carcinoma - lung

Carcinoma of the Lungs Dr.CSBR.Prasad, M.D.

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Page 1: Carcinoma - Lung

Carcinoma of the Lungs

Dr.CSBR.Prasad, M.D.

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I. Non small cell lung Ca (70 - 75 %)

II. Small cell lung carcinoma (20 – 25%)

III. Combined patterns (5 - 10 %)

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I. Non small cell lung Ca (70 - 75 %)

a. Squamous cell carcinoma (3 to 50%)

b. Adenocarcinoma (30-35 %)

c. Large cell carcinoma (10 -15 %)

II. Small cell lung carcinoma (20 – 25%)

III. Combined patterns (5 - 10 %)

a. Mixed SCC & Adeno Ca

b. Mixed SCC & SCLC

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• Cigarette smoking

• Asbestos

• Industrial chemicals




• Diet - Deficiency of

• Vit-E

• ß-Carotene

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5 main histologic types of lung cancer

1. Squamous cell ca (3 to 50%)

2. Small cell ca (20 to 25 %)

3. Adenocarcinoma (15 to 35 %)

4. Large cell ca (10 to 15 %)

5. Adenosquamous ca (1 to 3 %)

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Ca lung – 3 therapeutic groups.

1. Small cell carcinoma (20 to 25 %)

2. Non – small cell ca (70 to 75 %)

(squamous, adeno ca, large cell ca)

3. Combined / Mixed patterns (5 to 10 %)

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Etiology of Bronchogenic carcinoma

• 40 - 70 yrs [peak 50 - 60 yrs]

• Tobacco smoking

• Industrial hazards

• Air pollution

• Dietary factors

• Genetic factors

• Scarring of lung tissue

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Tobacco smoking

1. Statistical evidence

2. Clinical evidence

3. Experimental evidence

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Tobacco smoking - Statistical evidence

• Amount of daily smoking

• Tendency to inhale

• Duration of smoking habit

average smoker – 10x risk

40 cigarettes/day/yrs – 20x risk

8% lung cancer in smokers, Lip, tongue, floor of

mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, urinary

bladder, pancreas, kidney

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Tobacco smoking – clinical evidence

• Histologic evidence –

Atypical hyperplastic changes

10 % smokers

1 to 2 % of filter tipped cigarettes

96 % who died of ca lung

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Tobacco smoking - Experimental evidence

• 1200 substances, initiators / promoters

• Initiators:

• Polycyclic hydrocarbons

• Benzo(a)pyrene

• Promoters - Phenol derivatives

• Radioactive elemets - Polonium 210

Carbon 14

Potassium 40

• Contaminants - Arsenic, Nickle, Moulds

• Bronchioalveolar carcinoma NOT strongly associated with smoking

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Sir Richard Doll, the scientist who first confirmed

the link between smoking and lung cance

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Air pollution

• Indoor air pollution - Radon

• Ubiquitous radioactive gas

• Inhalation - bronchial deposition of

radioactive decay products and attachment

to environment aerosols

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Molecular studies

• 10 to 20 genetic mutations

• Dominant oncogenes (activated)

c-myc in small cell carcinoma

k-ras in adenocarcinoma

• Deleted recessive genes (inactive)

p53, RB-gene

Unknown gene in short arm of chromosome #5

• Role of polymorphisms in cytochrome P 450 gene CYPIA 1

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Industrial hazards

• All radiations are carcinogenic

• Hiroshima, Nagasaki uranium is weakly


• Smoking in miners - 10x higher incidence

• Asbestos latent period 10 to 30 yrs

• Nickel, chromates, coal, mustard gas, arsenic,

beryllium, iron, news papers workers, African

gold miners, halothane workers

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• Scar cancer – Adenocarcinoma

• Old infarct, metallic foreign body, wounds,

granulomatous infections ex - TB

Name the other scar cancers?

Marjolin’s ulcer – SCC arising in an old skin scar

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Precursor lesions

1. Squamous dysplasia and Ca in situ

2. Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia

3. Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary

neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia

Sq cell ca: Smoking > Sq Metaplasia

> Dysplasia > Ca in situ

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Precursor lesions of squamous cell carcinomas

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Feature Small cell Ca Non small cell Ca

Immunophenotyping Mutation p53 / RB


Inactivation of p16

/ CDK / N2A gene

Response to Rx Chemotherapy


Main differences between Small Cell &

Non-small cell carcinomas

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Morphology - General Considerations:

• Except Adeno ca, lung cancers arise centrally

Right lung > Left lung

Upper lobes > Lower lobes

• Ulceration Hemoptysis

• Airway obstruction

a ) Absorption collapse

b ) Impaired drainage

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Morphology - Bronchogenic carcinoma

• ¾ ths – I, II, III order bronchi

• Periphery - terminal bronchiole / alveolar septa

• Area of atypia, 1cm, Irrregular warty excrescence

• Intramural growth - parenchymatous growth

• Cavity, spread to pleura

• Distant - adrenals, liver, brain, bone

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Morphology cont.….

• Adenocarcinoma – bronchial derived

bronchioalveolar derived

Mucin producing, slow growth

• Small cell ca – 2x times size of small Lymphocyte

E/M- dense core granules

• Large cell Ca: intracellular mucin, giant cell, spindle

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Morphology - Squamous cell carcinoma

• More in men than women

• Arise centrally local hilar LN

• Disseminate later than other histologic types

• Histologically : WD to PD carcinomas

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located gray

white tumor

with cavitation

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Morphology - Adenocarcinoma

• Patients < 40, women, non smokers

• More peripherally located

• Related to lung scars

• Form smaller masses but metastasizes early

• DD from metastatic Adeno Ca is difficult

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located gray

white tumor -

typical of


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Morphology –

Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma

• Not related to: Gender, occupation, social

class, cigarette smoking

• Highly diff Ca, grows upon the walls of pre-

existing alveoli – lepidic spread

• Histologically cells have peg like luminal

aspects with no stromal reaction

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Radiologically they mimic Pneumonia

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Morphology - Small cell carcinoma

• Early dissemination

• Associated with paraneoplastic syndrome

• Varieties - a) Oat cell Ca

b) Polygonal SCLC

c) Spindle cell SCLC

• EM - dense core cytoplasmic granules


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Gray white



along the

bronchial tree

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• Def: Non small cell carcinoma in which

there is neither SQUAMOUS nor

ADENOCARCINOMA differentiation

• Cells – large, polygonal, vesicular nuclei

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Local effects of lung tumor spread

Pneumonia, abscess,


Tumor obstruction

Lipid pneumonia Foamy macrophage with

cellular lipid

Hoarseness Recurrent laryngeal nerve


Dysphagia Esophageal invasion

Diaphragm paralysis Phrenic nerve invasion

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Local effects of lung tumor spread cont….

Rib destruction Chest wall invasion

SVC syndrome SVC compression by tumor

Horner syndrome

Sympathetic ganglia


Pericarditis, tamponade Pericardial involvement

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Paraneoplastic syndromes

Hormone Clinical manifestation

ADH Hyponatremia

ACTH Cushing’s syndrome

PTH, PRP, PG Hypercalcemia

Calcitonin Hypocalcemia

Gonadotropins Gynecomastia

Serotonin , Bradykinin Carcinoid syndrome

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Paraneoplastic syndrome

• Lambert-Eaton syndrome

• Peripheral neuropathy

• Acanthosis nigricans

• Leukemoid reaction

• Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy

• Horner syndrome

• Pancoast tumor

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Horner’s syndrome

• Enophthalmos

• Ptosis

• Miosis

• Anhidrosis

on the same side of the lesion

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Horner’s syndrome

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Pancoast tumor

• Apical lung cancers in superior pulmonary


• Invasion of neural structures around

trachea + cervical sympathetic plexus

• Severe pain along distribution of ulnar


• Horner’s syndrome

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Staging of LUNG CANCER

• T1 - Tumor < 3 cm without pleural / main stem bronchus involvement

• T2 - Tumor 3 cm / involvement of main stem bronchus 2

cm from carina, visceral, pleural, lobar atelectasis

• T3 - Tumor with involvement of chest wall, diaphragm,

mediastinum pleura, pericardium, main stem bronchus 2 cm

from carina, entire lung atelectasis

• T4 - Tumor with invasion of mediastinum, heart, great

vessels, trachea, oesophagus, vertebral body, carina, pleural


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• N0 - No demonstrable metastasis to regional LNs

• N1 - Ipsilateral hilar / peribronchial LNs

• N2 - Ipsilateal mediastinal / subcarinal LNs

• N3 - Contralateral mediastinal / hilar, ipsilateral /

contralateral scalene or supraclavicular LN

• M0 - No distant metastasis

• M1 - Distant metastasis present

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• Stage Ia T1 N0 M0

• Stage Ib T2 N0 M0

• Stage IIa T1 N1 M0

• Stage IIb T2 N1 M0

• Stage IIIa T1-3 N2 M0

T3 N1 M0

• Stage IIIB AnyT N3 M0

T3 N3 M0

T4 Any N M0

• Stage IV Any T Any N M1

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Clinical Features

• Cough, weight loss, chest pain, dyspnoea

• Increased sputum

• Tumor cells in sputum on cytology


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Figure 15-43 Cytologic diagnosis of lung cancer is often possible.

A, A sputum specimen shows an orange-staining, keratinized

squamous carcinoma cell with a prominent hyperchromatic nucleus

(arrow). B, A fine-needle aspirate of an enlarged lymph node shows

clusters of tumor cells from a small cell carcinoma, with molding

and nuclear atypia characteristic of this tumor. [Note the size of the

tumor cells compared with normal polymorphonuclear leukocytes in

the left lower corner].

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• Outlook POOR in most patients

• 5 year survival -- 9%

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• Low grade malignant epithelial neoplasm

• Show neuroendocrine differentiation

• 1- 5 % of primary lung tumors

• M = F

• Neither smoking nor environmental pollution is a

risk factor

• Peak incidence at a younger age < 40yrs

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• Finger like / polypoid masses

projecting into lumen of bronchus

• Collar button lesion

• Covered by intact epithelium

• Rarely exceed 3 - 4 cms

• Site: Main stem bronchus

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• Nests / cords / masses separated by delicate

fibrovascular stroma

• Individual cells - uniform round nuclei

• Salt & Pepper chromatin

• Infrequent mitosis

• Cytoplasm is moderately eosinophilic

• EM - Dense core granules

• IHC – Chromogranin, Synaptophysin

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Active peptides

• Serotonin


• Bombesin

• Calcitonin

• Other peptides ex: VIP

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Clinical features:

• Intraluminal growth can cause obstructive

symptoms: Collapse, Chronic Pneumonia

• Carcinoid syndrome

Intermitant attacks of

- Flushing

- Cyanosis

- Anxiety

- Diarrhea

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• Amenable to surgery

Histological type 5yr survival 10yr survival

Typical carcinoid 87% 87%

Atypical carcinoid 56% 35%

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E N D goto Pleura

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