case study plan

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  • 7/28/2019 Case study plan


    Muhammad Salman Yousaf


    MBA 7th Semester

    Proposed plan as AT&T Representative

    As AT&T Representative in negotiation which is US Telecommunication company operating

    worldwide, there will be some differences in negation process culture and communication during

    negotiation. One of main difference is English speaking style. American speaks hard English while

    British people speak soft polite English.


    Main aim for customers who want to use their cell phones everywhere in the world. Identify the culture differences in communication and in negotiation processes. Gather the BT Company data including financial, their future prospective and goals. Gather information about the personals which take part in negotiation from BT Company


    Prepare a team with international venture consultant, personnel are which already work inUK, technology experts, and Chairman.

    Main aim of negotiation is equally shred joint venture. Basic Agenda is to be undisputed leader in rapidly expanding global telecommunication

    service market.

    Negotiation place should be in neutral place or elsewhere in Switzerland and Hawaii. Identify their business culture negotiation values and overcome barriers to define interest.

    Building-up relationship:

    Speak on the main interest, how to be world leader telecommunication service becausetheir rivalry are firing them back.

    Adopt some main negotiation values of BT Company to make relationship building andbuilding fast rapport.

    Through some James Bond humor (James Bond as British Movie, too much popular in them)Information exchange and First Offer:

    Showing more interest matters concerning main aim of agenda. Exchange of information about the seventeen countries for which they are going for


    Selection of chairman will be through Joint Board of Directors meeting. Name will be finalized too by joint Board of Directors or BT have any opinion, let them share

    it and also propose ABAT (American British Advance Telecommunication Company).

    Sixty five (65) percent employees will be from the host countries where they operate andmost top management will be from Company own hierarchy.

    Capital Structure will be on three most basic things.

  • 7/28/2019 Case study plan


    o Organization Capital (BT have fast data communication while AT7T have widenetwork)

    o Human Capital (only Top hierarchy)o Physical Capital ( 50-50 % share)

    Demand of Headquarter in US. As it is a big joint venture, no exist until 2025 otherwise legal law suite plus 30% capital and

    profit share will be redeemed as penalty.


    Will kept distribution right of Concert in US. AT&T will kept alliance with Unisource and world partners as BT is also aiming alliance in


    If BT tries to exist from venture before maturity date, then AT&T will take control ofstructure of communication in seventeen countries, if BT offers for some kind of similar


    Use US wireless system as they are implemented many cell phones manufacturingcompanies around the world or run dual band telecommunication technology for more

    comfort of both nation customers.

    Short run solution for customers for both US and UK to use auto-MNP technology (automobile number portability) detected by network itself.

    AT&T will provide wide base communication network and BT will mostly provide datacommunication technology.


    If BT stops alliancing in US, then AT&T will relax in distribution rights of Concert. Will relax in demand of more employees from AT&T if both companies team, work mutually

    specially on data communication technology.

    Choose GSM technology as seventeen countries have GSM based cell phones.Agreement:

    After discussing legal rights and rules of operations, distribution, capital sharing then finalproposal will be submitted after taking consideration on concessions and other companys

    interest. CEO of both companies will sign the contract with an opening ceremony party in Huawei.


    Gathering insight information to understand the strength and weakness of AT&T negotiationtactic.

    Success on concession agreement, rates, behavior and response of officials on negotiationand future prospect about future more joint venture opportunities.