case digests

Rudecon Management Corporation and Atty. Rugelio D. Tacorda v. Atty. Manuel N.Camacho(A.C. No. 6403, August 31, 2004) FACTS: On September 3, 1998, Sisenando Singson, represented by herein respondent Att y.Manuel N. Camacho, filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City a complaintagainst herein complainant Rudecon Management Corporation for damages and reconveyance,docketed as Civil Case No. Q-98-35444. The case was originally raffl ed to Branch 79, RTC,Quezon City but was eventually re-raffled to Branch 85 of the same court.On September 21, 1998, Singson, again represented by Atty. Camacho, filed with Branch78, RTC, Quezon City a "Motion for Intervention (With Attached Answer in Intervention WithAffirmative Defenses and Compulsory Counterclaim)" in Civil Case No. Q-98-35326, entitled,"Rudecon Management Corporation, plaintiff-appellee vs. Ramon M. Veluz, defendant-appellant ," a case for unlawful detainer on appeal before said court.On October 1, 1998, Rudecon filed a motion before Branch 78 seeking to cite Singsonand his counsel, Atty. Camacho, for contempt for having allegedly violated the rule againstforum shopping. And the court, in its dispositive portion found them guilty. On the basis of theabove-cited order, Rudecon and Tacorda filed the instant complaint for disbarment or suspensionagainst Atty. Camacho. ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Manuel N. Camacho is liable for violation of Canon 10 of the Codeof Professional Responsibility. RULING: Although respondent was held to be guilty in forum shopping, the court agreed with respondent that there was no intention on his part to mislead the court by concealing the pendency of Civil Case No. Q-98- 35444 in Branch 79 when they led the Motion for Intervention and Answer in Intervention in Civil Case No. Q-98-35326 in Branch 78. Indeed, thefirst paragraph of the said Answer in Intervention shows that respondent and his client called thet r i a l court’s attention with respect to the pendency of Civil Case No. Q-98- 35444. H e r e i n complainant, which is the plaintiff in Civil Case No. Q-98-35326, does not dispute respondent’sallegation that the latter and his client attached to their Answer in Intervention a copy of their complaint in Civil Case No. Q-98-35444. Complainants seek the disbarment or suspension of respondent from the practice of lawfor his having allegedly violated Canon 10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, however,in administrative cases for disbarment or suspension against lawyers, the quantum of proof required is clearly preponderant evidence and the burden of proof rests upon the complainant.Moreover, an administrative case against a lawyer must show the dubious character of the actdone as well as of the motivation thereof. In the present case, complainant failed to present clearand preponderant evidence to show that respondent willfully and deliberat ely resorted tofalsehood and unlawful and dishonest conduct in violation of the standards of honesty

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digest of practice court cases


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Rudecon Management Corporation and Atty. Rugelio D. Tacorda v. Atty. Manuel N.Camacho(A.C. No. 6403, August 31, 2004)FACTS:On September  3 ,  1998 ,  S i senando  S ingson,   represented  by  here in   respondent  At ty .Manuel N. Camacho, filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City a complaintagainst herein complainant Rudecon Management Corporation for damages and reconveyance,docketed as Civil Case No. Q-98-35444. The case was originally raffled to Branch 79, RTC,Quezon City but was eventually re-raffled to Branch 85 of the same court.On September 21, 1998, Singson, again represented by Atty. Camacho, filed with Branch78, RTC, Quezon City a "Motion for Intervention (With Attached Answer in Intervention WithAffirmative Defenses and Compulsory Counterclaim)" in Civil Case No. Q-98-35326, entitled,"Rudecon  Management  Corpora t ion , plaintiff-appelleev s .   R a m o n   M .   V e l u z ,defendant-appellant ," a case for unlawful detainer on appeal before said court.On October 1, 1998, Rudecon filed a motion before Branch 78 seeking to cite Singsonand his counsel, Atty. Camacho, for contempt for having allegedly violated the rule againstforum shopping. And the court, in  its dispositive portion found them guilty. On the basis of theabove-cited order, Rudecon and Tacorda filed the instant complaint for disbarment or suspensionagainst Atty. Camacho.ISSUE:Whether or not Atty. Manuel N. Camacho is liable for violation of Canon 10 of the Codeof Professional Responsibility.RULING:Al though respondent was he ld to be gui l t y in forum shopping , the cour t agreed wi th respondent tha t   there  was no   in ten t ion on  h i s par t   to  mis lead   the cour t by  concea l ing the   p e n d e n c y   o f   C i v i l   C a s e   N o .   Q - 9 8 - 3 5 4 4 4   i n   B r a n c h   7 9   w h e n   t h e y   f i l e d   t h e  M o t i o n   f o r   Intervention and Answer in Intervention in Civil Case No. Q-98-35326 in Branch 78. Indeed, thefirst paragraph of the said Answer in Intervention shows that respondent and his client called thet r ia l   cour t ’ s a t t en t ion  wi th   respec t to   the  pendency  of  Civ i l  Case  No.  Q-98-35444 .  Here incomplainant, which is the plaintiff in Civil Case No. Q-98-35326, does not dispute respondent’sallegation that the latter and his client attached to their Answer in Intervention a copy of their complaint in Civil Case No. Q-98-35444.

Complainants seek the disbarment or suspension of respondent from the practice of lawfor his having allegedly violated Canon 10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, however,in administrative cases for disbarment or suspension against lawyers, the quantum of proof  required is clearly preponderant evidence and the burden of proof rests upon the complainant.Moreover, an administrative case against a lawyer must show the dubious character of the act done as well as of the motivation thereof. In the present case, complainant failed to present clear and  preponderant   ev idence   to   show  tha t   respondent  wi l l fu l l y  and  de l ibera te ly  resor ted   to fa l sehood  and  unlawful  and  d i shones t   conduc t   in  v io la t ion  of   the   s tandards  o f  hones ty as  prov ided   for  by   the  Code  of  Profess ional  Respons ib i l i t y  which  would  have  warranted  the imposition of administrative sanction against him.Wherefore, Resolution No. XVI-2004-43 dated February 27, 2004 of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines is SET ASIDE and the instant administrative case filed against Atty. Manuel N. Camacho is DISMISSED for lack of merit.

D O L O R E S   V D A .   D E   F A J A R D O   v s .   A T T Y .   R E X I E   E F R E N BUGARING, A.C. No. 5113, 10/7/2004.FACTS: Respondent assisted Complainant and her co-heirs in two cases affecting an inherited land. For every hearing, Respondent was fetched from, and driven back to, his residence, paid P1,000-appearance fee and sent off with vegetables, candies and other goodies. However, when

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asked the fee for legal services, he would only say, ‘Huwag na ninyo alalahanin iyon. Para ko na kayong nanay o lola”. Later, Respondent devised two contracts at P50,000.00 with 25% contingency fee for his services and advised Complainant to show them to her co-heirs who had been askingfor the cost of legal services. When the cases were eventuallysett led,  Complainant  and her  co-heirs  of fered RespondentP100,000 as attorney’s fees, which he rejected. Respondent even secretly proposed to Complainant that he would only charge her P85,000.00 and her co-heirs P1,200,000.00. Three years later, Complainant learned that her property had been attached by Respondent after the latter filed a civil case against her for sum of money.

RULING: RespondentSUSPENDED. The proper time to deal with the issue of professional fees is upon commencement of the lawyer-client relationship. In this case, Respondent shouldhave determined and entered into an agreement regarding his f e e s   i n   1 9 9 1   a t   t h e   l a t e s t ,   w h e n   h e   w a s   f i r s t   r e t a i n e d   b y complainant as her counsel in the partition case. Such prudence would have spared the Court this controversy over a lawyer’s compensation, a suit that should be avoided except to prevent imposition, injustice or fraud. To be sure, a lawyer is entitled to the protection of the courts against any attempt on the part of a client to escape payment of legitimate attorney’s fees. However, such protect ion  must  not be  sought at   the expense of   t ruth.C o m p l e t e   c a n d o r   o r   h o n e s t y   i s   e x p e c t e d   f r o m   l a w y e r s , particularly when they appear and plead before the courts for their own causes against former clients, as in this case. With his armada of legal knowledge and skills, Respondent clearly enjoyed the upper hand. More important, he had the sole opportunity to present evidence in the collection case after complainant wasdeclared  in  defaul t ,  and af ter  he was al lowed  to  present  h isevidence ex parte. Respondent is reminded that he is first and foremost an officer of the court. His bounden duty is to assist it in rendering justice to all. Lest he has forgotten, lawyers must always be disciples of truth. It is highly reprehensible when they themselves make a t ravesty of   the t ruth and mangle the ends of just ice.  Suchbehavior   runs counter   to   the standards of  honesty and  fa i rdealing expected from court officers.

PEDRO G. TOLENTINO vs. ATTY. NORBERTO M. MENDOZA,A.C. No. 5151, 11/19/2004.FACTS: Complainants alleged that Respondent, a former judge, abandoned his legal wife and cohabited with a married woman with  whom he has  two chi ldren  in  whose bir th  cert i f icates Respondent false indicated that he and his paramour are married. Further, in his certificate of candidacy, Respondent declared his legal  wi fe  as his  spouse whi le   in  a  subsequent  cert i f icate  of  candidacy, he declared his civil status as separated. Respondent contended that the fact that he was elected as Mayor shows that the has not offended the public’s sense of morality.

RULING: RespondentSUSPENDED INDEFINITELY for immorality until he submits satisfactory proof that he has abandoned his immoral course of conduct. That Respondent continues to publicly and openly cohabit with a woman who is not his legal wife, thus, siring children by her, shows his lack of good moral character. Respondent should keep in mind that the requirement of goodmoral character is not only a condition precedent to admission to the Phi l ippine Bar  but   is  a lso a  cont inuing requirement   tomaintain one’s good standing in the legal profession.

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REUBEN M. PROTACIO vs. ATTY. ROBERTO M. MENDOZA [Adm. Case No. 5764.  January 13, 2003]


Complainant claimed that he did not sign the board resolution nor did he attend a board meeting of the corporation on the date stated therein (March 30, 1998), and therefore the signature purporting to be his was a forgery. He alleged that the Notarial Section of the Regional Trial Court of Manila had in fact certified that it did not have a copy of the board resolution in question because respondent had not submitted his notarial report for March 1998.  Furthermore, according to complainant, the records of the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID) showed that  Nobuyasu Nemoto  was out  of the  country  on  March 30, 1998, having left the Philippines on March 26, 1998 and having returned only on March 31, 1998.  Hence, complainant claimed, it was impossible for Nobuyasu Nemoto to have attended the supposed board meeting on March 30, 1998 and to have signed the resolution on the same date. Complainant charged that respondent knowingly and maliciously notarized the said board resolution without the presence of the party allegedly executing it.

ISSUE: Can a Jurat be signed even if the notary public is not present?


It is necessary that a party to any document notarized by a notary public appear in person before the latter and affirm the contents and truth of what are stated in the document.]  The importance of this requirement cannot be gainsaid. The acknowledgement of a document is not an empty meaningless act. By it a private document is converted into a public document, making it admissible in court without further proof of its authenticity.  For this reason, it behooves every notary public to see to it that this requirement is observed and that formalities for the acknowledgment of documents are complied with.

In this case, Nobuyasu Nemoto, who was allegedly a signatory to a resolution of a corporation, allegedly notarized by respondent, could not have signed the document on March 30, 1998, the date indicated therein, since he was not then in the Philippines. Respondent’s explanation that Nemoto actually signed the document  on March 31, 1998, after arriving from Japan, cannot be accepted.  Documents must speak the truth if  their integrity is to be preserved.  That is what a notary public vouches for when he states in the jurat that the parties have appeared before him at the time and in the place he (the notary public) states and that the document is then a free act and deed.  It is for this reason that public documents are given full faith and credit, at least as to their due execution.

MENA U. GERONA vs. ATTY. ALFREDO DATINGALING A.C. No. 4801             February 27, 2003


It was alleged that respondent lawyer notarize a document entitled “Consent to Quary” purported lt containing the agreement between the complainant, her brother and sisters on hand, and Ronald Reagan Hernandez, represented by Bayano Melo, on the other allowing the latter to enter or occupy a portion of their property in Batangas, when in truth and in fact the complainant, her brother and sisters did not appear before the respondent. This nonappearance by the complainant and party was evidenced by the individual daily time records of their work in Manila. It said that it is clear from the evidence of the complainant that respondent has violated the Code of Professional Responsibility as against the unconvincing explanation, silence and failure to file a rejoinder of the respondent. The IBP Board of

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Governors approved the report with modifications. It endorsed the suspension of respondent’s commission as Notary Public with disqualification from appointment as Notary Public for two(2) years from receipt of notice. 


Whether or not the acts of the respondent constitute violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility where penalty is in order?


The SC upheld the decision of the IBP as fully supported by evidence. Respondent failed to do his duty in requiring the persons claiming to have executed the document to appear personally before him and to attest to the contents and truth of what are stated in the document. The acknowledgment shall be made before a notary public or an officer duly authorized by law of the country to take acknowledgments of instruments or documents in the place where the act is done. The notary public or the officer taking the acknowledgment shall certify that the person acknowledging the instrument or document is known to him and that he is the same person who executed it, and acknowledged that the same is his free act and deed. The certificate shall be made under his official seal, if he is by law required to keep a seal, and if not, his certificate shall so state. Respondent’s failure to controvert evidence as to the inconsistencies of persons who appeared to have executed the document lent credence to complainant’s claim that the document is fictitious.

Ma. Corazon D. Fulgencio vs. Atty. Bienvenido G. Martin, A.C. No. 3223, May 29, 2003


               This is an action against Atty. Bienvenido G. Martin for falsifying and notarizing two Documents of Sale.

               On June 1, 1983, in Isabela, Basilan, respondent notarized two documents, a Deed of Absolute Sale over a parcel of land and a Bill of Sale over a Toyota sedan, both supposedly executed by Kua Se Beng (Kua), complainant’s husband. Complainant alleged that the two documents could not have been executed and notarized in Basilan by her husband Kua, who died on July 5, 1983, because he was confined at the Makati Medical Center from May 30 to June 30, 1983.  She also denied having affixed her signature on the first document. 


               On the other hand, respondent admitted that he prepared and notarized the questioned Deed of Absolute Sale and Bill of Sale without the vendor Kua personally appearing before him.  He asserted, however, that he prepared and notarized the deeds upon the express request of Kua whom he considered as a trusted friend.  He insisted that the Kua’s and complainant’s signature are genuine, he being acquainted with their signatures on account of his long years of lawyering for Kua and their family corporation. 

Issue:  Whether or not Atty. Martin violated Notarial Law.


               Atty. Martin admitted that Kua did not appear before him when he notarized the deeds in Basilan but stated, however, in the Acknowledgement portion of each of the documents that Kua, “on the first day of June 1983, personally appeared before [him]…known to [him] and to [him] known to be the same

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person who signed and executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged…to him that the same is his free and voluntary act.” He thus made an untruthful statement, thus violating his oath as a lawyer that he shall not do any falsehood. 

               Further, Respondent also breached the injunction of the notarial law not to do any notarial act beyond the limits of his jurisdiction. 



Complainant averred that on July 19, 1990, respondent prepared and notarized a Special Power of Attorney making it appear that complainant, her deceased spouse, Alberto Bernardo and Hildegarda Mejia appointed Marcelino G. Soriano, Jr. as their attorney-in-fact to sell a parcel of land, when they neither appeared nor executed and acknowledged said document before respondent.

Complainant further alleged that her husband, Alberto Bernardo, could not have appeared and executed said Special Power of Attorney before respondent on July 19, 1990 since her husband died on January 30, 1980.

Respondent further averred that a living Alberto Bernardo appeared before him in Davao City and signed the Special Power of Attorney at the time of its execution. He also stated that Pangasinan and Davao City are far apart; hence, events happening in either places (alluding to the death of complainant’s husband, Alberto Bernardo) are not always known to everybody. Atty. Restauro prayed for the dismissal of the complaint.


The principal function of a notary public is to authenticate documents. When a notary public certifies to the due execution and delivery of a document under his hand and seal, he gives the document the force of evidence. Indeed, one of the purposes of requiring documents to be acknowledged before a notary public, in addition to the solemnity which should surround the execution and delivery of documents, is to authorize such documents to be given without further proof of their execution and delivery. A notarial document is by law entitled to full faith and credit upon its face. Hence, a notary public must discharge his powers and duties, which are impressed with public interest, with accuracy and fidelity.

However, the act of respondent does not warrant his disbarment or indefinite suspension. Considering all the circumstances in this case, particularly the absence of any evidence of fraud involved, this Court finds a suspension of six (6) months as notary public sufficient.

Valencia vs locquiao

This case is about a donation made in consideration of marriage, known in law as “donation propter nuptias”.

Benny was engaged to be married to Myra. A few weeks before their marriage, his parents executed a donation written in the Ilocano dialect and denominated as “Inventario Ti Sagut” wherein he and his prospective bride Myra were gifted with four parcels of land, as well as a male cow and one-third portion of his parents’ own conjugal house. After their marriage, the fact of their marriage were inscribed at the back of the land Titles donated.

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parents died, leaving as heirs, Benny and his two brothers and three sisters. With Benny and Myra’s permission, the youngest sister Marta took possession and cultivated one of the lands donated to Benny and Myra wherein the fact of their marriage was annotated on the title.

Benny and Myra registered the Deed of Donation so the titles of the donated land including OCT 18383 were already cancelled and in lieu thereof, new titles were issued in Benny and Myra’s name. OCT 18383 was thus replaced by TCT 84897. Marta however remained in possession and cultivation of the land.

Sometime in 1977, when Marta’s husband got sick, her daughter Vilma took over possession of the land Sometime in 1983, Vilma filed an action for annulment of title against Benny and Myra before the RTC which was however dismissed. This move prompted Benny and Myra to file an action for ejectment of Vilma before the Municipal Trial Court which rendered a decision on November 25, 1985 ordering Vilma to vacate the land.

To counter this ruling, Vilma and her mother Marta filed another complaint before the RTC for the annulment of Benny and Myra’s TCT No. 84897 They alleged that the donation propter nuptias or Inventario Ti Sagut was spurious because it did not observe the form required by law as there was no written acceptance on the document itself or in a separate public instrument.

To buttress their claim that the document was falsified, the petitioners rely mainly on the Certification32 dated July 9, 1984 of the Records Management and Archives Office that there was no notarial record for the year 1944 of Cipriano V. Abenojar who notarized the document on May 22, 1944 and that therefore a copy of the document was not available.

issue: whether or not atty. abenojar violated the notarial act law

The certification is not sufficient to prove the alleged inexistence or spuriousness of the challenged document. The appellate court is correct in pointing out that the mere absence of the notarial record does not prove that the notary public does not have a valid notarial commission and neither does the absence of a file copy of the document with the archives effect evidence of the falsification of the document.33 This Court ruled that the failure of the notary public to furnish a copy of the deed to the appropriate office is a ground for disciplining him, but certainly not for invalidating the document or for setting aside the transaction therein involved



In February 1988, Dominador Cabanilla sold his right over a 34-square-meter portion of the said house to his neighbor, Rodolfo Sabangan. Thereafter, Rodolfo brought an already-signed one-page Deed of Sale to Dominador for the latter’s signature. Dominador affixed his signature above his typewritten name. When he reviewed the said deed, however, Dominador noticed that contrary to the agreement, it appeared that he was relinquishing his rights not only over the portion of the house thereon but also the lot where such portion of the house stood. Dominador,

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thus, made notations at the bottom of the said deed and also wrote on the left margin of the deed the words “Please change,” and initialed the same.

Dominador then returned the deed to Rodolfo. A few days after, Rodolfo gave Dominador a copy of the said deed which was not revised as requested by the latter. Moreover, appended to the deed as “page 2” thereof was an acknowledgment containing the names of the Cabanilla children, including Eddie Cabanilla, Johny Cabanilla, Raul Cabanilla, Diosdado Cabanilla, Ferdinand Cabanilla and David Cabanilla. It appeared in the acknowledgment that those listed therein were also vendors of the property.

On October 16, 1995, Dominador et al. executed a “Joint Affidavit of Complaint” for falsification of a document under Article 171 in relation to Article 172 of the Revised Penal Code against Rodolfo and the respondent. In her Counter-Affidavit, the respondent alleged, inter alia, that the parties to the Deed of Sale appeared before her and acknowledged the authenticity of their signatures therein, and even showed their residence certificates which she entered in her notarial register; and that after finding that everything was in order, she proceeded to notarize the deed of sale which was prepared by the parties themselves. She also averred that she exercised due diligence in ascertaining if the signatures appearing in the deed of sale were authentic and genuine; that she was not a handwriting expert who could determine if the signatures appearing in the said document were forged or not; and that she acted in good faith when she notarized the deed.

Issue: What is the effect of notarizing a falsified deed?


Under Section 1(a) of Act 2103, a notary public taking the acknowledgment in a document or instrument is mandated to certify that the person acknowledging the instrument or document is known to him and that he is the same person who executed it and acknowledged that the same is his free act and deed. To “acknowledge before” means to avow; to own as genuine, to assert, to admit; and “before” means in front or preceding in space or ahead of. A party acknowledging must appear before the notary public.

A notary public is enjoined from notarizing a fictitious or spurious document. The function of a notary public is, among others, to guard against any illegal deed. Clearly, the respondent violated her duty as a notary public. A notary public is mandated to discharge sacred duties which are dictated by public policy and, as such, are impressed with public interest. The respondent miserably failed.

ROGELIO R. SANTOS, SR., complainant, vs. ATTY. RODOLFO C. BELTRAN, respondent.

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Complainant filed a verified complaint against atty. Beltran before the (IBP), alleging that when respondent notarized a Deed of Donation executed by his mother in favor of her nine children, except complainant, the siblings did not personally appear before him. Complainant submitted the affidavit executed by his brothers Benito and Renato attesting to the fact that they signed the Deed of Donation not in the law office of the respondent but in their houses at Villa Benita Subdivision.

Complainant further alleged that respondent represented conflictinginterest when he entered his appearance as defense counsel in an ejectment case in which his former client, Erlinda R. Santos-Crawford, was the plaintiff.

The Supreme Court found respondent guilty of representing conflicting interest. According to the Court, there is conflict of interest when a lawyer represents inconsistent interests of two or more opposing parties. In the case at bar, Civil Case No.12105 for ejectment was filed by Arcely Y. Santos in behalf of Erlinda Santos-Crawford against complainant and Renato Santos. Respondent, however, appeared as counsel for Evalyn Valino, Norberto Valino and Danilo Agsaway in Civil Case No. 14823 for ejectment filed by complainant as attorney-in-fact of Erlinda Santos-Crawford. CivilCase No. 14823, although litigated by complainant, was actually brought in behalf of and to protect the interest of Erlinda Santos-Crawford. Respondent's act of representing the parties against whom his other client, Erlinda Santos-Crawford, filed suit constituted conflict of interest.

The Court, however, ruled that complainant failed to controvert by clear and convincing evidence the evidentiary weight with respect to its due execution and presumption of regularity conferred upon a notarized document and documents acknowledged before a notary public. Instead, the quantum of evidence showed that complainant's siblings appeared before the respondent as notary public and in fact, signed the deed. The claim of Renato and Benito Santos in their affidavit that they did not sign the document in the law office of the respondent but in their houses at Villa Benita Subdivision is admissible only against them. Respondent was suspended from the practice of law for a period of one (1) year and sternly warned that a commission of the same or similar act in the future will be dealt with more severely.

G R O S S M I S C O N D U C T A N D M A L P R A C T I C E ; DOCUMENTS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE A NOTARY PUBLIC HAVE IN THEIRF A V O R   P R E S U M P T I O N   O F   R E G U L A R I T Y ;   C O M P L A I N A N T   F A I LE D   T O C O N T R O V E R T   T H E   S A I D   P R E S U M P T I O N   B Y   C L E A R   A N D   C O N V IN C I N G EVIDENCE. — The rule is that a notarized document carries the evidentiary weight conferred upon it with respect to its due execution, and documents acknowledged before a notary public have in their favor the presumption of regularity. In the instant case, complainant failed to controvert the said presumption by clear and convincing evidence. Instead, the quantum of evidence shows that complainant's siblings appeared before the respondent as notary public and in fact, signed the deed. The claim of Renato and Benito Santos in their affidavit that they did not sign the document in the law office of the respondent but in their houses at Villa Benita is admissible only againstthem.  L ikewise,  we  f ind   the  a l legat ion  o f   the  compla inant   that   i t  was phys ica l ly impossible for his siblings to sign the document untenable. The certifications issued by the BID that the complainant's siblings were absent at the time of the execution of the Deed of Donation is not absolute. There are many ports of entry which complainant's siblings may have used in coming into the country. The possibility that complainant's siblings executed and signed the Deed is not remote. The discrepancy in the date stamped in the Deed and the date when complainant's siblings obtained their CTCs had been substantially explained in the affidavit executed by the secretary of the law office, Mely Lachica.


Facts: Respondent Atty. Sorongon had been the counsel of complainant Mercedes Nava for

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years. The former informed her of his intention to withdraw as her counsel in two of her cases due to a stroke that paralyzed his right body but proposed to be retained in two other criminal cases with lesser paper works. He filed his withdrawal on December 4, 1996 and was granted by the court. Complainant alleged that while she continuously paid for the respondent’s services, the latter represented other clients with hostile interests and cases filed against her. Complainant cried that respondent assisted one Francisco Atas in filing a formal complaint for 11 counts of violation of B.P. 22 against her.

Thereafter, the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline issued a resolution suspending respondent from the practice of law for one year considering his clear violation of the prohibition against representing conflicting interest.

Issue: Whether or not a formal investigation is mandatory in complaints for disbarment.

Held: In complaints for disbarment, a formal investigation is a mandatory requirement. The court may dispense with the normal referral to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines if the records are complete and the question raised is simple. Similarly, if no further, factual determination is necessary, the court may decide the case on the basis of the extensive pleading on record.Complaints against lawyers for misconduct are normally addressed to the Court. If, at the outset, the Court finds a complaint to be clearly wanting in merit, it out rightly dismisses the case. If, however, the Court deems it necessary that further inquiry should be made, such as when the matter could not be resolved by merely evaluating the pleadings submitted, a referral is made to the IBP for a formal investigation of the case during which the parties are accorded an opportunity to be heard. An ex parte investigation may only be conducted when respondent fails to appear despite reasonable notice.