case study: crm: customer relationships on the move

mentum Worldwide 2013: in confidence. This document may not be distributed or copied without prior consent. CRM: CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS ON THE MOVE JENNIFER WINBERG SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIST MOMENTUM WORLDWIDE @JENNIFERWINBERG NOV 21 /

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Post on 13-Nov-2014




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Brand relationships are very real, personal relationships. They require maintenance and personal attention, and when trust is violated or things grow stale, they can be broken. In any growing relationship, loyalty is the goal – and it’s harder to earn than ever. Luckily, the social and mobile era makes the pursuit of loyalty more interesting than ever, with massive opportunities awaiting those marketers willing to redefine their definitions and approach to CRM. As CRM takes on more of the properties of real personal relationships – with the need for real value, personal attention and bespoke support – learn how to add humanity, technology and new thinking to your approach. Momentum Worldwide’s Jen Winberg outlines the new tenets of CRM strategy, illustrates their reality through the agency’s work with Coke and Buffalo Wild Wings, and outlines the future of CRM strategy and tactics.


  • 1. CRM: CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS ON THE MOVE JENNIFER WINBERG SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIST MOMENTUM WORLDWIDE @JENNIFERWINBERGMomentum Worldwide 2013: in confidence. This document may not be distributed or copied without prior consent.21/NOV

2. 2/WHY MOBILE CRM? 3. 3/WHY MOBILE CRM? 4. 4/THE NEW STORYTELLINGINTRODUCING: THE CONNECTED PROTAGONIST 5. 5/THE NEW STORYTELLINGCON.NEC.TED 6. 6/THE NEW STORYTELLINGPRO.TAG.ONIST 7. 7/THE NEW STORYTELLING 8. 8/CRM: THEN AND NOW ONE TO ONE ISOLATED BRANDS HAD UPPER HAND NO LONGER LINEAR OUTWARD FACING CONSUMERS HAVE MORE LEVERAGE 9. 9/CRM: PHONE LOVESmartphone owners wont leave home without it.$107 Average smartphone user spends per month for wireless access.Sleep with their phones right next to their beds.150x Average number of times they check their phone in a day.Resources: Google, Pew Research Center, JD Power and Associates, Nokia 10. 10/CRM: CONSTANT CUSTOMERSMOBILE F.O.M.O. = CONSTANT CUSTOMERS 11. 11/TODAYS CRMHUMANIZING CRM 12. 12/CRM CASE STUDY: BUFFALO WILD WINGS 13. 13/CRM CASE STUDY: BUFFALO WILD WINGSOBJECTIVE Establish BWW as the Official Hangout of March Madness Bring the partnership to life beyond a logo association Drive repeat visits by males 18-34 Sharable experiences that drive social sharing and conversationINSIGHT Target is looking for a place to be the hub of his March Madness watching with his friends Enjoys opportunities to satisfy his competitive natureRESULTS Players played 6 games on average, spending 5 minutes per session Top players made an average of 2.6 trips per week 14. 14/CRM CASE STUDY: ONE DIRECTION VIP 15. 15/CRM CASE STUDY: ONE DIRECTION VIPOBJECTIVE Support Incremental purchase of Nabisco products by leveraging 2013 tour partnership Create a valuable consumer experience that deepens brand interactions Drive social sharing increasing brand page growth and mentions amongst teensINSIGHT Fans couldnt get enough of the band and would go above and beyond to prove their love for the brandRESULTS 6.7% increase in revenue 1M App opens 158.4M Social Impression 16. 16/THANK YOU