case - charles martin in uganda

Charles Martin in Uganda What to do when a manager goes native

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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!"#$%&' )#$*+, +, -.#,/#WhaL Lo do when a manager goes naLlveUganda country profile!Slnce Lhe laLe 1980s uganda has rebounded fromLheabyss of clvll war and economlc caLasLrophe Lo become relaLlvely peaceful, sLable and prosperous.!ln Lhe 1970s and 1980s uganda was noLorlous for lLshuman rlghLs abuses, flrsL durlngLhe mlllLarydlcLaLorshlp of ldl Amln from1971-79 and Lhen afLerLhe reLurn Lo power of MllLon CboLe, who had beenousLed by Amln.!uurlng Lhls Llme up Lo half a mllllon people werekllled ln sLaLe-sponsored vlolence.Uganda country profile!AfLer becomlngpresldenL ln 1986 ?owerl MusevenllnLroduced democraLlc reforms and was credlLedwlLh subsLanLlally lmprovlnghuman rlghLs, noLably byreduclngabuses by Lhe army and Lhe pollce.Uganda at a glance!ollLlcs:MulLl-parLy pollLlcs resLored ln 2003. 1heopposlLlon accuses resldenL Musevenl of auLhorlLarlanLendencles!SecurlLy: Lord's 8eslsLance Army (L8A) forced ouL of norLhern uganda ln 2003/06 and has been undermlllLary pressure ln border reglons ln recenL years!Lconomy: uganda ls vulnerable Lo changes ln Lhe worldprlce of coffee, lLs maln exporL earner. Cll dlscoverleshave boosLed prospecLs!lnLernaLlonal: uganda has been acLlvely lnvolved ln Lheu8 Congo confllcL. L8A leaders are wanLed by LhelnLernaLlonal CrlmlnalCourL for war crlmesSource: watch a videoIntroduction to the case!Pydro CeneraLlon(PC)ls consLrucLlngalarge damlnuganda and ls supporLed by Lhe ugandan CovernmenLas only 3 of Lhe populaLlon has access Lo elecLrlclLy!CurrenLpro[ecLllalsonspeclallsL, CharlesMarLln, hassaLlsfacLorlly accompllshed whaL he had been asslgned,however PCvlce-presldenL ls concerned abouL hlsllfesLyle and some of hls buslness pracLlces ln uganda!ShouldCharlesbeallowedLosLaylnugandaforLheconsLrucLlon phase of Lhe dam? Wlll he be beneflclal?Discussion on Question 11) uescrlbe uganda CulLural aLLrlbuLes LhaL mlghL affecL LheoperaLlons of a forelgn company dolng buslness LhereAnswer to Question 1!Language 8arrler!8ellglous Concerns!vlolenL ollLlcal PlsLory, ollLlcal lnsLablllLy and nepoLlsm! ulfferenL Lypes of communlcaLlon language! Plgher and lower class dlscrlmlnaLlon! nepoLlsmls a norm for employmenL sLaffs! 8esLrucLurlng of rules and lnLernaLlonal law! eople are lnvolve wlLhcorrupLlon! Lack of Lhe legal opporLunlLy! eople of uganda's are Loo much devouLLo Lhelr rellglon and bellefs and culLureDiscussion on Question 22) PowwouldyoudescrlbeLherespecLlveaLLlLudes ofMarLln and Creen: eLhnocenLrlc, polycenLrlc or geocenLrlc?WhaL facLors doyoususpecL of havlnglnfluencedLhelrrespecLlve aLLlLudes?Answer to Question 2key deflnlLlons:! !"#$%&'()*+,- ln polycenLrlc organlzaLlons, conLrol ls decenLrallzed soLhaL managers feel free Lo conducL buslness ln whaL he Lhlnks.! .(/'"%&'()*+,- LLhnocenLrlsm ls Lhe bellef LhaL one's own culLure lssuperlor Lo oLhers! 0&"%&'()*+,- CeocenLrlsm ls beLween Lhe exLremes of polycenLrlsmand eLhnocenLrlsmsAnswer to Question 2!MarLln exhlblLed a more !"#$%&'()*% (auLonomous)aLLlLude,!Creen seemed Lo be more 0&"%&'()*% ln hls approach.!Whlle MarLln was more concerned abouL hls effecLlvenesswlLhrespecL Lohls asslgnmenL lnuganda, Creenwasmore concerned wlLh corporaLe-level lssues.Discussion on Question 33)WhowasrlghL,CreenorMarLln,abouLMarLln'smoreconLroverslal acLlons ln faclllLaLlng Lhe pro[ecL? Pow mlghLLhlngs have Lurned ouL lf MarLln had noL been a member ofLhe pro[ecL Leam?Answer to Question 3! MarLlnwas rlghL abouL LheconLroverslal acLlons heLooklnLheuganda operaLlon! PC saw Lhe wlsdom of havlng someone wlLhboLh a home-counLrycorporaLe perspecLlve and a knowledge of uganda's economlcpollLlcal and culLural complexlLy!MarLln know LhaL how Lo operaLe buslness as a forelgn company ln acounLry llke uganda! ArgumenLs can be made for Lhe poslLlons of boLh Creen and MarLln! MarLln'sre[ecLlonofLheLyplcal expaLrlaLellfesLylerancounLerLoCreen's ldea of a deslrable corporaLe lmageDiscussion on Question 44) lnLhenexLfaceofLhepro[ecL-consLrucLlngLhedamlLself- should PC employ someone whose maln funcLlon lsLhaL of llalson beLween lLs corporaLe culLure and LheculLure of lLs hosL counLry? lf so, ls MarLln Lhe rlghL personfor Lhe [ob?Answer to Question 4!lf employed someone else, same problem wlll occurred.!MarLln should be Lhe rlghL person for Lhe [ob. Clven Lhe lmporLanceand Lhe slze of Lhe pro[ecL,!lL seems onlyloglcal Loemploysomeonewhols exLremelywellversed ln Lhe culLure of uganda!WheLher LhaL person ls MarLln or someone else, however, PC musLesLabllshclearguldellnesLhaLreflecLboLhu.S. lawandcorporaLepollcy Lo gulde Lhe managers of Lhelr forelgn operaLlonsConclusion! 1he lnLernaLlonallzaLlonofbuslness requlres Lhorough researchofLhe oLher counLry's culLure! 1herelsaneedforaccommodaLlonLoLhedlfferenLsLandards ofdolng buslness by Lhe hosL company ln Lhe forelgn counLry! lL ls necessary Lo respecL oLher counLry's culLural bellefs,! eopleworklnglnaforelgnenvlronmenL shouldLryLobecomegeocenLrlc.