carey prospectus 2016

Prospectus 2016

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Page 1: Carey prospectus 2016



Page 2: Carey prospectus 2016

“My love for God is all the richer for being obedient to His call and coming under the care and covering of

this covenant community.”LYNDON TWEMLOW, Pastoral Leadership Student

“I am hugely grateful to be part of the academic community at Carey where excellence in scholarship

is firmly grounded in deep relationship with Jesus.”EMMA STOKES, Postgraduate Student (Distance)

“Studies in the postgraduate programme have helped nuance my understanding, and are equipping me to lead in community with clear vision and conviction.

This is a transformational place!”ELLIOT RICE, Postgraduate Student

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Carey exists to serve the church and we

primarily do this by helping to form

leaders for ministry and mission. It is

our strong conviction that a rigorous

theological education will produce leaders

with depth and endurance.

We believe the Bible is the foundation for understanding God.

Studying at Carey will help you know God in a deeper

and more personal way, so that as a leader trust and

obedience will become much easier.

We believe the Bible is the foundation for understanding the world.

Studying at Carey will enable you to grasp the big

purposes of God, so that as a leader you will be able to

clearly articulate what you believe and why.

We believe the Bible is the foundation for understanding ourselves.

Studying at Carey will enable you to develop personally,

so that as a leader you can function from your core

identity as a child of God.

We believe the Bible is the foundation for understanding the church.

Studying at Carey will help you grasp the richness

of the people of God, so that as a leader you can

nurture a spiritual community that is vibrant and


We believe the Bible is the foundation for understanding mission.

Studying at Carey will enable you to think theologically

about the cultural environment you find yourself in, so

that as a leader you might engage with it faithfully and


As Principal of Carey I am always keen to hear from

prospective students. If you want to chat with me

about studying at Carey please feel free to email me:

[email protected]

Hei kona mai.



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Our Teaching Staff

Carey is a community of faithful scholars who passionately believe theology is the starting point to making a difference. We invite you to join a community centred on the Word, because there is simply nowhere else to begin. We welcome you into a community of theological engagement, because there is no other way to

understand. We ask you to share in a community compelled to participate in God’s redemptive work in the world, because there is simply no other way to be.

Theology is about God. Theology is life-transforming. Theology is applied.








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Charles Hewlett 6

Principal Leadership,Applied Theology

Dr Myk Habets 3

Head of Carey Graduate School Theology

Dr Joe W. Huang 7

Director Chinese ProgrammeLecturer - New Testament, 黃文耀博士

Dr Sarah Harris 14

New Testament

Dr George Wieland 10

Mission Research & TrainingDr John Tucker 12

Church History, Spirituality, & Preaching

Dr Phil Halstead 9

Pastoral Care & CounsellingJonathan Weir 2

Ministry Training

Andrew Picard 4

Applied Theology Rachel Roche 13

Internships / Field EducationDr Csilla Saysell 8

Old TestamentSam Kilpatrick 5

Youth Ministry

Elliot Rice 1 & Sarah Rice 11







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Onsite Classes Most courses are offered at our campus in Penrose

(Auckland), timetabled in weekly 3-hour classes over

12 weeks of the 17-week semester. A number of

these courses are offered in the evening making them

available for students in full-time employment.

Distance CoursesMany courses that Carey offers are available by distance

learning, meaning that you can be located anywhere

around New Zealand—or the world—but still continue

to study through Carey.

Block CoursesA number of block or intensive courses are offered each

year. These are held either at the Auckland campus

or at various locations throughout New Zealand. They

usually last either five days or have two blocks of two or

three days.

Field EducationSome courses are practical-based field education

courses. You complete the requirements for these

courses in your local place of ministry under the

guidance of a nominated supervisor.

Full-time Study You can study full-time towards any Carey qualification.

Full-time study allows you to combine onsite classes,

distance, and block courses into a study programme

that suits your needs.

Part-time Study

You can also study part-time towards any Carey

qualification. Part-time study allows you to combine

study with other commitments such as employment,

family, and church life. As a part-time student you can

combine on-site classes, distance, and block courses for

a study programme that suits your needs.

Carey Baptist College offers a range of course delivery options with the aim of making study

as accessible as possible to you. Currently we have:

Studying at Carey

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Community LifeFrom orientation through to graduation we want you to

think of this place, your place, as family. We work hard

at creating a campus that is full of genuine care and

community. This happens through a number of special

events each year such as bagel breakfasts, Community

Life Day, and sENDing, (which is when we celebrate the

completion of our Pastoral Leadership students’

training) as well as through our

weekly chapel, community

lunches, and prayer times that

aim to make our campus an

awesome place to belong.

Not only will you study,

discover, and unpack

knowledge at Carey, you

will also form friendships that last as you journey with

other students and with staff who are committed to

supporting you, both while you study and beyond. So come

and check us out at an Open Day or contact us to arrange

your own personal visit! We look forward to having you as

part of the whanau.

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Carey offers a range of NZQA approved qualifications at undergraduate level, as well as a range of training options which sit alongside academic study for those called to train and equip themselves in leadership for mission or ministry.

Carey offers a range of NZQA approved qualifications at undergraduate level, as well as a range of training options which sit alongside academic study for those called to train and equip themselves in leadership for mission or ministry.

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Certificate of Christian Studies(Not NZQA Accredited) The Certificate of Christian

Studies provides a study pathway for students

pursuing part-time study primarily for personal

interest, maybe with an eye to further formal study

at a later time. Students can complete one or more

courses chosen from those on offer during each year

(subject to any pre-requisite requirements). A Carey

Certificate will be awarded on completion of four

courses, OR credits gained may be applied within

another Carey qualification.

Certificate of Applied TheologyThe Certificate of Applied Theology introduces

biblical and theological study through an ‘applied’

lens. It is ideal for those studying for personal

interest, or for those studying part-time who want a

qualification that can be upgraded in the future.

A student enrolled in the Certificate of Applied

Theology will follow a programme of study equivalent

to one year full-time and gain 120 credits, comprising:MB521 Introduction to Christian Theology OR

MB421 Christian Worldview and Discipleship

MB531 Reading and Understanding the Old Testament OR

MB532 Reading and Understanding the New Testament

MF501 Reflective Field Education 1 (or equivalent)

75 credits of elective courses at level 5 or above

Diploma of Applied TheologyThe Diploma of Applied Theology trains people to take

part in, understand, and apply a wide range of ministries.

A student enrolled in the Diploma of Applied Theology

will follow a programme of study equivalent to two

full-time years and gain 240 credits (of which 90 credits

must be completed at level 6 or above) comprising:At least 90 credits from courses in Bible& Theology, with a

minimum of 15 credits at level 6 or above, including:

MB521 Introduction to Christian Theology

MB531 Reading and Understanding the Old Testament

MB532 Reading and Understanding the New Testament

A minimum of 45 credits of elective courses

At least 120 credits from courses in Mission, Formation &

Ministry, including:

MF501 Reflective Field Education (or equivalent)

MS6/705 Christian Spirituality

A minimum of 90 credits of elective courses

Bachelor of Applied TheologyThe Bachelor of Applied Theology is an academic

programme equipping people for effective leadership

and participation in a wide range of ministry or

mission settings.

A student enrolled in the Bachelor of Applied Theology

will follow a programme of study equivalent to three

years full-time, and gain 360 credits (of which 75

credits must be completed at level 7) comprising: At least 150 credits from courses in Bible & Theology,


MB521 Introduction to Theology

MB526 Insights into Church History

MB531 Reading and Understanding the Old Testament

MB532 Reading and Understanding the New Testament

MB630 Understanding and Interrogating Culture

At least 30 credits in Bible at level 6 or 7

At least 15 credits in Theology at level 6

A minimum of 30 credits of elective courses

At least 120 credits from courses in Mission, Formation and

Ministry, including:

MF501 Reflective Field Education 1 (or equivalent)

MS6/705 Christian Spirituality

A minimum of 90 credits of elective courses

PLUS MI700 Thematic Integrative Seminar

Graduate Diploma of Applied TheologyThe Graduate Diploma of Applied Theology is an

academic programme for people who already have an

existing undergraduate qualification, or equivalent, and

desire an initial theological qualification or who wish to

gain entry to postgraduate theological study. It is also

for graduates who are studying for personal interest.

A student enrolled for the Graduate Diploma in

Applied Theology will follow a course of study

equivalent to one year of full-time study and gain

120 credits comprising:MB521 Introduction to Christian Theology

MB531 Reading and Understanding the Old Testament OR

MB532 Reading and Understanding the New Testament

90 credits of elective courses with a minimum of 75 credits

at level 7 or above

NB. Bridging Graduate Diploma. A student with a non-

theological undergraduate degree who is seeking admission

to postgraduate theological study may be required to enrol in

the Graduate Diploma programme as a bridge to postgraduate

study. In this case the student will be prescribed an individual

programme of study in relevant subject areas and levels to

ensure a firm foundation in Biblical and Theological studies.

ChineseThe Certificate of Applied Theology and Diploma of

Applied Theology are also available in Chinese. Visit

our website for details:

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In accordance with Carey’s mission, the aim of these qualifications is to create thinking practitioners, scholars, and leaders who will stimulate and resource new knowledge, fresh and critical thinking, and the development of effective praxis in Christian ministry, mission, and leadership in New Zealand and beyond.

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Postgraduate Diploma and Master of Applied TheologyCarey’s Postgraduate Diploma in Applied

Theology and Master of Applied Theology

provide advanced theological qualifications for

practitioners committed to career-long education.

The programmes aim to support professional

development for pastors and other Christian

ministry practitioners who have high levels

of curriculum knowledge, research skills, and

leadership capacity. In addition the programmes

aim to equip students interested in advancing

academic scholarship, and research in the field of

applied theology.

Master of Philosophy and Doctor of PhilosophyCarey has a Memorandum of Agreement with AUT

University which allows Carey to assist students

in the advanced research degrees of Master of

Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Both of these degrees are administered by the

Doctoral Studies Board of AUT and potential

candidates should consult with the Head of Carey

Graduate School, or the Dean of Studies, as well as

reading the relevant publications of AUT.

When Christ ascended to the

right hand of God the Father

he promised he would send his

Holy Spirit who would do, among

other things, two principle works:

first, he will bring to mind what Christ has said and;

second, lead the church into all truth (through John

14-16). The first work was inaugurated with the

canon of Holy Scripture, the apostolic testimony to

God and his works in the world. The second work is

being fulfilled throughout the history of the Church

as Christians read, pray, think, reflect, talk, work,

and respond to the Word and Spirit of God. Carey

Graduate School invites you to join in this Spirit-filled

conversation in order to find your voice and your

place in the Kingdom of God being built amongst the

kingdoms of the world. All theology is applied and all

applications are theological—we call that theology

applied. We welcome you to our community of

scholarship and Christian witness.


Graduate School 2016 Academic Year

Course Delivery Mode

MA801 Research Methods in Applied Theology (compulsory course)(Charles Hewlett)

Full year, Block deliveryOn campus Blocks (full days): April 26 - 29, and September 19 – 21

MA802 The Letters to Timothy and Titus: Resourcing Mission Then and Now(George Wieland)

Full year, Block deliveryOn campus Blocks (mornings): May 2 - 6, and September 12 – 16

MA812 Bonhoeffer and Spirituality(Joe McGarry)

Full year, Block deliveryOn campus Blocks (mornings): April 18 – 22, and September 5 – 9

MA813 Aldersgate and Aotearoa:John Wesley, Evangelism & Discipleship(Mick Duncan)

Full year, Block deliveryOn campus Blocks (afternoons): April 18 - 22, and September 12 - 16

MA810 Special Topic: Leading Congregational Change(Kurt Frederickson)

Semester Two:Block delivery:On campus Block (full week):July 11 - 15

MA821 Research Essay

MA901 Thesis (90 credits)

MA902 Thesis (120 credits)

*correct at the time of publication but subject to change. See for the latest version.

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Pastoral Leadership

Full-Time (3 Years)

This specialised programme is

strategically designed to prepare

leaders for effective Pastoral Ministry.

Over the duration there is intentional

development of the student’s Biblical

knowledge, spiritual life, self-

awareness, leadership skills, and

preaching. Experienced practitioners

work alongside students, mentoring

and supervising them through

the students own personalised

development track. Local churches

work alongside Carey and offer “hands

on” experience to build ministry skills

and confidence. All of the learning is

constantly enhanced by peer group

experiences where the Pastoral

Leadership students support and

encourage each other as they grow

together as Pastoral Leaders.

Youth Pastoral Leadership

Full-Time (3 Years)

The Youth Pastoral Leadership

programme is designed specifically

to highly equip students intending

on serving long term with youth. The

three year programme offers practical

learning experiences in churches

and other organisations, challenges

students to be more self-aware

leaders, and equips them with the

biblical and theological skills needed

to integrate classroom learning with

a philosophy of youth ministry based

on best practice and contemporary

research. This training is a unique,

holistic approach designed for those

who feel called to youth ministry as a



Full-Time (3 Years) and Part-Time

Options Available

Carey’s Internship programme

is aimed at training reflective

practitioners for Christian ministry in

a local church, mission or vocational

setting. The training programme is

designed for students who have a

training partnership with a church

or Christian ministry organisation.

It seeks to develop their skills

and wisdom in self-reflection,

contextual reflection and integration

of theology and praxis so that they

develop as faithful, creative, and

courageous servants of the gospel

in their various ministry settings.

Carey internships provide intentional

ministry and leadership development

in a vocational setting; supervision

and mentoring by experienced

practitioners; support and feedback

from Carey’s Coordinator of Field

Education; and a facilitated peer group

to share the journey.

Youth Ministry Internships

Full-Time (3 Years) and One year

option available

The Youth Ministry Internship

programme combines distance

learning, block courses, and practical

hands-on experience that helps

students grow and develop in the

knowledge and skills required for

effective ministry with youth—all

while being based in their home

church. Students will interact with

other Interns around the country

through CareyOnline, as well as having

a supervisor, mentor, and getting

input from the Carey Co-ordinator of

Field Education. The training aims to

help students better reflect on and act

out of a sound philosophy of ministry

with youth.


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MissionCertificate of Intercultural Practice

Full-time (1 Year)

Diploma of Intercultural Practice

Full-time (2 Years)

Mission Track students are part of a

mission oriented peer group studying

for an Applied Theology qualification

alongside a Certificate or Diploma in

Intercultural Practice. The input from

mission practitioners and leaders,

excellent mentoring and a range

of learning experiences including

missional spirituality, intercultural

skills, global awareness and

preparation for participation in God’s

mission, are highly relevant whether

the desire is to serve overseas or closer

to home.

Intermission “More than a Gap Year”

Intermission is a one year full-time

programme designed with recent

school leavers in mind, keen on being

stretched and challenged in their faith,

worldview, and life direction. It is more

than a break; it is a discipleship year for

those at the quarter life stage (17-22),

providing a chance to grow in new

directions. Intermission is a fantastic

opportunity for those who want to

study theology, learn more about what

it means to be a disciple, and experience

mission in the wider community.

The programme focuses on three

different components—discipleship,

vocation, and study. Students will

do personality testing, Strengths

Finders, have one on one mentoring,

and time as a group growing as

disciples, discovering what their

individual strengths and weaknesses

are so that they can give them to the

Kingdom and serve God in the best

way possible. Students go out onto the

streets praying for others, undertake

weekly community placements, and go

on mission trips. All of this is designed

to expose them to different ways of

doing life to help find their unique

calling. In addition, students complete

eight academic courses.

From academic to hands on experience,

from character development to

discipleship training, from weekly

group times to overnight retreats—by

applying for Intermission students

commit themselves to all aspects of the

year, because that is how they get the

most from it. (And Carey is committed

to making it lots of fun too!)

Successful completion of the academic

components in Intermission will lead

to the award of a Carey Certificate of

Applied Theology (NZQA Accredited).

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“I feel incredibly privileged to have studied at Carey where academia and life beautifully collide. My time at the college has deepened my understanding of the loving heart of the Father, the person of Christ, and the ever present Spirit. Having genuine access to the Faculty, many of whom have practiced as pastors and missionaries, causes the biblical material taught to be grounded in an applied real world context. My love for God is all the richer for being obedient to His call and coming under the care and covering of this covenant community. It has been empowering and liberating. I have been challenged in my theology to consider not just what I believe but why I believe. Discovering new pathways into the Word has been invaluable in discerning Christ’s voice and will continue to be so as I walk with Emmanuel and His people.”

—LYNDON TWEMLOWPastoral Leadership Student

“I am hugely grateful to be part of the academic community at Carey where excellence in scholarship is firmly grounded in deep relationship with Jesus. I have found studying here to be a life-giving experience that both encourages and equips me to serve in ministry in NZ and overseas. Being a distance student requires me to attend block courses where I have thoroughly enjoyed the warmth and inclusiveness of the staff and students. I can unreservedly say that I feel really blessed and privileged to study under such exceptional lecturers.”

—EMMA STOKESPostgraduate Student (Distance)

At Carey I’ve been enriched in my love of God, his word, his church, his mission, and his world. Biblical courses assisted me to see God and His world through the lens of scripture; studying theology provided a framework for thinking about God and worshiping Him as Holy Trinity; mission and ministry classes prompted reflection on how these beliefs and convictions work out in practice in our world; and all this was done within the context of the vibrant Carey community. In the pastoral leadership track we wrestled together with how we might serve, lead, and equip the church to participate in Christ’s local and global mission. Studies in the postgraduate programme have helped nuance my understanding, and are equipping me to lead in community with clear vision and conviction. This is a transformational place!

—ELLIOT RICEPostgraduate Student

The Bible is the foundation for understanding God, the world, ourselves, the church, and mission. You are invited to broaden your understanding by studying with us. Theology. Applied.

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2016 Academic DatesSemester OneReturning Student Enrolments close Wednesday 9 December


New Student Enrolments close Friday 12 February

Intermission Begins Tuesday 23 February

Lectures Begin Monday 29 February

Final date for late/change

enrolment/Final Payment

Friday 11 March

Graduation Saturday 9 April

Easter Friday 25 - Monday 28


Mid-Semester Break/Study Monday 18 April – Friday

6 May

Queen’s Birthday Monday 6 June

Lectures End Monday 20 June

Final Assessments Monday 20 June to Friday

1 July

Semester One Ends Friday 1 July

Inter Semester Break Monday 4 July – Friday

22 July

Semester TwoReturning Student Enrolments close Wednesday 15 June

New Student Enrolments close Wednesday 6 July

Lectures Begin Monday 25 July

Final date for late/change

enrolment/final payment

Friday 5 August

Mid-Semester Break/Study Monday 5 – Friday 23


Labour Day Monday 24 October

The sENDing Thursday 27 October

Lectures End Monday 7 November

Final Assessments Monday 7 to Friday 18


Semester Two Ends Friday 18 November

Intermission Ends Friday 18 November

Fees for 2016TuitionOnsite & Distance: $ 690.00 per 15 credit course

International Students: $ 2,010.00 per 15 credit course

Audit (not for credit) per course: $ 300.00

Postgraduate $ 1,737.00 per 30 credit course

Postgraduate (International) $ 4,020.00 per 30 credit course

Other FeesOnsite Student Services Fee $ 35 per course

Enrolment Fee $ 40.00 per student per event

Late enrolment $ 50.00 per course

Student ID Card $ 20.00

Change of Enrolment $ 50.00

Students’ Association $ 25.00

Transcript $ 30.00

Remarking/Resubmission $ 50.00 per course

Application forAegrotat/Compassionate $ 50.00

Application for Cross Credit $ 50.00+$75/hour

Application Recognitionof Current Competency $ 50.00+$75/hour

Thesis Resubmission $ 300

Thesis Extension Fee 5% of the Annual Fee for each partial or complete 3-month period of the extension

Training Tracks*Pastoral Leadership $ 1,500.00

Youth Pastor Track $ 1,500.00

Missions Track $ 700.00

Carey welcomes students from New Zealand and abroad. For further information about study at Carey please contact the Academic Registrar at [email protected]

*There is a fee subsidy available that can assist with the funding of the Pastoral Leadership & Youth Pastoral Leadership programme for students from Baptist churches.

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473 Great South RoadPenrose, AucklandNew Zealand 1061

PO Box 12149PenroseAuckland 1642New Zealand

T +64 9 525 4017 0800 773 776F +64 525 4096E [email protected]