care leadership

CARE Leadership for Selecting, Empowering & Developing Next Generation Leaders (Time Compression Leader Development) Dr. Philip Zimmerman, PE, PCC Engineering Leadership Design Company, LLC LinkedIn: Dr. Philip Zimmerman Twitter: @EngrLeadership Coaching Flat Out Works! CEO & Team Coaching

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Post on 08-Feb-2017



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Page 1: CARE Leadership

CARE Leadership for

Selecting, Empowering & Developing

Next Generation Leaders (Time Compression Leader Development)

Dr. Philip Zimmerman, PE, PCC Engineering Leadership Design Company, LLC LinkedIn: Dr. Philip Zimmerman

Twitter: @EngrLeadership

Coaching Flat Out Works!

CEO & Team Coaching

Page 2: CARE Leadership

Coaching Flat Out Works!

Next Gen Leaders…

As time passes mantles of leadership

are transferred to individuals in

subsequent generations so that

organizations can continue to survive

and thrive. For many today that time

of leadership transfer has come…

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Next Gen Leaders Will Be…?

• Company Owners & Officers

• Divisional Vice Presidents

• Senior Program Directors

• Middle Managers

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Why Next Gen Leaders?

• Retirement of Baby Boomers

• Institutional Knowledge Retention

• Middle Management Shortage

• Actively Disengaged

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Next Gen Leaders Will Face…

• Internet of Things/Globalization • Uber, Amazon, & Tesla

• Technological Threats

• Each Other & The UNKOWN!

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Where Do Next Gen Leaders Fit?

• Executive Teams

• Doer/Seller Teams

• Technical Teams

• Field Services Teams

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Next Gen Leaders Are Now…?

• Gen-X (35-54 year olds)

• Millennials (18-34 year olds)

• Domestic & Foreign Nationals

• Artificial Intelligence (AI) •  IBM Watson - Cognitive Technology‎

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Next Gen Leaders Needed When?

• In Most Cases Today - IMMEDIATELY

• Leader Void in Seven Years • Too Few X’ers to Replace Boomers

• Seven Years to Get Millennials Ready

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Traditional Leader Development

•  0+ Years: Project Staff •  Millennials

• 10+ Years: Project Manager •  Millennials & X-er’s

• 15+ Years: Group Leader •  Gen X-er’s: 1 for every 2 over 25+ years

• 25+Years: Program Leader •  Baby Boomers: All retired in next 8 years

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Next Gen Leaders Are NOT…

• Industrial Age Thinkers

• Under educated & anti-social • Consumed with themselves

• Incapable of Leading Others

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Industrial Age vs. Connected Age

Industrial Age (1700’s to 1990-ish)

Mechanization, Manufacturing, Automation Worked with material matter to create things.

Information/Connected Age Information Age (1990’s – 2006)

Gathers Knowledge from Disperse Sources.

Connected Age (2007 – Present) Assimilates and Synthesizes New Knowledge

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

CARE Leadership Coaching Time Compression Leader Development

Catalyst/Accelerant/Rapid Expansion • Selecting is a Catalyst

• Empowering is the Accelerant

• Developing drives Rapid Expansion

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Learning Empowerment Alignment Development Engagement Reproduction Service Humility Innovation Professionalism

Catalyst (Selecting)

Accelerant (Empowering)

Rapid Expansion (Developing)

The CARE Leadership Acrostic


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Coaching Flat Out Works!

CARE Leadership Coaching Enhancing What Keeps People Around

Engagement • Personal Assignment Synergy

Productivity • Organized Competent Results

Loyalty • Company, Profession, Vocation

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Selecting Elements Catalyst To Get Things Going

Company Player •  TTHIC, Share Vision, Loyal

Does Job - PERIOD • Responsibility & Authority

Synchronicity With Position • Personality/Assignment/Results

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Selecting Is An Active Process (Company Player/Does the Job/Synchronicity with Position)

• Help navigate individual career paths

• Give straight judgment free feedback

• Mentor and coach for MEASURED RESULTS

• Sponsor formal development programs • Provide & monitor flexible work schedules

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Mentoring & Coaching (M&C) The KEY to Time Compression

Mentoring •  Instruction, Demonstration, Correction •  Straight feedback creates trust

•  75% & Last of 8 – This is where they learn

Coaching • Assess, Challenge, & Support for Results • Judgment free allows innovation •  Full Engagement – This is where they grow

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Empowering Elements Accelerant For Gaining Mastery

Mastery in Technical Area of Expertise • Assimilating/Synthesizing Outside Box

Mastery of The Business of Business • People, Projects, Products, Profit & Loss

•  Get – Staff – Do – Deliver – Bill & Collect!

Mastery Developing Successful People • M&C Teams That WIN Championships

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Mastery Evolution

Metrics of Competence • Competent – What to Do

• Proficient – How To Do

• Expert – Why To Do

• Mastery – Other Ways To Do

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Engagement & Productivity

Define & Delineate • Technical Track

• Doer/Seller Track

• Executive Track

• Administrative Track

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Empowering Is Freeing Process (Mastery in: Technical Expertise/B of B/Developing People)

• Provide Technical Skill Development

•  Train to Hunt and/or Guard the Treasure

• Open Books on Project Profits & Loss

• Promote on Merit & Reward RESULTS

• Have Leaders Select/Train Replacements

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Developing Elements Rapid Expansion of Leadership

Outward Focus •  Service Above Self in Community

Wisdom Gained thru Huge RESULTS • Humility in Face of Success

Leading Field Consistently •  Innovation is Always On the Table

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Developing is Growth Process (Outward Focus/Wisdom/Leading Field)

• End Goal is to Make Societal Difference

• Being The Best is “Only” Fulfilling Purpose

• People Hold True Value Not Things

• Perfection is a Myth; Do IT Better

•  Integrity/Reputation Above All Else

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Coaching Flat Out Works!

Tying It All Together (Selecting/Empowering/Developing Next Gen Leaders)

•  Seven Years to Develop Next Gen Leaders

•  Select Those Demonstrating Ability •  (Company Player/Does the Job/Synchronicity with Position)

• Empower Those Who Want Freedom •  (Mastery in: Technical Expertise/B of B/Developing People)

• Develop Stewards of Growth •  (Outward Focus/Wisdom/Leading Field)

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CARE Leadership for

Selecting, Empowering & Developing

Next Generation Leaders

Coaching Flat Out Works!

Thank You

CEO & Team Coaching