carlos hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/teaching/nm_2017_fall/l5/l5.pdf · c. hurtado (uiuc -...

Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization Carlos Hurtado Department of Economics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [email protected] Oct 10th, 2017 C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

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Page 1: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization

Carlos Hurtado

Department of EconomicsUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

[email protected]

Oct 10th, 2017

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

Page 2: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

On the Agenda

1 Numerical Optimization

2 Minimization of Scalar Function

3 Golden Search

4 Newton’s Method

5 Polytope Method

6 Newton’s Method Reloaded

7 Quasi-Newton Methods

8 Non-linear Least-Square

9 Constrained Optimization

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

Page 3: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Numerical Optimization

On the Agenda

1 Numerical Optimization

2 Minimization of Scalar Function

3 Golden Search

4 Newton’s Method

5 Polytope Method

6 Newton’s Method Reloaded

7 Quasi-Newton Methods

8 Non-linear Least-Square

9 Constrained Optimization

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

Page 4: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Numerical Optimization

Numerical Optimization

I In some economic problems, we would like to find the value thatmaximizes or minimizes a function.

I We are going to focus on the minimization problems:


f (x)


xf (x) s.t. x ∈ B

I Notice that minimization and maximization are equivalent because wecan maximize f (x) by minimizing −f (x).

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Numerical Optimization

Numerical Optimization

I We want to solve this problem in a reasonable time

I Most often, the CPU time is dominated by the cost of evaluatingf (x).

I We will like to keep the number of evaluations of f (x) as small aspossible.

I There are two types of objectives:

- Finding global minimum: The lowest possible value of the functionover the range.

- Finding a local minimum: Smallest value within a boundedneighborhood.

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Minimization of Scalar Function

On the Agenda

1 Numerical Optimization

2 Minimization of Scalar Function

3 Golden Search

4 Newton’s Method

5 Polytope Method

6 Newton’s Method Reloaded

7 Quasi-Newton Methods

8 Non-linear Least-Square

9 Constrained Optimization

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

Page 7: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Minimization of Scalar Function

Bracketing Method

I We would like to find the minimum of a scalar funciton f (x), suchthat f : R→ R.

I The Bracketing method is a direct method that does not usecurvature or local approximation

I We start with a bracket:(a, b, c) s.t. a < b < c and f (a) > f (b) and f (c) > f (b)

I We will search for the minimum by selecting a trial point in one of theintervals.

I If c − b > b − a, take d = b+c2 .

I Else, if c − b ≤ b − a, take d = a+b2

I If f (d) > f (b), there is a new bracket (d , b, c) or (a, b, d).I If f (d) < f (b), there is a new bracket (a, d , c).I Continue until the distance between the extremes of the bracket is

small.C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 3 / 27

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Minimization of Scalar Function

Bracketing Method

I We selected the new point using the mid point between the extremes,but what is the best location for the new point d?

a b d c

I One possibility is to minimize the size of the next search interval.I The next search interval will be either from a to d or from b to cI The proportion of the left interval is

w = b − ac − a

I The proportion of the new interval is

z = d − bc − a

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Golden Search

On the Agenda

1 Numerical Optimization

2 Minimization of Scalar Function

3 Golden Search

4 Newton’s Method

5 Polytope Method

6 Newton’s Method Reloaded

7 Quasi-Newton Methods

8 Non-linear Least-Square

9 Constrained Optimization

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

Page 10: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Golden Search

Golden Search

I The proportion of the new segment will be

1− w = c − bc − a

orw + z = d − a

c − a

I Moreover, if d is the new candidate to minimize the function,z

1− w =d−bc−ac−bc−a

= d − bc − b

I Ideally we will havez = 1− 2w

and z1− w = w

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Golden Search

Golden Search

I The previous equations imply w2 − 3w + 1 = 0, or

w = 3−√

52 ' 0.38197

I In mathematics, the golden ration is φ = 1+√


I This goes back to PythagorasI Notice that 1− 1

φ = 3−√


I The Golden Search algorithm uses the golden ratio to set the newpoint (using a weighed average)

I This reduces the bracketing by about 40%.I The performance is independent of the function that is being

minimized.C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 6 / 27

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Golden Search

Golden Search

I Sometimes the performance can be improve substantially when a localapproximation is used.

I When we use a combination of local approximation and golden searchwe get a method called Brent.

I Let us suppose that we want to minimize y = x(x − 2)(x + 2)2

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Golden Search

Golden Search

I Sometimes the performance can be improve substantially when a localapproximation is used.

I When we use a combination of local approximation and golden searchwe get a method called Brent.

I Let us suppose that we want to minimize y = x(x − 2)(x + 2)2

2 1 0 1 2











y = x(x - 2)(x + 2)2

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Golden Search

Golden Search

I We can use the minimize scalar function from the scipy .optimizemodule.

1 >>> def f(x):2 >>> .... return (x - 2) * x * (x + 2) **23 >>> from scipy. optimize import minimize_scalar4 >>> opt_res = minimize_scalar (f)5 >>> print opt_res .x6 1.280776404037 >>> opt_res = minimize_scalar (f, method =’golden ’)8 >>> print opt_res .x9 1.28077640147

10 >>> opt_res = minimize_scalar (f, bounds =(-3, -1), method =’bounded ’)

11 >>> print opt_res .x12 -2.0000002026

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Newton’s Method

On the Agenda

1 Numerical Optimization

2 Minimization of Scalar Function

3 Golden Search

4 Newton’s Method

5 Polytope Method

6 Newton’s Method Reloaded

7 Quasi-Newton Methods

8 Non-linear Least-Square

9 Constrained Optimization

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

Page 16: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Newton’s Method

Newton’s Method

I Let us assume that the function f (x) : R→ R is infinitelydifferentiable

I We would like to find x∗ such that f (x∗) ≤ f (x) for all x ∈ R.I Idea: Use a Taylor approximation of the function f (x).I The polynomial approximation of order two around a is:

p(x) = f (a) + f ′(a)(x − a) + 12 f ′′(a)(x − a)2

I To find an optimal value for p(x) we use the FOC:

p′(x) = f ′(a) + (x − a)f ′′(a) = 0

I Hence,x = a − f ′(a)

f ′′(a)C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 9 / 27

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Newton’s Method

Newton’s Method

I The Newton’s method starts with a given x1.I To compute the next candidate to minimize the function we use

xn+1 = xn −f ′(xn)f ′′(xn)

I Do this until|xn+1 − xn| < ε

and|f ′(xn+1)| < ε

I Newton’s method is very fast (quadratic convergence).I Theorem:

|xn+1 − xn| <|f ′′′(x∗)|2|f ′′(x∗)| |xn − x∗|2

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Page 18: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Newton’s Method

Newton’s Method

I A Quick Detour: Root FindingI Consider the problem of finding zeros for p(x)I Assume that you know a point a where p(a) is positive and a point b

where p(b) is negative.I If p(x) is continuous between a and b, we could approximate as:

p(x) ' p(a) + (x − a)p′(a)

I The approximate zero is then:

x = a − p(a)p′(a)

I The idea is the same as before. Newton’s method also works forfinding roots.

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Newton’s Method

Newton’s Method

I There are several issues with the Newton’s method:

- Iteration point is stationary

- Starting point enter a cycle

- Derivative does not exist

- Discontinuous derivative

I Newton’s method finds a local optimum, but not a global optimum.

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Polytope Method

On the Agenda

1 Numerical Optimization

2 Minimization of Scalar Function

3 Golden Search

4 Newton’s Method

5 Polytope Method

6 Newton’s Method Reloaded

7 Quasi-Newton Methods

8 Non-linear Least-Square

9 Constrained Optimization

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

Page 21: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Polytope Method

Polytope Method

I The Polytope (a.k.a. Nelder-Meade) Method is a direct method tofind the solution of


f (x)

where f : Rn → R.I We start with the points x1, x2 and x3, such that

f (x1) ≥ f (x2) ≥ f (x3)I Using the midpoint between x2 and x3, we reflect x1 to the point y1

I Check if f (y1) < f (x1).I If true, you have a new polytope.I If not, try x2. If not, try x3

I If nothing works, shrink the polytope toward x3.I Stop when the size of the polytope is smaller then ε

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Polytope Method

Polytope Method

I Let us consider the following function:f (x0, x1) = (1− x0)2 + 100(x1 − x2

0 )2

I The function looks like:

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Polytope Method

Polytope Method

I Let us consider the following function:

f (x0, x1) = (1− x0)2 + 100(x1 − x20 )2

I The function looks like:





































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Polytope Method

Polytope Method

I Let us consider the following function:

f (x0, x1) = (1− x0)2 + 100(x1 − x20 )2

I The function looks like:

1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.50.5





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Polytope Method

Polytope Method

I In python we can do:1 >>> def f2(x):2 .... return (1-x[0]) **2 + 100*(x[1]-x [0]**2) **23 >>> from scipy. optimize import fmin4 >>> opt=fmin(func=f2 ,x0 =[0 ,0])5 >>> print (opt)6 [ 1.00000439 1.00001064]

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Newton’s Method Reloaded

On the Agenda

1 Numerical Optimization

2 Minimization of Scalar Function

3 Golden Search

4 Newton’s Method

5 Polytope Method

6 Newton’s Method Reloaded

7 Quasi-Newton Methods

8 Non-linear Least-Square

9 Constrained Optimization

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

Page 27: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Newton’s Method Reloaded

Newton’s Method

I What can we do if we want to use Newton’s Method for a functionf : Rn → R?

I We can use a quadratic approximation at a′ = (a1, · · · , an):

p(x) = f (a) +∇f (a)(x − a) + 12(x − a)′H(a)(x − a)

where x ′ = (x1, · · · , xn).

I The gradient ∇f (x) is a multi-variable generalization of thederivative: ∇f (x)′ =

(∂f (x)∂x1

, · · · , ∂f (x)∂xn


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Newton’s Method Reloaded

Newton’s Method

I The hessian matrix H(x) is a square matrix of second-order partialderivatives that describes the local curvature of a function of manyvariables.

H(x) =

∂2f (x)∂x2


∂2f (x)∂x1∂x2

· · · ∂2f (x)∂x1∂xn

∂2f (x)∂x2∂x1

∂2f (x)∂x2

2· · · ∂2f (x)


... . . . ...∂2f (x)∂xn∂x1

∂2f (x)∂xn∂x2

· · · ∂2f (x)∂x2


I The FOC is:

∇p = ∇f (a) + H(a)(x − a) = 0

I We can solve this to get:x = a − H(a)−1∇f (a)

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Newton’s Method Reloaded

Newton’s Method

I Following the same logic as in the one dimensional case:

xk+1 = xk − H(xk)−1∇f (xk)

I How do we compute H(xk)−1∇f (xk)?

I We can solve:

H(xk)−1∇f (xk) = s∇f (xk) = H(xk)s

I The search direction, s, is the solution of a system of equations (andwe know how to solve that!)

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Quasi-Newton Methods

On the Agenda

1 Numerical Optimization

2 Minimization of Scalar Function

3 Golden Search

4 Newton’s Method

5 Polytope Method

6 Newton’s Method Reloaded

7 Quasi-Newton Methods

8 Non-linear Least-Square

9 Constrained Optimization

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

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Quasi-Newton Methods

Quasi-Newton Methods

I For Newton’s method we need the Hessian of the function.

I If the Hessian is unavailable, the ”full” Newton’s method cannot beused

I Any method that replaces the Hessian with an approximation is aquasi-Newton method.

I One advantage of quasi-Newton methods is that the Hessian matrixdoes not need to be inverted.

I Newton’s method, require the Hessian to be inverted, which istypically implemented by solving a system of equations

I Quasi-Newton methods usually generate an estimate of the inversedirectly.

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Quasi-Newton Methods

Quasi-Newton Methods

I The Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm, theHessian matrix is approximated using updates specified by gradientevaluations (or approximate gradient evaluations).

I In python:1 >>> import numpy as np2 >>> from scipy. optimize import fmin_bfgs3 >>> def f(x):4 ... return (1-x[0]) **2 + 100*(x[1]-x [0]**2) **25 >>> opt = fmin_bfgs (f, x0 =[0.5 ,0.5])

I Using the gradient we can improve the approximation1 >>> def g r a d i e n t ( x ) :2 . . . r e t u r n np . a r r a y (( −2∗(1 − x [ 0 ] ) − 100∗4∗ x [ 0 ] ∗ ( x [ 1 ] − x [ 0 ] ∗ ∗ 2 ) , 200∗( x [ 1 ] − x

[ 0 ] ∗ ∗ 2 ) ) )3 >>> opt2 = f m i n b f g s ( f , x0 =[10 ,10 ] , f p r i m e=g r a d i e n t )

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Quasi-Newton Methods

Quasi-Newton Methods

I One of the methods that requires the fewest function calls (thereforevery fast) is the Newton-Conjugate-Gradient (NCG).

I The method uses a conjugate gradient algorithm to (approximately)invert the local Hessian.

I If the Hessian is positive definite then the local minimum of thisfunction can be found by setting the gradient of the quadratic form tozero

I In python1 >>> from scipy. optimize import fmin_ncg2 >>> opt3= fmin_ncg (f,x0 =[10 ,10] , fprime = gradient )

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Non-linear Least-Square

On the Agenda

1 Numerical Optimization

2 Minimization of Scalar Function

3 Golden Search

4 Newton’s Method

5 Polytope Method

6 Newton’s Method Reloaded

7 Quasi-Newton Methods

8 Non-linear Least-Square

9 Constrained Optimization

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

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Non-linear Least-Square

Non-linear Least-Square

I suppose it is desired to fit a set of data {xi , yi} to a model,y = f (x ; p) where p is a vector of parameters for the model thatneed to be found.

I A common method for determining which parameter vector gives thebest fit to the data is to minimize the sum of squares errors. (why?)

I The error is usually defined for each observed data-point as:

ei (yi , xi ; p) = ‖yi − f (xi ; p)‖

I The sum of the square of the errors is:

S (p; x , y) =N∑


i (yi , xi ; p)

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Non-linear Least-Square

Non-linear Least-Square

I Suppose that we model some populaton data at several times.

yi = f (ti ; (A, b)) = Aebt

I The parameters A and b are unknown to the economist.I We would like to minimize the square of the error to approximate the


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Non-linear Least-Square

Non-linear Least-Square

I Suppose that we model some populaton data at several times.

yi = f (ti ; (A, b)) = Aebt

I The parameters A and b are unknown to the economist.

I We would like to minimize the square of the error to approximate thedata

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Constrained Optimization

On the Agenda

1 Numerical Optimization

2 Minimization of Scalar Function

3 Golden Search

4 Newton’s Method

5 Polytope Method

6 Newton’s Method Reloaded

7 Quasi-Newton Methods

8 Non-linear Least-Square

9 Constrained Optimization

C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods

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Constrained Optimization

Constrained Optimization

I Let us find the minimum of a scalar function subject to constrains.


f (x) s.t. g(x) = a and h(x) ≥ b

I Here we have g : Rn → Rm and h : Rn → Rk .

I Notice that we can re-write the problem as an unconstrained version:


f (x) + 12p[ m∑

i=1(gi (x)− ai )2



max {0, hj(x)− bj}

I For a ”very large” value of p, the constrain needs to be satisfied(penalty method).

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Page 40: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Constrained Optimization

Constrained Optimization

I If the objective function is quadratic, the optimization problem lookslike


q(x) = 12x ′Gx + x ′c s.t. g(x) = a and h(x) ≥ b

I The structure of this type of problems can be efficiently exploited.

I This form the basis for Augmented Lagrangian and SequentialQuadratic Programming problems

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Page 41: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Constrained Optimization

Constrained Optimization

I The Augmented Lagrangian Methods use a mix of the Lagrangianwith penalty method.

I The Sequential Quadratic Programming Algorithms (SQPA) solve theproblem by using Quadratic approximations of the Lagrangeanfunction.

I The SQPA is the analogous of Newton’s method for the case ofconstraints.

I How does the algorithm solve the problem? It is possible withextensions of simplex method, which we will not cover.

I The previous extensions can be solved with the BFGS algorithm

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Page 42: Carlos Hurtado - econ.uiuc.eduhrtdmrt2/Teaching/NM_2017_Fall/L5/L5.pdf · C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics) Numerical Methods 11 / 27. Newton’s Method Newton’s Method I There are

Constrained Optimization

Constrained Optimization

I Let us consider the Utility Maximization problem of an agent withconstant elasticity of substitution (CES) utility function:

U(x , y) = (αxρ + (1− α) yρ)1ρ

I Denote by px and py the prices of goods x and y respectively.

I the constraint optimization problem for the consumer is:

maxx ,y

U(x , y ; ρ, α) subject to x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 and pxx + py y = M

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