case 4 entrepreneurship

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  • 7/27/2019 Case 4 Entrepreneurship


    ENTR 351: Entrepreneurship

    Case Assignment #4To Leave, or Not to Leave: The Choice of an Unfulfilled Employee

    1. In relation to the career development of employees, what role did

    the organizational culture at BDS play in Ashleighs decision to

    leave the company?

    - According to the Chapter 19 of the textbook, Staffing and

    Leading a Growing Company, the company culture is the

    distinctive, unwritten code of conduct that governs the

    behavior, attitudes, relationships, and style of an organization.

    In essence, it is the way we do things around here. Ashleigh

    in a sense had unfulfilled expectations of her job at BDS-Austin,

    which left her unfulfilled. There were two main organizational

    culture factors that ultimately led to her decision to pursue

    other opportunities and leave the company.- The Austin branch had a different work environment than

    her internship in Poughkeepsie. The Poughkeepsie branch

    was more diverse as far as employee race and age, where

    the Austin branch had more of a stagnant culture, with

    older male workers who were nearing retirement and were

    more concerned with job security than grooming new

    employees. The employees at the Austin branch were set in

    their ways and they didnt even like managers to provide

    too much input. This was not a conducive learning

    environment for a young rising professional like Ashleigh.

    Companies that are progressive encourage and support


    - Additionally, the department wasnt a good fit for her career

    goals, which was admitted by Pat Thomas, her 1st manager.

    Her work responsibilities werent as challenging as her

    duties in Poughkeepsie, and she was under the impression

    that her job duties would be similar, which is why she took

    the job. Ashleigh felt like she wasnt developing any useful

    skills for her future career as an engineer. She attempted tobe a diligent worker, but she found herself finishing up her

    tasks early. And when she went to ask for more

    responsibilities, there were no opportunities for her, which

    made her frustrated and looking for a way out.

    Ashleigh had certain expectations of the organization. She

    expected to gain work experience, security, and advancement.

  • 7/27/2019 Case 4 Entrepreneurship


    ENTR 351: Entrepreneurship

    She also probably expected to have an opportunity to meet

    people, make friends, and form social relationships. With BDS

    not adequately satisfying her expectations, friction developed,

    which couldnt be solved, and culminated with Ashleigh leaving

    the organization.

    2. How could the level of communication between manager and

    employee be improved?

    - Fortunately, Ashleigh is a great communicator and spoke her

    mind when she had the chance. Her 1st manager, Pat Thomas

    was open to communicating with her at any time, which was

    also an advantage, but there were some areas that needed

    improvement. The case didnt discuss who Ashleigh

    interviewed with before she started at the organization in

    Austin. Obviously, it wasnt her current manager Pat Thomas,

    because he would have known from interviewing with her that

    with her education and background, she wasnt a good fit for

    the position. Pat Thomas brings this to her attention 6 months

    into her position, only after Ashleigh came to him with her


    - Also, Ashleighs manager could have assisted her in

    communicating with his peer manager, Kirk Powell. Being that

    she is new and there is some obvious gender and age

    uncomfortability in this department, it could have made adifference in the answer Ashleigh received from Kirk.

    Nevertheless, Pat did a good job in facilitating empowerment

    within Ashleigh by giving her the authority, freedom, and the

    responsibility to venture out into the organization and build her

    own networks.

    3. What issues can be observed in the case that relate to gender and

    age diversity?

    - The issue is first observed in the way Bill Blodget, Ashleighs 1st

    job manager interacts with her. He is very distant, not

    engaging, appears to be always busy, and not helpful. This

    could possibly be for the reasons Pat mentioned that Bill is

    used to working alone, and being out of his comfort zone by

    taking on a mentee. The issue was later confirmed by several

    of the individuals Ashleigh conversed with about her

    challenges. Mark her office mate mentioned that not too many

  • 7/27/2019 Case 4 Entrepreneurship


    ENTR 351: Entrepreneurship

    guys on the team are going to be happy about being assigned

    a new hire, especially a female. This was also confirmed by

    her career mentor, Audrey, who informed her that women tend

    to face various challenges working in the male-dominated

    environment at BDS, She was the individual who encouragedAshleigh to get involved with the BDS Women Inventors Group.

    Thirdly, Ashleighs conversation with Richard was also affirming

    of the lack of gender and possibly age diversity at BDS. Richard

    kept pointing out the fact that she was a female by calling her

    maam, and even having to confirm that she did not know how

    to operate a simple screw driver. For someone who has two

    engineering degrees, Im sure that was a bit insulting, and

    probably would not have come up if she was a male.

    4. The structural changes that were executed at BDS were prompted

    by the need to improve business sales. How did the

    reorganization of the BDS Technology Group and subsequent

    reduction in workforce impact Ashleighs perception of job

    security and her decision to leave the company?

    - Ashleigh was already feeling worried about her position at BDS,

    and this made her feel even more vulnerable. She didnt feel

    like she had a secure place at BDS, because not she was new,

    the youngest member with the least amount of experience,

    and on top of that, her manager knew she was not being fullyutilized by the team. She had a weakened sense of job security,

    and she knew it was time to intensify her job search and find a

    place where she will be fully utilized, and she felt she was


    5. If you were employed by BDS and also worked in the same

    department with Ashleigh, what advice would you give her about

    her situation? Could Ashleigh have done anything differently to

    prevent being placed in the situation, or was she merely a victim

    of circumstance.

    - Ashleigh took the necessary steps that she needed to take, and

    she stuck with her gut with finding what was right for her, i.e.

    she did not let the advice from the new manager influence

    what was right for her. She was honest with her supervisors

    and herself. She was proactive in finding a position, and she

    never gave up.

  • 7/27/2019 Case 4 Entrepreneurship


    ENTR 351: Entrepreneurship

    - I think in this case she was the victim of circumstance. She

    could have asked more questions before taking the position,

    but I see it more as a valuable experience that will allow her to

    understand what to look for in the future to expand her career
