carbonated drinks manufacturers are focusing on the substitutes

Carbonated drinks manufacturers are focusing on the substitutes

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Carbonated drinks manufacturers are

focusing on the substitutes

If you know someone who consumes lots of carbonated drink bottles and cans every day, you must make him cautious as he may shorten his lifespan. Most carbonated drinks exported across the world are unhealthy. Whether it’s about short term health or long term health, carbonated drinks are dangerous in every case. This is the reason why many sensible individuals have wondered if the members of food and beverages regulatory agencies have lost their marbles.


It is not necessary to go deep inside the science of carbonated drinks. These are simple beverages with not-so-simple ingredients. These drinks have CO2, which is dissolved inside the water during production. Some of the popular drinks like Coke and Pepsi cola are one of the examples of carbonated drinks. Before you start debating with manufacturers about their processing with CO2, you should know why they use the gas inside drinks. CO2 prevents the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, moulds, and yeasts. It also provides fizzy quality to most of the soda drinks. This is why carbonated soft drinks have second name- soda pop.


No, popularity of these drinks does not depict that these are good for us and can never be. This is the reason why nutritionist and dieticians want you to switch to alternatives. Most carbonated drinks contain caffeine and added sugar. You can become addicted to these beverages which are nothing but colored water, gas and processed sugar soft drinks manufacturers.

Does popularity depict that carbonated drinks are good for us?

Tea :

There are unlimited varieties of tea available across the world. You can switch to green tea, peach tea, lemon tea, mint tea, herb tea and many more. Tea won’t harm you the way carbonated drinks do. In fact scientists believe that consuming 7-8 cups of green tea can keep you away from cancer diseases and make you feel fresh.

Best alternatives to carbonated drinks

Fruit juices are loved by kids, youngsters, adults, and old people. You can try making real fruit juice at home instead of bringing a bottle pack of carbonated drinks. You get full nutrients, minerals, and fiber from a glass of juice which is impossible in case of soda drink.

Homemade fruit juices

Water is natural drink that keeps you fit. You can replace your carbonated drink glass with a glass of water and see the difference. You will surely lose some extra pounds and will live healthier life.


Carbonated drinks manufacturers have started considering other energy drinks as well. They are now promoting health drinks, chocolate drinks, milk shakes, and much more among consumers to help them in quitting fruit juice india.

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Solo Real Fruits & Beverage's Pvt.Ltd.

Tilak Commercial Complex, Opp. Land Mark Honda,

Gondal Road Circle, Gondal Highway, Rajkot.- 360004 Gujarat. INDIA.