carti solicit ate de birourile de arhitectura

Urban Textures Yves Lion Born in Casablanca in 1945, Yves Lion has been a pre-eminent figure in the French architectural scene and debate for some 30 years. Now, leading architectural historian Jean-Paul Cohen has produced the first overall survey of Lion's work, describing the key themes and focus of Lion's oeuvre, including his pursuit of urban planning and housing issues, and his discourse with James Stirling, Charles Jencks, Aldo van Eyck, Bernard Tschumi and others. Comprehensive documentation and illustrations of Lion's buildings complement Cohen's essay. Examples include the Nantes Opera House, the French Embassy in Beyrouth and the Maison Europ enne de la Photographie in Paris ISBN: 9783764363017 2005, 160 pag, Birkhauser Pret: 235 lei

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Page 1: Carti Solicit Ate de Birourile de Arhitectura

• Urban Textures Yves Lion • Born in Casablanca in 1945, Yves Lion has been apre-eminent figure in the French architectural sceneand debate for some 30 years. Now, leadingarchitectural historian Jean-Paul Cohen hasproduced the first overall survey of Lion's work,describing the key themes and focus of Lion'soeuvre, including his pursuit of urban planning andhousing issues, and his discourse with JamesStirling, Charles Jencks, Aldo van Eyck, BernardTschumi and others.

• Comprehensive documentation and illustrations ofLion's buildings complement Cohen's essay.Examples include the Nantes Opera House, theFrench Embassy in Beyrouth and the Maison Europenne de la Photographie in Paris

• ISBN: 9783764363017

• 2005, 160 pag, Birkhauser

• Pret: 235 lei

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• Floor Plan Manual: HousingThe Housing Floor Plan Atlas, for 10 years the bestseller

among our reference works, has lost none of itsactuality. Ground floor planning and living spacerequirements have changed little over the pastdecade, but the selected case-studies and theirgraphic presentation have been updated to satisfythe demands of today's audience. This new editionfeatures: - some 35 new examples by Ben vanBerkel, Caruso St John, Kazujo Sejima, MVRDVand other prominent modern architects, as well asadding classic case-studies by, for example, Miesvan der Rohe, Louis I. Kahn, Adolf Loos, RichardNeutra et al. - 220 additional new plans, 110 newphotos - improved readability through the use of asecond pilot colour code - extra table tocommunicate the fundamental floor plan concept ata glance - bookmark (transparent) with a 1:200 cmmeasurement scale for easy recognition of plandimensions.

320 pages , Birkhäuser


Pret: 229 lei

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• Sustainable Architecture inVorarlberg

• Energy Concepts and Construction


The successful combination of a regional building style ofsophisticated simplicity with sustainableconstruction methods has made the architecture ofVorarlberg (Austria) a model for the rest of theworld. This book presents particularly successfulprojects from recent years involving various buildingtypes and portrays their development from designidea to built detail. The documented structures byCukrowicz Nachbaur, Christian Lenz, Oskar LeoKaufmann + Albert Rüf, Hermann Kaufmann,Dietrich Untertrifaller, Baumschlager Eberle,Marte.Marte, and Martin Rauch place the focus ontheir energy strategy and formally ambitiousconstruction methods. All of the plans and detaildrawings were specially prepared for the book,

which makes it easy to compare the projects.• 2010, 176 p. 300 illus., 200 in color., Hardcover

ISBN: 9783034601191

• A Birkhäuser book

• Pret: 294 lei

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Simple, clear, intelligent: the demographic shift broughton by modernity called for and facilitated a newunderstanding of design. The most critical andsocial stratum with the most money to spend, the"50+" generation, expects new standards in designand architecture that merge aesthetics, ergonomics,comfort, and bold lines. This is no longer aboutspecific solutions for the few, but about making lifecomfortable for all: clear menus, spacious roomsand sizeable objects that are easy to use.

Oliver Herwig’s book provides design-related and sociallyconscious answers for designers and architects, fordecision-makers and companies, for everyoneinterested in addressing the needs of this discerningtarget group on a long-term basis. It examines thepersonal situation of an ever-aging generation fromhead to toe and introduces design strategies,product innovations, and architectural solutions fora barrier-free world, which would benefit everyone.

• 2008, 175 p. 86 illus., 72 in color., HardcoverISBN: 9783764387181

• A Birkhäuser book

• Pret: 245 lei

• Universal Design

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• Sacred Buildings • The building of religious structuresrepresents a rare opportunity for thearchitect to concentrate on the creation ofvolume, space, and form. Sacredarchitecture is far less determined than otherbuilding tasks by functional requirements,norms, and standards. As a rule, it is free tounfold as pure architecture.

• Thus in design terms this building task offersenormous freedoms to the architect. At thesame time, however, the specialatmospherics of sacred spaces call, on thepart of the architect, for a highly sensitivetreatment of religion and the relevant culturaland architectural traditions.

• 2008, 247 p. 840 illus., 111 in color.,HardcoverISBN: 9783764366834

• Pret: 441 lei

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• Components and Systems

• Modular Construction – Design,

Structure, New Technologies

• Construction systems reduced to the smallestpossible number of identical elements have longbeen used by architects to build structures as wellas dismantle and change them as quickly,efficiently, and economically as possible. Think ofthe architecture of the nomads, the Crystal Palacedesigned by the architect John Paxton for theLondon World’s Fair of 1851, or the modernconstruction systems of the nineteenth andtwentieth centuries in steel, concrete, and wood.

• Coupled with modern digital planning andproduction methods, modular precast constructionsystems that are adaptable for many combinationsand capable of being combined with one anotherwill play an increasingly important role inarchitecture in the future.

• 2008, 239 p. 721 illus., 261 in color., DustjacketISBN: 9783764386566

• A Birkhäuser book

• Pret: 392 lei

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• System Landschaft / Landscape asa System

Landscape" today is increasingly being seen asa complex system: biotopes and watercycles, open spaces and built structures,neighborhoods and commercial areas – allare components of this system, which istherefore subject to a broad array ofinfluences. Aided by internationaldiscussions within the profession, this viewof landscape as the common interfacebetween social, cultural, economic, andother processes is giving rise to newstrategies for working with ecosystems. Thisbook analyzes and documents thisinternational development and itssignificance for landscape architects butalso for regional development, city planning,and architecture. With numerous currentplanning projects and essays by famousauthors (including Wolfgang Haber, ClausKäpplinger, and Andreas Rossmann), thisattractive book presents the strategies theprofession is using to meet these newchallenges.

176 S., 2009, 176 S. 181 Abb., 164 in Farbe.,Geb.ISBN: 9783034600798

Pret: 229 lei

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• Architecture of the Future:Richard Rogers

• Written by the well-known architectural criticKenneth Powell, this new monograph provides

a richly illustrated overview and an idealintroduction to the works of Richard Rogers'internationally renowned office. Founded in1977, with offices in London, Barcelona and

Tokyo, RRP has a long-established reputationfor high-tech and energy-efficient designs.

Famous as the architects of the CentrePompidou in Paris (together with Renzo Piano),

and for the iconic Lloyd's of London, thepractice's recent projects include the

transformation of the Las Arenas bullring inBarcelona, the new Library of Birmingham,Heathrow Airport's Terminal 5 and Madrid's

Barajas Airport expansion. This comprehensivesurvey also covers RRP's substantial

masterplanning projects, such as the Lu Jia Zuidistrict in Shanghai and the masterplan for the

Greenwich Peninsula in London. RichardRogers is the Pritzker Prize Winner 2007

• 408 pages ,2005, Birkhouser,

• Isbn: 9783764370497

• Pret: 221

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• Art and Architecture

• Strategies in Collaboration

Since the beginning of the 20th century, artists andarchitects have often been in collaboration. Thisrelationship was not necessarily without conflict –on the contrary, a productive tension and frictioncan often be found at the basis of their commonendeavors. However, wherever art and architectureestablish a common territory in the public arena,highly integrated schemes may result that are ofparticular appeal and quality. In recent years, thebarriers between art and architecture have comedown even further; while many artists are attractedto the spatial presence of architecture and itslanguage and scale, contemporary architects alsoseek the inspiration of art and include artisticconcepts into their designs. Great works ofart/architecture have resulted from thesecooperations and this book explores them in ninechapters from 1914 up to the present, highlightingthe most striking examples of these interdisciplinaryactivities such as the LACMA scheme by RenzoPiano/Jeff Koons in Los Angeles, the Chichu ArtMuseum by Tadao Ando with its installation byWalter de Maria, the British Pavilion at the VeniceBiennale by David Adjaye with artist Chris Ofili orthe work by Keith Sonnier in the Munich Re Buildingby Baumschlager Eberle.

• 2009, 192 p. 331 illus., 131 in color., HardcoverISBN: 9783764399436

• A Birkhäuser bookPret: 294 lei

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Jean Prouve ranks amongst the most innovativeengineers and designers of the 20th century. Hisinfluence on those who have followed him has beenextensive, with the renowned architects Sir NormanFoster and Renzo Piano, and engineers such asPeter Rice acknowledging their debt to him. Thisselection of highlights provides an ideal introductionto the work of Jean Prouve and testimony to hisimportance for modern architecture and design.Professor Peter Sulzer, author of the Jean ProuveComplete Works edition published by Birkhauser,has gathered together Prouve's most notablebuildings, including the Maison du Peuple in Clichynear Paris, one of the outstanding buildings inFunctionalism, as well as examples of hisexceptional furniture designs from the 1930s and1940s . Subsequent volumes in the CompleteWorks edition will cover the years 1945-1984.

Princeton Architectural Press, 07/2002, 171 pages,

Isbn: 9783764366957

Pret: 133 lei

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The Architect, the Cook and Good Taste This book pursues the astonishing parallels and deeplyrooted connections between the art of building and

that of cooking. A variety of essays takes upquestions of materiality and proportioning. Attention

will also be given to food cultivation andarchitecture, to the places where meals are

prepared as well as a range of different culinaryspaces

• 2007, 160 p. 197 illus., 135 in color., HardcoverISBN: 9783764376215

• A Birkhäuser book.

• Pret: 196 lei

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• Row Houses

• A Housing Typology

• This fascinating book explores the potential tocreate a variety of building types in the modernurban area.

• To continue developing existing building types in anintelligent way is a crucial task in the field ofresidential building.

• A deeper understanding of the underlying types isindispensable for the success of the individualdesign, as well as for ensuring that tried and testedstructures can be utilized, repeated, and varied in awide variety of situations.

• For this typology of residential buildings, the authorshave developed systematic new presentations ofthe most innovative types.

• Each volume lays out the possibilities for using andtransforming a particular form of residentialstructure.

• 2008, 112 p. 261 illus., SoftcoverISBN: 9783764378387

• Pret: 147 lei

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• Town Houses

• A Housing Typology

• To continue to develop existing building types anddo so in an intelligent way is one of the crucial tasksin the field of residential building. For the success ofthe individual design as well as for ensuring thattried and tested structures can be utilized, repeated,and varied in a wide range of situations, a deeperunderstanding of the underlying types isindispensable.

• For this typology of residential buildings, the authorshave developed systematic new presentations ofthe most innovative types. Each individual volumelays out the possibilities for using and transforminga particular form of residential structure.

• 2009, 128 p. 260 illus., SoftcoverISBN: 9783764386108

• A Birkhäuser book

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• Sculpture Parks in Europe

• A Guide to Art and Nature

• Recent years have seen the creation of many newparks, gardens, forests, and valleys where modernsculpture and nature form a special bond. Designednature serves as an inspiring setting for artworksthat in turn enliven and animate the vibrant tensionbetween the artificial and natural aspects of thegrounds.

• This guidebook presents some eighty parks fromeighteen different European countries. Each parkand the artworks in it are presented withphotographs, plans, and texts. The parks includeboth classics like the Fondation Maeght in Saint-Paul de Vence, which attracts more than twohundred thousand visitors a year, and the LouisianaMuseum in Humlebaek as well as new parks likethe Europos Parkas in Vilnius, Sculpture atSchoenthal in Switzerland, and the ÖsterreichischeSkulpturenpark in Graz.

• 2006, 239 p. 335 illus., 276 in color., SoftcoverISBN: 978-3-7643-7625-3

• A Birkhäuser book

• Pret: 147 lei

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• Codes

• Architecture, Paranoia and Risk in Timesof Terror

Igmade (Ed.)

• When the World Trade Center’s Twin Towerscollapsed into a heap of rubble and ash, theUnited States government created theDepartment of Homeland Security. Its primarytask is to keep the terrorist threat in permanentview. To do this, it developed a five-stagewarning system based on the colors green, blue,yellow, orange, and red: 5 codes.

• The hypnotic character of this system promptedthe editors of this book to conceive a history ofarchitecture based on these 5 codes. For thefifth anniversary of September 11, the bookgazes spellbound into the abyss of theindissoluble entanglements and connectionsbetween culture and fear, which determine ourlives more than ever today. Urban and regionalplanning, urbanism, and architecture are moreand more powerfully marked by this culture offear throughout the world

• 2006, 299 p. 112 illus., 69 in color., SoftcoverISBN: 9783764375980

• A Birkhäuser book

• Pret: 147 lei

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• City of Collision: Jerusalem and the

Principles of Conflict Urbanism

War has entered the cities. Since September 11, 2001 atthe latest, it has become apparent that this is thecase not only in Jerusalem and the Middle East, butalso in Western metropolises. This book presents athorough investigation of the current situation inJerusalem from a trilateral perspective: Israeli,Palestinian, and international experts air their views.The discussion centers on the production and useof urban space under the conditions created by theconflict, including, for example, the so-calledsecurity fence, urban enclaves, exclaves, theapproach to monuments and no-man's-land, andthe instrumentalization of infrastructures, whichleads to the crass juxtaposition of highly developedand impoverished urban spaces. The conflict,however, does not bring with it destruction andviolence alone, but also exhibits ambivalent effectsand, along with them, new cultural and urbanrealities. Jerusalem has become a prototype in theage of new urban violence

Birkhauser, 05/2006, 391 pages, English

Isbn: 9783764374822

Pret: 196 lei

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• Design by Use

• The Everyday Metamorphosis of Things

This publication explores and analyzes a very specialkind of design – the phenomenon, as normal as it iswonderful, in which people with no formal training indesign take things that have already been designedand reuse them, convert them to new uses, in short,

"misuse" them in the very best sense of the word.Non-intentional design (NID) goes on every day, in

every area of life, in every region of the world.Redesign through reuse makes things

multifunctional and cleverly combines them togenerate new functions. It is often reversible,

resource-friendly, improvisational, innovative, andeconomical. It can become a source of inspiration

for design, provided professional designers look upand take notice of what actually happens to all the

things they design when they are used.

• 2009, 192 p. 210 illus. in color., SoftcoverISBN: 978-3-7643-8867-6

• A Birkhäuser book

• Pret: 172 lei

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• Designing Public• In moving freely among the public and

private spheres, design forces us to askwhether the distinction we still draw betweenthem adequately describes our world today.

The authors assembled in this volume –including, among others, Bazon Brock,

Gesche Joost, Uta Brandes, and Luigi Blau– reflect on this question and provide a wide

array of insights into its answer.

• 2008, 216 S. 105 Abb. in Farbe., SoftcoverISBN: 978-3-7643-8667-2

• Ein Birkhäuser Buch

• Pret: 114 lei

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• Designerly Ways of Knowing • How do designers think?

• The concept that designers have and use‘designerly’ ways of knowing and thinking emergedin the late 1970s alongside new approaches indesign education, and was first clearly articulatedby Professor Nigel Cross, one of the mostinternationally respected design researchers.

• "Designerly Ways of Knowing" is a revised andedited collection of key lectures and publications byProfessor Nigel Cross on the nature of designactivity and expertise, and the evidence for designcognition as a particular and essential aspect ofhuman intelligence. It explores the following topics:

• the nature and nurture of design ability

• creative cognition in design

• the natural intelligence of design

• design discipline versus design science

• expertise in design.

• 2007, 141 p. 16 illus., SoftcoverISBN: 978-3-7643-8484-5

• A Birkhäuser bookPret: 196 lei

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• Thinking Architecture

In order to design a building with a sensuousconnection to life, one must think in a waythat goes far beyond form and construction.This book, whose first edition has been outof print for years, has been expanded toinclude three new essays: Does BeautyHave a Form? The Magic of the Real, andLight in the Landscape. Not only has thebook received a new typography by HanneleGronlund; it has also been freshly illustratedthroughout with new color photographs ofZumthor's new home and studio inHaldenstein, taken specially for this editionby Laura Padgett herself. In his texts, PeterZumthor expresses his motivation indesigning these buildings, which speak toour feeling and understanding in so manyways and possess a powerful andunmistakable presence and personality

Birkhauser, 05/2006, 96 pages, English9783764374976

Pret: 147 lei

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Style FirstStyle is a product and a virus. Style travels. Style is a

system and a relationship. STYLE FIRST presentsa decade of design philosophy as visualized byDutch designer Mieke Gerritzen and compiled incollaboration with Geert Lovink and a network ofwriters, designers and artists. Over the years, MiekeGerritzen has developed a strong visual languageand transformed it into a vision. It is a boldstatement about the condition of our world: a placeof consumption whose atmosphere is shaped byfame, power and money. STYLE FIRST drives thepower of visuals and vision to a climax. Glamorousimagery embodies the language of media in aninnovative and critical way.

• 160 Seiten, ca. 200 Farbabbildungen, 2008, 160 S.200 Abb. in Farbe., SoftcoverISBN: 9783764384388

• Ein Birkhäuser Buch

Pret: 137 lei

Page 22: Carti Solicit Ate de Birourile de Arhitectura

• Atmospheres: Architectural

Environments - Surrounding Objects

What 'really constitutes an architecturalatmosphere', Peter Zumthor says, is 'thissingular density and mood, this feeling ofpresence, well-being, harmony, beauty...under whose spell I experience what I

otherwise would not experience in preciselythis way'. Zumthor's passion is the creationof buildings that produce this kind of effect,but how can one actually set out to achieveit? In nine short, illustrated chapters framed

as a process of self-observation, PeterZumthor describes what he has on his mindas he sets about creating the atmosphere ofhis houses. Images of spaces and buildingsthat affect him are every bit as important as

particular pieces of music or books thatinspire him. From the composition and

'presence' of the materials to the handling ofproportions and the effect of light, this

poetics of architecture enables the reader torecapitulate what really matters in the

process of house design.

Birkhauser, 05/2006, 75 pages, English9783764374952Pret: 147 lei

Page 23: Carti Solicit Ate de Birourile de Arhitectura

• Crucial Words: Conditions forContemporary Architecture

• The conditions in which present-day architecture isproduced are partly local and singular and partlyglobal and universal. Understanding contemporaryarchitecture means understanding all of theseaspects. What are the pivotal themes?

• Gert WingA rdh and Rasmus WA]rn, Swedena(TM)s most active architect and its best-knownarchitecture critic, asked themselves this questionand made a selection of approximately fifty termsand concepts, including Branding, Collaborators,Corporate, Desire, Future, Everyday, Ornament,and Wheelchair. The result is a very specialdictionary with humorous illustrations and originalarticles by interesting protagonists such as DeniseScott Brown, Kenneth Frampton, MassimilianoFuksas, Hans Ibelings, Peter Blundell Jones,Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Hans Ulrich Obrist,Juhani Pallasmaa, Joseph Rykwert, Jaime Salazar,Axel Sowa, and Wilfried Wang. A special highlight isthe text by Nobel laureate Ohran Pamuk

• Birkhauser, 03/2008, 190 pages, English

• 9783764386450

• Pret: 123 lei

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• The Making of Design• This book takes an in-depth look at design

processes, with twenty-five depictions of "themaking of" products from a wide variety ofindustries. Its primary focuses are furniture design,transportation design, and household appliances.

• Renowned designers like Konstantin Grcic, theBouroullecs, Stefan Diez, Hella Jongerius, and SirNorman Foster offer step by step accounts of howthey go about designing products for Vitra, Grundig,Jura, and Authentics a " the tools they use forvisualization and how projects change during themodel phase. Plus: an interview with design legendDieter Rams on realized and unrealized products forBraun

• Birkhauser, 07/2009, 176 pages, English• 9783034600897• Pret: 147 lei

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• Pierre Charpin: Entre Les Vases /Amidst the Vases

A fine arts graduate, Pierre Charpin has devotedhimself since the early 1990s to designingfurniture and other objects. The presentpublication, the first to trace his career todate, provides a comprehensive overview ofhis creations, complemented by criticalessays and a text by the designer himself.Pierre Charpin's works are recognizable inthe unflagging attention paid to their formaland basic qualities, as well as their widerange of expressivity, born of the interplaybetween materials, proportions and colours.Thus, we as users can apprehend hiscreations sensuously and are free tointerpret for ourselves their meanings andpossible uses.

• 2009, 141 p. 82 ill., 66 en couleurs., BrochéISBN: 978-3-7643-9956-6

• un Birkhäuser livre

• Pret: 137

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• Courtyard Houses• A Housing Typology

• What readers will find in this book is nothing lessthan a treasure trove of ideas and urban style,particularly useful for architects.

• To continue developing existing building types in anintelligent way is a crucial task in the field ofresidential building.

• For this typology of residential buildings, the authorshave developed systematic new presentations ofthe most innovative types. Each individual volumelays out the possibilities for using and transforminga particular form of residential structure.

• The first volume deals with the various types of thecourtyard house, which utilizes the courtyard as anintimate outdoor living space. A presentation of thecourtyard as a building block of the city is followedby coverage of the complete spectrum of types -cluster, network, carpet, terraces, etc.

• 2008, 112 p. 217 illus., SoftcoverISBN: 9783764378400

• A Birkhäuser book

• Pret: 147 lei

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• Helmut Schmid: Gestaltung istHaltung / Design Is Attitude

• Helmut Schmid … his typography has rhythm … itis created by the eye and resembles a musicalscore." Wim Crouwel, Rotterdam

• After training as a typesetter, Helmut Schmid (b.1942 in Ferlach, Austria) studied at the Schule fürGestaltung in Basel. In 1976 he designed thecampaign logo for the SPD campaign of HelmutSchmidt. After living in Düsseldorf, Berlin,Stockholm, Montreal, and Vancouver, Schmidsettled in Osaka in 1981, where he has since livedand worked as an independent graphic designer.His designs are a unique combination of Japanesetradition and Western modernity. Thus, for example,it is impossible to imagine Japanese productpackaging without Schmid’s syllabary, katakanaeru.

• 2007, 341 S. 550 Abb., 150 in Farbe.,Geb.ISBN: 978-3-7643-7509-6

• Ein Birkhäuser Buch

• Pret: 320 lei

Page 28: Carti Solicit Ate de Birourile de Arhitectura

• ClimateSkin

• Building-skin Concepts that Can DoMore with Less Energy

• This superb little book offers real, practical advice toarchitects and engineers.

• The facade plays a critical role in the conception ofenergy- and climate-optimized buildings: it is thebuilding’s skin and functions as an interfacebetween interior and exterior space.

• It provides thermal and sound insulation andventilation, and controls and guides the entrance ofdaylight into the building.

• Climate Skin offers concrete planning advice forarchitects and engineers who wish to exploit notonly the architectural potential of facades but alsotheir energy and climate-control possibilities,treating the building envelope as an essentialcomponent within a complete climate-control andtechnology solution.

• 2008, 191 p. 423 illus., 218 in color., HardcoverISBN: 978-3-7643-7725-0

• A Birkhäuser bookPret: 294 lei

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• Explorations in Architecture

• Teaching, Design, Research

• The job description of the architect hasfundamentally changed with the emergence of aglobalized society, and it will continue to do so inthe future. Already today, the demands of the job nolonger correspond to the profile on which classicalarchitectural training is based.

• In this context, the question that arises is no longerthat of the building alone, but also that of a changedapproach to building and new pathways withindesign itself.

• 2008, 216 p. 251 illus., 145 in color., SoftcoverISBN: 9783764389215

• A Birkhäuser book

• Pret: 147 lei

Page 30: Carti Solicit Ate de Birourile de Arhitectura

• Museum Buildings: A Design Manual Museums are architectural trend-setters. Culturesponsoring and their increasing role astourist attractions are guarantees for anongoing boom in museum construction. Atradition and typology developed over thecenturies, the experience gained in recentdecades and cutting-edge technology allcontribute to the practice of modern daymuseum building. History and form, sitedevelopment, floor plan, air-conditioning andclimate technology are just some examplesof the subjects treated systematically in thefirst section of this design manual.

Birkhauser, 03/2004, 248 pages, EnglishIsbn: 9783764365806Pret: 245 lei

Page 31: Carti Solicit Ate de Birourile de Arhitectura

• Wood Houses: Spaces forContemporary Living and Working

• The renaissance of wood in architecturebegan already in the early 1990s followingthe Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. A livelyinterest in sustainable materials made woodparticularly attractive and it became animportant feature in the developing globalecology. Wood as a building material standsfor a healthy interior environment, free ofharmful toxic substances, with naturallybalanced humidity and comfortableregulated temperatures. This volumedocuments in full technical detail 25 timberbuildings in three main areas: residentialbuildings, holiday homes, and living andworking.

• Princeton Architectural Press, 09/2004, 160pages, English

• Isbn: 9783764370770• Pret: 147 lei

Page 32: Carti Solicit Ate de Birourile de Arhitectura

• Packaged in a binding reminiscent of an oldengineering or medical guide, with fingertabs to easily pinpoint each project, thismassive testimony to the works and projectsof Eric Owen Moss provides acomprehensive survey of this Los Angelesbased architect’s output. A total of fortybuildings projects are featured, manyrealised but others not, that have beencreated over a twenty year span –predominantly in California, USA, but alsoRussia, China, Austria and Egypt.Introduced by a short series of observationsfrom the architect, each project issubsequently featured in chronological orderand is accompanied by models, sketches,technical notes and details, construction andsite colour photographs, and a shortintroduction.

• isbn 9787560951836• 1560 p, ills colour & bw, 23 x 29 cm, hb,


Pret: 353 lei

Page 33: Carti Solicit Ate de Birourile de Arhitectura



• Delightfully conceived, Ishigami has chosento present the projects by his officedissected into 500 smaller illustrations andaccompanied by some 150 blocks of text. Inso doing, the defining lines of the respectiveprojects are rendered ambiguous, and avague, abstract image of the whole emergeslending itself to new associations anddiscoveries. Works, projects, plans,photographs, models and research reveal asensitive and intriguing architecture from thisyoung Japanese office.

• isbn 9784872751505• 160 p ills colour & b/w 16 x 21

Japanese/English pb

Page 34: Carti Solicit Ate de Birourile de Arhitectura


• Fujimoto adopts a philosophy towardsarchitecture that returns to a primordial,intuitive moment in the process of design,free of constraints and open for possibilities.This volume, the first in a new contemporaryarchitecture series, presents his manifestofor architecture and in so doing showcasesthe architect’s works and projects to date.Recently realized buildings, such as the ‘T-House’ and ‘House O’ are presentedalongside designs, sketches and models ofunrealized works and competition entries.

• isbn 9784872751482• 144 p ills colour & b/w 15 x 21

Japanese/English pb

• Pret: 118 lei

Page 35: Carti Solicit Ate de Birourile de Arhitectura


• What is the relationship between a specificphysical environment, whether architectural,urban or natural, and how the occupantsuse, experience, develop and maintain aspace? And which different rules anddecisions shape a space and its particularuse? These questions are the driving forcebehind Atelier Bow-Wow’s delightful andthought-provoking search for theharmonious balance between forms of being(physical space) and forms of doing (howspace is occupied). Designed as ascrapbook containing a wide-rangingcollection of ideas aimed at starting anexploration, the publication blendsobservations and comments with sketchesand photographs

• isbn 9784872751574• 140 p, ills colour & bw, 15 x 21 cm, pb,


• Pret: 118 lei