care for others believe in yourself succeed through effort · term 4 week 6 16th november 2016...

Term 4 Week 6 16 th November 2016 Phone: 4647 7116 Fax: 4647 6617 Email: [email protected] CARE for others BELIEVE in yourself SUCCEED through effort November 2016 21 st Performance #1 23 rd Belonging Day 23-25 th Yr 5 Youthworks Port Hacking Camp 25 th Book Club due 28 th Performance #2 30 th Performance #3 December 2016 2nd CBS Assembly 12.30pm 6th Yr 6 High School Orientation Day 6th P&C Meeting 7pm 8th Yr 3 Excursion Bonnie Vale 9th Presentation Day Assembly 10th Community Carols (6-9.30pm) 12th Yr 6 Farewell, The Cube 6-10pm 16th Last Day Term 4 January 2017 30th Yrs 1-6 Commence 30th Kindergarten Best Start 31st Kindergarten Best Start February 2017 1st Kindergarten Best Start 2nd Kindergarten Commences SCHOOL UNIORM SHOP The school’s Uniform Shop will be closed the last day of Term 4, Friday 16 th December. CANTEEN NEWS The Canteen will be closed 30 th November for Recess Dear Parents and Caregivers Our school year is quickly coming to a close, but we still have a number of significant and exciting events at Harrington Park Public School. Our students and staff will all finish school on December 16th. Teachers in other schools may need to attend School Development Days but all our staff have attended evening courses to offset these days. Please be aware that staff will not be present at Harrington Park PS on December 19 th or 20 th 2016. We have also had a number of our students move through our positive reward system and I congratulate our students on their efforts. Mr King has included further information in the newsletter. Teachers have nearly completed the reports for students. These reports will go home with all students on Presentation Day, December 9 th 2016. Mr King has also included information on Presentation Day in this newsletter. Next week, the first of our performance nights for our schools’ concert, “Pure Imagination” will be held at Event Cinemas, Macarthur Square. We are looking forward to our first ten classes performing. Mr Green has included further information in our newsletter. I look forward to seeing students and their family and friends at our performances over the coming weeks. Kelly Paton Principal

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Page 1: CARE for others BELIEVE in yourself SUCCEED through effort · Term 4 Week 6 16th November 2016 Phone: 4647 7116 Fax: 4647 6617 Email: CARE for others

Term 4 Week 6


November 2016

Phone: 4647 7116

Fax: 4647 6617

Email: [email protected]

CARE for others BELIEVE in yourself SUCCEED through effort

November 2016

21st Performance #1 23rd Belonging Day 23-25th Yr 5 Youthworks Port Hacking Camp 25th Book Club due 28th Performance #2 30th Performance #3

December 2016 2nd CBS Assembly 12.30pm 6th Yr 6 High School Orientation Day 6th P&C Meeting 7pm

8th Yr 3 Excursion Bonnie Vale 9th Presentation Day Assembly 10th Community Carols (6-9.30pm) 12th Yr 6 Farewell, The Cube 6-10pm

16th Last Day Term 4 January 2017

30th Yrs 1-6 Commence 30th Kindergarten Best Start 31st Kindergarten Best Start

February 2017 1st Kindergarten Best Start 2nd Kindergarten Commences

SCHOOL UNIORM SHOP The school’s Uniform Shop will be closed the

last day of Term 4, Friday 16th December. CANTEEN NEWS The Canteen will be closed 30th November for Recess

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Our school year is quickly coming to a close, but we still have

a number of significant and exciting events at Harrington Park

Public School.

Our students and staff will all finish school on December 16th.

Teachers in other schools may need to attend School

Development Days but all our staff have attended evening

courses to offset these days. Please be aware that staff will

not be present at Harrington Park PS on December 19th or 20th


We have also had a number of our students move through our

positive reward system and I congratulate our students on

their efforts. Mr King has included further information in the


Teachers have nearly completed the reports for students.

These reports will go home with all students on Presentation

Day, December 9th 2016. Mr King has also included

information on Presentation Day in this newsletter.

Next week, the first of our performance nights for our schools’

concert, “Pure Imagination” will be held at Event Cinemas,

Macarthur Square. We are looking forward to our first ten

classes performing. Mr Green has included further information

in our newsletter.

I look forward to seeing students and their family and friends

at our performances over the coming weeks.

Kelly Paton


Page 2: CARE for others BELIEVE in yourself SUCCEED through effort · Term 4 Week 6 16th November 2016 Phone: 4647 7116 Fax: 4647 6617 Email: CARE for others

Aboriginal Education Program

The Dharawal people cared for and inhabited land from Botany Bay to the Shoalhaven River and Nowra and inland to Camden.

A traditional totem of the area is recognised as the lyrebird. Dharawal people moved between Campbelltown, Liverpool, Camden and Picton, and occasionally as far as Parramatta.


Page 3: CARE for others BELIEVE in yourself SUCCEED through effort · Term 4 Week 6 16th November 2016 Phone: 4647 7116 Fax: 4647 6617 Email: CARE for others



Harrington Park PS holds a special presentation assembly each year to recognise the achievements of

our students. Families and friends are encouraged to attend this assembly to recognise the efforts of

students. Our Years 3-6 assembly will be held at 9:15am and our K-2 assembly will be held at

12:00pm. Parents of students receiving awards will receive notification by 25th November. We look

forward to you joining us.


Within the past fortnight we have been able to acknowledge the positive behaviour of many of the

wonderful students here at HPPS. These students have attained the penultimate level of Commodore in

our PBL system for consistently demonstrating the values of being kind, safe, fair and great. Many of

these students are on track to reach Admiral by the end of the year, a great achievement and a

celebration we are looking forward to. These awards are just one way that we recognise and reward

our students at school.

Other examples include on the spot recognition through our tokens, which have just recently

accumulated to the point of every student in our school being rewarded; students receive class awards

at their stage assembly each week and through our monthly Care, Believe, Succeed assemblies we

nominate and acknowledge students within our school who exhibit the qualities of caring, believing and

succeeding. These awards all mesh together with the appropriate learning sequences to improve

student wellbeing. Throughout 2016 including at our recent P & C meetings it has been discussed and

endorsed, that these are the ways we recognise the behaviour and learning of students at our school,

within our PBL framework. Previous awards such as the Personal Excellence Awards are no longer part

of our school system.

Troy King

Deputy Principal


There are still tickets available for both the matinee and evening performances. Tickets will remain on

sale online up until Midnight Sunday 20th November. Anyone wishing to purchase tickets after this

time can do so at the venue (cash payment only), unless tickets are sold out.

◊ Please contact the school (4647 7116) by 3pm to check availability and put your name on a cash

paying list to secure your ticket purchase. From 3pm today (Wed 16th Nov) families are able to

purchase an unlimited amount of tickets to either the matinee or evening performance for Concert 1

only – so please invite other family, friends, and grandparents to this wonderful event.

Monday 21st November Classes: KL, KK, 1V, 1M, 2W, 3D, 4B, 5M, 5/6S, 6H

Monday 28th November Classes: KA, KS, 1/2M, 2E, 3/4T, 4J, 4CH, 5G, 6B

Wednesday 30th November Classes: KO, 1D, 1K, 2G, 2N, 3E, 3J, 4P, 5O, 6D


The schools’ Lost Property box is overflowing with clothing, lunch boxes, hats … please encourage your

child/ren to look through these articles if you have misplaced items of school uniform. The large white

rectangle box is located outside the school hall.


There appears to be an aggressive stomach virus going around at the moment. If your child is ill,

please keep them at home. Students who present to Sick Bay will need to be collected from school as

soon as possible to help minimise the spread of infection. Thank you for your cooperation.

Page 4: CARE for others BELIEVE in yourself SUCCEED through effort · Term 4 Week 6 16th November 2016 Phone: 4647 7116 Fax: 4647 6617 Email: CARE for others

Harrington Park Public School Sir Warwick Fairfax Drive, Harrington Park NSW 2567 (PO Box 3126 Narellan)

Phone: 4647 7116 Fax: 4647 6617

Email: [email protected] Web Address:


th November 2016

‘PURE IMAGINATION’ PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Dear Parents/Carers, It’s almost showtime and we are ready to perform to our first audiences at EVENT Cinemas Macarthur Square. Concert 1 is on Monday 21

st November and the following classes are excited about performing at this concert;

Classes in Concert 1– KL, KK, 1V, 1M, 2W, 3D, 4B, 5M, 5/6S and 6H. Transportation: All children participating in the concert will travel by bus to EVENT Cinemas from school with the first shuttle of classes starting at 11:30am. All children MUST be picked up from EVENT Cinemas at the conclusion of the night performance (approx. 7.30pm). Children WILL NOT return to school on this day. Please ensure siblings are aware if this affects their usual home time arrangements. Concert Day/Night: On arrival at Event Cinemas, students will be seated in our holding cinema. They will have a rehearsal beginning at 12.00pm and a final dress rehearsal at 2.00pm. Students will then stay at the cinemas until the conclusion of the final session at approximately 7.30pm. The first ticketed concert session, the matinee, will be at 4.00pm and the final ticketed concert night session will be at 6.00pm. After the completion of the final performance session, students are to be picked up by parents/guardians and taken home. Parents are not able to enter the holding rooms. All students must stay for both the matinee and night performances. Collection after the evening show: After the performance concludes we ask that all members of the audience depart the cinema complex. Children will be dismissed from the grassed areas outside the cinemas, or if raining from the covered walkway that goes to the train station. Parents are asked to head to this area and not proceed to the holding rooms to ensure a quick, safe and smooth exit. Students will not be released to parents from within the EVENT Cinema Complex. Children must be collected by their parent or guardian only, unless written permission for alternative arrangements has been given to the class teacher. Classes will be released from holding room every few minutes starting with our younger students. Each class will be holding a sign with the class name on it for you to find easily. Food: We will have a slightly earlier than usual lunchtime at school so that students can eat their lunch before departing to the cinema. Students will then need to take a packed recess, additional snacks and drinks of water with them on their performance day. At an allocated time between performing in the 4.00pm and 6.00pm sessions, students will be provided with dinner from Event Cinemas. All students will receive chicken nuggets and chips at the allocated dinner time for their class. What to Bring: Children will be watching a movie whilst in the holding cinema, this has been included in the excursion cost. They are also encouraged to bring something quiet to do with them on the day (eg; colouring, books, deck of cards). Electronic devices are not to be brought to the cinema. What to wear: Children are to wear full school uniform to school on the day. Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name and class. Children will change into their performance costume at a time suitable to their class teacher. Panarottis Meal Deal: Panarotti’s Restaurant, adjacent to the Cinema are kindly offering a deal for audience members who attend the 4:00pm Matinee Session. At the conclusion of the matinee (approximately 5:30pm) take your tickets with you to the restaurant where they will offer you their $10 lunchtime menu as part of their dinner menu as long as you order before 6:00pm. Ticketing: Please remember to print and bring your tickets with you on the evening. A reminder that it is allocated seating, all guests must have a ticket (including children). Tickets will be available until Sunday 14 August, 5pm or until sold out. If you have any further questions please see your child’s class teacher. Ben Green & Troy King (On behalf of the Performance Committee)

Page 5: CARE for others BELIEVE in yourself SUCCEED through effort · Term 4 Week 6 16th November 2016 Phone: 4647 7116 Fax: 4647 6617 Email: CARE for others


Congratulations to the following students who were recognized at their stage assemblies for their recent efforts.

KA Rocco D Improvement in writing and spelling Matilda P Fluent reading

Zac H Improvement in fluency and expression when reading KK Thomas S Maintaining a consistently high standard of homework Aliana W Creating beautiful artworks

Sheha S Great rhythm and coordination during dance KL Ruby F Wonderful effort when writing Joshua K Excellent effort during TEN time Jiyad A Excellent effort during writing

KO Maddison C Enthusiasm in class dance and great listening Marcos S Improvement in writing Jacob N Fantastic participation in class


KS Joshua W Excellent discussion work during our science topic Melinda S Wonderful participation in TEN activities Jaxx C Fantastic participation and effort when

practicing our class dance 1D Jazmin R Displaying a mature attitude during lessons Falcon C Excellent effort in all class activities Matthew W Excellent effort and application during


1M Emma C A fantastic advertising pitch Rhys P A fantastic advertising pitch

1K Mae C Trying her best all week Bree H Hard effort during reading groups Sabre S Fabulous effort during performance rehearsals 1V

Avanindra S Excellent work when adding 2 digit numbers Harrison W Excellent work when adding 2 digit

numbers Ava Lily P Always having lovely neat book work 2G

Xavier R Excellent effort during math Kai G Excellent effort during problem solving Grace B Excellent effort during problem solving

2N Kay-Lee F Always giving her best effort when completing tasks Harley W Terrific effort during performance

rehearsals Leo D Attention to detail when painting his “Wood- Ash Stars” artwork 2W Alyssa T Great research Lachlan J Great research

Myah L Great research 2E Aiden A Great imaginative writing Cooper C Working hard during reading groups Natasha J Fantastic problem solving

5G Seth L Excellent knowledge of multiplication tables Jack Z Excellent knowledge of multiplication tables


Marisa G Great work in BTN Matthew T His hard work in class 5O Lincoln J Improved behaviour in the class room Eleanor S Working hard in all lessons

5/6S Ben V Showing dedication across all aspects of learning Michael S Consistently being on-task and being a respectful learner Makayla B Making significant progress in


6D Dylan S Working hard to improve his application in maths Tamzyn H Her enthusiastic participation in

performance practice Jake D Excellent results in maths 6B Eliza G Fantastic contributions for dance choreography for performance Charlie FN Being an engaged participant during our

Canberra excursion Jack B Having insightful contributions during class discussions

6H Breanna S Her enthusiastic approach to performance rehearsals

Chloe C Representing our school with pride whilst in Canberra Jayden M His enthusiastic approach to performance rehearsals

Page 6: CARE for others BELIEVE in yourself SUCCEED through effort · Term 4 Week 6 16th November 2016 Phone: 4647 7116 Fax: 4647 6617 Email: CARE for others