adequateromody in an appeal to the &tiprfeme Court of the Twritoiy. Did they accept of this wise provision ofthe la*#t * No Sir! but iu do- ftance of Law the^ say, they have appeal- ed to tho Temtofitf ' 8ut*erintondoiit, al- though no one in*district 56 knew .any- thing about it untilaAer the decisionwas had in the matter, and then only by hear- say. I have been reliably informed that on the 15th of Dec. a few persoit» got to- gether, ud(aa John Brown'a iadictaaont read) at the instigation of tho d—1 nod not having few of Gttd before bis eyea wil- frilly planed this 1 ^rnrad, coup do ta, ud selected a comtfittee to represent them be- fore Supt Caton on the 17th. These persons started for Elk Poinland on tbe l^h they had u esparto hearing, ud then and there the Territorial Supt gave die couprde-graoo to district 561, u d now its capet mortaum lies scattered in the Valley of nine mile cradc, yen it ia final, for Butfco saya Hie Law^makes it so. The Territorial Supt shall hear and de- cide all appeals duly (t. e. legally) made to him. See. 6,.aow ^e LegisUthre thought proper to ame nd See 16, the sections that allowed an appeal to the Territorial Supt by striking out after the wotd to, (tho wotd Territorial Snpi) and inserting ifi e thereof tbe. Board of County;, Gam- misaioneis hence, you readers will aes that there ou be no appeal, saado to him. ^ Aa these tMcts are ai'mane^^or tttMMNtj and cannot be controverted JT'ptopose to rr ^ l^aye the followiag p^nts the caadid Sec- mm ibYWHtftro Kijaa ^ 4 / #tj Bwtaaaa Carda of ata II^**^t^pif.|fS|.:s. ' T* Corrfist Corr—pond»ea nHiSil ftia ail yarti S#" eoanty,on^ny meHerepfh^Wl^aygo. S$ oommanioationa i er anama,aot j gaaraatae of good fWtfc. i m m : fr"' JOB PRINTING. Ordert far all kfodaof MMal eadad to. «Mk fllad. an judgment ofthe readersofyear valfchlo P«P«r: 1st Whether the Couatr Board at Mti | Burke and his frieads have bees Law' 4s^p fying. 2d. Who has showa igaoraaoo applying the provisions of lawt tl Vk»^ has misconstrued the Statutes? 4tlu tod. who should, have the mutineas Is ofcaf the taandolsf of law and oadls Of Jastfos^ ud lastly does such charges eease ifMi very good gracr.from meathat hM« ; : sued the course they have ia this aumr. K Shakespeare aayoth : 5 Soma thaca bo ttiat BBadeoa klas ***?*' ' Bachhavabata'SkadM^aBHm. > The first Hne denotoe what they follow- ed to Elk Point, the last Burke was eq|iJgr. ing When ho penned tho commwaifaHea, , and how truly ho will nalize thooe vracds of Burns, a part of wheli he quotea. The bjMt lMdplu ^mfeo sot b^., .. •: --Gongaft a^00, - > - Aa' lea's us nought bat gritf aad p*ia. For proaaiae jof. And as to his delgrado sayiag, aad if indeed it be true that "Fools by fsaiesy thrive," Burke's friends, will fioorish bo. yond all precedent, and his eorporoeity ' will increase nntil he will pass for a turn- many ring aldermen, or a dapltealo shad- ow of Boss Tweed, barring tho bimia, sal his admiring followers^ "Will gaze, ud atill their waadar grow. How his small head cu hold ad ho knows." * ^ CLP. BOW. Notice of Foreclosure of Morfe- T¥7HEBBA8, on tha Stk day it S* * * 1875, John D. Donahue Ifartd and delivered to i. 8. Benedict Mo gage dated on aaid day on tha following < real eatata In Lincoln Conaty, DSkoea via: The North Weetqnarter of SaaHaaIT, 1 .hip 98, of Baage 49, conUhilng iSSaanaaaai to gorenunent anrveyrto aaeara tha uuai $100 on the bt day of^wtiaiy, ISM; fue as S let day of January 1871, and |iss aatkalatdSf-) Jtaaoary 1878. with icUrsat at IS 1 nam Cram data of Mortgage. Ai Mortgage waa dnly recorded on tha I nary, 1S7S, aod reoordad in Book "M," to MS of Lincoln Ooonty raooid. And Whareaa, aaid notaaaad T' •Mtned to maa Brothera, of r the Sd day of Jassary 13T7, aad owncra thereof and aaid aaalga ia«nt of arid Mixt- m waa dnly neorded on tba ITth r'naiiij 1W7, in Boc* -O" of Mortgage rum, JtM Conner D.Tnpaaa SIS. ; 1 Whareaa/the whole awapil of jld wms ~ W Stogt^ga aw dig, aal akjii^aM there haa boan dafanlt in tha ^oadlHoM: ttaaatf by reaaon of aaid default in payment. And tjunm. no aotka 'MlMMaanfli'lMi baealiaatitaMailawto NOOT« SSiBwiWd by aaldmortgaoaaaa^yjarttkiw*. ; Now thareToN, iaMa^ade of the L. andi daaea made aad urotilBt *"* ealt giTM in aaid MartgHa, No«oaia haa thai.t ib imderalgned, iWaa Brothva, MmSmm and ownera ot aaw notea and Mortgageu aifcahO " ? ISth day of March, 1878, at tha Star of S •'aleak A. BL, of aaid day at tha Hoot door ot Hm Oaart tiMnbbelonmi.totmMilKHtnjfflaal Mite for Skj itmo wiB» Ihwjdf.aa w* bo rnrnrnm : toaatiafy the aam dno t aoomed Intareat all ooata aod lor k Waiasr, ' Attr'a. A rPBAI. HOTICE^-UNITED ST J -qkorriOJL Bioa^ralH 1 George M. Bikenbory» To that tbe Honorable ComaalM LandOAeeyina latter adtndsadyonrHo V UjtgHMkM M > Yon are allowed alxty dayafroaat tioe iu whkA to weal froat aaM 1 B.r.Oinab: (*Mr<) J.M. WaZSraa, s. '•-1 tits Scie^iifio Th-J TWENTY-TNtRO VCARa Most Popular Seiaatifti h|ir tke Werid. Only $3.20 a Tear, ti Weekly, 52 Numbers lisr. 4,00$" The Sbfeat Amsrieu Is a latfa e!a<a weekly paper of sixteea ma, jNis0 in the most beaatifu| style, pmtMf Mis trsted with ^lendld eograflagfe, HfMisi- ing tbe newest loveotioae «ed IU iaaal recent aivaneee in the Aria aadflMeasea lb«- cladiag Machaniaa Mid Ingieeerfcie. SSeaaUi iuigiaeeriag, Railway Miaiag, UM, and Hydranlio Buglneeriag, MM ~ Iroa, Steel and Meud #«rjk: 01 Chemieal proeeaaaa; Oec&jSby. Sinnd: Teehnolorr. Photagrapey. New Jlac^io»ry( New Prooe«ss, cipw, Imprev ettenib pertalaiag tn lodastry. Weavtag, nyeiag. tTaiail>_. Industrial Prede«t^ AaiaM| Vogolaaia. r aal Mineral: NeW and latarestfa ' culture, Ho tienltore. the Mediaal Progreie. '^oeh^rjgekaesL History. Gsoiogy. Aktroaow, ale. Tho aMMt vaoabU praatieia yapas eutiaont writersieAil dapartaasalB of once, will iie foaua Tn the 8eiea«$i J can; the whoje preasntadla ysepet free tram taehntoai tM% iiisH engravings;matt warrsigii ante inteaest and InfMa sH Blasasa ef itoMir old and y<MBff. Tj» gslaatlfc l^ltigisrlir proasoUye of knowledge aad nspaaa so» t ery eamaanity where It sirenlslea W ehoald have a ptaoe in ovary f«a ing E om. Library, Oollaft or Terms, $S.» per year, 91-M which includes prepaySMat 01, m count to Clntie aald Ageate. 8 tea: cents. Sold fey all Hewsit , alt by postal order to MUNN AO0Cf»- HowliBrki"','' la mr m IMera.17 Park Row. PATKiW.J MSan * Co.. are aad Foreign Patent*, aid' eMaMMuaaAft ih the «etffc fsiiils obtained oa the heat tense. Ms#* 4 (atentioos aooSketehee sMBtaai. M vice trie. A apeeial aotioe Is .Malfeli Scisxriine' Mow 41 01 ail iarawt^oai VW^- 'SSXSSSTJfBb^St 4t tenOoaia thaedirected to the SMrttiif G^r'pateot, and 1 '-eSieted. . Any peraon who has puts •ry or invantioa, charge, wiethn- a paMss^toa la-' « t Addr*es lee the rapes, Stanch OMee; COr. RiWi 'rh

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Page 1: CANTON, D. T., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16.1878. · f T1 J. ' ft \1W.T V" VHV* taiMb f«Wf«S ' ®SJW/ *U**HfsSft&1rW£ «?:


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iCt)e©anton&tobocatt ^ , rmiM» •••»! wavffMDAt it • '"1

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Ou(to«, Lincoln County, D. I.

mm or SUBSCBIPTIOXI 1 # f * i

t h r e e • e n t h s , . , , . i ,io ••' • • • «'.• mine >{.». N,, , 7

We have adopted tha as* in adraaca ay.tem, Siertaf « mm* better for tbe patron., and know*

It te.fce »«*• dsairable for the pnbiieher.

likUMii. •. a. «jlbtu, CABTEtt BHO'S,

A. r. * A. M. tJ#WB«jtanI*wiBNo. 4, A. t. k A. It. _. It? gjhnalaaisaMnn Wednesday on or before th.



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(«' .nwvt- .»Wa JSM-U, Aet^cn^iaJk. ffuSjdf - «fi 2^p.^yt ft| f

r . V-', V, -' Evil Newt Rides Fast; While Good News Baits!

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CANTON, D. T., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16.1878. '•««W .*i fJ '

&w P-# -lW >"v J' NO. as.

Railroad and Coal. *fcj;.

COUNTY OFFICERS. . 1. W* OAByit! Dltlrlat Attoraqr. '

' f - y t i % . O v r r t r t r , Ottrk of Dlttrlot Conrt; t| TfW J. T*oa«f AP, BcgbUr of D**d* nd Ix-•••io Ora^} Olottu

•M. W« SaTLOB, fNMVW. . t. Q. rimmu, Judg. «( ProbkU. r 4 #, Dixon, Bb.riff. : B. 0. IaooMi 8ap«riot»Bd«nt of lokoob. !

A AMaooii.Oliklrmui, | v "WcJf. P«i>HC»t VOo. OommUslonen. i.% taum, ) •


^VMttSm^^Or'imU aCrilM* rr«ry d»y ez*ept»»t-|li«tt i:ili. M. OojpMta W*rj d»jr**oept lion-

A»Mr •• nVwwl"°"— iadl irritn uiry Tueadir

Mtlitirhri" r. u. D.p»rU or.ry Monday and 1% wradaf a* 6 x. M*

A Biahtand wall anrtvM every Tridajr, al IK* Dapartaaveqr Tkuriday, «t 8i. u.

Owtnii fc T~rftlf"——" depart* every Thnri 4«ga> l A. U. Arriraavrery rrid»y at

> (MB 1 A. M. to * r. M. S A. K. On Saadaya M OyM

(rMil to j r, md one hoar tfUr the mall wr JOUX FALDK, PoAtmiiter.

invtw *• draa froa th. Morih.

BusinesH Cards. o. a. oiFjroai) ual«.iAiin.


Attorneys & Counselors at Law, CANTON. D.T.

r ; a. W. CABTEB,

\\ torney and Counselor at Law, CANTON. D. T.

: ; Jr. W. TAYtdB, / .t' •••'

Attorney and Counselor at Law, • ,< a AND NOTABY PUBLIC.

*'?•• Canto*, Lincoln County, D. T. eyaa W«a> aa« Batott Bridge. |


1v ;,.v; . OQLIJtCTINO AOENT. Biloit, Lyon, County, Iowa.

WW yneMc. In the court, of Iowa and Dakota. l^lk^ ud a*U laad, maka eolleatloiu Ao., K^afafenee. civen.



-DBiLKB W- ' •

Uiinery and Fancy Goods. JmI lart)Tail.« anr ttnrk of the lateat ai^lea of

Ooo4a,aUo a new «upplyofmo«t fuhonable ~ ' k "Ordan for Drata and Olokk making will

I prompt attention. Callaarty,anda«mjgood.,aodUaru myprloea

kafara Ifariag otdera uawbar*. (W-tf;

]; J. C. HEWITT, IfSCarpenter and Builder,';?

1.1a aaw pnpand *-o do all kind of work in hla Wt^ort notlM* Oin ba fbwdaii:Wffwffl

iB&anAonalUlf nUlM aMth of Caatoa^ 1

H s B. Yi BROWN, M. D.,

PHYSICIAN &_ SURGEON. aia. ulm m»tmr r°tK,aHT DAT

erornpB D®Da 8TOKK. Ommion, f D.T

, 11, SOUTHARD, M. D.,

®Shb£{Canton, Lincoln Co., D.T.

Real Estate and Abstract Office, WM. M. CUPPETT,

Will fay taxaa for non«raiideht«. Diwl Hooaa, Canton. D. T.

Office at the 7tf.

- O.W. NAYLOR, , ;

bounty Treasurer, CANTON, D.T.

• Seal Batata acd tax paying bndneai promptly at-(aMto. Offloe at Court Hotue. ltf.

J-:Kv t M. M. CLARK, M. D.,


J. I. Cx^minihg Surgeon for Pen«ion» BBLOIT, IOWA. ''


1 CANTON, D. Paai'maiia on Howard'a Btag» .. «atirtwean 8ion*

Ytl Is sfldPortisodvlUo gointf loute "®n get bwftlcjiwt, ^nd thoM aotna north oa& set *npper at thia House. MaidUaMommodationa fo*alltraT(der«,aiid good •iakleaU " "u>" L

i in oaonaetkm with the Honae. O. W ,HABLA>. Proprietor.

t IfEW HARNESS SHOP1 p* S-n-pt* • (koore'a old »tand.) ' !

JOHN W. HEWITT, . "Mtottfaetnrw'and Dealer In—


OaBataaBr on bax>d a good aaeortment of WWpi l.a>l>»a, Braahea, Carry domba, OolUra, to. Wll aall aa aheap aa the eheapeat. Give him a oall.

Owtan, dU. 9S. • [M"'


" ABdDa^erin ••W§: Clpcksi, J ewe I ry, &c., i

*t Gilbert'*Store, Canton,'D- T. % AllUnda of work in my Una attended to promptly a* l oo ahort notloe. ; : tf Bsrauntcn—VT WOBK.




1600,000,00 $1^52,308.82

- The oldeat and moat reliable company in the Unl-W Btatea. OTW $10,000,000 In loaaea have

, ttfbytfctJWwMT , • vyin ir ,v J'fijJOHN FALDE, Agent,

*"• ,3 Canton. D.T.

Meat Market ;r»r>

>*• '

->«*ee MJka **° ,>00*, *0,T* °* W*"* l®n1, . t •*W» i -•••:: •, t .1M •<»3 t*3 , a."1 • '4 . •

. WW ka^o*kaad allaartaof ,fan»a and vageta-

HtrrroN, HA.M8, rtmi&P.

- BACON, £ "VttJ BAU8A.QE.

r mil inoa wjoron au>m *

~i WRK,

y*iftia«»tt«»0My,yMaaatake tke «ooda dWIteMatka •Kmajynm*«at»ego«le,


Thess two subjects are We'w eli^itii); the attention of the. people of this Valley, Scarcely » faf«ier that returns fr om mark* •etiDg his grala at LeMara, bat what ex­presses liig desire for the extension of the P^ntblfla Read into Lincoln County." Oc, casionally i man who.'lire* by teaming, will be found, *rho does not wanl any Rail­road, and above ail would in ao manner give any aid towards the securing of one. And there are also a few who are

.sufficiently intelligent to'ltiow better who argue thatlh|iO',vinty iaWtor otfwithout than it would lAjwith ocp, and cite some isolated instance wlierf theiri^great down ealt ancestors once prospered, fcefortf tbe InabVatidns'of these 'great regulators of commerce and orosperity. Bat such fogy* ism is too far behind the spirit and re.ison of the day, to occasion other than a con­temptuous i.nditferance. And thftse same croakers with all their denunciation and apparent ignoring. of tlie advantages gained by railroad facilities, are the very ones te seeic the best railroad market for the disposition of their products, and then leave their money in the purchase of arti­cle's that could be furnished them within their own county. By these acts they only belie their own theorv, pay tribute to strangers, aid in building up men and towns, other than their neighbors, and with, in their own county. It is true, a man

Second and Third Days Proccefr tagtf of tbe Board of Co.

1"" CommiHsioners.

, „ , ' ' J ABOAB* 8th. Board - met pursuant to adjournment. Upon motion of Hogobooa it m hereaf­

ter made a rule to read the prerioui .dsya proceedings in the moraiog. ? ,

Yesterdays proceediBg» were read ud approved.

Requisition from the District Clejk re. ceired tor the Ailing up of the Requisite number of Jurors on the J«rjT lint of 900 n a m e s . • f • > >

The Board procee^i to make and com.

Board adjourne^S^mwejit^ m. Board re-convened at 1 p.- aad pro.

•ceeded witiythe Jury list und furnished the following addjtioaal names to-wit:

can go where he choses, trade and spend. .Rolf, Chester P. his money when and with whom he de­sires; but we 'ike to see men consistent, those who are constantly placing obstruc­tions. and using false theories, against the building of a railroad into Lincoln county. Some also say that companies are rich, they will build when they get ready, they only want to bleed us all they can, force us to give aid to Vich corporations, and then as we would have but one road they would monopolize.matters by putting on a high tarifi for freight and passage. Why, bless your dear souls, there is not a rail­road company outside of three or four main line corporation, bat what are heavi­ly in debt and paying heavy interest on

Ainsworth, Richard Arioso, C. J.

Bradshaw, Win, Bennett, Robert Z. Best, Lewis Ebe, P. ^ Bkly, Knuut " Fossum, Eren E. Gralap Chat Gage, Rotwell Gubberud, Petor P Gerber, Frederick Knight, Thomas . Lokken, Peter J. Liesmyer H. Messner, Andrew May, Richard R Pierce, Job M.

Bntndfcueifj Ola Bedford m Bonihe Walter B Brooks Richacd Clark Frank Hargrove, W, H. Hanson, Paul Hammer. Knut O. Johns, George L. F. Jensen. Christian Jones, John W. Kilts, Bafaiy Kindert, Henry Leavitt, Thomas J. Larson.'John ' Moscrip, Edwin Parke, Wm. Pierce, Niiea F. Straud, Nilas F.

.Stilwell, William •Tuller, Frank

Soule, Ira South, Josiah Wilson, Bartel

Board considered the matter of the Co. printing upon the proposal and suggest­ions presented by the Editors of tha Sioux Valley Newt, and the CANTOS ADVOCATE, and, without settling the matter the.Board. took a recess until after supper. Board met after supper and p*oceeded up

to the time of adjournment to examine b&nded County Warrants-

Board adjourned at 10 o'clock p. m., to meet at 9 o'clock in the morning next day

JANUARY 9 th. Board met pursuant to adjournment.

that the Treasurer Mull receive and te ap­ply the same ujpoa the taxes of said Henry C.Johnson. *

Complaint fraying been entered by . E S. Ingalls for wrongtully assessing prop­erty belonging to him, for the year 1876' That said Ingalls daims and makes. affi­davit to the fact that lit was not a resident

Jf5f the Territory «s the^flrat day of A|jrifi 187f, and that said property was not in The Territory at that time. ' ' :

Aad upen motion said IngalTs Is haraby relieved from tha payment of the aaid tax­es for the year 1870, and the Clark is here­by ordered to caacsl tlie same. m-*.

On motion the following RetfolnlfcM-jrftiado^tild. ^ •'

Whereas, that Geo. W. Martin by not complied jyitl^a cert«itt|jeoatract entered into at tflf Ragular session of the Board in October,-1877, for the hauling of only first class coal tor the County at 5 Dollata per ton, and i*. .

Whereas, that the said Geo. W. Martin has brought a poor artiole of coal contrary to said contract.

Therefore be it resolved that the Clerk be instructed not to receive any more coal from the said Geo. W. Martin unless it be good coal.

The matter of County Prirititfg taken up, and the following agreement entered into between the editors of the Sioux Val­ley New* and the Canton ADVOCATB, for the publishing of the proceedings and the County printing for the ensuing year, to-wit:

It is hereby agreed by and between J.

their bonded indebtedness. And as to- ^ raenib«rsi?f lh« Board b«tn« ,


V :i. t y w w . „i.. • /v -'

the Pembina road it is no secret that un der the past and present status it is daily bleeding what little reserve the Dakota Southern has from its earnings, and under the depressed state of tke market for rail roads sfceureties, only the best can be sold, or even liyijothiciitetl for any reasonable suin.' It is a literal fact that the managers of this road can n?t with a ay safety what-ever cmbarrais Utems^lves^Cfu.rthur out­lay, at least for an fndefinate time, they must have help if the road is to be built within the next two years, and as we haye said before it U the rule and not tha excep­tion, that ro:ids now-a-days will have sub sidies. Why do men refrain from encour­aging cr contributing according to their ability. We speak plainly, but is not the principal and main secret of opposition caused by a selfish jealously on the part of individuals who really are envious of the prosperity that would naturaly tollow those whose business'places them within the business towns of a county ? That this foolish bpririt of envy exists to some extent is undeniable. ~ Actions Speak loud­er than words, and words will often in spite of man's cunning,bubble up from the fullness of the heart.. ; Every man is bonefited proportionately by the development and increase of wealth in a community. In Lincoln county there can be ko other than a community of in tarest, between the farmer and townsman.

The village merchant, mechanic or pro­fessional m«n, is dependant upon the farmer, and on the other hand the farmer raises to sell to those who are in other pursuits thaa theirs. It is at present* and for a long time will be purely an agricul­tural county, hence its advancements must necessarily be slower than that where manufacturing establishments exist. And any pl«n that will tend to better aur con­dition, and particularly that will occasion no discrimination, should receive a united approval. -•

Local and useless ©Sorts on the part of individuals i9 build up one village to the detriment of another, should cease; let past political,or local differences be by gones, a sluggish inch by 4nch and, un­healthy growth of these localities under the unfortunate spirit that has prevailed, should be of su fflcient warning. A united effort ofthe citizens of Beloit and Canton, and ofthe surrounding country, tributary, will alone secure us a Railroad, and as that is the main desire and need now. we are pleased to learn that a unity of action is promised, and that leading citizens of these localities are now working together tor tLe attainment of that object.

Tho Coal fever als^ia resuming proper tionate prominence. That coal can be found in paying veins in this portion of-^ the Sioux Valley is beieived by those who are conversant with coal indications. Ah effort fs being made to form a company and have an expert prospect and bere for coal. Some have suggested the plan adopted by Cherokee County, la., that of the purchase of the necessary machinery by the county, to be used by any proper persons for experimenting, and if soccess-ful award the discoverer by a reward of |1.000. The Journa\ reports the discovery of a 14 inch vein 3 miles of Cherokee, and that a New York gentleman immediately purchased 200 acres ot lahd surrounding the discovery. Should we discover pay­ing vein, Lincoln Countv would be in a condition to receive Railroads withou 'haying

Genets" «- , " " " ' 10 to 80 doHars. : ' - . '

Stallions for service, 100 to 200. > ^ Sheep over 8 months o]d 2 dallars. Swine over 3 months old 1 to 5. Carriages and Vehicles at their cash val­

ue- ; i'-i5 0.: Farming Implements, ifachinery, and

all other property not mentioned above are to be assessed at their caah value wheth­er paid for or not


f t W - }

Breaking on government land assessed at 50 cents per acre, and other improve­ments on Government land, at correspond, ing rate. K - v " ^ _

All deede<ffand Ih RangM'17, 48 and 49 to be assessed at flrom $3.50 to . #3.50 par acre.

All deeded land fn Range .50, and 51 to be assessed at $2. to |2.t>0 per acre.

Timber laad to be assessed from 5 to 20 Dollars per acre.

Lots n the Village of Canton and its additions thereto to be assessed at from 5 to 20 Dollars each lot and tha improve­ment thereon to he added.

It is also required that eac^ assessor shall ascertain tho first name of each prop­erty holder in full, ancNnter the eama.oia their list.

Complaint being entered by Hen-ry C. Johnson, a resident of Lincoln Town, ship accompanied by the affidavit of Wil­liam Kurtz and Lewis flint, setting forth the facts that said Henty C. Johnson did on or about the last day of January, 1876, deliver a certain Township Warrant to Henry B. Donaldson then Couaty Treas­urer to the amoant of 18 and <2-100 Dol­lars for the purpose of applying tho same on his taxes, but having been neglected

.by the said H. B. Donaldson, nOjCredit has *been allowed upon any of the tues of tho said Henry G. Johnson. Therefore it is upon motion, • hereby ordered that tho Clerk issae to him an order for thoamodat specified in tho above named Warrant and



Warnpr Jnapnh A * o5*«vu • n\ " 'W. Carter of Canton D. T„ o^thefirst part,

and the County Commissioners of Lincoln county D. Tn of the second part.

First.—That the said J. W. Carter here­by agrees to d > the county printing as may be required by the said Commission­ers, for and during the year of 1878, at such times and in such manner as by the Board of county Commissioners required, for, and at the rate ef one half of the rate allowed by law.

Second.—That the said county commis­sioners, to wit: A. L. Arneson, W- W. Pal­mer and M. T. Hogoboom, do hereby gree, for and ^consideration of said ser­

vices rendered J. W Carter as above, designated, to pay an amount equal to one half ofthe legal rates, and in case that N. C. Nash shall fail to publish or print any matter as required by said-County Com. missioncrs at any time durlpg thf year of 1878. and that the said J. W. Carter should publish pr print the same as requir­ed. Then andituhnt case said porter is to receive full legal ntes fur such print-ing. Dated Canton D. T., J. W. CARTBB.

Jan. 9th, 1873. A. L. Arneson, Chairman J W. W, PalmoifV >Comm's. M. T. Hogoboom, )

It is hereby agreed by mid between N, C, Nash of Canton, D. T.. of the first part, and the County Commissioners of Liucoln county, D. T., of the second part.

First.—That the said N. C Nash hereby agrees to do the county printing as may be required by the said commisioners, - for and during tho year 1873, at such times and in such manner as by the said Board required, and at the rate of one half of the rate allowed by law

Second.—That the aaid County Commis-4_sion«r8, towit ^A. L. Arneson, W. W. Pal­

mer and M./T, Hogoboom, do hereby agree far aad in consideration of services rendered by N. C. Nash as above designat­ed, to pay an amount equal to one half of the legal rates, and in case that J. W. Car­ter should fail to publish or print any matter as required by said county com­missioners, at any time during the year 1878, and that (he aaid N, C. Nash should publish or print tho same |s required. Then and in that case, said JT. C. Nash is to receive foil legal rates for such printing.

N. C. NASH. Pub of Sioux Valley 2feiot. Dated Canton D. T, Jan. 9th, 1878.

A L. Arneson, Chairman) W. W. Palmer, > Comm's M. T. Hogoboom. ^ J ; ^

Upon motion, in the Blatter relative to the assessment ot Henry Shaw, it was or­dered that M. H. White shall appear be­fore the Board of county' commissioners on the 4th day of Febuary next, to show cause why Shaw's assessment should aot be changed on to states, and if the said M. H. White does not appeal, tho assess­ment will be changed. < '

«|- Upon motion, It was agreed to, that any Church society may rent tho Court room for church aervic es at the rate of 75 conts for each and every service, with fliel fur­nished daring the time of service, said rent to be , paid by seating the room.

Excise Jttond of Fred Barrows with Thomas^argent and A. M. Ross sureties, was upon motion of Palmer, accepted and Bond approved. License granted up to the 25 -day of April, 1878.

Upon motion the followiag Res olutions was adopted;

Whereas, that in view of the conditions of the roads, being such that .farmers can­not market their grain. Tunfore bo it Resolved that we do hereby extand the time for the attaching of thio Penally ud interest to delinquent taxes until January 31st inst.'

Upon motioir the proceedings of this day was read and a< . ...

Mctina of W. W. Palmer,Board ad-journedatll p. m. to meet on the 1st Monday of February, at 10 o'clock a. m.

A. L. Aiunaoir, AtUtt. ^Chairman.

TBOHB'J.THOBSTAD, . . . Clerk of tho Boardr g


Minutes of yasterdays proceedings were read and approved.

Board then proceeded with the.exami­nation of bonded County Warrants and to unncel the same which work was complet­ed.

On niotion the Board proceeded to make out the Assessors instructions, the list not being yet complete, tho Board adjourned at 12 m^ to meet at 1 p. m

Board met at 1 p. m.; Wiih a fall Hoard in attendance.

The work of making out the Assessors instructions was again taken up, and the I following was agreed to for the assessment

v^f property for the year follows to. wit: , ^

Oxen to be valued at from 40 to 60 Dol­lars per pair.

Cows to be valued at fiom 12 to 18 Dol-lars. • is >•

Cattle over 1 and under two years old on the first day of Feb: 1878, at from 5 to 8 Dollars.

Cattle over 2 and under 3 years old 10 to 15 Dollars.

Steers over 3 aad under 4 years old 15 to 20 Dollars.

Horses 40 to 60 Dollars. Colts oyer 2 and under 3 years old, 30 to 40 dollars. "Colts overl and under $ years old, 20 to 30 dollars? ..

Mules same as horses. Ponies to be valued at from 10 to 20 dol­

lars. Jacks " " " - 50 to 100

dollars. a

Local Items,

—JLMr kind df Job Printing desired crfn bo obtained at this office, and if not [satis­factory to the Patron,, no charge w^U bo

—HOTKI, arrivals ..are thin sinco the roads became bad.

—SATUBDAT was a lively day in towp, ovary'store being crowded wijh custom­ers. f i

—TPKSDAT, was Indian summer, and fcome persott-iouth of town was burning pfHiHe for spring purposes.


' 5 '' —Ur to the middle of Jsntury, the

weather record is a counterpart of early spring; milcf, no saOw, warm days.

—RAILBOAD IS now tlie daily topic with country aad town people. It is the time to strike for the aid and extension of the Pembina Branch.

— TBE trees on the Sioux banks, appear ed as If festooned with silver, Monday morning under the sparkling drapery of Jack Frost.

REV. MR NEWKLL has commenced a series of meetings at the School House, following week -of prayer, which are well attended.

—MHS. FITZOKBALD veiy kindly gave posession of her house Tuesday efening, to the joung members of the Blue Ribbon Club, which we are informed is receiving accessions at each meeting.

—HOMES fnppiK has resigned as Prin­cipal of the District School and is to open a Select School in Canton. Such a School has been long needed, and we hope this will be well patronized.

DB. PLUMBS, ono of our former towns­men, has grabbed tbeFaberand is enlight­ening the people ofSioux Counly, through the columns of the Independent, a neat paper published at East Orange, Iowa

•ARTHUR RUDOLPH has moved into Thompson's new building on Main St one door south of Haraldson ABehlmcr's, which is one of the most, pleasant and de­sirable locations in Canton.

—DB L. N. BEDPOBD, the Dentist from Worthington, Minn , will visit Canton, where he can be seen professionly, on the 24th, 25 and 26 inst, at the Harlan House, and at Beloit on the *83^, 29 and 30th of January. -

—To* HOOD has left the. banks of the Big Muddy, and returned to' his haunts in the Sioux Valley. His faith in Canton is unlroken, and he will settle down' to business when he returns fromjhis eas­tern trip.

—OTTO RCDDTPN is getting earnest about coal matters. His principal faith in this county aside from its farming es­sentials is based upon the belief that some day discoyeries will be made of a paying and profitable character. We would sug­gest to Otto that he compare notes with Capt. Whcclock of Eden, who, unless he has forgotten how, can spin endless and interesting theories relative to coal depos­its, and a unity of action may cauro some-food to come out of Nazareth.

—Thk ladies of the Episcopal Church held their regular sociable at the residence of Mrs. O. S. Gifford, last Saturday eve., •Jan. 12th; quite a number of people were in attendance, tbe evening passed off pleas* antly. after indulging in refreshments and amusements, the company dispersed; to meet for the same purpose at the Harlan Honso, in two weeks, Saturday eve, Jan. 26th. •*.»* i ' • .



—NOTICE is hereby given, not to pur­chase a note, executed by me, Dec. 11,1877> to John Steensland for the sum of $123.50 as sHch nolo was obtained by fraud. ''' •

Cuton.Dec. 24, 1877. ^ « i f J . L . D AHT..

M. i ^ -.f-fH. IT • . . ' • • ' •

..-i , LOST/ •• s

> On Saturday avening, Dec. 89th, between the Canton Court House ud tho Beloit Bridge, a LeatherPocketBookcontaining money, drafts, and other valuable papafs. Any word leading to a recovery eif the same may. be loft at;Rowley's store, Beloit, low*.

A Uboral reward oflbred. -H • ' • , 1 ) s m

Illinois Central Railroad. :J

.• f* f ^ 8«wj* Crrv. Nov. 82d 1878. EDITOR ADTOCATR: From Nov. 22d, to

March 1st. 1878,1 will sell excursion tick, ets, Sioux City to New Orleans and return for $60.00, .good to return to Sioux City until April 15th, 1878. '




ABTOOATS «nd Ameriean IgMInU aaid a vatnable Weroaeope, ' ' $8.11

ADTOOASB ladScUattfte tiwhi |i.1i *• N Weddy Inter Oaaan fSJO « / " Bemi-waakly Inter Oeean « *• DnoeatialtoatUy $SJS <• * ThaNwarty

ii .» • < Land For Sale t

ON LONG TIMS, BY > , FRED. P. DEAN, Tipton, low»

lisM, Baetioa Jl, SS-4S, Lyon mMt, low*. S» * aH « t«V « » Ha "aaflt* ItS' « aiK N : », " * , m " " *

m "aifc-at nwJi •* " « m <f sH aaeHai •, .IM^i|a«i4vif*-.- Ik-* ^ « ••

' Vm-"-' rv';'-

T . Dayton, D. T.) " Z-.-'J January, 10/1878. f

In the Sioux Valley Newt of the 5th inst, is a commiinication from 1). B: Burke, wherein he characterizes the connty Board as law defying, and accuses' them of ignorance in construing the Statutes. As I was a member of the Board at the time referred to, I desire *? show to |your readers that the statement asade by Burke is false, ud only prompted by malice. He attempts to create the impression that the Commissioners willfuly planned the for­mation of School District 56, and further that they forced the Comly Superintend-ent to form that district. The facts are as follows: District 56 was formedsby the Superintendent, April 12; 1877. On the 28th Of April, he withdrew from the offi& of Register of Deeds the notice of forma* tion, after having filed it according to law, and at or about the same time he inform, ed Mr. Gould that he had decided not to issue the notices for the first meeting. An appeal was then taken by Mr. Gould to the Board of County Commissioners as provided for in Section 16 of the School law. This appeal brought for the consider­ation of the Board the question, Whether it was the,dnty of tbe Superintendent to issue the notices as by law required? ;

See. 16, 8. L., says *** The County Su­perintendent thatt, (making it obltgatory) withiit 15 days after he ha* formed a Dis­trict issue the notices for tbe first jneeting appointing the place 4c, so you will see that a School district after it is founded has.certain lights, guaranteed it by law) the same as any other person, whether either came into existance Legally or oth­erwise.

The matter was decided on May 9th, 1877, to-wit: that it was hiodoty to issue the notices and he was so instructed.

Now did this decision form School district 56, or torce the county Superiten-dent to do any act but what the law enjoin-ad upon him. and again did it prejudice, or in any way abridge the rights of Dist 28 and 33, not in the least, for Sec-16 says, any person agrieved by the acts of the county Supt., in forming any School Dist thall haye the right to appeal is tl: of County Commissioners, if said appeal be taken within 60 days from date of change or formation, this gaye districts 28 and 33, until June 12th in which to appeal-Had they done this, the question of forma­tion would have been before the County Board, and had they sustained the Supt. in in doing an illegal act, then this charge of legalizing might have some ioundation.-r-But they wanted their right to appeal, and petitioned lite oounty Supt to destroy Dist. 56, which he succeeded to do, on the 9th day of J une, 1877. O. S. Gilford, attorney for Dist. 56, appealed from the decision of Supt Jacobs, to tho Board of County Com­missioners, the Board designated Monday, Sept. 3d, 1877.for a hearing, and the ease

ably argued by O. 8, Gilford for the appelants, and Messrs Jaicobs, Burke, and Faloon in thtf interests of Dist. 28 and 33, and after a careful inyeatigation of the facta in and the Law governing the case. The Board decided that they cannot de­stroy Dist 56 without the Consent of a ma­jority of the residents of said district, ud in this you will see, that their grievances whether real or imaginary, they had taken a course exactly the opposite ofthe proviso ions of Law to obtain redress.

Next came the appeal from the decision of the Board to tlie district Court, (which this willful deceiver entirely ignores.)— Case was called Oct 18, R. F. Pettigrew appearing for district 28 and 33, Ud O. S. Gifford for 56. Mr. Pettigrew produced the petition on which the. district was founded, read the papers and decision ap­pealed from 4c. Judge Shannon said that it was too We to go back to the formation and gave, as his opinion that School Dist 56 was£a corporation De-tacto, ud could not be dissolved without the .consent of the residents of said district, ud ordered that the decision ofthe Board of Co. Com­missioner* bo affirmed.

If they were dissatislfod with this decis­ion, they had.* legal ud adequateromody in an appeal to the &tiprfeme Court of the Twritoiy. Did they accept of this wise provision ofthe la*#t * No Sir! but iu do-ftance of Law the^ say, they have appeal­ed to tho Temtofitf ' 8ut*erintondoiit, al­though no one in*district 56 knew .any­thing about it untilaAer the decisionwas had in the matter, and then only by hear­say. I have been reliably informed that on the 15th of Dec. a few persoit» got to­gether, ud(aa John Brown'a iadictaaont read) at the instigation of tho d—1 nod not having few of Gttd before bis eyea wil-frilly planed this1 ^rnrad, coup do ta, ud selected a comtfittee to represent them be­fore Supt Caton on the 17th.

These persons started for Elk Poinland on tbe l^h they had u esparto hearing, ud then and there the Territorial Supt gave die couprde-graoo to district 561, u d now its capet mortaum lies scattered in the Valley of nine mile cradc, yen it ia final, for Butfco saya Hie Law^makes it so.

The Territorial Supt shall hear and de­cide all appeals duly (t. e. legally) made to him. See. 6,.aow ^e LegisUthre thought proper to ame nd See 16, the sections that allowed an appeal to the Territorial Supt by striking out after the wotd to, (tho wotd Territorial Snpi) and inserting ifi

e thereof tbe. Board of County;, Gam-misaioneis hence, you readers will aes that there ou be no appeal, saado to him. ^ Aa these tMcts are ai'mane^^or tttMMNtj and cannot be controverted JT'ptopose to

rr ^ l^aye the followiag p^nts the caadid


mm ibYWHtftro Kijaa

^ 4 / #tj

Bwtaaaa Carda of ata II^**^t^pif.|fS|.:s.

' T* Corrfist

Corr—pond»ea nHiSil ftia ail yarti S#" eoanty,on^ny meHerepfh^Wl^aygo. S$ oommanioationa i er anama,aot j gaaraatae of good fWtfc.

• i • m • m : fr"' JOB PRINTING.

Ordert far all kfodaof MMal eadad to. «Mk fllad. an

judgment ofthe readersofyear valfchlo P«P«r:

1st Whether the Couatr Board at Mti | Burke and his frieads have bees Law' 4s^p fying. 2d. Who has showa igaoraaoo i» applying the provisions of lawt tl Vk»^ has misconstrued the Statutes? 4tlu tod. who should, have the mutineas Is ofcaf the taandolsf of law and oadls Of Jastfos^ ud lastly does such charges eease ifMi very good gracr.from meathat hM« |» ;


sued the course they have ia this aumr. K Shakespeare aayoth : 5 Soma thaca bo ttiat BBadeoa klas ***?*' ' Bachhavabata'SkadM^aBHm. >

The first Hne denotoe what they follow­ed to Elk Point, the last Burke was eq|iJgr. ing When ho penned tho commwaifaHea, , and how truly ho will nalize thooe vracds of Burns, a part of wheli he quotea.

The bjMt lMdplu ^mfeo sot b^., .. •: --Gongaft a^00, - > -

Aa' lea's us nought bat gritf aad p*ia. For proaaiae jof.

And as to his delgrado sayiag, aad if indeed it be true that "Fools by fsaiesy thrive," Burke's friends, will fioorish bo. yond all precedent, and his eorporoeity ' will increase nntil he will pass for a turn-many ring aldermen, or a dapltealo shad­ow of Boss Tweed, barring tho bimia, sal his admiring followers^

"Will gaze, ud atill their waadar grow. How his small head cu hold ad ho

knows." * ^ CLP. BOW.

Notice of Foreclosure of Morfe-

T¥7HEBBA8, on tha Stk day it S* * * 1875, John D. Donahue Ifartd

and delivered to i. 8. Benedict Mo gage dated on aaid day on tha following < real eatata In Lincoln Conaty, DSkoea via: The North Weetqnarter of SaaHaaIT, 1 .hip 98, of Baage 49, conUhilng iSSaanaaaai to gorenunent anrveyrto aaeara tha uuai $100 on the bt day of^wtiaiy, ISM; fue as S let day of January 1871, and |iss aatkalatdSf-) Jtaaoary 1878. with icUrsat at IS 1 nam Cram data of Mortgage. Ai Mortgage waa dnly recorded on tha I nary, 1S7S, aod reoordad in Book "M," to MS of Lincoln Ooonty raooid.

And Whareaa, aaid notaaaad T' •Mtned to maa Brothera, of r the Sd day of Jassary 13T7, aad owncra thereof and aaid aaalga ia«nt of arid Mixt-m waa dnly neorded on tba ITth r'naiiij 1W7, in Boc* -O" of Mortgage rum, JtM Conner D.Tnpaaa SIS. ;

1 Whareaa/the whole awapil of jld wms ~ W Stogt^ga aw dig, aal akjii^aM

there haa boan • dafanlt in tha ^oadlHoM: ttaaatf by reaaon of aaid default in payment.

And tjunm. no aotka 'MlMMaanfli'lMi baealiaatitaMailawto NOOT« SSiBwiWd by aaldmortgaoaaaa^yjarttkiw*. ;

Now thareToN, iaMa^ade of the L. andi daaea made aad urotilBt *"* ealt giTM in aaid MartgHa, No«oaia haa thai.t ib imderalgned, iWaa Brothva, MmSmm and ownera ot aaw notea and Mortgageu aifcahO " ? ISth day of March, 1878, at tha Star of S •'aleak A. BL, of aaid day at tha Hoot door ot Hm Oaart

tiMnbbelonmi.totmMilKHtnjfflaal Mite for Skj itmo wiB» Ihwjdf.aa w* bo rnrnrnm : toaatiafy the aam dno t

aoomed Intareat all ooata aod

lor k Waiasr, ' Attr'a.

A rPBAI. HOTICE^-UNITED ST J -qkorriOJL Bioa^ralH 1 George M. Bikenbory» To that tbe Honorable ComaalM LandOAeeyina latter adtndsadyonrHo V UjtgHMkM M > Yon are allowed alxty dayafroaat tioe iu whkA to weal froat aaM 1

B.r.Oinab: (*Mr<) J.M. WaZSraa,






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Tho aMMt vaoabU praatieia yapas eutiaont writersieAil dapartaasalB of once, will iie foaua Tn the 8eiea«$i J

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IMera.17 Park Row.

PATKiW.J MSan * Co.. are aad Foreign Patent*, aid' eMaMMuaaAft ih the «etffc fsiiils obtained oa the heat tense. Ms#* 4 (atentioos aooSketehee sMBtaai. M vice trie. A apeeial aotioe Is .Malfeli Scisxriine' Mow 41 01 ail iarawt^oai VW^-

'SSXSSSTJfBb̂ St4t tenOoaia thaedirected to the SMrttiif G^r'pateot, and1

'-eSieted. . Any peraon who has puts

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