career power point


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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Career power point
Page 2: Career power point

In my life I hope to go to college, live on Long Island, continue to play polo, ride horses, play as many instruments as I do, and have a family. I hope to make it to DECA Nationals before I graduate and have had some good job experiences. I have a few jobs that would fulfill my dreams but one of them sticks out more than the others and I hope to take steps towards making these dreams come to life.

Page 3: Career power point

Some of my work values are having a safe environment to work in, fr iendly co-work ers, a fair boss, and the abi l i ty to work independently. These are important to me because I don’t think that I would be very happy at my job i f some of these weren’t present. Some unique qual i ties that I posses are that I am very independent, can work wel l with others and I am very musical .

Some foundation bui lding block s that I have already earned are in my M om’s business with acting and modeling. I also have made a foundation in D E CA with M rs. W ood and M r . Como. I also have had a few small jobs at Sweetbr iar Nature Center and work ing the farmer ’s market in W est H ampton with my Grandpa in late spr ing through ear ly fal l . I wish to develop more bui lding block s in the education wor ld by continuing to par ticipate in Teacher Swap and the H igh School H eroes program. Some more bui lding block s I wish to posses are in the polo/ horse wor ld by going to tournaments in northern New York (Cornel l ) and at UCONN.

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M y H olland code was SI E which stands for Social , I nvestigative and E nterpr ising. This matches my personal i ty results because I l ik e to deal with people and students, solve problems such as cr iminal investigations and also be involved in business such as a company. M y personal i ty is very comedic, I love to laugh and crack jok es al l the time. I also love deal ing with students and teaching them new things.

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This was one of the first careers that I have ever considered, and it seems to have stuck with me. I think that this is a good career for me because I have always loved teaching. I can easily stand in front of an audience and speak, and convey my thoughts out loud. It matches my Holland code because teachers have to be social with other people and their students, they have to solve problems such as children that misbehave and they also have to understand business aspects in order to teach students the same type of things. I have always loved teaching and I participate in teaching programs such as High School Heroes and Teacher Swap every year.

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The second career that I have chosen based on my H ol land code is a musician. I currently play 6 instruments and consider myself to be very sk i l led at 4 of them. A musician would be a good match for me because I have always loved music and would l ik e to have a career where I can chal lenge my musical talent. M y H olland code was a mtch for this career because musicians have to deal with other people and be good at speak ing to others, they have to interpret music and be good at problem solving in case a piece needs to be rearranged. E nterpr ising is not that important in this career but i t is sti l l a useful sk i l l to have.

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F orensic A nthropology is a career that I cannot descr ibe with words other than cool . W hat they do is look at bodies that are too decomposed for a pathologist or coroner to identi fy. F orensic A nthropology is a very difficult field to work in, but i f successful , i t i s worth i t. This matches my H olland code because I would get to work in a laboratory setting with many other people, this job is mostly based on the investigative aspect because they work with sk eletons to find out how that person died and where and when they l ived.

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P eople with a blue interest color enjoy creative, humanistic and thoughtful types of quiet activi ties. I t often leads to work in editing, teaching, inventing, mediating and wr iting.

P eople with a red style prefer to perform their job in a manner that is action or iented and practical . They prefer logical , asser tive, high pressure jobs. You wil l want to choose a career path where in which your style is welcomed.

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The fir st career I have chosen is a travel agent. Travel agents help their cl ients get the best out of their travel budgets. They must explain things l ike customs, hotels, and the local geography to their cl ients. Travel agent shave to research a lot of different things and check reservations multiple times in order to make sure that their cl ients are happy. This career matches my B irkman test results because I love learning about other countr ies and their customs and I also enjoy travel ing a lot. This would be a good job because there are a lot of benefi ts to learning about other countr ies and how they l ive.

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The second career I have chosen is a talent manager . Talent M anager ’s must col lect money from people that owe and also book jobs for their talent. This job uses sk i l ls such as financial management and strategical ly planning. They must col lect fees, communicate with cl ients and develop contacts with individuals and organizations. This career matches my B irkman test results because I enjoy business and have been around this type of career my entire l i fe. This career is very interesting and would be a good match for me because I know exactly how it work s and have been around this business my whole l i fe.

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The last career I have chosen is an M usic Teacher for postsecondary students. I n this job one would teach students the aspects of music, conduct pieces, hold lessons, and conduct at concer ts and parades. I found this job to a be a good combination of two of the things that I l ik e to do most. I would have to have a vast k nowledge of music, i ts inner work ings and many different instruments such as woodwinds, brass, percussion and str ings. I think that this job would be a good match for me because I currently play 5 different instruments and am eager to learn as many as possible. This career relates to my B irk man test results because I enjoy music and teaching a lot, so a combination of the two would be a good thing for me to try out.