career+management 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Career+Management 1


    A career is a sequence of positions held by a person

    during the course of lifetime. It comprises of a series

    of work related activities that provide continuity,

    order and meaning to persons life. (Flipp, p.248)

    To some people career means advancement. As

    such, jobs offerings little chance for advancement

    would not be careers. The underlying assumption is

    that a person can shape his destiny through a series

    of well planned and well timed, positive moves.

    However it must be stated here as a word of caution,

    mere planning does not ensure career success. A

    persons career is shaped by many complex factors,

    e.g. performance, education, experience, influential

    parents, caste links and a certain amount of luck. As

    Davis stated, when people rely largely on luck,

    however they seldom are prepared for the career

    opportunities that arise. Successful people identify

    there career goals, plan and then take action. For

    them luck occurs when opportunity meets


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    CAREER :- A career is all the jobs that are heldduring ones working life.

    2) CAREER GOALS :- Future positions one tries to

    reach as part of career.

    3) CAREER PATH :- These are flexible lines of

    progression through which employees typically


    4) CAREER PLANNING :- The process by which one

    selects career goals and the path to these goals.

    5) CAREER DEVELOPMENT :- The personal actions

    one undertakes to achieve a career plan.

    6) CAREER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT :-Extending help to employees to form realistic

    career goals and the opportunities to realize


    7) CAREER COUNSELLING :- The process of advising

    employees on setting career goals and assisting

    them find suitable career path.

    8) CAREER MANAGEMENT :- It is the continuing

    process of setting career goals, formulating and

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    implementing strategies for reaching the goals

    and monitoring the results.

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    A career includes many positions, stages and

    transitions just as a persons life does. It can be

    easily understood if we think of a career consisting

    of several stages. Most of us has gone or will go

    through the under mentioned five stages.


    This is the career stage that usually end in

    ones mid-twenties as one makes the transition

    from college to work. From an organizational stand

    point, this stage has least relevance as it takes

    place prior to employment. However, the

    organizational can still track the mind of youngpeople by offering internship to them or offering

    on-the-job training to bright students.


    This is he career stage where one begins the

    search for work and pick up the first job. It includes

    the first experience on the job, peer group

    evaluation, personal tension and anxiety that

    confront a person trying to make his mark. This

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    period is characterized by committing mistake,

    learning from those mistakes and assuming

    increased responsibilities.

    3) MID-CAREER :-

    It is the stage that is typically reached

    between the age of 35 and 50. At this point, one

    may continue to show improved performance,

    level off or begin to decline, one is no longer

    viewed as a learner. Mistakes committed by one

    would be viewed seriously and may invite

    penalties as well. If one is good enough, one may

    grow and turn around good results. At this stage if

    one cannot show reasonable good performance,

    organizations show them the door or shift them to

    less important jobs,

    4) LATE CAREER :-

    This is the stage where one relaxes a bit and

    plays the part of an elder states person. For those

    who continue to grow through the mid-career

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    stage this is the time to command respect from

    younger employees. His/her varied experiences

    and judgment are greatly valued and your word

    will carry weight, undoubtedly, you can teach

    others and share your experience with others. But

    for those who have stagnated or deteriorated

    during the previous stage the late career brings

    the reality that they are no longer required to run

    the race.

    5) LATE STAGE :-

    During this stage a persons attention may

    turn to retirement.

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    According to Hall four general individual

    characteristics influence how people make career


    1) Interest :- People tend to go after career that

    they believe match their interest.

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    Career planning is the process by which one

    selects career goals and the path to these goals.

    The major focus of career planning is on assisting

    the employees achieve a better match between

    personal goals and opportunities that are

    realistically available in the organization. Career

    planning efforts need to pin point and highlight

    those areas that offer psychological success

    instead of vertical growth.

    Career planning is not an event in itself, but a

    continuous process of developing human resources

    for achieving optimal results. It must however be

    noted that individual and organizational careers

    are not separate and distinct. Organizations,

    therefore should help employees in career

    planning so that both can satisfy each other needs.

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    Every employee has desire to grow and scale new

    heights in his workplace continuously. If there are

    enough opportunities, he can pursue his career

    goals and exploit his potential fully, he feel highly

    motivated. The individuals personal goals must be

    compatible with the organizational goals. But

    unfortunately, as pointed out by John Leach,

    organizations do not pay adequate attention to this

    aspect in actual practice. The demands ofemployees are knot matched with organizational

    needs, which ultimately disheartened the

    employees. So, in the absence of career planning

    is going to make a big difference to both the

    employees and the organizations. If employees do

    not get right breaks at he right time, there moral

    will be low and they are always on there toes

    trying to find escape routes.

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    1) Attract and retain talents by offering career

    and not jobs.

    2) Use human resource effectively and achieve

    greater productivity.3) Reduce employee turnover,

    4) Improve employee morale and motivation.

    5) Meet immediate and future human resource

    need of the organization on timely basis.

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    1. Identifying individual needs and

    aspirations :-

    Most individuals do not have a clear cut ideaabout there career aspitations, anchors and goals.

    The human resourse proffessionals must therefore

    help an employee and provide as much

    information as much possible about his work. The

    basic purpose of such an exercise is to help an

    employee form a clear view about what he should

    do to bulid his career within the company. To

    assist employees in a better way, organization

    construct a data bank consisting of information

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    with the career history, skills evaluation and career

    preferances of his employees (known as skill or

    talent inventory).

    2) Analysing career opportunity :-

    Ones need and aspiration of employees are

    known the organization has to provide carer path

    for each position. Career path show progression

    posibility clearly.

    3) Alining needs and opportunities :- After employees have identified there needs

    and have released the existance of career

    opportunities, the remaining problem in of alining

    them. This process consists of two steps

    i. Identify the potencial of employees and then

    undertake career development programms,

    with the view to align employees needs and

    organizational opportunities. Performance

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    appraisal or potencial appraisal can be used

    as potence identifying tools.

    ii. After identifying the potence of employees

    certain development technique such as

    special assignment, plans, position, rotation

    supervisory coatching, job enrichment, under

    study programms can be undertaken to

    upgrade employees knowledge and skills.

    4) Action plans and periodic review :-

    The whole career management process of any

    employees must be review periodically and if

    necessary flexible action must be taken up.

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    Career development consists of the personnal action

    to achieve a career plan. Career development

    looks at the long term career effectiveness of

    the employees. The actions for career

    development may be initiated by the individual

    himself or by the organization.

    Individual career deevlopment :-

    Some of the important steps that can help an

    individual cross the hurdles on the way up may


    i. Performance :- If the performance is good career

    goals can easily be achieved.

    ii. Exposure :- One must undertake actions that

    to attract the attention of those

    who matte most in an organization,

    i.e. the exposure of ones activities.

    iii. Liveraging :- Designing to further onescareer with another employees is

    known as liveraging.

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    iv. Loyalty to career :- One muat be loyal to his or

    her work with a perticular

    organization as long as it help

    his/her career in long terms.

    v. Mentors and sponsers :- Mentors takes junior

    employees under his/her pro and

    offer advice and guidence and how

    to survive and get ahead in the

    organization. They act as role

    models. A sponser on the other

    hand is someone in the

    organization who can create career

    development opportunities.

    vi. Expand ability :- Employees who are career

    concious must prepare themselves

    for future opportunities that may

    come there way internally or

    externally by taking a series of

    proactive steps.

    Organizational career development :-

    The assistance from managers and humanresourse

    development is equally important in achieving career

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    goals and meeting organizational needs. The

    following tools are used in this manner

    i. Self assessmient tools :- Here the employees go

    through the process in which

    they think through about

    ther life roles, interest, skills

    and work attitude and

    preferences. They identify

    career goals, develop

    suitable action plans and

    point out obstracles that

    comne in the way. Normally

    career planning work sharp

    or career work book are

    used in this regard.

    ii. Individual counselling :- employees councelling

    is the process whereby

    employees are guided in

    overcomming performance

    problems. It is usually done

    through face to face

    meeting between the

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    employees and the

    councellor or coach.

    iii. Information services :- Employment oportunity

    at vatious level must be

    communicated to the

    employees through

    information services of

    various kinds. For co and

    communicating career

    related information to

    employees organization

    basically use four methods

    job posting system, skills

    inventory, career ladders

    and career paths, career

    resource centre.

    iv. Employee assessment :- Several assessment

    programms are used to

    evaluate the employees

    potentialfor group and

    development in the

    owrganization. They include

    assessment centre,

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    psychological testing,

    promote ability forecastand

    succession planning.

    v. Employee development programm :- These

    consists of skills assessment

    and training efforts that

    organization use to groom

    there employees for future



    Career management includes both organizational

    actions and individual efforts aimed at setting career

    goals, formulating amd implementing strategies and

    monitoring then results (Greenhaus ). A balance

    approach to career management includes both

    individual career planning and organizational

    initiatives to balance career goals and organizational


    Every organization should develop career path

    modules for its each deciplines. The career path

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    modules have been evaluated to provide direction to

    the career progression. It should form the basis for

    placement, transfer and rotation so that the

    employees are prepared for higher responsibilities

    and the experience they gain becomes stimulative

    rather repetative.