case studies-learning and talent analytics

Rory Stewart Consultancy Practice Leader Case studies

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Post on 22-Jan-2018



Data & Analytics

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Page 1: Case Studies-Learning and Talent Analytics

Rory Stewart Consultancy Practice Leader

Case studies

Page 2: Case Studies-Learning and Talent Analytics

Analytics journey •  Export learning &

competency data from LMS into Excel pivot tables

•  Integrate raw data from the company’s incident logging system

•  Process Excel files and create compliance & risk management reports

•  Schedule report distribution to all levels in the organisation

Lessons learned •  Start with existing data

•  Start with tools you already know

•  Demonstrate impact across the organisation

Next steps •  Embrace more rigorous data

standards & business intelligence platform

•  Expand compliance & risk analytics both inside & outside the organisation (e.g. to regulatory bodies)

•  Integrate data relating to patient outcomes & satisfaction

Major healthcare provider in the UK

Page 3: Case Studies-Learning and Talent Analytics

Global automotive

manufacturer •  Regional and organisational

KPIs linking back to training & talent data (e.g. by dealership or by country or by car model)

•  Reliance on in-house data analyst

Global automotive

manufacturer •  Integrate talent & operational

performance data such as sales revenue and customer satisfaction

•  Integrate data across different business units and geographical regions

Global automotive

manufacturer •  Integrate talent,

organisational & gamification data around training

Global automotive manufacturers

Page 4: Case Studies-Learning and Talent Analytics

Global bank from Europe •  Integrate training delivery and training cost data

•  Focus on training efficacy metrics (e.g. Kirkpatrick model analysis)

Financial eLearning provider in the US

•  Make training analytics (metrics & reports) available to their own clients as a key differentiator

•  Building in-house analytics expertise