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Page 1: Capstone Overview -€¦  · Web viewThis event is the Capstone Symposium and will occur alongside the 6th and 7th Grade GT Expo and ... Project Proposal ... Format


Page 2: Capstone Overview -€¦  · Web viewThis event is the Capstone Symposium and will occur alongside the 6th and 7th Grade GT Expo and ... Project Proposal ... Format


Table of ContentsCapstone Overview.....................................................................................................3

Timeline and Due Dates (2017)...............................................................................5Academic Integrity..................................................................................................6Topic Exploration— (Template).............................................................................7Capstone Binder.......................................................................................................8Weekly Progress Sheet............................................................................................9

Research Paper Overview.........................................................................................10Final Draft..............................................................................................................11Bibliography..........................................................................................................11Research Paper Grading Rubric.............................................................................12

Product/Action Overview..........................................................................................14Sample Product Ideas............................................................................................14Project Evaluation Form........................................................................................16

Presentation Overview..............................................................................................17Presentation Evaluation Form................................................................................17

Capstone Reflection..................................................................................................18

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Capstone Overview

The Frank Black Middle School Capstone is a yearlong cross-curricular course of study. In Capstone, you choose your own topic of study and explore that topic through a designated Capstone Course such as Creative Writing, History Fair, Science Fair, Principles of Applied Engineering or an advanced fine arts elective. The Capstone includes five components; Topic Exploration, Essential Question, Research Paper, Product/Action and Presentation. You will learn to plan and manage your time, make your own decisions about your learning and use interpersonal communication skills that will benefit you for the remainder of your educational career.

This handbook will act as a guide through the five elements of the FBMS Capstone.

Topic ExplorationEssential QuestionsResearch PaperProduct/ActionPresentation

You will begin the process of topic exploration the first week of October. Teachers in your Capstone classes will provide you with the time, guidance and resources to choose your topic and develop the essential questions that will shape your research. Ms. Moak will meet with students one on one on Capstone Check-In Days. These are designated Wednesdays when you will have time to discuss your topic and work through your research and action items with Ms. Moak, your peers and teachers.

By Mid-October you have chosen your topic and will begin to fully develop your essential questions. Think of essential questions as your research GPS. These are questions that direct and focus your research so that you are not just repeating information you are using your new knowledge to defend your ideas and initiate change.

Developing your research paper begins in earnest in November and will culminate in a six page paper due mid-January. This time frame should allow the time you to find and use diverse resources. Your research resources can come from your experiences; print media, such as books, brochures, journals, magazines, newspapers, and books; as well as the Internet. They may also come from interviews and surveys you or someone else designs. You may develop your own field research where you collect data through observation or experimentation.

Upon completion of your research paper you will take your new found knowledge and begin the creative process of developing your product. This window opens in February and closes in the first week of April. This is your opportunity to think outside the box; beyond the three sided board you’re accustomed to. You can compose a song, produce a film, author a book or poem, design an instrument, engineer a machine, organize a civic club or campaign and so much more. You are only limited by your imagination and the strength of your research.

Students will present their products in the first week of April. This event is the Capstone Symposium and will occur alongside the 6th and 7th Grade GT Expo and incoming 6th grade Signing Day.

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The Capstone promotes the values we hope to impart to FBMS students; the expectation that FBMS students will strive to push themselves academically, intellectually, and socially in preparation for leadership in an ever-changing global society.

Participation in Capstone will demonstrate:

your academic growth and learning stretch your ability to plan and engage in independent study your research skills, including the formulation of essential questions, evaluation of sources

and accurate documentation your written and verbal communication skills your ability to create a project that displays knowledge and skills acquired during the


GradingThe Capstone will be graded as follows:

Topic Exploration 5% of Capstone Grade Essential Questions 20% of Capstone Grade Research Paper 30% of Capstone GradeProduct/Action 25% of Capstone GradePresentation 20% of Capstone Grade

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Timeline and Due Dates (2017)

Any changes made to an individual due date must be approved by the student’s supervising teacher.

Topic ExplorationOctober 2-October 13—exploration of possible topicsEssential QuestionsOctober 16-October 31Research PaperNovember 1-January 18

Paper Due: January 19Product/ActionJanuary 29-April 4

PresentationApril 5

Capstone Deliverables (these may be adjusted by your Capstone Teacher)

October 4—Topic Check-InOctober 11-2nd Topic Check-InOctober 13-Final Topic Due for Approval

October 18—Essential Question Check-InOctober 25-2nd Essential Question Check-InOctober 31st—Essential Questions Due for Approval

The following research resource check-ins include the development and approval of interview questions*November 8—Research Sources 1/2 November 15-Research Sources 3/4 November 29-Research Sources 5/6 December 6-Research Sources 7/8December 13-Research Sources 9/10, Outline and Bibliography

December 20-1st Rough Draft January 10—2nd Rough Draft January 19—Final Draft of Capstone Research Paper Due

February 7-Product ProposalFebruary 21-Development Check-InMarch 7- Development Check-InMarch 21-Development Check-InApril 4-Final Check-InApril 5-Capstone Symposium

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Academic Integrity

Cheating is not tolerated at FBMS and violates the Student Code of Conduct. Throughout your research teachers will be there to provide guidance, however all work submitted must be a direct result of your own efforts and scholarship. In addition your teachers will provide you with the techniques and resources to properly take notes, paraphrase and cite sources. Learning these valuable skills will help you avoid plagiarism.

As you gather resources and develop your bibliography you will learn to give credit through MLA citation format.

Students are expected to make their best efforts to do the following:1) Use quotation marks and give credit to the author when using more than three words

from a source.2) Cite each piece of information used from a source, and do so using proper MLA format

learned in class.3) Paraphrase in a way that preserves the meaning of the source material, and cite the

source of the information, even though students have used their own words.4) Use multiple sources to create something original and that can be claimed as truly the

student’s work. Using another person’s structure, all or part of that work, is a kind of plagiarism.

5) Make a complete Works Cited page so that readers can verify the sources of information. Use proper MLA format as taught in class.

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Topic Exploration— (Template)

Student Name

Topic Proposal

Project Proposal

Overall Goal

Reviewed by

Your Capstone Project Proposal is:


Conditionally Accepted

Not There Yet


Possible Interview Subjects:

Supervising Teacher Assignment

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Capstone Binder

You need a dedicated binder for the Capstone that is at least 1” thick. Please choose one with a clear cover that takes an insert. Make a creative cover for the binder that serves as a title page. You will need a dozen divider tabs, eight of which need to be labeled as indicated in bold below. The other four tabs will be used to separate your source materials for the research paper.

Handbook◻ Capstone handbook at the front for easy reference

Handouts◻ All handouts received from your capstone supervisor◻ Any other documents received or used

Topic Exploration◻ Brainstorming Worksheet◻ Approval Template◻ Notes from meetings with teachers/Ms. Moak

Essential Questions◻ Developing an Essential Question Worksheet◻ Final 3 Essential Questions◻ Notes from meetings with teachers/Ms. Moak

Research Paper◻ Source Notes & Copies of Sources (separate these by tabs)◻ Rough Draft of Research Paper◻ Final Draft of Research Paper◻ Bibliography Page◻ Research Paper Grading Rubric

Project◻ Project Proposal & Feedback◻ Project Evaluation Form◻ Documentation of the development process: Notes, Receipts, Sketches, Letters, Photos

Presentation◻ Presentation Outline◻ Presentation Evaluation Form

Reflection◻ Capstone Reflection

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Weekly Progress Sheet

Student Name Today’s Date

Today’s goal (s):

Date Activities Comments TimeSpent


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Research Paper OverviewYou will study your chosen topic, gathering information from 6-10 sources, including an interview, and write a 6 page cited research paper. After collecting all source material, you will write an outline, type a rough draft, and then apply suggested corrections to a final draft.

SourcesYou must use at least six sources. You are encouraged to use more than six sources.

You may use only one encyclopedia in any format. Encyclopedia Britannica is recommended. Any other sources that are submitted from encyclopedia sources will not receive credit for work done and may not be used in the final paper.

Refer to the HISD Hub for additional approved online resources*Copies of all sources used must be provided with the final draft of the research paper.

DocumentationFormat for citations and the paper will follow Modern Language Association (MLA) standards. Documentation rules will be reviewed in class, but additional sources are available at:

Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL)

You must provide a complete Works Cited Page following MLA format. These skills will all be reviewed as part of Capstone.

Format Paper must be typed, double-spaced MLA format for margins and heading Printed with blank ink on standard white paper Font must be 12-point Times New Roman. Format your paper in Microsoft Word or Mac Pages before printing; do not print directly

from Google Docs.

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Final Draft

The final paper must be typed, and follow project guidelines for writing and citation. The paper must attribute sources of information using parenthetical citations that correspond to a Works Cited page. Copies of all cited sources must also be provided with the final paper.

1) Guidelinesa. Minimum length: 5 full pages, top to bottom. This length excludes headers, footers, pictures, maps, or any other insertions you use in an

attempt to lengthen your paper b. Maximum length: 7 full pages, top to bottom.c. Text size: 12d. Font: Arial, Times, or Times New Roman onlye. Double space, but do not add an extra line between paragraphsf. Margins at preset: no more than 1” all around

2) You must use all of the sources from your Works Cited page (minimum 6). They must be cited in attached bibliography.

3) Students are expected to make all changes recommended by the supervising teacher, or to clarify in such a way that the changes are not necessary.a. You must correct any remaining spelling errors or typosb. You must correct any factual errors or resolve conflicting evidencec. You may be asked to delve deeper into a certain topic, which requires that you go back to your source and get more information. Provide

this extra information in your final draft or see your supervising teacher about why you didn’t or couldn’t provide the information.

Bibliography The bibliography is a separate page attached to the end of your research paper that is a list of all sources you consulted, not just the ones you

ended up using in your paper.

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Research Paper Grading Rubric

Criteria 0 1 2 3 Score

I. R



Accuracy & authority

No reliable sources used/cited.

1-2 sources are accurate & authoritative

Three sources are accurate & authoritative

All sources are accurate & authoritative.

x 5 =

(15)Currency & coverage

No current sources with broad & substantive subjectcoverage were used/cited.

Only one current source with broad & substantive subject coverage.

Two sources are current with broad & substantive subject coverage.

All sources are current with broad & substantive subject coverage.

x 3 =


Variety of media Heavy reliance on one type of source. Student used fewer than the minimumnumber of 6 sources.

1-2 types of media were used. Student has the minimum 6 required sources.

3 types of sources were used. Student has the 6 minimum required sources.

At least 3 types of sources were used. Student exceeds the 6 minimum requiredsources.

x 2=







Interpretation of Resources

Sources are largely misrepresented.Their meanings are distorted, making the paper inaccurate.

Misrepresents sources on 3-4 occasions, affecting the overall content of the paper.

Inaccurately represents sources on 1-2 occasions. These do not significantly affect the paper’s content.

Accurately reflects content of sources, balances viewpoints that may exist among the sources.

x 10 =






Paper focus & content

Paper is unfocused, topic is unclear.Body of paper rambles; lacks intro or conclusion.

Paper focus is defined in opening paragraph; paper then goes off topic, no conclusion

Paper focus is defined in opening or closing; body of paper is not entirely focused.

Clearly defined focus, supported with details in body, reasserted in conclusion.

x 10 = (30)

Clarity & Quality of writing

Sentences vary in length & structure to create effective rhythm/flow. Word choice is broad,colorful, precise.

x 5= (15)

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0 1 2 3IV

. Attr



Format No bibliography/or MLA format not used.

MLA format has not been used accurately in most of the works cited.

MLA format has been used accurately in some of the works cited.

MLA format has been used accurately in most works cited.

x 3 =


Original writing Whole sentences or sections are plagiarized and the structure of the paper is borrowed from the source. **Grading stops, this paper isassigned a zero.

Paper contains 3-4 minor examples of unquoted, un-cited language, or the structure of paper is largely borrowed directly from asource.

Paper contains 1-2 minor examples of unquoted, un-cited language. Some ordering of ideas may be borrowed from a source.

Appears to be all the student’s own language; the structure is the student’s making.

x 7 =


V. O




Folder organization Folder lacks materials and organization necessary for teacherto correctly judge student project.

Missing one or more sources. 4-5 materials not assembled as assigned.

Sources may not be properly labeled. 2-3 materials not assembled as assigned.

Sources are labeled and neatly compiled, and materials are assembled as assigned.

x 3 =


Proofreading So many mistakes as to make reading difficult

6-10 spelling, grammar, or typographical errors.

1-5 spelling, grammar, or typographical errors.

No spelling, grammar, or typographical errors.

x 2 =



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Product/Action OverviewAs part of the FBMS Capstone, you will create an original product or action that demonstrates your learning and experience over the course of the capstone, and goes beyond the scope of the research paper. This is not a summary of what you learned, but instead is something you create as the result of your new understanding—a product, a solution, a performance, a creation. The product should reflect time and effort on your part.

Sample Product Ideas

Writing a book Writing a script Writing a song Writing a poetry bookDeveloping a marketing campaign to

address a Teen IssueTraining a pet Composing a songBuilding something - like a guitar,

furniture, etc.Developing a plan for a solar powered

carLearning how to play an instrument Learning to play a sportUsing physics to perfect a sport (a pool

shot, a hockey shot, a free-throw, etc.)Developing a new strategy for chess or

another strategy gameStarting a business Developing a recipe Designing and making jewelryProducing and directing a movie Producing and directing a music video Producing and directing a fitness

videoDemonstrating how to do something Doing a research/lab report for an

original scientific idea Drawing a mural Throwing potteryGoing on an archeological dig Researching your genealogy Debating

Building a proposal/plan Forming a club Inventing something Developing a speechConducting an experiment Performing (dance, music, comedy) Providing a photo essay Engineering/design project Developing your own video game Creating an e-commerce website Creating a blogCreating software programs Developing a business plan Designing clothesRemodeling using eco-friendly material Launching a Recycling Program Learning a foreign languageCreating a YouTube series that teaches viewers about a topic (basketball, history, environmental stewardship) Learning and showcasing a new creative skill (quilting, painting, sculpting)Write a bill to be submitted through a governmental system

Write and perform a puppet show to entertain children at schools and hospitals

Research, study and practice a martial art

Volunteering for an organization and helping develop new programs

Do something meaningful/interesting to you

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Be open to/allow for research

Do something that is creatively and academically challenging

Do something you don’t already know how to do well—it may be easier to do a project about something you have a lot of experience in, but doing so violates the spirit of this project

Do something that is suited for developing a creative project and effective presentation

Page 16: Capstone Overview -€¦  · Web viewThis event is the Capstone Symposium and will occur alongside the 6th and 7th Grade GT Expo and ... Project Proposal ... Format

Project Evaluation FormStudent Name Product

Research Topic Supervising Teacher

Time Learning Stretch Effort & Quality Originality Ethical Conduct10Superior

Exceeded 20 hours of work; demonstrated consistent, efficient and thoughtful use of time, excellent planning & organization

Took risk/challenge, explored new area or skill, expanded on previous knowledge; depth & complexity of knowledge is evident.

Demonstrated concern, awareness of problems, showed effort to overcome difficulties. Was persistent, flexible & open to new ideas. Showed attention to detail.

Independently used diverse resources and materials; demonstrated unique talents and abilities; showed a willingness to excel and created a uniquedemonstration of new knowledge.

Demonstrated a high degree of ethical behavior: integrity, courtesy, timeliness, responsibility. All sources and materials can be verified as student’s work.

9Above Average

Exceeded minimum 15 hours of work, good pattern of time management, planning and organization

Took risk/challenge, used general knowledge, achieved some depth and degree of expertise.

Demonstrated moderate concern, understood difficulties, tried to solve most problems. Was mostly self-directed, some attention to detail.

Used varied resources with guidance; made effort to use talents and abilities; showed willingness to do well, and created a unique project that demonstrated what was learned.

Showed an awareness of ethical behavior but was inconsistent in their application (i.e. late work, parental assistance on product). Work, with very little exception, was thestudent’s work.


Met minimum 15 hours of work, inconsistent time management, showed some effort in planning and organization

Moderate risk/challenge; used shallow, superficial knowledge, achieved minimal depth or expertise in the product.

Showed little concern about the product process or completed result. Some effort given to solve problems, but gave up easily. Did not show consistent effort or self-direction.

Used limited resources, did not actively seek these out, required continual prompting to use technical skills or other abilities.Student settled for average work.

Showed an inconsistent application of ethical standards, needed frequent reminders of expectations, but showed willingness to improve. Difficult to verify some sources and materialsas the student’s own work.


Did not meet minimum 15 hours of work, lacked evidence of serious time management or effort in planning & organization

No risk or challenge was evident, stayed within secure comfort zone; no demonstrated understanding of orapplication of knowledge in the product.

Showed no concern about product, lacked self- direction or attention to detail; easily frustrated and quit when faced with challenges.

Used superficial information and materials; little effort to use talents or abilities; required continuous, directedassistance with little concern by the student.

Showed no awareness of ethical behavior, nor interest in correcting such conduct. Authenticity of sources and materialscannot be verified as the student’s own work.


Student did not put forththe effort to meet this standard.

Student did not put forththe effort to meet this standard.

Student did not put forththe effort to meet this standard.

Student did not put forththe effort to meet this standard.

Unresponsive to efforts toimpart standards in this field.

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Presentation OverviewThe Presentation is the final step your FBMS Capstone experience. This provides an opportunity for you to reflect on and share what you have learned. The Presentation should describe your entire process—topic selection, anecdotes from your research and interview, conclusions from your research paper, information about the creation of your product, and presentation of the product itself.

Presentation Evaluation Form

Content and Organization Comments:

IntroductionHooks the audience, addresses the audience and introduces self, states purpose of speech

1 2 3 4 5

BodyDescribes research, is knowledgeable about topic, presents information clearly

1 2 3 4 5

Describes and shares product, explainsconnection to research and how it was created

1 2 3 4 5

Describes obstacles encountered and how they were overcome

1 2 3 4 5

ConclusionSummarizes speech, engages audience, prompts Q & A

1 2 3 4 5

Question & AnswerStudent listens to questions and answers them intelligently

1 2 3 4 5

DeliveryVolume/Eye ContactProjects clearly around the room, does not read from note cards or slides

1 2 3 4 5

Time/Rate10-15 minutes total presentation; moderate speed, no unnecessary pauses or gaps

1 2 3 4 5

LanguageAppropriate word choice, defines technical terms, uses professional but natural language—not overly casual

1 2 3 4 5

Visual componentVisual aids are high quality and add value to the presentation

1 2 3 4 5

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Capstone ReflectionStudent Name

Research Topic Capstone Product What did you learn from completing the Capstone Project?

What problems or obstacles did you encounter? How did you overcome them?

Did you Capstone Project turn out the way you intended? Explain.

What would you have done differently?

What did you like about the design of the Capstone Project?

How do you wish the Capstone Project were designed differently?

What did you learn about yourself?

Based on the work you have completed overall, what grade do you feel you have earned?

Justify your response: