carol lourie · 2020. 2. 28. · before your day ends? if you know you’re not feeling your best,...

27 Carol Lrie Your Health and Your Life, Restored Easy Mini-Detox Live your busy life and get healthy, too!

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Page 1: Carol Lourie · 2020. 2. 28. · before your day ends? If you know you’re not feeling your best, you’re a great candidate for this mini-detox. While a detox won’t fix everything,

Carol LourieYour Heal th and Your Life, Restored

Easy Mini-DetoxLive your busy life and get healthy, too!

Page 2: Carol Lourie · 2020. 2. 28. · before your day ends? If you know you’re not feeling your best, you’re a great candidate for this mini-detox. While a detox won’t fix everything, 2 © Carol Lourie 2018

Table of Contents3,4 Meet Carol

5,6 Detox That Works

7-9 Four Pillars of Whole Body Health

10 Stay the Course

11 Detox Details

12 What to Eliminate

13 What to Keep

14-16 Healing Detox Protocol

17-19 12-Hour Fast

20 About Coffee

21,22 Healing Herbal Teas

23 Vegetable Juices

24-25 Mini-Detox Shopping Guide

26 Self-Care


15 Detox Smoothie Shakes

16 Blended Salad

21 Ginger Lemon Detox Tea

22 Peppermint Lemon Verbena Tea

22 Immune Boosting Detox Tea

23 Basic Veggie Juice

25 Miso Soup

Page 3: Carol Lourie · 2020. 2. 28. · before your day ends? If you know you’re not feeling your best, you’re a great candidate for this mini-detox. While a detox won’t fix everything, 3 © Carol Lourie 2018

Your body has a natural

inclination and ability to heal itself. Health and wellness are your body’s predisposition.

Unfortunately, life in the modern world often actively works against our best health: stress, poor dietary choices, little physical activity, lack of sleep, toxins in our homes and workplaces make it hard for us to optimize our lives.

Ideally, we want to minimize the environmental toxins which we have control over. The next level of achieving health and wellness is periodic detoxing.

As a Naturopath, licensed Acupuncturist, Functional Medicine™ expert and Homeopath, I’ve helped

hundreds of clients detox their bodies, their minds, and their lifestyle. I’ve seen the positive impact which these cleanses can do.

I first learned about detoxifying diets in the 1970s when a friend was diagnosed with cancer. I was in the room with her when her oncologist told her, “There’s nothing more we can do for you.”

She was unwilling to accept that fate and

found Dr. Christopher Gian Cursio, a chiropractor who recommended detoxifying diets, many years before this practice became well-known.

Her treatment and recovery were so impressive, I was inspired to work with him. In his office, I came upon the catalogue of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. I graduated from NCNM in 1983.

I’ve always believed it is possible to recover from chronic disease, to feel well, and have joy again.

Meet Carol

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Since graduation, it’s been my goal and honor to help people rediscover their health, their lives, and their hope.


Modern life moves at a supersonic pace. We’re all so focused on the day-to-day chaos, we don’t even realize how unhealthy our lives have become.

We eat poor-quality food from plastic boxes, we sleep on mattresses that emit chemicals, we “clean” our homes with dangerous poisons. We work in front of computer screens, and recreation – when we make time for it – too often involves sitting in front of a different screen.

Doing a detox encourages us to slow down. We are cleaning and clearing out: we remove waste products from our intestines; we clean out the materials in our environment that don’t support our health; and we remove the emotional and spiritual debris that’s cluttering our minds and hearts.

We are able to be at our best when we are in alignment.


In a detox, several things are happening simultaneously, which is why the first few days or the first week can be difficult or unpleasant.

Medically, we’re utilizing what are known as Phase I and II detox routines. These are crucial for support of your liver, while cleansing your intestines.

Energetically, we’re rewinding the stress that’s been absorbed into your body over time. This is why it’s so important to drink filtered water and herbal teas, to flush out unwanted chemicals but also unhealthy emotions.


A native Philadelphian, I received my undergraduate degree from Temple University and went on to attend the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. In 1987, I obtained my Acupuncture license from the San Francisco College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. After working at the well-known Berkeley Holistic Health Center as a Homeopath and Clinical Nutritionist, I founded the Natural Health Care & Healing Center in Berkeley, CA, where I have been providing integrative care to women for over thirty years.

I provide a concierge-style approach towards our work together, striving

to understand you – your history, lifestyle, diet, stresses, and emotions so you can recover your health and restore your life.

Questions?Click here for your complimentary

15-minute consultation!

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A Detox that works with your busy life!

When you hear the word “detox,” do you find yourself thinking of a complicated program which involves fasting, being hungry, feeling unwell,

and being unable to work and go about your busy life?

Yes, that is one type of detox, and I recommend doing that at least once a year. But that type of time and energy is often just not possible for the majority of us, so I’ve created a mini-version of a cleanse, so you’ll be able to obtain the benefit without the discomfort!


“Detox” has become a household word, and you are probably aware that it’s a “good thing” to do, even if you’re not exactly sure what it is or how to do it.

Basically, to detox is to eliminate foods that are unhealthy, or that your body is simply done using. Check in with yourself and ask, “How am I really feeling

Eating healthy is no t as difficult as you might imagine!

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these days?” When you wake in the morning, do you feel rested and ready to take on the day? Are you energetic, optimistic, does your body feel strong and free of pain?

Or are you tired, feeling bloated, not eliminating your bowels on a regular basis, maybe your joints hurt, your back aches, you’re suffering from constant allergies? Maybe you run out of energy long before your day ends?

If you know you’re not feeling your best, you’re a great candidate for this mini-detox. While a detox won’t fix everything, it can give your body and mind a “reset”– a chance to cleanse your body and recover some lost aspects of your health. You’ll then be able to move forward to full health from a solid foundation.

Many detox diets consist of water, juice, and broth only. While effective, a full detox can really derail our normal lives for the time you’re on it and then for a while afterwards. For our purposes, I’ve created this “mini-detox” because most of us are not able to stop working and leading our busy lives in order to cleanse. I’ve developed this program so it’s entirely possible to live your life and eat this way for anywhere from a week to twenty-one days.


Maybe you don’t feel like you need a detox. After all, you’re able to go to work every day, take care of your family, lead a “normal” life. But that’s just it: is your “normal” as healthy as it could be?

We all adjust to our discomfort; the accumulation of life’s little toxins can happen so slowly, we don’t actually remember how much better we used to feel.

Poor diet and rushed eating, constant stress, interrupted sleep, lack of exercise, unhealthy environment – all of these do add up until suddenly you realize you are in chronic pain or facing a serious illness.


You can feel better … much better. It does take time and effort. But I’m here to help you manage everything and stay on track. I’m committed to helping you recover your health to restore your life.

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The Four Pillars of Whole Body Health

Thes e are the fundamental components of whole body health: nutrition, environment, self-care, and stress reduction.

The concept of “whole body,” includes your mind, spirit, and psyche as well as your physical body. Your body and spirit are interconnected and

interdependent: “half-healthy” may work for a while, but think how much better you feel when your body is healthy, your mind is focused and present, and your spirit is calm. That’s “whole body” wellness. To be truly well, all of you needs to be in alignment.

I’ve created this detox to help you cleanse your body and mind and to make room for new, health-supporting habits. Take a moment to check in with your inner self and ask, “Am I ready to commit to doing the work that is necessary to recover my health?” If you can commit within yourself to improve any one of the four pillars, you’ll feel better. Fix two, and you’ll feel great. Fix all four, and you’ll be unstoppable!

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Planning, shopping, and preparing nutritious, tasty meals and snacks takes time and energy, and that can seem impossible when your life is already full.

The truth is, in order to have the energy your busy life requires, you need to provide your body with the best possible fuel.

Nutrition is the foundation of the work we’ll do together. So I’ve made it as easy as possible to get all the micro- and macro-nutrients you need every day. I’m providing you with special detox recipes and a shopping list, so you can prepare your food from a place of calm and confidence – and enjoy every nutritious bite.


No matter how healthy your lunch may be, if you’re eating it out of a plastic container that was recently in the microwave, you’re doing your body and health a disservice.

Our modern world is full of unhealthy things: plastics, harsh detergents, pesticides used to grow our food, chemicals in our shampoos and soaps, even our drinking water. No detox is truly complete until our homes and work environments are as free of toxins as possible.

Please click here for information on what substances in your home environment may be damaging your health and how to replace them with healthy alternatives.


Self-care is exactly what it sounds like: taking care of yourself, putting yourself first. Most of us have “an internal list” – that checklist of things that must get done today. If we’re not careful, “the list” can occupy all our attention and energy. What if you put taking care of yourself at the very top of that list?

Just as it’s difficult to be present for your family, friends, and work if your focus is on “the list,” you’re also not able to be at your best if you’re giving all of your energy to others, without saving any for yourself.

Healthy Home!Click here to learn about

creating a toxin-free home!

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Self-care is grounded in being thoughtful, aware, and prepared. There are many simple things you can do to elevate how you care for yourself.

Perhaps you’ve been eating lunch out daily, spending money, and making unhealthy lunch choices. Acknowledge it without judging yourself, then choose instead to take the next step – cook an extra portion at dinner, so you have a really healthy lunch, ready to go tomorrow. Or if that is not possible, decide where you can go to buy a lunch that will provide your body with the phytonutrients it needs.


Modern life comes with certain stressors we can’t entirely eliminate. However, we all know that stress severely impacts your health and well-being, as well as reducing your quality of life.

While we may not be able to avoid stress, we can manage our stress – and our responses to stressful stimuli – so it doesn’t rule our lives.

As part of learning new habits to combat unhealthy stress, at least once a day, commit to adding a stress-reducing activity. Whether that be as little as a five-minute meditation, a bath, a walk with a friend, or journaling. The key is that the activity brings you back to your centered self. Try to do a combination of these for 30 minutes a day.

And if that’s not possible, even 10 minutes of self-care activity has been shown to reduce stress and heart rate. The important thing is to allow yourself some breathing room to center and calm your nervous system.

Measuring your stress before and after the activity, on a scale of 1—10, will provide you with the immediate feedback to see and feel that it really does work.

Self Care!Click here for more on Meticulous Self Care

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This is where you are introduced to important concepts and get the tools to develop the skills to live a more healthful life. In doing so, you become

empowered by making the small changes that add up to having more energy, focus and positive outlook for your life.

It’s important that you not let what you might think to be “urgent interruptions” interfere with your journey. You’ve decided it’s time for some change in your life, and as part of these new skills, you’ll need to begin making choices which benefit your health and wellness.

Know that the most valuable thing you can do for everyone is to put your important lifestyle changes ahead of everything, so you will have a more centered, authentic self. And from that place, you’ll be able to be more present in yourself and for those in your life.

Stay the course

This mini-detox is really jus t the firs t step!

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There are several important aspects of a detox:

1. Eliminating processed foods and concentrating on a small but important group of foods that provide a high nutrient impact per serving.

2. One of the most important aspects of a detox is drinking enough filtered water. You want to flush out waste that is being built up in your intestines. You can tell you are drinking enough water when you need to urinate about every hour.

3. Achieving regularity. Simply put, efficient elimination of waste readies the cells in your digestive tract to receive and absorb incoming nutrition necessary to promote health. The amount of vegetables you’re eating on a daily basis will increase healthy bulking agents in your system, so the quantity and quality of your daily elimination should improve. If you’re having difficulty with constipation, please see my tea recipes on page 21.

4. Rest, stress reduction and sleep: While you may not be able to totally downsize your entire life, it is possible to decrease the amount of activities you do on a daily basis, to find a few minutes to do some self-care, mindful meditation and deep breathing, go for a walk, or mild-to-moderate exercise. This is not a time to be preparing for a marathon!

Detox Details

Jus t as it’s a good idea to do a deep clean of your hous e several times a year, your body also needs that type of attention!

Exercise!Click here my thoughts

about exercise!

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What to eliminate

This may not be easy, but for the length of your detox, you’ll need to remove certain foods from your diet. These foods cause inflammation; taking them off

the menu for a few weeks will give your body time to calm down and rejuvenate.

• Sugar: anything that has sugar in it, including honey, agave, or maple syrup• All processed foods• Breads, crackers, pastries, cookies, cakes• Pasta, rice, grains• Sodas, fruit juices• Dairy: cow’s milk, cheeses, butter, ice cream• Eggs • Red meat, lamb• Chicken, although I’ve included it for those of

you who feel they really need it

Many of these foods provide “empty calories” and unhealthy fats. We want to eliminate foods that are high in sugar, fat, wheat, salt, chemicals, and are processed.

This may look delicious, but…It’s no t very healthy, and here’s why...

Bad Fats!Click here to read

about unhealthy fats!

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To get the best experience, do your food prep when you’re calm, quiet, and not pressed for time. Or, if that’s not possible, purchase organic foods

made fresh daily.

● Emphasize whole-organic foods – these foods provide the most nutrient density, cause no added burden to your body, and are free of toxins.

● Refined, processed and chemical-filled commercial foods including sugars, starches, fats and proteins cause additional short- and long-term stress to your body and provide little nutrition.


• Vegetables, except eggplant, peppers, tomatoes (they are inflammatory) • Fruit, in limited quantities, except bananas (too much sugar content) • Lots of water• Tofu• Wild Salmon and other wild fish, except shellfish (possible heavy metals)• Organic chicken, if you feel you need to eat this in order to follow the plan• Nuts in moderation (1/2 cup per day), except peanuts

which have Aflatoxin, a mold which is considered a human carcinogen.

What to keep

The good news is, the foods that suppor t a healthy body are delicious!

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The Healing Detox Protocol

This is a detox for busy women, so I’ve taken as much guess work as possible out of the equation. If you follow the plan I’ve outlined, you’ll

receive complete nutrition and feel full and satisfied.


When you wake in the morning, your stomach has been resting as you sleep. So the first foods you put into your stomach are important, as they will provide the first nutrients your body receives.

The ingredients in my Weight Loss & Cleanse, or healing smoothie, have been formulated with exactly that in mind. This shake is a comprehensive,

Treat yourself well during your detox!

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monk-fruit extract-sweetened, low-allergy–potential dietary supplement designed to support your gastrointestinal (GI) function, and provide detoxification support. It is composed of a proprietary amino acid and is lactose free. The pea isolate and rice protein concentrate blend makes it suitable for vegans and facilitates protein absorption. The phytonutrients, mineral amino acid chelates, and activated B vitamins provide your body with a positive nutritional foundation for a healthy way to start your day.

Detox Smoothie Shake RecipesIngredients: (It’s very important that everything is organic)• 1-2 scoops Weight Loss & Cleanse protein powder• 2 scoops Good Movements powder• 8-10 oz. liquid — which can be any one or combination of: water, unsweetened coconut water, or unsweetened nut milk.• 1 heaping tablespoon each: Flax seed and Chia seed (please refrigerate in glass jars)• 1/2 cup of fruit (which can be any one or combination of blueberries, strawberries, raspberries,

blackberries, apples, kiwi, papaya, and seasonal summer fruit.Possible additions:• 1/4 avocado • Fresh lemon, peeled ginger to taste• Greens such as, parsley, kale, chard

Detox Support!

Click here to order

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• Piece of fruit such as apple, pear, whatever is in season. (Avoid bananas as they have too high a glycemic index and can cause a sugar crash later.)

• 1 cup green veggie juice • Bieler’s Broth • ½ cup of almonds or other kinds of nuts


• Blended salad, or green salad including different types of lettuce, arugula, cucumber, celery, red pepper, tomatoes, grated carrots, radishes, scallions.


See snack options above.


• 1-2 cups steamed veggies, • 3-4 ounces lean protein

(wild salmon or other fish, chicken if you feel it necessary).

• If you are a vegetarian, 3-4 ounces of tofu, tempeh, or seitan

• Salad, similar to lunch

Blended Salad RecipeThis recipe is one of the foundations of Dr. Cursio’s detoxifying protocols.The 5 organic ingredients are:

• Tomato – ½ large or 1 small • Red pepper (not green) - ½ large or 1 small • Celery – 1-2 stalks • Cucumber - 1 small Persian or similar amount other kind

• Lettuce - 3-5 leaves

Place all ingredients into food processor.Add the juice of 1 lemonAdd 1 to 2 Tablespoons organic extra virgin olive oilPulse 18 - 20 times. If you want the blended salad to be “smoother”, you can pulse a few more times. Or if you like it chunkier, pulse 15 – 18 times.Best eaten fresh but you can increase this recipe and put some in the refrigerator to eat at a later time of the day.

Bielers Broth!Click here for the recipe

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12-Hour Fast

The concept of fasting to restore your health originated in the 1800s. The term “hunger cure” was coined by early German Nature Curists and early



Our body naturally has a reserve of minerals and vitamins that are stored in our fat, bone marrow, glycogen, muscles, and blood. When we fast, the body goes into its “energy savings account” to provide nourishment.

As we fast, a biochemical process known as autolysis occurs. Enzymes that are in the stored reserves are made available for use by the vital tissues and are carried by the blood and lymph. Glycogen, a form of sugar that has been stored in the liver, is converted to sugar and distributed on an as-needed basis to the tissues and organs.

The concept of fasting to restor e your health originated in the 1800s.

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One of the self-preservation miracles of our bodies is that the tissues are divested of their reserves in an inverse order of importance. For example, when we don’t eat, fat is the first tissue to be used. The stored reserves are consumed before any of the functioning tissues of the body—such as the brain, heart, lungs, and nerves—are selected to supply nutrients for our vital organs. These vital organs are provided with nutrition first.

When we eat, blood flow is required to digest our food. This is one of the reasons people with blood sugar deficiencies often experience fatigue after eating. Energy that is saved in one area of our body is utilized by another. Our energy is being used by the digestive system and that lessens what is available for the rest of the body.


When we fast, the entire digestive tract—the mouth, esophagus, intestines, gall bladder, pancreas, and liver—all rest. The heart and the accompanying arteries are able to slow down, as does our respiration. Finally, our nervous system slips into a relaxed state, known as the parasympathetic mode. When the energy needed to digest food is no longer required, our body’s saved energy becomes available for other processes, such as elimination and healing.


For the Mini-Easy Detox, you will do a 12-hour fast: not consuming anything other than water or herbal tea for 12 hours. The least intrusive way to manage this, given your busy life, is to begin your fast in the evening. Let’s say you finish eating dinner at 7 PM; this means you won’t eat any food again until 7 AM. You can drink as much water or plain herbal tea as you like, but you won’t “night snack.”

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Although brief, the 12-hour fast helps your body “reset” by returning you to a more neutral state: fasting helps level out the roller coaster of sugar highs and lows. Once you get to “neutral,” you can refuel with high-quality food.

Fasting for 12 hours can also help you be aware of eating habits that may not be supportive of your health. Habits are so ingrained in us that we don’t even realize we’re doing them, and we aren’t aware of the damage they may be doing us. For example, many people are so busy during the day they don’t find time to eat. Then, absolutely ravenous, they eat an entire day’s worth of food between the time they arrive home and bedtime.

When we overeat like this, food doesn’t have time to fully digest before bedtime. It can take up to 3 hours for the stomach to empty completely, and digestion is better when sitting upright as opposed to lying down. Poor or incomplete digestion can contribute to acid reflux, metabolic syndrome, and sleep disturbances.

Acid reflux, poor sleep, eating too much too late at night: If these sound familiar, a mini-detox will help you understand how much better you can feel!

There is a definite benefit to “closing the kitchen” for 12 of your 24 hours. It gives your body great nutritional support throughout the day so energy levels stay consistent, and you sleep better when you skip “night snacking.” Getting more sleep is an added bonus to taking in fewer calories and is a terrific way to shed unwanted pounds!

Like any habit, changing the way we eat can be challenging. It helps if you are able to stay mindful and in the moment. Remember your ultimate goal of healing. If you provide your body with the nourishment it needs during the day, eating at night will not be so compelling an urge.

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About Coffee

Ideally, it’s best for the success of your mini-detox to stop the coffee for the length of the time you’re on the program. But I know many of you must

continue to work throughout this time, and don’t want to have a “stopping caffeine” headache. So…if you feel you must drink coffee, switch to organic coffee and drink it black: no added cream, non-dairy creamers, sugar, frappuccinos, etc.

I’d like to suggest you try adding green tea to your daily intake. Several cups a day provide anti-cancer effects, and the caffeine, while less than coffee, may protect against the withdrawal headache.

Can’ t live with it… can’ t live without it.

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Healing Herbal Teas

Starting the day with hot lemon and ginger water aids your digestion and helps your body remain in a basic, as opposed to acidic, environment. This

decreases inflammation as well as providing is an excellent source of Vitamin C. From a Chinese Medicine perspective, the cinnamon is a warming herb which helps stabilize your blood sugar and the turmeric is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The cayenne stimulates your intestines, which is what you want during your detox.

Ginger Lemon Detox TeaIngredientsPlease make sure everything is organicTo an 8 cup Pyrex measuring cup or glass jar, add the following ingredients:• 1 -2 clumps fresh ginger, skin removed and cut

into slices• 2 cinnamon sticks• 3-6 lemons- juice them and them add the juice

plus the lemons into the glass jarPinch of salt and pepperMix vigorously with fork until well incorporated.

Optional• 1 tsp ground turmeric or a knob of fresh turmeric,

cut into pieces•½ tsp cayenne pepperDirectionsPlace all ingredients in glass jar and add 6-8 cups boiling water.Let steep for ½ hour then drink throughout the day.You can remove the lemon and the ginger after a while, so the tea doesn’t become bitter. For constipation: Add 2 bags of Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move tea, easily found at most health food stores.

Healing herbs have been used for thousands of years!

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Peppermint Lemon Verbena TeaIngredientsPlease make sure everything is organic

• 5 organic peppermint tea bags, or a handful of fresh mint if you can find it.

• 3 Organic Lemon Verbena Tea bags, or fresh

DirectionsSteep with several cups of boiling water. This will make a very strong decoction of tea, which can be diluted with more boiling water if you prefer a milder tea. Drink this throughout your day.

Immune Boosting Detox TeaThis tea has the added benefit of turmeric root, of which Curcumin is the active ingredient. It gets it’s beautiful yellow color from the root, as well as the greatest antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin is anti-viral, anti-fungal and can help protect you against disease.

Ingredients • Half a fresh lemon, sliced • 3” piece of fresh ginger, skin removed and sliced • 1 cinnamon stick • 1 turmeric root or 1 tsp. powder

DirectionsSee above

Both Peppermint and Lemon Verbena are

herbs that are good for your stomach and digestion. That means they relieve indigestion, heartburn, and cleanse and strengthen the digestive tract.

Lemon Verbena also soothes anxiety and has sedative properties and promotes sleep.

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Vegetable Juices

Juicing is the bes t way to nourish your body with phytonutrients!

Dr. Cursio used vegetable juices as part of his detoxifying programs. I make fresh vegetable juice almost every day. Once you get into the habit, and you

see how much better you feel, it becomes an easy daily ritual.

In addition to delivering your phytonutrients, juicing provides direct nutrient absorption, and the raw fiber in the juice aids in waste elimination.

Basic Veggie Juice RecipeMakes enough to drink throughout the day.Ingredients

• Equal parts carrot and celery 6-8 oz. • 3 oz. cucumber • 3 oz. of beets—root or top, if fresh • Handful of parsley, leaves only • 3” nub of ginger, peeled • 2-4 turmeric root, if available • 1 apple

Change it up! • Whole watercress instead of parsley • Red or white cabbage • Organic Lemon • Kale, chard, or other greens (spinach, in limited amounts)

DirectionsIt’s best to use a masticating juicer such as a Omega, Kuvings, or pulp-extraction such as Champion. Ideally, it’s best to drink your juice the same day you make it. Refrigerate in a glass jar.

Page 24: Carol Lourie · 2020. 2. 28. · before your day ends? If you know you’re not feeling your best, you’re a great candidate for this mini-detox. While a detox won’t fix everything, 24 © Carol Lourie 2018

Mini-Detox Shopping Guide

Where you shop is almost as important as what you buy. Phytonutrients are more readily available for your body when you purchase local, fresh, organic foods.


Chard, kale, beet greens, spinach (in limited quantity), and collard.


Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, mustard greens, arugula, daikon, and cabbages of all types.


Onion, garlic, scallions, leeks, chives, and shallots.

Health begins with your food choices and what you put in your shopping cart!

Page 25: Carol Lourie · 2020. 2. 28. · before your day ends? If you know you’re not feeling your best, you’re a great candidate for this mini-detox. While a detox won’t fix everything, 25 © Carol Lourie 2018


For the purpose of your mini-detox, you will avoid vegetables in the nightshade family, except for red pepper & tomato in the blended salad recipe (see page 16).

All types of peppers (jalapeño, hot, sweet, bell, etc, including dried peppers such as chili flakes and paprika), tomatoes, eggplant, okra, and white potatoes (sweet potatoes & yams are not nightshades!)


Carrots, celery root, celeraic, turnips, rutabaga, radish, sweet potatoes, yams, beets, parsnips, yucca, jicama.


Any and all fruits, except bananas (too high sugar content, and cause mucus).

Emphasize anti-oxidant bearing fruits such as blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. Avoid out-of-season fruits: for example, it’s best not to eat tangerines which have been flown in from Chile in December.


Any and all raw leafy greens are great for your salads. Increasing fiber during your mini-detox promotes elimination and lowers your cholesterol.


Filtered water, caffeine-free herbal teas, fresh herbs, fresh lemon, ginger root, turmeric root or prepared tea, and freshly prepared vegetable juices from your local health food store.

Miso SoupMiso is one of the world’s healthiest foods! Miso contains nutrients, beneficial bacteria and enzymes. It’s very satisfying during your mini-detox!Ingredients

• 1 cup Dashi broth • 2 tbsp. white or yellow organic Miso paste • ½ square Organic tofu, soft is my preference, cut into cubes

• 1 scallion, chopped • Several pieces Wakame seaweed

DirectionsTemper the miso paste with a few tablespoons of the Dashi broth When combined into smooth paste, add to the remaining simmeringdashi broth. Add tofu and Wakame seaweed and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes. Poor into your bowl and add the chopped scallion. Sip and enjoy!

Page 26: Carol Lourie · 2020. 2. 28. · before your day ends? If you know you’re not feeling your best, you’re a great candidate for this mini-detox. While a detox won’t fix everything, 26 © Carol Lourie 2018


Treat yourself well during your detox!Meticulous self-care is an attitude towards yourself and your health. It’s a

way of viewing your behavior on a daily basis and attitude towards your mind and body and caring for your self.

Women tend to have a very strong “inner critic”. This is the “masculine energy” that pushes and drives us, tells us we’re not good enough, pretty enough, or didn’t do enough.

This is the voice that says “You didn’t do enough today” “You may be tired, but you still have to finish XYZ” “It’s OK if you don’t exercise, or eat right today- you don’t really need to do that, as long as you’re taking care of everyone else”

What’s needed is the feminine approach. This is the self-care and self-nurturing voice; the voice that tells you it is important to find the time to exercise and eat right; that how you take care of your body and mind impacts not only you, but your family, too.

Self-compassion is more important than ever while on a detox

Page 27: Carol Lourie · 2020. 2. 28. · before your day ends? If you know you’re not feeling your best, you’re a great candidate for this mini-detox. While a detox won’t fix everything,

Don’t be afraid to go into your inner depths.Deep feelings will come up during a detox.

Be brave and follow your healing path.The rewards will genuinely nourish you.