car email 7.9.02 (b)

page 1 of 50 AMI5-V9 RECORD) TYPE: FEDERAL (NOTES MP-IL) CRSATOR: Samuel A. ThernstroMl ( CN=Samuel A. ThernatrOM/OUtCEQ/O-tEOP`[CQ CREATZOtN DATE/TfL4E: 9-jU-2002 i1:09:l9. 0O SiIEJECT~ Fwd: Ag climate report TO;SCott McCilelflan CN=SC~tt KcClei18fl/OU;-WO/OE0P~q ( WHO I TE(T: oin u FYI, this is another climate change-related report that'soin u sometim Soon -- not an official, US gpv~t report. but tederally funded, it looks at POtentOia agricultfrlr impacts of climate change- Not sue If this will make any news or not. -~~-------Forwarded by Samuel A,, Therflstrflm/CEQ/EOP on Q7/09/2002 11:06 AM-------------- Phil. Cooney 07I09/2002 11%02:54 AM Record Type: Record TO: see the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc, James Connaughtofi/CEQ/EOPBEOP Subject: Fwd: Ag cliante report - -- .------. -77~ 'glqlll

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CRSATOR: Samuel A. ThernstroMl ( CN=Samuel A. ThernatrOM/OUtCEQ/O-tEOP`[CQ

CREATZOtN DATE/TfL4E: 9-jU-2002 i1:09:l9. 0O

SiIEJECT~ Fwd: Ag climate report

TO;SCott McCilelflan CN=SC~tt KcClei18fl/OU;-WO/OE0P~q ( WHO I

TE(T: oin u

FYI, this is another climate change-related report that'soin u

sometim Soon -- not an official, US gpv~t report. but tederally funded, it

looks at POtentOia agricultfrlr impacts of climate change- Not sue If

this will make any news or not.

-~~-------Forwarded by Samuel A,, Therflstrflm/CEQ/EOP on

Q7/09/2002 11:06 AM--------------

Phil. Cooney07I09/2002 11%02:54 AM

Record Type: Record

TO: see the distribution list at the bottom of this message

cc, James Connaughtofi/CEQ/EOPBEOP

Subject: Fwd: Ag cliante report

- -- .------. -77~ 'glqlll

Page 2 of 50

----------------- Forwarded by Phil Cooney/cEQ/Eop on 07/09/2002

10:36 AM -- - - - - - - - - - - - -

William liohenstein .cWUOHSTOLmai'lace .ace. usda. gay>01/08/2002 :03:19:11 PM

Record Type: Record-

To:- Phil Cooney/CEQ/ZOPQEOPCC:Subject: Vwdt Ag report


Here is the cover jotter for the Ag Assessment report prepared by John

Reilly. It looks ok to iie.


Received: from eartb-usgcrP-gov ((]) by; Hon., 08 Jul 2002 15:02:40 -0400

Received: from [] ( ( by (8.11.61/8.11.6) with ESMTP id g68J2t608.934; Non, 8 Jul

-2002 15:02:30 -0400Date: mon. 8 Jul 2002 15:05:08 -0400

From: Nike tMaccracken <nuaccrac~usgcrp . ov'>

Subject: Aq reportTO: RichardmosS'3ftl. gay, rmessausgtrp .gov, James .R.MXahoneygnoaa. gay, (Jim Hrubovcak), (Bill

Hohenst4 in)Message-id: .cvO4O2Oal~b94f~e~baES4LI1lSS.11S6.134.43]>MIM-version: 1.0Conteat-type: multipart/flixed;boundary= "Baundary..( IDjUmtPEOKUCO89IbfiYGlSNA)-

~¶jtlIOA ¶'T '0(V ¶Vl)'4flllC ~fi,-~flrrrO'N ~Flf'

Page 3 at 50

- -- -- --

A#0m-M~ unrz ed; Lt Mthe Clfmatei Aion eotad h &t? the

findings are nationally positive in a net sense, although impacts are mixed&t a regional level so developing plans to adapt would seem to be

important, at least for some regions.

Mike-AgDistroLetter.7==O2 .doc

-Message SentTo-______________________________Robert C. McNally/OPD/EOPOEOP*Kameran L. BaileyICEQIEOP(4EOPKaren Y. Knutson/OVEP/EQPEOPJoel D5. Kaplan/WHO/EOP4EOPSaimuel A. Thernstromt/CEQ/EOPBOPPaul T. Anastas/OSTP/ 8 8 inet

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TEXT:Unable to convert 1.TREOPOlOI:EATTACU.D2SISREOPO1300BL5Dl.0Ol to ASCII,The following is a HEX DUMP:


4~11n..IOfA~t4ffltX '7 10Q Al C'flfNl'A t Irhcy ofll7 llh 1'f

latv 2002 A

Dear C),~ieagim,

NI*77 IH

Virgiia Aeflf~. SW Suie775 Fsx - ~0~P SSS

A: A 1~~202 ~ 777877 U§LDC 202 S




John M. Reilly?dA=S~chuselAmtlSha= Of TechnOlogy