carpets'erest to continue....

VOL XV THE IRON ERA TkiDoTvPriitiuGmnr PUBLI8IIEH8 A»p PBOPBlETOKfl. OHM •• BUokwdl ItnitlMtiMf tatkt Illilul Uuol ••ak. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1885. NO. 13 TERMS OP BUUHCMPTION 1NVAUIA- I1LV IN ADVANCE. -THE PLACE TO B U Y l P | A LAHGE HTOCKOF SLEIOHSS SLEIGHS! SL1IQH8! &L3LKGBSI {!•*>• 0. CWMIW. M. ».. •linttll HUCTRWun. MD IPIOIaLUIT IS THIS TBEATKKNI (HT aUURIaL DIBEAKES. OrtlOI ATTUX PUB! BOTH, mm, s. J. Omr WHiekMI .ad >«•.• M. DOVER. N. .1. I. B. JOLLEY. Proprietor. •ma art Cartage! toLei. THE DOVER LUMBER CO. offem la buildem the IMIBI iippoliauitieH in tlie liiln-lmw. of LUSIDEK of era; grmlB itnij Jo«Ti]itiou iuuhuliuK IJOW PKICEH null the groat drat f bi »T HTOHNET AT IAW, r MB, IH0II UA IIDILWIW, BDYEK. H. J. j Tii. E. a. DOVER, K. J. AMMMD orOBI» ANDWHEIUM), DDOTEM Of KIKE". L. W. THURBER, <OnU>TEHDEIIT Of POBIJO SCHOOL or HOMU« coran. OFFICE »T8. B. BBBI8E « STOHB, DOVER, N. J. b l n bowl » «M«da.. l>u>if A « n* JOHN DRUMMR** IHAVIM ANDHAIR CUTTINC BALOON. SUSSEX STREET. M a a Ik. «»»«O« IKMMlHiDnul, I DOVEB.ll. J. ft* plan ta Ummllnl; » I » J » »•»•' •uaMTtkDiui' and onn<D«iira ««ii AJTTIIVA A ••WIALTT. NOTICE. '" THE O M J t BonMom. MttaSMrir- . •»«. TI0I1DM »FEA0HW«W rtirln. Hli" 1 lnt«M JOSEPH H. BEACH & SON'S, £0£KA!F.dF, .Y. J. TbpyslwajikcppaliirffOitiwknt CAItlttAURH mill WA00X8 of ITcry <lo* I Uon on bum!. Tlielr work give* tlie lii^t ol*, In rtyiird l<> price 11**-.* cunuut bo undersold, Kvit.v.UHly In wiiliL of n .Irnl-ifhnjs w.i|>mi or HII-IKI aboiild MT tMr Hurk bufiii-o l.nyh.- rlnwlicri-. Al) kind- ut' Wticelwriytn b otid BluckHtii.tli work ilwie ut «!mrt iioiirn. JOS. IL BEAGIX & SON, ROCKAWAY, H. J. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE RES- IDENTS OF STANHOPE. llnvlns I'lircliustMl the nUx\ «nd good will of Mr. I'liilili CuldAcll, Him, iliroiign. III heallk, wait eom pellvil to r«llni|iilkli his biiKlnetw |Byour town, we cieNire to Htaie Unit we IHtend to five you IHO-M! fn< IMIII'K fur Mi|i|iiyiii!: yimnielvm tml r«mllle« with I In IM-I It •!»:>. ui d S|IOH> Hint lh> in if kcl proiHi lit lower |nk'<N iltim ,v«'ii Imvp IM'<II uri'iiMowiii to l»«)ln«. Mm\ II you alniulj tinw IIN, mid llir prln pli'x »cliiivc nhniiN IKIIICICII to In our forty ycum or tumor hl< IniviiifMid iillnu with UIIUOKI e««ry fin- lly InUK' roniity. hut to iliiw wlio urn not miiimliit with IIKor «ur inrllii'ilN. "ill MI.V Ihnt mir HIIII in to limiilli* only Im n'»l ii'Miilv innlo tttrU'lly of Imlhrr, Ili'lli'f in- iIml mi '||IIM|!II!I- I'm It ll;ix rvci l>. en rolliitl l°orfi-«;t wciir. 'IIIIIIIKIIMIIIIC unimitiU'luri'r»nii(l dfulent iii'lii'vv Klioiliiy mid |iii|u>r inn excellent Milwlltuics, liiirilciilnrly if Hi'.y mil ivillzm live or t<'ii per c-ent. iiKirc |irii|lt on ilnii-kiiliN;" nnd wflHtrnd by adhering in lliu II.IKI ii'iiicinlt'N mill cx|)C!|i'iifeM tliMt have mude us the liiiilinu'anil ni»Nt )i»)ml«r dmtersin BIMIIHHIKI IKI«N linn ever ill<l IIIISIIION in l'«iver to e»(Hlilli>li a paying biikiiK'Ks In simihi pr, iiroUmble to IIN and to the roioViit*; mid wo rci.|icrtliilly urge ;on to give our fstsblishmpnt yiur patronsjn or at least a trial, which wo are sure will convince you that it will bo to yovr own in'erest tocontinue. We hav<s leased tho larf.0 tut commo- dious ktore belonging to 1he eittto •> Ik! late William H SticHifuse, which will give » *n>ple room to carry I largo Mtortment We will -Ko have competent workmen to tikt care uf 'tin custom anrt repairing flfpaftmint, in fact nothing will be lett undone to m^ke r ur branch popular. VKKV HI'M'K TKI'I.I.V. HEAGANtoCo. Dover. N J Ittunber Worked to Order b j nw«hiB«T •! the place irhere it in purchuwd, urertlv leaaeningtb« ooat of bnililiiig by tb«oreiit aaniin iu muuuul labor. Oar •took alway* inoluileB Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings LUMDEB of every dtMcriptiou, and uDpevial pain* are Uk«u to fpv« MtiHtautiou to ever} particuUr. Oaot»> Kioauuiit, PftwidtiBi. «•- H. L4M1BRT, rtefl'j Mid TlWH CARPETS CARPETS 1st—Quality 2d—Durability OUR PINTS. 3d-Lowest Prices 4th—Largest Stock OIiOTBINO G. H. BABBITT & Co., LUIIUNO MALKIUI IN tlKH'H, VUDl VV, I>O\V .i.rt CIIU.l'KEs a CLOTHING. IMPORT^liT TO ALL: WE AIV TO NERT THE VMNT4 "F KVCUXOODir HTO0B THE M i m m A * , tiiinm THE UIWEKT C. XX. BABBITT db CO., HORRISTOWN. N. J. 8EGAES, TOBACCOS, WINES, JAMES S. MELICK'S, SUSSEX STREET. DOVER, N. J. I um Ja<l immral an haia-aim .!.«* ..fJSMOKtiira »-*NTB mcl.»« MnrohMB Plpn.. 11D TOBACCOS!-:-] C,NU ol allI Wwli at n«unii:ilile »rii!.". M.v NEWS UttMltTXEXT enntailii all the »?klv awl 'UH.T pill»«w. ino'itlilv •i.a^iixliiits, nml all tli« 8uii<l;i,v putter)", irhlch un> tleliv- .•ml loaay iiiTMia wltlmi the vii-iuity Ircc ul>l and Claar. j,n>ni|.llj allmdad ti- SUSSEX St. OROCER, GROCERIES -A.1D- PROVISIONS oftliflhMtfndflal liao non, TEMO, OBAIII. ei J. B. PALMER, BEEMER 4 PALMER 11° bnrini-w •( the old lUad, tii kmp i"« e MMinoeiii 01 GOAL UND WOOD! Flag Stones B Curbing •fir? f^'nnnK n Bia>-8i«ii« *»'• 1'ti'mpn 'MASONS' MATERIALS! Steam Circular Saw Mill. for bard *nod hnniw* en\ 10 *m«lie in * \ A i A _A_ V V V V * V V V V V V V December I Oth. I8»4. We bive keen SlliDg lliu alorr will. lilistnM* ROOIU and flml Ibiugs |>retlv veil ctowdiKj togettcr and »• « naloral rnnll «li«ll dhpo" ol >B^t ""»» oojp at a great uoriflce. We biTa iDirke.l ptinl» ne» »l(i'» 4| conlt janl (4.0(10 J«nls). B.I 'cv- icar in all grides, nil kinds, all xizrs from 30 oil. upward. Dghmnsflels. aatl Di-e^Oiioiifl in brown, urM, l"'»o. giirnet. plum»r black nt 0 on. a J»nl- ldiM' HwwH Iffjbia«. Fii-cii.utorp, mt, MAS3N:-:Ar.0:-:BUILDER, UOVKIt.N.J. Onumeli. taken furui-Uoil. Htuu- MU(J Uriel Work, Picturing and JnbMnc nromptK tttiTiled M. Or-tew "•ft «t tn? ('Dlcfl on Eiaci 8t., BMT CM»1 fUaiM. will mivt** nrnitin »ttftitlr>n SKSLDING AFARLEY, Bankers and Brokers, M.llHn! or Obye» al bjlt iisn.'il pricc«. Job lot nf Newmarket coa»n—we pur- kuse J tbe balance of tot IDbl'DWl! Hml icny. Fine line or nw=si:in Ciicnlura und Motnnnrketi in btoch. (SmyrnaBug* •! sweeping red 11011 iDgraio Uirpct ataOceoU, W. S, BABBITT'S SON, Morrhtown. N. J. •SOE.0!-. r.a.i. MRS. GEO. FARB, PORT OR AM, N. J. ban jntt receded an hnmeoie stock of FALL MILLINERY .Inch *he It.lii.i1i loxll «t ASTONISHING LOW PMCeH. C»ll mi i w h « atock tttfcw bajtif •tftwhen. P. II. SKKi.niNfi. V. A. FJ.BI.ET, JR. Members -V. I". Ptfrrfemn jE«cft«ije ami S«c&- Board. HI NEW ST.. ». T. mniBct HKftir>rnl hanking itnsineM, in- mliUKtbe pnrcbitHC noil wle or lota to *mt dirttnincr* (from ten «li u-iinl,)fi)rrnH]uirnnuiiiruina. c'ou[«in» suit ilivltleinln fiillci'ttM 1'nr imrilcH out oftim We IIIITC lor nale llrnt-climB Ionj[ invent)- IXMHIM. tlmt nill yii-M thehnlik-r H-vrn |irr rent, ttilorcM- C'iirmt|iaiii1i'iitH In Wanlilng- 1(111. PlllludulpUia, ItultlRldlT, ll|IMIOfl Hill' - 1 - BIJLTUy nrrnii"i>laii ta Suilinartl Unnk, X.>' DR.O.W.HeDAVlT DENTIST, (OVEB DREESES BOOK STOBE. IWVtn. N. J. DRAKE & KING, Duililer* anililealera luLUMHEB»n(lCOAt« Alto unnmletA flt'i^h i^l Rfl*b. OJHTH, Ullmla, M'*' 1 ' 1 ,g» itid Drai'kcta. Llmi>. Ctment, LaUi, K-; Felt aud #Ti!rrth ll 'C r^falnlng In the bul ..-flatty 111 "'l'' 1 '"'' n *b** t |o*il i lnT liranda of °F- rtlll- tLm CaulnrU r.<r hiHHInnii taboo frnm the cr rSilitiiBorthBcellir anil material! ftimlifar.1. If mow. tinlopa. X. '• ON CONSIGNMENT 1,000 ROLLS. ON CONSIGNMENT 1,000 ROLLS. , BODV rn flv«il l.OHU ftollR mt M' Ql> TT»', il.t -, I Al'l Slll|f>. 1IIHH-Pl.V IXTHA 1/ VV HKl K l"«ltal.\N, froM 11 HsHaflN ••*•>> «r >»••»». aHrf nrr 10<:i«»« fh*-»i IIHI m • • r price >m re«w««Mt uV.r l«-IUK«d, U> til HiU-l all DC k«U fetfttK 1 April Int. Save 30 Per Gent. Save 30 Per Cent unil order y»«r moils HIW, tafeedrilvcml April »r May Ul. MHIM.nt «xi*M clnmif r»r »i«r«Ti>. W> will ifke «r*>r« l«r «««»d* H«W« for uny HmwMHt. »Uh « HMMII «ViMtlt. ttdlvcrcal miy ilmi* i«u WHHI Hit-in- *>mu»* MtMthv *|»B«rt«iilt|r4iiB thl* the uair wr. Then? Hvicr willfee••»tk*r ait thcic prlcei. O U K X^FLIOSI IiXST. COMPARISON DEFIED. For Instance: Knit-* tlmt cort m \ I'-rlor Wnit... W.l.ul Frame, I. Hair Mull lor •»: Ctotlt »35.00 MI iffl.11 will aril for M llcil Loanjni, in Carjwt 8.00 •• 75 " " " 031 fond Iliil Lvuntii) 4.110 •> 1IN1 ' 70! Wiiluut BvilMiiwI 4 50 iLitt t'UMi «S I will | Wiiluiit Eilenafuu Table 593 20 1 Walnut Wardrobe WOO thiit cunt *3DI will ! Wnrlilo Top Cepm Table 9M 23; tlood CmeStfutllucker 1.80 tlmt cunt «351 will i " " " CUnlr 00 ill) 1 WniMlCbalr S3 (but eml 4T>(> I will | flair MaltKNs 10.U) 40: Niivil Mntlnu 3.00 Suites tlmt cist ttf | licit Hprlug 1.40 12! Cnrjmt 8weeper* )tlit belt) 2.50 Hiiltcs tlmt cmttfJi) I Velvet C'nrpnt, twr jranl 135 lfi IMj Bran*!*, |»r ;wd 1.10 8uiliB Hint cust f35 j TupuHlrv Ciirpflt.iicrynrd <W 201 Throe-ply I'arpct, |icr yird 1.00 Suites that f»at *10 {Kxtm Super Iiinmln (all wool) per,vd- ^i .... ' 30 Cbenp hiKnitn, nrr j«rd 25 25 Parlor Suite*. Witlnut Frame, inRuw 1 Silk, (r IHCCM) Stnffud Dark 15.00 These Goods can bebought on Weekly and Monthly Payments, at these Prices. 150 PARLOR SUITES in EBOTIY, WALNUT and CHERRY, with choicest patterns of Silk and Mohair Plushes. both plain and embossed. Also, Spun and Raw Silks, Ramies, Reps and Hair Cloth at a reduction oi 30 per cent. lliaat Mnrtilc Top loBiinuflH<tiiniI« Walnut Suit Aali or SIa|.lu Suites llfb Asb ur MH|>1U Suite" BRII fur .... A«U or Mnjilo Suite* will for A»II ur iiiiplu Suites Hell for uiiiiii'li'il lli'il-rixiiii I will «cll fur iiuiii--l<'l Hoil-rnmn I will M'll l«>r u n w i n l lti'il-ninm I will «cH (or niiuirlul Unl-rooiu I wilUpllfor Oil Cloth, iwr.vnrd munuim • li'a the «trnoa;ci.t thing tlmt nvtr 1 knew, And tbe nio.t provoking 'twiit me aud ;ou. And * woman wtio'fi got a man like we, A jiood |)rovid.'r. und >U>iid>- and Tree Wild ull Lor folk*, with fuu<l« •»lted dowii And uu tine a houaw an nuj 1 io town, To lamc-utinj 'cauno onu cliild iut«v Ain't .inlU Ha good IMhe ioi((ht liave IMU. ' It's a prftty good uliowlnjf. it aeeiiiH to me, TLut 'inly a ti'tith of tbr lot almuld be A little off color, and tbni'* wbat 1 **y To tlifir niollicr tweul j tin" 1 * » -II.T. Hut I eniTt niBkf lirr iwoIt intbat ligtit. And *be li-.tpti* itnd wait* night after nlgbt, Fur tlie Miiind nf lifi alep, till I it row HO wild 1 but I altuoat curne both uiotbtr ami chiUI. 1 Bb« oujrtit tu live for the olUcru, you kuow, Aud bt tbii toriuciitkijf vugulwnd go, And fallow hi* wa;> «ud tttltc tbe |»in; Hut I ln(Dliiui irnt Hltil BIIU calls lilut again. TIIIH unikf» a lmrtluoBK ' t w i s t brr aud ue, And tlie woral uf il In. tbu cliililrtu njitce TIJU. 1'iuiii tbcriuht. Yuu'd |iitj burthen; 8ut;b liuwN I tbluk I'm the iuettn«t uf men. •We nrsued aud Moldisd and coaled wltt>- out euil; Her fltiawcr it alwnyi: ' M.v boy hai one frlepd Ai IOIIK an 1 live, and your cturfie !• uiitmn Tliwt ni.Vhfurt huld* noPIJIII.1 luvi> fur joil And nil the reat. Hut the one gone nalroy Need, me the mo*I, and you'll find 'ti. tbf Of all mnlbfi-i io linld CIOMS lo tb* ono WLo luirts bor tbo nio.t. So loW- work U 1 Now, what can I say to IUOII wortli as tlioac! I'm not twnviiicLil, IM tlie history slmwi, llut I lift™ wonder wblcb uan in riitlit An 1 Lonr ber liglit nlop aiKUI -n-'r nigbt, Hero :in.l Ihcro, tu tbo window und door, Ai Mho wutU with o heart that la lienvy mid I wiiL tlie boydeud, wliib tlio g l m h e r lift Tu aavo liiui Irani alu. There'* biiibmu and OPMBrUllTI. Tlm timo to Uuueh i* when tbotldn i« iu, Ik' rrnly, then ; f«nr uot to iail away, Nor lUllfMly nwnit a better dftj— no loni[ to wait M tiPVer tu begiu Ttm time to launch ii when the t de Is In, Wliilr briBU( tiic rjc, tlio life-blood quick and free. Witli liuldurHi, lad, get out upon tlm ae», Kffuown IH freu fur all lo will. Hut It U uot enough tn launch aud Ball- Mot alwnya plnci'l U tbe oeeun'a iirttut, Nor orisrtbc fiirlonn clcnipntH »reat real; Aud e\evy biirk ut tiiui-a miutt meet tbe gale. link out, then, (or lifiliten iref« of iin ; Heudiiot toward dULimor'a tat ill fork; And nhoiild inlnfurluue like llsbtatug Mtrnku Rlilver the nait, leejt heart—Mt out agtla. lave cnur»((o anil »tteodfant faith and *int; Bolh band* upou the helm and lace toward Lfwvcu i Aod though tliy abip be often teinpeat- driveo. Twill aome day uctatir Iu tbo port of fame. There wai never cloud portontona in the iky But that beyond it blawd the glorioua aun; Awl il •ometiinoH fata aeenia onthe* ta frown, He aura Ibrougb all tho re beuma a Mindly eye. ConacieNce tbe anchor, courage thy oaken bark; "Forward," the nutto; thy royal goal, IUO- A Father 1 * hand to ellag to to dUtrm— reaa with confldenoe toward, thy l»ftj work. Walt not on Rhore for one tohelp the* in | Witn tby own itrength pn.h out andaall •*».Ti Oh, wait not erer fw a bettor **y— The time ttf lamea is wbea the tide la in. ITOVEJ8 The largcit ••Mirtmcnt la the Stale •« |»ltn »«it all. AMOS H. VAN HORN, 73 MARKET STREET, Newark, N. J, (NEAR COURT HOUSE.) MRS. J. P. WITHERIDGE, POHTORAM. IV. J. cttnnt Lc uadtmold inthe line of iMwliere r mooey by buvltiR of mo. THE FKUPRIETUUS OF THE Coleman BtiHlness College, 7U3, 707, TOP, JU «L 713 DltOADST., NEWARK. a tbo Lemiing CuniruiTcml School of Atwtion W T K t n * FXPERTKVPK, 3 10 PBttMAVEJiT rEAdriERB. 1 r ttruOTIFITT, ""«, I HEPVI*VIE p.nil.PIKOfl. i corner;'! OF HTOHV. * AT.T, THE C(lSniKHCt.l8TOOIER. An ED»U-h. n»r»rttm-nt •*•• Buys anil Oiria. ° Al CULIIIAJl AriUU.Pnprtetom. — =VITA= UPPOalTORIBS. tnnnnniii NOTICE. EsUte ot Eliphnlet Lyon deceased. P UB8PANT to the order of the SnrrozaU or tbe Couutv or Morrin, mule on the twntielh day nf Jannary. A. l>. UDB tb plod elpUt Immlrtd an4 «Jfcbt.T-llfe, nntie liereliv %i*th toall ponrnn* haTlon ctii aR»ln«t the entile of Elfpbolet Lvon, lat UiDCoantjof Morri*,de«eaifcl,iopre»fm tUa i»mo,ut><]truailt or itrBrmiitnni, to tbo rnu- fcrlbrr, im or befnro tlio Iwatitletti day nf Oc. tol er uiit, boinft nine wnntlia from the date of null! nTiJer ;md anj creditor tie«l»ftliif' to brine in iml vsliibit lil> nr bur claim, auduroaili ur ..fUrn,»h(,rj, wi'liln tlmtime io limlttii, nill hs fon TorbtitTi'ii ol his nr her uatitm tfarrelor HfiiinfiUbo Ailmlniitratiii. DitCilLhelHCBlictlidajorjBntiaiTi.ii.188S. HD8AN LYON, A<ltUi.i.tratr1i, IMtw RbanLa, Uonk O*.,«. J. LETTERS FMBTTHE OLD WORLD LETTEB III. SIUEWSBCBT, ENI... Feb. 2:1. 1685. Tim 84tuiJay uller Ciirif,iiunH D.iy I ifocuLiitd tu Livi-rj oul, ill louto for Glasgow, an<l stojeJ over Bumlny tbut busy seaport city, oitlliugut Hual m tin; wiiy. Tlio inttL-r plune in tliu tntion for tlio Mnnsiou tuid Turk nf Hir W,itkin W. Wi'un'a wlio in known us Princu in Wulcs." It in a lovely J>'i but it butter dcscri|itiuii bliuli hv yi lit* on. Iluiiboii is also tbe Junction for tlie L'utitul V.ile (if L'uugullcu ot liiin nicniory, b u t nn iccuunt uf this ton, 1 list (i(H<p"DH fur tlit) jiicstnt. Icrus«vil tlieMuisey from UirkeDheaJ 'o Livi>r|)cio', which, AUSWOIH tbo »-, ipose us tbu N-.tHi Hivor for I •rk, JL'I'8C> City, nml liul.ul.i-ti, l»tt I a surpriRL'tl ut tbomnrkml tlilf<-ic in tbu luuik' uf iniUKit, i'.io " Wood 1 Ferry" bouts IIB they IIFC callnil uro rciy t'ouifortub-o, but uru uuLneur HO I i IQ UCCUDl HI dilution jtllii 111. j L k fi" ICill induce us tlio Nt'iv York fr.rvy I) Diiereureuo IIUIIIDIB fur tbo units runiulo, unil n(ttis('qiii>nli,r, they bnvu rim uI outside tlu' Lutidiuf; Ktupi *iiiK buokwurdn ami tuiwunl^to {;< iuto tint ri^ait (iiiyitiuu for SnuiiiivJ (mi uugprb, c iusing acoud dt-itl ut tleluy nJatiuoyiuico. TIIIH U liowcvt'i 1 to accounted for from tbo diet there ii irj bttoug cinrt'Lit iu llie river wlii muausitto ilifflctilt lo luml. A UIIIIKI uowboiuc liureJ mnlui' I lie river, mil IH will fnoi.iuilo m;itlt-ia ti> a consider- On ISanday, tbe 28 li ui Lt,cL'inli e r, 1 Qtteudcil tbc Stfh n P.irk PrcHb.vkTun Cburoh, aud listened tu uti exceltcul WutBi>u, M A. HIH'MIIPJ. •( «»»• lm*ct lie 24Hi vvi'HG uf tin; XVI clni|>u>r of Multhtw, "If uiiymuu will uuiuouftt let luni doiiy bimsL'lf, tuku up h and fullow tuo." fuking uf PL-Ier'tt n l m k u iu tli 22 id WG<', " Bu it fur from thee, Lord, tbiB eLull uut\iL' uulo tlitt 1 ," tlii!preadier pe in xA^ hence Olnint addnwsnl Peter MB liio in'i'sdimiii'ii ul Situii. All tbat WHS required ofOliristmti.s iu ttikiujj up (be cross wutt to have a luyiildevuliou <r CltriHt. "Tbis," taul he, " is ilio duty of Iliorougb going Cumiiuuiiy, II was i)un->il)lo to every Iwiu lulUiwer uf tuu Lord Jenm Otirhr. It WHB uot pits- sibln tu keep on mil* tiThiin lint\ lor iple iu tlie pulilicul splicrc, ns C'utn- lisB o u g b t tu bo rt-'cuguizud ua u principle ol palilic*, ouil Uutnudo lefer- eoce to tb« Beditilrihu'.iun Bill lately introduced by Mr. Oluilatnne iu pnrliu- ient. aud ct>iua.ouil<.'(l big lily tlie spirit uf llie opitosiiioti uurty, Iu jioldiug, uud tbe Lilietul party iu mukiug aach fair JVUDCHH, tbuu bridging over the gull' br noble ooinnromi&e. Oitnnroume mm ulau |ian«ibie in Xlieulngj. lliu uncena IvmiMn vs. Aruiimuuiisiu in WMOM •* it. Oeb, Kittle, 1 IOTB ye, an* faith I «"'t mend Ter lipa air Mroaj, y«r «yea air to blue; With wile tb«t'. w ro|aUh-tfce wunti all defend It I That if I atu ravin' tho fault U wld you. 'o clildr me on' Inure, yet n«aelf it la think in'. Mora BDRrj- ye'd be wtd DM were 1 to go; Are. Kittle, me heart like a atone would b* Er I thought that vld muni tliaa yer Up* ye auid no. 'fain out on ye foolinVme darlin', nor tawme; But end thli anoplnn if ye ralue mt, life ;— tn eoone then It mlany anvther conld pUw tnc. An' niikclikeyeraclf,awatnieutvlB'vife. Pou'i flub wMycr tva ayca, I didn't nail* mine It— Thouih the truth 'til the HWC, ma' tae divll ••yno- Tbln come to m* arnima—oeb, mart I explain HI— No aocks air nil oat at the heel aa' the toe. Thcre'a the pig, tho poor darling', an itm IM latatlin', Wld Hroanin' an' mnauin'—hegah it'a a tta! rntn woroto' till ni«ht tho awata oraythar An' no one to entry hi* abvlll to the pin. ThinflOBWto ahantT, I bng of yei, Kittle, Hay vU an' wld Joy III be dacoin' a Rig) f not for moMlfln yer heart ye pity, Oeb, Kittle, nmeubcr the woca or ma pif. 1H1 U t T Of T O T1LL1T. ASMINU BI TKEKALVATION A1MT. I've found a friend inJeiui, H«'« eTerythinx tomf, He'a the falreit nf ten ihooaandtomy aeul The Lily ofthe Valley in Himalone I wo, All I need to cleanse and make us fully whole; la aorrow fce'a my comfort, in trouble ne'a my •lay, He tells mit every n a n on himto roll, He'a the Lily uf the Valley, the bright and morning alar, He'a the falreat of ten tbouaand to my aonl. He all my friefa aa* taken, and nil my aor- rova borne, In temptatim he'a my atroDg and mighty town; I've all for him fonahen, I're all my fdoli torn From m.vheart, aad now he keepa me by hit pewer; Though all the world foruke me, and Sttan tempts me tore, Through Jeaiu 1 shall Mfcly reMh tba foal. He'a the Lily of the Valley, thebright and icomlng nlar, He'ii the fairest of ten IhouMad to myanul. He'll nevi-r, never leave me, nor yet fonake mo tore, While I live by faith and do bla bletaed will A wall of lire about me. I've sotUof aowtn fear; With llli manna he my hungry toiil ihall Oil; Then •weeping up to glory to *m III*blei luce, Wuen riven ol delignt aball ert>r flow, He'a thn Lily of tbe Valley, tbe bright < morning etnr. He'* the fRircat of ten tbmuaud tomy m TWAB Nut His FAULT.--"DO yon knoir,"fiaiil an extremely v.Tacinnayeong lady to tier eiocrsivl; bisblul tnitor, "do joa know, George, Ibat youog Indies like to be to!d tbtsy are pretty m attractive wbetler tbey ore or not ?'' " I would not tli ink ot telling you any lob thing," said Giwgc gftllnntlj, <,for your Jookiug-glasa tells you that yon axe •sban.lBomo nsn piotarr," "Oil, George!" "Y.m tactile prclllnt face nn.l tfa amatlcat waint I ever enw." " Tto mmlicit waist 1 Ifrajwaist is small it is certain); uot because ot baring been squeezed, Oeorge." Q«orge fainted. must tuy " Ao rtvoir" for IL wi'ck, F. H. WllUlHT. AN OLDPENNSYLVANI.SCHURCH. Ir.-cnlly vlHiti-dlhcpliiot'of my birlli in lledminister, Hachs ivuul.v, V.i.; ulstu llie cliuroli wlieru my iinecs ore* lunv •wsuipuJ hi' about liftjL-jr »Jnl «.»•:<• niny of tli.'Uilio bnri«l. Tins eluircb j .of tbo Mtfoumiilo fifth nutilbfii.-•*!•••*I >inewluit {X'cnliiir. Tliu liiul npuii I liich tin' «lii.rcli stands was tlie gift of f aVilliuin Aleu, lo-ctL-r with u lifty' j j wot»bt|> j :^ Ili7 n 1S72. wilt ntVer be settled uutil each purtT i a little, anil briug uboat nn honomUe compromiae. " Fur my purt" Hid Sir. WatBon, " I rcfiue lo follow atij mm ; I owe BO Bl.egiauce to lliu Ctiurcti in pnotical Cbristiuuity. If tlie Fetus ii not au iufulliltlo leudor iu diiuyer, be cunnotbe my Saviour am) Bvileener." He (tlio pscacher) liiui no witb tiit»o useless, proflllens in of humnuily wlio were uodtt Cadedi uud yet CbriutiaDu bjr uame. Indeed tbey were hurmful to tbe Cuim:u, We wuuted tueo like Moses wbo cuuld give tip the <luxz ins nlluit-menta uf tbc Egyptian court uud depouuee tbo king fur bis bnnl limrteduosn; liku E j i h wbo could put Iu tibtiDie t ie fulae pro- pbels, aud inIbe nutue uf Ji-bovali asHort bis uuthority ; like Daniel wbu darisil to 0 right. Ibougb nil tbo liosts uf Hell weie let loose ujiau biut i luii Jubu tbe lijulistwlio be»ititi*d uot oue mometit to rebuke Herod for liviug with bis brol ber's wife, even if be wer« tu loss hit bed for it There wm tobo uo »ce-NW, •ce Biiw betweea fuitli uud unbelief, but unEiiacbiag ducinioo ; to BOC tbo tM at duly and follow it ut uN liuz- ardi. Tbero might be oompromixe iu politic*, andtheology, but uo cjiupro* miie between frith uud unbcliuf. " Take ap tbe cross" WHS lh» Sat of Omnipotence. furtber Huiil, was mwl« up of courtesy and cumoiou tuuae. Cow- ardice wn8 of ull tblogs most disgnstiug, muii to be put ioto llie pillory by ins own C3UfcieDCt was a pitiuUe ulijcct indeed. Better be liud never boonbum Ileatrougly urged tbe young men uot to ctiinpr tmise Ibcir eU-runl intertsts, but to icquit Ibemselvca like men—uaj lore, like Holiliera, wbo went wherever tlie* were bidden by tbeir comimmder. Tliis deciaiun, be coiiclmlcd, nusiwu- jDublefor tbe present uge. Tbero was greut Btruggte going on now. Posli?. <mWHS doing tnttcb tont tempt to eriibli Supernatural!-tin »od was v^ty bonstfal iu its paffed-up pride, but it was tbo sporadic and Npaatuodic spirit of tlie French Revolnlion struggling ouce mnrt> for life, yet doomed to die. Tbe ilittcourae wa3 a inattterly oue, nuil Oeliveied toau audience of 1&00 or more 'ho seemed completely spellbound. Oa Monday, tbc 29tb pros., I started for Glasgow by Ibe 11:40 A. H, imiu from tbeCootrul stntion acd arrived in Olns- gow at 6 P. at. It wns a very pleaannt run. We patucil tbrough tbo Euglis Lake Districts aud notwithstanding being tbe dreary part of Ibe year, tbr scenery was most picturesque. R.inpe after range nf mountainH towering ii{> in awful majeuty oud valloyn nrraugtJ in " cureless symmetry,' 1 if I may lie allow- ed tbeplirase. wbile here and tbcre, big black rocks are secu relieved by cascadas "platiug iu tbo BUI lougbiog in tbu brevet-." Tbii district is tlie scene of ninny of Wudiwortb'n noudcrful creations. So iliarnii^d wnube wild tbo place, tlmt iu cesiacy be aiuga; Ami O ye fimutninii, meadows, bill* nn< grove*, Think not nf any (.(vrriii« vt <iur liv.-M Vet H> my keart of heart* I (.•••! y,,r tnl^l.l 1 only ltnve KliiKiuiHlifd tme leHnlit. > live beneath your iiinru lutbitunl uwity. And in » quirt nook on C jnislou Luke tbe rcoowneil John RnskiD resides. uot surprised tbut tbo American tour- i spend so much time nmeiiL' the Lakes. It is a good deal like Immo t tbctn. An I pissed througb I sawtin District tc pccultiir ndvnnttige. Tin mmiDiatcs wero snow-capped smd ji tu'H f i r m mljoiuiiiB. late 1740, T.II- firil li"n*" of tan ol IOHK, wliidi in 17(i0 WHS : iy due ol utone; this, nilcr Mitin OMH, WHOturn tJmvu mul nlmill Tlif iuturior of t»f now church U to Ui» uldoup. Tlm men mi.l jt ou lung beiicbes; tbosc fur Iin •;tuj!i'J aems9 tbo room ami thuse fur bi' raeu nloiijj either aiili;, one i NUPWH- iivi; bench bciug placed [it a little lii^lx'r jii'vut ii in IIHi lit' v pi'uctHHi t o w a r d s tin 1 ivnlt. Tbert' urn rows "f |»t*K s Biisi'pndt'il Vointhn ceiling uud UIHO iu Mie wall to KUIR tin ir liiitb upon. O.i lho N'H-tli •ml inn vi-slilitile prnvided «i'li (ICRS und diclvei for Ilio cloiikH uiul ijamict^ i>f the votnwi, wliicli tliny uv.u-r weiir in tin 1 nnlit'iieo, itut iiivavijtbl.v ICHM) li'-tu in tlnivt'Hlibulc. iind uM uud youtif; fti'i' roninviiiK their doiku ami bnmiuts' Hit on white lnotc.i^H, in whicli tlm.v pppnr in tlie uutlii'uco room. Ou tlic eetiPion of my f'mt, thvi-t? were but twn jdies intbc eutire cutigregntiou with lulu und cloaks on, andtbey belouged o mint her branch of the Menuouilc li ii roll. Acrotn the center portion of ticMmith eu«l of the eliuroli is a long ml|iii, iu which were three minisk-i.t mi two deacons. Tbe tbieo miuisteia irciicb tothe anme congregations nlter- uMy, (be dmieous as^iKt iu reading the criptures. Tbo oervieis 'ire ull cou- ilucttiil inthe Geruiuu luugtiu^t). Tlieiu nrenix duora to the cliurcb, two on tbt- Norlh, two oulheBoiiU end, ami out: ck side at thecentre. Tlio eongrc- iliun is largo, tbc ucoplti come for miles around lothis church. They ate very pluia in their attire, many of the older ule memberB wear broad-brimed hnt» nl "Hhndbelly " coatB. Tho woman Hodresa Veiy plain, even to the ynimg irhiigcable ladies. Tdey are uol nl- d tdf h d i their Hiiiuwih ing in all hi.i pi/ purple color oy contruit In thiy valtej benealir j Iclsplnying/ ^ rock?. As t 9 border, th/ P\ flu um was shin i cling n ptmngi itrikm &li ni ( | opii iu tbe sceuerr, so luarked that it would gke jou uu idea (but nreal line.- hail ue tually bneu Jruwn betweuu Eug'aiiil ami So illiiiij. Eiigltind's sceupi'y cburiniug, a though umbitions tofiuinbofl liest— taiimeieristiciilly EuBUsb—*bil« Bi-oi- mil, ruygeJ ami bjrrcu, scetua to projuux' you urudunlly for (hegoi'R'Joua njenerj' ibfud, rotui lid in gone ot Ilio dirPL-tinns on a medicine bottle,'' oue teaspocmf ul cv.-rv liuur," us much uato say : " IE you diiuk •oa umob at ODCO it will kill jon,"— >lmmci.>mticillyHco1cb. WopiiFHcJlbrongb Efeclfoeliaii ITIUJJC L'ljOUius Curljlu was born " poi.r eiBplu of uiy cbililliocid" nn hv sa.ys him ,c|[, " more Hacred to iuo thiin the big. jiwt cdtbedriil tbi>n eitant could have HM'U ; rude, niiitie, ban 1 , no tcmplf iu liu world vanmoru so ; 1-iit then; wi*n-, tl.iioe winch kiiulled ulmt was liesl in wlmt linn Dot y«t. Rono mit." Ar IR at Oliisgow ingood time, I pro- to my Mlioiit Tin* bo g lowed to marry the do muni- y tion. Formerly wen- not ullnwei. t bold uny public office or to atlond politi- i*l mevtingH of aoy kind. I do uot kuow bclher ttiey are more wortJIy uow than oiuiorly, us to allow theai* things now or lot. They believe it i«a sin to limn- icir pbotograpba takon.tbey believe it iolntes tlio Bccoad commiititlmcul, Tboti shaU not uiuku untotbeo any IUCL'U imiige oi' likeness," &c. Like tin. 1 mkora tliey arc oo^osod totaking up iruia in war, aud like tlio B.iptiat^ be- lieve only in adult baptism, tho HJOIIP boiiig sprinkling or pouriDg. The; arc very honest, induslrimiH und thriving people, There arc novcriil tirnuches of iu Meunouite ileimoiioutinn, number- ig together probably 150,000 iu tbe United States. Pennsylvania rolled up n handsome majority fur Bluine, but nt a Democratic pole rulsing at Pleasant Valley, Pa. uu thirdly, Ntv. 29>b one of tlio speakers thought " the bi*»t bullcli evor cast wore that killed Liucoluund Garflelil." ud the aueuker tuid hti jumpt-il for y>y when bo beard tlie news of I hose nusim- inuttona. He <rusal«o norrr that not nioro prnminent toatlcra wore failed. With such speeches m<tdo iu Pcnusyl- a it Is t'usy io believe tlmt they rau up theRelt.'l fli« in tbo Smith and tiur rahed for JL-DT Davis thnrc. O. C. The Mfuncxt Mm Vet. fie got on tbe front platform of n iVofttlffaid avenuecuryeslcrdity moniiug und bud ubikf eouvenutinn witb tie driver before entering. WheuliL' sat down of couvcpiiiliou had alrcndy bceu opcueil. It was about the state of thermometer. " I looked at wiue us I left the remarked usbircritth pnsseogcr," aud it ked twelve degrees below." What I only twelve bolow V" exclaim ed another. " Most be snmetliing wrong tbcre. Mine showed tilteea uud was go- ing dowo «t that." "Yours must lmvc Lccn iu a warm place," euid, tbe third pnsseDger. "I mve a very relinWo thennomcter anil it •bowed it littlo over sisieen degrees bulww us I took tbo cai Two or tbrce others bad thiir my, und when tbe cold had been brougbi down lo twentj degree! below the mean ,\a rnsc ii|) ittid suid ; "GetitleiKiiu, please wnit a moment." He opened the front tioor and tbc thermometer he bung up WHS hund cd in to him. He tuuk niid plnced i from man to UIIID, tbat oil miplit sei'. It mjistprtjil cxiittly seven beluw. Not i rd Biissiiid for a long time, but tin •nvu was at lust lintkru by the shiver isli mau puting : " Well, if Hut tliitiR ii toli" HprtiK oi (rutli ful men iu this fanljtou I'll not ridi <in tin- curs nguin this winter Y'—fietroi Free 7 VI'M. A lihtatcd Aristocmt. I mot liiui on t-tm:t, oi 1 , ratln'r, he cime nj) to IUC UM I wus leiiiiug "lie .VDII fjMin Illnuny ?" '"J'lml's tuo 'luil. I wniitud to timl " Well ?" " Veil. I'vv bin it hired UIIID iu'f \hnny for (!(ts l:i-tll.h'l.'.'i! .yojti-H, ^tling ahoiit ?l(i a miiulli :<nd liidinl. I'VISUIIUH louk- i-d ujioti lioani us wutli about it dollar a wu-k, tint " '• Well ?" " I just kinder tKlt'd up buck ben:- nt the—ju.-t altoiit Imlf u Bquure tural—jiHi 'ntitVtn iiit.-h hay or hoe earn cm for iinl.niir, :in,l what il'j'c " U!i, nhu il 70 cciitH," " huveuty pinupkiui i Jt was 81.3Dor "Yes." "Tliiil's i:J Ui) a tiny for fodder, or iilimit §\m u uiuiitli. Aliuiidrcd a iniiiilli i-i -Tl.liU!) ii vi'iir. Tltirtft'ii limes i.suliou' ,SI.".,IHHI." •• .S.,v, I'll \<r -.,.s ; i-I.:tki-.l aud forever stqtpi'il on if I !i;iveii'tli uli cot'of tlicso (Itinicd iiri-lofr:)^— ,t rilniitctl luiml- ItoldiT—a gosh ilivd luonnpnliHt till thf.s.i Ihii'lcrn .vi'urs without kii'.wiog il ! Tucked ;.w..v tfl.VKiO worHi of foddi-r ! Win>sli '! InnI want to miet .snmtlio.Iy I'IMIII ilLiioy and ]>iu( lliu ,iu».)ruf ihistii- A " JJnv's' OiiAri: ATT.uu,i:. '1'lie llim-iiig iiicidrul. is vouched Hir liv jiur- -•s well lu'iimiititcd with tlie boy, now a miifi prolcssoriii out- (if ourhrto cities. Hn wii* llie Mii orn ••loryj-iiiiiu, und, lioiifrh «.'iil.v C,V<-.H« old, bright uud dear te.Tomt hi-i years. Ji W.IM nt ii dinner ;i wn by ImtiiotlicL'for a few intimntct rii'Utla. Miiht,'r W WHS allowed ii-nsii:il i)«'taljl,>, bill beoomiDg by tht? wuyuf piniislnuimt, riiii-fi'iTi'i.. to iisiiii! liililo, whilher liio IUIM' had i-eitiovc.l Iiis littlo plate, knife ml fork, by IIIUUII»:.'» <iiti'r. No soon- i- Kits llwlini,. iVllow cctilodln hia hi|!b hiiii- again tli. 111, l>ottius IIK bend und •:ii4piji» his iKnniK on liis wiikil Lib, ho isnt'ii, ttithii|'inin?iilrtMTn nco ami print t'ruvity, "O, Loul, J thank Theo tint Thou has-t prcicnvd a table for me in tho •reseuec of mi uu i:i!emiui»." It waa witU iifficnlty that llie. " grown-ups" kept ht'ir smik's from liccuiuiDg uiitlililp.—• We olinrye for obilunrica,"eaid uu or to whom had bucu submitted s loug imper, couiiuuutiiig oa tlio deuth of Ulilll. "1 thought you would hu glnd to iaUt." "No, it is uot oriutvrenttotht] major- ity of our renders." " You wcwlil think so if you read it. It IcILs of I !!•• sad death of Jack.son Bom- ley. " " Who wua ho?" "Tiio uiiu'whu ulwaja usttcti "lstuit ?' every time noyone nays anything." "All then 1 umglad to receive it, AH my raiders will boglud to receive it. ill my ii'iidi'i-d will be Kind to know that How lio k>i>t H I T from tbe Rink. Bnglloat mot Quillwucd at the club the other day, aud uftur agreeing th&t tbo weather was wry nmiiirkubla for tliis mo of year. Quill.veal wiped 11 teur roia his eye ami nail : " Bngflnat, old r, IHUI nhotit to n^k you a very dcli- :ato i|uc»tioi), nud if you lisivuuny tc- unls for the IcetinK^ °^ n BUfferinp; friend nan-ftr mo Irnllifiilly." "Well, Qiiill- rei'il, if tbrri! is OIK- tliiug tbut I pride ,]> ou ibun auolLer it is spenk- uglhu limli, .so out with it aud let mo it-your comforter." Fat a luonieulQuill- rocd besitatotl us Ihiiiigh afraid to speak mt on sutnug noeiicoiirnging Hmiloon >.a friuud's f.icr, Iir wid : "I wont to now how you miiiugo to keep yoar wifn uway from tlio ro.lor skuting rink, linvd tried every known remedy, but it si's not lmvo Ihodositcdefftiet." "Oil!" id Biigtloat, tlmt WHS easy enough. Ton see, for uwliile, I was iu tlm name fix that you ure ; mywife just lived at the link, und I uns novur ultlo to find hvr at home. I lost my np|>elile, grew lit in, mid iu lu't w;ia u lTnlliiiig houe- >iird, just from thinking of some wuy lo stop her from liuknliitiny. At last I tit ion :i pinu. Oui> uiplit ns sheeanio in um the rink all tin-d out out uud pie- red I u KJ k>lied, I BUWher dejiposit >t f.«l-t* teeth iu ngl.isa of wnter ou tbe Wiishatatitl. With a howl of joy, I sprang 1 the bed uud t-t>i/.ed njiou those hnsb grin.lers with 11 iVmb like grip. Those uth mt' locked up in my tafe uow, and tliere Ibe.v slitill sliiy till my wife BCIH ivcr Iicr criizn fur rollfr nkntine." Quill- s-uoil stood us if iu n trance for several uoincnts, ami theu, ns a shudder ma lirongli bi-i fruuiL 1 ho eiied out in a tone ihifiillobuar, "Lost! lost 11 uuidoorotil ;o tsterunl misery, for my wife Joes not iveur fiiUe tt'etli."—Peck's Suit Mrs. Dubbfi—Nn, indeed, tho new crnze for lumps bus not nflVeted mo, and it won't either. I would not have a lump in the parlor for tlio world. Mrs, Hoblis—How c;in yon talk so ? Tlio lumps tb<;y mnko now nre perfect works of nrt and everybody buys them. " I know it; but I can't nca what nd- vantagc they me.' " If you bail a grown up daughter as I linvo you would. 11 Duur mo ; whnt ilifforeoce iroulil mnko?" " Yon know a kerosene Inaip can't Iio lutneil dowa real low without smokiug." "Yes." Well, wbco 1 smell smoko I know Too SMART.—Ayouug nmrriei] mnuof {his city, S.IVH tbo Detroit Free Pros, discovered frcsbly•opened boi of fnco der on It is wife's toilet tnble. " To comjilexiou WL< buve en me at lost," he euid, mill tlnug it out uf the oneu win- dow. It nligliterf safely r.u the heed of a gou- :maii who was goinp; to cuurcli iu his Suudiiy bejt, and enveloped him from ht'iid lofoot like n spi'iugsnow storm. Coiiie dou'u anil bu murdered," ha yoiled lo tlie wnii in llie wiuduw, Bhaking \ tlat und ili^cribibu; 11 war dance. " Cmnc up mul I'll fi[jlit you," Hbriek- cd tlio powder inpgHziui) above. The wilV nppeamd us a pucificntor, rmeil WILII II »hiak-liruoiu wliedescended to the Kidcn-ulli, and hvr husbitud hail thopiilisfuetiou of seeing iitr cin-fully ilu>t oil' tho straiiRe mail, while she roailp so»t hiny npolfifjit's in invisible ton en. Ami ihe Imsliaud hnseoDchitlvd not to interfere with his uifu's toilet relutioua iu this fntnw. g it's timo to panDter into the uarloi SKIS PcnArisn SABCA'-U.— l 'l9 my shiiviiip tmivwiliii' toyou, air?''n locinii- C]<HIR lwulW iwkcd ii cufUnmrr whom bo had Iwon ilnjin« iilire. " My wife would ailmire it very mucli," rntlior iiidi(,<itely n^ponded ilio man under tort»r.\ "Ah," Bi'-d :lio l.nrbL-rwin nntnpla- conc.v, " lit.Mcs ure of lor excellent jiutges of their hiisb.inds tiuing well slutvcJ. And von thiukruiuc will suit her sir S" " No d..nbt. o.f it iu tlio world. It was ouly this ranrottiB nbe hecatno nugry Iteoftuac I told hor I" rnnld not nff.ird tn bay her a newUounec, and she snid I onfflit to be skinned alive." The bather lost himself iu reSection,

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• l i n t t l l HUCTRWun.




mm, s. J.

O m r W HiekMI .ad >«•.• M.

DOVER. N. .1.I. B. JOLLEY. Proprietor.

• m a art Cartage! to Lei.

THE DOVER LUMBER CO.offem la buildem the IMIBI iippoliauitieH in tlie liiln-lmw. of LUSIDEKof e r a ; grmlB itnij Jo«Ti]itiou iuuhuliuK IJOW PKICEH null the groatdrat f b i

» T


r MB,



j Tii. E. a.





or HOMU« coran.


DOVER, N. J.b l n bowl » «M«da.. l>u>if A



SUSSEX STREET.M a a Ik. «»»«O« IKMMlHiDnul, I

DOVEB.ll. J.ft* plan t a Um mllnl; » I » J » »•»•'

• u a M T t k D i u i ' and onn<D«iira ««iiAJTTIIVA A ••WIALTT.


BonMom. M tta SMrir- . •»«.TI0I1DM »FEA0HW«W

rtirln. Hli"1 lnt«M


TbpyslwajikcppaliirffOitiwknt CAItlttAURH mill W A 0 0 X 8 of IT cry <lo*I Uon on bum!. Tlielr work give* tlie lii^t ol*, In rtyiird l<> price 11**-.*

cunuut bo undersold, Kvit.v.UHly In wiiliL of n .Irnl-ifhnjs w.i|>mi or HII-IKIaboiild MT t M r Hurk bufiii-o l.nyh.- rlnwlicri-. Al) kind- ut' Wticelwriytn

b otid BluckHtii.tli work ilwie ut «!mrt iioiirn.



l lnvlns I'lircliustMl the nUx\ «nd good will of Mr.I'liilili CuldAcll, Him, iliroiign. III heallk, wait eompellvil to r«llni|iilkli his biiKlnetw | B your town, wecieNire to Htaie Unit we IHtend to f i v e you I H O - M !fn< IMIII'K fur Mi|i|iiyiii!: yimnielvm tml r«mllle« with

I In IM-I It •!»:>. ui d S|IOH> Hint lh> in if kcl proiHilit lower |nk'<N iltim ,v«'ii Imvp IM'<II uri'iiMowiii tol»«)ln«. Mm\ II you alniul j t i n w IIN, mid llir prln

pli'x » c liiivc nhniiN IKIIICICII to In our forty ycumor tumor hl< IniviiifMid iillnu with UIIUOKI e««ry f i n -lly In UK' roniity. hut to i l i iw wlio urn not miiimliitwith IIK or «ur inrllii'ilN. " i l l MI.V Ihnt mir HIIII in to

limiilli* only Im n'»l ii'Miilv innlo tttrU'lly of Imlhrr,Ili'lli'f in- iIml mi ' | |IIM|!II!I- I'm It ll;ix rvci l>. en rolliitll°orfi-«;t wciir. 'IIIIIIIKIIMIIIIC unimitiU'luri'r»nii(l dfulent

iii'lii'vv Klioiliiy mid |iii|u>r inn excel lent Milwlltuics,liiirilciilnrly if Hi'.y mil ivillzm live or t<'ii per c-ent.iiKirc |irii|lt on ilnii-kiiliN;" nnd wflHtrnd by adheringin lliu II.IKI ii'iiicinlt'N mill cx|)C!|i'iifeM tliMt have mudeus the liiiilinu'anil ni»Nt )i»)ml«r dmters in BIMIIHHIKI

IKI«N linn ever ill<l IIIISIIION in l'«iver to e»(Hlilli>li a

paying biikiiK'Ks In simihi pr, iiroUmble to IIN and tothe roioViit*; mid wo rci.|icrtliilly urge ;on to giveour fstsblishmpnt yiur patronsjn or at least a trial, whichwo are sure will convince you that it will bo to yovr ownin'erest to continue. We hav<s leased tho larf.0 tut commo-dious ktore belonging to 1he eittto •> Ik! late William HSticHifuse, which will give » *n>ple room to carry I largoMtortment We will -Ko have competent workmen to tiktcare uf 'tin custom anrt repairing flfpaftmint, in fact nothingwill be lett undone to m^ke r ur branch popular.


HEAGAN to Co. Dover. N J

Ittunber Worked to Orderb j nw«hiB«T • ! the place irhere it in purchuwd, urertlv leaaening tb«

ooat of bnililiiig by tb« oreiit aaniin iu muuuul labor. Oar•took alway* inoluileB

Sash, Blinds, Doors, MouldingsLUMDEB of every dtMcriptiou, and uDpevial pain* are Uk«u

to fpv« MtiHtautiou to ever} particuUr.Oaot»> Kioauuiit, PftwidtiBi.« • - H. L4M1BRT, rtefl'j Mid TlWH






3d-Lowest Prices

4th—Largest StockOIiOTBINO



THE M i m m A * , tiiinm THE UIWEKTC. XX. BABBITT db CO.,




I u m Ja<l immral an haia-aim .!.«* ..fJSMOKtiira »-*NTB mcl.»« MnrohMB Plpn..

11D TOBACCOS!-:-]C , N U ol allI Wwli at n«unii:ilile »rii!.". M.v NEWS Ut tMl tTXEXT enntailii all the»?klv awl 'UH.T pill»«w. ino'itlilv •i.a^iixliiits, nml all tli« 8uii<l;i,v putter)", irhlch un> tleliv-

.•ml lo aay iiiTMia wltlmi the vii-iuity Ircc ul>land Claar. j,n>ni|.llj al lmdad ti-



PROVISIONSoftliflhMtfndflal liao

n o n , TEMO, OBAIII.



11° bnrini-w •( the old lUad,tii kmp • i " « e MMinoeiii 01


Flag Stones B Curbing• f i r? f^'nnnKnBia>-8i«ii« *»'• b« 1'ti'mpn



Saw Mill.for bard *nod hnniw* en\ 10 *m «lie in

* \ A i A _ A _V V V V * V V V V V V V

December I Oth. I8»4.

We bive keen SlliDg lliu alorr will.

lilistnM* ROOIU and flml Ibiugs |>retlv

veil ctowdiKj togettcr and »• « naloral

rnnll «li«ll dhpo" ol > B ^ t ""»»

oojp at a great uoriflce.

We biTa iDirke.l ptinl» ne» »l(i'»

4 | conlt • janl (4.0(10 J«nls). B.I 'cv-

icar in all grides, nil kinds, all xizrs

from 30 oil. upward.

Dghmns fl els. aatl Di-e^ Oiioiifl in

brown, u r M , l"'»o. giirnet. plum »r

black nt 0 on. a J»nl-

ldiM' HwwH Iffjbia«. Fii-cii.utorp,

mt,MAS3N:-:Ar.0:-:BUILDER,UOVKIt.N.J. Onumeli. takenfurui-Uoil. Htuu- MU(J Uriel Work, Picturingand JnbMnc nromptK tttiTiled M. Or-tew"•ft «t tn? ('Dlcfl on Eiaci 8t., BMT C M » 1fUaiM. will mivt** nrnitin »ttftitlr>n


Bankers and Brokers,

M.llHn! or Obye» al bjlt iisn.'il pricc«.

Job lot nf Newmarket coa»n— we pur-

kuse J tbe balance of tot ID bl'DWl! Hml


Fine line or nw=si:in Ciicnlura und

Motnnnrketi in btoch.

(SmyrnaBug* • ! sweeping red 11011

iDgraio Uirpct ataOceoU,

W. S, BABBITT'S SON,Morrhtown. N. J.



ban jntt receded an hnmeoie stock of

FALL MILLINERY. Inch *he It.lii.i1i lo x l l «t ASTONISHING

LOW PMCeH. C»ll mi i w h « atocktttfcw bajtif •tftwhen.

P. II. SKKi.niNfi. V. A. FJ .BI .ET, J R .

Members -V. I". Ptfrrfemn jE«cft«ije ami

S«c&- Board.

HI N E W ST.. » . T .

mniBct H Kftir>rnl hanking itnsineM, in-mliUKtbe pnrcbitHC noil wle or

lota to *mt dirttnincr* (from ten «liu-iinl,)fi)rrnH]uirnnuiiiruina. c'ou[«in» suit

ilivltleinln fiillci'ttM 1'nr imrilcH out oftimWe IIIITC lor nale llrnt-climB Ionj[ invent)-

IXMHIM. tlmt nill yii-M the hnlik-r H-vrn | irrrent, ttilorcM- C'iirmt|iaiii1i'iitH In Wanlilng-1(111. PlllludulpUia, ItultlRldlT, ll|IMIOfl Hill' -1 -

BIJLTUy nrrnii"i>laii ta Suilinartl Unnk, X.>'



IWVtn. N. J.

DRAKE & KING,Duililer* anililealera luLUMHEB»n(lCOAt« AltounnmletA flt'i^h i l Rfl*b. OJHTH, Ullmla, M'*'1'1,g» itid Drai'kcta. Llmi>. Ctment, LaUi, K-;

Felt aud #Ti!rrthll'C r^falnlng In the bul

..-flatty111 " ' l ' ' 1 ' " ' ' n*b**t|o*ililnT liranda of °F- rtlll-tLm CaulnrU r.<r hiHHInnii taboo frnm the c rrSilitiiBorthBcellir anil material! ftimlifar.1. If


tinlopa. X. '•



, BODVrn flv«il l.OHU ftollR mt M' Ql> TT»',il.t -, I Al'l S l l l | f> . 1IIHH-Pl.V IXTHA

1 / VV HKl K l"« l ta l . \N , froM 11 HsHaflN ••*•>> «r >»••»». aHrfnrr 10 <:i«»« fh*-»i I I H I m • • r price >m re«w««Mt

uV.r l«-IUK«d, U> til HiU-l all DC k«U fetfttK1 April Int.

Save 30 Per Gent. Save 30 Per Centunil order y»«r moils H I W , ta fee drilvcml April »r May U l .MHIM.nt «xi*M clnmif r»r »i«r«Ti>. W> w i l l i fke «r*>r« l«r«««»d* H«W« for uny HmwMHt. » U h « HMMII «ViMtlt. ttdlvcrcalmiy ilmi* i«u W H H I Hit-in- *>mu»* MtMthv *|»B«rt«iilt|r4iiB thl*• the uair w r . Then? Hvicr wil l fee • • » t k * r ait thcic prlcei.


COMPARISON DEFIED. For Instance:Knit-* tlmt cort m \ I'-rlor Wnit... W.l.ul Frame, I . HairMul l lor • » : Ctotlt »35.00MI iffl.11 will aril for M llcil Loanjni, in Carjwt 8.00•• 75 " " " 031 fond Iliil Lvuntii) 4.110•> 1IN1 ' 70! Wiiluut BvilMiiwI 4 50iLitt t'UMi «S I will | Wiiluiit Eilenafuu Table 593

201 Walnut Wardrobe WOOthiit cunt *3DI will ! Wnrlilo Top Cepm Table 9M

23; tlood CmeStfutllucker 1.80tlmt cunt «351 will i " " " CUnlr 00

ill)1 WniMlCbalr S3(but eml 4T>(> I will | flair MaltKNs 10.U)

40: Niivil Mntlnu 3.00Suites tlmt cist ttf | licit Hprlug 1.40

12! Cnrjmt 8weeper* )tlit belt) 2.50Hiiltcs tlmt cmttfJi) I Velvet C'nrpnt, twr jranl 135

lfi I M j Bran*!*, |»r ; w d 1.108uiliB Hint cust f35 j TupuHlrv Ciirpflt.iicrynrd <W

201 Throe-ply I'arpct, |icr y i r d 1.00Suites that f»at *10 { Kxtm Super Iiinmln (all wool) per,vd- ^ i....' 30 Cbenp hiKnitn, nrr j « r d 25

25 Parlor Suite*. Witlnut Frame, in Ruw1 Silk, (r IHCCM) Stnffud Dark 15.00

These Goods can be bought on Weekly andMonthly Payments, at these Prices.

150 PARLOR SUITESin EBOTIY, WALNUT and CHERRY, withchoicest patterns of Silk and Mohair Plushes.both plain and embossed. Also, Spun andRaw Silks, Ramies, Reps and Hair Cloth ata reduction oi 30 per cent.

lliaat Mnrtilc ToploBiinuflH<tiiniI«

Walnut Suit

Aali or SIa|.lu Suitesllfb

Asb ur MH|>1U Suite"BRII f u r . . . .

A«U or Mnjilo Suite*will for

A»II ur iiiiplu SuitesHell foruiiiiii'li'il lli'il-rixiiiiI will «cll furiiuiii--l<'l Hoil-rnmnI will M'll l«>ru n w i n l lti'il-ninmI will «cH (orniiuirlul Unl-rooiuI wilUpllfor

Oil Cloth, iwr.vnrd

munuim• li'a the «trnoa;ci.t thing tlmt nvtr 1 knew,And tbe nio.t provoking ' twi i t me aud ;ou .And * woman wtio'fi got a man like we,A jiood |)rovid.'r. und >U>iid>- and TreeWild ull Lor folk*, with fuu<l« •»lted dowiiAnd uu tine a houaw an nuj1 io town,To .« lamc-utinj 'cauno onu cliild iu t«vAin't .inlU Ha good IM he ioi((ht liave I M U .

' It 's a prftty good uliowlnjf. it aeeiiiH to me,TLut 'inly a ti'tith of tbr lot almuld beA little off color, and tbni'* wbat 1 **yTo tlifir niollicr tweul j tin"1* » -II.T.Hut I eniTt niBkf lirr iwo It in tbat ligtit.And *be li-.tpti* itnd wait* night after nlgbt,Fur tlie Miiind nf lifi alep, till I it row HO wild1 but I altuoat curne both uiotbtr ami chiUI.

1 Bb« oujrtit tu live for the olUcru, you kuow,Aud b t tbii toriuciitkijf vugulwnd go,And fallow hi* wa;> «ud tttltc tbe | » i n ;Hut I ln(D liiui irnt Hltil BIIU calls lilut again.TIIIH unikf» a lmrtluoBK 'twist brr aud u e ,And tlie woral uf il In. tbu cliililrtu njitceTIJU. 1'iuiii tbcriuht. Yuu'd |iitj burthen;8ut;b liuwN I tbluk I'm the iuettn«t uf men.

•We nrsued aud Moldisd and coaled wltt>-out euil;

Her fltiawcr it a lwnyi: ' M.v boy hai onefrlepd

Ai IOIIK an 1 live, and your cturfie !• uiitmnTliwt ni.V hfurt huld* no PIJIII.1 luvi> fur joilAnd nil the reat. Hut the one gone nalroyNeed, me the mo*I, and you'll find ' t i . tbf

Of all mnlbfi-i io linld CIOMS lo tb* onoWLo luirts bor tbo nio.t. So loW- work U

1 Now, what can I say to IUOII wortli as tlioac!I'm not twnviiicLil, IM tlie history slmwi,llut I lift™ wonder wblcb uan in riitlitAn 1 Lonr ber liglit nlop aiKUI -n- 'r nigbt,Hero :in.l Ihcro, tu tbo window und door,Ai Mho wutU with o heart that la lienvy mid

I wiiL tlie boy deud, wliib tlio g l m h e r liftTu aavo liiui Irani alu. There'* biiibmu and

OPMBrUllTI.Tlm timo to Uuueh i* when tbo tldn i« iu,

Ik' rrnly, then ; f«nr uot to iail away,Nor lUllfMly nwnit a better dftj—no loni[ to wait M tiPVer tu begiu

Ttm time to launch ii when the t de Is In,Wliilr briBU( tiic r jc , tlio life-blood quick

and free.Witli liuldurHi, lad, get out upon tlm ae»,

Kffuown IH freu fur all lo will.

Hut It U uot enough tn launch aud Ball-Mot alwnya plnci'l U tbe oeeun'a iirttut,Nor orisrtbc fiirlonn clcnipntH »re at real;

Aud e\evy biirk ut tiiui-a miutt meet tbe gale.

link out, then, (or lifiliten iref« of iin ;Heudiiot toward dULimor'a tat ill fork;And nhoiild inlnfurluue like • llsbtatug

MtrnkuRlilver the nai t , leejt heart—Mt out agt la .

lave cnur»((o anil » tteodfant faith and *int;Bolh band* upou the helm and lace toward

Lfwvcu iAod though tliy abip be often teinpeat-

driveo.Twill aome day uctatir Iu tbo port of fame.

There wai never cloud portontona in the ikyBut that beyond it blawd the glorioua aun;Awl il •ometiinoH fata aeenia on the* ta

frown,He aura Ibrougb all tho re beuma a Mindly eye.

ConacieNce tbe anchor, courage thy oakenbark;

"Forward," the nutto; thy royal goal, IUO-

A Father1* hand to ellag to to dUtrm—

reaa with confldenoe toward, thy l»ftj work.

Walt not on Rhore for one to help the* in |Witn tby own itrength pn.h out and aall

•*».TiOh, wait not erer fw a bettor **y—

The time ttf lamea is wbea the tide la in.


The largcit ••Mirtmcnt la the Stale •« | » l t n t» »«it al l .




ct tnnt Lc uadtmold in the line of

iMwliere rmooey by buvltiR of mo.


Coleman BtiHlness College,7U3, 707, TOP, JU «L 713 DltOAD ST.,

N E W A R K .a tbo Lemiing CuniruiTcml School of Atwtion

W TKtn* FXPERTKVPK, 310 PBttMAVEJiT rEAdriERB. 1r ttruOTIFITT, " " « ,I HEPVI*VIE p.nil.PIKOfl.i corner;'! OF HTOHV. *

AT.T, THE C(lSniKHCt.l8TOOIER.An ED»U-h. n»r»rttm-nt •*•• Buys anil Oiria.

°AlCULIIIAJl A r i U U . P n p r t e t o m .

— =VITA= —• UPPOalTORIBS.tnnnnniii

NOTICE.EsUte ot Eliphnlet Lyon


PUB8PANT to the order of the SnrrozaUor tbe Couutv or Morrin, mule on the

twntielh day nf Jannary. A. l>. UDB tbplod elpUt Immlrtd an4 «Jfcbt.T-llfe, nntieliereliv %i*th to all ponrnn* haTlon ctiiaR»ln«t the entile of Elfpbolet Lvon, latUiDCoantjof Morri*,de«eaifcl,iopre»fm tUai»mo,ut><]truailt or itrBrmiitnni, to tbo rnu-fcrlbrr, im or befnro tlio Iwatitletti day nf Oc.tol er uii t , boinft nine wnntlia from the date ofnull! nTiJer ;md anj creditor tie«l»ftliif' to brinein iml vsliibit lil> nr bur claim, auduroaili ur..fUrn,»h(,rj, wi'liln tlm time io limlttii, nill hsfon TorbtitTi'ii ol his nr her uatitm tfarrelorHfiiinfiUbo Ailmlniitratiii.

DitCilLhelHCBlictlidajorjBntiaiTi.ii.188S.HD8AN LYON,A<ltUi.i.tratr1i,

IMtw RbanLa, Uonk O*.,«. J.


LETTEB III.S I U E W S B C B T , E N I . . . F e b . 2:1. 1685.

Tim 8 4 t u i J a y ul ler Ciirif,iiunH D.iy IifocuLiitd tu Livi-rj oul , i l l lou to for

Glasgow, an<l s t o j e J over Bumlnytbut busy seaport city, oitlliugut Hualm tin; wiiy. Tlio inttL-r plune in tliutntion for tlio Mnnsiou tuid Turk nf Hir

W,itkin W. Wi 'un 'a wlio in known usPrincu in Wulcs ." I t in a lovely J>'i

but it but ter dcscri | itiuii bliuli hv yilit* on.

Iluiiboii is also tbe Junc t ion for tlieL'utitul V.ile (if L 'uugul lcu ot liiin

nicniory, bu t nn i c c u u n t uf this ton, 1list (i(H<p"DH fur tlit) j i i c s tn t .Icrus«vil t l ieMuisey from UirkeDheaJ

'o Livi>r|)cio', which, AUSWOIH tbo »-,ipose us tbu N-.tHi Hivor for I•rk, JL'I'8C> City, nml liul.ul.i-ti, l»tt Ia surpriRL'tl ut tbomnrkml tlilf<-ic

in tbu luuik' uf iniUKit, i'.io " Wood1

Fer ry" bouts IIB they IIFC callnil uro rc iyt'ouifortub-o, but uru uuL neur HO I

i IQ UCCUDl HI dilution jtllii 111. • j Lkfi" IC illinduce us tlio Nt'iv York fr.rvy I)

D i i e r e u r e u o IIUIIIDIB fur tbo un i t sr u n i u l o , unil n(ttis('qiii>nli,r, they bnvu

rim u I ou t s ide t lu ' Lutidiuf; Ktupi*iiiK buokwurdn ami t u i w u n l ^ t o {;<

iuto tint ri^ait (iiiyitiuu for SnuiiiivJ (miuugprb, c iusing a coud dt-itl ut tleluynJatiuoyiuico. TIIIH U liowcvt'i1 to

accounted for from tbo diet there iiirj bttoug cinrt'Lit iu llie river wlii

m u a u s i t t o ilifflctilt lo luml. A UIIIIKIu o w b o i u c liureJ mnlui' I lie r iver, m i lIH will fnoi.iuilo m;itlt-ia ti> a consider-

On ISanday, tbe 28 li ui Lt,cL'inlier, 1Qtteudcil tbc Stfh n P.irk PrcHb.vkTunCburoh, aud listened tu uti exceltcul

WutBi>u, M A. HIH'MIIPJ. •( «»»• lm*ctlie 24Hi vvi'HG uf tin; XVI clni|>u>r

of Multhtw, " I f uiiymuu will uuiuoufttlet luni doiiy bimsL'lf, tuku up hand fullow tuo."

fuking uf PL-Ier'tt nlmku iu tli22 id WG<', " Bu it fur from thee, Lord,tbiB eLull uut\iL' uulo tlitt1," tlii!preadier

p e in x A ^ hence Olnint addnwsnlPeter MB liio in'i'sdimiii'ii ul Situii. Alltbat WHS required ofOliristmti.s iu ttikiujjup (be cross wutt to have a luyiildevuliou

<r CltriHt. " T b i s , " taul he, " i s ilioduty of Iliorougb going Cumiiuuiiy,II was i)un->il)lo to every Iwiu lulUiwer uftuu Lord Jenm Otirhr. I t WHB uot pits-sibln tu keep on mil* tiThiin lint\ lor

iple iu tlie pulilicul splicrc, ns C'utn-lisB ougbt tu bo rt-'cuguizud ua u

principle ol palilic*, ouil Uutnudo lefer-eoce to tb« Beditilrihu'.iun Bill latelyintroduced by Mr. Oluilatnne iu pnrliu-

ient. aud ct>iua.ouil<.'(l big lily tlie spirituf llie opitosiiioti uurty, Iu jioldiug, uudtbe Lilietul party iu mukiug aach fair

JVUDCHH, tbuu bridging over the gull' brnoble ooinnromi&e. Oitnnroume mm

ulau |ian«ibie in Xlieulngj. l l iu uncenaIvmiMn vs. Aruiimuuiisiu

i n WMOM •* it.

Oeb, Kittle, 1 IOTB ye, an* faith I «" ' t mend

Ter lipa air M roaj, y«r «yea air to blue;With • wile tb«t'. w ro|aUh-tfce wunti all

defend It IThat if I atu ravin' tho fault U wld you.

'o clildr me on' Inure, yet n«aelf it la thinkin'.

Mora BDRrj- ye'd be wtd DM were 1 to go;Are. Kittle, me heart like a atone would b*

Er I thought that vld muni tliaa yer Up*ye auid no.

'fain out on ye foolinVme darlin', nor taw me;But end thli anoplnn if ye ralue mt, life ;—

tn eoone then It mlany anvther conld pUwtnc.

An' niikclikeyeraclf,awatnieutvlB'vife.

Pou'i flub wM ycr tva ayca, I didn't nail*mine It—

Thouih the truth 'til the HWC, ma' tae divll• • y n o -

Tbln come to m* arnima—oeb, mart I explainHI—

No aocks air nil oat at the heel aa' the toe.

Thcre'a the pig, tho poor darling', an i tm IMlatatlin',

Wld Hroanin' an' mnauin'—hegah it'a a t ta!r n t n woroto' till ni«ht tho awata oraythar

An' no one to entry hi* abvlll to the pin.

Thin flOBW to n« ahantT, I bng of yei, Kittle,Hay vU an' wld Joy III be dacoin' a Rig)

f not for moMlfln yer heart ye U « pity,Oeb, Kittle, nmeubcr the woca or ma pif.

1H1 UtT Of T O T1LL1T.


I've found a friend in Jeiui, H«'« eTerythinxtomf,

He'a the falreit nf ten ihooaand to my aeulThe Lily ofthe Valley in Him alone I wo,

All I need to cleanse and make u s fullywhole;

la aorrow fce'a my comfort, in trouble ne'a my•lay,

He tells mit every nan on him to roll,He'a the Lily uf the Valley, the bright and

morning alar,He'a the falreat of ten tbouaand to my aonl.

He all my friefa aa* taken, and nil my aor-rova borne,

In temptatim he'a my atroDg and mightytown;

I've all for him fonahen, I're all my fdoli tornFrom m.v heart, aad now he keepa me by

hit pewer;Though all the world foruke me, and Sttan

tempts me tore,Through Jeaiu 1 shall Mfcly reMh tba foal.

He'a the Lily of the Valley, the bright andicomlng nlar,

He'ii the fairest of ten IhouMad to my anul.

He'll nevi-r, never leave me, nor yet fonakemo tore,

While I live by faith and do bla bletaed willA wall of lire about me. I've sotUof aow tn

fear;With llli manna he my hungry toiil ihall

Oil;Then •weeping up to glory to *m III* blei

luce,Wuen riven ol delignt aball ert>r flow,

He'a thn Lily of tbe Valley, tbe bright <morning etnr.

He'* the fRircat of ten tbmuaud to my m

TWAB Nut His F A U L T . - - " D O yon

knoir,"fiaiil an extremely v.Tacinnayeonglady to tier eiocrsivl; bisblul tnitor,"do joa know, George, Ibat youogIndies like to be to!d tbtsy are pretty mattractive wbetler tbey ore or not ?''

" I would not tli ink ot telling you anylob thing," said Giwgc gftllnntlj, <,for

your Jookiug-glasa tells you that yon axe•sban.lBomo nsn piotarr,"

"Oi l , George!""Y.m tacti le prclllnt face nn.l tfa

amatlcat waint I ever enw."" Tto mmlicit waist 1 If raj waist is

small it is certain); uot because ot baringbeen squeezed, Oeorge."

Q«orge fainted.

must tuy " Ao rtvoir" for IL wi'ck,F. H. WllUlHT.

AN OLDPENNSYLVANI.SCHURCH.I r . - c n l l y vlHiti-dlhcpliiot 'of my birlli

in l ledminister , Hachs ivuul.v, V.i.; ulstullie cliuroli wlieru my iinecs ore* lunv

•wsuipuJ hi' about l i f t j L - j r »Jnl «.»•:<•niny of tli. 'Uilio b n r i « l . Tins eluircb j.of tbo Mtfoumiilo fifth nutilbfii.-•*!•••*I>inewluit {X'cnliiir. Tliu liiul npuii Iliich t in ' «lii.rcli s tands was tlie gift of f

a V i l l i u i n A l e u , lo -c tL- r with u lif ty 'jj

wot»bt|> j

:^ Ili7n 1S72.

wilt ntVer be settled uutil each purtTi a little, anil briug uboat nn

honomUe compromiae. " Fur my purt"Hid Sir. WatBon, " I rcfiue lo followatij mm ; I owe BO Bl.egiauce to lliuCtiurcti in pnotical Cbristiuuity. If tlie

Fetus ii not au iufulliltlo leudor iudiiuyer, be cunnotbe my Saviour am)Bvileener." He (tlio pscacher) liiui no

witb tiit»o useless, proflllensin of humnuily wlio were uodtt

Cadedi uud yet CbriutiaDu bjr uame.Indeed tbey were hurmful to tbe Cuim:u,We wuuted tueo like Moses wbo cuuldgive tip the <luxz ins nlluit-menta uf tbcEgyptian court uud depouuee tbo kingfur bis bnnl limrteduosn; liku E j i hwbo could put Iu tibtiDie t ie fulae pro-pbels, aud in Ibe nutue uf Ji-bovali asHortbis uuthority ; like Daniel wbu darisil to

0 right. Ibougb nil tbo liosts uf Hellweie let loose ujiau biut i luii Jubu tbelijulistwlio be»ititi*d uot oue mometitto rebuke Herod for liviug with bisbrol ber's wife, even if be wer« tu loss hitb e d for i t There wm to bo uo »ce-NW,•ce Biiw betweea fuitli uud unbelief, but

unEiiacbiag ducinioo ; to BOC tbotM at duly and follow it ut uN liuz-

ardi. Tbero might be oompromixe iupolitic*, and theology, but uo cjiupro*miie between frith uud unbcliuf. " Takeap tbe cross" WHS lh» Sat of furtber Huiil, was mwl« upof courtesy and cumoiou tuuae. Cow-ardice wn8 of ull tblogs most disgnstiug,

muii to be put ioto llie pillory by insown C3UfcieDCt was a pitiuUe ulijcctindeed. Better be liud never boon bumIleatrougly urged tbe young men uotto ctiinpr tmise Ibcir eU-runl intertsts,but to icquit Ibemselvca like men—uaj

lore, like Holiliera, wbo went wherevertlie* were bidden by tbeir comimmder.

Tliis deciaiun, be coiiclmlcd, nusiwu-jDublefor tbe present uge. Tbero wasgreut Btruggte going on now. Posli?.<m WHS doing tnttcb to nt tempt to eriibli

Supernatural!-tin »od was v^ty bonstfaliu its paffed-up pride, but it was tbosporadic and Npaatuodic spirit of tlieFrench Revolnlion struggling ouce mnrt>for life, yet doomed to die.

Tbe ilittcourae wa3 a inattterly oue, nuilOeliveied to au audience of 1&00 or more

'ho seemed completely spellbound.Oa Monday, tbc 29tb pros., I started

for Glasgow by Ibe 11 :40 A. H, imiu fromtbeCootrul stntion acd arrived in Olns-gow at 6 P. at. It wns a very pleaanntrun. We patucil tbrough tbo EuglisLake Districts aud notwithstandingbeing tbe dreary part of Ibe year, tbrscenery was most picturesque. R.inpeafter range nf mountainH towering ii{> inawful majeuty oud valloyn nrraugtJ in

" cureless symmetry,'1 if I may lie allow-ed tbeplirase. wbile here and tbcre, bigblack rocks are secu relieved bycascadas "platiug iu tbo BUIlougbiog in tbu brevet-."

Tbii district is tlie scene of ninny ofWudiwortb'n noudcrful creations. Soiliarnii d wnu be wild tbo place, tlmt iu

cesiacy be aiuga;Ami O ye fimutninii, meadows, bill* nn<

grove*,Think not nf any (.(vrriii« vt <iur liv.-MVet H> my keart of heart* I (.•••! y,,r tnl^l.l1 only ltnve KliiKiuiHlifd tme leHnlit.

> live beneath your iiinru lutbitunl uwity.And in » quirt nook on C jnislou Luke

tbe rcoowneil John RnskiD resides.uot surprised tbut tbo American tour-i spend so much time nmeiiL' the

Lakes. I t is a good deal like Immo ttbctn. An I pissed througb I saw tinDistrict tc pccultiir ndvnnttige. TinmmiDiatcs wero snow-capped smd ji

tu'H f irm mljoiuiiiB.late 1740, T . I I - firil li"n*" oftan o l IOHK, wliidi in 17(i0 WHS :iy due ol utone; this , nilcr MitinOMH, WHO turn tJmvu mul n l m i l l

Tlif iuturior of t » f now church Uto Ui» u l d o u p . Tlm men mi.lj t ou lung beiicbes; tbosc fur Iin•;tuj!i'J aems9 t b o room ami thuse furbi' raeu nloiijj e i ther aiili;, one i NUPWH-

iivi; bench bciug placed [it a little lii^lx'rjii'vut ii in IIH i lit' v pi'uctHHi towards tin1

ivnlt. Tbert ' urn rows "f |»t*Ks Biisi'pndt'ilVointhn ceiling uud UIHO iu Mie wall toKUIR tin ir liiitb upon. O.i lho N'H-tli•ml inn vi-slilitile prnvided «i ' l i (ICRS unddiclvei for Ilio cloiikH uiul ijamict^ i>f thevotnwi, wliicli tliny uv.u-r weiir in tin1

nnlit'iieo, itut iiivavijtbl.v ICHM)li'-tu in tlnivt'Hlibulc. iind uM uud youtif;fti'i' roninviiiK their d o i k u ami bnmiuts'Hit on white lnotc.i^H, in whicli tlm.vpppnr in tlie uutlii'uco room. Ou tliceetiPion of m y f'mt, thvi-t? were b u t twnjdies in tbc eutire cutigregntiou withlulu und cloaks on, and t b e y belougedo mint her branch of the Menuouilcli ii roll. Acrotn the center portion ofticMmith eu«l of the eliuroli is a longml|iii, iu which were three minisk-i.tmi two deacons. Tbe tbieo miuisteiairciicb to the anme congregations nlter-uMy, (be dmieous as iKt iu reading thecriptures. Tbo oervieis 'ire ull cou-

ilucttiil in the Geruiuu luugtiu^t). Tlieiunrenix duora to the cliurcb, two on tbt-Norlh, two oulheBoiiU end, ami out:

ck side at the centre. Tlio eongrc-iliun is largo, tbc ucoplti come for miles

around lo this church. They ate verypluia in their attire, many of the older

ule memberB wear broad-brimed hnt»nl "Hhndbelly " coatB. Tho womanHodresa Veiy plain, even to the ynimgirhiigcable ladies. Tdey are uol nl-

d t d f h d i

their Hiiiuwihing in all hi.i pi/purple color oycontruit In thiyvaltej benealir jIclsplnying/ ^rock?. As t 9border, th/ P\

flu um was shini cling n ptmngi


&lini ( |opii

iu tbe sceuerr, so luarked that it wouldgke jou uu idea (but nreal line.- hail uetually bneu Jruwn betweuu Eug'aiiil amiSo illiiiij. Eiigltind's sceupi'y cburiniug,

a though umbitions tofiuinbofl liest—taiimeieristiciilly EuBUsb—*bil« Bi-oi-mil, ruygeJ ami bjrrcu, scetua to projuux'

you urudunlly for (hegoi'R'Joua njenerj'ibfud, rotui lid in gone ot Ilio dirPL-tinns on

a medicine bot t le , ' ' oue teaspocmf ul cv.-rvliuur," us much uato say : " IE you diiuk•oa umob a t ODCO it will kill jon,"—>lmmci.>mticillyHco1cb.

WopiiFHcJlbrongb Efeclfoeliaii ITIUJJCL'ljOUius Curljlu was born " poi.reiBplu of uiy cbililliocid" nn hv sa.ys him,c|[, " more Hacred to iuo thiin the big.jiwt cdtbedriil tbi>n ei tant could haveHM'U ; rude, niiitie, ban1, no tcmplf iuliu world van moru so ; 1-iit then; wi*n-,

tl.iioe winch kiiulled ulmt was liesl inwlmt linn Dot y«t. Rono mit." Ar

IR at Oliisgow in good time, I pro-

to my M lioiit

Tin* bo

glowed to marry the do muni-y

tion. Formerly wen- not ullnwei. tbold uny public office or to atlond politi-i*l mevtingH of aoy kind. I do uot kuowbclher ttiey are more wortJIy uow than

oiuiorly, us to allow theai* things now orlot. They believe it i« a sin to limn-

icir pbotograpba takon.tbey believe itiolntes tlio Bccoad commiititlmcul,Tboti shaU not uiuku untotbeo any

IUCL'U imiige oi' likeness," &c. Like tin.1

mkora tliey arc oo^osod to taking upiruia in war, aud like tlio B.iptiat^ be-lieve only in adult baptism, tho HJOIIPboiiig sprinkling or pouriDg. The; arc

very honest, induslrimiH und thrivingpeople, There arc novcriil tirnuches of

iu Meunouite ileimoiioutinn, number-ig together probably 150,000 iu tbe

United States.

Pennsylvania rolled up n handsomemajority fur Bluine, but nt a Democraticpole rulsing at Pleasant Valley, Pa. uu

thirdly, N tv. 29>b one of tlio speakersthought " the bi*»t bullcli evor cast wore

that killed Liucoluund Garflelil."ud the aueuker tuid hti jumpt-il for y>y

when bo beard tlie news of I hose nusim-inuttona. He <rusal«o norrr that not

nioro prnminent toatlcra wore failed.With such speeches m<tdo iu Pcnusyl-

a it Is t'usy io believe tlmt they rauup the Relt.'l fli« in tbo Smith and tiur

rahed for JL-DT Davis thnrc. O. C.

The Mfuncxt Mm Vet.fie got on tbe front platform of n

iVofttlffaid avenuecuryeslcrdity moniiugund bud u bikf eouvenutinn witb t i edriver before entering. WheuliL' sat down

of couvcpiiiliou had alrcndybceu opcueil. I t was about the state ofthermometer.

" I looked at wiue us I left theremarked u sbircritth pnsseogcr," aud it

ked twelve degrees below."What I only twelve bolow V" exclaim

ed another. " Most be snmetliing wrongtbcre. Mine showed tilteea uud was go-ing dowo «t that."

"Yours must lmvc Lccn iu a warmplace," euid, tbe third pnsseDger. " Imve a very relinWo thennomcter anil it•bowed it littlo over sisieen degreesbulww us I took tbo cai

Two or tbrce others bad thiir my,und when tbe cold had been brougbidown lo twentj degree! below the mean

,\a rnsc ii|) ittid suid ;"GetitleiKiiu, please wnit a moment."He opened the front tioor and tbc

thermometer he bung up WHS hundcd in to him. He tuuk niid plnced ifrom man to UIIID, tbat oil miplit sei'. Itmjistprtjil cxiittly seven beluw. Not i

rd Biissiiid for a long time, but tin•nvu was at lust lintkru by the shiver

isli mau puting :" Well, if Hut tliitiR ii to li" HprtiK oi

(ru tli ful men iu this fanljtou I'll not ridi<in tin- curs nguin this winter Y'—fietroiFree 7 VI'M.

A lihtatcd Aristocmt.

I mot liiui on t-tm:t, oi1, ratln'r,

he cime nj) to IUC UM I wus leiiiiug

" l i e .VDII fjMin Illnuny ?"

'"J'lml's tuo 'luil. I wniitud to timl

" Well ?"" Veil. I'vv bin it hired UIIID iu'f \hnny

for (!(ts l:i-tll.h'l.'.'i! .yojti-H, ^ t l i n g ahoiit?l(i a miiulli :<nd liidinl. I'VISUIIUH louk-i-d ujioti lioani us wutli about it dollar awu-k, tint "

'• Well ?"" I just kinder tKlt'd up buck ben:- nt

the—ju.-t altoiit Imlf u Bquuretural—jiHi 'ntitVtn iiit.-h hay or hoe earncm for iin l.niir, :in,l what il'j'c

" U!i, nhu il 70 cciitH,"" huveuty pinupkiui i Jt was 81.3D or

"Yes . ""Tliiil 's i:J Ui) a tiny for fodder, or

iilimit §\m u uiuiitli. A liuiidrcd ainiiiilli i-i -Tl.liU!) ii vi'iir. Tltirtft'ii i.suliou' ,SI.".,IHHI."

•• .S.,v, I'll \<r -.,.s;i-I.:tki-.l aud foreverstqtpi'il on if I !i;iveii'tli uli cot'of tlicso(Itinicd iiri-lofr:)^— ,t rilniitctl luiml-ItoldiT—a gosh ilivd luonnpnliHt till thf.s.iIhii'lcrn .vi'urs without kii'.wiog il !Tucked ;.w..v tfl.VKiO worHi of foddi-r !Win>sli '! Inn I want to miet .snmtlio.IyI'IMIII ilLiioy and ]>iu( lliu ,iu».)ruf ihistii-

A " JJnv's' OiiAri: AT T.uu,i:. '1'liellim-iiig iiicidrul. is vouched Hir liv jiur--•s well lu'iimiititcd with tlie boy, now amiifi prolcssoriii out- (if o u r h r t o cities.

Hn wii* llie M ii o rn ••loryj-iiiiiu, und,lioiifrh «.'iil.v C,V<-.H« old, bright uud dearte.Tomt hi-i years. Ji W.IM nt ii dinner;i wn by Im tiiotlicL'for a few intimntct

rii'Utla. Miiht,'r W WHS allowedii-nsii:il i)«'taljl,>, bill by tht? wuyuf piniislnuimt,riiii-fi'iTi'i.. to iisiiii! liililo, whilher liioIUIM' had i-eitiovc.l Iiis littlo plate, knifeml fork, by IIIUUII»:.'» <iiti'r. No soon-i- Kits llw lini,. iVllow cctilodln hia hi|!bhiiii- again tli. 111, l>ottius IIK bend und•:ii4piji» his iKnniK on liis wiikil Lib, hoisnt'ii, ttithii|'inin?iilrtMTn nco ami print

t'ruvity, " O , Loul, J thank Theo t i n tThou has-t prcicnvd a table for me in tho•reseuec of mi uu i:i!emiui»." It waa witUiifficnlty that llie. " grown-ups" keptht'ir smik's from liccuiuiDg uiitlililp.—•

We olinrye for obilunrica,"eaid uuor to whom had bucu submitted s

loug imper, couiiuuutiiig oa tlio deuth ofUlil l l .

"1 thought you would hu glnd toiaUt."" N o , it is uot oriutvrenttotht] major-

ity of our renders."" You wcwlil think so if you read it.

It IcILs of I !!•• sad death of Jack.son Bom-ley. "

" Who wua ho?""Tiio uiiu'whu ulwaja usttcti " l s t u i t?' every time noyone nays anything.""All then 1 um glad to receive i t ,

AH my raiders will bo glud to receive it.ill my ii'iidi'i-d will be Kind to know that

How lio k>i>t H I T from tbe Rink.Bnglloat mot Quillwucd at the club the

other day, aud uftur agreeing th&t tboweather was wry nmiiirkubla for tliis

mo of year. Quill.veal wiped 11 teurroia his eye ami nail : " Bngflnat, old

r, I H U I nhotit to n^k you a very dcli-:ato i|uc»tioi), nud if you lisivuuny tc-unls for the IcetinK^ °^ n BUfferinp; friendnan-ftr mo Irnllifiilly." "Wel l , Qiiill-rei'il, if tbrri! is OIK- tliiug tbut I pride,]> ou ibun auolLer it is spenk-uglhu limli, .so out with i t aud let moit-your comforter." Fat a luonieulQuill-rocd besitatotl us Ihiiiigh afraid to speakmt on sutnug no eiicoiirnging Hmilo on>.a friuud's f.icr, Iir wid : " I wont tonow how you miiiugo to keep yoar

wifn uway from tlio ro.lor skuting rink,linvd tried every known remedy, but i tsi's not lmvo Ihodositcdefftiet." "Oi l !"id Biigtloat, tlmt WHS easy enough.

Ton see, for uwliile, I was iu tlm namefix that you ure ; my wife just lived atthe link, und I uns novur ultlo to findhvr at home. I lost my np|>elile, grewlit in, mid iu lu ' t w;ia u lTnlliiiig houe->iird, just from thinking of some wuy lostop her from liuknliitiny. At last I t i t

ion :i pinu. Oui> uiplit ns sheeanio inum the rink all tin-d out out uud pie-red I u KJ k> lied, I BUW her dejiposit>t f.«l-t* teeth iu n gl.isa of wnter ou tbe

Wiishatatitl. With a howl of joy, I sprang1 the bed uud t-t>i/.ed njiou those hnsb

grin.lers with 11 iVmb like grip. Thoseuth mt' locked up in my tafe uow, and

tliere Ibe.v slitill sliiy till my wife BCIHivcr Iicr criizn fur rollfr nkntine." Quill-s-uoil stood us if iu n trance for severaluoincnts, ami theu, ns a shudder m alirongli bi-i fruuiL1 ho eiied out in a toneihifiillobuar, "Lost! lost 11 uuidoorotil;o tsterunl misery, for my wife Joes notiveur fiiUe tt'etli."—Peck's Suit

Mrs. Dubbfi—Nn, indeed, tho newcrnze for lumps bus not nflVeted mo, andit won't either. I would not have a lumpin the parlor for tlio world.

Mrs, Hoblis—How c;in yon talk so ?Tlio lumps tb<;y mnko now nre perfectworks of nrt and everybody buys them.

" I know i t ; but I can't nca what nd-vantagc they me.'

" If you bail a grown up daughter asI linvo you would.

11 Duur mo ; whnt ilifforeoce mnko?"

" Yon know a kerosene Inaip can't Iiolutneil dowa real low without smokiug."

"Yes."Well, wbco 1 smell smoko I know

Too SMART.—Ayouug nmrriei] mnuof{his city, S.IVH tbo Detroit Free P r o s ,discovered i» frcsbly•opened bo i of fnco

der on It is wife's toilet tnble. " Tocomjilexiou WL< buve en me at lost,"

he euid, mill tlnug it out uf the oneu win-dow.

It nligliterf safely r.u the heed of a gou-:maii who was goinp; to cuurcli iu his

Suudiiy bejt, and enveloped him fromht'iid lo foot like n spi'iugsnow storm.

Coiiie dou'u anil bu murdered," hayoiled lo tlie wnii in llie wiuduw, Bhaking

\ tlat und ili^cribibu; 11 war dance." Cmnc up mul I'll fi[jlit you," Hbriek-

cd tlio powder inpgHziui) above.The wilV nppeamd us a pucificntor,

rmeil WILII II »hiak-liruoiu wliedescendedto the Kidcn-ulli, and hvr husbitud hailthopiilisfuetiou of seeing iitr cin-fullyilu>t oil' tho straiiRe mail, while she roailpso»t hiny npolfifjit's in invisible ton en.

Ami ihe Imsliaud hnseoDchitlvd not tointerfere with his uifu's toilet relutiouaiu this fntnw.

g it's timo to panDter into the uarloi

S K I S PcnArisn SABCA'-U.— l ' l9 myshiiviiip tmivwiliii' to you, a i r? ' 'n locinii-C]<HIR lwulW iwkcd ii cufUnmrr whom bohad Iwon ilnjin« iilire.

" My wife would ailmire it very mucli,"rntlior iiidi(,<itely n^ponded ilio manunder tort»r.\

" A h , " Bi'-d :lio l.nrbL-rwin nntnpla-conc.v, " lit.Mcs ure of lor excellent jiutgesof their hiisb.inds tiuing well slutvcJ.And von thiukruiuc will suit her sir S"

" No d..nbt. o.f it iu tlio world. It wasouly this ranrottiB nbe hecatno nugryIteoftuac I told hor I" rnnld not nff.ird tnbay her a new Uounec, and she snid Ionfflit to be skinned alive."

The bather lost himself iu reSection,

Page 2: CARPETS'erest to continue. W e hav

Following is a. list of the De- Jlinnurat Tax-payers of Eock-1 .away Township, published inaccordance with the Act ofthe Legislature, approved |April 6tri, 1818 : >


ruiv, Mit'ti

ne. lt.nli,>|i

•) lUeir

Gmiit, Ji-.iti

}l.)ii|[l>. llanimliUiW. P.-.T

!iabae (IIci


otl.yiu-y B. It. Cu.


Jtlk-y, Uuglj

HHnvit< r, J.ilillK.ii J.-reiniiliRi-ulL!\ JmiitH (Hetr«oti

HmiLli. iKiLflr.l.

Hti|ih'i us, Ada A.

TTiiuiniJuim, Slalllu-W L. V.Tidiunr. Davul It.

VVtaiiilvrhaut, Jumpk H.t, JuM

, JuhtW

m*, TlioiiuH L.lit, Autirttw (llui:

!9 m Poll T<or a Om* T a i , »r P*ll

Maid Oat TarnsA

Aii'lurnoti, JohnAiiiluriioii, AuilrcA.l»niH, Job ii, Ni'il*

sr.nWBerry. Patrii'kBimiclianl, Ctiiieon (Dfinville)RitnVB. UvuryD M d H

-mioroii'inc, Fr.;_.ltarn.K, TIJI-HIk'niiv.JolmDuck »t row, AilnliiliBlmclianl, Martin 11.Biackiiiir. AndroHBuilt*, Oha«. Hr.Blaiwhud, Jabnlkilitlio, Janiealtcly, Franklltannhanl. AaronIl.nko.ey. El)»w..rtliUiam, J<mr,.|i

Comulii, TiirmiMGnllen, Tliunia*Coimure, BomntdCPIIOU, r»ttiokC l L

CUrb, TliomaaOoiiuoro, PatrickCaruy, Jaiuaa

Caulklin, TimothjOnitr EilwarilCulklin, Patrick

Cl/rk'^Jo'l'i'D °Crutlv, Martin

SS";?viS»M-CUrk, DoutoiiClark, Jft'noi

IDocker, Oocrgo A.

DoirniDff. Jobnr>oDr.l<l*i>n, Alb*rtD»ij t PttriokDurmau, HenryDeiu()ipf, Julin

Dnau, Vitthae.

" John

Bfckor. HeuryDicker'".], Stephen A.Dem, William

Donotno, Owen

DetVuT, M»l,.oaDontf.irJ, Chas,Dccki-r, WafiionDefii-»w, AiulruwDegraw, WtsloyDorcnnB, CornelianDawnport, A.Degraw, Jolm

EEnitice. WilliamEltk, AndrewBatter, DariilBrer man. GeorgeEgbert, Williamtmrlfi, Hmry

11 FurnandoEllis, Blehartl

Feienmeyer,FJomminB, WilliamFla,not*t*n, JameaVarrelt, PttrickFlannigin. I'alrickFink-y, PatrickFreeman. Johnrarrell, Hugli

Qrlbl.le, John

Ooble, iameiOODIII, Peter J.Oailinti, John

PatrickGunner, Henry

TboniaiHumphrey, TbomaiHo.kln, AhraniHajaa, HittliaelHocan, Jol mHicki, Thonia*Hajcook, WilliamH a » . DwliaHates, JohnHnrfcj, PalriokBull, !Di*id"' Or ~

Hitletj,Hueiii, PslcrH i m , JobnHolit, Peter

« AlfredHall, Qeorjt*Bilw, Edward

•' WilliamHolly, Dan.

» MiciikclHart, NlcboliiHoplT VaEcloTe

Jerilun, JatneaJ u a n , Johu {



ll, JullllUUlmnlri. Williamllyal., JuliU



Tlu D.

iicr, Wm.r, U»Ul»u

lliiltier, Jolmltiliy, .limtnBahl, Jiibu-lr.


tbena. WillianHcafoa. William

-idnn, .Times

8t a! tor. JIIK<'|)1IHU<*. WilliamHtouhoai •flionii

8iL-kle, John "Hp(.Hcer% Alfred

_.ns?S-Hulokto, JunuBpeocer, Nathaniel .Tr.Sheridan, WilliamSmith, Et>liraimStewariaJuhnSmith, J a w *

•' JohnHl\*w, J&.UCI~ rT, 01,11.

• , EdwardSmith, John (Oreonvilie)•inith, AlinmIticklo, Jol.uIcaUiW, IHvld B.

Jidner, JEU-WKItMmpion. potters

Ti.iney. EdwardTrowel lien, BitbaruTN I IT, MlcVaelTIIPQIM, JuhiiTlirnej-, JohuTinnlcy, William

taon, JOUQtund, Jnho

To.or, Andrew•• MM I hew

Toite, OlincTTuleback, JohnTyrrl, SamuelTliomn, riioraiaTkorapion, William

Van Or Jen, Tuuiiaa" Abram


William*. Wm. H.Wilkln, TbnmanWlllitni^MoigauWt P i

11 altc i r. uauivBWhile, HwMil iWilliam*. Joliu A.WMtrord. Hark H,William*. JameiWillii, John H.

W r i S Nelw'tt"

IE!! M « B ,luu,

W, •• i» timt M r•Tliiifsall Jimriul tlie ltnggugo iu"Out! Siriitogn,

:.~"Lnok liore,".*.I'uuiit.i.g up iier ljufz-

: flu'eks call fur," re* 1 L ' EMORY'S"

. JiJn't I

Yuu ilnu'tuwled tbo.mJon-11

ftiu."'•Well, flint's it!" winealcil Ibe wutuuii.

c, nml if 1H'"H any way nimplftl or tliut.inlbi'K is suittslici.1, thw rttaJ is ^oiup

Itt'iir i-iiuini'ks from mi' ! Now youloaJ them IliiiiEJs ou a .nick, unti whentin' cxprcsM nnu itoiucs tor tliu oorpce

uu api-ii J (uiwt uf .yum' time lieiug care-ll with it, or ibt! ftiuurnl will bts j>u»t-iin'tl until 1 bnvo dusted tiiis ilepotilti wlmt is U'ft of you jn'i-Mt:mlly !"Anil till' Uniengr niuu w,ia cureftil.

Tlioso who MIW ijiiiiilIt-IlK- gnuJsn lit lit' mast he u utsw muu bired ou


If tlat.n" iirt wise tl.mi kuowrat Wmm*n ignunuiw ; siml tluni mt tguurnut if

tlion knowos-i nut (liVHelf,





,'liulinllf;il, I'll


' ill ( I f

III) Tuinli a

letl w,

i Willirtyiui-in iin.



.I fnimit. I h





' t»'r. t1

t Vii'i-lmrj[;

j'ni'oii•liiiy Si

iltiiih. F.



' m



- ' 1 iihemr »

.in ii»tn liuin

i(rn. 11;ed ,u»i

v Iti-puliUi'f"thK





KN ll'llU

III Cm llinn " 'ot Ste

. .1. .M.Via. Chiiirni

, 1). V.tilkvU,llurtrt)

at nil1,1f j




ittee:PM :nrtH-


inni tu




NuVi^lDElt I (HI.. 16111.


EASTER CARDS!vulj' Hi.- krgcui iun| host nssortluelit oi

Valcnligt-H iiii<l Buster CulJu evereucu in Uuvor.



FANCY «(Mtl»M,



luiTti- Ktm-h <>r S H E E T Ml 'HIC o n l>ui«l.


Roller Skates

Aleut f.r the Ma(hn«hek Pi.uu,

the « • • • • fc llaBilia • •

1 00Kill2 0(11 (K)1GUII*

00I 0(1100

i no


1 IN)1 0 01 (Kl

a 00100l o o


ino1 0 01 0 011X1

randerUoot, A. W.

Vaniiorbilt, Johu*' Tiiotoas

ITauderboBb, WalterVnvlo, AndrewVauriper. Oetirgo T.Van Ouyne. OevrROV&aderti«oF, Lotnuel

" (11. i . H.

1 0 01WT101130010010C

inamtool O t !

ADllAHAN KAUnUd. Collcclor.II. C KAVKOLHH, Townahip Clerk.

They H«* llerer l e t .He was a rattier (lilapiJatcd looking

cliao, and U« walked witli a botdl trentup to tbe counter ol the restaurant antsaji]:

Will -roil lie kind enough to give mta meal ? I haven't any money, but—"

No," » tlio waiter, "I'm Borrjbut vo don't malic a practice of feeding

rery bupgry man tbat comes aloog."" Well, I'm Horrr, too. Yoa see-I'm

i » ratlier Iiurd fix. Tbo fact of Uumiter is tliut Vanitetbilt and I IIUVG—'"Who ilia J-OUHUJ?"" I Buid ViiuderUilt and 1 ha1**—""My dear sir, sit right down there

auJ rnakt yourself |Kirfectly at homeAny friend of Mr. Vanderbilt ia welcomtbcre."

And ttietnimpliail agoodmeal, \fbenbo KUD a,bout to go, tbe proprietor n|>-proncbed biro and said, " M y dear sir,I nndtrstuDi. you oro a friend of tbigreat milroad Hog."

•I didu't say SJ. I merely tried toixpluia to thu waiter tbat Vuaderbiltmd I tiuvu nv?er met."

Poets are barn," lays A writer. Soare other men, Imt when they gut oVenougo they "

[v NEW XtMK., tout of L iU

III PlIILAUEI.FHU, dtt|10.« !

LEAVE " " ' "

Sow Turk i

Our.Qtband Or sen its." Sdaudllurka "

freutou' irk

.both !..."Urook...

y Ht,, Morth acJ Orccn, and


liriglitllurliiiyt lundu



.. 4.40 9,15. . R.Sfl! 9..VJ

o 5;t




. . . H '25 10.&H. . . B.1!.') 11.00. . . «,;w li .u.. . tu;i . . BAH 11.22

. . . . S.51 11.25tt.EU U.31

. . . . 8.DH 11.34 4,0,1 7.07, . . . tttrS .1.43 4 15 7.1 r

. . . . 8.13 11.48 4,2if 7.2rri*o 9.1.1 ll.BC 4.SII 7.80



*,H. A.M. A.H.P.M.t.U,tLTintin Valley 7.J08.!)Nll..5i.4O 6.«3luiBltr Arriv<t 7.J6 8.5011.314.58 7.00

A.M. t.M.F, U,f, «., e.ito 1.16 B.40 6.a» 1.40 8.4H B.bC.. 6.4S 1.D0 8.:3 5.40. 8.53 2.03 4.02 5.50


FlnlsdelpliltCur. ;id ami Borki

. 6.CKI. 7.CO

.. 7.U

.. 7.08. . 7.13. 7.20, 7.18. 7.33. 1.116D 7.B3



4.04 5.534-Cit 5.384.13 6.014.18 6,06*M (J.W4.M2 6.214.3!) 6.324.41 6.43t.*a 8.&1S.0:i 7.S.43 H.16.10 0.056.3S 9.3D7.16

A.M. A.M. A.M.P. M.P.H.7.00 (MS 10.4S 4.19 (If7.1S R.30 11X2 4.9R 8.1

T»tmHupalcoEFur all n

R i t 9:0i, i . M.; 1:10, fl:D5, pUtiona to OKilco al 1:401>. M.

OouToyaucua can uo prncarcit at OValley to and from BclwoltVa MounUl

t Fluctluri io and from BnJd'i Lako.COMNEOTIOHI.—CunncGtloo i»

B d t l ftuni E« K M .j . E. WCfUTTEK.Ueu. H«r»c,r.

0 . P. BALDWiy.Otm. Saiterp P i n . Ag't.O.O. B4H0OGK, Oeu. P . . i . ft TVfc AK'>

(MOWUH AMU K t « £ l 1Uepoti in Now York, foot of Barolai 1

footofChriitopberflt,W1N1EU A«UANOEalia»T8.

XwuenciiiK TBUimUAK, Jaunarv Ut,l8S5LEAVX. $&Vi KOltlt.

AttuWA, U. (tiuBiuii Uail XiaiulogliUK willi liiti ituuuiDiJ Urauvb al !>«_..„urliuuutua i itiu Clieatur Urauoli ai Dover fur

juuaauil 'JLuauir; ibv rtuaaiiiUailrowliiilovt!r,Ne«toD

W. tt. ft. »lk W t a ^

aturluu,i:ora; ttieD., L


iur. (Jorllaud, UyraoiiM, „, D tlio Lackawauni aud HIUOUIH

tturg autl Uulawarc HQLI Uudiun Uailrotdv:AliJattbUlipabarK -IU L " "ruad ana Util«b aad S*i[ur IktbleUtim, M-uob Ubuk. Rt-adinc aad

At ftjS*8*. M: UmKiiamku MailAt f t W A . M- UitiKliaiDluiBoom0Mi*tticbea)lri*»BHen

o aod itoontoii.ruiM thrgBtkvla.tar

jJ to Water

aoS'uinghtmtoti.'u'oai.oatiiif: it Outer witbCkMtcr Kailroad, at Waterloo witb 6ume*Bailrotd for Andovar, Mewtoa and all au-

at UeUware wllb filaintonii •_.aa,«ith alt»BBhug DivltioB rot

IOD, KiugatoD, WilkaaliaKe. Danville, Kmoboriaud, &e. taaaaugera lafeiDf tolatrain frum N«w iurk.Paleraon andBooatonoao cttDDeot at Wultlnitoii with train forfhillipaijurg, Gallon, Uetbl«liem, UleDtoin,tlarriaburft and pointn un t1 * ""T • ••-"

l>LlllipabarK witli BeiViderti Di<

At W.WI A. H.BaflaloaadOawVgo"—r.;l)»«iagEoom Cut) Watw Oap.mrtuuurif, ^eranlon, Bingbamtuu, O»•«(,, Ithi^••rl j , v.lmlr-. UJaot Hurria anJ Vaflalo.Altui Syrauuau and Oiweao. eonneeilQg atit lut; La HI ton Iur Vtiea and Klobieid Hpriuai

At •••••A.M. UovurAocomiuodalioo.At MHN) M.Eaatou Kipreaa.At im P. M. Klmln t» p r M . , '

tiaraattaoaad run* tarou* to Wai

tbl«liem. Ulentovn,n tb« lekWb *alley,burnt Kadrastta : atere Divuion of P»! |t J P U l M b l

_jtou wiita lack. _ .


"T^vVKawTovliI MS.M P. II ifcaton Ei-urpiij connecting at Waterloo for Andovcr,Newton and BranoUTille, and at PbUUpabuiwiib L«blfb Vallef Bailroad and LehigU and

. M. forT»U4ot, WroaUui. Klnarra. PaMeBfara taaiaf UU

rork, r*(«nan u d BounlM «••DitoiiwlUtrstallo.a.

aoua &. tt. tut B«lbleh*m, ,eadioj; and Harriiburg.«>a«l p. M., i-^^er empren fur Bnm«it

aernardavUieBaaiinaTldgeKBd allpolatioiiPawwio »i-d W l . - . r B«llroiil.) Abatban,MwliaDu,Hurriatowa(l|ormPlainilI>«nTillelH k y and Dtn

uliatbam, Horriituwn and DOTLT.«;<M»p.M. OmwtguAiid UulTalo Ka. from Nt

York(i)tjeplqgcarn*tt»i;lieil) via. PatefMtuBountsn i&roBKb tu Watvr Oaii. StrBudurgScranton, BingfaamloD, IJale, MaratIJOU,Curt-land, Huuier, 8yiacoM« aud OawtnAt Bingbanton wflbliain rarOreeo

Norwich, Biohfteld Hprlnx*. tjtlci,l m tbroBiib to Oiw»o B

El lim ) BondijRichtloW HptlnR* (tAl not \ainurniDBt,

For Be-nardiTille, BaakiiiBrid([o, Lr1—MllUnt-toa. BUNIDK, Olllttte, Burkuley Ht'iglilana all matton* on Pauak ami TMiwirt BK. (N. J. Woit Lin« Hailruad) T:.W, H ~M. and 1:30 and 0:W P. H.

A. filASOHEB. SaiMruiLeni


Traina arriTs and depart tfoic ttila •tatbtitvt follows:


DoTer Accom.BnlT*lo KipreNEaiton Accotn.

11:12r. >.1:4a

• 6:075:50

' i:078:40

Accom. 12:35U Ejprtsi 2:0(1aEtpreH*2:3Hn Etprem 5:3!)

sri- ^•Yia. Bvonlon Bmncli.






E. a ViN UttDEK, - - Prop'r,

Oysters, Oysters,QUART, 100 or 1,000

ceivod freib from llio market every df.

]C«al« and Lunches•erred al all flinei Uurlut; « » a»y. " ' *


ata alwayi own Io .i.ilorf, ui CTtry [toil


REAL K8TATE1Ilv virtue ul the power R^on mo in ami IJ

Wlirt wllUiul luBtiiWim o|' Charily Thmmuixcd, 1 will expose fur salu aiiJ aril ;i

ir« i


Jay uf «atL i , A

rId nml "> o'i'lit 9 oVli><-'kH w w , in

y«r WarruW i l l } ; l>r<>|><


n y .

. D, 188:ck in 11;o niter

1 Hlslu i>viz: A

itnkc mi l Hlonf In ths lino ol U uPhilip Gruiidin'M, (!• c u ^ i d , l)..-;ii« afor i ior olIcit No .Hof l]i<> tliviHKHi ,,r th.! PHtnto <>l

rlli l l r l i t l i f i , . l i R c UCil ttevonty.JWit liuks tlnu)} ijiio a corner uf lot No. I) of HUH

vtu d.isr.Tnly link* t

l f l r a f 1

^tV(ii;llr<! lhik» tu tlio plu, cutitaiiilnK lliirij-ii"1 aurca ojo mure or IRM. AUJ IH the

....iytA to C1)»iltv Tli'>n>»tf 1'J DALVooiip, Jr., and "ire. V <lt'i-d datnl tlio 33,1

M i County ClerBook/ (UIDCIIIH Fir tuli] cou

id 1U5, l>i-l»K thu laudd uf whomax cited Mine,].

BAUA.ll W. THOMAS,Eimi t r l i ofOtiBiHyTlioinus, dec'H.

O*liiiUttuiiary Htli, Uds.


:- Local Newspaper


Northern New Jersey.

NOTICE.Estate of Ellphalct LJOII


PTJRBVANT to the order or the BnTroealof tbo County ot »ortl>,

t t i t U d f J n i m ^ k... day nf _.•and debt liaodred.hereby RIVPU tu allasaiti-t the ettie Coanli of

- . , , A. D. ori tlf,ht.t.fivn.

, P.««. .JIBLIIII1t

e the twmtieh f

cr, cm ;r eft re the ttobi'f Deit.bcinccini; mnu«Bld€>Tller;andanjcre[lii,iriiID and rsblbit hl»or her claiaffirmation, within the tiinulo«>*« bamil (it lit* OT tieagalcut the AJmiDiatratrii. acim

Dated tba twentieth a»yof, v ». i>, 1H8(.SU8*N 1.TOS,Adainlntrftlrti.

Hibernk, MnriiaCo., N.J ,

STORE FOR RENT.Tlir Mure In «IP new Uric* Hlock, enrne

tUlnckwclt uti'l ttotriv 8'K. TM»W 4*«*ly Whitlock *. Lewi*, ra nftired lor rrnt frompril Ut next. Ajtpl.r to

GEU. RICIIAKDN at I . . .tf Hover. N. J,

FOR RENT.Thv Klnc property at Stanhope.

Inquire ofJ. II. CASE,

Stanhope, N. J.February Alh, tMA.


. NAUGHKimiT.fknn.n V.l l , j . N. J,

Ageutforl'ETEB HAUCK'SctltsbrBttdb^



Hoyl's Cdain Bncket Pump'


U the bout blasting pow-der In the market.

Is 25 per cent, strongerthan any known explosive.

Is not as dangerous tohandle or transport.

Is plastic and produces

much less fames.

Is waterproof and

Is sold as low as any otherhigh explosive.

tli iatriui fasti tain Iff to,

Office: SS Liberty St., N. Y.

Wtrki: Orakeivilli, N. J.

SELLING: OFF :»T : COSTFOR THE NEXT reduce my .lock 1(1.; . at oo.l price, i






VAIST BMMIIE3,,, au. UKDI .mr I li»tn tbo U R 0 E 8 T STOIK if Wall

' ' " a tli

PICTURE FRAMESInn- It tlio time In nnlcr Plmmro Framnx

GILT, WALNUT. Ac. I will ninkc themtery lotr in order la rwli.oa mj imtge

i o k t a u o i D i s i i a

Frneo, Hou«, Sign an. Orna

mtnttl Painting and Paper

Hanging.Th!« b»\«h of my WaincM will bo cirrleu

D al tlie uM atattd .nth ("omptneu atid iii.-paicit, ai,,l 1.UI1 lelltrradlittMtliia crerfae-

aa I buy mr Faint* atiit Dili at whofe-™,o pncoa I am ablu to Hffv competitinnCailomcrH em al all lime, ei.miuc tl.c .lock

E. SIEBGR,Car. Black well WL%4 E W I 8|a.,

OOV£R. S. J.

IOE3 TOOLS!rntiaaMrtneDt.


or all the Utcal improTcmecti,

fiLEtQH DEtLS of all klntti-HORSE DL4SIET8, BOBES, et

"ffentlier t*trip, Brma Fire &tr, Femlrrt,c-fpo, Andirom, *o. BOYH1 AKD GIItLS1

LEiaBe, ami > lull (••orimeat of Pall, Win-•r iua Holiday Ooodi iu in; line.

Uaarge K. Voorteeca,


BUSINESS 1 BUSINESSEdaca1« for Bvtiin*•« nt the Non- Jfiwj-


Ojien nil the tear, rtayl)aiin»a Html In fttiori

G.T.UILLKU. Prin,tr.].B

[FORE TAMM. i^nin.."- o'f <"H TAIIM.•II-Alni-f ; unlufH »r'M''iii'Tv,tIllivor-Hl I,n»-IllJt Pail, m Ilir l i ltA, D11.1I.C-.H uf VlrtlOU.r.Ilimur.-Ol.Uj,-i.-.ii"rl miny •.lli-r <1IH< arnrH

hat l.Btl tu Iiiwuity cr Cui^iin.|iti.»u "irt »e On

a to tofmi'l nUKMAI.CI.1

}!u"\fn"okiii)rT^vvKi^u>t rdr you m" . . ... i * i . — . . I . . . . i . t n i i l i a r . .

'urn tire- ini>«rh1,i-|.tioalof itH r

IIIPIVJII.W ft"rat>|i«r; tin- only l("'"i

THE O1UY SIEmClNG CO,, Uitffalo.N- Y.ftnldin II"Vi-r I'j W W. flmnuis-


A strictly vegetable prep-aratton. composed of a choiceand skillful combination ofNature's oest remedlei. Thediscoverer do«s not claim It acure for all the Ills, but boldlywarrants It cures every formof disease srlilne from a tor-pid liver. Impure blood, dis-ordered kidneys, and wherethere Is a broken down con-dition of the System, requiringa prompt and permanent tonic.It never falls to restore the•ulTerer. Such Is BURDOCKBLOOD BITTERS. Sold by alldruggists, who are authorizedby the manufacturers to re-fund the price to any pur-chaser who It not benefitedby their use.PRIOB, »1.OO.


Prop's, Baffck, #, 1.For ..Io ly W. B . (IO0UAUS.



Hot Air Furnaces.Of (lie Intent auJ niu*t lmi»roTed atyle*, foiWftumg [iiibltt and privnt* baildLn^e. ^ larg.

agiortmeot ur Storaa, cheap for caab.



Freeman Wood,FIRD



LeftUMinJlorlHdft«ei>tof ^otonewiagtmhthelxat intboworu:



A ful Maorlmeut of



LEADKRB.induli kind* of Jobbing .nmylioc,:uc iu llio bent mauutr autl at Hie nbortealotlce, Ilisbcf t priccl paid fur old Irnu,Copper lead •nil pewter taken iu eicbanB'

R. F. J3LLEY & Co,SHIRT l A i n i l E R S


831 BROAD St.

NEWARK, ir. J.


Dover, N . J.,oil.



era for i


ess Lu«


tile llio

[,rc Ilui

'.•u by J .


. Lluvt



i r .



i s pf oporlif a

i DlaukHcll t

iu Slllll.rock



31, Tivn Hniifli't IMI'1 f/ttri nn Oriinn Hill1,'ooJ jirupcribri lor tlioiu Jcminiitf rtHiJeiiCL'p

4th. AfirmoFSO acrus, near MoOalnavi..*ri'h K"«'1 liiiiKliui{ri, »uJ all nu'lcr a !>.»

Btli. A farm ol .1ft mrr* on thn mad horn

iml OUL> vaciin

7th. A ROOII farm of uboiit 100 ncrcn ami rpgiilfucis Miilnu tliri'e-i)iiarii:ii of & aiins ut UuDover jium-oltlcc?.

liun, will be I'ikl ou aiW»ntii«eoUs lunnsPiow'nii'H lundlufl tor llmsii (IHHIHUK tu «HIit t(.iM>DHl>k' ra t i i . Wliun I »in a I)-cut iimai Hr. V . DUntrlitTd will ai-( fur uiu tiill UiMiieaa » « t t e n . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

tloom No. 2 , Kktionn. Union Dank BOHJSDR,

23-*w Doror, H, 3

YORK'S RED FRONTHOUSE FURNISHING STORE,is tlio pUnn whfro ynu will fttul Uic bent rol-U'cliou uf China, OUKL W.uil antl WilluoWHIT, Window Blinds, Will Purer, ami cuiu-pleti* MUCH of till kicln i>f ROIIIIN nsnilly k(piu a flrit-olEei tture. Don't Inrget


l '««r Park ••< Saatli Blrwt,




WARREN St.. DOVEH,J are iiraiinKtl to offer iuriuceuenU Io ttmdo in ull klnilR ot ftnft Drink*, Por-

ter, UDHS'B Air, Uomenlic Alvm,Sjiruw, Wtlil Dhurry *nil

Ilircb Ueer. nnd nuke» specialty of

folk Exjnt u l KilwukN Upr,I rt tit r h rtbl ill t b

IT. • . - W . •«« kuw* to ator.

Notice tf Stltl.ment.>Ue»» lieifby (Wen tint .beacMinnti (

MIC lalMcritwr, Adniinlalralor of PliiliPliilliowfr, Ji-c'd, will be anditud ami «t*tehj thpftiirroitttp, anil reported fur •eltlcnn-ro thp Orpliaua' Conrl ol the llinott nf HnrrlinMoidaTthe •re<inif day of Maicli noit.

ANDREW FUH.HOWEB.Dated Ttic. aitb, ISM. 4-v

Notice of Settlement.SoHee i« ber.:l.y given tint (lie s^enn

<f the lubarribrr, Es. cutor or JmTanue, <l<ct»-ta, will Lu auduetlind rta

by the Surrogate, an,) rrj«»rtnl Cor Bettlpm•olliuOrpli-iis'Cmtr.ol tlie Cuitntv rf Uria, on MONDAY, tlie xixr}, ,!.v or April n t

Bra»«lM* WATBBK.Hlt-iiljuQ-Uufi:, N. J.

klHAn. »'b,1M5. »-»-

Notice of SettlementNollce i« liorctir Riven that ilie ICOOBTIIH of

lie ki.tu.enbn, Ail»ini»ir»tor ol Wllliao,Ii»tnnn, ilFCd, will tm amlit*-d «Qi •tatrd biHSiirroKite.aml reported for •oUlemcDt t<.

Orpinur Conrt of the CimntTof Korrii,ondif Uie ilttli Hay t Apil w i t

J. F. HANSELMAN'SNews tnd Conlectionery Store,

B*CC»t«BB»a N .

ja. mlwnys on hatut ill the weekly ami dullypm|>en>. monthlj ruRfneiiiFn nml perl*'— f

ot nil Vludo. 1.1* notaiirant <lepitrtiiiprn at Ml botir*. Evctj-thtng a reali-nlt* f»r o«n be louod t<r*h. IU ttttwi acllo0Y8TEHH \>r tli« thonnand, h'ntlml




The f ™ ™ i pu*-a>* at B u H n i l T 1 ! I* la bttiea senln: ID 1>uiimt* mm. In ipecial tnAt anliUlremo*^t«etkiy «hnrotDj twknipititiS«t.s,n!ii»lii?i5,price: iistnmpiMaltvaluable. A* comnKtcian i»™»s ID b- merebuu. iht InlofmaiiIhtSrtl



MRS. GEO. FAKB,P O R T O R A M , N . j .

bu]mt recched an inmruse atcKk of

FALL HILLINEBY,whteh tliu inlendf to BrU ft, ASTONIBU1NO

LOW FII10E8. OU u i m l iu Hi>'


LONDON auJ I.IVEBPOOI* »ni1GLOBE, Capitol »20,«00,OOU.


Capital $10,000,000.


Capital 110,000,000


Capital IC.000,000.

KuHli Aliifi-Icii ItJB. fit «i I'lj

Nurili British anil U.-rcaDtile lD»nrancf CK.if Lomluosid Eilt'Bljurph; c.plUl•1C,OM,000.

Ijuudtiii; cii|iil»l ijCi.OitO.UOO.

. _ e London AmrnnM OoipoMtign olLondon. c p i U l 96, MO.O0O.

...jinftflnU Fire EnauniUM Co.,MtU, capital •1,600,000.

Westche-tar Pirfi Immmiiut OwtpMf foNe* York, cnpiUl *&0O.00O.QuHAir AHEKICAK $1,008,1F1BE A8B0GI4TION OF PHIL&nELrtll





taken and materlalifnrr

With bettor fflcilitioa I am nimblei to palaa HLATE ROOFS cheaper than ev«r UI1D|Qone but tta bant quality of tUW aodploying finrt-class i-iactaufcB. I can gu»rintc^ uinteri»l And work in every partloalar. Tur Hhefttbing Felt always o u h a u l

Dated October l^tit. X880.



Shop on Clinton St., Dover.Au es^ericnre of 15 yeara iu DIITCT on th

iliu'Ht uurk, I. tlio Ritiiranti>n 1 olTir orm.l>i)ilvtoplea.t.lbctmblio. 11/motion "OivutlilWnlioiKoatl"' l i t


D0TEE, If. J./~\FFLUr, atlloLatng tli« UOTtt Lamber Cos-VJ pany'H mill. OuHlract. taki'B, and plant.^pctiflcauouB and materialarf every kiudrurm.l.rf to buildiuir., Jobbin a ipr.iHIJ.

SLATE ROOFING.Hhte furniihed from tbe bent qmttiet „

he imall iiuautlty or ou load, am) laid, If ie-<irad, breiperieoMd workmeB tt low it


DOVER. N. J.IFI-'lOE OVUR W. II BAKEtt'ft RTOKC,& Ittrg* q t u s i u j of L&P WOOU for nta ,




qiTART, 100 OR 1,000


CONFKCTIOKKR.He Lai ou hanJ a full atonk of the

nttOTe wliich tic win BGU M ctcap at theuhnapciit. I'l.rtlcn, baili, it<i., aupjiiied

biM lino ut riiduecil prieci.


Jimiali MartiD> »Dccc»sor to tlio drtu of If •in & linck, cau «< 11 tit- found al HIP uld «ianiTer Eiilgoie'a Drnj Sftie lar Htm»e, 8 g'Oil Oriianii'nlal PaimlDp, Oralulns, Oil nit'UitHaiDl-uiDgi In



ptpeeially to tfrai biuh I.ranch. I aKiglM itliHfactini] wiitiorcr I (to. Sunuleri>f u y work can lie awn at any timo. AlanOapraniP oi ceillnira fnr lite fall Imln, Oral'BBtn»|l ktnriBofwooJ. MaiilP Wainnt, fila.<ml Frenoli IIUKL-ITIKIII. Otk. Sitin w..n t. ftiThe u»innan brnocli I *ball «ir(ailv mpwntt-nd ratielfaiidi'raulojf tlio bent (ffDPclitniic' a.k a fair trill U MJ ubihtr an,l nil! PI>-ai*urlo my ntinii*it to pl*a»emr caslomfr

OriVraity mill *Ut rcn in prom|il attenttaf O. An 5fl.


OLD pffftBTTEnns cnmtcB BUILDDM. IIOVEK. K J. . lour,". . . . . .InRKiiiliUouie.lnaelntliH hp-l nianapr AUu. «u.. Id nl »«(1 UtllPJST... h.n.l t.r ..lo.

wlnilo* rurlaia. eleamil and d>-d


B' v

iY Tirtnf of an r.rtJnr or Hit Orpbana' C'tiLJ of itio Cunnty of Mnrrli, in«nu »• 1 be 23d

••-.V uf December A. D. lSHl. Dm KUIUCDIN

<I<«I.IU IKIII lute or Jimra I'opptrjc Jr., „,«' '!• rt, Kill »•]! at ouliiio auciloii Nt (he Chp*.•Tll in-o. In mo Vlll gf nf ChL'»trT. Unrri-C.aui.v.Hi-iv alriwj. «ii TUESDAY, llu> lOil•"«jor .t.rm A. I). 18H.1, brtivw,, t , " h-'iiitil 12HH-I5, tint is t ' -av«ta, . -ouckP. M•nil tiay uu* ru.'nwiiiR (ic-critita Utwi trtai PHt-io. 'Iijata i i the ViMaRt "fCh'-' 'al.l C •ntiij nf Morrli an.t Mute of Nu»JHiM-y. Mtieruof -laiilfat Touplrii*. Jp,, ilinri»• ir.'O, liutitii *Tirt initiailnl at ioil >**; \)?iiiDin(tnt ilp portlianiirJ? co'iiur of Cnlir tirr-lu'f lot; iliencir runnidj,' alooK tlie rut

iticncc BDUIII ijriecu iKarecu weal Qvc cl-ain*'bfnee itunli nlnciy-tliivn iicgr«eii wi-ni t*clutna; thence nnriii tirtcin tliRrifiif-i Hietiiin*. ID ilio iiecintilos, ctiaiatu(n« no*- HMO' Unil, n>orenr ittx.ami Uc-nu tU" mnie Uu•tulprrmiiie cuiTtj**, by Henrj Ut'dirc-mn*i t in JaniPo T.IDUIIIR. Jr., tin* ilecu«pi1, Latffl dftttil JuU ln,l«>l,*i,il Tceiifici] in tV«JIiirrl«OonfiiT|ltcord ot Dcedi, lu EcwkY*,


Freeman Wood.c* of tho foaoo and Police

SMITH & ECKHART[Snicemora Io Ira 0 . Cooper,)


Cuntraria Lakos and material, fnralilied lot

BUH.DINO8, aaiDUBS..belhcrotBBICS or »IOK«.


ATCDSTAMDBBLBWCDST.Clearing ttlca »f Dry fiMdi,

Fancy Gotdt, Carpta mdUpholittry SM<I.

Isaac N. Doty & Co.,IS9 A 161 MARKET «. ,

NEWARK. N. J.,«- Cltsrix Mil atlka, OKM

m V«I«M>. •iMkati, Cat-|WU • • « UMl la i SI C'aMt.

,3*- Claartall • • ! 8>t alUH. Mew-•••kXa, Jaclutt, r » » l . t u likicaton

cci<lBi U

DR. E. O. WEHT'S NEHVB AKD Hn*ii» TKEATHUNT, a cmiruiiti ed ttpcnlVi tor liyfteria, Mu.iiic»ii,Cuiivmtj!(it!ii, til*, Ni-rvunti Mt-imlKiuMMtncuii, Sprvmin l'nwtratiuii eaiiBcd w th

. HfukefuluraH, Menr UBram n»ait

y, decaiIll PIUIJIIIII I/J l u l f ' I vi; if . ". a. Fill I ••

._. Dc|ircnhiun, HofleuJiiK or ilii'Dmt in innatiity nml ioailiuft to m<inl death rrtiualu ' '(kith

* of

iliuff to niiH'l Age,l f s li» «Hlmf i es , l

aiKl S|i.ini»torflitc» c«u>eof flic brain, ml'-abuse or ovcr-in ml

Bt'DCt. Endi imi citnlmn* into IIIIIU'II'B treatmtnt. H * h«x, ut ah IH>X<-B tur 16, tent b)mail pri'pitlil on receipt of piico,


o onre an? case. Witli <>acb order reM-._iv H8 for n'ix (JCXOC, afccinipaiiii'd with IS, wi•ill MUII tlie pun>ltai>i>r nur m i l tan KOarADK-.o n-fitad I tm money if lbs treaiincnt doc* notfleet * euro. Qniiraiitoea Itaosd only by

R. Kllljora, Aga-t, O«v«r.


BOOT AND SHOE MAKER.n r , >r. tr.atlownl Mam. KepaMlli

THOS. JOHNSON.•MBiiraoiarar akd dealer in

.n.l.llwott InMrtlo.Bd draalla. «ll««


f i . B. Pollarl • - Propr.The Central llouw la one of the fineat In

tkla notion and !• pieamutl; located gwkundred jvrdtt from the Central ilopot, andabout two minute walk fron the D., h. ItW, It ii »large roomy house and well fur-tlnhocl throusbout. Always open to


A will fomlihed BAB and POOL KIMS atnpotnl wltU tlie boiue. Par farther .afofwa-Una wtiUc#» tin proprietor. »


Oait and * • « , ._ .H.I K-.'., D.rer, at Wcti. par Ib.

H. ».—AnelfgaDteiaartiRtilcrtoat-aaeaM


EsUte of MntHiias C. Welshdeceased.

Un^UANT to xbe onler ot the SarroRL.oi tbe Connty «f Hnrria, made on (hi

n'j"«tToutbilay[)fDiMTiTitJtrA.p,ooeilionand tl«lit hnoatcd vo\\ einlitj-iom, notice i>

tiercl)j atwB to all pernnm baTJD|- clainiani<i-t ifac eatate of MiViUl.t O. We'in, law.)'rlie County of Korna, Utrf aiwd. to prcaeat tfatiatDB, nuiitr oatb or a (fir ma tbo, to the rah-Mnber, DP or before In* twtititv-acven tb d l-•epifnibpi-neit, beippt nine ninntlia froilait- of wid order; and tuy creditor nt-oU<o brinR in and eibibit bit or hur clam, u d e inalb or atBrmaifoD, within th« time to limited,will be forever barred nr bla or her tctiot-ti*reroruft.tnt »h* A-lin1ni«tra»or.




FOR ^Tlio prnpurtj on Black well fitit*l mwr St.

arj'a Oharob, occupied »y Theodore E



. riiot


Htofirapba o*« their ' a l u - 10 ,1

t at a «vntcai wtiiclt reuiirr ' orili,,Bplii •laiu*i inmniaui-MiH iD(iupttTattin to mttcb a tiaiiiipni

iap|>y e*Fr.»«l(iu, wlilcb 0-ii- |Prt iuriuori<'b*B« lewniHiuaa Tul

»iiril i> »8uealilj- a p p a t J

'TO TI.I^ptcnuliy

ICBLIC'Tli. aadpralanM ntrui'il frnm • tni) ttiri-uub HHUI-

• Uiel«ir»i m.prn.em-iHi


mtorotclKliionwivf oiwu'i f™tK uf all hum- copied Hi aan« r»t,i-ttiicHcaiiDnt ba exMrd for I,H.IIC.OT HI tune, aly!# of fnivb md

)lili-UP»B.UP»B.t tl kauwii rt-potaikiD ot 'hiaf.tsiblish.• ininrini<<! tu ita pa1ronii ami tu tlwimi'lio ilw wotkpriidnrfu ml- i,TM.>. l'ariliB iltJHirluff to form dnln. uleoIlT requealed t« einmanictiti wnu

1 . Q. L-.CEY.Mwrt^wKj

Cattatu al Mill lower pHwi. II•ukM • • tlMamca Mw law•Ikcr >»••« •]•«• arlmi, • ••km •••«» we will M M MMBwltk • • • •»«•) towar.




159 a Wt Markit It.,


C I G A R S ! O X O A S 8 !

W1NE81 W1SE8!



r Yon ea. aave^lTa »ct acmt. by




OEOBOE E. TOOBHEEB,( ta Vaortra BMlna)


mnmmmwam,•cUDiar. ouauoi u i o r , rxiot-






COMNUH PUMM, M . M . OT•!••••.

The Eqalpmtnt of IronMluea a apecUltjr.

•orrlt Orphan' CwrtJASO»»I TEBM, 1MI.

ilurul|Ut)l(inrord,d«e«.aH|. l u ^ t n a b ^ wc.u-i. «li.< llieroliMiU oat b . . •*!, Mlaad..

JnDHUNC,,K,A,ln,iul. . , . ,o,o l>,»• Font, latu or ttio Coortv of Ho.rU,

tin. Conrt, ona..r oaH, a Jnal and tr«f .€-ooanl ot tba p o r t a l • i ts ts aod .1,1.1. or .aid•had, a. far aa to h i . b o g ,Ueto.lMco.ertlijj.ame,l>»which ft appear, tbnttboperaonalo.t«tt. «t.flid <lcceflae,l i . lo.mUclcut topa» allIjlaiaat dobta. aod .talluir tb»t , . i , l d K a w d.hod«jl»,l o l l a a n l a , t e . o m . n t I l tnnii rnnl c.t . le, h

lan. tlicrefcro, It I. onlcrod by tbon, tliat nllpwonslnurtatett tit tbc fantta.

iiicmtnl., lurcditami'Dta aad mal ealale of4ld. .icia«c,,a,,,,,,,,,, before tbe )ou|»l of

USIMl, tbe Mill, daj or «HtIL «. D, and .bow came, ir «Bw they n,,,cb or II.O ,;,d jaSS ' " ? " " ;came, ir «Bw they bate.

r II.O ,;,d jaSS. ' " ? „ " " ;


Atraoau|,;rrnmtbetnitintea.WILLHM g. XcDlTIr. agrronte.

Daled PpLrnafr M, ifBS.tdtnloLlrator'. iMri,,, i ;Duter, lanrnafla., S,J. 19-4

A Desirable Reiidence for Salt.The •nhacnbr r ciffcn fnf ami*

Page 3: CARPETS'erest to continue. W e hav



TtoDeTvPnitiitCiiiwPVBUtHEU Am riOPBlETOIU.

Oloi M Haokwall h M M l <Uai u tk.I U M U I Uuit tank.


AaWIWPM aVATttI lm.|f wu.ilmi Ih

• «l» ' • • • ' "' • ' »in tw • w i i

• 00«*]too

10 aiti

MM.I 0 WM.I I n .

4 n * « WllllrMn*i miiiiI so io no rI oo 1« ml i:

u ool l i mi s:ti no i i oo wu ul <• ml n

u IHII i i ool m mi 15 <nM M «» 00 » 10 U OHMm] nool u willow



of tbeir ewn uinnilftit'lHin run Iff? wot ft

O. UVmilMK, M. D.,

un> inouuirr ID THK TRRITKEII

or I U 1 I U L DHE1HE8.ofnoi AT TBI rtni IOTIL.

Dam, K. i.

DOVER. N. .T.I. B.JOLLEY. Proprietor

• a n a aa< Oaiflafe.

mf-ARUM Mnieiiinoami « t»w.

a a t m 1« caaXOUf AMD M0T4H.T VtlBMO,


T o. WTOWimn. I. M.


•nunem or nun.



o n i c e AT ». B . IIBEISE* KTORE,


Tti£ DOVER LUMBER CO.offer* lo buildun the boat upportuuitieH in Hie pim'lmmj of LUSlBEliof wary gr».l« mid ikanriptaou iuclu.liu« LOW PIUCEb anil the greatadwntago ol having

Lumber Worked to Orderb j machinery at the place where it i« purchased, greatly lessening tb«

oott of uuililiug by the great tuwiug ID miiDnftl labor. Our•tool alwayu inclndei

Sash, Blinds, Doors, MouldingsLUMBEB of every description, »nd especial pain* are taken

to give wtiHlaotiou in every piuticnlar.

* • . H. U n w . KDB'I and Tnaa



SUSSEX STREET.t n mma*t>*


C. H. BABBITT & Co.,laawaaa i t . ttt

DOVER, ». J.


at orrurtwn, «t «a. Sheriff1- <••«>. <mnVBIDAT >r EACH « «




PROVISIONSof lit lie.1 iradra i alM

nova. rcio. o»*i». •trrroxDmi m lavtt^l tn Mil aai


Mil «o«li»«t IM«» «l lb> eld .UO.1,aa<l «l4*«H>r H> keep » l«nre »«»')«ln«W «1BouOl la hi! DDK or IrtuV, ouo.nttlUff of


Ffeg Stones: Curbing.k)itenriMt in.

MASONS' MATERIALSBart aad (We Bi>«, Umo. Oenrol, Oil.

••aTflMtar, Hur, B r . . » ! Tcool


SawMilLlor ban w T S S S H S ^ * - •••/ ;''« •'


Tbcy always kwp a l n r ^ stock nt CARBIAUEH ami WAOONfl of every <lewlion on luiliil. Tiwlr word Kl«" Hm bt-nt of Mitinliiciiun. In irjjuril |<i prie* i

cttuiwt be uadrrmhl, Evtryhmlr Jii wmit uf u liint-nhms w,i»nii or «Ic-i«Uilioulil HPO their stock before Iwyliij: dspwboic.. All kind-, ol WUcrin'rifibluud BlurkriauitU woi'k ilitui> nl ttluirL iintinc.



Having I'lirclmxeil the nUwk *ut «o<id will of Mr.l'hili|t <iild«ell, nlio, ibronsli III health, HIM com-pelled Io reliiiqiiMi III* biiKluet* fa yonr IOWB, we(lewire to NIHIC Unit we Intend to five you increatietlrai-llltli'N for supplying .vtinrnFlvea anil famllie« withtlir lM"t II 'Ol s a. (I !*IIOr> Unit Ik* nnrkcl j»r«.(1iufi»at lower piii-iN >|mn JI>II IIIIVV l«'«!i iKoiiklonicrt to

U. Motii o' .you iilrciiilj know u s nnd ili«* prln-« c lini'iihriijK inllicii'il Io in our f<»rlj ytitrn

ol Imiior l)lc l»ii«iin^N (I IIIIMI: wlthaliHUNi e » f r y f i i i .ll.v In thi' con nl.i, hnt Io lliiixi' who lire not acqimlnllll Ms <i|- mil- iiiillii'ilN. » l l l sny thflt our illIII IN toIniiiilli' only ho n'»l i'MtiN in i<lit Mlrlcily of I I - M I ,

IL- ilint mi 'i|ii«i|lll!i> lot' II, huNcvei III Alt t'niiiiillor feet wear,' IIKIIUII SIIIIIC niiiiiiilntlunT< mid dralerNbclitvi* kliodily mill |iii|i<r nra excellent Mibmtilute*,Itirlli'iiliul.v i f Hi'j- cmi IWIIw IIVB or ten p«r cent,inori-iirnllioii iliiii-KiiliM;" mid wclnti'iiil by adheringlo the P:IM it hn-ipli'H mill e.\|ieili*nvi!N that have made•in tlit! It-tiding mid M"KI p»pul«r di>»ler« In BimtN nnd

tliii< cvt'i- iiiti bu»lnc«i» in l>ov*r to eMubll lpayingbu»fii('!<H In stiiiili<pe, prottiable to im and tothe re^MMiti; nml we ri*pcclliillj' urge j«m to giveour etteblishiiKit ymr patroni>9« tr it bast a trill, whichwe ire sure will convince you thit it will ba la your ownin'erett to continue. We tiavo luted Iha lart* »ti commo-dious .tore belonging to the eiti le «l thi lite William HStick hruse, which will give ut ample room to cirry a lirjeanortment We will ->lso have competeRt workmen te takecire of 'hi custom and repairing department, lit fact nettingwlil be leit undone to mike cur branch popular.

VttllV IIRM'K IKI l.l.V.

HEAGAN & Co. Dover. N J.


PINTS.3d--Lowest Prices

4th—Largest Stock


THE MlinPBT »vi . PUlPfS THE MWBi'r


«m «M*TPI, |





Save 30 Per Cent. Saw 30 Per Cent.anil nrilvr your a'»..H. > • • , <» ke aMIvara* a>r M . ) IM.

Ihuu. vxtm chitrgtt for .larar*. We wi l l t»kf> anlrra far4. new. fair any MHieHal. wl'fe a .Mal l a>>r«alt. atolivcrrai

• • I l l a i i |ou WHHI lh*aa. I •> • • • »%l.. me a a p a r m l l r , aalhlala ike ualf •>«>•. There l iner wil l ke aaafkMr al ikna price..

o u a pazoa ZJXST.COMPARISON DEFIED. For Instance:

- ; I . .Wnient Mnrbte Top RUIIPH tlml coat W0 | Parlor Huitei, Walnut Frame, in Hair

n> mit,iuf.icturu I ulll M 1 | lor *U C'lutli «25.«oWtlaut Suite* that cant $ST> 1 *» .» ( ) ) tor 80 Jli*J I^mn^e , i» C*rj«t ROD

' " 75 '• " " 85 j flimd Iktl Liaintjo 4.B0' " 100 ' 75 | Witltiut tlodmewl 4H>

isliorMoplc 8mtPBiual runt *25 I will ! Wnluut EXIVQHUHI Tnble 565wtlfnr 2(1 [ W«!nut WarilrolH! 1000

mb or Mn|i1i» Suites tlmt wist 930 I will | M«rhlflTopCeiit.vTiilila 3 80.oil far in .(load i t ne 8 M I Uoeker I.M>

AnU or Mujtio Snltt* Unit tout ifXi i will | " >' " Clmir SOMil for •TO1 Wood Ctu.iT 85

A*li or iiiqilu Siiiius tliat «oit $M I will \ l lmr MmtrcM 10,(0I fur « Mixed Hut Ires* 3.00

Etu»iifh-t) Jti 'rimom ftnitt-s Urn, cost (15 I Heil tfjiriwjj 1.40I Mi l l H l l l . i r 13 | C u r p v t S w M | F e r » ( U i e l i « « 1 ) 2. DO

Giiiiiu-lnl I.rd-r.miii Hiiil.-» t h a t f i » t V2<) I V«lvr t t ' a rpe t , pe r .vsn] 1.15I will M-llli.r Ifl l l ady Urumel i . ]ior ya rd M O

Kimtm-kil lli'il-nioin Sui t .» l i n t co»t «J.'i ! Tii|»!»trv Vntpf-U \mr j n n l 6SI will fell f»r 20, Tbnw-]il.v Curiict, per . r a n i , 1.00

Kriniiirl.a Hr.I ruom fiuitv* timl c .»t 4i0 | E x t r a «>i|icr In«rii!u (all ITIHII) irtir yd. 65I will Mil f«r .'. , !U>! Clifiip liiKrHln, i>fr ya rd 35

IHlt'lotli, pcrynnt Ml Pnrlor Huitco, Wulunt Vramo,In Haw! Bilh,{7i>iM«») SlHfwl Back 36.00

These Ooods oan be bought on Weekly andMonthly Payments, at these Prioes.


*>( l i i i i A'n TOBACCOS!--._ ,™l MniK l"t» wii»l«<»w » n RCTAII. «t liti,™ wlilrh ilol* ootjii

Wlaa HII.1 Millar ll-|ra«.»™> mil !» l.ui.l al.i.ill I tar . « r l l . . l i » M «;»h H>»l v i S . l i l r P « r « r « m u l I K m % I i H » . A i H l a l l i n m . h y | M » I » , w J n i I i v

i in niiv mTrMtii wiilmi the vk;mity frm <il' i-linrjiu. All OIMIIM IIV nmil lnrWincn. Llqimr.c f f iStlJXiidwlta,. .'AMES 8. AKLICK. Do«r. S..».

lOlh. I8>4.

We have keen filling tbu sini'p with

liristBHisgooiiincJ floil Ibings incttv

ell crowded logetbcrnnd as n oainral

m a l l shkil tliipow ol » great m.ot

goodn at a great aacriflce.

(7e b a « maikecl priols now si? es

4 | ffcnti a yard (4.000 yards). Un 'er-

near in all grftdca, nil kindi, oil Rizrs

from 20 els, apnnrd.

Qingbams Acts, ami Ores-. Qixuls in

brown, green, blue, gurnet. |ilnm ">r

bluka t ficti. aynrd.

L i d i n ' Hoods, Nubian- F,t-cinulor»,


J»»b lot nf Newmarket coa's—*c pur-

iliiiseJ tbe bulutee ol lot ID brnwu and


Fine line or B u ^ a n Oiiculnra noil

!ifwn.iirketH in bjuck.

Sti't-lo ^itif.s G)rmih fir I ho Hcilrila^s.

Smyrna B u p at sweeping tori ud inns.

InEraID Carpet nt 30 CCDIB.

W. S. BABBITT'S SON,Morrlstown, N. J.

FRANK OXBS,MAS3N:-:ArtD:-:BUILDER,pit VEIL S. J. OimirHcto ukfn anil mktrrwli(urui.tiiit. Hiuu» and liriflb Work, P.»ittiringant) Jobbing r>roinptlv u t t ' c M to, OHer*ifi >t ra» (.IBcct on Eia^x St., m r 0»BH

, atll aatMif,. nrnmoT «Hi>nl.nn

">>l 'or ••'»•


In* ja»t r««l»cil ta fmmetiMi stock of

FALL MILLINERY,•b Oh vbD fnlendl lo wll at 43TONIRIIING

LOW PIIIOCM. Call «nJ « * her stockktJurt bUlU •iHVfairN.


Mcmhers X. Y. r<1rote«m Btdn-tujt ami

Sturk Board.


Bankers arfl Brokers,

In lnts to «uit ciBtnnioM (frnm Ipn riim,..1,) riirrnftlmriiii msirKiim. raiitiouii nndfir) ciilU'cii'*) for imrticB out of In*

.. ..arc tor na1e fir»t-vlaii« loitR in vert iil*. Hint " "


nt, •m

lern in




DnvER. x. ,1.

DRAKE & KING,IHBI Hid UriukGti L\nif. Cm.tnt, Lath, ltnf>Bti_I'pll aud ererythlnc prrtalnlng tn tlio UullJliia;tndii «nd it thn lnw«t pricBi. Bl.le Biuifliitt »iprclilij. fcl«n «1I ttis lo-rtlnR bnod. of F- rtlftin. COUlrmoli nr huilillnu* laktu frnrn Urn onullrtuof [hi.cellar did material! furolibrd.*nu RunwoipUta bulldlnj gira ai •caUaou ••<

SUBhope, H. J.



1,000 ROLLS.

.rail rr<eiv«il 1.11(10 r>»ll» »l MI'm'RTTI', VFIVKTH. lonVHI, ISXHI -, IAIMS.IHIKf.lllMH.HI.1 IXTHH hllPBHI.<VV Mill- K. l«i.U/ll\ti. frfiM • llaniavlai mtr* tt • • • • > .a>-ir wraicr* art* lo i:lo»e llaviu uw al aaiy pHvc > • rc«a*aiakl«

,r relHiuiti •» "> •"»•• all •» >*•<• »tf«ir»

OfF01f UIITI •Th« tlur t» Inunoli l« «),en tlio (Me U m,

Bu rcinlv, theii; fuur lint lo aall away,Nor lidtlraaly await a better day—

Too long to wait ia never tu tagiii.

Ttio lime to Council ia wlun the t de ie ia,Wlidf {>ti){b( tlm cje, Ibo life-lilowd qtiick

•nd fiveWild lioMtingri, laj, aut out upon till) m ,leiiuwn UlrtuluriiUlo win.

Ilitt It la tint cnoiifib tn launch nnd uil—Nat alwaj'n fttavitl ta tlie owan'i tit«uf,Nur ever tbo furioiin olenitutH nm at real

Aud every burk nt liinra muit uuet tliu gulv,

Liml out, then, lor liiilrten rrelVt of m'u ;Hrml nut tnnunl diaLonor1! lutul ruck;And xhmM utiafnrtuue tike a

Hhlrer iho nu t , keep heart—§et out again.Have courage and • «t«adfa.ct fitilb atud aim

Bolk banda upao tbe helm and lace toward

k » « i ' JAud tkongli tliy «bip be ofton ttmpeat-

driven.Twill aouu day anobur in tbe port of fame.

Tken wai never cloiul portenlotiii In the §kyBut that beyond it blawd tbo glorious min;And It aonictfinoa fato teema on tbee to


Ue sure through all there btama » friendly eye. tbe anelujr, courage tb j oakenbark;

"ForwBnl," (he nutto; thy royal goal, IUO-CCM;

A fstbrt's hand lo cling to In diatreu-»HWitlifOBBdena6 toward thy loftj wark,

Walt not on store for-on* to Mf thse In ;Wilh thy own atKagth path nut *od aall

away.Oh, iot erer h r a Mttar aUy—

Tb> time bUunch ii when the tide lain.

150 PARLOR SUITESin EBONY, WALNUT and CHERRY, withohoicest patterns of Silk and Mohair Plushes,both plain and embossed. Also, Spun andRaw Silks, Ramies, Reps and Hair Cloth ata reduction of 30 per cent.8TOVB8,

- 4 S I 1 -


The luneat Bnorlmrnt in Ihc Slalr al vilcci la> .alt all.




ractint lie undrrMciil in tlio line of

Al*r(teiieir*to-hjiii»tn'cfttvp,l. Do not RoM«-*Tliere fur tljo aliotc, wbau yon can aave

ey l>i linvitiR or mo.


Colemnn Himlness College.703, 707, 7«l, 711 *• 7131)KOA1> ST.,

ia the Ltdiling CommtTcml School nt Ara-rico,



VITA. <WHrANT,UHdUUtfli,ll.v:IHim

NOTICE).Estate ut Eliphalet Lyon,


PURSUANT tottin order of (he Snirogatof tbu Count* of Storrin, made on th

tHpntirlli day nl, A. I>. one thouOII GlRiit hundred anl tl(,tity-a»o, na

erebv jriwa to all pvrnnan haflngMOII GlRiit hundred anl tl(,tity-lierebv jriwa to all pvrnnan h•ikiiKt the raUte or Elipnaletthe Countj of Morrif, ili-eeaard,a.uip.ut'dei uftlii or xlurniatiiin. tn Hie nil)-Wribtr, an or before (lie twentieth <Ur atOe-t^lier nfit.LoirRiiltietn.ititlii from tlicdateofnull! nr<ler;ind aiiycreciltnrneiilei'tiiiRtobtliis

y-a»o,haflng eUinint L;nn, Ule «rt preieut tlie

tn H

reciltnrnhtir cUiIn and csbiMt hit or htir cUim, audnrtik

nillrnniii.rj, thn Utno au tlmittd, wton vor Wnf<! ol bin i r hei action tbemninmtlie Admlniitrilris.

nf<! ol bin ie Admlniitril

7SUB AS LYON,AdB.nMrt.titi,


niunan win.'It's (hcorrnaiccMt thing that nv«r I ku*w,AndtbenioitprovokiiiK 'twiitiib audjoAud a tromaii wbo'e gut a mau like me,A iiood provider, und atciidy aud freeWitb ull her folk*, witti t'uudta wtlted down,Ami MM fine a bouto a* any in town,To lie lameiitiiiK rc»u»e oiic child in teaAin't qiiitv ua gaud iti L« mlRnt bave IHWII.

I It's u pretty fjood BIOHIIIK. It MMIIK to we.Tlmt only a In ill. of th» lot ahould UA little urTi-nlnr, aud thnl'a what I nayTo f lif ir lontlipr twnatj timpji a tlay.ltut ( onu'l .imkrlii-r «>c it in Hat UKbt.Anil ulio Untciia nnd waita nljlht after of gitFor the miiind of lii« aU>|i, till I Kro«r «o wildThat I sltuuHt CUI-HO both umtbtT «ud child.8lo MiiiU (u lite for the otlier*, you kuoir.And let Ibr t unite II t*u|[ vuicnltund JI»,And follow hii «i.v, aud Ink*, tie |>uin ;ltut 1 tutu him out und *\\o culla him UftamTIIJH iiinki" a Imnlnea. 'twixt her »ud we,Aud tbctrnrat of it in. tbucuildrcu »|(tceTliul I'm In tlii'rkiit. You'd iiifyhiT th«n8uuli tinwa I Iliiak I'm the iucuut«t of nifii

I've uriiiicil mid nrpltleil and comed withnut cud i

Hernmwer U always: 'M.v buy ha. on<friend

As lonjj in I live, and your cburge la uutrncTlmt u).v hcuri holjn no CIJIIIII tovc fur youAnd nil tbo rent. Rut tbe one gnnr MirnyNu<>dx me tho uimt, and you'll find '(IN tbe

til all umtlifratobuiddowto tb* oneWin. liurls licr the want. 8a IOVB'* work la


' Now, wl »1 CUD I ia.v to IUOII noriU « tbo iI'M not convinced, an tUe lilslorv slinwa,ltut I «fli ti womler wliiub uuc In rixhtA. 1 lionr bnr Unlit tttep nit.til after nl«Ut,ll«rc H»d tbt-re, to the wiwlow and door,A*«lto ttuita with u Luart that islicav; and


wife."o liiui I row aiu. There'* bunbnnd *ud

—CAMilr-tr KAIL.


BimEwsBuRT, Ens.. F<"1>. 2•!. J8fl5.Tiia Hatiirday ufltT Cbrisuuus D.iy

proceeded to Livt-r^oul. tu rotile ioOiuHKow, HUJ Htaycil "Viii1 Sinnhij jtbnt busy seaport city, rutliug itt Ituutiu

tliu way. The Intter pinre IH tlilion fur tlio Mmiaiou and Park of Hi

W.itkiu W. Wj uu'b uliu i- kuowu us tli" Princu iu Wales." It is a lovely p'iiucbut u ItftteidcEiuripliuii sb ull Lie givcilutnr on.

Ituiilum is nlhfllbi} Junction for tinbeutilul V.iteor h luigMlou of liUimit

ifiaory, but mi iccoanl olthistiw, .

I croe-ed tijcMciflfy from Bitkeuliefuto Livrrpuo', WIIIL'II nns«ora tlio nami

IIIIHC im ihc N<>rtli Itivor fur Newk, JLTHL'.V City, nml Huiioktrn, t>n( .

iu tbe tamlu of trausil. Tic " Wu-tUsiiltFerry" !io.its us they ure callnj nre vi-ijcoiuforliibe, but ure rjot uear BO SJJU

sin iiocomtnuiUition anil m jca'ic inap|ii>[irduci> m tbo New York fi.-rry ITli ere ure uo ImibniH fur tlm U-nta Idruiiiiilo, nnd coiisi>qiK>till,v, tliey hto nil) lilotl^sitlt; tin.1 L:UM1U)£ Ht.iluuviug imokwuijH ami furwariln toiiilo IIJU rigbt piKiitkiu for luuding |suugcrs ciusing a fujcid dual of ddu ;ami nuuoviinci1. 'Una is Lowi'ver tu Iaccoiifilc.t (tir hoiu (IN- litet tlwee wcerj strong current iu Ihu livor ivliiiMutes it m ilifflctilt lo )iii»l. A tuuuin uow bt-iuK bum! iiml'iv Ihti river, intlim will fiiciiiiulo mat lots to u cciimiikbit rxtenl.

On Suaduy, the 2H li of 1A>CCWW,

ttcmli*.! tho Hi-fmu Park Prfsb.yten.Cliurob, HIHI lisfin-.l lo mi cxcollr.

<ru]on ih-iivciuti by tli» Hi-v. Jul./tttsorj, M A. Sis snlij.ct wus husiupoii tliu 24'li vcrac uf tliu XVL cluiptof Mnllliew, "iFunymuu viil cuiUL-ufleime. let him Jeuy liiniBulf, tnkc up ln.-

ro*s nu J fuJlow ijio."S|M-ukiiig of P.-ter'a rebuke in tin

22 id verse, " Be it fur from iliec, LotdtlllB ehllll DUtliOtllltOlllt'L1,' thO|M(?HCllOIsaid, llinl.jM.t rv.,s >i nul Sitaiiic prinuip o in i ^ % iioocu Clm*t iiJdccssd

for Obrist. "Tltis," taiilduty of tliorougb going C ,,.It was pos'ildu to every \nw [ollowpr oftut) Lord JuMtiH Christ. I t was cot |>(>s-*ib!(! Io keep on nn» ciTtuin liuo, lorei utuple iu the polilioal sjibero, na Cimi-proinise ought Iu be rucuguizuit us uprincipled!politic?, nnJ hn iinulo refer-ence to tlio Rt'Jibtriimtioa Bill JuiclyintroduceJ by Mr. QlLiiUioneiu pariiu-meat, and enutmeudfii biglily tho spirituf the oiJiw-titiui) parl j , in yiuldiug, uu<lIhu Libeiul pmty iu niukiug rnicb fuir•tdvuoceo, thuH briJgitig over lht;g>ilfbv• noble eompioiniee. Gutaprouiioc vanalso possible iD Theology. Xliu uucena


Oeb, Kiltie, I lore ye, an' faltk I east aaendIt.

Terlipi air ao roay, yer eyei »it ao blue;With a antic tbafa M muLsh-tke twlnu all

defend itlTfant if I ntu ravin' tbe fault i- wid you.

0 chide me nn' Irowa, yet nwelf it ia think-in',

More angry je'd be wid n« were I to go;ure, Kiltie, n» heart like a itoae would be

•inkin'Ef I tliQURht that wid mot* that, yn Up*

ye aaid nn.

Thin out on ye Jbolln'. m« darl.n', nor UM me;But end thla mnpinee if ye Tklue M life ; -1 coont then U mlnoy anothei conld pUie


An' tna)ke(llke yemif, ue »|rtt« IOTIO1 wife.

Uou'tflwa wld yer twt ey«, I dida'( quit*mane i t -

Thougk the truth 'tla the une , u r lbsdivill a y n o -

Thin come to nw arrumi—ocli, n u t I explaini t l -

Mc Mcki air Ml out at tbe keel •«* the tof.

Tbere'a tho pig, the poor darling', an inn heia*,

Wid itroanin'»"' naaulD'-beffob it'i a ain 1Prom mornfn' till night tlio twale eraytkur

li waiilVAn' no one to carry hit ahwlll to the pin.

Thin tove to me ahauty, I beg of yea, Kittlr,Say vit an' wid joy Ml bo dandu' a, gig,

f not for meHirin yer heart yc lake pity,Och, i f l < t t o t l f i



I've loutid a friend In JCMIH, He'* evdrythitiKto me,

He> tlio taireat nf ten thoainndta my soal;be Lily ufllio Valley in Him aluod I *•<•,All I ueed to cleanse u d m«k« me lully

TbDle;Ii aorrow br'a my comfort, iu trouble be'a ny

•wy,He telii we every care on him to roll,[e-a tbe Lily uf the V.lky, tbe hrigHt and

morning ttar,He'a thn faireit often Ibouund to my Mttl.

He all my griefa bia Uken, and all my tor*rova borne,

In temptation he'a my atroog and nighty

fro all for fain fonaken, I'ro all my MOIH fernFrom my hurt, tod now he keepa me by

hia po wet;Though nil the world forsake ntf, and Satin

tempt* me sore,rm.Bh.Jmu* 1 ahnllMfelyrcub tliaROkl,

Ke'a tbe Lily of 1b« Valley, tbe bright androoming mar,

lie's ibe fiiirent of ten tbouaaud to my MUI.

He'll newr, never leave me, uor yetme bere,

While I live by fsitli ami do bU bleaacd will;A wall offli* ahnnt nr, I've nothing BOW to

Witb Hia manna he my hungry aoul itallfill;

TbPnitv«plnguptoglnry to nenblableaapd

Vfhere rircr. of deiiglit ahail tnr flow,He'a tbe Lily of the Valley, tbe brl|(ht and

rooming Mnr,lie', tbe fairapt ot ten theuinud to my nottl.

TWAS Nut BIB FAULT.—** Dn jun

j8lad; to her cioepsivlj basblul mitor," do you know, George, I bat votingIndies like (o be (o!d lln-y nrfi prefly nodattractive whether they nro or net

411 would not think of telling you iuy•acli tlilog," saiii George gallantly, '.foryour lookiBg-gUsg tolls jon lliatyou ate

liamlfinmo us si picture,"" O h , George 1""Y.inbn"Btl)G prettiest fnco n

stnnllost waist I ever s»w."Tin "'H---!1'' -1 ^siftJgJJ^^ll it ia certainly not Wans? of

been •qocczod, George,"Owrge tainted.


thatup ihc

|nqinrcil of OtiristuiiiE, intukiu

> tinvuit iu,vi(i tJcvuliiia ih

ill never bo hettluil until tiicti purLviLDedeea littlo, uu.l bring uboot IIU

honorable comproniiae, " Fur my part"•aid Mr. WUIHOR, " I rvfitH) to fulluwany tniiL; I owe no ul.egiance lo tlioChurch in practical ChrislUnity. If tliuLutd Jesus U not an infullihlo leudorindaager, he L>jOOot he toy Saviour nmlfiftliH'toer." He {tLo ptwucher) bud no

i with tbuse useleas, pruQilessUB of Iiuniiiniiy who were uuilu

cided uuJ yet Chribtmus by unme.Indeed ttey nerelmrmfoj to((jeCii(irco.We wuuted aim liko Mo^ca who cmildRive up the Juzz ing aHuitmout.s of tlioE^yptiua court utid deDuuuce the kingfur bU luinl ht>»ileilu^»; liku E ijjtiwho coulil pat lo Hliuoie t ie fuhe pro-

Hiid iu the niimo of Jtbuvuli tissertbis tiulbority ; liku Dauicl who d irtil tudo right, though nil the liustH of Dellwere let loose upou him ; lUo Jolm the

who ht'sit-ftl uot ouu niumcutto rebuke Herod for liviug with hisLirolber'a wife, even if lie wero tu lose hi*be*.! for it. There nan to bo DO soti-njw,Bee saw between /uitlt uud imljeiie/. butan unfiincliing decision ; to see thoouurueofdulyaua follow it ut ull h o -ards, Tliero might bo compromise iupolitic*, and tbeology, but DO ciiuprQ

n'se between fiiilU uad uobtlief. " Taken(Jtliecro88'1w»sthnfiatofOujuiputence.

a, be further said, was mude upof courtesy snd cumniou WUHC. Cow-ardice wn8 of ull things most disgusting.A uun to be pat iotu tbe pillory by insown coDFCietJC& was a pitiuble objectiadecd. Bctlur he hud never been burn.He itrougly urged the young men notlo ciaaprnatae Ibrir eicmal iutcn>.ala,but to acquit tbemaelvoH Iiki> mon—n:i.vmore, like Boldiers, who went whereverthey were bidden by their commuudor.

TUU decision, bo COIICIIHILHI, was sea-aouubte fur Ilio present uge. Tkertmrm

it .struggle going on LOW. Poslivi>ra WIIH doing much to attempt to crushHopernuturntimn ami was wry bonuifulin its piiffud-up pride, hut it waa theMparudio sad spasBiodic spirit of tbeFrench BeTolalion struggljrjg ouoe morefor life, je t doomed to diti.

The di«Goarse was a masterly one, uuddaliveccd to an nndioncu of 1500 or morewho Beeined completely apcllbouud.

On Moodoy, the29.u prox., I started[or (Hbsgowby Ihu 11:40 A. H. iruiti fromtbe Central station and arrived in Olna-gow at 6 P. M. It wns a very p!cag;m(t in . We paused through tho EuglishLake District* and tiotwitlmlnndiKg itbeing the dreury part of tho yenr, tht>

leocry was most picturesque. B.mpeafter range of mountaina toweiiny up inawful majesty and vallcya nrruu^etl in

cart-leas symmetry," if I may tic niled the phrase, wtrilo here and there,black rocks nre sceu relieved by lovely

s "plar iug in the BIIIIBIUDO,laughing ID Ibe breeze."

Tli is district i<* tlio scene of mnuy ofWtiiUworLb's wonderful creations. Sicharmrd was In; uilii the place, thut iucostacy he aiogs:Ami 1) y« fniititn]nn, mtailov^, liillrt and

Hi Ink U"t ol wtiv R( Y4*niii£ (it mi r li VCM iYet Iu my heart of bt-arlH ! lei<l ymir uiinbli only unti! reliniiuiHlied OIIP (H>(j,i|,To lire iMjneith your nioro iifll nvsny,

And in a quiet nook on Conislou Luke,tbe rcoowned John Buskin resides. ]nm Dot surprised Hint thn Attic rim n tour

>ctid to niucli tiuit! ntaiMiu tlttI t ian Rood<lcal like bouii! It

tliem. Aa I passed tlirongli I saw tinDistrict tu pcculiitr adTaiituge. Tbetnonnt»tD3 were siiow-cnpped and jusbeyoD'I their snmmiis the bun was shining in nil hin ghtry. rcfliotingn ptrnitg*

color over tho mow, in titrikinienntrunt to the blue sky nltnvL-itud ^^eti•illc7 bencnlb, with the Bilveiy *tijntnlctsplnying " hide nnd seeVfunmiJ tinrocks. As EOOD as the twin cross.-J Ibiborder, there wan a perceptible eliingp

in the sceuerv, ao marked that it wgive you un idea Ibut areal I iuo bu

ly buen tlrawu biitweeuScilliud.— Edglanil'u sceiicry cburmiu^,

tboiiehauibitioiig totiiiishoff licst—micteristioilly Euglish—»Lilo Scot-d, rugged aud batten, sepias to prepare

you grudimlly for Ihegorjjeims fceut-ryliiiOiunronooithedirficlioiisoi]bottle, ' ' one tenspounfulewr.v

h'tur," us imiiili us to s;iy : " If yuudiiuku iiiiich at once it will kill J<"»,"—lamciurialieilly Hcolcb.\\u piissed ihroiigh Kcctflfcchim vh<.-i<-

T.iDU>iis Ciirlylf wus burn " tliut |im»rcif my t!hildho'td"ns Jjesa.ya him

ht'lf, " mute wuerod to me th:m the liiy-•unt cjttietlrul then extant cuuld hi 'i?HH-U ; riulf, L-iuitic, burt>, no li>ui|iki inhe world wa»DiurcBLi ; but theiv wereliicred lumueiieifs, tongues of milhi-ulu-l.itnu wliit-U kindled what wns best in!mi1, ttlmt ban not yut ROIIO i>nt." Ar ,:_.:.... ttt Gtusgow in good time, I pm-'

A Uli'ated Arlstourul.I met iiim on Cuunl strict, or, ratluT,

e cjtuo up to uiu an 1 Wiia leuuiugsraiust a duor-post. aud nskcJ :


"No. uotk.tliered."

ID h.ul. J wuuted tumj Jllnuoy.11

i-t. Suu lui.-. I'm p

" W.'U, l\v biu ii hired iniiniu'llliiuoyfur i he tji»t i l.irtiM-u yesirs, getting aboutSI6 a inninh uud iiuiti'il. I've itllns louk-• 'il upon IIOUMI ns \rutli about a dollar ft

•'Well?"' I just ki nl.T Jill.-.] up Imek hen- nt

—j.i*t ulmiit imlf uwimiraill'ir, iiiluii iiuy nr hue euro

to my fritiiid'N bojij "An revLtir" Sor a ivi

F. H. 1

where I

AN OLD PENRSYLVANI^CHURCH.I recently vis indlhe plaeeof m}'biilli

in Jit'dminnler, Hacks cuiiuly, J'.i.; utsuIhu elnneh wlioru my ..ueefors hnvcroiBliiui'd for ulwul U0y«:ir.s uuil whemunny <jf thum 1 i• r lmiii-,1. Tbe clmrrii, of tbe M; iJimniu. r.itli iiml il>" E>f>(>li>.ouicwdut pi-culiar. Tlio l,.ud «|i.»u

the ti-m-r was ;J"Oli, nboit 70 c-

it tflOf) IL miUb is si ,^ll) ati-uilmii. s'LVfi

nta."iTis •/ I t WUB

day lor fudJet, orth. A liundro] air. Thirteen times

illmiii AU'ti, to.dlifiinn iiiljoiiiinp. 'I'lii' di'fd bcursj1740. TIR- first limisn of woiHliip

of IU»K, which in 17(10 w,i« ivpIniMilno nf stotin; this, nft-T sluiniing 1"7H, HIM turn down und tvbuiit iu J87il.iuteiiui' of tlie noff cluinih i« uiiuiluri« ulj one. Tlio men and wimit'ii

sit nn long bciiubcp; those fur tlie wonmiranged ucros* tliu room uud those fur

jive bench Wiug pluccil at u litllo Lipln'i-;lcva(iirfi us (fii>y pnici'i't) to wards (lietviill. Tiioro are rows of jn'jts mispi.udi'dfrom lli« celling nod nlao in tuiMvall lo

, l'llhr- :j.,.-i!i-lukr.: ami foreverUIJ if t ll;IVCU'tb.'0U OUL'Of ttlCSOnn-l.>i:ra!;.~iL nhmti'd Imml-

-ayosb lii'i'd turiiiopulist nil tbi'soi i . i ^ i ^ i . i i y U 'LIT-S ^ I L i t ' '11 L iv 111' W l U f f I t !

jtii u nfiy, T l l l . l u , , 1 : ; ; v a y s l 3 i 0 0 1 l Korih ut f o d ( | p i . r

gnK their I I J U IIUON. O I the Nmlh

ml is i» vi'sti.iiilr'rmividi'd «i'li ) i e^ und^utiO.s of (liewcur in tlie

triiihly leaved uir.iyttm

iH-hes for tho el.-iifcH und 1niinen, which tbey nc;vf

Into iu tiiovi'HliljiiiV. UIK)ifti-r roninviiiR llioir c.o:ik.i atnl buiitiutmt on wliite luce c.i|H, in wl)it'll tlicv(>ponr in tlie audieneo ruutu. On tin.cciisioi! of my viait, there were liut t\ujtlii:a iu this eutire cDugngiitiou willtula and cliuks on, and they bulougii]

to another branch of the Meniiouihcburch. Across the* ceuler portion o[tbe Ho a Hi cud of tlie church i» A lou^illicit, in which wore tli rue uiiiUBli'huil two dciicuns. Tlio tbruo usiuktettreiiuh to the s'nua congregutii>ns ultei-utely, (he doncouH usaist in raiding the]ri{)lurcH. Tlie DITVICCS are all con-

lacted in tbe Qeruiuu language. Thereire six demra to thfi church, two on I1IL>

111, two on tho Boittb end, uud onenc 1) side nt the centre. Tho eoogro-DU is large, the people conic for miles

uround to this cburob. The; arc veryin iD tboir attire, nrnny of tbe olderlo ineUiberH wear broad-brimed bats

lud "Bbad-beiljr" eonts. The womeno dress very pluia, even to thn ynnug\trittgsahlc ladies. They nvo not n)-rt'd ID rourrj oatsiiu of the denmiii-

Diitinn. Formerly wen: not allowed Inbold any public office oi to attend politi-Did me«tiDBs of auy kind. [ do not knowavhciher ttioy nre more worIJ!y now Kian'orniurly, us to allow tbeso things LOW oriot. They believe it is « trio to hiiveheir photographs taken, they believe itioliitcs tho second comma iidineut,Thou sliah not uiakn uuto the» nny

ruvuu imago or likeness," i e , Liko the• inkers they am op|iofi>d to taking upnun iu war, aud like Ihu B.ijHiHH", be-eve ooiy in adult baptism, tho modecing sprinkling or pouriug. Thaj arevery houcHl, iudu»lrit>iiH uud thriving

4<ople. There ore several brnuchen ol'Lin Monnooite tienumimuian, numbi't-ig (agetlri?r prulultly 150,000 in td«fuitcd 8lutea.

FeimoylFiinia rolled up u Imcdsomt;majority furBluinc, but ataDeuineratiopole ruisiDR at Pleuttaut Vidley, FiU onitlimliy, N iv. 29,h one of tliu Bpoakers

ought " the best bullets ever cast wornlusts that killed Liucolu und OavHold,"

md tbe speitker cnid he jumped for j'l.riheo bu beard the ORWB of Iboac tisgas-umtions. Ho wus also Korry that not

nioro prominent lenders were killed.With Bieli aiieeches undo in Peuusyl-

i it is eiiK.y to believe thut thi-y ranij> tlio Rob") fliff ID tho South and hut-:ulicd for Jt-ff DJVIH I here. O. C.

r i.,,m i.] i ,! ,,;

A " JJUVV* GiiAriv AT 'J'AHIJI:.—i Im

fiilluwiuy iticiilcntiH vuiietit'd lnr hy par-ties well ih-iinijiulfil n-itl) the bey, now aVcmus imifovrtji'tii out! nf uiu-lail-jBOitk's.Ho witf the. v. n r.fii .•li.Tf-rvniiiii, mid,MiL.iKrh only 5 yram old, bright nnd elonrImyond his years, liw.ifc [it it diunci*piivir by Itts tm-ffic.' furn lev intimate!frii-ndd, MM-U'V W — - wus allowedbisnsuiil lili.ct' al tlift.-iljlf, 1ml l)fCuiuiugunruly was, by Hie way of puinsliuinut,triUi-ri'm-d loahiiiu lidito, wliilher Ibouui-.-c liiu! removal Id's iitllo ylutc, kuii<3und fork, liy in.iii)iii;t'« iinli-r. Nu f>omi-f[- was OIL- Ijiile r.-Hoiv t-ealcd in bis IJifrtiufiiiii'agtiiu (Ji.ui, iiuhius hi" l>wti aiiJO!UH|IIIIK his ijaiMh "ii Ilia Hoilwl l>ib, bu

yruvily, " O , Lwi.l, I thank Theo tbntTbou luu<t t.iv|):iml n tubio fur me in tho[iriisenec of iiniii3c'iieniio.«," I t waa witllibBieulty that the "yjwu-uiw" kepttheir Hiniles from becoming uililible.—

Wo elimye for ubiiuarica," said nneditor to nhoiu Lad been submitted *long rmuer, ouunuyutiug ou tbediiilk of

1 tho'jgbt yon would be glad toprint it."

"Uiu, it is nut ofiutereBt to tu-j major-ity of our readers."

"You wt'uld think so if yon read it.It to I la of the mu\ duutb of Jackson Rom-ley."

" Who wns he?"'T in! uun -who uiffiiy, uaked "MtUnt

io?1 every time nayoncHaysonything."" Ah then I nm glud to receive it.

All my runlet* «ill bo glad to receive it.All my io;ukTd vrili be glad to know thatbe is dead.

How Iiu k>|il Her from the Kink.

fingflont met Quill weed al tbe club theHier dny, nml nfler agreeing that thei-catlicr was very letanrkablo for thisimo of year. Qiiillwcd wipci a tear

frum his rye mid said : "Bagfloat, old•, I nm tihont to n.ik you a very del»-a question, nui] ifyuu have any re-ds for tlie fet'lingH of u suffering friendiWfli-uio irutblully." "Well, Quill-.'d, if tln'i'e is out; ihiug ttnit I pridesell' on mum thun mint her it in Rpenk*

ing tl.'u truth, HO out with it aud let mobe your cum fort «.r." Fora tnonieutQuill-

d hesitated us ihongh afraid to speakhut on seeing an encouraging smile onliia fiitiud's fiief, lie naiO : " I want toknow how you miini'gL' to keep your

iway [rum tho m.ler akatiug fink.Ihm

The Slcunt'itt Mmi Vet.He got OD tbe frout plalforin of a

Woodward aveuue euryt'sterdny moiiiand hud a brief cotiversulinti witb

iver bf fore entering. When lii» nut d<o subject of couvcrHiitiou Lud air,va opeui-d. It waB uhont the stutu uf


I looked at mine as I left the house,remarked a BbiverisU passenger," and itrnurked twelve degrcPH tir-Hiw."

" What 1 only twcho below ?"ed ucotber. " Must be aonicthing wrongthem Mine nbowed Uiteen aud waspo'iug down at tlint."

"Yours must Lave been iu a warmace," said the third Jiasscogor. " Iive a Tory reliable thermometer nn I it

ihuwcd n little over Kinleen degreesjelow aa I took the car."

Two or tlireo otliere had tboimil wliun (lie auld had been

iwn to tweuty degrees below the meannu roBi; Up aud mill :" Geulicmau, pleiiBe wait a roomenf."Hci opene.l tho front door uud th<

liicrmomeier he liitng up was litiud>>d in (n iiiin. He look nml placed iffrom ninn to man, that all tniRut hct*. Itrp2is«tcri}d cxnctly Bevea below. Not itwnnl wus said fur a IODR time, lint tlie

ce was at IIIHI broken by thi' stiivrr-ish mnu saying :

"AVoll, if Hint thing ia tn tin sprti™ oilruthful men in this fiHiicu I'll not r>de

on I lie cor* Benin this winter !"—DetroitFree Prat.

d every known remedy, but itdoes lint Imvo tbo desirei! effect." "Obt"ti'tid U;i[;float, tbnt was easy enough.You see, for awliitc, I was iu the sameis tliat you mo ; aiy wife just lived at

the link, ;iml I wus nerer tihle to findlicr ut itottK'. I lost my appetite, grew(bin, mid in fiu-t vna n ivulliing bune-yunl, jiij-t frum thinking of sumo wny toBtup IKT from riiikiiliuing. At lust I bitII|JO:I a |)luu. One night ns ^becaiue infiom the rink ull tired out out and pro-pnred tu u) to bed, I saw her deposi ter fjti-i! t.;iih in iiglisa of w.itor on tlie.'imhRlaii.1. Witb n huwlof joy. Ispraugrotn the bed ami s-e'zud iipou those lisiali

griuders with u dealh like grip. ThoBOIceih ate Idckcil up in my talc uow, undthere llievf-lnill stuy I ill my wife pelsover lier ernzu fur roller sliiitiiiK." Quill-

] at ooi} its if iu ii trjiuco for severalIIIH, aud then, ns a shudder ma

through his fiuiuc be cvicd out iu a tonepitiful totiiiiir, "Lost! lost! I um doomed

misery, for my wife Joes uotweur fake tuelli. "—Pecfa Sim

« - • - * > •

Too SMAIIT. —A young marrioj man of'.bis city, BI,V8 tlie- Dutroit Tree Press,discovorcil a trcslilj--o|»ened box ot facop'lwdvr on his wife's toilet table. « Totbis cumuli xinu wu linvc come at last,"lie bnid, nn j ilnug it nut of ihc open win-dow.

It nliglited safely nn tlio bond of n gpH-tletuuu whu Wii* goinfi to chtircli in bisSundiiy bcsi, mid envi'IopL'd him friinilicurt tu foot like n ijiiugsnoff storm.

" Ctirac down aud bu murdered," heyelled lollie tuau i« tlio triailuiy, shaking

lih dhis iht am]

Irs. Dubbs—So, indeed, the newcr:izo for lutups linn tint nffrcU'd TUG, nndit won't cither, t would not hare a Inmpin tlio pnrlor far tbe world.

J[w. Hnbhs—How can jnn talk so ?riie himpfi th<-y maka tiow nro perfectffiirhs of nrt anil everybody huya them,

" I know i t ; lint I can't ECC wbat nd-vuntngc they ui«.'

If you lud a grown up ilntiRliler asI lmve yon would.

Dair mo ; whnt d;fft>ranee wouldtlutmnkfl?"

You know a keroscue lamp cau'L boturned down reil low without smoking."

Yea."'Well, when Israeli sniofco 1 know j otvbt'ta ba skinned allro.lima to paanter into tbe parlor," The btrbor lost liioisoU iu tefleotiou.

ihu a war dunce.uud I'll fight you," sliriek-

'ziue above.,i[)[;e;ired na a pacificator,


" Cmnocil Hie powjo

The wifi* [aruieii wiili a wlusk-Itrooin sto the siilcwulk, und hIT luiabapd hat]Uiu srtlisfiietiou of seeiug her enr; fullyilii^t oil' tint htnm^e tunn, wliilo Rbe raailottiottiini; nrmlrtfiU-R in iuvUililo lonw.

Ami ilu< htislmuil IinseoncItHlcJ notlointerfi're with his wife's toilet rotationsiu the future.

SKIS grnAPisa SAHCA.'-M.—"Ig myhlmviup nwri'Lvdiit1 tt>,von, "ir ?''n lorjmi-t'imis liailur nski'd 11 customer whom holiftd lici'ii tl.iyins alive.

"My wife waiilil iidiuiro it vt'rytmicli,"mthcr indetii itely rospauilotl the, manmiller torture.

"Atf," »»<! tl»' barlwr will roniplfl*CPiiey, " ImHes lire ufier fxcfllcnt judges»f tiiisir biisliitttdH being well slmvcd.Aud Ton think mi uo will auit ber sir J'*

" K.) doubt of it in tho world, It waaonly thiK mnruinc^ho hnnfltno nugry

Page 4: CARPETS'erest to continue. W e hav


Tbe Dover Printing Company,1

Si.tiir.iuy, VvU. 2 \ !V»">.

;y. TliulmtlI tin! uifi-Uu, I II. S.-n!.

ui» vriihnut I

n i..wu»bl|.

B X. £. I'I o for

Mily for tLi- liuuj<r.v . i.

Wi. htiull ••'•<•!! k » " *••ill ,l,],li.... t l , , luritf i—i

* . » • » sbwir^r. Hupb Rallnabt-r, j Unoctao t•kli> mid Frank 0'Xw.l Mi«. S K. j j rt-li.

ir t^iirfl (if tin' W. I. T. T, at the i A t e m a l. . . I . t lltWOhiim.. ii iii].!- «.f wtiirl, ' Mi.Htvillr.

, uf [ii- ...•'.jlt.-d-Ut.-r, .llnlltHlltlu, ! ''111.' 1IKI1I1

•UIITIll - .Hi , , - Ifll Mr J.Tultlicl I Works

i- | ( - . II Ji

\VI,at h.i!. tbe IT. n-i.t I ».-i(nirr,»lic I'mi,"!-^

"KotLiu« ." _

A ray "' lw\'< «'ui'-* '<•"'" l l " - S f l l i d Ho«»i-A Tt-xay JmlB- • » - bud tin; audacity tu ].ula colored nmn «t. a j-ir>.

Tbo lufiuliiTM of IL..' r W .l-rrfcy 1,-BihU-

Iftturt vntti-rday Klurtiil f»r A l U n y tovimt

tins L"H>t.Ui«Ttf of N - w Y«wU.

I hi.* h.'cn <'xi'iti-il

IUIIII- M K. mul

Tbe alisi

ot-iii'l kno

will be CIL-VI'

Dnly c

r tlie pn-n„ g>n!il b y l

l J

Mil- ..•Isi-ler...

t IN tunrriilL<- ( \ i« j o b they wonl i i

iki-b iliut ll.f U.ionti.u•ui-.t iuto J huge •rfioi

M , reK'nl . A ,,urt of

; ,,rukri>n»«flu

. Win] d irk'»

Mi.rrli tlllj, utA (•'-iill'-riiiiii

liiutmi Hal] anr huh W - ' J Waalviuj.' il fitttd ii|i

r i i1..11«

< ili.t -n.v il

M! ihul Mr

>s]>r<-i»«W 11

I, llOOIltllll H

ol Hounloii

c l i l l lt , \ lm 1 - Hr i< « tir-r <!;>•.

n , , ,,f j ,w

wi.1i Jm>

rh(jtni,'r«|>tjH of J. IT. DUVS

nLltit.jli<m- <il tlwi K c « Orlc

Anil HO H i u " f l i H i . i { . - " I'IH-H Mill CUt hlH ••(ll.illlt Wlt'.ITlIlflfl

Kill Votlm-mlay, l.ut it will hardly I." lury

•iiongli lc wufl'ly "I! wl.o ••ni'l » I'i'Ct." of il

!l will not h<> lung lii-fnre w<-Khali knw

vhetbt-r Cleveland JN tlic liltlo ( l e o r ^ Wuhli

nuluu li« would bimi Hn* winutrj- '"licv

ofAl.iii.b P i clay .-vfiiini.. Tint oft I,.' ]ii'«ii.f w i

!»• JJUl-lif "I'lllKjlour, Tueiday M(o (lie hiitu< of Mi

IM uivn »' t t u ' r

Itoi-kuwny Vailroc.'.dH litre foriirdi. A "IHnti liIlllUmjJ thi-,

'i/.jtiiiliM-k.-'l yy will illiil«...f»rul.1v

>nt, lor Irnl lliow 1

Tlic r/iucuMii. I'ri

miike n tnur nf (rr-liu


Tim comiiklion t,l

merit Htitntilatc-H llm I

children may live to _____ __

Mr. Ovi-lanr.»

plowed with l id

work ; H M Consr.

i In- W. ('.'

. . • >• pr.'.l i

id. Iu tlic wny "I f

i' f tlmt Kftiim of

mi'ul lo l». nut nHotjrtl

ork of Conur .^ . Wl

bH li«fU .loiiif; HUUUJIIII

tii-W.f'.T. I..ur i.Hilvi..i Vic- l>ii".i.l.'i.i Mr. Mnrtliii.1.^(rIVil1< u lei line tift-liu •iK.-t filllblill

],M l.u'.v.r. li.v \v,,l% |.l.i)<l "I M"'nkil.«

ll:V-i^v)'i^li(nil'i'/iiJ1i;11."ir'Vl'«nr"i raiihliil j r i

.-iirki-r nil.) (ilHi-ci- Hint we wl." i.n- Iflt \iti-** ll.'<! ilililii

TU-- 'Irlcj.lmilr.'l<'l>iriK tlmir.i^-.-.l ilmriv.uilioiuL tiridKco lorltnl tlx- |n,H,l-.--. ll. .•...

IK' I'IKl <<(' tll<

'•'If l<> tlic •hiintii'Koltht:

n^'ii.iiiM vltli nu " W i nr wiifK. TIJ,. route lui.l•t .liiigtiimlly bi-ui-iilli tin

. titaitHcftuu- iMim iiuiiiH,iin! nf tlic -v i , , - LII.I,

IM..,ii.-ui-t>, wh-,1 Hi.' alt, «,., tlie tH-iiion liMHlfiirii- ni l ' , uuil Mif liiu- IIK-I

. t l , , 'ii. I li

IH Ifllll (I

Kg tnu

brciuniiw'y l . f g

or I r Dfl

Ifltoo( llutrbe no -cornel

PfeHlonf the tltbi' onu

MUI|ll(., l.Nt )1(|]l,:nt, t'OiMiUlUl-i UrO

ti to wiinilir vlK'tliu- thu New Jcr-

nlnt.iro IH |>aitl to n.vertist* Tulrumltfn

ot thfir tiHMini'HH,

L;*uduUu.H (or FreoUoldcn them will

uliRll^i." tl.iH.veHr in tliu ^liti.'ftl

nu of tbi) \\om\.

D HIcvHiHou wnnlH to be a Ho lie It or

H. TmaHitry. H<i I.HN »t, i.ltiA that

try cannot tl»t IIODR witliutit IIIM










i - . s . K..-- V i i ' tMMIIIIII

" i l - m i l

i ii|. t o F

nrpn, wr* • 1 ( ) , ,


iu xd(tliii(( tlio affrtkrt nf othor |»<D[iln i

wbii-li Hhe hud un tHihiucm lo inturfero.

llL'ti. WolHi'lcy, Die camnmnrler ut

Etj^lihli forccn in FfU'|il, ancti vuiiturtHl

opiuiuu lUtOreiit wiwu'tuiuchof amili

man. Wondir w)nt bu tliiulu or El Mulid

Oh. horrorHl Vicn 1'tihidcnl 11 nidi

the Idol trf the «nt I-monopolist Dcnjocr.o

i* auhmlly going to tlio

lumfioiis |mUrP ritr of n Montci! rallwn

m>ignBto 1

Only three of thi- Irinu nicmtarH of Co

Ifrniw voted to givo mir lutruliautu and a n

factnrani mail r*flllltie« to South Amtrii

portH, l\iat tlie trw.o caw cnatrultcA liy K

land ta.Klit ho not by American*.

It ia KOitic to t» asj)r«Uy tinbt race

twecn tho fine tnwlert, the BIMMIHOIUO I

tbii adroMlei of unlimitrd Hilvcrto me w

«a\n uiakfl tbn tiHwt trnutile for the ne*

minintralion.— rfalladelpbia Trew.

The Mircb number of Harper'n Magaz

a)io«H that Thoiua* Jeffcraon i»itl *1'H1

yew for bU howroliold vaahitig mtl |'2,VC

<JI (or wine. TbotDM t w a great Demon;

and bin nicmory in mill rcTerflnctd-

Driuocratiu oratorH in Ibe otmpai^n

IAHI fall aoiimfd the decadencnof our uv

and iiroiiiicd If Rnccmfut lo ImiU il U|

Yet only last week tho Democratic! party

GonRTMia |ml it itself on record in op]

to a navy,

In the ciirruut cumber or Harper's

Nant illimtralM Chvcliuxt OH an elephant

tranipUnKupui] Doraocrstit who »anlo(Tli'

The mugwumpM arc ahoutirR before they •

nut ot tbo woudH. The elephant may

dowa on Ihem.

When tbe HepuLlicans were In |x>wer

Indiana a few yean ago tbe Ht*t« wai out

d«bt. The Dcmocmtti bu»e only httrn in

little *hilo but tlio HUte treuan in tl.OOl

OW) wono than bunkrupteii Huuh In t

power of reform.

Now tbat American ntcel n i b hive hteoi

«o ohwji tbat EoKlixb ni ls o*nnot b« aoM

thiH country an KDRIIHII publication baa oom-

uienced to deer? thv qimllty of the form

Thin U an old trick, aud will hardly ac<^

j'liih much at thin lit« day.

Tim const ituliouitl jnolilbitioii till WM

deft>At«l in tbu Now Jeraey Awt>inbly oi

lloudity evening. Only

in iu fATor. A nation- of kupt'ram^ Ha

pubticfloB voted uK»innt iL bpcmiKt! nf tlii

•Mtiou of |ho pfoiiitiitioaint** l«Nt full.

4 a luwilkvwjcr, V(tioiirof*»fcei*U)

to cast out derila ani euro dmeaasn t j faitli,

ban Dhallcngeil Col. Ir>Bciaoll to * public

iMt and dfbale. It in not slated wbetber

Bob will atail himwlf of tbi* (ipportuuitj

for iucrcaMiuK tbe

Joliu Ii. Hullivaii, tbo bralinh

Imiaer, ii a^ain a defendant in oaurt, bw

wife baring brougbt Huit for divorce ou

ground of cruel and inhuman treatment.

Vet there are |ieop.i who Oiiok tbi« coward 1}

wife-beater onu of Ibe great parsonage* of

tbii conoti?. __ _ _

Kepublican ptililiaiant. are jurtly HaUi

« « r the Dvtuocntio blander in refusing to

ftotide mail facilitiw for our luercbBUUi

aunafaoturen to South Amencsn and Pjwt-

•re port*. It looki M it tbe

fNUty will bare an euy rioiorj in New Yoik

fltato ueat fall, — ProU-otiouiit.

It is oomplaitied that tbe Township Com-

tnitUe'i report does not •how tliat lUndolpb

towotihlp il out of debt. Any intcrmt<

partv can tori tbiu by prcMitling any out-

alandinsobligallou of * ]urt character t-i ibe

CoBiniUec. Tbty have adrertixed for all

ontatandlDgclainjo and bare paid all whEflb

b n i matured, eren lucludiog tbo d«bU of

(be nld Democratic Commiltee*.

Tbe Sew York Pr«« Trade Onb had a din-

ner OD Monday. VieB-prwrident HendrickB

Col. Wm. U. Vilu, Menftloni Reck i>od

Pendletoo, and Repiwentatife Potter, all

Democrat*. »mt l«Uo», wbiln tbs §peakm

were H**jy Wart Beeeher, Wm. Everett,

Prat. Was. Q. Btunn«r and Tbem. Q. Bluar-

man, all bolting Kcpnblicaus, who bare son*

co tbe « n » ottiuttt* trade Democraey.

Tbe Kepablioaoi h u e paid t>l,orc,ooo,flOO

of tbt principal of tbe debt, rtdaced tbe Mi

onal iutereirt o*er |7U,fMlO,(W), and will

Imn u overflowing ttvamrj lo the Demo-

enti , That'* bu«iri«)M done (n a bnalnea*

way. Mow, gantleuan Democr«t«, if jou

1 Mb u well ID toe o t i l

v . . .nKOop op LLu MV*in*i|«. 1

ibe bnliu in jonr p»rtv l o do it—Barttonl

d Ki'b, aw'IVH : tl.c ..tllci,,! N kindl.V

* -1V I'r^xldcut Hull IINII hici'ctury

II imi.v liiiHiiiJ I lint thin iiMiiuiiitiuu lii t u l l t k U wuiuty |.r<.n.i>tl.v l a t u w

Tliu oiil.V •IHlii-llH.v iV Illnlri inlhr i,i'(jFUEHII U d'l'till.'Ut^ riimi I lift ductir nfifiiC'

lor t b n * or four w^lt t , or l«.ti|-.:r,mj;)i tho lieu- hj-JnWH ttiul u» uitiiicy

ii iliilt' (if tin; flortor'M ccrtillnilc.S Cuimiiittnt> nl tbu (Iriiuil Iriiilgc o f Ilifi In-I>rti>l'-Ml Ordi'i- i.f Odd FVHIIH-H WHH n|>-iiittd nl tin, lint niHotlng nfihut aiiK'Mtily 1» (icrfi'.ct H jilnn for n hoiiiu for ugt'Oiliiidiu>ntO<ld I'CIIIIWH. Il icy tnivu dont

iiuii«n lit 1'c.iiriH.ylviinin nnd••'•I tlitir work t.illui varinuM IKH](-C* iu N I W,U-tM-y lor their iiction, It HcrtiiH a «HM1 idu»

n I lu fi.i'f.1 bt-hT iv Hlor.v Uf ll-r h«\\\* »f I>.>H

IfiClitM, •vblih would IH< ueiirly at fnthufiiinoiw--buttleui'tlii>k(-uii" if l hn it; hut I will let it %<> now. onlyi»K tlii'hn|ic tlmt (b« fellow wbn not

tli-krtl will lie u little wm-tul uimiit in-iuK pm-vcu tiioiiiib ho ilou't m«aui tln< fiilui-c, ntid the oilier

follow x i lh l ' i well tn lu'i'd tbfiHutnn ml*ice.

vcr /wt irn . It han hrfii •[>n<t(y fnir winter luutitU, tlii« rVlmmrj ban.

•• ,,i,'i, iltmllv hud t

tlirmmhrni- hmiM.v \i

i HUIIM willi ur »»-™t ATIIIJlli'-tlt linill

mid lmvh

tthl lo lln

| , In ].t»kH li.

Itoll r'riilii.Vk lor llll' llllI[H.Kf> III' L-lriktlillU HII Nlllllfui>t lii>r>>»H hi (lilt vluinitv. Hi- uitxkiIII)!, limKk'kiiCJl, void n't no ulmndxcub, iH'niJi'n hi.v.nj; many otburuil iwimiiiion tn Ihut H|Hii'len of nil main.iy nfteruooii tliU iiUL'uuth niifiual DiUili-umui'ii nu tlxi < 1-vcl, h i tchtj t<\h. Tin- IHVIUT tliwiw uitt u K*lor tlmt they bitd tome tbctr fui

failed t


Hh <

il II liu hich t lit u|<.'1'hn.v niwbiiil'liiif; i. nn* nl.uti

hriilf|i: uver tliu t'liiial at !Slil|ii.iinii<pflrt—tlieHiiilmnd liridK.'-miil tJikluic out (he old unc.

It. .1.

uintTnuiJ.I,Hoplrrdi<:l|ontbnNthlii»t«rt.V]ih<><<l, imvloK a wlfu nnd nlnrrliililnn to, IIIKIO-H. Mr. Hoplur WIN a rrM-ct.'d' iiiimuil II BIIIMI tieiljhlinr, mi.) hU I in • In

i|.l> T<dt by hU frlfud- und roiiillvi'H, winhiive our btntnffiU *vm|i»t1ili'». lutfit tin- Naiiffhrifiht CVinelJiry mi Wednenday,VI.. tub.Tliu m. MHTO Holler Mill In now laon mid nil wUhinit limt-clt** rulle111 im HHlUtird If they giv« tbemV v Imvr » miller lut« from Ilitldwiii. Wi-i>i.f<!n.

Tliowi of niir friend* wbo Uik almut wipflii wint«i- w^d not find fnult with tlie Utt

r thri!i> wucka, wtiirh will |i»»n fur good*o\\A *iiilf r «vftU«r.

Tim I'ovrioK It nub e n biive rrmoved tboiw mill frotu thin plain iv Flimdi-M. Choji-jrit are biullv "»Ka«oil in tbn Mhuru j<ih at

.l (if IIHH tln

i. Finally Chw. Hl.ell. •Ahow>n nlwi therei bflntf tbut 1M mild to hmII tiiren tntimtcii, •<»

liirfil. I'wiibair milt- ix-utH WITI- tmttHIn. Htriuiiir luifH.-; hulk at[H-cd. Thin liroiiKiit tlio. ru«ii,K to iH u(Kiiini'iin'd lo Im tiikcn bunw tliiim*rw«ir.| ufa:10. Hii l.i<IL«»i|ne*hiit u«Ud tinck "Alllt,'lio WHH mild two yrntTH ngo for 9U.0UI,i now •£! v<:»m wld mni nwuvd ti; a jimki

in Newaik, WIICK IIB M dri .n, tiitnom .Uil.Ibe city iLttnchi'd tut* iuok part. Th

' pitridioord Iiim it abort tlm«h o w uinrt for «17. Hinott falling in tl

f MM gireHciit owner tio ha« won illinrM* to llie amount of #700, It

tcarnc'l tliut ut I'ltUrt-on « few weoke Hftowlnni-rof HpurMufCW) from HW

of llii!!nent)oimhleewn«T»of (rott^ninf tbiily, after tlicy tmi inmln wbal they miiipoi

lo he an old lirutuu animal tbe wmrce

A rumor U eurreot thaitheowniTH1 winb Intent Ibe HUCCII of MineMorriM Cniint.y'N bent Uonwn lur » punw

IU), or more; it net*unary.

NIT 01AM.Hit twuliln't K«t a ((irl t"|(ololti.^ut<Ttii

itut with bliu lHat ftaturdaty eruiiinK-The fulliiwinit notive .* polled IB our |NM|

offirr.p |

Hittitw yon tlont piHur bad loaf

tlio Mrnvnt f

round Lew r.'ti >mi don't got mimeAlnt it ("

I'rlueiiml Totter |iarehuMed fortj-flf* tli-kct<>r the ontf rtnlDinont mid dUtrlbati-d tbrtnumiiK bin mholur*, jjlvmg thnrn * frc«IIBKIIMI.

Mr*. .1. W. KuMir, made ber fllnlrr In, N, V., i> f«w d»y•' vinlt at tho bt-glsiuf the wvrk.

"Tallur" IJoyd fo re«tratned lohlH homefor the piwt week h.v wry *evern iltw*",

•» KfatlHfd tn loan, that Hlo* CnHa itraod-dwuKhirr ' " Un- vVitbvridHe,•lowly recovering fn-m a verywvemiickne

TfaomiuOIivvr ha* *ic.-|ilcil uiiltuation atK-ILIII driver for K. Undnlfy'i Hen 4c Co.,Dover.

Tht: work of building en ({inn bouwi andready for operation, at

l mitt*, U W l » j tcmpUUtl

Uk A ' ll

Thoiiu who fonteniiiliito ((finringin fiml a vnrictv of yotitiK trceit on the pro-'Hy of tin' liil<- .1. I. HH]INT, ilft-ciim-il, almroi err IK ijoltt; LI l»rK<- ntimbur IT in I j- to triti.i-iiiit tliiH*|irinjr.

The Klnmli-n I'n^liyterimi Clitireh lift*>it»ni1«d H cull t<i tlir Idif. Mr. Mill*, <if New

srk. 1 have not lu-Hi-it wlifthor l.o will u«-pt or n»t. It li ho|»ul htt will, fur Mr. Mllliniiimi who in cpmxully woll likid midonlirdoUi 1>r lie;.rrl lo hn !i|i|ir.-cluti<].11a- I'tockloMii 1-owi.i-d Mill xtnnd. - 1 ,tlm toil (>roj>ctty Im* not lie on

La«t Tburailnv. Iftb, wan a bu«r ilM farlie Krv. .lotin I'amll, of Flan d m , Iu tbr

iiiu- of l.unliu-n*. Heiiit'ot) Itiirrlt-k mid Miiidcr-, and HIM> Mr. Jaiuta A>entruua Andi'THoii, of llmk^tuwn.umrriiil raiiplex lmvi< our *un

l!Uf»..if Hi.- UtoJotm l>nikc, of with mime heart affuctiiin.

tilt )a*t »ec(itit|[p< »tie WM no me tatter.II. linrtley, I uudvrntanil, contcni-

li'diug Khau*c which lie will iwcojtj

. . K.,1. s.d Mi- Anal. >,1M»11 " ^ " ^ "CT-. tn.ik tli* importaut alcp B u d

rrir.1, RCT. John FHUII offlolutiug.from K'MMI authority tbat tlie.T wore

III eotcrtuinment uivi-a for tho Hun-.<•! Of thi. ,l|ul« OU WMhlutt(OU-a|

Irthdny. It nt-rntm like a Htrxiiftn tinv; tovw a <)iri«(iniw Trip. Hi« a* tVo ililldtf nVUVH t-xiMTt •ome iirt»ciitn(iu Cbriatma*y tlif v wero t.dd tiiev wniild havt* nnetil^r-iiiunlt .tu WithinRton'B liirlli da.v or ralh.-ri -£M of Krdurarv. and iLi-n pn-M-utu wouldjjiTfti. lint nn [iri-a)<!iil* have burn di*-tiutnl iu yet. It wiw rt'miuki>d liv oner Ihul t ij tin.nging Mundny .ihool bt cnuldI i;i't muih Irnn ip priiMtDtH. for he didn'tnny lhin(f i t thix Hundn.v school.

'Uiiderd lian nu'entlj uricuuited a hrapii<l. Thp Inadar in P. K, flenrnc tlifrntui cornfH.t. Tbry rurt for tbe flrMiBMt Kland^ra hall on Ratnrduy cvi-nine

•it. We antiripatc tbat thry will b»*« a

ctiit. baud, for the reunn th«t -nnw ufn-ni(>rr« HIT ox|M>rlen(Til pUyrm. M<**>r>Liliun, |ikkcr«m and Stivwr utlliU planejoined them, whom we ran well miv aremeinlMr*. Tlie iuitinU *rr V. II. II.

ig twelve toDH In nrinff placed npoi tbeurkH, and another "donkry" pump b u•rn jilac^d under ground forwpliiK out ttie w«Ur,Klt-i«h riding partliM ant all tbe gu M prea-it. Lail Tbumlny evening a party of ourive illicit went to Flaaden. Therereiilj-livc in a lwvb»r»e loiot, *ud it i

cniwdcd tbut part ot them had tu walk.Hood ilelidi rilling that. On Friday »ft*rnooi

jmrt.T <ioni>i«tlu){ of murted ueojde went tiMornxtowii, »iidi*|HT»w*dtlienuwlViN'gnitilieil *itblhi< trip.

Tho other dny we baii|*ncd in meetjour irtCHHioiial inrrMpjindunta lu tbe CentraltailruitA ilrput ol thla p lan, ami hewhy wedlilo't writeetteaer. Now then, tbry•nv turn about U fair plajr, •« w» u k "Stvei1

dou'l he write oftfncr. W# know lhafau bun a bljih educntlon, and good Utellectutiliility uuil U i-onipeumi fur tbu work; then

fnrr. we would like to bear from "Bcnex1

-run we nn> p«m>nall,v awinaiatwl with•id bi» vk-inlt v generally,

Mr. Cliu. Warraa, » foranr rvaldei[Hdlaon, it vlilting Mr. Ueo. W.Vruen.A eoMtiiiK accident oceumd an L'bapnan'a'

igfuwhleh tbe|N)Mnna


O., L i t . glMtiaa.TucdiiiB \\f\A ciiTmnlaj the followingen «**rp elcrlc.l nmtiagernol |be Del*cknwonpit and Wcnt rn Unit road f..i

iuinn jrur: Join I. Blair, OecrCiort.v K. PrnrWilliau Waller l-helpn,(1. Hunt, bliaa R HiK iiin, lleujiimin

11 • .Im-llmil.l, Kiijni-r MlMim, K lrS Anrlimel.M-, Ai»tm» T

m^^., Uardtiorli. Culuymd W. ll.AHin S lon h t t l ' J

Iirutty tioil.v injured. A« IbvjIn euulnct with Die railroad track i t them of the hill thn front aled ltcranesralile, and the whole patty were thrown

un the iratki and anrtoualy iujurad.

The inve.tiication of tbt township affainwan bi'fiun nn Mondtiy. .ludfie Frandimut wilh thu towmddp nftioera and dli• Utilfl hu-luroH, with which tbe uralimljouriicd nmil later In the week.

Rev. Dm. Dutlt imd WUPT occupied the.ulpil ef the M. i:. flmrcbHuudu; MtomiogHill tTtlllujl.

The pnititliiiionnicn of thin plnce are work-injt hard for the prvTenling of UrenM to theLotrl. Tbn EagU Ktrongly appoMa it, andarticlcN wrltlon l>v Krv. Dr, Aiknmn a ntouch inn-

t'oek ant] dog DKIIU arc becoming more andmura namerauM lu our vlllaiie. May WHHim>»ii(i lie taken to atop tbs ttrutallty of thnheartier* peraoni ensa|<-d tbercln.

The meeting* h*U by the PmtivlorlmiChurch have jirtivcd int*r»«ttnR and fniitrul.Miiny havi- tnm«i from the wrath ol tin andand MiiiRtit tlic iHslOne.

Many of our citiiem l.avtt taken a great tn-tcri'nt in ihebnrM trollluK on tbe road be-tween Morriituwa aim Madlmn, Jt great

my wliu b»Ti Rwvd bor»t' ani afraid to goup and try la trot, becauve tbej are afraid ofgutting cleaned

nnL&n..New t'ounaiuiid* bapuiue** now dependi !

u ti tirNt-claai skat ing rink.Polilicimis, good, bad und utherwiw, UK

M~jM;l«K.tiDBtUcitfri»iidefcjroaV»after theiwii fleetIOB.A Buuber oflettcra contaiuiDE money haT*

cnu lodt, arrayed, or ttoltn over uur mailmtu quite raoently.Little Liliit Borne w u boriDR ant a plntul

cortridce luttt week, M'beu nn explonion oi-irrcd, inflicting »cvere wound, on the band.Itomln Imve Urn mnn- or beoirimi[|] tlii« mcliou by drifiiiii; HLOWM dunlin

the last wtt-k.

n of l tUtir

.team saw milt ut Cherry Bid#:.Tbt|ii«ctiuiioili><i.uitiiryin('flHiKi;a at Stork-

liulm has LUONcd the diphtLeriU t<idic nut : no

U kiuf{, und, leUevi: thatn tKtcnuiii- bu-ii-

liinlidu.v uartjou tliuuililiineutH of UINK Suxie

Curds ure out loICth of Mun;li, tliuH. Day.

'flic nin|>utiilion of both tWt of Mr. CLitrWl-iriHou wa# performed luwt we^k, the i-flVct.of ^ t t ing huuie at lour o'clock in ttie muni-luif.

llip wuool fuiHl* will u« ctmfliisaleA l»y " t l i c r

*i'h(Ktl diNtricUortbe uuunl.v.Aii»theroirti>«oaarianLaafullpn. Mr. th-orfe

Pitt ln^r wux liuried *t the New r-'ouuJUnilIfupliHt cemetery on H»turrt»y, West Mllturdtowiuliip IN becomiuic nekd ior il* lieiiltbful-HI-KU; IIH jui II peri never die until hoyond the

A revival mreti

w Fo midland,

K hua bilb tke

tta WBBXI Fiiwi urtvm

iii nnuouured forhi use if any oue

V. V. .1.

rif the I^egiunul vlait iiAH.VIIIIN ul

luturc li^t

UiK'HtH, mi.l otiier 1 'ir-lntorx. lion, (1HalKfj. Ur. iliudi.v. l»r. Chirk, Dr. -laOr. (tre.'ii nml Mr. M<eJti'r, uf tin.' Koar.lnf

tlirimnivul tiniiiitiu-dii.ti'ly r

Iliiulli, HKxi


iillilliiK- Tlicyleii bv Dr. Smith, ueliiiK MIIHT-. MoiirtM-. Ihf ati-wiird, mill Mr,

tlt,,|n>itli<n. AUnutliuHoftLti« litH|«('U'd. Tin- miiKiiltnilc,innic^ieiit,lbiUbornu)cb<''|ul|i-

ml the bt-iiutiful

rU, li

mid it mTbdite wIhU In-t

n i»iiilupon Hint'uuil tinim.premiiary to niM-iik nt them ui;iiiii.

hi) msvur Imil thn t.loaoun. of vUitit,^ituti'ili lufdrt .s].re*i-ndlheirwi>iHltrlimti'iu in mii|iirtlificd teruis, llcfure

iiiiikinu (he timr i.l 1IIK|HI IIUII tl..' «neMtK wern.iiiKliiHi-d to tli- miiiim-iiK-nt Imil nnd re.i|ii<'»ti'd t'i Itiy uniilo ll.eir hut- nttd <-v.unat»,A^ tlie.v rniclicd llie dour of (lir mom a linmBluiiid, tiiHde IIJI ''titirc-lv or tliti ruiplovetmifth. iiiHtitutioii, wi.luoiii.d iliei.i wilb " Mr(.'mil irv 'li» nf Thi-c." " llnil Ciiliiuiliiii.'1 itml«tlwT ftir« llurlwR U»« «-uim' iu^we.tUt tlilwliiiml Kiiiiinuid to pliiv, mill nn t ip uncut*pii8p.f(i ii|i and iluun the iliflerrnt nirrld»t«Ihc iiol<<» foll.iwMl Iliein, Hi>i.i.'tinii'I> (niiil midInw uc ilUtatii pnrtw of tlit- building ««TercueliHi. but ul ill lltdfis Kwert innl Initiiiniil-(,IIH. ATt.i' Ilii' Cur IUKI I10..H U.ud>- Mr llui*-.)-, on btrhulf ul' tlie timuuuiTtt, hivitid lliegui'MttttV 111*' iliuinjf hall, wlieie nn clej{iiiidilution but) been lire[iared. After theRIIOHII hud Hiirroumled thnitiblcathe Htv. Hr.l)u.-kt<-y, editor of Iho HbHitiuu A.oxki-d Uivliiu hleiwIUK- While the vim

if tbe lulillni: dtiera at tlie end or theL- Hut'tly implied back, dUclo*iun aH band, wlileh diMoiinwl oprr»llc

aim during tbo. wi-al.Aftur lnnrh thft i-»tiru partj r.i)>nttnii Ui tlie

ied Hilli Kumitor \uunnliUH«l IM Ohniriiiaintid Hbort luldrenwn were ramie 1'y Hr. Mm-Kherrj, I'liviili! Sei-relnrj to Prc»id»-utfe-ht-n«k,0.lbnf<><ii»t«; Mr. Corhlii, memlwi

frwn I'uiiiu county; Mr. A. AVan™, editor o( the Murrin JiTwymuu, und

llnckloy. The Intter Kpoke incnlr>'Kintio tnrmx of the rburaetrr of tlie Inntltot ion, ita vast pn>]wrtluni> antl it" inunut;e-went. II« mid Iw liiwl vt«t«4 *\«rj .HBHUCaavlimi of note in the United Rlat«ii sure

ec, and u grt-at uumy in Europe, tint hrn'Ditatiof Iv pronopnved tbli out. the mi«l•unit*, tbe fluent in architectural deiign,mint coinpletB ia equipmeiit nnd the mn>tftel iu iU raiu>a«flineiit in the world. No

oue, be n id, knew who they might meet whenixititiK tliU iBRlitiilioB. On a prevtoiu, hml «liaketi hand, with m «on uf tb« Pi-.*-

ld<nt of onn of ihfi proudcHt InatltutiflM Intill* country ; HI another time bv had met abrother of one of tbu I'rciidcnt* of tbe United

The annual xulury paid to fi-mule sihuel.'iicheh" in .Vew JiTify ia ueurly ane]iuiii!r>Ider t-eiit. h*» ilinu tlic i n v i t e BHlurv (mid tdialc Kku<.l ttuchtre. Tbu fullovriui: tuble1vei u L-ompitiiiiOB of tlie average mouiiiljalarien paid lo mnle nud IV-mule teauben Inhe wveml tniiDtien i.f the SUIe:

Avemjie fd\-

* !I7i>a z i"» f>B

.V) 41)Ifi 111

l:t! KtKt Wi»r> ra

ssM W

Wnneri.. . .

Tula! uvei Wll ta* MUOWD Vi.v cltlfH In fa

if wait- Bibool l e i i d i e n it c w u grculcr. '1ollowitiK taltli" lilvt* tins tiirtiithl.v averngcihe lurgcHt t-itie» in the Htiite:

M l

. 'Ui i i i i i c id . . . . . . .

lluriiij; ttite

"ifii in

li!.-. IW113 tW12H IM117 iW

$11.'! 1"

iy itroali*.

B1UD4:t -



i«* iurrcwtrd

ry puld ti> male leacln*10.M. Tlii! itvcrage ycurlv -ulitry ha»

urn «41Mi-.'7 MI tr>01,f.l. nn ine rente nf |101.»7.K Bulurle* guild lo fciuidu itneLeii;ill Him-UKC. Tlio liitmifH'iu thei.ntiily Knturv in 4J3 0I. imd tlii-:irlv Biihirj' btx rimu (roin *UH.2li to aSU2 15,i iiitr<ii-f of fJM.8.1.

« - • • •tmtU Forty-elf bt Day*,

Mury rnindnll. iijied7H,rltn!iil Hloo»ij;lii. 4ft4r living fortv-cij;

.-illHIllt illU.l. I eiuiwukueHu, acluhUK iini

It-*, H]teaklng In a grnei-at way be aaid[lint Home of the moat remnrkablo lilerwr*workH wrra written hy the Inoiittc* «f famuie

lurinn tbe ycur 'J10n male", andpatient*, of whom 19(1

nnre frinale*. There have been under treat-, diMiDK tbu year, 017 patient*, of whomri>M IHBUU., otiil 4lil w«re f«malfl.. Of

thene ;f7 were *linolutrged renovored, *H iin-irovt'tl, 10 unimpruveil und 57 died. Thererare remaiuliiK in the tuiyltini Rt this cud ulho ye*r 715 patient*, of which inimlicr Ibvreft* J7J male* and tyi female*. (If the*-W were punllc |iatifuttn, and l'*i were private

VAticuU. T i e whole numlrtT tfflnhnt fmn.the opening of the aayliim, ABBii«t ITth, 1878,

November lrt, IKM, WM 1,7*1) of then9 were men and *33 were women. Oltheae

there have been diacharged recover*!., HM;

1«[Jrated,l l d Th

[ nnlmpraveil, HI, and !VU have

THod. The report •») • i Tbo large poiKtiof deatan It no itonbt dun lo I he larRi-umlwr of chronic patienti reeeivwl from tbel«te Aavlnta at Trenton, and the eountu™four apportlonuent. Tbo Kiinual

of tbe perannal uropeny ItelonglnK to tbeMrlura ttmoHiit* tn t i l l . i l l .00 . Iwiuit m

ra*M« of >)l,:no «1 over tbe year IUXS.

idivliinalu of both aetea. aa waikinR, driv-ing, reading, writing »nJ varwui

b» amnmtnGatH p*o)>»r, mayitmie by the brtM baud ou tbe law

itt evening riurtpg the; IIOM balllilrh thoi-ouiildj xtlm tlie blotMl of tlio*iiltagidln it nud uffonlH an inte|«Htin»icla to n lurgfi nnmWr nf the paticttt»,re ttlwuva pn^iwut. Tbe encloiied ecarts, a!hlcb tlicm arc live fur tbe me of mcb

inhiv nijjbt, owtiiji tnKinnlnv KiirttmJ witb <•„,•

d tuiitiiiiiiilly. Kin;

uml lur utteiiduDt mt hvlier i-.n, amiby II periilinr triotiuo nf litr eye a xhe nitfiiifieiltlitii -ho ti(-,..k-il it, u tnhlfKponuful CHI fed <<her, vhUU would not iiKoin 1>« ri-p<<uli-il CoHit HJHII'I- ol un hour. *|u- took about ujiilof wnter jierduv (lie ln-t tuiir, and liermn.- ili-nthli ki<-k if tlic u »l-d fuod wan in.'iiti.m.-.l in Imr pn>fH!iicu. Klie loot nlraul thwJHJHIIIIH til' HI-HII lier day tjui-injf tfie pirn weekI lei- miixl I'liiiiiiit-ucnd i iviiiid.T ou Huudmuml cbe fulled to n-v<>auhi< iier aou when Invicitnl bet. l l ' t fle.b bud no fbclli^ fruuilici' tiNH lo IILT kiKHta. bill seemed In lie .lend

of thn binl.v the rlcnii WHH *I> Hore thatlight out l.i.n-h gave litr imln, unit wl.i.mUp>l, 1o i-lmiiKe ht-r pwitlfm otcaniuni•lurk b)ii<>Hputn npitciin.] uil tlic flc^h.

rnaekan' 'Tin- lot of u iiruui-lier'H ivifi- in by no uii-ui.*

niii-iiKV one. Hhe inhti-oiid in iinpnrtnncc tatin* i.reui' himself. HIT i].<:nmin|<* n

the iniinlier of her dreHW-, the trliiiniliijjHher, the uiau age in cut oilier fumil.arc all in at to in that the Imlita uf tbe einiKie-gallon uiftkn it a apeidnl point toupoH. Mnuj npuor rltrpyuau baa been inKreutcr danger of dUmiM il fro* the color ihl» wilu'a bonnet-atrinifii ll.tvi from any e mofdoctriuo an km »wn pin-t. Bbe tt

abroad and t t manajernv WtUf, kituw no* to \\\c ou u*sit to uothHKi keep n clean Bad Hmlliug face, vlult thp•ink and poor and not uugli'ut the rich uiiiiiiglilj. Her euune In cuutinually lwtw*iirj-Ilu und ClKirybdh, .mkkuuidi on eiide, cliffmin t in other. Her fate b indeedin unenviable one, and II it b pruvcrtdal

tlmt prcHiihera' W H turn out bud, why l a j Itnot ut the door ol thiir poor, haraa*ed

Koliert Ilonner wy% Heory Bergh doe* notat he in talking nbont when lie pro-iat tiorM a i l i n g . "Mr. Borgb,"v nwHt be Iguorttat ol tbu treut-

ment nf borwi after a Nbaip drive on tb« bardruiul or on Was track. If fau were not, be wual

thut after nut* a drive In tbe Autumaa bo«e pur.jilrett freely. If be bai a Ion*,heavy coat, four grooma eould not get bindry by working half tie nlKbt. He i . l,:lt »»Und with wet «oat and tu cat ah cold. Ooaekrtowo ahontd not he clipped.

with r-lioni i unitilkn, urn dally occupied for Meteral hoi

In Hue weather by a large proportion, of theit*:*, while. * cotwtderabUi number ofoaclpnrtieulnlj of tho UIL-U. daily wwtk in

partlt-i wilb attendant.), *ev«ral miles atInir, tbrough the adjacent ronotry. Wlthl

biilidlug mwiy engage in gatnea of vminn kind*, carda, diem, liaekgainiuon, chetl•TB, the, Tbe Riuuiteiacnt room, wn Mifun brouBW into rwjolnltioD, la sued r«ibltant, theatrioal*. lectnrea aod recitatloua,iDCinK partiea weekly, for several monthitbe year, with an orchestra wilb, braa* nnd

itriuged tuairameiit*.

Jerawf Caatml f l u * .i important conference w u brld in t)

office «ftlw Jwaey H'cniral Rallrvad, in Kew'ork. Wedtifaday. Vnaideut MMe. Viui-

sprcBentnd tbo Jrney Central, «nd Mcun.harton, Sajre and t'oroly reptMenu-d tbe

PhiladelpkU and Heading, in temt . Tbe r -Inn* between the two oonpanlea were fullycuaaed. Tbe Jemey Central people:lr tbai the Beading Company should

tfarr nay the rrutaia arenrding to contielMtgive up the {HtKarulon of tbe Ifu

The Kending |M-«jiler appMrcntij- a«ugain ilinr, but finally they jirojKmed HimJimey Central ibottld Uke cuutrol o Hi

i! revuunee and nrrept from tbiMpHnr N due allowance for tbe n*emioali and a diversion uf traffic at Bound

I rook. the. Rending tu rcannie tha payment- ntnt. us uuin n» it in able I.l do no. 8omr

the Jttsey V;vatr»l »ieu tunugUt lliat Vteading Company ought to give linck the

' and inbuit ila prnpoiitiana afterward.waa resolved tn eall • special meeting of

Jersey CsMtral atockholdan aoon aad'pert the prnpaaltion tu them.

A female Infant, In a baby rarrUgr, WMleftnn the porch of tbe nonae or R. V. Dra^o it114-kett • -——

tliei kb«at a weak after from tbe»fffrt« of theU M W H f« aupncw»4 the rblld waskr4v«k* froa* N»w Tort. j

Tbe Po>tnatter-tieMral baa eaUbtlahedfollowing rale governin); the disposition

unwllrd for letter, acat to hotel*. •• Un-'--iiiP«J letter* incioMfl in ruTciopet npoa'faith hotel card* are printed should u t be

returned t* tba niaklins nffioea nnlM* aneksuvehipca have written or priattd tkereoitUe vonl -Eetnru to1 ! • iddition lo Ur hoteli*rd, Proprietor* of hot*U nhoulil oailt l»»a4ual rrturu rrqnut fron

ystopr- abould L* eanful to d

Tionnrnvi.ft U ppopiMrd tu iHtafallth <• Pout of the 0.

A H . h "Mnaler Frank Pool, at llatketUUwu, ha*

h leg broken by a fnll on tbe ice.«ov. Ahbfilt ban nominated U*al CanHeld

itr Liiy Jndga <il Wurrea eoanty.Luther Hill, tif Atitlnvcr, **}* he cm HIIDW

•1«V eWar pMt-t from nereu Hklpn ur hmw tnne ttCAmui.

Andrew W. Irimmer and fatal. hVa, of |[unkelUtown, art- imiktiiiK » nrrmifry on ibettwari furm, near that place.Tb* twelvt |M>UHd pickerel1 - r

menlml to have lieenUken from one of the' ' In Buswx!»>ue from

Kev. V. 8 „ „corertd from thn injuries ho received u fort'nixbt agn. and bin pulaHt wax nrenpied l u tHuuda.v by liev. C It. Abcnrvod,

Tbo iiievutor of Dr. «. J. II. llrutb, •(liiltiiwlmrK, ha> adverilwd for propoaala for

the building of a *W,O0O tnonumeDt. wkleb the•)M«na«d willed U« NbouU have over bin grave.

Mm. Catherine Unlfek, MI aged lady «f,HauketUtnwn. lias received aback pemionaf

I (tL',073.BO nud f* |M-r moith fur the future. Herun died while acrviug n, the IStn N. J. V«la.

Hr.. S»OVA MUfkl»«, ol l l icUtli luwn, thaoldest reiident of the place, wan buried onWednesday, tthv WMsbifruon Vbrintmaadaj

mtr, !• uffw Mid t« bave

Newton, hus net fully re-


Iu Ilii, ,l,.Di«iucnt we cms » 'uil line v< DOMES-TIO UII1 OOODti, iucluJioj

Bleached and Brown Sheeting*, 4-4,5-4, (i-4, H-t, 10-4.

PRINTS, B M H A I S , GOTTONAOES.Diiiaii, Tiekin|i, tklrtin|t, «c.

FLASriTBLS.Scarlet Flannels,Opera "ShakerClinton "PlaidDress "

BLANKIT8.A large assortment of WHITE,

UltKV and HIARLET B.ANKETHit very loir price*.

KNIT GOODS.ire A'lpe (i complete flock- of those goaiU, iui'lmliHg

(Bleached, liroirnand Colored.)

Cnti," " " BIOTH tsi HHii.



GLOVES AND MITTENS.Men's, Youths'and Boys'Buck

Gloves, Mittens and Gaunt-lets, and Men's DrivingGloves at very low price3.


Builders' Hardware,Mechanics' Tools,Cut Nails and Spikes,Table and Pocket Cutlery,Coal Hods and Sieves,Corn Shelters,Fodder Cutters.


Steam Fittings,

Mining andSportingPowder

High Explosive Powder,

Blasting Caps,

Singleand DoubleTapeFnse,Tool and Drill Steel,Iron, Shovels, &e.








SHOES!Please note a turn of out prios u tbi« frfutatnt

lion's ball double sole tttaiui m l u K u j


Men's Tap Bole Boats, J.JJ

Hell's Double Hole and Tap Boou, J,J5

l»st band sided doiUi (ob aad Uf


Boy*' bcsUloable sole *ad lap boots, . . . . . 2.00

Iciutlw' •' " Ill)


MEN'S BUTTOH, LACE and Coxauu »i

$2.00, $2 25, $2 50, $2 66,$275, $3 00, $3.60, (4.60,


LADIES' SHOES.Ladies'amm Bullol Slices t l . I O t o l K l

LiJics' Fine Kid lluUoii Sboes io Bfui ih And

•lul Onuuoi Wrase Sljlei, W.iw

Ladiei' Pebble (loit Button BUoo, S.01I

I,:uli.s' Rumcoi Kid Ballon 8bow ID BpMjUk

Arch auJ CouJmoc Beow Slj lc , tlM, M, H.S>

Lidici' FroLcli Kill Button Sliuei O.M, MJI

RUBBERS.Tbcsc ((ooJs are very low now, mi) w« • ! • prepare

to oSct tliem at very attraoliva prton.

Meu's PUTS (Inm Boots, exli m tbi A ball, a t . . .

Mcu'» BubUr Boots, Jail Hnlsh, it

Boys' " " " "

Men'B Buckle Arctic* at

Udiea' Batten at I


. aw

. 9.00

. 180

. M

• 2»

Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods-

tariaff* Triouiffr u 4 Viral-tor* «TphoUt«r«r,


Rfttr HaUrtvuw m\t*> to w o w Mil old lruaat nade oter. Window ibatfe* nade -DOR. Ordera for all kiida of npboliWiLeatl.Taadpr«Mptir*ie«itei1. OwrlMMrtitlnrfn killla hriorbpa. Price* taoiferatei

H A M H I K I * .aTEa»-AMDEB8aV-At DnkMlown, feb.

IMh, at Jacob P. Fore*1*, by B*». J. Paall,Ja«. It. Arera and Hlaa Enau M. AadambotholDrakMtown.

[1IH8ON— Rer. B,>lom>ton,of WcCounell.burB, tm., anlxby He*. W. K Proton, of Port I'eim, dbarf Rf>r. K. E. Stewart, or Sago, Obin, lt<I m e i Htrhnrd Oibwn, of Cailfoii. ». J,Ullic K, It. C.iro., of Nc—»k. '

dMgaler of MltUa w , aged S jean

DREW-ln Dorer, rehrur? i»l, Marli. wlof .Ifttnea Drew, «f«d filty-nloe yeara,•MBtfai awl seventeen iaji.

POWEKB-At MUlhnmk, Fob. 33d, Harriet,wife el Charlea l'uwcn, aged 73 yean, "awntkaandildajra

URIUHLE- At Allea Hlie , »Vbn.rr W b K. infant aon of John And Rack*.Uribble, ired ft month*-.

D8LEY—At Den*llle, Feb. Slat, FraacU

ITOi, itud bud been a Member of theiriiin i-burch (ur 67 y

Ttie barn ami outbullt1lii|[iiuf JacubU HuSii Itlootnabur;, wrre buruea laat Friday

l*evea bnrwx, mm head of cattle, tblrtid a whalu crop of groli

UMW, #3,500. So luaurauoo. It wmatbe wurlif an incendiary.

Wtllimn Foree, tbe Carptiiteravllle burglarauw in tbe Btlvhlere Jail, Ii cbarxed aim witbbaring eiMral alorea aad bonne* la WatL....,ton aud IlnrhetUto-rn, and Mine of tbe atolei

MMII btivo been rceoren-d. Th* arrest la•I'liic.l an iniNirtant one in mMijr naueciTbe Kev. William T. O.inuii, t t Huck

town, N. J., who w u bound over in tlio Sujierlur Court at SUintur*, CSBU., in aWploaa-Iwr last ebugwl wilh crtauiaal aattult on

ar-old Mirl of that plaee, waa allowed Iguilty to simple aiiMHU. and waa sci

tenceil, Friday, t»«ne jejtrintlie Biidgeuortnil.

Ueo. Carey, nl rhillipaburg. ia mini bbtwit* for n illvorco. CMOJ teatitet) that bisirlfp was not neut Had My, aad lo Unify UpodUon aakl that Ibe oittwf were nut washiolttaa. Other witnoaau te|t|%tl to kayti

• Can* spit on hla slate and wipe It offwith hla eont sloeTe, a a i g* through tbs iIntonating eeremoDj with bla clip awl sautwr.

Mr. Oc«rg« Kaya,tlM Matte* a|"nt at Spar-ta Jawthio, ht SPBSBK «Matjr, knows »thingor two about thoebfokN bulaeai. He

..a, and daring » d.ja ia Jaawarjr they laidO <?KK«—not connliai two or three di

Ihnt were anft-abelled, «r thut fawl been drop'ped aninad prouiitoutnaJy. Hitnwtly hnwii legbiima> They lire kept warmi two nrat Ifgbt bonnea.It ii alateu that tbe fanllj uf Willlai

ll«wk, of PhlllliMburtf. Ml keif tt> N0.0U0.OWi

ulry,Tbn *tory la that Mr. Hawk'a frttker nud two

ilbcra caaoa to thin e tmt ir many yean agu.

B two bmthon were not pleM«l with tbeiimtlook noil returned lo their native laud.

Where the* umai»ed Urge lorlunca and died,ivlni nobeirabut tb«MofWin. Huwk, of

L^inen K M M I I H tJuciaiiBaujtiIM tk«P«MtOatc« a t I tovrv .N.J .

Du«er, M. J., VA> »th. 1W&.lfm. A. J. Allea. Dow Medical In i tlarapton Arawtmng, £ddlc Pierwa,

FOR RENT.The propcitT of the laM Wllllaa, Fowl*

dereawd. situated an tbe ruad frou Danto Cheater. For taraii, 4e..

A W I , toI. V. BCOP1ELP,

EGQ$ FOR HArCNING.PirMfln*i.riogtor»

Hoch FnmK caa ubtalnrhub«.-nbiF. Priw

n o n«sallr aald

1 "

pi iMPIvBio i lI for haicnmp rmi

(|uw'it,*IJQ. Thcw13 to 19 per

D.Teim and WMvlniV-taCor.Bl.cUell ai<l Proiprct WF.,


M i n i Ollw« Mailer Mill,HT. OLIVE, If. J.,

5,000 Bushels or Wheattaa hlgbtat tuarket price. Watat alle w " c l " l l l l t e iM """flOttr* S f 1


Eitata of Cornetin Delinay,dtcetted.

r>DBBCANr tn Iho order of tlI T ot the Connlr of Mnrrfp, made on ihviweot.f-l.rat day of Frhi mry, A. D. one tboo-iod eisbi t autlrvd and . iglil7-Hv«, notice ntrebt given to all pennim loving eialtni(itiiit III-c<t»teofOofDtlioi'DeUii->1 lilt-).icL'oani*^iiaod(iu (iresent tin

w o e under otth orifHraja inp, tn tlio •aiiscnb-er,on or bcfiiie fhe iwfinv ['a; cf ND'etnher oeil, beiojl nine nnnui Truiu lite ilate oaaiil unlur; tad any rretlllor ut-gleoiniK l<uriugin innesUildl his >ir licrelaim, nuileir>«th or stBi mat ion. wiilun the <ime ao limitcil.will be forever bnnvt of M«r f

r againM Ibr Eicr-ntr<xictl.

OLIVER S. FREEMAN,Carpentir and Builder,

oppwite ibe DoTtrLnmtirrYinl. P!«DI>dtproiOcatoni tniit)< uml couiracl tikeo.

TatiMntt «'**;« partirnUrl.T •Hfn<ln>l tn. Mri w i M t »l1bnlirk'kD»iLf H\nrc nf Vtr W.n.l d l t L l m Ul b

Rockaway TownshipCommittee.

Th« fiockittt-nr It

In Chancery of New Jersey.tOJMItBIHLl,

BI*irlaeo r innrderuf llm Court ofCiian-e*r*or Mew lei—f, made tin ihf -li.j ol

tlie daia heroir In a ot.i-u wb.<relu N.rali• • " l • " - 'la-ivnee. Marv Hdl and Wll.

ipi»lniot»,ind juu»ni.otlnT«Jim are t((|nired lo *pvi>ir,demur to tb' Uil ol .auToyn.

L>nrh Kliu I,a«ivnee. Har* Hd) and Wllli*Bi Hiilstacompitlniot*,and juutnitollici• » ileleadanlr, Jim are t((|nired lo *1pleaa.BiiMiercr ' *- " " " " - '

Tueaaid bill . a t l .d for tlin iiyrnoie er it-tUnit thliie, aa frimluleiit and i o d , a rtrlaindi-Kdalitteii l o have IH-MI eircti ur oue Abi-gk«l Hill \o o:m Uiii.if-1 M.-Mnll<-n,'d.u«"l Nomember •tvcuiei'mti. rlRlil^u liumlrcd ind

Boiimr.T, in thi- (runty or Morrl» iwi KiimNtwJ^r*ur ao'l Mriik'li HIII-KHI tfrtil f rct-uredio B<<oli D 11 of Di'i-'a f>r rniii] 0'xiulpiftea .ltd, Ac. Abil ynii Jmirs Hill ntt m,u

UoJ« dcioribtj in iald

Ditfil Feb. iltat, 1*1.


11C.* •


EASTER CARDSlively the largest and bunt anaortraonVnlentlnt-a and Eaater Cnrda crcr

teen (u |rover.





l.r,» n w t of miEET HUSIC on ban.1


Roller SkatesU» llghtMl ani a m i «aallr MJmUd.

• MO.


%!«•( r«rtke Mathe frlaaaai Av l l a M H

Eit«r Ortani,

Paul E. Wlrl Fountain Pen.'Thp •uliarrihrr h n tnk<*n the acencv fu

nr Kliaiilnjt t^» nmt lint n M.Tlocwi'lifill mit Ins nnthlni mnrr- tbnii a anlf'irk. Thin prn in oliwilolcl.v mnre tn wM. - - - , , i >t all ttiiwis a* lone a* ih.-rc j .

«•. which rminot I.e «a'.J ..f unvl l i k Tcnnran

: in the eit-r jH'tt iifgnW u

ilitn Tar «khout in tbel.elf wben pli

•win'liMaiVrktt.•1 U nn w<il] ri uli*tied nuil il«n ."•» 1">. Tbi. iien W

neket. Tli« pe'n",ic"li«Of«rMl in tlie tiiiDd* of tbo wriiT.

\ . J t D S U S t"OE,OfHtwi 8!.,

l»over, N. J.

HOUSE TO«lr«bl« leiarnnit in l !ock« w w , l n

i looatlAD L'dtiUlu

WM. H. BAKERHas located permanentlyon the Corner OppositeJolley's Hotel, and willbe ready for business onMonday, Feb. 23d.

Cor. Blackwell and Sussex Sts.



REAL ESTATE!BT t l o power glrrn mn ,n mil

esutocnt of UbariiT Tli'iraill etpuaa tot MI« and wll

wndw'oVTCEKDAY, ibe 10th diy of Harch, i . p . u u ,

i Uio hours ofU and 5 o'clooln. t o j i t : ftt 9 o'tlock in uV. - . „ . -

ttinnty i.f W«mn and tjnte

loe uf linui JuUn Tb'-nuti;i,'i'S.i;ii;!!i;i;.'S'rtt.!S';t'.j'"™iv:!rcS;{?.;v,it..ts::!;i

- •••1.|J)».r.l. . t « . , ! , K

louut ind Buiinen PliceiTo 1.ET.

••"•«• ,S5USLS..wsy.).-.J.

JOIUYONwill continue bus-

iness for the pres-

ent at lea«t In the

place lately occtt'

Pied byP.H. Bur-

rell, three doors

above the post-

office. He expects

to open for trade

Saturday, Feb. 21st'885, if possible,

as soon thereafter

as may be.

Page 5: CARPETS'erest to continue. W e hav

THEIBQNEBA.Saturday. F«b 2B. IB85.Entered at tbe Foat OKce nt Dover, I*. J.,

Maeeoad-elaaa nutter.

A full HttoutUiicr uf llw O. A. It. 1B rtqm-1 Friday eveniug, March Htb.It la •aid tbat Hr. Henry Kennedy u uUc

andidate for the Dover poal offire,Oieir Whitman and Ward, the bur«].itratahen 1» State prison this week.A cow upou the place of Joalah Cuniuack,

a Cheater l » m r , has given birth to an «i|bt-UfcWl calf

Mr*. J. E. Hurt and Ml« IVM *])] open

Wa arc new In the tonrth wweh of'a winter.

Levfa VanByehk ha» opened a flvh aoa OJB-tar market at German Valley.

Bloherd Clew, of thia plaee, baa goneAlabama (a work la tbe aria**.

Ynm what celleie did all tbeae skit tig riitheir degree* !

North Jenejr Pnaebera' •aratlug lu Hoeka-wir V. E. Church, aeit Moaday.

Mr. OM>. Walker, of Morriatowu, broke Uerankle laat week by a Ml an tbe tee.

Mr. E. e. Potter aajs the GreaahMbura willm • ticket at tke lowaahtp election.

Itev. C. H. Vaorheei, of Gerwaa Valley,If ft but * » k for a abort trip to Te*ae.

Itev. Mr. Mill*, of Mew Yerh.haa beta eall-ed to tbe Flandere Presbyterian Charch.

Tbe new roller process mill «t att Olivehaa• aa|NHit5 at 800 buahela of wheat per day.

About a doaca iilk weaver* propose towaave with the aid af baad-lwau In

Mr. laa- H. fttsap*ea sstlaaaU* that biaalHghrMe to

Tbe Prat serin*, month makes ita advont to-w m . , | « t it aleeea't BMM nueh like tyringaayet.

A bill hae been iatreduetd into ths Legisla-ture lo give each unnty one coroner insteadafthiw.

Hev. Fred. Baldwin, of Ihc Hountain ViewM. E. Church, ii critically ill with a KIWItreable.

Mr. Bam Sloan ha* entered apou tbe 1*year of ula Presidency uf tbe D., h. *. W.Cowpauj.

The t!iM Is v«ry near for tbo election ofovpraecra of the reaaa aad good men a!

Very few jwnplo have aeeu more ofla Febraar.T than dunaglbc aiottth wbfcbeleaeat»4ay.

Peter Seed, of Boboolov'i Mountain, had t«pay a im of 16 for bdlag drunk and uleitnlcrlyla HaeheHatewa.

It tfl laiwatoea that Mr. AlnnaeVr Elliotir., itJeaima* of rpcciWlitf thr Deiuuurutloaooiinatlon for Ateeaeor.

I i a towa which baa aaunch lire materiala« thta water works are absolutely neccMaryWhere'i that aland pipe 1

" Tbj value nf a tou.of pure gold iiSI." We are imt • ture aHnut tbe silver butwo can vouch for tba gold.

TheeMatT seal aeeaaa to behavior, ahurdwmtle with tha a a w a t eft» secure the new railroad.

Ihe kiofcera who urged the prosecution *fMarshal Keller have not ret fonudemail euouKU to hfde them.

Mr. Jonathan Hartley, or Herman Vilior,It putting the roller proesaa machinery toJaqui'a Hill. M«wtta Halm

HorrUtowa has subscribed for more tliaa

• t the Edison electric lights.John Hill Past, of Boontati, n««i»ten lust

evening iu the organlantion ot a new Poet olthe O. A. R. at Bloomina<i«te.

Ex Jailer Hwrln, ot MorrJa-own, haa bwnoffered the position nf deputy warden at thaPaaaaio Count; Jut), Putonao.

0. D, fHmpaan, »f Woodport, haaplace la the brick block a»w nuiitplMl by Gee.Feder aad will open it ucncral «tore.

Uncle John Frome.thc veteran tnnil oarrl'r•( Orrnian Valley, haa been visiting Xevaikfor the first time iu twenty-five years.

Mr. Chan. II. Knight, of M.irristown, hnabtsa elected Vice President of the StateCouncil af the Cathotio Benevolent Legion.

A lane hotel on Coaey Inland belonging; toMr. M. WillUaii. ef the Luke View House,Lake Hapateeag. baa been deatmynd bv lire.

Tbe opening, of a n-w ahulla* rink lu Bnon-toa leadi to the belief (but Hro (larriwn mn;a* laat ha •tlllaed as aa laBtrnetor of Indira.

Tbe Morriatown express train lost Baturdiir•fteraoM atrack and killed an unknown me*vbe waiwalkiagaaaaetraekiaKaBt Xew-•Ht.

The "out rate" druftgMa have beaten thafreyrleUra of pataat uedMlaei, and the 1sttar have stoMea te aaapead theblaek 1UIpUn.

There are aoma frafm*atarj evidences tbatthe baskbeee or Winter MM been broken. Weere glad ta and that it eenUat aland CTI rj-tale*.

Mra, taehael L»wla. age* W yeara, waah*riw1flv New VeniMlatt week. She died atthe realdeaee af her aoa-la-law, Eli Oliver, InOraage.

Mr Xtawrt v . i ' m n k v haa nnrebaaril tlieInternet of flan.T. Thnmptrtu in thr milk Imsi•aae. He hi waHhy ef patruuaio aud deserv-

The jurvlu thermae of the Male njraiimtMarahal Kelly of l lovw a«ois to have bee*aaa e f t a* aart that Uanlel Webstcrhad inmlad.-fhroakle,

Several large «Wg* load* ol Heater drovepetal* paaard t h m u n Dover on Tuesday.Thar were bemd for Mtlloa, when Ibey•feat a night of eajoyateat.

O B Tanaay aHtht abaat etgat iaoaee mereaaaw fell, makieg the hodv OB tbe groundgreat eaeeMh te eanae afjarehenaiaiia ef fr. sheta » the event of a ftrneral thaw.

It M auted that a Dover lady who fau been

I'avid Young, ot H'hlppan.r. lost a v«lu«!»)w laat week by allp|iluK uu tbe lee, v. hi

Mr. Jnaeith Adaaison bad to ahout uae, It ha1

IK gone mail, tli« result uf a dog hite souwo moutba ago.Doton SfckelB, of Sparta, has rented thehunlx Hot*) at Brooklyn. Mr. MePeek theresent proprietor, will retire to hi* fan

the etasbope road.The bendf[iinrtfm of IheHlnire*- gewlnjt Ma-

chine V,o., Jas. Coaklej', tn«naKcr, will "transferred to the atom on ftluchwill sir

•ceutl.v occupied by Mr. Auily Wrltfht, wbolawvas to Bcrautnn.The Phillllf birs Democrat tell* a hnrrinto

story nlMtnt "tworeiiutiiMeHtitrnsofDiMorris diiurtfv," jfcMing into a t{unrrt*t iibottt

woman In which one shut ih« other itendThin nniMt hnve occurred whtta our rcporleiwa* absent from town.

Mr. Cbaa. Ornlin, ol Dannor, PH.. editor mthe Oliscrrer, of that plnc«, Imt former! v of

onnton, called it* up ou Tuesday ninruiitfE toill uo that he hai • tele phono in hlsoftli*iBt we ura now Bpenklng neiglibon. Tbna

aeirnee auaibHates apace.fton'B ttirthdnv was v m lih*ralli

Ity tbeNntintinl Cnidii Hank,isideratinn tor Iho fpciinci of Jnultoilie. who says he dm-su-t like to he. mu«!o

iroinilient in nuoli ttitnas Induces u« tu furepo> rvpnit of the prooeediuics.

A biR turn pan-Hi Imlh h-m*c* at the 1*

•adereipert treatiMUt for a atrinui niuliwlyftr arvcnl yeara haa reeeatly he«a entirelyearn) la Me of the faith laalitatwoi.

A fc«rye«-eU aon ef J. M. MaMihHght, ofHigh Bridge, fall lato a pall of beUfag water• • Menday after»e». and wae av badlyanld*.! that hli recovery ia doubtful.

Mr*. P e w Sailth, rf »«Mr)oav celebratedtha Nth aaalverwry ol her aurrUgr, en th«Itth, by tithing a eleiah TM« '" Hnckot UtowR,wltk bar children and

<|%afttate ofN«W J«r»y l»ya one dollarMr wc«h for eaoh »at leaf cent, ned In tbeluuu-fieMylaaia. Laat year the MorrU Plain. A.y-lam reedved Vt,V» from tbia aonrce.

way towaahlp the name af Patrick Ryan, 8r.,waa nabllaued bj mistake. It *li»«ld havebeta Patrick Rjaa, BBU« former liaafwhlhlntax.

Job* Brniehl, the peanut nun, ia again iabaaiMaa at Ibe old stand when he waa loea-tedbeferathe ••»• Tbe Baaner Will make a


BtbrU are yet being made to llqnldate the•sbtof tbe Boontoa M. K. Charch, which isaow «,60U. The ladlea of tb- «hatch wiU•mfeaver *>• "iae the aam of (600 a rear fortire* year*.

Leading undertake™ in Newark have eon-Bkleted the danger to which peoplo are ei-W«aedat laaerala. and they have decided ti

jn tfu epen afr.Theladkaef taeOenaaa Valley Latheran

h will gin an oyaler aappw next WH-i H h fth atthoaeadu evenlni, March fth, stth« rcBldence

«f Lawwaw Pafard, Middle Valley, N. J .AUaralavfiaai.

_ (r. Wn. A; Andcmn, of_,_, | traded an talerest la hia oil

„ . _ J , at Biehbnrg. Hew York, for a ft11 1 1 1 — H« Will Tiait hla March IM,

The tcle&boae this morning apprised n«tbe pleaaaal fact that Mr. 8. 8. Lynn, efBoaetea, had become o u soeahinn aeichbor.the talephaae aUtiea in that town havingb m bieated iu hia slvn.

The Chronicle aaya Mn. Ilubkaougnmd a teapaeUble family by marrying aaBMhawa. " •wah" ehoald he cbwiubie andnftHt thateditofieaaBrtbeexpectedtu mon-•voliaa all the reaaeetabiUty of the nui<

TkM. Ward, the burglar, hnewa for himselfthatthewayef the tninaarcaaoria card. Aaanleeeent often years' impriMmmeBt to tbewhining go« at the haaia of Mr. Robert Rich-arda lapajiai pretty dearly for on. aight'a

lathe HaaaaafBepnatntatirefloaltaKliy^enlag Mr. Keak, of New Jersey, called MBtha bill appropriate « , « « for the iaiprove-maataf WaaUngion'a headaaartcra at Mar-riatewv, X- J. It waa ohjecwd te, aad no fur-tbei actioa waa takea.

a Tars 'aminTr1 breeder ef VlTmouth Baahfowls, ef Which atrata he has a very flae lot.Taom who woald like U raiae tbaae valaablelawla wUlbe laleraated in Mr. Jeaaw'a ad-


fancy goods »toikVtry building.

Prof. Foree'a

i lu the vacant place In Ihc

at tbo realdeuce of Mielocution will menEliaa Crater

Taeeday evening.A lunch sociable will he held al the real

dsaea of Mr. t> Stryker on Wednetday aeifor the beaeBt of ttie Ironia Suudnj School,

Messrs. J M P. and Wm. vVtmdhull wilopan a grocery establish went, April 1st,the place BOW temporarily occupied It; J. ALyou,

Tbc I^dlei Aid Hoe.lety will bold a Noek-tiiSociable at the house of EHaa II. Skellenjter

!, March 4th. If siutm.v. Ibenexlfair evening A)) nre cordially ii

The Corltia engine at Hie hoonton IronWorks la being luken apart fur sMument tuPurt Oram. It will replace the one dumpedby nre at the Mt. Plcaiaut mine a ihoi

On high guaada In Dover ihc ttuyetienlay morning registered, aiiaboveatw, while iu low |ilact-a it dropped

Baoli a gr*at va.iunee is M'ldonwltnesaed.

Mr. H. P. Sanderaon, ul thta place, is sai•rriiik in Boon-latlou I* » *iiftmt will W wd

to be the proprietor of HIPon. Mr. B d•irut KUH

Tcisten-d. Thii> ""HI.rtlietii toniiun- I5very lime tliey vote,

•inEtbell" pQtwrsmake it iinmreitmirv f

s, Ifeniipd upon,tnil rid them nt thfa am

The BtRtfl Bonrd of Kilncniion will ruilenvoribl, to rcnriniiiic on a piriisiin lmsin.

Itile Hnperintenilenl Aiwnr. u tnnn nf Kifntmwilrnce, who may I"1 ininrded "" It""

icrnftlie present sehiwl law, must steplo nnhn now fnr a Democrat.

neaa timi'e, fir a friend, don't link n corner ofI1 and stick it fast t» WiHcttar. That IK VHI-

rmr ptwrr, it qmH-lrrineh np»rt, a»>) nulmhmd tint will Imlil the stamp,

Tlio rnilntad tniveilnK piililic will recret lum thnt the. cniiti fnce of Mr .!••». B.lite will noloncei lieain from ilie wluilowthe ticket offire at the I)., L. fc «'.

.«t. HoaueewdaMr Jos. P. Weadhnll anl-ook-kcencr at Psrilce k. Clark'*,

Waller H. I'lielns, non of CIonRI**»innn:t|«, Captain of tha Yale t'n1|f.R<! Imilball

lui>, In reported la lie still suffttviiiK from tlieilriiKitl* in tb« conpedtive rumination withtbe Princeton hoys In that favorite atudj la«t

and Ii going Sooth to recuperate.Miss Maria Dnlrvtnplf, tender ot the Cen-

ter Omni paMie< aebanl, cave her fiopil*,aw 40 In auaiber, a delightful aleigh n.'e

Wnrristflwn nn Wednesday. After vi-lt-m Wnsblnclnn'i HcMlqitnrtora nnd other

ot interest sWi eutertiiBfd tbem atDay'a.

The tlrm or C. 1>. Blmp.nn «t C», at Wood-I, baa l«*n dismived »y the retlremrrt ef

tr. ftlmnftfln. Mr. Rlehnrd Conlnu hits takenirr^st anil with the nthcr pnrlnerii.i, Tho>. Bticht aud Albert ltlcli«r<ls,

hw formed a new firm under tlie title of B.

>o prcttmll ineH w r 1«"t 1'innled n »i

v action! mnrms oftlnnnton ilioiln of their Wnutlfnl .>st TiiFadny ei-enina iIM pnV tn lnsi«itlBierre sieiuliins nnatv.liridse aad were ci

RouiiWti<ne«H•ml tinflf theunnre. Tl'nvclvoi- by Mr•tertnlned at

Aconniinii to a lettw recMrnl in Pntornonfnri, the he.v. Mr. Dnilv, Mrnwrly of

the V. K. thnreb, la in Hew Oriettns inmtfatruilfiiflfl cfrfiimntinrti. RFr. Vatly, wtm

atudled mMllelne lmfare ho went Into the nthv, lntrtiB|ttagain a living by

Mr. A. C. LnnRiiiin. of Ht Vlpaannt. t>fli>py of the I-HMVH on the «Wh«le Dutybound togrthpr with '-Private l>e-

VOIIOUB fot Hei-etal Oecaaiana, Oidfiury andxtrannliniry." Tlih rurinna ami mti>re«tinir

V M printed In I^B.loa ia 1701, and la'i|iif ntly abnnt 184 yeara old.

Tintethv H. Praden, fnnaerly ofGiwn Vil-i t , dlrd at the realdence of bia ann. in Ke.«-

krk, lmt Friday, agnri B5 ycarm He ownedof the finnt farai in Wcrria county and

u a widely known and highly reapertcil clt I-leo. He livcl at flreeu Village all hl» life till

lew yean agn, v b n be roamred to Newark.AllWd Berry, or the firm of B»rry it, hnrdware tnerohaata ot I'UinBelli,lied oa Wpdgeaday. He was an old auu

mt resident of the city atiil identifiedwith a nnnber ot (I* Inatitntfau*. Ife wna

TO in Dover, nbniit »evrntv .ream aso, andn> a brother of our townamna, Mr. StephenBerry.

Al tliu annnal MMalonnf theUrrat Onnciltbe ludppenitent Orfln ot titit Men of

iw Jerwy, he-Id lu Trenton on Tuesday, itwas fbowu that the Incfcaae of meaiberahlp

tbia (Mate la*t year waa aeaily 1,000. Mr.Ed. t). Hanee, of Pert Oram, waa electrd aReprewntalive te the Oreat Council ef t ieUnited Htaiea.

TUB ateckholoen of the Dover LumbrrpBiy laat week elected the follovluc:

Mrccloni, (leo. Rlebanlp, I. Tl.Joilrj, Frvil..Heacb, Robert Riebardii, and Samuel Tip-

patt; Pra*id>nt, Ueo. Airhanta; Secrefary amiTrcaanrer, Wm. H. Laniliert; General Mon-

r, I. W. Bearing. A dividend efaU perI. waa declared.

Amoflg tbe many praple who vlaited t i elate f. I*. CaotfT, s t Gntawoo* LAf, re* tb«

ertiet Mr. 8. i*. Ct«pwy, ot Newrid r M C iFork, wha narried one or Mr. Coeley's

lantbtere. i'Marion Hariand" (Mn. Vr.TovnnaB), Baad to board with Mr. Cooler, amiwhile then wrote anmn of her most latipett-)nK worka, inelndiag" Keeping Baardera for

Tba «aL, af Ifj*.A bill la before Congreaa aUpuiatlng that

tac* •hall be io14 by weight Inalead of nnn-ber. lttoagtMdaoDemnandoaglittobeciitnfia law, beeaaiie It U juat to everybody. Agreat deal «f faapoaltkw hat alwaya neeniirue-tloed on the public in tbe. ••!# or egg*. Ag m a n once told ru a fact within bis knowl-edge that (new once dM fmnfucM in Morrin-

ra a gracwr who had a hole In bia raitntrrtheiiwMarcnientofeK8«. All that wouldtbrongh It he woald eell to bia cnatonem.

boae which were too large he wonhl lay byir hia ewa eonaninption. To «>11 by wi>ighionlildoaway with much of tho trickery thatprettified in the aale of egga.

. — > « > • >Beaealah tewaahip RaaaaUeu Caana.Tbe Republican vntcra ol Randolph tawn-

•falp are rtqanted to rarH al lbs beadlor* oftho Young Republican (,'lab In Ion Tbaraday evening. March .\tb, 1888. at 8o'ekwk, for the parpoee of ntmiaatiag oAecrela be total for at the roanlng tnwniblp c l u

iMm on Tneaday, March 10th

Mil. EDJTCIR :-Witb proper deftrenwfje ERA an an enterprliiott gatherer otteut news aud a pretty oct-'uvitte reflector olpublic wutiwent, It may b* Jutt uaanible tbioue wlio fluuU alinut proiula i may catchat time* a draught uf popular eentimant thatit not wafted tlrouih tbo aanciniii of theeditor There arc tbiwo whu witl not freelyexptvsa themselves to tho scribr of the newt-p iper from a tear tbat tUelr opinions nay bepublicly quoted, but who will unUurdtu tuetn.

> their awociatus when tahicaru are up fur disuiiHiii

tlien). It i i tlius tbat tbe caaual olsometime* enabled to feel tbt pulio of public

t reapond to theopini rhen It iaUsof tbe press.

These reflections lead your curroHponilen) tbe belief tliat you may not have becomilly coftuitam ol ecrtniu pulsation* wliii.hivc been taii»cd by the event* of tlieiw weeks. Jluny who wore at a loaa lam

fall tu uuderntsud way a iacUuu of prole*fiepublioniiH cnmpus»ed the dfii-at of tinthy ttc|iub'ican vantH'Intn far tha officeKbi'rtff, have found Hint ibe rensou is uulou'jerBhroadi><liniii»ter.rl>tit*liiii«Uekai'1.vreveuied before I lie How of the first term u

turt suocmdinj; the ticoesaioit to ottee ntbe lloiiioernt wbom tliey elevated to thatpMtion. U la currently reported tbat upunthe tirat «Miid Jury selected Uy Ibla Sheriffthrre. wen; liul nix K<-|miillcaD*. while it hadbeen Ibe ciHinm of bis Republican prrdeees-mil* to select at leiiat nine ur ttw ul hi* polit-

o) upjuHieMlN la nerve, in that hodv. Two olie«i lle|nililieaun wire. cboHcn Iiy eourtnsy,having been tlio cuttnm to nulent the lute

Hheriff nnd the UII|ION1MU candidate, A tMS Mr. t'lii-. E. rinifc, who hv ll>n gra.

UrpuUlicuu vntc* lnu l>eiu eullcil lo fillniiidtc poMiiioiiH wliiiifi « lew ,v(r<united tlic favor Iiy imlillu Htiiublit-iin nominica wlm i

bin euuuls in wurtb and utility uod bU |im UfpublieiUiH. After liiilmolibion with•llijue whose politii'ul perHd.r oleeted a IK-in-

oernlie Kherill' lu <lie ilepiililiean CoM.irrii., it wan hut nut nnd tlmt lie, should he,rowanleil with a Beat U|wn the flr*t Grand

nry of fa'« iitv:iriiit, and no one WIIB gn-atlyirprisod '.hiruut.

Jiuw, you know iwrfcefly wei'. Mr. however well Iho sei'rcU of the Urmiiltry nia 1 be uimrilcd, tliei'c uro certain kruw-ir one* who mituaite nouieliow—ju»l tlie•ociHo way 1 ktn>»' not-nil Ro;tiu({ Imlil nf

iqiinU iimi nmkiiig them imhiic. Ia tills•ny Hiimi' ii11eK<<l lran»nelir.iiH of the 'rcrnlliriiiil Jury ti-ivii found t)n-ir way tu tlienrld oiiimilit tiio nalln wliieh orlslually collhr.l ihcin.fliid nre I«IW luallera of curroul(k aiirong (be |»eo[»le wlw ««• ntnuwd ii

ke|>t lu lunnrane* of

to prove tliul hi- w.presiTvinti tbn penorcity futbern bud eutr

1 write tm»e thl«!!Mbecauas, an I said Uetoaughttbe [.fuexvofilKthey have ruiwd iiia a growing fnever felt before t)iut

ygpie who havgood a

K I" u

l till* towio ml fill (juver n

i>nl,v -I.HIIH hi* dutyf Liu- tnwu which Itetl lu hit care,

to ynii, Mr. Editor, you may not haviiiutituplulou whichuintuunity- Tbei

urtcw where it waaIUOU whw have, bee

riuji" tbe peo>ami townabl

little rio« tbcm.dv.prejudteo to riile into authority aud

pi n luuciui: for pcmomii revunse.linve ahove.l their band even H'>on»rknowing oue* ttclievml tbe.r winilii, audwho have acted vitb theui from wbat tb«iIbought good innlivcn are now declaring tbal

will nn longer lie nicd to perpetugune uun (Lnvr) ]Hiwcr" of Alcek Keor lo gratify tlie pcniDual ambition tti

f C b e L i f t

k t | t u g in related Hint during tliu


Bfiiuin suloou beepers, and Km cry'an Uildtr, of Hover, lu piirliculnr. Acronl-

rrenl talk tliere win nut u par-ncn to show Ihnt Emory knd

loiuled IIIIV <>f thn laws wUU-li ale. numicimdn rccuiiiti: the bu«lne(tii lu which Im in cn-•Ked, and ,vet it io stilted that Mr. Clnlk<m*tei} that ft wmiiti hi> n iinmt'thlnK todiet him upon nvncral prlunipies. Tnttr>rr«.'H|ionili'iit kuowelb mitliluii wliatekerofte liii«im-HM citulntteil hy Sir. Vim (iildu-;>illnr iri liu oe^'tiiililf.l with Hint «>f IIII.Vtier IM'1-MIII uliiiilurlv i-liRHHt'i!, yel liolii'iir*(ifnli-d v.-r.V frH]iieiit(.v {tint Mr, Vstti (iif-

ri't |ihie.' U evor onlerlv. nud tbut the lilllt-|r nt \:HK<- "IM never i.f hU l.dtig

ut liny iiilr;ietlitni«ol Ine IIIWH r^uiut-

iif ]IRII]I1O nlui nre. lient upon miillirilljtiriiioiiitiiiti Ix- iiu to *iarcUfor tbc iiiintiKishleli tmpi-lte<l Mr, • lurU tn seek the liiilii-t-leiit uf Mr. Vuu Oililet withiiut testimony to

u>li 4i4 Ii in Thu Lune1uniaus gi'n.h>-A mny l»t miiniiiL-d up un fid IIIWH ;

itwot flic Mtdliifc «j)Jrit» ol Iliu Illltu riug111 wliit-U Mr Cluik uflilintes in Atexiiuileruoiidt', who IIBH tiruwti fat iifiou the heer

imini-iiB. Alnck, you know, IISIH nutdo him-r very I-(HII*[I!I-IIOH» of lute Iiy his rul.iilwluniutiiinit UiiniiiMt "tlie rinjt," aud "oneiu puwcr," iw lie lnnt liveu pleaied tn termyet han licnu ctumily prominent by Ms

i\m to bo the eentral IlKure in a littlelltlcul rliitforuUowB. mil lu make him-f tUe •• one nan -power" fnr tbc control ol• )triTliii»iof«« ol tbU section, lie hoe not

been disi-rect enough to conceal tbo realmotive- of liia teccut iwlitlcal movement", linta the nurlan'* «f iho corn-stone has '* jfivanliuixelf awftj" uy tuob silly, awwrtionn aaiat other |M>oplo have Indnccd a rival Arm uf•or deulem ta come here and draw tram him

t ul liis truile, thu* iueuklng ilnwa LIsuiuu jmivtr" In thu liter bunint SH Huturv ll>o«e who any that Aleck ua« wll>

FIIIIT ilislortcd tbe iatU in tbU oaae. Hi*rivals—Tiffany ft Aileu-ciaita that (bey bada |.revim»«] v c*tttlillNhed Uer route iu anotheranniity, ucd tliat Aleck, uot eoniitit vvlili tlie

ipoly be en.fnyeil Imro, went over tlielrmte aud mild beer cheaper than he wasIllugltai>)-Kl>ereclse In oiJn iu dejiriie

:bii|jt of their trade, huliguatit ut tbi», thfy•uiiued lonulMunk Aleik in his enuututf:, aud ao enlaiilisluid a Uraueh <d' tlii'li-iitva «u AirisSt'H tiwn <1UIIK>III1. NOW It MI

Ilinl Kainrf Vuu OiUler was one ofttrit |iitrtnm of tlie new linn, mid tliiin

llrd upon Iti-t heiid tbu ire of Aleck, wl.vdrciiteiltn be tlie nuu-nmii pnwer iu thecr uuxiue**, In liiH wnith Alctk jiim|m» pnlfticH to |iuui»H bin fuenifoft »Bdinihlertho KepulilleRu p>rty In Ihe townUover Hud Ihe County of Muni*, CtiiirlrnClark in hU nMoeiatc in bia political work,professed HepublicanoruiMiiBatluu La gott«uto eleet a Deuiocratle. B be rift* aud la s-lc-

•Rfid. Cha*. K. ('lark i<i drawn upon thert flrnnri .lurv anil seek* th-; ludictmcnt of

Iionrv Van <Jf liter, who (in* ettsuwd lo sultmiftbn "oue man (hoer) |>aw«r" of Ale*k

imiuiic. How »l«u these thtuga doviitni!

Hut Ihe most axluuUtilng stories arc wottedabout iu rervreuru Jo Hie reecnt uetlmi

mt Marsbnl Krlley. Here it is againjell that Mr. t'Hrk used hlx powera uliua«ioii tocoiiipasn tho InilletmeDt of tbo

l..rsbnl. Mr. Clark knew Marshal Kidley-;ncw lilm to be an ofHcrr nf tlie tnwn—andInnlittekahnowa Hurt helaanutn wlm h not

uldcd will rplus of IMH world-a good*.probably read tho Bewa^m™ al tliln

Ima uud won thua made aware of thn fnctaflbiaocoumnee. Kven il he hwl uat lieIxht *a«ly Iiave nada himself au.imdutcdth th« facts in thu eiim—iui|(htbMve knownI about Colwell'H UruolnD rscapade that

in, who WM only purronnluft hi« duty lou puldle and was Hctmilly Ihi; asMiuili-dii'tr, from hoins nnuemteil fur u rriinp.

lut on the contrary it i* said that Mr. Ciurkargtd tho indictment of the Marshal on theground that there had been too much elub-biuj;. I mn told tbat the Slarsbal recently

' fr. Clark or making ibis aB*crtinn,which he replied that be meant (t in a

od by other shnte:

bnikn and thn profenar

I diffieuit tl-nts performuut tlina biuiilii'jpped.

; many I'enti

liile. hia feei Hew »o lilji'i tluil il nt-pemtie were trytnp to klek oil'tho roof. The

i'\t lliiiiL' will lie In jirodiiee n muii who ran

Those who reimniWr the. fiuimus rulh r

intlicr**—and Ilicir ludlcrmis biirle>u|iieit, an -ii>ll«H Ibe otu> of the lilt )nilk'cniiiil, will hn

jilnd tu know Hint tliry tm- to Kive un exhi-

iiiu. Thcv Viti uive with.iut doubt ii'neof thebt-Kt cxhlliitiiiiin evi'i'Heeii tit Uio Huk, xud*»r fun will teliiuo " lV<:k'H llud liny ntnl Li«I'll."

At tlie riii% to-moriow—Satunla.v—*vetilii(ibwfl will Ie u enke L-OIIIUH! ia whleh t ieiiiHcsonl.y will purtielpatn,

11 What Oue Oirt Did." i* the title of aHtnry in nn i-xelmtiKC. We bavi-n't rend it,

it It is wife to wuiicr that if olm went lo theriuk und ].ut ou skntcs T<n the Ural time whatshe did was In Hit down twn or tniee times nu-

Hetirid.The Hlateiiient Hint ruHcf nkntiti

BonmiyhPMi-bnwklngvind at Ilics ritikH.—t>il Citytoller-akitlluK hiM been enltcd Iiy A omuki •' alslei vlii! ot iiileinpiTimti'." lie nnmtre fallen hnnler nn the uniooth floor tbnti

he ever did Into the gutter.—Cincinnati Mcr.

[eui-ral» se, tbat there, had been too muebYork. Stories equally aa-

ilmot the petit Jury that tried tuetbo KI.A .aid Us!

Avidenee—or nitliertbolach of cvldcuco-eipprted tliat tho jury

dd render a vardlct ol aci|Uittn1 wltlinutring tlielr seats. But to our astonishment

_ Information Is imported lo UB that wliruthli iury went oat a paH of it actually bexun

ilficuai that great hagkbito ''the Doverjg," thus putting puor Marahal Kolley In

teoiuirdy, not because ur any evidence againsthim, but becausn some jurors tad politicalantipathies that would be tutlntrd tp tbepunishment or tbo Marshal 1 May the angelse nd all ;hn graora defend ita say I, if we a n

Iw put In jeopardy in onr Courts becauseour political pmliieetiona. Whyitli

jclansd thnt oms man on the Jury—a certainMr. Van Dyke, *f Murrintowa—aaacried that

. would not believe ativeml of Marabal K.Tiy'a witoenws on oath, and yet they are menrho have always tame a reputation in thin

mity aa lood dtiaeus. Further It inallege* that when tbo Jury went back lo tbrli

alter Judgn Uhild hail told t h m he

ortion nf the jury who bad boon ao liittcrilitlcal grouuu* ojfiwd to come In for

qnitul. bat r -wtwl it itipulaleJ thot nmie olthe transaction* of thn jury should be.Itvnigcd. If all be Iran that la said n» o

wonder Ibat they <lld nntwant the puhllelo become aeqiuintcd with tlielr procecilinga.

Just look at the teener*! bearingsir, If you picas*. Here la the Marshal of(town, w!iow) salary has \wta reduced to

WHL1 TMI WBHU 00 EOfMB,liro. Hrowu, ufthe Climuicle. is w-rkual;

bo injured by rollm- «kntiii|r. In aueh a direvent our friend would And Ihnt Ufa lit thunnnt.v Wat bud butt its iireittem ohmIf Ihe roller skithiit riiiks do not sui5cei>d It

will he their own funlt A few f<iol(«b pmi )Vi»ons, of Bulv

dcre, are Riving them enough free advrrtUini keep them floltig.It la auicl a wamiin bus jinne craxy ore

r.illcr ukutlujf. Nbc miiet bnve Itceu one <itbe kind tbat tiasn't far wgn

slate.A uiluiber of sleijjli Inails of out nf town |M-o-

ple have vUited Ibe rllik IIIIH week.Tlie hnys wlm near Kniekerliockcrti at t

rink look nice CIIOIIKII tu cut.gulte n number of Doverilex went pnm<; the opening ol' the Clu t 'r 1'iuk aud ex|>eiiirrormanna worn glyrn by Wm.

It In wnnflrd Unit mi HilrrpiliiintCis eomr- In Ilio rollef of llro. lirowiUruuicU; auA will tiimUuct him i

-oiler akatCB out nf two bum] stapnlt ofliarnilixir rollers,muper Lanili bejtnii jextenlay thu Work

if Hilling lijitlm Interior of Hie rink,liliK a sland fnr tin- lumil about uijaiita tin- floor. Thi'ii hn c*|*els t(ip»iut

llu interior, oil of which «ill KKHI1> iniiiruv[he riuk uud pleunc im pnlnius.

IU Howard and llouerti oonibinnlloiibieh save oxhil.itioiw Itwt 1'riduv nnd Hiiiui

l,iV. sivo n v»rli-0 IIIKI int< r.-«llnj( eiitertiitni I. Hhwlnir the nccoiii|>liHtuu»!its of r.tSle

nud hlcyelo riJiug, nud were fttvorcdithl»ri!eiiiiilieii.>i'».l>rol. O. W. Ueliim-.V. of Pitt,

dcuiuunl ruiuit an Veftnemlnycould Fkutc fdltn awl turr? a filatt ol


There In uo »ort ef UWJ iu IrvinK to fdestiny I It had to coioe-it <ainc! Like theitch or small pox or auv other epidemic, troller ikatiny erne had it* origin lu tbe largetitles, gradually spread to tbe adjoluiiluburbau towns, uulil it Unally attained

tuli altitude, and now we've got It—and •it BAD! Mr. Owen J. Conic? U the enUprliinK iutrnductaut af the dluaae itui a>WD particular riuklet ia an the aecond flooi

of tbe old wheel factory-* fitting aud wellfitted up place for the introduction of

whirl ou wheels," at the posters charatcruted tbe opening xlgbt. Tbe udvent" inouatly recurring "St. Patrick'a Uey

tbe mcr»ing," or tlio 4th cf July, » uPA forward to by tl>« growlnpr younj idea

more aagerly tbau WM tliat same openiiui|(ht Iiy our proapective rinklere uud rtulemtea. It WM announced for TiKirada.r, tbeIflth iu.t., at 8 n'cluck P. M., but long beforetbut hour tbe eel ranc« iloor wan be*i«if«l h\a Koodnaturod and iipectaut crowd, amto add bntnpa to their phrenological develop-

i>nt aud ctwh to I reuury of th« iiian;i?m-Lt. Your'a truly, nnding biniself iae crowd and suddenly Inoculated with '

mysterious vania, gave hla U»t iiuarter anafri-ctionate aad lingering farewell andIhoroupOD entered Ilie charmed precincts hythe right that tbat farewell vtoied in bin.It ii unnecessary to upccify wbo waa there.We men AM. them! I wuthere; the fuhlanof llaeklebaratey mid tbc Cro-» atoadfl {net

"«rip" waathe Coufednratc) WIIH UIBTthere, (everybody knows "Crip"), and -Bake'

then; and by tfio way, theie Iwi 'itioueil, BkatitiK KN KAI'IKIRV. wilh» iiyrallag like (cwntrlc wiml wills, auJ

the U]i|ier Btratuni ul air pretty eon»Uittlylied with iMmm ami sknten utid IhioH*. madhal "^onsti! Jack" woulil cull, iu bi« e

lihoiiiMtic iilluiu, " ii hruve pair, JWI !" Thciwas a lame delegutiob Irom l»uver and•mull ilflegulion from Ogdeniburtc, uml, of

uiw, these were thn »kuti*t* t,t the evening,our Wai Bkatultirlal tab

riiryotie; but far jfrouod awl lolly tumb-jr the natives heat ths deck. It wu* trui,Kttiitiji to witaens tlio pemit-tuiiej: willi id I tliey auugbt tlie noflcMt plueen In fullon, and tbe smll.. wilb whiHi HI.LViiimo llm |wruunilicular-4 little, sickly,

sort ut a smile—would have htf u humoroullhudhnllwriiBiiotiixing.At 0 o'clock a nuartet of ei|>eria uuve inthiiiillon offuocy ukuthiglo tUehicoioiMHinil uf tbu hand Ihitl fiirulnliciiHo'.K-Btlri'iii,

f) music duriag the balaueo of tha evening,nl (he tyro* continued tbeir slniKgler i!|">i-t tiiuiieut aud periphery unlti n lutitiriinil wore only stiipiied hy tbe ctusiiiIbo link. Our rlukl«t Is a dirldud Huvces

-anil haw could it bn nth«rwfsa with Him Ilyram tn gather in tun slake!., tho

' Hull ul Ihivcr" as Instructor to lad Irs audlittle onea, nod tbe police nud generalriiion tfan Immediate cum of the uffahle. aud

itleinaait proprietor t Tliem was a reportI Ur. Cdiiley hsd tugageil unulhur nf

itizens ta lleuenl MUUMKIT, but tbe milniiit of thn Kcntleiuan uf unti(ii]iutinnilar.v (•** ptr moutb) uuceHnrily put nu endi their nogiiltations f

atsDavit Feit Katntataauat.Thn lai-grit audience at n puhlii? en

it in If over In a long while wn» thnt widthpreiont ut tbo niwlue.lion of "Kill

»UC" ill Moltcr'B Onvru House IneL Moii<lnyi'c»(nif, for the benefit McDuvJt I'm

Tit. II. A. H. Th« piny wu> uudcr the IiHutu «ii|iervinlon ot Mr. It. Davy aud the

•iistwus made up entirely of aiuul^iirs fmmu^iulilioriufr vlllnfltt of Koekaway. To nay

bat It wan a good aniuteur iirrfoniiBnue Is bnloupllment, und wo doubt if there ii

mother villtge ef iu alic iu the Mtsle thatId do better wilb Its local talent. Mr.

l>avrtintheleadiagch«racler,dld uot havet |»urt to display hiadrituiatic ahllltii-a us welt

we bare teea them brought out in prnvi-H iHTfortnaooes, but LU iuter|iret.itii

il Irom thefnrt Unit ill ebariKttor was liaturul and diguitlcd, nndnijt liidit'n uiiiy be ill miNtuiund tue previ

which i

Kln tbo Kiist Orunjic Mollcr Matd to b

g Rink

, about theind gmund.—New York

wa< opened, on Heut<^i!»r«Wb, It ha* curvedaan,MNIovernndnl

utoftlm hotiilicTrlhumi.

yMnUnitof pramtaenve In several largecities have lieen recently "i n tore Ie wed" foe

npiuion on roller xkntinu uud Us effpntaupon the tiualtn t>f those, who indulge tn it.There hasarhiomlffeu aiiiieMlou ii|wn whichdoctors ditiigree no cnnlially, ton*- main-taining that Ilie. DaMline. U a healthy one,while (rtbPr* contend tbat It la alinert auiri-dnl. MnnyaribedoctarBcomwrvntively stsl-ed that roller Hkntlim, likn dntieinx nud sim-

rfonuHafphy)tioilosort'lM>,iBi.utitijurioHMIndulged In Hioileratuly and ncnaluly.

A iciri win could spell IleutorouaniyAnd tiHil «tiui(nd daniMtJr ec.iuuUiy.

Went to »kato at tbc rink,And BH quick »• a wink

tibo Hut down to atudy awtmnnmy.

nranaaatA ili'leffiitloti of tii.' inomliPM ol Klttntlnny

lose, i'wmpnny, itf Newton, neromnnnlpd byAssistant Clilef En«iin-iT Lcwln Murford,natnu tti Dover iu a haudsnmc fnur-liorao turn

yc«trr((,ty. Learning nf t}uie arrival anuubcr of tliu mcmticN ol the Dover depart-ment cailei) npuu them, and tbe f re men ofboth towns baA^ann ef Hioac pie.iinnt meet-

whtch nrn :ilwayn sum to result whenllrenwn frwtcrnbe. The visitors were asked

my tlie memlHiri or Vtnttnnt Hoaeon ilicnrunnaal uleiijh ridi to Woodpott thattilfflit, but had niaitn their arratigeiuuntn snthnt they were unuhlo hi do so, und left for

nt about uiitf-paaloli In tbe evvutnu.Ncwtoa Iwjwtii nf hsrinjj one of the n.nat ef-fective flm departinput* ofitnalRe intheRlato

iti tneiubcm arc welcomo gHfutH whcr-ikey gn.

The meiiihcra of ViKllant !!•

maile tiiefr i winter e •ilrntiin to Wnod-t in tbrce Iur«e »leiifb loaifs limt a)gli(,

band hud with tlmm n» invited R tbc offi-cen uf Ihe department, whom they entertaiaed liaud-otutly. After i\ ilellghlfnl driveIhey arrived a little before nine o'clock at tholioslfilrie of •• mine biwt" llrlitht, wlm re a sub-.tautbl pickerel Mippcr.wlichdld credit to theInrileruml culinary ttkill nltbr hmise, awaitedIhcm. That thn lusty tnein1>Dn of the ViBilantx nnd their friends did il full Justine (joenwithout sayiuff. After the auppcr there were

et-clic*. rccitallaoH nut) mn«|j>, h»tb vocalul lufttrumcutai, undufler a iu<ixt Huclnble,

ciijnynlile uud tlvcciruus win SOD the flrrmenstarted on tlicir houiewari war nlmttt half-pa«l twelro n'elock. Ilie nffulf throughoutreflected credit upon Fortmnn I.uuiiiert andthe hoys uf bis eninnniiy »3d the gueNta ex-pressed themselves a* immeuM-ly pleaded.

btarUiiawat at fort Oram.A inimical and literary etitertniuUieut was

glwn ntl'ort Oram luxtKulurday t-VMiiuji,of the Port Oram Cornet

•laud. The programme connlnteal of rc«tliii£abv Prof. A. lieaii (!lfrk. interPiKriod wilbyueal and instrunictital tniinir. Tho creuinR

ery fine and the hall wan crowded te c*-OMH. Prof. Bcau-Clerh it Id not «pi>r«t to asgoud odvnntagc as upon tormcr oreasionawhen we have board him. na lie waa suffering

n cold. Ktitl bo amimnd the andlcnec ^really and elicited much applause.•tin rendition* or some of the plcera wem ex-cellent aod tho people aeenicd happy ti«t.-ausehowns with them <m«w more. The tioRiug ofMlaa Mlnnio Carvxtb was rxeelicut Md herrendcrttix of her song, "When the Corn lagathered in," was particularly geod, fthe fa

w« have beard «a siwiiliaj- ocr»-sinoa and left the iniprcMioD that she daea notooeupy at the present tha ]imltian In life forwblch dlmisliciitqunllned. The Instruments!iiunrfettr was well np|imeintcf1 Iiy tho au-dience, whose KitweUtiinis It fur esceedeil.It was composed or Kolwrt t'nrtis, fir»t cor-net ; Tha*. Wilcoi, second cornet; DanielTrcloar, Jr., alto, and Jus. II. FUrtey, bari-tone. Their inuxjc cunviurnl nil present tliatthn baml is rupidly advancinj in musical j.rtaeinoey, Tlin voeul ((Uurtelte, ennij>0M>d ofJas. Barlnsc, Frank Williums, Mi«i Minn!Carveth nnd Miss Ikusie. Quick, are olwi diaerving ot «ri;ul ere'lit. Tholr rendering nl

Haua" wan Ihnmoat

Chairman *t laat eaucaa.

Tar Catujk •jnf.'XetUug belter fot eoagha aad ealria, •

kftat Drug « « « •« W. H. Q—iMie.

$15 per month, put io jenfianly nf hlnand to gnat coat for a poor man, for thu »lm-

nf his duly, l ie bring* aif gou<l citiHDB to prove tbat tila

iaar waa very drnnk and very dlsoiueriy,hs WM atsnultcd and kaockctl down b]

Prt-wrtl. mid that he couM no*, tvmje. «wk.Colwtll, as the latter asserted, with u poliee-man'a elnh, because he did not have his clubmilk him that night. Fact is, he had not car-Ittdaulub tor several jeaxe. I am informedthat he ha* been put to an • tneaae ot ever MU

future of thit evening, nnd hrnugfat a visorin which I'mf.

Ira- Frank Wilded wit It Tier lu'cuntniiied efficiene]in, Mr. E, V. I'utt^rwas an.wtero

-...jiinilapleamintcvciiii-n's entertain•ut wua tuncludetl witii a selection by tbe

the orumremonlca

I o|ilufiiubad coueelfMl of hi» perform-nj(e Meltings and rcetiic effoetii

also added much to the general effect of tlieperformance. Miaa Kmuia Honjnmln, in (betitle role, is worthy nf i-MpeoiaI mention, HerIIIICH wern clearly ajioheii, and with good elo-cutionary effect, whiln the quiet graco undvane of bur carrisgnprodnwd a marked effect.The tableau at tbe end of the first arenn efthe second art was eaa of tte awst iuiproulvespectacular anaaamavau aeon here in a long

IMP, Mr. W. A. fariimu, in tbo dual partof Bryan fl'Karrell and Tim the Penman, waar.A|>Ual nnd kept Ihe awlfcuc* fa consentI«od hnmur wilh bis dell neat iona of thu rol-licking Iriahman. Mr. K. W. Beai'h in tbneblerly character of Mr. Morisrty adaptedhimself to hi a part and made au ideal oldman Mr. R. Davy, Jr., executed well thedifficult t u b of pottraylns tho flippancy andfo»i>Uhncsa of an Kngllah footman, aud Mr.J. (.'. McOtath gave tbe proper dignity to[he diameter ol Henry tofttiM,gentlrtna.D. while Mr. C. R Tippett portrayedwell thtf eraltylaitfiilty of the Huotehuih

Hiaa Carriu Davy gave a pica* it atdillon of the pert Irish servant «lrl, mill Miss

irrio MUlT'n eoucenitnu uf the elinraeteiof Knraii O'llotimdl w»a good suil wi l lesociiled, In minor |>nitnMJ«»Mnft;le Fnrr, uudMcsfcts. W. II. l'o\, K. Il*vy, nnd <:. .1. t'u:

I ted IlieinM-lvea wltlt credit, while. MiT. tiuymour eontriliutc<| hi* shuro lo tlio per-forinancfl in the p;.it al Father Maboucy,Keuatlet-a ore lien trill olTeriogs wero ol theuaual oriler of mrrit anil at Ihe cloae »f tbaIierfarmanee Cnminnnder Ken*tier anade apleiiBBUt «|WM-I: jmliaiiuarj to the uuMd-ins of a pretty piitriulie tableau in whichMist Kmma Wwr and ths comrade* of Ihe O.A. K. were tlm purl lci|>atits. Aside from tben>rit of ttn |Wrfonuance our Kovhiriisiid* famed tlie KUOU will and gratitude ofhe uudicni'e for tlit kiudly service they reti-

•Itired unr old vcterani, whose treasuryplvtetl by tlH-ircffurta.

Tlic Uiitlcr knblier Oompany ofdale ilineuvcrcd ntwatly tbat muntuciiirrdKOMlnwrrebeingatolen by tlio whalctiateby

\i>yt+*. One of ihe latter, named I'ark",nrKntetl, and he wet cantwUtctl to the

Morri* County Jail, In Morriatown, to nwalt[be artion of thedrand Jury.

A few day* auu the compauy had two Jua-

irarranU tn enable It to look fur stolen prop-rrcrty In the liotmca ol certain employee*.Tbia fact leaked out, and the. neit nioruiuK asingninr phenomenon etortlc.d tlio neiahbor-hewd. Volumes of rteise blank smoke wereaeeu luuing from tbe ohiniBcys ot Beorea of

thnt Ihe mbWr works were burning op.n suicll of burning rubber, it ii naid, )»r-

vadod the atmotplieru for miles, and in tkeimtucllntn vicinity »f Hloomingdale It la al-Icged that il wan well nigh intolerable. Itwas presumed from Ibis that the dfabonestbaud* were burning up tie itolen pruiwrly.ami th* result wns that tho compwqy ills-•hurged all enijiloycru llvinit in houimn fromwhoso cliiiMneiH the nwrhaljlii blaok ipotions smoke Uad lieen seen tn iHue. The

Iwrof hamlsat Work In the factory inmaterially reduced.

Oue of tbe etnplnyeeB remaining at warkfound in thn river, near tbe •hure, a box con

about *2T> worth nf rmi atliet articles that II

eumba,HI hecn mat

to tbe Ifotton. Warruuti a n now lielng in-sueil for the urrert of all p«rwoQs xtisnerledof taking gooils frcitn the factory.

William Cole beeps a dairy farm at HocIliook and aup(il!ei< u Urge aumberuf <tu Newark wilu milk. About six iMace he took lutu bin employ Henry tlslmrn,a young EnfiliibrDau, to whom he aailgnudth* thttie* of ttrirlnx to tbe city hi* mole tortrltb the ni(iniiiiK'« »<tlk aud fulleclinBn]

lor him from time to time. Home tinia agorrietl COIC'B Mrvnnt girl nnd the

c.<ichitfa the

y> appeared very much nttaoheil

other. Mr. Cole, who waa pleased

a cottaRpl

wbirli (Mwrn did bia work, gave«• the privilege of rtsiJinjt inp

tlio f All went well untilMnuilay. Henry ftttrttd off aa usnni iu tbe

oininjj with the miilca and cart to cover biiiual route. About 10 o'clock in the morning

tho nmlen, Mill attached lo the Vtliiele,fnuurt Iiy Joseph llugbfs <iu Fifth avinear Ai|ueduet street, aed taken to the Bee-ADd 1'r.rincl Police Station. Mr. Cole va«eomtnuuiealed wilb and a search formissing driver watatoaceimitlttiUxl. Ilfound that he bad cnllcctcd money at severallilnces and must bave bad almnt ilOO withl>hn when he dii>n|ipean-il Hi<t enat wai

tage of this spkodid O(,|.ortibob-sled esf-ccl»ll.l 1

(Vif heon tluer K)H«tiD(( tlertiavc nffnrdHClof latouuduut been olovr to tiike adv


The bolMleu ia really two alula, warked i*n.•am, a long board being tha connecting link.Tba frout sUd It «Uorl mid lias on its topplrot UD wbfau tbe 1OD« board or seat i-ctiTbe driver aiu ou tbe.front end of tbe boaand dlrevti moveuieutu by turuiag tke froiiiled one way or other with hia feet. Iaim aks aa many persons aa the long boanwill faold-aome bob I M I will Bccomnodia doten adults; a* fur boys, there *«*i

tu he room ua a " hub'f|for a* manyLappe-o t« be atandtng about, Hoy• ate iparticular about methods of riding on • bobThey will lie upou one another three or foideep and think it fun, nlthniit(u th»y wonbon-1 wllbungui»li wcrr n ouarierau niu«wt*}|thi jiiled iifjou them fur auy workadi

hills tlie " atiKmir" Uua itake wore rick* than tlie pilot of a aleanier isbiHitlog rapida fur there are pausing lemui

tu be nvoidei s to bo turned;body, however, •ctnii lo be iptiU equal lo tbeduty. Air Juvenile, mortality ••<•«

e bave IMIBaeddent* by wbieli sled* aud tfauirbave been thrown violently againnt curbBtootH, trees aail telegraph poles; hut tbepriuef|ial daniago U sos'tiued by Ibe uleda;the hojB Rcnerally strike bead «rat,and tin•kull of tbe averaiie snail lwy oan maka

In dent in the surfic* of a Ulegittpli polewithout sustaining any damage tliut putslop to tbe fun.But Iwt.v* off not moBoitoUxe the olodi aad

ill*; yoiiag men and maidens takn kind I.> tbe sport after dark and the maou n. bright•id it is H noteworthy faet that a Im

which will hold only four yonii|r menoointorlalily neitomiRodate right udnllshalf of iho party eoiikintH of gf i-lu ; it i»

lysturieit of|mckiiiK which van not lieuu<lt't>ttoiid cieept bytbuMe who practice it.It in (linos tact tbatnyounff uiuu wlio Iit hnrd work to uurry it small Imekut of

ni> « hill for bis mother will drag a 150-bob, perhupn wltb a IBU-peund girilly rcuiiuing ii|ionll, and dn It allI long witlioul cutiiplaiuinif n


ull< 1

ngaied with her butrk In India, and Mra,

of keen

* fteoi Maa CaUea.I'fae people of Ihmville have

• mourn tbe loss of one ol their aides! anbeat lieloved eiticoaa, by the. death of Hi

imii-ia Mmliley, wbo «lepnrt«l thla life ouridwy evening of lut week, alter liar lag

a wirlhy hi'n (a the (r{P< "I" ithattt MJHe wan lx>ru iu Men ii

nud CSIBHJ lo Deiivilln WIIHII i\ yciirit old.onco cMiiiiIiHliod lilmoelf in tliv bimint'»> and iu various locatfenml lo lie an active busiucan i

:bat hiraliiy ewr tiluee. With 1Kitebell, of Unckuway, lie waH naaociated» numhi-r of yean, lu the luiulter

imltbcysupplled for nearlyhe. liuildiliK«ert>clu(liu BinmloD, aa well a*

tbo vwJuflyuf ih-itriMv, Mrer tmtmlvywrt0 ho wan appointed pootmaaUr of Denriite

Ity Abraham Liuiolu i.nil baa oautlnued ioit itoailion ever (tiiire, A close ouacrver of

aon, ho liai teea th» rise uud fall af many oforrlo eoiinty'a tinhheiMs, and was on Una*Intimaey with mitiibtw oi thu iuu»l promf-

mt vitlieuN. Tbo lut« HOD. « m . T. Cubb!>Can lite, an a clerk iu bis ittore aud alwuyait«!tlained for hfseariyciuployerit very hitch

»K<mt. I>.irluK 1.U li>»|[ hu*iiiesse»re«rMr.ley did nn imtncuMt vnlome of trade,

nd iniulit haveretlretl upon a eimiiuitemmlung BR«. but tar bin nomrou- nature whichled hiui to otnml tluanciul fnyun te aiBuyWbo abused his liberality. Tlina Im kept inb i - H S to tbe last aud depended upon bin

wn teTbrta to tbe. end. Mr. f.iuilsley wo*•untried three limm aud three cblldren of hit

ind union survive liiai. Tbcae nre FrancisMud«ley, a proaiierouR liuaiueai man BOW

wated iu Colorado, the wilo of Itev. Joh

lug, who la nowbaud in the uitaalou w

ubu It. Kufilinb, of ltuontnn. A nunintelligence, and cowwientioua conviction*,Mr. litufUley eijnninoJ the rauae of the Hc-

ibliean pnrty nnd remained ita firm ndher-if to hit tttath, tukiun an e»peeial lutfiwltlift iiip|H)rt of Mr, HI sine, Ho « H also a

iwniotcr of all good works iu the community,lled to tbo letter bin obli);ntloiii> m a nriflh-

borand Iriend.aml wiuinti e*emplary head ofbis household. Indeed, bii wholo life, WM

e of honor to hinmelf nud bom>Ht to -1!about him, and all wfan enjoyed the advan-tagoofhf* ac<iaaintuce will feel tbat in hi*death they have auntalned a personal loaa,

Mr. V . J. Tarttfi Fartt.At tho annual ueeliug af the Ameriean

Inatttute of Mining Rn«ine«H, I<i Mow Vorhlast w«<k, Mr. W. 3. Taylor, or Cheater, reail

taper entitled "Notea on tbe I ta of High1 plosives in the tliaat furnace, aud of a

r«ter Spray tor Cooling in Mtewfee; lMwn."trying tn blow down hia furnace to within

.lire* or four foot of tbe tuyere*, Mr. Taylorill that hia gaa down corner, which waa

lot lined, leceme red-hot when tbe atoch baddowu IB or »> feet, The use of linn-i man impracticable, and al tbo •USIICH-

IDII af Mi. l^iuxden, bia a*Hl«tanl, it was e«n-uli d ti* try tho ute nf a water-spray to cooli gust*. Ho iutmdurcd a iBiall Hre-am nf

water through three oue half inch pi|xw,hich bad been uwil to teat bow Inw down

bo stock bad got. In tbia manner, inc. ternrature ol tho jaws waa in a abort ttuitt

uwered from 19W to 7U0 degrvca Fahrenheit.Vhen t ie stock got down to 4 or 5 feel alxiveie tuyeres, nwra water waa put on j but inluseqiienoeofan eaeeaa of wt-.tev, toe fitr-loe begaa to ebill partially. A hole wairilled Into tha clader uoteh at tuch au aiinlemt It would striho tho bottom of the hearththe ecutcr, a thire-lnoh pipe wa» inserted,

loaded with flvo pouuda of No. a Eiaat puw-d r , plugoed, and find. The eiplo«iou did

o furnace, no harm, but ttroha up tba chill,e hlaat pi PMIOT Roin« down from 14 Inn, tolbs., tbe toyerea cleated, nud in three hoursiailer wai tapped at tbe notch. Mr. Taylor

Mcribnd <•**>* in wLJoh he used .I.THB-ucr. Mfult.y far getting relief wliitn the

luck bridged at tho Ixxlie. in blowing in,without gao«l rcmltR for cleaning dirty

rails or partial MalToida.

A «aal Tt*m te VMtTh* Vortmau ll«uae,MuCainavilto, N. J , in

IV gaining ia popularity. 8lelRh ride par-n are BnaiiiK oat that there In no letterUM in the county l« atop at thau tbe one

1. Every pain a in taken hr the propritor to make nil who favor him with their

'seneo enjoy tbemwlven In aoohtl annee-BKDts A Mae nrgulMtte whleh playn ch»iw

for dancing haa been provided for Ihclovera ol that paetine. Hia daaelag room Ituite largw—«*«mn)in(Hj»tc» about throe acts

newly. Bu partita wanting aa eveatug ofnuiaefuaafcoald net tail to atop. Meal*

-ed at one hoar'a iintk*, and in a man-er which Is bound ta pleaae all. Nr. V.'«

repnUlion iw this line ia aooaml la nou«.Aluoat every ilay parttea from far and nearoall ta epetut a day of fun aud partake of the

ood thhtfis hU tablea alwaya eontaln. OnTaeaday be entertained a party of frienda

•cry effort wia put forth to nuke evaryndv enjoy thoBiMivca. By flume* ourivial frieml, Mr. Tboa. Tretkewu), of Ifach-

»n, dropped in and wm oily loopicawd to Join the party, to whlob be addeilmuch merriment. In the evening they re-trned home feeling higluy elated «vcr theirlay's nport, aud hop** the time would not be

diatatit when they eouid agaia apeud aj-nftheaameaert with him. Mi.V. isatst>

dealer in horse flcab. Be haa on hand atill time* a good Number at horaea, whieh a n

fine Btock awl oaa he boafht at ream-able priCfa. Every aulmal be aella ia war-ranted sound. Bo parties wanting anything

tbia line can profit by calling on Mm beforebuying elsewhere.

with t s, tlio

lvou arw

ceipt of parccln of papcm. etc. Tlmse witli uauiea ul donorsV knew led find at once. Tim Com-*lr« tn (.Htubllsb a clmiiutiiiKtlio Alnw llomw ami (,'uuuty UinKatines »n>. enjn'4-iaUy wanted

ir Ihii purjioap. If eueb |mrt>nn intcreetodbook, the. work cnltiil go on,

enee. Heml to cllhcrof the IUIUCH nf Ilie.unmittce: Mm. II. W. Miller, Hra, V. W.

Mn. W. 8. Babbitt. Mm. ti. W.


I m n l Mattiaaf.'be revival meetluga wliiuli haw been iu

for >M*«ml we-cks at tbo Free Metho-ist Cliiireh clowd last Friday uight. The

pastor WHB uailaud by Bovs. Mr. Hnulbrook,f i*tautio|M>, Mr. Liignu, ol Vlnoiaud ami Mr.

Bautniler. of WilU.-Lnrro, I',. Mi- Ihivl.w> |>rcncot (luring thn litxteetitiK and rendeitid val-

Ida service. A number of IN• rsons wereiriy utved, wferal of whom have alreadyred IheuMjIveii lor probation, Duriuji tbu

week now cloning uioetlnK* have been heldhouse to hotifte., uud it IN proposed tome them through tlie week to come.

found in the eart with u tis-ihcmter in cms oftliu puck*-!*. Hr.Colosn;ditw»biaoi,lBion **"

a^-.t Oslmrn had cdlreU:d tho nmmv nnd ha<F.ciinipc 1, »Tid he orourcd n warrnnt fnr Bin ' -vi,

We UTO proud to be informed tha) hiscsliency 1». B. Hill, flovernnr of tha State olNew York, baa been pleased to re-appoint

~anes Sell on, of Charlotteburgh, N,f," A Comailssianer for the Stole or New

"ork." on tfin rveaaimendatiau of Hove.lubett. Mr. Beslon ban given satisfaction In:he dlseharge of bis duties fur yearn pant and

mil mpectful und la much respected byItisens of all daunts. His re-appointmenttvestbo people the services or one faithfulrrvunt " in tho discharge of hb datl«s."

The Otiaa Hatttifi.The unloa revival scrvk-ca of Ihc Metbndfrt

and PrcfbjFterian nljonhc* lime IJC«U nontin-thlawet-k in tlio church of the. latter de-

iaminatmn. The unanimity nf ani.l'n;

druwlns to chureL people whonot been Rt(«ndiints fnr yran. Qn>er oivr alan united with thn v'ai

TnL QrtMt af a Bow »row*r.A New Vu-k lutlur to the Cburlexlon

and Couiier, ultci-npcukiuf; of Gun. Unitit'WaiHtreot, unys: His IOU,

Grant, who a y«nr a«o wan euiulderuiliug young lullltonaire, and was IM

j atyle, liaa given up all bojnof making another fortune, aud has conework to grow winter ronet* for the VYork market. When the crush came 1A|)rilhobadlUBthouabtaheaiUlf<ilboiiaen<lit titbtiJs fornO.OQO. and pM *10,0OO dowi

This money he loat, togcthewith every dollar iu rente! in tbc firm. Illsole remaining rcaoutco waa a «mall countplace at Morrintuwn, N.J.. belonKlug to hwife. In order to furnish bU dty linuwith winter roies, be *pcot lust year, wli

oney waa plenty, about il0,00u tu ntting u|iliuriou* Kreen IIOUM!B upon bin Mori'idlowiruperty. He timls now that lie eau t!i-o:nnu)[b roue a iu Iii» liut-houHea to niftki- i|iiit eotufonalilc iimoine bv wiling difiu In N«k'mk lioriatM, uud ibiH 'in tu bii»iiift'bin tinier. He lelU hi. friou.U tliat wilL-HMinalile good luck, lie rnu clenr tfl(00U t«,U0ulu :> yrur, uud that wil! Im mi 111 ui out tmtblu him to live in comfort. Llk*.- bia futiieiifl neri>r Kdirtx Ur«wH'«)l etrvet.anii mrie would ratliur ijruw n»»-H »"'l make a bailv|uKallhlt< Utetuatigo ibrouitb IIKCIU liiurgakirr of lust dpHnK- I believe Hett.

' hl gGrant'* other * (in e Wen(wltb the country, sud forget, If ho emliripf neasou of feverish tlnancial glory wiiirli|>recedfld tlic txploiiim.

Weekly Iroa Sepert: Engineering and Hiuing Ju urn nl «

laal (Saturday says:The whiBtllng uf the Iron and Stcd ABMICI

atiun due* not imtieentily kefjilip tboauurnjfufour iruii nieu in thin tuurkvt, uud they

nlt'tly IUUKII nt any out! who tells tbeniII Ihut l» ueede.<l |u briiiK about n ruvivnl in<-<ntth\i>u<e in ttitttru vslu<-M." JJulJ, JuU,

olhiitff Utility, iit t)i<' ^tory bvjirdoii ever^bund, and althou^b prtetw uro prolntlily u

tiuttonj, no «M-ut coutltleiiee IN expreHBL'<

tinncto <|iiot« HH before; $18U*1M..W forio. I; an for Ku. 2; and #16 fof Umy Forgi:in talfH of uaUBCijucnce. an' reiioried, tboujjliin sHid aiiuin Himllieru irou« liuvc beou sold

tti low tixotw nuiircn.

MafflBttWB Waur at »1 Tti UUloa.Kev. Dr. Buckley, editor of tlio ('hrixtiuit

Hte, uud « enndidntn for a Mtitliodhlilnhopric, wlio wan iir<niglit UJI nt Mnunt

illy, wliciebiH brother in mill working us«muD of the Mirror olliee, nowlivc»ut Hur-tow{L ll« wu* ut th« myiaa, Vilil,,y, tun)UOUVI-ISHtMIU With U|{l'OllU«fllirilllNTHha|l-led to ri'tiiiii-k tbut purr wuli-r t-nut «] it

(iilluti in HoiriRtowu. He tnciint .irupt'Ui^illeit water, hut all the Moirl* I'ouutr le-jj- nutl mure ur lti»» |nni!licc juu-Hniiuu, and now it in the fualii<m to walk upi them and remark, sympathetic ally, "Iu't wonderyoit drisk so bard. I would, too,1 lived wbcru water WHH *1 a guilou."—

Ohanties1 Aid Ajaaaiauon.Tlio ladles ujipoinled UH Nnceinl Committeertbe AsHueiatiuu on "KiwiIni; Mutter for

County CbarlUe*,'1 *i- l ! t» neknawledfie


Have imd« jr»at reducticni (A their pricei an

Overcoats!To those who are in need of an

Overcoat this is a grand opportun-ty to get one far below its value.

nd, of Utt

Mr. ritMTi OaiUaaaf Oantr Oaurtl.Mr H.C. Pltihiy » few days a«i. deliveredaddreaa before the I^giaintire oommfttecuring lu charge the. Constitutional amend-ntare^rganiBlnxthe Courts, durinz whichdAnoaneei the pmannt eouuty conrtn iu

terns, and HWouMnrudvd a ayotemiiiich would Innaru butter mi>n by payiu|(rger aiilariea. He, disapproved nf thn elee-

Lion of fudges by the people, saying that notcounty in Iho State, tioutd eleet a fudge *u-

tfty chanee, BR bad in«n woirid buy upnominations tbe wDUie aa tbey no In New

>4 te • « » the Wl|wa».Tbe Hennrila and BedmlnlaU>r Ilemoirttts

lo touch the torch tti the old wigwamIVdur 11111 an thn evening of IIIB *tb el

ireh, dilriuK «n innilKiirntlnu julillc«, lulioli speakers tmm abroad will bn prcBcntil mtmtc mrulabed bv a liuud. It in |>rcij,o»-t-fill theiiuiloiDff with ooinbastiMo mai-

ler to tbe end that aa bin a bouHnt aa powiblomay bo built. Thetarcli will be anplicil at

' M., «n.l Mr. Charge llrowne, of Ilaak-Au*, it muter ofeerauinntaH. The win-wan erected by the Intc Juhn II. Lynn

Tho Ktnte IiiiHHtlo Aaylnm nt Trenton hav-il[ tweome overerowdeil UD urranffemenl iifla

hy which tbn pntlnnfN frtni Hiin-ity, about sixty in nuni^r, will Iw

ritnsferred from that hmtitutHtn to the onot Mirris liaiBB. ThlawiltfnofcaJii thonunj-

r of patlento at the litter nlaoe to aboutI. Tlie capacity of fhfl n»jl«m U vitont

dr womRchangen in the illspn»lti«n of theIp, Iropnrtant aninti<; which, in tbe ap|Hilnt-nt of a Rupcrvtuir foreneh floor.

M e t * aad Mafltl ar DtaU.Tbn following haa appeared in a number of

a: A nudden tletith fa reported nearIon of a lady, twcnty-fom- ye*re old,

She bad b e n for several flaya watchiag andaring for a ohild that waa «un>rtoif withllphtheria. The child di«d. ami tha lady went

Hoonton to telegraph thn sad ncwi.hen aba retnn»>d »b« eoninlainwJ of not

ff will. The doctor gave lior «imn medi-bnt It did hor no good, and in four benrs

bodied. An maailnatioa ia to be Hindu toterrafao Ibe causa of (loath.

laatailatiM leniatThe Claaaia af Paaaale of tho Be farm rd

Cbureh haa reeeiTed Her. II. W. Teller fromtbn Presbytery of Trny, and made arrnuRe-

ila (or his itistallation M pantor nf thehurrhat Pomp ton Plains, on Tuoiday mon-ng, March 3d. The President of the Claw a

ll pmfde on tbat occnnion and re ltd t ie>rm; Kevs. J. R. Verbryrke/>r Willlnu E.

sanln* will prenob the Mtnion; Kevn. J.l)ant)«r or A. A. King will diame the imn-; Reva. J. O. Van n««t «r H. T. ftewie wilt

:harj(e. the people.

Aftn thaWramgMaa.Amoaui the items of tbR Port Oram eorret-

last week's Bait waa one whlcliirted that a young man or that placebeen a party tn a forced marriage in

[ewark. We understand that most of thng f P hai since fastened Ibu mppo-

lon upon a young Refitleman who stentlyasaerta that them la no truth whatever

tho supposition. Before he. In further an.loyed by inch suKpkioos it wtiulu be best forliose who nntertam them to »bow aone

MaTarlaa'a h r k bva ie l .Tbe old McFarlan Tark ia at lu t brokuntu for bunlneNn pnrpo«ps. Mr. (Icn. Pfrnnni Veilnexiny broke urntiml for the »rc<a twontoryltaildinK frontlnRon «'«

re*t. Which In tn tte completed by Aprilid will b» ocenpied Iiy John A. I*yon. Inout of this, irontlnft on Ilhiokwi>11 stree Uill build a large three-a lory bntldint;, with

Ewoaturv* on tbc flrit Boor, BJJII dwiWnj[ up-parttnenta on tho aeoond and thinl.

at Ihe Brick Pmg Store, of W. U. Uaedalc. Newark:,

about tg board a Onion line atcaawr, whichsiiilcil ten tainutei later, and wan hrongVt to

jseeiimt feature of the neetingi la the fling-ing which ia led Ity a litrjio chorus of Uft

JartiM to Iretaai Qarrisea.Friend Garrison accma to have a vulnerable

itint, BB well Aa a sensitive nature. Ho ha*nv«r done bimself jnstien nor hM jiu.Hiwn done him. The Idea of iiajiug back olorei lo tbe Bulletin in laughable, aa no oneetna to think it wtutu the notfee. Bbouldat be attempted almost every snlitcribcr,

aud very manyeuti t~ 1-II-J .




PIERSON & Co.,Opp. the Bank, Dover, N. J.

Th. Btandint BoUtr BkatM «f t ie Woiit









Briek Drug Store. A[>rog» and Madictacm.

1M1.iliaVIe » My


DOVHH, no*, a.

Page 6: CARPETS'erest to continue. W e hav

Report of the County Collector for Quarter end- jing Feb. llth. 1885. bri-ijc*

C O . limwi), u,,rk t.rN J l

. 12. Ealaiicf i,Fnm. 1 .

aald.: H-c. 10. Joa. 8 B'n

|,l . l l . 14. aluhil


in tract ill 00s.ooooo;

1)«>3. I l ) ,


J. li.L

£ .N.!VK..'•

i D


a W


. r«illr-r

.«. c . v, 'H. Al

..Id Hi

bur, a.i. 'In.i i -k . . i n


W.H.Deam.l'ol.lV.iiiCout i lvu i iu lull.

J.H.Uifliilne,Cul M"

Hl.l. Umi^vin full


1.50(1 «J

' 1,78313


1,177 05

a,. U. JjltfTin,!.,,**"1.. »»»'."'»»,on a<v Ci.ginvini, 3,77083

I. W. II. Gr.v.,. Col ll.xbnry.Stale ecliuot tin in hill. 1,881)00

W. II. Or.

Nov. 12. D . H..rR»u. Coun F i k k

J . U . iI , \V. HllttoliV. H.V.mrlieW. H. Howt'll

W. H. Hoi

11' S:.|il.fiiJ. SI. Fru.t,W.W. U--cr.W. II. lit"

C. H. KnWilirarntT,

•. 1U. D. Miiritaii. p


tftble I3G IMJ'i 10


W. E. KingW.W.C.inkW . H . Xaiurhrleli

IHK U. K. ClarkJan. U . H. Tippatt

J. H. M. Dorry

L Eii\trt Clerk, ml !y

-10 . J. A. Drake

M. M. H Hann, ( VtOII,l.ltllllT.Ktrl!i

H. !^. Cidb. cm,fits to N'In ml tal

H. L- l-mik. Oil

2» 00

934 31


BY virtue of *n onl'-r .<r tlio Orplimnof ilio Ooculy ot JIurriB, mmk'

•10 Ii ihy of January, IBBS, tin- BtiU'cAiliniufHtraiom Df Csnuip T. ISMiiicti,will «e11 at public reuduc KJ HIP limlifltier, Rt Hie late bomcm-aU iifnaidiliT'-a

bfpienitflvi, 1U tlio Ti)wiii.l.i(iuf MLIU Ilio d'Unt.v or Morrid and Utate fItrHT.on rHUHSDAY,llie20(Ud»>.'fKit , Iji-lwiX'i) lliu tii)itr»»r IWL-IV.- M. aI'duuk P. M , that it t<> » .v At 2 u'cl.i.• r nan! day, all tlie fnllowiiif; «l««crilK-

j u i rc»l raiale of wbich tin: CurBun Del I, ilci'H, Jicil H' ixe'I, viz.:

All ih kclbrx-cL'rixiii l.-h ..r tr»L-t-vlttmtu iu ttio Tuwnxbip, C.iunty ani

id t l t l r t l t ooutaiuiiiK thr'"


l IK

Jl-fflTin till]

. JrlTvlCuu:iiv l.a in run,

37. D. N. Allen, Cut. Hwnlolpli,C<>uutv tux in MM,

29. A. Kaufman, ('"I. ll-hButt- hoifmt tif. in l

A. KMi'mmi, Cui. Il«>

30. W. H. Ssiiitji. Gnl.B t i l I i

1,507 21

'' 2,13*32

W. II. HL'KStH i l

F. J. HoiI. II, O nI 11. Of ii

.03 IH)ro'i-(abifl MOOI, Hheriff,

if, Clerk tl J

stable 4G 76

4 1)5

ai.IMS.Jau, a.


Illit't Oirnur

w l ' l ' l ! HIHIIII




W. Cull.

11. liiuiu.

"li". Hiinii,

lil .ull ,

MHtnlc n full.Htn in ,

fcUou CiiKk"*'. t'ul. Mt.Oii

. W. II. On-Hi, l-iii. l

. fi M^HiHU'di-k. O ilimn, S'.ato fldiou

a!"M'. flmictick, Ch«m. Con lit j t«s i

C . H . Mi..K. Col.C. H ' l ' t VH

r Clf-r!;.lit, Co

H.H. ftmdlt, CnnnlT Clerk,' ' '..aha t»"

Cnnutj Clerk,


V 213 22

3,43(1 fi!)

' 14,061 till


B.42K 77

B t i l HO

' 1,881 7.1

™ 2,131 27


E A Q.iii3 tii,- Ortt.:<l Jury 10. 14. O l j . . . * l - M


l i l l r " ' B l i e r H } ( M

F. lilnlii, Jtidfic, Doc- HCliirt AOillt'lt.HlHTiir,


Vnr 13 O W. J.'iikitifi. Tr. »'J23 00li.o. It). Q. W. 2JI i!7

,iin"i4. a . w Jpiiklni.Tr. a w i i

sirJan. I t J. A. Drikf, »aent,

ittHurtnce 53 7SC'ba». A. Qilleu, burnl

Igftl LD.NACT.I»vc. 10. W. f. AlpaiiKb, M. D. 15 00

E.V»MI1(TP"DI. Tr. M .to Fob. 15 li, I«t5 3,2iH7lo. ».»,,.„, fc.D. I«u

ailiNEIIfl ARDrasT MtiBTIKM.Nov.I'-1, C D O i g p . J . F . *C»4


r<T<DM.,..u. o liin,fari?dt lnoT aii atruuf i.n

bo luiiic iiiurii or lvte. and am lliu nailoN of laml couvtted lo OLIO Hubert

incll by Olivor Luzkr ntid vi le , l-v ilctlaled April lut, 1833. ami recorded in tbe Mitin County Rucoril i>r Dei-da, in Ittmk ¥ 4.paei- 247, Ac , mid by the aiiil Bo bur I U. Itiieil dcme.i bj Ina lant will aii'i team ....'illtlm Maid CnnnaD T. BoniifcH, liv rfh-nmnelliu MIII UerJ and liic •r-.reini.r»>n|.T tti H<a niore imrlicular doucnimou ul nai<l lint v

Tbi' tiilrtl lot, contaiuiiiK fifty fiv* liumin illD'ail acre ufUnil, Iu tlic ejiui' murt- <>L U-IrxveutiuK nuii niaurviug tlieri-frum tlic potuud i imV-ce of «op|ior.iuu anil tnuiiitaiui

10. Dr. Lan

!' H. i - i - VJ * D

iOe 20 00

Ordon. J . P . 6 01j.A.UnM.G>»u« « % , „ „ .


I>t>o. 10. N. Cokey, Col. l i t . (Ilivo 1144 1.arm tcitKj. Aurtatttitmoti ot #100,000.

Nov.'21. Win. H. U » e n , Col.....xmiry «04 Hi

J, II. Van Duren, Tr.M'.rriiuiwu BoardIMucilion 418 ft'.

Bob. Oarabrant, Col.

L. I'mili-u, Cnl. Morria 100 48

Eif...1S"""'<w- »>«"KW11™0"' n oW II. Ismilb, Col.

Paoaifl 135 DjW. H. Beam, Col. Pe-

Kuv. 12. I. . llBiE.A.MurrU


Dae. 5. W.U

" •10 T l i t "


.irn (Ian Lifflit ^

immlnet Cit, 17 00

J D I | liciChili),

M . H. Ctmdit,t l [ Irinotl4I

tmdit,iio[ I

r a. terk1«. 4. . . .

D!H. WPISSI t!»Wr idd,B.Tipntit, "f»muel Iippetl. Treai. Poor

Bcboo.*, UOjwr ceul. Hl»le

Lai. of Coh. Col. raioai.

. Mt.Oli'ife,BOOOd

500 00M l . or Ntste l a l .H. H. Oncu.CVI. R.nbiiry,

oa aec. CuiutTiax,Feb. «. S . HiBUDsnil, tfol. Biiunlnn,

bnlatie« uf do.B. D. llarrisoii, Cul. IlanaTcr,

*. E.OaraiiranVcol. MoDilliim,

«. C. H*5n«K. Cui. Clieatfr, do. 1.929 719.W.U. Oretn. Cnl. Itmlmry,

baL ou tec. do.





— _ 1 _ L 120,0000.ISO AND PEINT1MI.iutiiiK Co. •:« J»

H a m n jDee. 10. B. L. flarriMB

Do?cr rrintlos Co.Jotliti* BrownMr*. L. 0. Ta«tBtrdon ft CliHHnnmull A Tiliyer

JUStil !»97 00>7 00


!•» •amsLTR TOWHHKIP.NOT. U. Bnith 4 Kckb.H, Hail-

•on Bt. bridge ISO 00W. E. ChaUriloe U CO

D M . B. (t .BUncban),ooetnct 991)010. Qco. Pieraoo, plank S3 SI

Jaa. 14. J. 9. P a l w r , afeoantHtKlaoti Bt. l>rf[i|ri> 149 13

Balth ft lckhart, ri»p'« 93 OOH N t w m a o * TnvmiBiv.HOT. IL t. J. Pirlitcr, contract SO 00

S. W. rraochco, do. 1ST fiO#. J. Larar, labor, Ac. B W

IMS J.'P. Hl.c«,' contract IM 11Jan. 14. Jna. Weaver, bnlblioR

bnd«e I B «Jnf.Caril, cnotraot 9 78

two Cooim bridne H 37Cba*. O. Brown, New

Fa-uiBdland bridge 144 00D, E. UormaD, building

bridca IS SOIflM EdUCXV VnWM'MtV.

HOT. IL W. Green, miaou work,

D M . 10. T. •'. Wilkinion, rep'i 1«99P N . 10.

Jaa. 1«. t6 CO

Hot. 11. Prank (iic«, work ooWaterloo bmigv, 217 45

W. Tliarp, Ulink ti «R. H. StciiUtiu, enn-

tnci 1*60Tinpi'tt & Wiioil ad1.

WBiorltrotiriilizc 430 00J . PootiiiK. coinrict ICii HO

V>v. 10. H . V*l*'iiiue, Ulxir IS V0

J a o . ' l l . L e h i K l i V » l i c j R . n . C o . MOO

1W4 m n o t c u Tuwpoair.K O T . 12. Q. W. nowcl l , Citil

En«inp«r lit 75a. O. Btown, Wtiippany

bri.lKO 1 &00 00k. Curberlr, maaoo 6e MiK. atrykf r, wpalr log 0 33

, T.Oolu.coRtnct 808 50a w •waii Oiia

B w , 19, T. Oolai, coplnot9. V. •oval) , Oiill

Encioeer, Ul.o

J . P. Bi»en, do.& O. Brown, do.O. B. Bmttb.timbirO . B . Bmilb, contricH.P.B«acli , labor

1H 98! M W(HMO



5 0 0


[. 10. John Ayara, <in,1 . Eirlea, contract

Jao.'M. B . Wi!M>n, rrpairini

MOT. II . Baird A Ore*B, umoDiDo, do. dn.

Dee. 10. W. T.Cogblan, pninterBidgediieAte. bridtte 579

T. Binftlieb.naaunilo. 8000

.. , sso0 . 0 . Brown, bal. Joe

do. aooouftHt CIATH4H TOVT!11*B1P.

H O T . IS. J, Qreeo & Co, lumber 164 21T. Budd, contract 25 00B . V. Beach, repairing 7 79M. Fwa , contract 4650Q. W. Feleb, repairing S 16

DM. 10. D. Baldwin, contract » 00S. W. Damarcit, labor 48 33JouthftD Littla, con't 6000E. H. Bamaoo, i*p'« 9 85Tbeo. CalleD, i-o»tract SO 00

1MB Do. dn. dn. CO 00Jan. I I . D. W. DrraUHt, rtp'g M 4 9

Mof.. l l . I. iauoit•ir.

23 SO

13 50

ttaxjr usO. LlBdal*/, coatnet 283 00

Dw. H. L, Orttaan, nfg, *o. l i 4J

Ho». « . A-Chimberlin.contr't 944 00J.F.Halt^tl.l.bofAc. 1345

Dee. 10. A. Chimb*Tlin, repairs 3 00•OOVTOH TUVItallP.

J. Zeck, labor, ftc. 13 56W. Decker, <lo. it DOwUBtHOIOX TDWKIBir.

B Dcnham, repairing 3 DOA. H. Hoffman, do. 3 7sV. It. Mciioc unr

bridjeaidiJo. 38«

Mnm-Xiin-diictCn.I''ii k liurkc, ro*lA. W. Uutlrr. aupjiliua

. H OM.J R



A ..M.rnu.^tnw 1MurrtMaiiiitrfuutCo.U<,rriRl.i«u O i l Light

Com pa u i *0 00C.A.nilfti.HlierirT « 0 lE.Uarrell, mppliw WOO

iwruTT pool Hurti".v. 13. Miller Brui. tn^ati WT 38

C.J.M»to.lI.D. " I "J J 1 l t . 1 » "

P. C u i n i n s i lH. H. Bujikiui

E , P. li.vr.rn, "

Writ! lit BUUU. It. Hmltb, flnpplici *3 $&a H. Lvnu '' W l l

a. 10. H. 1.. rfnpkin., Ubnr SB 00D. D.Toiu,.ktBi,repilr-

liiK ib'-ei 1611E. P. Conpor. M. D. 80 00P.Cuniiliigliam. labor 45 00

ai'illilrUmtl'mea'la 6147UDt'.Liiekwood&CD.

F. W. Jiqui, RUppliM M00Jan, H. L. H. Lor«e, oontublt 33 00

J.P.Mickiidue, repair-1210

919Ouo. Uiciikrdl 4 Co.,

MI i> ink'•Lane. Lnokvood 4 Co.

••KE,""1" «»LaS£7S "*'*" «WJiibiaoS"^^'!0*.

«d(ih 99 40ROanaioRfaaHnJalMr 45 MJ. Z»t-fc. carMOter IB 50. . H W W I - W ^ . ^

•V*'T Or FCBUO MHOOU.rve. 10. X- W. mtnrlwr, » U r r1HHS t o D « w . l . t . tMOOOJan, 14.E.B.Woti^.Mmj 0 « 1000

L. W. Tbnrbcr, U p t . i w f t neipcnws laBWI j j < - a

ION t s m u t *RD puoovirr.

NOT. IL Hat. Imi l i^k dlM.

Deo. 10. Nat. I « » Bank dl»e.

1489 *Ttiiiea[Wl.*lB.>aa. II. BAD. J. J. M t y , KtaU

Tr«a«. Btat* wbooltai IB Ml

1IU. •Ltenoifi.N O T . H . JobnC.M.rritl I

J. I - KauoawW. n . Hnweli, Sheriff 7176M.1S„ » . CuUwIraW CorjOro, 8 QarabntDtJoba Slurp. Jr.Jf'ioinc It YOIIDKJ. K. 'icefeJ. •*, Oib*nnA. Tiii)KMiiCi«C. II. EiRin-ylTcptrr DiokfraooOei>. ItimrooL. P. RoorooJ. K. B. HtiltiQuo, inbliettJaonli F. FurceR. H. BabbitD. K B(l


^.P.P-at, timber Mido a r p t s t e r w o r k 17 To

D. K. B-w(l.o. B«njamluB.D.Bot.afdJohD 1 hatcher1. W. BriantJohu Q. MottH . d . I'ltno*, Jr.W. Part KitchellW. Park KitibetlN. B. Brian IU l D R l d

t l i iF CrUcrThm. Bo«era

Ani'lionv BaldwinJob r . HillOent g f Ayert

L«w:« E«iler

H e i r j BotHporeHklino SiimOaBO. O DavitH .W. T u u i |E l i u CralNO. M.VOMIICM

Dec. 10. E . 8 Pitn«yA. Atmrman

C.Tre'landH. P. I>nff<irdI . m n P<rkD*Tm MillerF. M. BiepbeosWilliam Fore*Obarles Lam

R. M. Babbitta . R . w.iiroL. B CotM. H. MtlotirIt. KeiaerA. P Oll?«rP. HcnTlrrp'. I.. Wi-lahJ. T, WnaeBichani TnmpkimI*aac II. V.i. a e n.1 Qiaia LeoaardCbai. Miller

M. HoG«rn>arkMahlon Krman

i. 14. J. P.O.rirrD . O. Nlcbolaa3. L. W.BRh

tx". VanOTwrhr/*aA . C . Wnl».CUiBJ. A. Bnadt




is7 40• 00eooeoo5007 SO100

urn• 00

4 7010 TOUOO

IIeoos«oeoo600S«4• 00in

S!SliOO600too100• ooeoo


M'ilTrlinn.C L. Cook, Col.Jrft>r«on

Dot. 10. E. Hammond, Col.ItollUtOtl

B. It. Uarrlion, Col.N.Caakcy.Cul.Mouut

OliTuJ H. MitJedfte, Col.

Balance o


3 39

220 0 !

'230 HO

ir>5 71


329 an

165 0!

noes!4.13iO90.1W 21

1197,873 OBCKRV,[. LOdEV.

C.JOrt KX|>L<f]|fll

i;iilulreu'a Howe,Ciiitrt Hnimu »nd J*Ut *


'Awoont •Tallatil(> fur bridges Feb.l l i h la imly 19,790 00.

Tbe Bute aoliool ta* baa beco pMtb* mat* Ippt, or Hcboola aa pernp'r,'e ti<*r raceivrd from tb« floqip'rN. J. oo aov't ' iliiiHonllou' NUtafteh.Mil ta i . aaiwrrcpurtelda« tb#C.>iintyfco't'diitrilM.tion'HIalHacbonl lax

Ojnnt* tax not uaid bv t o w u b i p i umiinwa ;

Das from Hinomtownthlp ,!.' jL'11"""* \\

NOIM iliieoitntod for I b e O a D l ; tud

p5,2Bl i


5,111 U

nuoFcVlWi,Due Fell. 18|h,Una Feb. ISili,Due kf ircti 3d,

HMO0,0008.000 00



Local Newspaper


Northern New Jersey.

W. & ) . SLOANEARE orrEKlNG T H i n t l N T I R E STOCK AT


tioTTUaiUH bAoi cgmiAiSHiron It Uapiraril


mm 11.00 up<HADlt\8L\CBCURTAIXB " 4 00


ah*ra awtlc*, mr aB>tori*UT A B L E COVKH1 IW A l l - f T T L V » .

OrdtrMHtnt fcy mail will rttelot prompt attention.



[>N MOBRI8 STREET AT A SACRIFICE.Alum! within » atunc'a throw of tbe centra

•I tlM towi. HonM with K T F D rootna, r»odof water at the d«or and eliteni in the

/Ploatj *f ahafo, «nuu»c«Ul and fraltA t o f t al*«4 h a n with waUr !• I t ,

,. -« irilbin Tour wfi«k». fax par-,Ura and priu Inquire e f ' |

JA8. B . HIIOIIBOUE, ! 1.41



u ttio Tuwnxb, tlivtlrot lut o

t "1 h i^us^'bro. fiV am'Hnlberi, i i ' a l i . imaDi i ii l ino (irrntf-ri

«itl.lltlC UPOB tllO HAIIIfl f')f tbo |>trniR tbi' a*«l rw«iv«y, iUU-

v, tint la-t above m.'iiil-nfil

• . Mtuu.irU by HHIIIOU Pitney uud wilt:.iledl rluteil April Int, 1S57, anil n f<,riled-,ii,l Ri.L-nnl i.r Demls. in IJ'iokOS, »!i jH9fit, \L. Ity rtilcri'iice to i-aitl ihod »ml ID

K M l t ll 1 lflilFarnremid o diT tn si-llacrijuioD will appear.

JOUN J.' NOIIltln,Ailtninbl




BOCEiWAV.fiUUD'tl LAES, LAKE HOPAT-OONG ANU BOUOOLEi'H MOUNTAIN.Timeubl»fiir gaa«en«cr t ra inMo takeefleci

NOVKUIitK lvib, 1H4.

IN NIW f o u , loot of Liberty St., North rlvIn PniLADKLFSU, dopota Stb and Oteeo, a

Stl and Berk# Hta.

LEATl " " " " 'A.M. 1. K. P.M. F

Now York 4.00 8 45 4

Oor. Bib anil Qivta at*. 7,80 (9

r«ntoLNowarke i iuUth •Douud BrookUiftbllridRe ,UalifonVernoj ,Middle Tallowuennan Valley

Keuvilt*.>rt OwnDovtirHockavaT A n


•• 4,(0 9.15

. n.'ifi (. B.IWl II.HI ',. S.W 11.34 4.05 ',

H 11.4a 4 15 '," " 1 4.211 'L

1 4 3(1 'i5:i?i!i

•on rum.aVrckaW.*DtiverPurl Oraa

A.M. r.H.F.M, I*. Mil.M 1.15 B.« 8.27CM 1.40 8.4!) S.Ht)«,48 1.50 8.18 ft.40«,U 8.0S 4.(13 5.60

Middlg Tallaf., .VtrnorCall IonHIRII Kndfce. . . .


PhiladelphiaOor. 3d anrl Berk11 etbinciGree

Sew York


ii I.ArrlTB TW• f5

• 00V.U918

4.19 6.1114.18 6,004.83 0.164.31 6.JM4.69 «.a^4.44 6.44.411 6.66.C11 7.0P6-43 8.-J64 Id6.89T.lfl

10.00 8.3S10.00 8.011(1.30 8.10 0.9r,

Traim le^ra Kcavil lat Mmuiaink ami Lib.Hopaleoog at 9:03, a. M.; l:tfl, 8:05, i-. itPer all Btaliona to Osden at 1:40 p. m.

CoDveyaDCL'a can bo proenred at OcrnanValley to and rrom Hckookv'a Mnuntaiuat Flauden to and from Bthld'i I*ke,

KaiTOH CoiwiOTiOF*.—Ccnnictton ig madtat Hlga Bridge to and from Eaaloil,I. E. WOOTTItli.UcR. H a n ^ r .

H. P.BAI.DWIV.Otn. t . m . r n J>u*. AR'I.O.Q. HANCOCK, Qen.Paai. ft T'ck Ah'


(BOMUK MM l U l t f i l U1V1HIOM.)Otpoti in Mew Vork, foot of Barolaj fit. ami

fuotoUJbrlitopUet Mt.WlNTUil AMUANO£M£NTB.

;onMeiivlui( TUUUHUAK, Janimrv lal, 18b

A t H i M A . M. (KaalKU Mail X r a i U ) , 0 0 |dealing witb tlio llotwiou Uraocb nt DbBvil.ur V w n U n j tlii- CbtNtter Uraneb at VovotVSUMMUKUaainlObeater ; ihe etDHMXltaJli*t Waterloo, tot AflJuTer, Nuwiuu and ml

i j l h . U . , L . * T f r . » . » . .1 Wi. Al t . |». «. Bl WiBii^WBUjrUaii.digkABBtoB, Utwa,


aUiiBii WBUttingkABBtoB,

a a r Urtlaaaer, Uortlaa.Bjracua*, Ot«*uiUnaaaB tbe a*o*»«»nua and Blooniaad D«U*art and Uudaon Utl P U l > b wltb LehiRb

Ihrungli lo VitetflrouUbnrK, Mrwton, Uieat Mem,

•odMiuflfauitM. uoMMtliip at Oov«r witiJli«ter MuitoHi •* WftUrloo witb btuuittaiirotd for Akdorer, Mtwton u d tlltta(loot: ml IMIavire witb Ulttnlown Br., aiOerftDleB, with dlooaibars Dlvlalon Tor Pitti-tun. lUDfttoo, WUkMtMTte, UuvlUcNortti-iialKtUDU, *o, paiMngcru taking tbkinunoni New fork,l'»leraon aodBooutou

•t Weebinilou wltb train foi~ " i, ttetbleltei '"b ra

. —UpabVg. BMton, atfltBlelieu, UICDIOWD,tUniabiUBand wMita uu IBK I * t <\b Valley,•ad Irfbigli anirittaaiubacna BBilrsada; a'ebiUipab«f« with BeTviJeK biruioi i i>! fa ! rotbBBibartrtlle, Treaton and Phikdclphia.

A fw*A.H.BBSaluBadO»ir«>fo uM". *,Uraa.BfBooai O*r») Waur Qap,urji, eraBton, BiBRbaiutuu, Owen^ » r y , Elmita, Mount Mturla a&<>IHU SjracBac and OHWCKU, ooun..«. amtaa far Uiloi ao-1 Uiulifluld »

At 1IUU A. M. Dovvr AeooiamodatiAt MriW H. Eaahtn Espreai .Al 1:W r. at. Klufra Ktpraaa, DrawlaR Kmm

UaraallMbad ran tbrJB|k to Wat«r ov .miot idi

atJssaSSSuraeeJuoBDectlng at Wftt«tluo for AnSeirtou and Branoifille, and at PhilliL Bwith Lettigb Villev Bftllroadand Lcbigb am^UMUibftnnaB, 11. tor Bethlehem, Allenton n

• • N P . M., L.*«r S x p n a i for Suuiuti

t>aaMic abd itaUwwe Byroad,} CbathumMadUou, MorrUlown, Horns PUini, Uenville,Boekiwijand Dover.

Al • ' •* P. M, (HMkettatown Et[>rcia}itou-_. **"•—n,HBinmlt,Cb»tbaiu,M»Uti,ou,

._ d all MitioBBweBt to Uaoietls-iDonacting at Waterloo with train oitrend Newton.

- « • P. M. Duvc-i Acconiniodation foiuiiataaro, MonUtowD and Dt.ttr.

^WP.H.OawtiKoaudUQtTAloiSi. IrouNcn•k(Bleeplagti«»»Uaubi:U) via. I'aterijon i)t.ton tbroagb to Water Gap, HtrondsburK.aalon. ^BKhautoti, LUIe, Marat bob, Oor t-J .Uom.r, a T l « ? . « and Oawe«o.

train rnna tliroenb to O m i n BnlTalo au>Uobteld 9rrlB«e (b«l ••>* to Ithaca) Hni>da>nurulua .

Bernard trill* t BaakiuariJec, Lront"" Itlinft, Gillette, ferkelfy HdBbi

la on PaMftic and Dnlavarc II.

^alcn iUprena 8:«4DurMAoeoa. 11:15

A. BEaiBOHEB. Bapciimendent.


TralM •irlvs u d d e p u t trots tblaaUtloiu rollows:

EtaT aousD *. M. w i n Bouao A. MOaweio Kipreai* 6.33DorerEipreM 7;00 Bmirb'tn' • " Itafeln fcxpreu lusi,

Do*"cr Accom. lliaii

Eaitlon Kt(.r(.se 5;2*>Doftr Etprcie 0:3(1

Oowpgo Eip.'' &:S0

on Hall S<44aweKeEaprcai* 6:07

Doror Aeeon. 5:60inSato Kiprii.a* 8:07

Eaatoa Acenat. 8:40

•Tia, B«OBtoB Branch.


tunopi.i t i? ' 7.oo phHUT




E. S. VANGILDEE, - - Prop'r.


Oysters, Oysters,njrvnl iu •»} I()1H, AI«U sold bj tbe

QUART, 100 or 1,000Received trctb from tlio market every dajt

Heals and Lunohos.flrrert Bt nil tlmea during tlm day. Ula

•:-WINE AND POOL ROOMSe alwayi open lo viaitors, and «iary e fort

i s made to pleano all.

Agent furl'KTKK IIAUCK'S trlclimWd

w . . - A U U < c ; UK liirifl nf Uciiinry.UiiiYcri'aJ, L..i-Miturii' Pain m ilie i laih, DUUMI-BB of Vir-ion,

rniinaiiire Uimw. *"(K*^iil»l'aitvt'rtliifmrnlB torofuti'l lunacy,

jKlitrDOKNOr UEFUKDt but refer you i"• ni.ii>.ilnc,.irnr«,atii! tbi- r'ljuin-mouiaaM'iblbatt l icy arc wMmn, » ever, compileli. B<P tlic-ir Krilii-n Bitriraiiii,*. A trmlins Hint'lo iMckaRe or' Qrgv'a Hptnllc ivill

cliuvini"oTbo i . i - t .kcplfcal ot it» reHl m*nt-.Ou x c o u r . i f connurri-itu, m< linvi- adopted

lie Yi'llow Wraj!|.«r; tbn only eniinnis .# i - Full purticulaiHii) our |miil|il!Ut,wlJlcli

r^ntiati'it i fp i iMncRav' , or f ls p«liBKe»ir JB, or will lio -ent fren by mail ou lb« ">•

ceint nf tlic mnniT. tiv aiidrcalujtTHE GRAY MEDICINK CO., Iliiffalo, N. Y.

Buhl fn Dnvp.r b j W. H. QjonAtB._

0 TIMES OUT OF 10Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil



Hoyt's GMi Backet P i n !

.Ulii it col cli.nn unit Ciuuiln spruce (iibin;UlllCll iH UHU'lfHU. Tbu.VL'ltTU UlU buKl IU Biti«ftrllnn. TIM-J .Irinki-vU iu -took "THE NEWEM 1'I l i t " Hut-Air, G«n ami Daut-Dui inuftUui-hiiiK nli>U'. tlio bcitl biking stove \u ••

for'ailMMEIl AlJl> WlS'i'EB pisE. Also, nolioici- mook or H.riJWAHK, cnTLEIlY,

faiula and Oil«, bird Citf,' ». Feathera, Pratt\ « t n l Oil (ntii ciploBlvc.l Aleo, ilia . re iCOAL. Iloofiuh'. Pliimbinp uml Job Wurkprompt I v atti-'ndoii to. Fnirlnnk'n Ho»!cimunuUictnrL-r* |>rjcoa. Tln-v almi buvi. .i.r the nimve iOttlui Ij) rrn»t of tlicir piaciIniiiiu-Fi ir>r imhlm wci-liinf- Qldlron, Onpppr, liraHi, l,vit\, Itavn and Qroeubuski Ukuli

b f «

90 TIMES OUT OF 100Dr. T c o m u ' Ecleotrio Cil

A C:*.i :r a Easrssneei.

15 TIMES OUT OF 20Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil


/.:thur.ti aai diphtheria.

49 TIMES OTJT OF 60Dr. ThoinaB1 Eclectric Oil


Crcup and Aft:tio=l cf the Threat.


For wk ly W. U. aoODAUi.


Dover, N. J;,oilcru for ailo Ilio f illowius propcrMc-sH

IM. TIIP Stpre Buikl[ttK ns DisciwisII atrfetimwi.ijcupicj b y j o l i i i ^ w c , one uf Die beet

niltirnnk roi.l

Ornim Hill;

3.1. Homo nutt Li>tformerly UWIICH L./ Jero

it\, Itavn an


1* the best blasting powder In He morket

Is 25 per cent, strongerthan any known explosive.

Is not as dangerous tohandle or transport

Is plastic and producesmuch less fumes.

Is waterproof and

Is sold us low as any otherhigh explosive.

Tb inriiu Mt i 1awltr HTf b.

OIHee: 55 Libarty St., N. Y.

Warkt: Draktivllle, N. I.


SIXTY-:-DAYS.In culur to talma my Mock I will offer for

tho next ffl data at coat pnct'i a larss nmeut ot ihi' followiug artfulea:






PAINT BRTJ^nF.^ OF ALL KISD, .w 1 lnvo llip LiRqEHT 8TO( K or WillipiTN ill Kiwn. ami pftrl.r t'i.iIfM uit. liavn tlie

.iponiiiiliy to nuke U19 btut ickL'tjain tt binbargains. ^


lo*- in the lime tn nrJir Ticlurc frnmct. hi

VLTV low iu i,r.UT to rr-iliict. m j larcumusk oi »O0LCIS(fa.

Fresco, House, Sign ind Ornt-

menUI Painting and PaperHanging,

hlRliniieliannr l ioi lnea will ba carriedtt tlieotil sin ml win, p^omptiiPBi and CIIM-eli, HIKI u-iili b(tltT ratiiitic*than cvrrbn-C. At I buy my Paint, mul Oil* at whole*c p.nv, I , m d,!,, ,„ ,|(>fv c<ni|n-titint)HtonHr-canat alinafu ei.niiiuo the (lockmj hi!i>]i and M I for lliftiiflfht-a tliat I am'

brut material*.

E. SIEBER,Cor. .ad E , K I SI...


Notice of Settlement.Noiice IN hereby given that tht i^ccnoU

of toe anbirribcr, Eitcnlor of Jam*-!Banpe. dcco-cil, will be audited ind tutrd


764 h. 766 HROAD HTRKET.NEWARK, >'. J.

Open nil thr yrnr, .Inr ami itvcninit.Itiuinix-a Stiiilion. Khortbaud, T.viwwriting.

iDllr^o IliirtlncxH RLlnnattir, anil sncoiit t'L-mnnnnbip. trot. Vlaitor* welcome.

C.T. MILLEIt, Procipal .,. h. TUCKEH. Sccreurr.

$15 PUP. $75.Afluclonod I'iancin |ieflft't unli'r forW5.

MEW PIANOS $190 TO $500 .delivcml with Htool, cover nml liook.

Sew Orgnns #60 t> 8800.Writ, for • < * • • •

J. T. SEKI.Y, «.„•! AW1LCOX k WltlTt OBGAN Co.,

1M« t m Uuktt 81., Pil.r.un, ». J


Slli. A farm uf 31) ncrci on tho road froti3uvcr to Clumtcr. wnli a R"od JIIO-IHI'I inron urc. Lirifu utnliilig wiili ciglit r>>'>ntt,

Gtli Ti.-o flrrit-oluss ii-uidti Buii ouu t*aoHuwimr lol on Fnii-vioiv Hill.

Till. & ROOI) f»rm of ubout lOOacrcn and re:.(teiicfi wtilnn tbrce-tjiiKrUTt ul ft ratio ul ilDover pott-offiao.

_ . i o other prnpertlOH too numerona t i mottiou, will b« aold on ailfantiiKFONa term:

tt rrHFoaalilo rattin. Wlion I am abxi'nt froi[ho olHoo Ur. U. Illancliard will sci for me i.11 bi.»n>c*a n a t i o n . g ^ A 8 VEhL

Boom No. 2, Natiooa. Pulou lltnk Dulldinc,


UNION HALL BUILDING,£.ackwoll Street, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces.if tLo kte . t atiil nii^l inipruved Htjlcs, fuiartuiui'iiubltL'&tidpmatc buildiugi<. A Urge

Aaaurtmeul of ellcvb., cbtap for oaeb.





A tai UHorlmeut ol



notice, HifrtWRt price* palil for old Iron,Copper l«ad and pewter taken I

far goods.ALEXANDER WIGHTON.bei 2*th. m O . 1-lvr


- A K D -





BI.ACKWFLI, UT., DOVKB, N. J.dHpootecatiauarurbnililinEi.Ootaken and materialaftmuihiid.

Witb betUr fnoiiitioa I i u enabled tu [>ul»U HLATE KOUFK olieaiicr tlinn tivcr unfu^none but tbu best ij«Blity of elMe and uiu-plojing firnt-olBM nipoljaafos. I OHH i^inr-•uUw DJftteriiil and work iu every purlieular. Tur SheatLing Felt always on Load.

Dftted October Kith, 1880.



Shop on Clinton Bt,, Dover.

Freeman Wood,FIRB


DOVEB.N.J.egallr authorlud aKeDt of tbe rollcwlug Bi

-tbebeatin Ihuwurld:


OLUBE, CaplUI (20.000,00


Oupital (10,000,00


Capital 110,000,00


O«pit»! tfj.000,00

Korlb Ami'tirti 1»M. .'„ 'il l'liilndcliiliin. I1

Nnrlh uud MiTcantil*' Inaoranec r ,ol LoiHlun aud EdcnliurBli: capital tlD.OOO.OT

Coiimiprfliiil l'nirtn AMiirnuce CompnnyLOIKII) upltnl «T>,INN).<W.I.

Tltu London Aaeiiraaec CorporatiOBLondon. cupiUl a)o,600,000.

Kpriuuneld Fire In.uiaiioc Oo.

W«ntcbeater Fire InioMora 0 t w p i B 7New Tork. capital tMM.OOO.OKDHAK AHEHOAN • l ,ono,oo

r i B E tSBOOIATIOS OF r B l U D E Lban, M.60O.00.a i r i r i x . . • . - . - • • 8 0 o , w c

Freeman Wood,Jn«tic* of tbe Pnact and Police Mrgiitntw<

SMITH & ECKHARTfinceoMBori* iu Ira 0 . Ooopor.)


CuDtrtaU Iftkim ami tumuna!* furniihed Mr

B U l L D I N U f i , B R I D U E B .

wlietbprof fiBICS ct STOS1,

Otnco on Morrlt tttcet, n<s t to former 1Eit building, Dover. N. i.


bit. E. C. WEST'S KLUVE AKD B B A I * TBKA-IEST, a L'lirtriintied nitecill! for Hvfteria.'iiit:^, ConvulHiiiiis, PIIH, Nirvom Nrnruha.l:icliir.Nrrvi.i> ProHlrutiini caused b<

KI Dr-iiTi-Hxiin, Boftcninir'df lliu Urniti rViiilTDC in iiimiiiity nnd limiliiis ut inmury, deca'i);lil(uiii l'ri'iiuturi} mi ARC, E,rr.<i ~iitfli (if (HiwiT iu eitli'-r utt, Inv.ili^itBt'HUid s)|)um»u>rrhiii» cmn-ei) iv _ .<LI riiuit ol tlio ljr»ni,*e,i-»bij»e or cmr-ln In!.'lief. Eiidi l.oi cdiiimus one mnBMi'i treatII ut . H a \<m, (it nit lxix>BlorU,ic i i t b;mil tinimlil on receipt or price.

H'K G d A R A h T B H MIX MflVBB

oure any cft«f.< w for mx DDXill fi'inl Hie imr

refund tin: iiinQ

YORK'S RED FRONTHOUSE FURNISHING STORE,ill the pltoe wbcre you will find I be boat cnlIfnllnn of CIIIIM, QI .R* . W. OJ ami ffilloxVTarr, ffin.l.iw HIIMIIPN, W.H Pircr, m,.l<.>nia.plelflinea u( all kinil»i)f« I* lunally kt'piin a arat-olaai atore. Don't forget

YORK'S BED FRONT,Vmtmn Park Md taut IMrol,



TIB FANY& ALLENare located a brnnch of thrlreitcnaive Put-

ergon Hoiine on

WARREN S t , imVEK,• 4 a n prepared to offer indncemfnt* ID t i e

trad* IH i l l kind* ol Drink*. For-tor, Baatt'i Ale, Diimealjo Alea,

Bpraev, WildCb«rr.TMd

•• • -W. u . km u ator.




QUART, 100 OR 1,000—IT—


COKPECTIONKR.He alwaje l a , on hand » full a.oofc of OM

Hbore wliioh fan «att aell M citeitp H theclieapeit. Purile., l i i l b , t o . , aupplled withanjlbl i i i In bla llae. at redaoeil prlcea.

Notice of SettlementNotlco l> hereby Riven that -he a ceo on . .Im mbacribfr, 4ctC'infi'i»tor ot Willlan»t»r.n, dws'd, will bp audited and wtu>4 bylie SiirropatP. and reported for «> tile Brat toif Orp.ianr Conrt nt tbe r«nntjr ofMorria,i afODdaj the ustb daT of April not I.


J. F. HANSELMAN'SNewi an| CenlMtltntry Stere,

. J.,

oUll kiu.U. Iliaopfn at all hour*. a^Terrtlilni » nitaurant

" Tor oiin be found fretb. He R1W> aellt. - gBSby |h» t lunuvd , fawndrad or quart,

'artlBi in wont of anrtbini In t|« line T - ' '— him • tall,








OFFICP.aUlloiuiiiK the Dover J.-iniborCora-pany'H tnill. C.»ii(rijcta tulfin, aoilplini.,

Hpt-citk-aliuuiiaii'l tua.ei.sln ofevcrv hind tur-omlieJ For buildlBm. Jubbipx ft ipeeialty.

SLATE ROOFINC.Hlite fiirnlibed rrom tbe bum quarries b

be mmll qnnutity or car load, ami lulu, II deirctl, by eiperieuced wurkuiuo t t low rate*.


DOVER. N. J.OFFICE OVEB W. II. HAKKIfS 8TOHK.A lurge iju-nli lj of LAP WOOL! fo i ode .


Jm-iali Martin. unccrMor to the flrm of Marn * Bnck, t»i. Wi II I* fuumi ai tbe old ><witt

over EiilRort-'a Orna SMIO lor Hnuie, 8 R »•nd Ornami-nlal Pnlu.inr, Clmitiiui?, Oil.•mlHarbl'M ug. In



«*peolftll.? to it.Bt lils'i hranrh. I nm e"iilii|cii- - ' T B mtl»r«ftiou wlitruYpr I co. Simpiei

II wink can In* Recu ai nut' timo Aim^r.nii-o; ceilim-H r«r • lie fall irail... Vlram

ie B in mi kimlb u r wtxhi. Mm.ii- Wa-nnt, Diack•ml Frmcli H--rw I OIK, 8j>n Hlll1| -Tberaintm? liriiocb I -IM'I atricilv siuu

a-k a fair tf t


OLD PH^aBVTERIVN CHimcft tlDIT DIXii. UOVE:;. N J. t i l . m i l . w l c r p . n . p . .

in, lot til B M , 0Al"pKT •m*lialml"foHrr,Kli>."

IVi tl a li aia> i t n . t . i a i . «,• «. I . -« . , .1 •


LANDS!BY Tin u- trai t i .rdiror tin* Oriiiiam.'O -nrl

nt i l i fCimntyi i ' JI'irrM, ,„„ . , , ,„. , | , , 3 j , ,• if Uiciinb.-T .1. I>. 184], n r MiTiTcnliii.,

n-MiMl1'"'''" ' * ' e <>f 'T'mt'"4 T-"1' | l i'ti(r- ^"^ '"'•'iTH.t i fP in tlm Vill'K^iif r'l'il

(-"irr."jinni'•THIIV Nin J T - C V , nn T l ' fSD. lV. Mtc 1') I,

«J«I -latch A. l>: 18SS. Lr'«,«,,. t " |.,.niV|

With oacL order reoeifeiOH, niin-rapitnttd wltb 15, wt-iinMTnnr mitten Raarantncj-Kilie trcaiinetit iioes

ermitves Iftutii} uufj- by

R. Kiltgore, Agent, Dover,



TUu bent work at loweit prfeei. BepalrtDsi-beaply *ml protantlj duos. Ne i l lo old Prw-byi*rl»n CUurcli. Blaokwell, St. » l p

THOS. J O H N S O N .niannraoturei and dealer la

ind nil work In Mrbletnd Oranlte. All11 tlll

r UCHT Ortl'-r HTLC1 p r t O e | fCQaMlQBD^I*



Wm. B. M M • - Proit.T i L i i l l l f t h H t lTi>« Le»i i

one of theHn«tllita BODI.QN am) U planuntlr located m olnindrc.1 yards Itnm tlio Central depot, andibout tH-oiutnittea irnlk from the D., L.

W. It In it hrffo roomy houno nnd well fur-lHbt'il thruu|[bout. Alwaya opea toCITV AND TKAX8IENT HOARDERS.

TERUB RKA8ONADLG.A woll f«ml»hed UAR and POOL ROOM coa-

cctcd with tbe bouse. For farther .ntf on lulilrftflR tbe iiroprictar. 23-ly

SMOKE TUG 1>UU ClUARthe bciil fire «>nt olgtr in tbe market. I. .Mrrj.-ri lw trade mirnli.'il by SVHH BAHGTT. Bunion . If TOU want a «oud tnltaccu(or «m<iklnn or clit-vln^ aalc jroar dtaler tuta»lt and Ana L Bond, for ial« ai Jktuea B.Mtlick's, D'trur, at M c l i . per ib.

K. B.-AnelrnuiDiRBrllRbtfirlnib thp i n . ntiter IVtr l.OflO rlvan


Estate of Mtitthias C, Welshd

PUVftTAST tu xbt order ot i t * Burnwalfo( tbo County ..f Morria, made on tbi

i wen* y-Kvoiitb ,Uy or Den-mbi-r A. D.oue Itou-ani. i-i(!lit hDudrtd aud clKbty-ronr, m.lice nhtirtbj BiT«-a to all person, hiring claimiaRaiiiKt it>« Mtau of MaMlilw 0 . W P I , " ( ut*the Connty of M o m , (Uoeaiicd. to pipucot tlname, na<li>r oath or afHrm.vt.oo, to tbe *n

iber on or before Ih, («V iHviev«iUi dayb niii m n t h f Iii qib

ot M

or befon»t, b iHviev«iUi day

mnntha from Ir d t l lr. di• if ui pnui iirniir ; aim a

i bniiK In and eibibit Inti or boV dainT/ii»*t b nr affirtiiatloti. wilhm iho timo tv> limitedtvlll bt* forocr liarrcd ni hia nr her act to


UATTillAB VELBR,AdmD.Birator,f Cluster, N.J,


i and At-»M

fi « ME.TIIP prnperty on Ulnrl;n<>ll etrcct ocnrSI.

SInrj's Ulturub, nccniilMl by Theodore Evan*.Lot lOJxaoo. r w partiuulart Bpplv to



PHOTOGRAPHS!Tlnic riiotogmplj* owe their *atw> in tbi

( in ot a ivrtcm wbicli rtaih-M ardln-irt ilji.ti ^ru{3h» (Imcxt inntautaai-ota, and.tiabk<* tbu 1 T . » t o r io eaicu ft trT cu ft trao

.I l .ar Pv *xPr.B-ii>B, which momXtircn lur more'b<n a te«ea«nMda. Tlia

TO^Tilfc fUBLIO—Tba* „ . „.«ftn.ll.v iiitom,* tbe pnblie IbaTkr km

. -ci-nty rtiiuriii-i! front • trip Uir>'B-i> « I . . I . —i-iih-H Dl Enrupa? mill) ilie lairal

witb vvtf'y fuchlo, cou.bia>-4. „ .eiutritnee J i e 1* new preparad to liarliatiu pIRnsranlii-, n BDU4 o« - _ ^

^asflififti.'stc.jjiTiSii-idoe. 11,60.i'lit- ur.jiiiiitor or club to n>*>*irf MM

Portraits of all kinds copied al w a u M I H .

. i i cacrol lone, alyla af I M & W dp a i R r h i i aTUf m 11 kut.i.0 r*-pDiailOBof tkitMaWlili .

n-ui In • guarantee u, Ita pttrflM i M ht ib«cniTal pui.dic i|it> work pro4o*fo wil< w n . i

f i b HeHlrioR t o torn g)«bt afttwd tn w a i n m i W tk

(raTABT,Tr.HFnO. LftGET,

M o n i a l o n H 1

ATCOi»TANDBEL0WCeSTClearinf aalaa t f try

Fancy Gaatft, Carpal* aatUpkalattry CaXa.

Isaac N. Doty ft Co.,INAlSl MAIKETW.,

NEWARK. N. J.p»- Ctomrta* rat atlk*, D m«•<•. VCITMI, BhnkMi, On,

p«u m Cartalat••( Iw


k>l«w «*»#.

C»t»rai M mil l»w«r >HIM. II•iakea • • nmmmt* k*w turn••her •»•«» «w>la]

M n M , m will Mmilk amm >r«B Imrrn,

GREAT U4KUAIN8~1 - - • I


ISAAC Ji. D 0 T ¥ * 0 0 . ,

159 * 161 Marktt It.,





» * You «an Mva twmly-in fM man. * jbuying of him.





in an maunoiBBi<vi| lunar. HWf.

•wrnn' oonmoraaa-. auiM a»auanu








The Eqnlpment or IronMines a specially.

Morrli Orfhaaa' Cwirt.JASotiii mat. IMI.

In ihe mallrr or A Ja.lwn Cot, idrjlajl»r ul H.l.ln, Koril. dnraanl. Bate In _ . .can.,- »lij iliDre alu.nld no. be « alfc tflaaJ..I Jl'liHllNc,'<,K.*iln,l,,l.,ra,or of » . . ! . , •%• l;ui,l, lulu of Ibu Coajc a or Moirla.-TruflCil, Invnis uiadtt and «alili,lt«tl ,nHa Unnrl, ind.r oath, • Ja.t anl Ira. ae-mol or iHrBonal oatat.aml feblaarfaatdic<l, >• lat aa lit baa bren ab l .b id tam,10 aamt, l.virlucli II apiwara Iliallhc p*raoul'imp ni niil tanml I. ln«o«d«l lo r... .11

I* V ; lBl nn'l«latlui! Ilia. BiitldtmafdI ml • « ollautla, IciitoBola. lnrnlilaao..lan.l ivnl ratalr, alinatg ID tb. C o u l ; ora.aa p,an,lp,avlnR thfiai:!ortlwCourt iaitb.roniiBPK. -fliprerurf. II iit orderc* bf tb.

" ('j11,1-1 U..~'— :-T U . . j 1 _

inn 1.1 not LoBuldaiwi t B .

Atrot<;r>|iyfrnmllie minute*.WILLIAM H. H r D y i r

paled Fclitnary U . lFi^tlniluiMratin'it adilrrM.

r, Morrii Co., N . - | .

Desirable Residuiee lor Salt.rW Kiitiacrilif r iirTc»i» far n\p her ro*M«nM

K llil''"ll"" ""V* V^1'*'«"**"«IL. wiin in mmtein <tnnrn«e-i erta a i diiHunini- ct. n t fu . wHfh with Ifa 'OBVHI-

nrj- »n tbp ln«n tnpkiait u t a n M h a i M MtRiWe rraliH-ncea in ..r >l.Ont Dutar.