cardiolab etfa 2009 v1

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  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions


    A%AL!SIS O" #&A% CIRCLATOR! S!ST$&A%AL!SIS O" #&A% CIRCLATOR! S!ST$&Al'er &auricio #ernande(Al'er &auricio #ernande())* +ino ,ier-ranco #errera* +ino ,ier-ranco #errera))* &iuel Anel &a/anas* &iuel Anel &a/anas00* Ramon* Ramon


    ) Bioelectronics and Clinical $nineerin Researc' 4+IBIC5* niversidad de Antio6uia 4deA5* Colombia0 De7artment o- Automatic Control 4$SAII5* Biomedical $nineerin Researc' Center 4CR$B5


     Institute o- Industrial and Control $nineerin 4IOC5* niversitat ,olit8ecnica de Catalunya 4,C5* S7ain

     I O C I  ns  ti t ute  o- Ind ust r  i a l and C o nt  r  ol $ nine er  in

     +IBIC Bioelectronic and Clinical $nineerin

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

    I.I. IntroductionIntroductionII.II. ObjectivesObjectives

    III.III. T'e Cardiovascular SystemT'e Cardiovascular System

    • &odel descri7tion&odel descri7tion

    • Cardiovascular stimuliCardiovascular stimuli

    IV.IV. Virtual Lab Descri7tionVirtual Lab Descri7tion • Tool develo7mentTool develo7ment

    • Interactive elementsInteractive elements

    • ,lots and e9am7les,lots and e9am7les

    V.V. ConclusionsConclusions

       C  o  n   t  e  n   t

    ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

    Christian Darkin / Science Photo Library ®

       I  n

       t  r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n

    Biomedical $nineerin 4B&$5 is t'e a77lication o-

    enineerin sciences and tec'noloy to medicine and

    bioloy. T'e interdisci7linary nature o- t'is activity im7lies

    inter7lay and overla77in  o- interest and e--ort beteen

    enineerin and bioloic 7oints o- vie.

    $nineers do not need a dee7 ;nolede o- certain medicalto7ics 4and vice versa5.

    B&$ is di--erent to ot'er enineerin

    areas in t'e sense o- obtainin

    results -rom e97erimental 7rocedures and re7roducin real 7'ysioloical


  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

       I  n

       t  r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n

    It is very di--icult and e97ensive to interact it' t'e 'uman

    bein body and even

    danerous in certain situations.

    T'e -ield o- B&$ includes many career areas* and one o-

    t'em is t'e a77lication o- enineerin system analysis 

    47'ysioloic modelin* simulation* and control5 to bioloic


    T'e Autonomic %ervous system 

    interacts it' t'e cardiovascular

    system in order to control t'e 

    'eart rate and -orce o-  'eart

    contraction* constriction and

    dilatation o- blood vessels.

    BSIP, VILLAREAL/ Science Photo Library ®

    Roger Harris/Science Photo Library ®

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

       O   b   j  e  c   t   i  v

      e  s

    • Develo7in a virtual laboratory  to study t'ecardiovascular system and t'e e--ect o- stimuli

    a77lied to t'e autonomic nerve system.

    • ,ro7osin t'e use o- Virtual Labs in t'e study

    o- cardiovascular system in B&$ 7rorams* in

    order to overcome t'e drabac;s o- interaction

    it' 'uman body.

    • Desinin a Virtual Lab  in a visually attractive 

    and interactive ay. 

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

       T   '  e   C  a  r   d

       i  o  v  a  s  c  u   l  a

      r   S  y  s   t  e  m

    ). &odel Descri7tion 4I5). &odel Descri

    7tion 4I5

    T'e cardiovascular system  is structured in di--erent intermediate 7rocesses:

    rsino ? and Cavalcanti and Belardinelli

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

    T'e central autonomic control determines t'e total 1sym7at'etic*

    -tas* 1sym7at'etic* -tbs* and 7arasym7at'etic* -t7* in-luences on 'eart

    rate and 7eri7'eral resistance  -rom t'e barore-le9es* c'emore-le9es

    and lun stretc' rece7tors re-le9es.

    ). &odel Descri7tion 4II5). &odel Descri7tion 4II5

       T   '  e   C  a  r   d

       i  o  v  a  s  c  u   l  a

      r   S  y  s   t  e  m

    Autonomic control

    a--erent sinals* -tas*

    -tbs and -t7 allo

    simulation o- di--erent

    stimuli related it' t'e

    sym7at'etic and



  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

    Sino Auricular %ode 4S.A.5 translates c'anes in 1sym7at'etic* and

    7arasym7at'etic* e--erent activity into c'anes in #eart ,eriod 4#,5:

    ). &odel Descri7tion 4III5). &odel Descri7tion 4III5

       T   '  e   C  a  r   d

       i  o  v  a  s  c  u   l  a

      r   S  y  s   t  e  m


  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

    T'e 1sym7at'etic nerves control t'e 7eri7'eral vascular activities. 

    Durin 'y7otension or 'y7ertension*  vasoconstriction or

    vasodilatation occurs  to 7revent -urt'er decreasin or increasin in

    t'e blood 7ressure.

    ). &odel Descri7tion 4IV5). &odel Descri7tion 4IV5

       T   '  e   C  a  r   d

       i  o  v  a  s  c  u   l  a

      r   S  y  s   t  e  m

    T'is subsystem is modeled

    usin a -irst1order dynamic


  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

    T'e stro;e volume and t'e 'eart 7eriod  determine t'e cardiac out7ut4CO5 'ereas arterial blood 7ressure 4ab75  is modulated by t'e

    vasculature and cardiac out7ut.

    T'e model determines ab7 by means o- t'e -olloin e97ression:

    ). &odel Descri7tion 4V5). &odel Descri7tion 4V5

       T   '  e   C  a  r   d

       i  o  v  a  s  c  u   l  a

      r   S  y  s   t  e  m

    'ere Cart  re7resents t'e

    Arterial Com7liance and RT,R 

    t'e Total ,eri7'eral


    T'e stro;e volume 4SV5is determined by t'e

    venous return 4Vn5*  t'e

    'eart 7eriod and t'e

    'eart contractility 4Cn5

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

    ). Cardiovascular Stimuli 4I5). Cardiovascular Stimuli 4I5

    $9ercise: #eart rate 4#R5 and stro;e volume 4SV 5 increase durin

    e9ercise* 'ic' 7roduces an increase in cardiac out7ut.

    C'olineric into9ication: ,roduces one increase o- 7arasym7at'etic

    activity and 7roduces also an increase o- t'e cardiac 7eriod and


    Ca--eine: ant'ines suc' as ca--eine and t'eo7'ylline bloc;

    adenosine rece7tors increasin t'e activity t'at 7roduces

    vasoconstriction* 'i'er 'eart rate and increased 'eart contraction


    #emorr'ae: An acute blood volume loss 4)EF o- total or more5*

    modi-ies t'e systemic arterial 7ressure* cardiac out7ut and total

    systemic resistance.

    ,anic: T'e autonomic system sitc'ed to an alert situation

    c'aracteri(ed by 'i'er and sym7at'etic activity.

    Almost every 7rocess t'at a--ects t'e autonomic control system also

    a--ects t'e cardiovascular system  t'rou' t'e vaal and sym7at'etic

    activity. "ive stimuli are considered in Cardiolab:

       T   '  e   C  a  r   d

       i  o  v  a  s  c  u   l  a

      r   S  y  s   t  e  m

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

       V   i  r   t  u  a   l

       L  a   b

       D  e  s

      c  r   i  7   t   i  o  n

    ). Tool Develo7ment). Tool Develo7ment

    ,resented so-tare,resented so-tare  a77licationa77lication is based on $asy Gavais based on $asy Gava

    Simulations 4$GS5*Simulations 4$GS5*  anan o7en sourceo7en source  java1based tool t'at java1based tool t'at allosallos 

    creatincreatin interactiveinteractive dynamic simulations.dynamic simulations.


    &odel 4rsino et al.* )==>5


    • T'e model is based on


    • T'e simulation runs in

    Simulin; 'ile is controlled 

    by $asy Gava.

    • T'e inter-ace to t'e user  'as

    been desined and

    im7lemented in $GS.

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

       V   i  r   t  u  a   l

       L  a   b

       D  e  s

      c  r   i  7   t   i  o  n

    0. Interactive $lements 4I50. Interactive $lements 4I5

    In t'e interactive moduleIn t'e interactive module 7arameters can be c'aned by means7arameters can be c'aned by meanso-o- sliderssliders  andand tabstabs  in order toin order to simulate di--erent ventilatorysimulate di--erent ventilatory


    AA multisinal sco7emultisinal sco7e can be seen 'en t'is o7tion iscan be seen 'en t'is o7tion is selectedselected byby

    t'et'e user user ..

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

       V   i  r   t  u  a   l

       L  a   b

       D  e  s

      c  r   i  7   t   i  o  n

    0. Interactive $lements 4II50. Interactive $lements 4II5




  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

       V   i  r   t  u  a   l

       L  a   b

       D  e  s

      c  r   i  7   t   i  o  n

    3. ,lots and $9am7les 4I53. ,lots and $9am7les 4I5

    One o- t'eOne o- t'e to ;inds o- 7lotsto ;inds o- 7lots are s'onare s'on 'en'en t'et'e corres7ondin tabcorres7ondin tab o-o-sinal sco7esinal sco7e is selected by t'e user:is selected by t'e user:

    A c'ane -romA c'ane -rom  normal conditions 4To9icity Level K Em5normal conditions 4To9icity Level K Em5 to a s7eci-icto a s7eci-ic

    amount o-amount o- 7esticides in contact it' t'e 'uman7esticides in contact it' t'e 'uman body 4To9icity Level Kbody 4To9icity Level K

    m5 is 7roducedm5 is 7roduced at @E secondsat @E seconds in order to simulate ain order to simulate a c'olinericc'olinericinto9ication.into9ication.

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

       V   i  r   t  u  a   l

       L  a   b

       D  e  s

      c  r   i  7   t   i  o  n

    3. ,lots and $9am7les 4II53. ,lots and $9am7les 4II5

    A-ter c'olineric into9ication beins*A-ter c'olineric into9ication beins* blood 7ressure and cardiac out7utblood 7ressure and cardiac out7utremain in a li'tly loer valueremain in a li'tly loer value 4see t'e -iure on t'e ri't5.4see t'e -iure on t'e ri't5.

    In order to simulate t'e treatmentIn order to simulate t'e treatment o- t'is into9ication*o- t'is into9ication* a second stimulusa second stimulus

    is a77lied at )>Es:is a77lied at )>Es: t'e concentration o-t'e concentration o- 7esticides K E7esticides K E and t'eand t'e ain o- t'eain o- t'e

    7arasym7at'etic system7arasym7at'etic system  is eliminated in order tois eliminated in order to 7roduce a bloc;ade7roduce a bloc;ade4ain K E54ain K E5 related it' t'erelated it' t'e Atro7ineAtro7ine administration.administration.

    di b

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

       V   i  r   t  u  a   l

       L  a   b

       D  e  s

      c  r   i  7   t   i  o  n

    M. Cardiolab DemoM. Cardiolab Demo

    C di L b

  • 8/18/2019 CardioLab ETFA 2009 v1



    ContentContent IntroductionIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives Cardiov. SystemCardiov. System Virtual Lab.Virtual Lab. ConclusionsConclusions

       C  o

      n  c   l  u  s   i  o

      n  s

    • T'is laboratory is com7letelyT'is laboratory is com7letely ra7'ic and interactive*ra7'ic and interactive* so itso it cancan

    be usedbe used  to illustrateto illustrate t'e be'avior o- 'uman cardiovasculart'e be'avior o- 'uman cardiovascular

    systemsystem under certain stimuliunder certain stimuli..

    • CardioLabCardioLab  allos t'e students and researc'ersallos t'e students and researc'ers obtainobtain

    sensations and e97eriencesensations and e97erience  t'att'at ould be very di--icultould be very di--icult 

    ot'erise because o- t'eot'erise because o- t'e di--iculties in 7er-ormindi--iculties in 7er-ormin 

    e97erimental 'uman studies.e97erimental 'uman studies.

    • T'e useT'e use  o- virtual laboratories and interactivity ino- virtual laboratories and interactivity in B&$B&$  'as'as

    7roved to be an7roved to be an e--icient ay to s'ortcute--icient ay to s'ortcut t'et'e learnin 7rocesslearnin 7rocess

    an im7rove t'e students im7rove t'e students ca7abilities.

    • T'e toolT'e tool 'as been built combinin'as been built combinin &ATLABSimulin;&ATLABSimulin; andand $GS.$GS. 

    'ile'ile &ATLABSimulin;&ATLABSimulin; allos to im7lementallos to im7lement com7le9 modelscom7le9 models 

    in strai't-orard manner*in strai't-orard manner* $GS allos to desin attractive$GS allos to desin attractive

    viesvies andand introduce interactivity easily.introduce interactivity easily.