case studies


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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 2: Case studies

Professor Green – Alive till I'm deadThe album cover is really simple it is a close up shot of professor green, it is a low angle shot

where he is facing away from the camera he is looking emotionless and he looks angry which relates to the title of the album Alive till I'm dead where dead people don’t show emotion he is not showing emotions too. You can see his tattoo on his neck which is like his logo. The lighting isn’t too dark or too light but he looks really pale in the picture which represents dead people. Professor green is a well known person and he does not need his album cover to be full of stud keeping it simple makes it stand out and it advertises itself as it has picture on it. The poster is the same as the album cover same font and same colour and same image, the use of consistency of image font and colour makes it look really professional. The text font used on the poster and the album cover is really simple it is not thick but is big and the use of green makes it appealing and makes the album stand out due to its simplicity and for me the green flows with the image even though there is no green in the image. I will definitely use simple font in my CD cover and maybe use a different colour for either the name of the song or the artist. I would also keep the cover really simple.

Page 3: Case studies

Chris brown – XChris browns album cover is extremely simple its just has him on the cover with a x on it. The x on it represents the album name X. The picture is a mid shot/ close up shot where Chris brown is facing up towards the light and rest of the picture is dark it is a black and white picture which adds a really nice effect. He looks like he is trying to look into the future. The Poster has the same image as on the CD cover. The text is really simple but it uses the same colour as on the cd album: black white and brown which adds to consistency the use of these colours would seem to many people but as Chris brown is really popular it seems vintage like he's trying to bring the old back into the present. I would like to use the simplicity on my cd cover as well as incorporating B&W and black background into my cd cover.

Page 4: Case studies

Emile Sande – Our version of events

I really like this cd cover of Emile is so simple but it stands out and the use of black and white is really simple which relates to the genre soul music which is more slow music. The picture is a mid shot of her facing the camera and in black and white, the use of her facing the camera represents the title where she is speaking about her version of events, so by looking at the camera she's telling the audience her story. Also the use of a simple picture shows that she is a simple person. The use of a small title is effective may not stand out as much but the image does the job, the small title shows that’s she's not a flashy person she likes to keep things simple. The poster has a different picture to the CD cover but keeps the same house style with the same font and background. I would like to think about using the black and white

cloudy background and maybe the use of a direct camera shot and not looking away from the camera.