casr part 63 amdt 1.pdf


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    PART 63(amot. or)



  • SUB PART A. 3 . 1 163.1263.12a63.1 363.1 563.15a6 3 . 1 663.1763.17a63.1 863.1 963.20



    GENERAL . . . . . . . . .1

    Regu la to ry Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A p p l i c a b i t i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Licensing of foreign persons

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Licences and rat ings required . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Appl icat ion and issue

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Offenses involv inq. a lcohol or drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Refusal to submiito a drug or

    "lc"onor test or to furnish test resurts .......3Temporary l icence.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Durat ion of l icences . . . . . . . . . . . .

    gProf ic iency and Competency Checks.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Replacement of lost or dest ioyed l icence; change of name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Tes t : Genera l p rocedure . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .5Written tests: prerequisites and passing grades ...................sWritten tests: Cheating or other unauthor-ized conduct.. . ...........5Ope.rations during physical deficiency...

    ...............6Applications, licences,. rogbooks, reports, and records; farsification,reproduc t ion , o r a | te ra t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Change o f address . . . . . . . . . . . . .6speciat purpose flight engineer and flight ;r;ig;i;, ricences:operation of Indonesian - registered civil airiraft reaseo ov a personnot an f ndonesian cit izen....

    SUB PART B. FLIGHT ENGINEERS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

    63.31 Et ig ib i l i ty Requirements; General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .963.33 Aircraf t Rat ings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .963 .35 Knowledge Requ i rements . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . .g63.37 Aeronautical Experience Requirements .............1163.39 Ski l l Requirements

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1263.41 Retest ing After Fai1ure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1263'42 Flight Engineer Licence lssued on Basis or a roreitn iiigni engineerL icence . . , . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1263.43 Fl ight Engineer Course.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

    suB PART C. FLtcHT NAVtcAToRS ...........

    .........1499 q1 El igibi t i ty Requirements; Generat. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . .1463.53 Knowledge Requirements.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

    99 99 Experience Requirements.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1563.57 Ski l l Requirements

    . . . . . . . . . . .1S63.59 Retest ing After Fai1ure.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1663'60 Flight Navigator Licence lssued on Basis of a Foreign FlightNavigator Licence

    .. . . . . . . . . . .1663.61 F l ight nav igator courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f Z

  • suB PART D. FLtcHT OPERATTONS OFF|CERS... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1863.71 Licence Required....

    63 .73 E t ig ib i t i t y requ i remen i l C . " " r r j . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1863.75 Knowledge n"qr i r r r .n ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . 18G3.7T Experienle or iraining Requirements... ..... 1863.79 St i l t Requi r . runf i . . . . . :

    . . . ' - '

    v " 'v ' r (o"" ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    63'80 Flisht oieration om..i ri*n"" r*r"J ;; il; ;i. roi"ign ii,Jni 'o

    Operation Officer Licence63'81 Flight operations -om."r

    ri"ensing C;;;;, il.t."t ;il ,inirur'oHours . . . . . .2163'83 Flight operations officer r-i"enring Corrr"r. Application, Duration,and Other General Requirements. . ] . . . - . . . . . . . . . . .2163'85 Flight Operations Officer Licenring Corrces: Training Facil it ies ..........2263.87 Fright operations officer ricensing lorir"t, personner.

    .......2g63.90 Flight operations officer l icensin! "oro"r,

    Records. ................23

    SUB PART E. FLIGHT ATTENDANTS.......... ..........24

    63.101 Et ig ib i l i t y Requ i rements ; Genera | . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2463.103 Knowledge Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2463.105 Ski l l Requirements

    . . . . . . . . . . .2663.107 Aircraf t Rat ings . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .2663.109 Fl ight At tendant Course

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26


    ......27f l The examinat ion . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . .27f l l Examinat ion procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . .27fv Ground res t " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27V F l igh t Tes t . . . . . . .

    . . . . . .28


    I Training course ouil ine ....32l l Equ ipment . .

    . . . . .35ll l lnstructors ....... 35lV Inspections of training course

    ................ 36V Credit for previous tri ining and experie;;; .... . .

    .............. 36Vl Students records and reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Vl l Qual i ty of instruct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32Vl l f Statement of graduat ion

    . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gTl I lnspect ions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . .37X Change of ownership, name, or location ........... 37Xl Cancellation of approva|.............

    X l l Durat ion. . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .X l l l Renewat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    " " . . . . .38

    . . . . . . . . . . . 38

  • APPENDIX C.It ll t lIVVVIvt lvillIXXXIxtlxillXIVXVXVI

    FLIGHT ENGINEER TRAINING COURSE REQUIREMENTS............ 39Training course ouflineClassroom Equ ipment

    . . . . . . . . .

    ' " " " " " " 39Contracts or Agreements. . . . ' . - . . .42Instructors. .

    . . ._. . . .


    It lillIVVVIvllvilt


    63.0 Regulatory Reference

    This civilAviation !I"tt Reg.ulation (CASR) Part 63 sgts forth the imprementing ruresfor licensing flight crew members other tnrn piroi

    .no *-gntoperation officers,certificationB:H!|:,lti[ilj ;r: !?:;;::fJ n"i,tion nlil,,i"l'i ,.;; toog, di,"pter V.Arcrari63.1 Appticabitity

    (a) This part prescribes the requirements for issuing jriqnt engineer ricences, flightnavigator licences, flight operations officer ii""n."r, night atteioanicertincates, andthe general operatingluted for holders "t

    in"r" ii."n.", and certificates.(b) Hffifi':rftr,t:t-"lil;,r1'""n""' means 'certificate' when rererrins to the

    63.2 Licensing of foreign persons

    A person who is not an tndonesian citizen is issued a licence under this part (other thanunder Part 63'23 or Part 63'42) ouisioelne R6ffi; o-r lnoon"rian onry when the Director:il:[: finds that ricence is n6eo"o ror the od";;iil of an rndon;; - Resistered civir

    63.3 Licences and ratings required(a) No person

    Ty- 3"t as.flight engineer of a civil aircraft of Indonesian registry unlesshe has in his personal p-ossetiion r "r*ni-n'ifni "ngin"er ricence with appropriatetype ratings issued to lrim under this part ano i Rrst-class medical certificate issuedto him under Part 67 of the cASRs '"itnir In" pr"""ding 12 calendar months.However' when the aircraft is operated within a.Toreign.coultry, a cunent flightengineer licence issued by the.-country in which thi aircratt ii tp.rted, withevidence of cunent medicaiqualification ?"i n.i iLnce, may be used. Arso, in thecase of a flight engineer licence issued unoer part 63.43, evidence of cunent

    il:ji::l ffilffiJ:n accepted ror the r"reJ oi that ricence'is useo in prace or a(b) No person may act as flight navigator of civif aircraft of Indonesian registry unlesshe has in his personal possessiJn


    "rrr"ni n,gii navigator ficence issued to himunder this part and a second -,,"!"r.: rrr nigh;?i meoical certificate issued to himunder Part 67 of the cASRs witlin. tne prec-eoi ig' lz catenoai montns. However,when the aircraft is operated r,t,ithin ? ior"iil c'ountry, " "ro"ni'flignt navigatorlicence the country in which tne iircratt is operated, with evidence ofcunent medicar quarification for that ricence, miv Li ,r.0.

  • No person may act as flight operations oy=.r(exercising responsibility with the pilotIn command in the operational control of a Right) in .on'i."tion with any civit aircraftin air commerce unless-he has in his personal possession a current flight operationsofficer licence issued to him unoerinis part anJ;th];J- ctass (or higher) medicalcertiflcate issued to him under part 67 of the cASRs. ' v'qoo \ur rrr9rret/ (No person may act as flight attendant in connection with any civil aircraft in aircommerce unless he. has in his personal possession a cunent flight attendantcertificate issued to h,im under this part and a second - class (or higher) medical

    :l:ff::"rff,K: to him under part 6z of the cASRs within tne iieclo ing 12

    Inspection of licenc-e.. Each person who holds a flight engineer, flight navigator orflight operations officer licence, or rnedicat or ni!-ni attendant certificate, shallpresent either or both,for inspection upon the requeJt or in" Director General or hisauthorized representative.

    63.11 Application and issue

    (a) An application for a licence and appropriate type rating, or for an additional rating,&lT

    tno part must be made on a iorrn and iri'a manner prescribed by the Director

    (b) An applicant who meets the requirements of this part is entifled to an appropriatelicence and appropriate type ratings.(c) unless authorized by the Director G919qal, a person..whose flight engineer, flightnavigator, flight operation officer, and flight attendant ticencel'"i" ,rrpunded maynot apply for any rating to be added to thlt licence during the period of suspension.(d) Unless the order of revocation provides otherwise, a person whose flight engineeror' flight navigator, flight operatibn officer, .no nignt attendant ii""n"", are revokedmay not apply for the same kind of licence for 1 y6ar after the date of revocation.63.12 Offenses invotving atcohol or drugs

    (a) A conviction for the violation of any national law relating to the growing, processing,manufacture, sate, disposition, possession, transportati-on, or irport"iion or narcoticdrugs, marihuana, or depressant or stirnulani i;;; or substances is grounds for-(1) Denial of an application for any licence oriating issued unoeitnis part for aperiod of to 1 year after the date of finar conviction; or(2) suspension or revocation of any licence oii.iing issued under this part.(b) The commission of an act prohibited by Part 91.17(a)or part 91.19(a) of the cASRsis grounds for-(1) Denial of an application forany licence or rating issued underthis part for aperiod 1 year afrer the date of that act; or(2) Suspension or revocation of any licenCe oi't ting issued under this part.




  • :lLffit"t mav exercise or attempt to exercise his privileges to dispatch of a civil

    (1) Within g hours after consuming alcohol;(2) While under the influen"" ot "i"onot;(3)

    ,ygf,ffing anv drug that affects the person's facufties in any way contrary

    (4) whire having 0.04 percent by weight or more atcohor in the brood.(d)

    IHffi'rt"t:t of an act prohibited bv Part 63.12(c) or part 91 . 19(a) of the cASRs

    (1) Denial of an application for any licence orrating issued under this parl for aperiod of to 1 year after the date of that act oi-(2) suspension or revocation of any ticen-L oi'r"iing issued under this part.63'12a Refusal to submit to a drug or alcohol test or to furnish test resultsA refusal to submit to a drug or atcohol test to indicate the percentage by weight of alcoholin the blood' when^requested by a law enforcement offi"", in accordance with part91'17(c) of the cASRs, ora refusal to fumish or.rtnori.e the release of the test resultsUIT-::ffi:jiiJJ;ie Director Generar in accordance with part giii'1.; ol. (d) or the(a) Denial of an application for any..licenc-e or rating issued under this part for a periodof up to 1 year after the date of that refusal; ;; "(b) suspension or revocation of any licence or rating issued under this part.63.13 Temporary licence

    A licence effective for a period of not more than 30 days may be issued to a qualifiedapplicant' pending,tgYig*of his application "no

    rrppr"rentary documents and the issueof the licence for which he applied.

    63.15 Duration of licences

    (a) Except as provided in Part 63.23 and.P.aragraph (b) of his part, a licence or ratingissued under this part is effeclive until it is sunendered, suspended, or revoked.(b) A flight engineer licence (w$h any added amendments) issued under part 63.42expires at the end of the 24h calehdar ronin .n"i the month in which the licencewas issued or renewed. However the holder may exercise the privileges of thatlicence only while the foreign nignt engin";;ti;;;" on which that ticence is basedis effective.


    (c) A flight navigator.licence (with any added amendments) issued under part 63.60expires at the end of the 24th calehdar month aner tne month in which the licencewas issued or renewed' However the holder may exercise tfre privileges of thatlicence only while the foreign flight navigator tcenie on which that licence is basedis effective.

  • A flight operations ?qto licence-(wjth any added amendments) issued under part63'80 expires at the end of tne ziid cafendar ronln ,ttlr the month in which thelicence was issued or renewed. However the holder r"y

    """r.ise the privileges ofl,5::ff3;ilx'l,:H:,,y;e roieion.'rright G;;t.; ;fri", ricence on-wnicn tnatAny licence issued, u1de1 this part ceases to be effective if it is sunendered,suspended' or revoked' The holder of-any ticencl i*ruo under this part that is;?rtj.:#Affif""*tt tht",


    ,t. titect.r c"n"i.r'r,, rr,r' i, ,. ,^e

    63.15a Proficiency and Competency Checks(a)

    5il::l;ll,l,ffi?#li,,l!ri:i;I!r#"J"llilst satisractoriry compreted a proriciency(b) Except as prgyiq,ed in paragraphs

    .(c) and (d) of this section,must meet the following requirements:(1) lt must incrude at reast the procedures and maneuversDirector;(2) lt must be given by the DG.A or company check airman.An approved airplane simulator or other appropriate training device may be used inthe conduct of a proficiency check.In the case of a flight attendant and flight operations officer a competency checkililiTJ38;""nH dav or tn" t'"ntv ndn - rilj '*nth ronowiil ti,;';.nth inFlight operations officer has to complete operating familiarization at least onceili,Tr:ffl 12 months period on on" of the ivo"; ;

    "frr"n", in each sroup he is\Mere a profrcienlv chegf, a competency check or annuar training is renewedwithin the last uo 91It 9f itt vafidity period, such che& or training is deemed tohave taken place on the last day Jf tn. vatidity period.The Director may e1!end. the varidity period.of a proficiency check, a competencycheck or annual trailif'g by up to oci cays wnere fi"'oi["tor is of the opinion thataviation safety is not lik;ly io be affected.

    (h) where the validity period of a proficiency check or a competency check of annualtraining has been expired for 24 monthi or- roi", the person ,n"ir re-qualify bymeeting ail initiar training requirements rerating to in"t aircraft.63.16 Repracement of rost or destroyed ricence; change of name

    (a) An application.for.the replacement of lost oq d9s^tloyed licence issued under this partis made by letter to the birectorate General or civir Aviation (DGoA), Directorate ofAinruorthiness and Aircraft operations. The tetteimust-



    a proficiency check

    set forth in by the






  • ( 1 )


    state the name of the person to whom the ricence was issued, the companymailing address, and d'ate r;ft;;; or birth or tne riJence hotder, and any:X:"fi3"rr'1ffi'ffii:' resarding t[" nrro",, ,nJ J.t" ; issue or the ricence,fi: Srslpanied bv a receipr for rhe cost of the repracemenr ricence, payabre roPolice report from the local pdlice office.

    An application for the-replacement of lost.or destroyed medical certificate is to beil : i: j : fil': i".;, j[,'"::n: f":: l,:-1.T,:i:t ";;*#

    Lo' p " n i" d b v a re ce i p t ro r


    (c) A person who has fost a licence issued underlhis part, or a medicaf certificate issuedunder part 67 0f the,cASRs., or oon, ,.v obtain i racsimile message (fax) from theDGCA confirming that it was issuJ in" t"; r"v o" ".iil. "" "

    ricence for a period notto exceed 60 davs !:lqing, nis ieceipi oj_the olpr*G ii*nce. under paragraph (a) or(b) of this Part' Lnless he has olln'notined that tre ricence has been suspended orrevoked' The request for such ; i; may oe. r"o" uv'r"ii", o, fax, incruding the dateupon which a dupricate.ricence *"r pr"uiorrrv r"qr".i"o]'jr "

    '."qr"ri'il]-i;"^ made,and a check giro or post wesel for thJcost or tlhe olpri""te ti""n"". The request for a faxlicence is sent to the office risted in p"r"grph.("i or 101 of this part, as appropriate.However' a request for both li;"il'il meoicat'certin.i", at the same time must besent to the office prescribed in paragraph (a) of this part.63.17 Test: General procedure

    (a) J::':.$ffilT: j,lJ:,.Hj;:,"j1'' o'n are siven at times and by persons,

    (b) The minimum passing grade for each test is 70 percent.63.17a Written tests: prerequisites and passing grades.(a) An applicant for a written test must_(1) show that he/she 1tneyl

    .tras.(have) satisfactorily compfeted the groundinstruction course re{uir6i.oy tnqs' part ?oiil" ri""n"e or rating sought;(2) Present as personai ioentiticatiori a- ii""n.", drive/s ricen6e, Kaftu Tandape n d u d u k (lcrp), or other ofricia ily-app iou.Jo o.ument; an d(3) Present a birth iertificate or otheiofficial document showing that he meets theage requirement prescribe.! in tnls part ror the licence sought not rater than 2years from the date of application forin. i"ri.'63'18 written tests: Gheating or other unauthorized conduct(a) No person may-(1) copy, or internationaily rem-oved, a written test under this part;(2) Give to another, ol' ,ij"iu".ir:l ;o6!'illiv p.rt or copy of that rest;(3),?xiJ;it

    il,i::l;i*ur*ffi i; ;;iln.t t",i iio,.n' "n]' p",.,on durin g

  • Take any part of that test on beharf of another person;Use any material or aid Ouring the plrioo tnritlriO"ing given; orJi:$fifl]t cause, assist, or participate in .nv iJt prohibited by this

    (b) No person *lo-Tttits an td {?lilited bv paragrapfr (a) of this fart is etigibte forany licence or rating under the 'cASRs f";;;;ri,r",J of 1 yearattel tne date of thatff l,' :Hlt|i,l, fn'r'.,i1il':;:",Uil;i ; iilIa s is ro r',+ " " oi, g o r revo ki n g63.19 Operations during physical deficiencyNo person may serve as.a flight enoj3ee1, flight navigator, flight operations officer or flightattendant durino a. period of tinown iny.sicat O"n"i.rJlr,.g,ljl"*:re in physicat deficiency,gXi#:il: mak-e nlm unante io'rJ"t-tn" pnvrl""i'iJirir"rents ror his-cunent medical

    63'20 lfi||ffi,|i:,

    "i:l?,lllil, nlogbooks, reports, and records; rafsirication,

    (a) No person may make or cause to be made_(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally false statement or any application for a licenceor rating under this part;(2) Any fraudulent or intentionally false entry in any togbook, record or report thatis required to be kept, m'aoe ot uJ"o, ,1"_:1", compriance with anyrequirement for any ricence or rating under tnis part;(3) Any reproduction t6r rrauourent purf,ose of an1 ricence or rating this part; or(4) Any arteration of any ricence or rating under thrs part.

    (b) The commission by any person of an act prohibited under paragraph (a) of this partis a basis for suspending or revoking "ny

    ii..n""ii rating held by that person.

    63.21 Change of address

    The holder of a licence issued under this part who has made a change in personataddressmay not after 30 days from the date- he moved, "*"rJr" the privileges of this licenceunfess he has notified in writing tne occn of his new address.

    63'23 special purpose.nlght engineer and flight navigator licences: operation oflndonesian - registereo civit aircran i"i;;i;y a penson not an fndonesian


    (a) General' The holder of cunent engineer. or flight navigator ricence,certificate or authorization issue.d nv ; "dnn

    co"ntracting stite to the conventionon International civil Aviation, who meets thi rqr;*ments of this part, may hord aspecial purpose flight engineer or flight navigriJiii""no authorizing the holder toperform flight engineer or flight navigator dities on a civil aircraft of Indonesianregistry' leased to a person iot a ciiizen oin" RepubtiC oiinoon"rian, carryingpersons or property for compensation or hire- -speciar

    purpose flight engineer or

  • (b)

    flight navigator licences are issued. under this part only for aircraft types that canhave maximum passenger sea-ting .".riilriil, (not

    .incruding any nighi,T:X?!ffi:ffi:3 or more than 30 seats "';;;;;um payroad capacity or moreEligibility' To be eligible for the issuance, renewar, of a ficence under this part, anapplicant must present the foilowing to the Director Generar(1) A current foreign nignt enii;egl ol night navigator licence, or authorizationissued by the aeronautical authority 6t . ioiEign contracting stare to theconvention on International civil A;iation or-'J'facsimile acceptable to theDirector General' The licence or authorization must authorize the applicant toperform the ftight engineer or flight n.uig;ior'duties to be altnorlzeo oy alicence issued under tnis part on thl r"r" iirtirdtyp* as the leased aircraft.(2) A cunent certification by the"" of the aircraft -(i) stating.that the appricant is emproyed by the ressee;(ii) specifying the airtraft type on which the appricant will perform frightengineer or flight navigator duties; and(iii) stating that the applicint has received ground and flight instruction which

    $ii*?: the appricant to perform thJ duties to be assisned on the(3) Documentation ..showing that the applicant cunenfly meets the medicalstandards for the foreign flight

    "niin"Li oilignt navigator ricence, orauthorization required by paragrapn 1011t1 0t nis pg{,_except that a Repubricof lndonesian medical certifica"te issueo lno"i F.rt 67 0f the cASRs is notevidence that the applicant meets those standaids unless the State whichissued the applicani foreign flight engin""r oiflignt navigator licence, orauthorizationaccepts,a Republic of Indo-nesian medicalcertificate as evidence:1,ffi::fln.*n"* for a flisht engineer o. nignt n"uig"ro,. rL"n"", or

    Privileges' The holder. of a special purpose flight engineer or flight navigator licenceissued under this part r.y'"r,"" in" sari" pri;i;;es as those shown on theilf,[:id'':T:ffJ;il?1,,'i:fr0"0 i" p"i"#ilru;iiilr this F.,r, ;;;i;"t to tn"hffi:?,:"r?:'

    Each licence issued under this part is subject to the fo'owins(1) lt is vatid only

    _(i) For frights b,elwegn foreign countries and for foreign air commerce.(ii) whire it and the ricence,-or authorization i"qlir"o by paragrapn 6xr) orthis Part are in the licence holders p"rcon"i piir"ssion and are cunent(iii) whire the ricence horder is emproyeo o)tlnliplrron to whom the aircraft,l""rrTf"a

    in the certification required ov Farlgraph (bx2) oi tni, part is(iv) wtrile the licence holder is Rerfgping flight engineer or flight navigatorduties on the Indonesian-registereJ Ciuii

    "ircran described in thecertification required by paragriph (b)(2) ot tni, part ; and(v) whire the medicar documendtio; r.iqi,li6J uv'tie earagraph (b)(3) of thispart is in the ricence horders personarporr"rlion and is cunenqy varid.



  • (e)

    (2) Each ricence issued under this part contains the forowing:(i) Ii:*il"

    of the p"*n to whom tn. rnoon"sian-registered civit aircraft(,i) The type of aircraft.(i i i) The rimitation: "rssued under, and subject to, part 63.23 0f the civilAviation Safety Regulation...(iv) The limitations: "sirbiect to the privileges and limitations shown on thehofders fgleion flight (engineer or naviglto4 licence, or authorization.,,(3) Any additional limitations prried on the fi;;;;'which the Director Generalconsiders necessary

    HTIffiltir*tXffi:::ial purpose flisht ensineer or flight navigator ricence issued(1) when the lease agreement for the aircraft described in the certiflcationrequired by pa.ragraph (b) (2) ofthis part ir*inrt"r;(2) \Men the foreign nignt bndi;"., o,".flight navi!"ior-ti""no, or authorization, orthe medicaf documentatLn require? ov Fri"'gr"pn (b) of this part issuspended, revoked, or no longer valid; or


    (3) After 24 calendar months .nti tnu month in which the special purpose flightengineer or flight navigator ricence was issued.sunender of licence' The licence hofder shalf sunender the special purpose flight;:,tJii"ffi:,t*lnavisator ricence to tre Director c"n"r"r wnhin 7 days after theRenewar. The ricence ho.lder may have the ricence renewed by comprying with therequirements of Paragraph (b) or [nis Fart at the time of application for renewat.




    63.31 Eligibit ity Requirements; GeneralTo be eligible for a flight engineer licence, a person must;(a) Be at least 1g years of age;(b) Be abre to.. r9ad, speak, and understand the

    ,.Engrish ranguage, or have anappropriate limitation placed on his flight engin."-r,,""n"",(c) Hold at least a first - class medical certificate issued under part 67 of the cASRswithin the 12 calendar months before the date ne applies, or other evidence of

    fr:ff"j,#aliflcation accepted ror the issue oi-r nignt'd;;;;; rLence under part(d) comply with the requirements of this subpart that apply to the rating he seeks.63.33 Aircraft Ratings

    (a) The specific aircraft type rating will be placed on the flight engineer licence(b) To be eligible for an additional

    .aircraft type rating, an appricant must pass theyfrll,tnt that is appropriate to the tvpe ot aircran tor wniin "nloiitionat rating is(1) satisfaclorily complete an.approved flight engineer training program that isappropriate to the additional type rating Jought; anO(2) pass the flight test for that type of aircrlft.


    63.35 Knowledge Requirements(a) The appricant sharf have demonstrated a rever of knowtedgeprivileges granted to the horder of a flight engin;e, ricence, in atsubjects:

    (1) Air law

    appropriate to theleast the following

    Rules and regurations rerevant to the horderof a flight engineer ricence; ruresand regurations goveming the operation of civir ;id;t;;rtinent to the dutiesof a flight engineer;(2) Aircraft generaf knowledge(i) Basic principres -o1 RowerRrants, gas turbines and/or piston enginescharacterisl,:

    "_l ly:'r, fuer systems inctuoing fr"r contror; rubricantsand rubrication systems; afterbumers and inj6ction systems, functionand operation of engine ignition and starter rvrt"r";(ii) Principres of operatr.on, ninJting procedures and operating rimitationsof aircraft powerprants; effects of atmospnlric conoitions on engineperformance;(iii) Airframes, flight contrors, structures, wheer assembries, brakes andanti-skid units, conosion and fatigu'" iir";-ic*,iiication of structurardamage and defects:

  • (iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)

    (ix)(x)(xi)F^light p_erformance, planning and loading(i)

    "tf:..",:r"".1i,::i:l::g^:lr-r-oiltrioution.on aircraft handtins, ftightch aracteristics an d pe rformance ; ma s s and bar anc.l.rlrririi"r?,(ii) Use and oractical annlinrtinn nr narr^*^-^ I c tULI lD ,y;?.ri1:"

    *:*::l ^application of performance oata includinsprocedures for cruise control;Human performance(i) Human performance retevant to the flight engineer incruding principresof threat and enor management;Operational procedu res(i)

    :::.:'ts:^g maintenance, procedures for the maintenance ofliy:ll,::?. *j;t':ff Tjlg, _ p 1;n i o n ! i n, p.aL n,,

    -p reca ution a ry

    fl"::i,::.t:l^l:f i. g a n d u s J oi exte rir ai ilff';' ; ; ; i; r r 5otq, p"il, 5.1and cabin systems;qi) Normal, abnormalandemergencyprocedures;(iii) operationar procedures for c-aniale or rr"igntlno dangerous goods;Principles of flightFundamentals of aerodynamics;RadiotelephonyCommunication procedures and phraseology.

    An applicant for the original or additional is.sue-of a flight engineer class rating mustpass a written test for that aircraft crass on the torrowini:(1) Preflight(2) Aircraft equipment.(3) Aircraft systems(4) Aircraft toadingItl Aircraft procedures and engine operations with respect to limitation s(9) Normat operating procedur6s(7) Emergencyprocedures(8) Mathematicar computation of engine operations and fuer consumptionBefore taking the written.tests prescribed in Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this part, anapplicant for a flight engineer licence must preseit datista"torv

    "Vfu..;;; havingcompleted one of the experience requirements or part 63.37, he may take thewritten test before acquiring the flight training requiieo oJ eart 63.37.

    lce and rain protection systems;Pressurization and air_conditioning systems, oxygen systems;Hydraulic and pneumatic systemslBasic electricar theory, erectric systems (AC and DC), aircraft wiring]yftems, bonding and screening;Principles of operation of insti.rments, (compasses, butopirots, radiocommunication equipment, radio and'radar r;;idrti;; aids, frightmanagement systems, displays and avionics;Limitations of appropriate aircraft;Fire protection, detection, suppression and extinguishing systems;use and serviceabirity checks of equipmeit

    "no" systems ofappropriate aircraft;(3)






  • An applicant for a flight engineer licence or rating must have passed the written testrequired by Paragraphs 1i) and (b) of this pai ,in* the beginning of the 24thcarendar month before the month in which the flight is taken However, thisiil'"H: ffiili,:pprv to'n'ppiif"ii r"' ;;nffi;;liJ", ri."n"e or ratins if-(i) wthin the period ending 24 calendar months after the month in which theappricant passed the written test, is emprov"Jas a flight crewmember oraircraft maintenance engineer by an lndonlsLn air canier or commercialoperator operating either undei Parr 121 oilr a commuter air canierunder Part 135 and is employed by such a certmcate holder at the time ofthe time of the flight test;(ii) ff employeo as a flight ciewrnember,.has completed initial training, and, ifappropnate, transition or upgrade training; and(iii) Meets the recurrent training requirementi'or tne applicable part or, for anaircraft

    .l1ftgrn""_"njin""r, -tr,"

    recency of experiencerequirements of part 65; oi(2) within the period ending zi Larcnaar months after the month in which theapplicant passed the written test, the "pplL.nrplrticipateo in a flight engineeror maintenance training prograrn of a-Repuolif inoone.ia ,"n"oiieJmiritaryair transportation service bnd'is cunentfy pirticip"iing in that program.

    An air canier with an.aprygved training program under part 121of the cASRs may,when authorized bv the Director cenJl-a1 irovioe ; fi of that program a writtent""1t"ll,X* ffit i,lt'H:f'

    ,o satisrv the tebt requireo ?oi "n adoitioniii"ii"s under

    63.37 Aeronautical Experience Requirements(a) The applicant shall have completed, under the supervilgl of a person acceptabreto the Director General for thai purpose, not less than 100 hours of flight time in theperformance of the duties of a Rignt

    "ngin""r. ihe Director General shall determinewhether experience as a flight gryi19er in a nighi simutator, ;il"h i. n". approved,is acceptable as part of thelotal flight time of r"oo hourr. credit for such experienceshall be limited to a maximum of S0 hours.(b) wlren the applicant. has flight time as a pilot, the Director General shall determinewhether such experience iJ acceptable and, ii io, tne extentto ;hi"h the flight gmerequirements of (a) above can be reduced accordlngry.(c) The applicant shall have operational experience in the performance of the duties ofa flight engineer, under ihe supervislbn of a nignt engineer acceptabre to theDireclor Generaf for that purpose, in at reast ne rortowing areas:(1) Normal procedures

    preflight inspectionsFuelling procedures, fuel managementInspection of maintenance docJmentsNormar flight deck procedures during at phases of frightcrew co-ordination and procedurer in ..i. of crew in-capacitationDefect reporting



  • (2) Abnormal and alternate (standby) proceduresR eco g n iti o n of ab n ormar' functi o-n i; g ;;;;r.ft syste msUse of abnormal and alternate (stanOby) procedures(3) Emergency proceduresRecog_n ition of emergency conditionsUse of appropriate emergency procedures.

    63.39 Skil lRequirements

    (a) The applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to_perform as flight engineer of anaircraft, the duties and procedures oescrineJ-in part 63.37(c) with a degree of;:S?:l"j."J appropriate to the privileses granteo to the noroei oi a"nignt ensineer(1) Recognize-.and manage threats and errors;(2) Use aircraft systems wifrin the aircraffs capabil'ties and limitations;(3) Exercise good judgement and airmansnij;\I l Apply aeronauticaiknowtedge;

    ' .-.. 'r '

    (5) Perform all the duties as part of an integrated crew with the successfuloutcome assured: and(6) communicate effeclively with the other flight crew members(b) The use of a flight simulation training d.evicefor performing any of the proceduresrequired during the demonstration or-srctt oescrioeo in og.Sg rn"rr o" approved bythe DGCA' which shall ensure that the nignt simulation training device isappropriate to the task.63.41 Retesting After Failure

    An applicant for a flight engineer licence who fails a written test or practical test for thatlicence may apply for retesti-ng_(a) After 30 days after the date he faired that test; or(b) After he has received additional practice or instruction (flight, synthetic trainer, orground training, or any combination thereof) tn.iiinecessary, in the opinion of theDirector General or the applicants instructoi ('f til Director General has authorizedhim to determine that additional instruclion is n"".ir"ry) to prepare the applicant forretesting.63.42 Flight Engineer Licence lssued

    Licence on Basis of a Foreign Flight Engineer

    (a) Licence issued' The holder of a..cunent foreign flight engineer licence issued by acontracting State to the convention on tntemitionil civiiAviation,'rr,o meets therequirements of.this Pgrt, -may have a fligl"rt e;gineer licence issued to him for theoperation of civil aircraft of Indonesian relistry. tacn flight engineer licence issuedunder this Part specifies the number and state of iss-uance-of the toreign flightengineer licence on which it is based. lf the noto"r of the-ticen"J

    .rnnot read,speak' or understand the English language, the Director c"n"i"i-iray ptace anylimitation on the licence thit considers necessary for safety. prior to issueIndonesian flight engineer licence b.ased o" t*"ign ricense Director General mustverify the authenticity of that foreign licence to the issuing authority.

    1 2

  • Medical standards and certiflcation. An applicant must submit evidence that themeets the medical standards for the for.ig; rlighi ",igin"", licence on which theapplication for a licence under this Part i; ba;J. --A

    current medical certificateissued under Part 67 of the CASR; will be ."."pi"d as evidence tnaiine appticantmeets those standards' However, a medical certificate issued under part 67 0f theCASRs is not evidence that the applicant meets inose standards outside theRepublib lndonesia unless the state that issued the applicants foreign flightengineer licence also accepts that medical certificat,e as evidence of the applicant,sphysicalfitness for his foreign flight engineer licence.Rating lssued' The aircraft type ratings listed on the applicant,s foreign flightengineer licence, in add.ition to any issued to him aftei.testing under the provisionsof this part, are p.raced on the appricant's T;hi

    "nlin.", ricence. An appricantwithout an aircraft.type rating on his'foreign n,ght

    "rgi;Ler licence may be issued atype rating if he shows that the he cunently rieets tie requirements ioi Lxercislngthe privileges of his foreign flight engineer tiience on that type aircraft.Privileges and Limitations. The holder of a flight engineer licence issued under thisPart may act as a flight engineer of a civil airiraft o-f Indonesian registry subject tothe limitations of this. part anc any additional limitations'ptaceo on nii lic6nce by theDirector General' He-is subjecf to these limitations *i'ri1". he is acting as a flightengineer of the aircraft within or outside tne nepuolic'of Indonesia. However hemav not act as flight engineer or il

    "ny other capacity


    .- r"qlli"o nigntcrewmember, of a civir aircraft of rndonesia registry lnat is ""r.yin!-p"iron, o,.property for compensation or hire.

    Renewal of licence and ratings. The holder of a licence issued under this part mayhave that licence and ratingJ placed thereon r"n"*"Jt at the time of applicationfor renewal, the foreign flight engineer licence on wnLn that licence is based is ineffect' Application for the ienewit of the licence .no i"iing, thereon must be madebefore the expiration of the licence.

    63.43 Flight Engineer Course

    An applicant for approval of a flight engineer course must submit a letter to the DirectorGeneral requesting approval, and must -also

    submit three copies of each course outtine, adescription of the facilities ald equipment, and a rist of the instructors and theirqualifications' An air carrier with an'approved flight engineer training course under part121 of the cASRs may apply .ror approval. oJ a ioininti course under this part by letterwithout submitting the abditionat malgrial required- oy this paragraph. Minimum

    :?H["fl,{ts for obtaining approval of a flight engineer course are set forth in Appendix c





    1 3


    63.51 Eligibil i tyRequirements;General

    To be eligible for a fright navigator ricence, a pgrson must-(a) Be at last 18 years of age;

    I(b) Be able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language;, or have an Iappropriate limitation placed on his flight navigator licende; " I(c) Hold a least a second-class medical certificate issued under part 67 0f the cASRs Iwithin the 12 calendar months before the date he applies; and(d) Comply with parts 63.53, 63.55, and 63.57.

    63.53 Knowledge Requirements

    (a) The applicant shall have demonstrated a level of knowledge appropriate to theprivileges granted to the holder of a flight navigator licence, iri at riasi the followingsubjects:(1) Air law

    Rules and regulations relevant to the holder of a flight navigator licence;appropriate air traffic seryices practices and procedures;(2) Flight performance, planning ahO loading(i) !.ffecls9f loading and mass distribution on aircraft performance;(ii) Use of take-off, landing and other performance data includingprocedures for cruise control;( ) fift'Sfi :?:":J-J:[.,?":T;11ff;i3j'lJ,?l?,?i:rff ;if:fir::ffi::procedures ; altimeter settin g procedures;(iv) Human performance relevant to the flight navigator includingprinciples of threat and enor management;(3) Meteorology(i) Interpretation and practical application of aeronautical meteorological

    reports, charts and forecasts; codes and abbreviations; use of, andproced.ures,for obtaining, meteorological information, pre-fl ight and in-flight;altimetry;(ii) Aeronautical meteorology; climatology of relevant areas in respect ofthe elements having an effect upon aviation; the movement ofpressure systems; the structure of fronts, and the origin and

    ch aracteristics of si g nificant weather phe nomen a which affect ia ke-off ,en-route and landing conditions;(4) Navigation(i) Dead-reckoning, pressure-pattem and cerestiar navigationprocedures; the use of aeronautical charts, radio navigation aids and

    area n_avigation systems; specific navigation requireirents for long-range flights;

    (ii) Use, limitation and serviceability of avionics and instrumentsnecessary for the navigation of the aircraft:

  • ( i i i )3,i_?;,ll.rly a*li!,lity of navisation systems used in departure,ll.flll-_Tg approach phases 6t flighi; ioentmtaiio;';f''r.#;navigation aids;(iv) Principres, characteristics and use of serf-contained and externar_referenced navigation systems; operation of airborne equipment;(v) The CeleSt ia l sohere inr : f t r r l inn rha mn. ,^-aar ^r L^- . , -,,i:?.""1i:*ji1^'p1""::..:Tl11igtl".'9),;r;,1;rh;;;;ri j,tlil,".o:5:f^;:!'",i?. q!9, identifi.catr:on ror the il'd; ;';;ffi;; il;v ] Y q t t v t I c l l l t J::1,y^":,.": fl^ r.lgl|]:t.. calibration of sextants; the comptetion ofnavigation documentation :

    lil Definitions, units and formurae used in air navigation;Operational proceduresInterpretation and use of aeronautical documentation such as Alp, NoTAM,aeronautical codes, abbreviations, and instrument procrorr" charts fordeparture, en_route, descent and approach;(6) Principtes of flight(7) RadiotelephonyCommu nication procedures and phraseology.

    (b) A passing gr?.de is evidence, f9r a period of 24 calendar months after the test,which the applicant has complied with this part.

    63.55 Experience Requirements

    (a) An applicant for a flight navigator ticence must be a graduate of a flight navigatorcourse approved by the Director General or present salisfactory evidence of-(1) Satisfaclory determination of this position in nignt at teasf zs times by night bycelestial observations and at leasi 25 times by day by celestial observations inconjunction with other aids:(2) At least 200 hours of satisfactory flight navigation in aircraft engaged in cross- |;?il;?,1*1'ff'il:ffi ffiTlll' and radio navisation ano oeai-'..r.o'i'g,-;r I

    A pilot who has logged 500 hours of cross-country flight time, of which at least 100 |

    hours were at night, may be credited with not ror" thrn 100 hours forthe purposesof Paragraphs (a)(2) of this part.(b) Flight time used exclusively for practicing long range navigation methods, withemphasis on cele.stial navigation and lead -reckoning, is considered to besatisfactory navigation experience for the purposes of earlirapn-taj-ot this part. ltmust be substantiated by a logbook, by'record of state iir"i"ttiperations or acertificated air canier, or by a letter signed by a licenr"o fligiri'navigator andattached to the applicantion.

    63.57 Skil lRequirements

    (a) An applicant for a flight navigator licence must pass a practical test in navigatingaircraft by-(1) Dead reckoning;(2) Celestial means; and(3) Radio aids to navigation.


    1 5

  • \!) Recognize and manage threats and errors;(l) Exercise good judgement and airmanship;(Q Apply aeronautical knowledge;(7) Perform all duties as part of-an integrated crew; and(8) communicate effectively with the other flight crew members.(b) An applicant must pass the written test prescribe by part 63.53 before taking thetest under this Part. However, if a delay in taiing the test under this part wouldinconvenience the applicant or an air

    ""rrier, ne may take it before he receives theresult of the written test, or after he has failed the written test.(c) The test requirements for this Part are set forth in Appendix A of this part.63.59 Retesting After Failure

    (a) An applicant for.a flight navigator licence who fails a written or practical test for thatlicence may apply for etesting_(1) After 30 days after the date he failed that test; or(2) Before the 30 days have expired if the appliLnt presents a signed statementfrom a licensed flight navigator, _licensed_ ground instructor, or any otherqualified person approved by the Director General, certifying that person hasgiven the applicant additional instruction in each or ine rrl,i"itr ]"ir"o and thatperson considers the applicant ready for retesting. , - -- "

    (b) A statement from a licensed flight navigator, or ftom an operations official of anapproved navigator course is acceptab.te, for the purposes paragraphs 1a)(2) of thisPart, for the written test and for the flight test. A statement from a person approvedby the Director General is acceptaole for the written tests. A statement from asupervising or check navigator with the State aircraft operations is acceptable forthe written test and for the practical test.(c) lf the applicant failed the flight test, the additional instruction must have beenadministered in flight.

    63'60 Flight Navigator Licence tssued on Basis of a Foreign Flight NavigatorLicence

    (a) Licence issued. The holder of a.cunent.foreign flight navigator licence issued by acontracting state to the Convention on Intemationil civil-Aviation, *no meets therequirements of.this Part,-may have a flight navigator licence issued to him for theoperation of civil aircraft of lndonesian registry. Eich nignt navigaloiti."n"" issuedunder this Part specifies the number ano dtate of issuance 6t tn" foreign flightnavigator licence on which it is based. lf the holder of the liCence cannot read,speak, or understand the English language, the Director General may place anylimitation on the licence thit considers necessary for safety. irior to issueIndonesian flight navigator licence based on foreign license Director General mustverify the authenticity of that foreign licence to the lisuing authoriiy. -'

  • (b) y::frl^:rT::i::, and cerriflcation. An appricant must submit evidence that theT."::ll.^ T"d':il :lT-dard1 fol.qhe_foreidri fishi ;;;t.t"i'iillr#;ffilt1i _i:i?llTli:ii:::,::1..?.1n!:,^ i! i, l:f ii u.,.0 ;;;;";i,ilil, J,i ;"l"fi::i:issu ed u nder p* u"i'""rinH 8ilrli5#lL':accepted as evidence that the applicantf::E",nl"'"^:j.lg*: H^, a medical

    "ertinEt" iJJr"j'rijJ;'rfi;iti",i:3l:l?,^'.,j1:,:.T: tl.j tne apprici;i il;t, ilJil ;#:ftJffii.:' iil:"il*;;i'"-#..n'ii"JlinaV iOa to r l i cenno . l cn anno^ ta l - . ^ r - ^ r : - - r - - r : a:;yp,::ilj:"::.:^:,:,: 1T:ll,"11llT_"q1",.r "",tiri.rL ;J;ffi; ii,il"'il,iiol,yiXphysical fitness for his foreign flight navigator ricence.

    (c) Rating lssued. The aircraft type ratings listed on the applicant,s foreign flightnavigator licence, in addition to-any issued to him after testing under the provisionsof this part, are placed on the appticants nignt navig.ior- r" ticence. An appticantwithout an aircraft type rating on his foreign ni-gnt nauilaior licence may be issued atype rating if he shows that the he cunently meets th! requirements ior exercisingthe privileges of his foreign flight navigator licence on that type aircraft.(d) Privileges and Limitations. The holder of a flight navigator licence issued under thisPart may act as a flight navigator of a civil aiicraft.of lndonesian registry subject tothe limitations of this part and any additional limitations placed ;n hi; ticence by theDireclor General. He is subject to these limitations while he is acting as a flightnavigator of the aircraft within or outside the Republic of Indonesia. However hemay not act as fligfll navigator

    _of ln any other capacity as a required flightcrewmember, of a civil aircraft of Indonesia registry [n"t ir ."r.ving persons orproperty for compensation or hire.(e) Renewal of licence and ratings. The holder of a licence issued under this part mayhave that lice.nce- and ratings placed thereon renewed if, at the time of applicationfor renewal, the_ foreign flight navigator licence on which that licence is based is ineffect. Application for the renewal of the licence and ratings tnereon must be madebefore the expiration of the licence.

    63.61 Flight navigator coutses

    An applicant for approval of a flight navigator course must submit a letter to the DirectorGeneral requesting approval, and must ilso submit three copies of the course ougine, adesoiption of his facilities and equipment, and a list of the instructors and theirqualifications. Requirements of the course are set forth in Appendix g to this part.

    1 7

  • 63.71 Licence Required

    (a) No person l1y 99t as a flight operations officer (exercising responsibility with thepilot in command in the oferational control ot a riignq in dnneition with any civilaircraft in air commerce unless that person has in nis'per.on"r-porr"r.ion a flightoperations officer ricence issued under this subpart.

    (b) Each person who holds a flight operations officer licence must present it forinspection upon the request of the Director Geneiat or an autnorizeo representativeof DGCA.

    63.73 Eligibility requirements: General.(a) To be eligible for a flight operations officer licence, a person must _(1) Be at least 21 years of age;(2) Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language or havean appropriate limitation placed on his flight operationbfficer liience;(3) Pass the required knowledge test prescrinio ny 63.75 or tni, p..t;(4) Pass the required practicallest pr&cribed by ds.zs of this p"hl"l.,o(5) Comply with the requirements o? Og.Z7 of tni's part.


    63.75 Knowledge Requirements

    (a) A person who applies for a flight operations officer licence must pass a knowledgetest on the foilowing aeronauticar knowredge areas:(1) Air tawRules and regulations relevant to the holder of a flight operations officerlicence; appropriate air traffic services practices and proledures;Aircraft general knowledge(i) Principles of operation of aeroplane powerplants, systems andinsfuments.!!!l Operating timitations of aeroplanes and powerplants;(iii) Minimum equipment list;Flight performance calculation,planning procedures and loading(i) Effects of loading and mass distribution on aircraR performance andflight characteristics; mass and barance carcurations;(ii) operational fli.ght planning; fuel

    "onrrrpiion and endurancecalculations; altemate aerodrome seleciion jrocedures; " control; extended range operation;(iill Preparation and filing of air traftic services flight plans;

    f,.") Basic principles of computer-assisted plannirig ,yrt"rr;Human performanceH-uman performance relevant to dispatch duties;Meteorology




  • (i) Aeronautical-meteororogy; the .movement of pressurestructure of fronts, and the orgrn and characteristics

    weather phenomena which affect take_o*, !n_rort"conditions:(b) lnterpretation and application of aeronautical meteorologicalcharts and forecasts; codes and abOrufiationr; useproced ures for obta in in g, meteoro rog icar i nfon{ration ;NavigationPrinciples of air navigation with particular reference to instrument flight;Operational procedu res(i) Useofaeronauticaldocumentation;(ii) operational procedures for the caniage of freight and dangerousgoods;(iii) Procedures rerating to aircraft accidents and incidents; srnslgsnsyflight procedures;(iv) Procedures rerating to unraMur interference and sabotage of aircraft;Principles of flight(i) Principles of flight relating to the appropriate category of aircraft; andRadio communication(i) Procedures for communicating with aircraft and rerevant groundstations.

    (b) The applicant must presentGeneral of having passed apreceding 24 calendar months.

    63.77 Experience Or Training RequirementsAn applicant for an flight operations ofiicer licence must present documentary evidence,'r?:'rff'3ii,llf g:i,:fi Generar that he has the L"p"'iln"" prescribed in paiasraph (a)

    documentary evidence satisfactory to the Directorflight operations officer knowledge test within the

    systems; theof significantand landing

    reports,of, and




    (a) A total of two years of service in any one or in any combination of the capacitiesspecified in (1) to (3) inclusive, proviied that in any combination of experience theperiod serviced in any capacity shail be at reast on" y""r,(1) A flight crew member in air transportation; oi(2) A meteorologist in an organization dispatching aircraft in air transportation; or(3) An air traffic controller; or a tec_hnicai supervisor of nignf il"i"tions otficersor air transportation flight operations systems;or

    (b) At least one year as an assistant in the dispatching of air transport;or

    Have satisfactoriry compreted a course of approved training.The applicant shall have seryed under the supervision of a flight operations officerfor at least g0 working days within the six' months immeoiately preceding theapplication.


  • (e) The applicant has satisfactorilv,..cgmqleted operating familiarization consisting oflobserving operations from thehignt irecr< opJrationr, or, for airplanes without anlobserver seat on the flight deck, from a forward passenger seat wiin h;;dr.t;;lspeaker, in the type of airplane he is to dispatch within tn"e prlceoinig lz calendarlmonths. I

    63.79 Skill Requirements

    The applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to:a) Make an accurate and operationally acceptable weather analysis from a series ofdaily weather maps and weather reports; provide an operationally valid briefing onweather conditions prevailing in the geneial neighbourhooJ otl rpJcinc air route;forecast weather trends pertinent to Lir transpoitation with particrjiar reference todestination and alternates:b) Metermine the optimum flight path for a given segment, and create accurate manualand/or computer generated flight plans; indc) Provide operating supervision and all other assistance to a flight in actual orsimulated adverse weather conditions, as appropriate to the duties of the holder ofa flight operations officer licence.

    An applicant for a flight operations ofiicer licence must pass a practical test given by theDirector General, with respect to any one type of large aircraft used in air canieroperations' The practical test must be based on the flight operations officer practical teststandards, as published by the DGCA on the items oufliied in appenox o oitnis part.

    63'80 Flight operation officer Licence lssued on Basis of a Foreign FlightOperation Officer Licence(a) Licence issued. The holder of a cunent foreign flight operation officer licenceissued by a contracting State to the Convention Jn lntemational Civil Aviation, whomeets the requirements of this Part, may have a flight operation omcer licenceissued to him for the operation of civil aiicraft of Indoiesi; r{i;try. Each flightoperation officer licence issued under this Part specifies the number and State ofissuance of th.e foreign flight operation officer licence on which it is based. lf theholder of the licence cannot read, speak, or understand the English language, theDirector General may place any limitation on the licence that considers necessaryfor safety. Prior to issue Indonesian flight operation officer licence based on foreignlicense Director General must verify the authenticity of tnat toieijn li""n"" to theissuing authority.

    Medical standards and certification. An applicant must submit evidence that themeets the medical standards for the foreign flight operation officer licence on whichthe application for a licence under this Pirt islased. A cunent medical certificateissued under Part 67 of the CASRs will be accepted as evidenc" thAih";;pticantmeets those standards. However, a medical certificate issued under part 67 of theCASRs is not evidence that the applicant meets those standards outside theRepublic lndonesia unless the Staie that issued the applicant's foreitn nightoperation officer licence also accepts that medical certificaie as eviOenc"e of theapplicant's physicatfitness for his foreign flight operation officer licence.



  • :::':? l:'Sg^, Il"^:'"ijt jlf _rltinos tisted on the applicant,s foreisn fright:::::l':.j::,: ,11j.:: ,n ,addition lg inv issued to ni, !h-"ii"rii,iJ ;;jJ"t;provisions of this part, are praced on the appricant's nigni otei;ti",

    "mi",lifl 3t,:: n t vi th o u f t. " ri"i"i tvp"' L ti.;'ff iff ffi il T, nliiij r}i-i#'?,"#i5;l':::::*:f 0."^l':::1,1,_tlp? ratins .if he ihowg that ir","., n"ir#ril; #"ir"il";requirements for exercising the privileges of nis toreijn nighi "p.iltioi om.",licence on that type aircraft.

    Privileges and Limitations. The holder of a flight operation officer licence issuedunder this Part may.act as a dispatcher or alivil aircraft of Indonesian registrysubject to the limitations_of this part and any additional limitations praceO on hislicence by the Director General. He is sublect to these limitations while he isexercising his previlege: as a flight operation officer of the aircraft within or outsidethe Republic of Indonesia. However he may not act as a dispatcher of a civil aircraftof Indonesia registry that is carrying persons or property for compensation or hire.63'81 Flight Operations Officer Licensing Courses: Content and Minimum Hours(a) An approved flight operations officer licensing course must:(1) Provide instruction in the areas of knowledge and topics listed in appendix Dof this part;

    (2) Include a minimum of 400 hours of instruction.(b) An applicant for approval of an flight operations officer course must submit anoutline that describ-es the major topics and subtopics to be covered and the numberof hours proposed for each.(c) Additional subject headings for an flight operations officer licensing course may atsobe included, however the hours proposed for any subjects not liieo in appendix Dof this part must be in addition to the minimum 400 course hours required inparagraph (a) of this section.(d) For the purpose of completing an approved course, a student may substituteprevious experience or training for a portion of the minimum 400 hours of training.The course operator determines the number of hours of credit based on anevaluation of the experience or training to determine if it is

    "orp.r"ble to portions ofthe approved course cuniculum. The credit allowed, includini tn"-iotar hours andthe basis for it, must be placed in the student's record requirJo uy os.go(a) of thispart.

    63'83 Flight Operations Ofiicer Licensing Cources: Application, Duration, andOther General Requirements(a) Application Application for original approval of a flight operations officer licensingcourse or the renewal of approval of a flight operltions officer licensing .ourr6

    under this part must be:(1) Made in writing to the Director General;(2) Accompanied by two copies of the course outline for which approval is sought;(sl Arcompanied by a description of the equipment and facilities'to be used; and(4) Accompanied by a list of the instructors and their qualifications.



    2 1

  • Duration' Unless withdrawn or canceled, an approval of a flight operations officerlicensing course of study expires:(1) on the last day of the 24th month from the month the approval was issued; or(2) Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this .""tion, on the date that anychange in ownership of the school occurs.Renewal. Application for renewar of an approved flight operations officercourse must be made within 30 days preceding the month the approvalprovided the course operator meets the following-requirements:(1)

    1,,,:::,.:,?f::T["j^tp9r3_1r?1"", foT tiat.riigft operations officer ricensins, I vil^r:..?^yl? .:lttl"j.Fl.!l.e ?r1-ctil test requir"o ov bs.zg of this prrt, p"rr"othe practical test on theirfirst attempt; and(2) The flight operations officer licensing course continues to meet therequirements of this subpart for course approval.

    course revisions- Requests for approval of a revision of the course oufline, facilities,or equipment must be in accordance.with.paragraph (a) of this section. 'proposeorevisions of the course outline or the description of iaciiities anc equifment must besubmitted in a format that will allow an entire page or pages of the'approu"o oulineor description to be removed and replaced bylny approved revision. The list ofinstructors may be revised at any time withotit"ii for approv"r, prouio"d theminimum requirements of 63.87 of this part are maintained and the Director Generalis notified in writing.Wthdnwal or cancellation of approval. Failure to continue to meet the requirementsof this subpart for the approval or operation of an approved flight operations officerlicensing course is grounds for wiihdrawal of approval of the course. A courieoperator may request cancellation of course approval by a letter to the DirectorGeneral. ^The operator must forward any records io the DGCA ,, ,"qr"rGd by theDirector General.

    (0 Change in ownerchrp. A change in ownership of a part 63, appendix D approvedcourse does not terminate that flight operations officer licensing'course approval if,within 10 days after the date that any change in ownership of th6 school occurs:(1) Application is made for an appropriate amendment to the approval; and(2) No change in the facilities, personnel, or approved flighi'operations officerlicensing course is involved.

    (g) Change in name or location A change in name or location of an approved flightoperations officer licensing course does not invalidate the approval if, within 10 diysafter the date that any change in name or location occurs, the course operator ofthe part 63, appendix D approved course notifies the Director Geneial, in writing, ofthe change.

    63.85 Flight Operations Officer Licensing Courses: Training FacilitiesAn applicant for approval of authority to operate a flight operations officer course of studymust have facilities, equipment, and materials adequate to provide each student thetheoretical and practical aspects of aircraft flight operations. Each room, training booth, orother space used for instructional purposes must be temperature controlled, lighted, andventilated to conform to local building, sanitation, and health codes. ln addition, thetraining facility must be so located that fhe students in that facility are not distracted by theinstruction conducted in other rooms.


    (c) licensingexpires,




  • 63.87 Flight operations officer licensing courses: personnet.

    (a) Each applicant for a flight operations officer licensing course must meet thefollowing personnel requirements:(1) Each applicant must have adequate personnel, including one instructor whoholds a flight operations otficer licence and is availab-le to coordinate alltraining course instruction. ((2) Each applicant must not exceed a ratio of 25 students for one instructor.(b) The instructor who teaches the practical dispatch applications area of the appendixD course must hord a flight operations officeis ricence

    63.90 Flight operations officer licensing courses: Records.(a) The operatol of a flight operations officer course must maintain a record for eachstudent, including a chronological log of all instructors, subjects covered, andcourse examinations and results. The record must be retained for at least 3 years

    after graduation. The course operator also must prepare, for its records, andtransmit to the Director General not later than January-31 of each year, a reportcontaining the following information for the previous year:(1) The names of all students who graduated, together with the results of theirflight operations officer licensing courses.(2) The names of all the students wno failed or withdrew, together with the results

    of their flight operations officer licensing courses or the reasons for theirwithdrawal.

    (b) Each student who successfully completes the approved flight operations officerlicensing course must be given a written statemeni of graduaion, whicn is valid for90 days. After g0 days, the course operator may revalidate the graduation licencefor an additional 90 days if the course operator d-etermines that the student remainsproficient in the subject areas listed in appendix D of this part.



    63.101 Eligibil i ty Requirements; General

    To be eligible for a flight attendant certificate, a person must; ((a) Be at least 18 years of age;(b) Be abre to read, speak, and understand the Engrish ranguage; or have anappropriate limitation placed on his flight attendant certificate;(c) Hold at least a second - class medical certificate issued under part 67 of theCASRs within the 12 calendar months before the date he or sne appties, or otherevidence of medical qualification accepted for the issue of a nignt attendantcertificate by the Director Generar under this part; and(d) Comply with the requirements of this subpart that apply to the rating he or sheseeks.

    63.1 03 Knowledge Requirements

    A person who applies for a flight attendant certificate must pass a knowledge test on thefollowing aeronauticar knowredge areas as required in paragraph (a) and (b) berow.(a) Generalsubjects

    (1) The authority of the pilot in command, and succession of command;(2) Relevant Safety and Security Regulations;(3) Passenger handling, including un?er age children;(1) Approved crew resource management iraining;(5) Company policy manuals relating to the dutiei of a flight attendant;(6) Customs and immigrations procedures;(7) Passenger briefing; and(8) Passenger cabin preparation and securing.(b) For each airplane type(1) A general desoiption of the aircraft emphasizing physical characteristics thatmay have a bearing on ditching, evacuatioln, ino in-nignt emergencyprocedures and on other related duties;(2) The use of both the public address system and the means of communicating

    with other flight crewmembers; and(3) Proper.use of electrical galley equipment and the controls for cabin heat andventilation.(c) For emergency or security equipment and procedures;(1) location and operation of all aircraft exits, including normal, altemate andemergency modes of operation;(2) location and use of atl emergency equipment on board each aircraft;(3) normal and altemate means of communication and communicationprocedures for normal, emergency and security situations;(4) altemate duties in the event of nd incapacitation of other crew members;

  • passenger emergency briefings and aural comrnands;armed intervention or unruly passengers;cabin and passenger preparation for emergency randing, ditching andevacuation; andmedical emergencies on board incruding administering oxygen.

    Each training program must provide the emergency training set forth in thiwith'.'p""i'to ?ach airprane tvp",=,ililfTf ";ffiff:il?TtJ:J'',ffif:lrequirede Y u [ s U::::::iP:! ry each kind of operation conducted, insofai ru rppropriate ior eacncrewmember and the certificate holder. Emergency training 'rrri frovide thefollowing:(1) Instruction in emergency assignments and procedures,

    coordination among crewmembers.(2) lndividual instruction in the location, function, and operation ofequipment including:(i) Equipment used in ditching and evacuation;(ii) First aid equipment and its proper use;(iii) Portable fire extinguishers, with emphasis on type of extinguisher tobe used on different classes of fires: and(iv) Emergency exits in the emergency mode with the evacuation slide/raftpack attached (if applicable), ryjlh training emphasis on the operationof the exits under adverse conditions.(3) lnstruction in the handling of emergency situations including:(i) Rapid decompression;(ii) Fire in flight or on the surface, and smoke contror procedures withemphasis on electrical equipment and related circuit bieakers tounO incabin areas including all galleys, service centers, lifts, lavatories anJ

    movie screens:Ditching and other evacuation, including the evacuation of personsand their attendants, if any, who may need the assistance of anotherp_erson to move expeditiously to an exit in the event of an emergency;lllness, injury, or other abnormal situations involving f""r"ng"r, o,.crewmembers to include familiarization with the emergency medicalkit; and(v) Hijacking and other unusual situations.

    No air canier shall assign a person to act as a crewmember on any aircraft unlessthat person has received crew resource management training in iccordance withthe following:(1) lnitial training for all crewmembers shall cover the following subjecis:(i) attitudes and behaviors,(ii) communication skills,(i i i) probtem sotving,(iv) human factors,

    (v) conflict resolution,(vi) decision making,(vii) team building and maintenance, and(vii i) workloadmanagement.(2) Recunent training as prescribed herein, shall be given every 12 months and

    cover safety and. emergency procedures and where possi-ble, include jointparticipation of pilots and flight attendants:





    (ii i)



  • relationship of crew members,review of incidents/accidents of air caniers.presentation and discussion of selected coordinatedprocedures, andcrewmember evacuation drills and debrieflng.

    (63.105 Skil l Requirements

    (a) An applicant for a flight attendant certificate with a type rating must pass a practicaltest on the duties of a flight attendant in the class of aircraft for wnicn a rating issought.(b) The applicant must-

    (1) Show that he or she can satisfactory perform preflight safety inspections.(2) In flight, show that he or she can satisfaclorily p"rr6tm tn" normar duties andprocedures of a flight attendant rerating to that aircraft.(3) In flight, or in an approved flight atteidant training device, show that he orshe can satisfactorily pe{orm emergency duties and 'procedures andrecognize and take appropriate action in emergency situations.An applicant for a flight attendant certificate must pass a practical test given by theDirector General, with respect to any one type oi large aircraft used in air canieroperations' The practical test must oe based on the flight attenoani practical teststandards, as published by the DGCA on the items outlined in appendix E of this part.

    63.107 Aircraft Ratings

    (a) The specific aircraft type rating will be place on the flight attendant certificate(b) To be eligible for an original or additional aircraft type rating, an applicant mustsatisfactorily complete an approved flight attendint trainiig f.grrr that isappropriate to the type of rating sought and pass a Flight n[enoant knowledgewritten test for that type rating.

    63.109 Flight Attendant Gource

    An applicant for approval of a flight attendant course must submit a letter to the DirectorGeneral requesting approval, and must also submit three copies of each course ougine, adescription of the facilities and equipment, and a list of the instructors and theirqualifications.

    ( i )( i i )(i i i)( iv)


    An applicant will be required to pass practical tests on the prescribed subjects.lffi;f:js mav be given by DGCA''$;;i";; or desisnated nisht navisator

    il. The examination

    The practical examination consists of a ground and flight test as itemized on theexamination check sheet' Each item .tr;l be completed satisfactorily in orcter forthe appricant to obtain.a passing grade rtems-s,6', '7 ofthe groundtest may becompreted orafry, and items 17 , ,2-, 23, .34, 36, 31', ib ano 39- of rhe flight test maybe completed by an oral examinatiol wnen . b.k'oilround facilities or navigationequipment makes such procedure necessary. ln these cases a notation to thateffect shafr be made in the "Remarks,,space on the check sheet.

    Examination procedure

    A' An applicant will provide an aircraft in which celestial observations can betaken in all directions. Minimurn equipment shail includ" . i"ir" ior protting,:"i.lrT;fil:"?,nHf"a.ttimeter, ari instrum"nt ro.. tar

  • B' ldentify two additional stars with a star identifier or sky diagrams and explainidentification procedure.c' Pre-compute a time/altitude curve for a period of about 20 minutes and take10 single observations of a celestial ooby wnicr, is. rising or setting rapidly.The intervals between observations should be at least one minute. Markeach observation on the. graph to show,..*r"y. Ail,observations, aftercorrections, shall plot within 8 minutes of arc rroin tne iimelartituoe curve,and the average error shall not exceed 5 minutes of arc.D' Take and plot one 3 star fix and 3 LoPs or tne sun. plotted fix or an averageof LoPs must fall within 5 miles of the actuai p*ition of the observer.E. Demonstrate or exprain the compensation and swinging of a riquid typemagnetic compass.

    F. Demonstrate or exprain a method of afigning one type of drift meter.c' |""fiil:,.te or exprain a method of a[gnirig ,n irtro.orprrr-oi periscopic

    V. Ftight Test

    For the flight test' in the order the numbered items on the examination check sheet,an applicant will be required to:A' Demonstrate his ability to read weather symbols and interpret synopticsurface and upper air weather maps with particular emphasis being placedon winds.B' Prepare a flight plan by zones from the forecast winds or pressure data of an^ upper air chart and the operator's data.c' compute from the operato/s data the predicted fuet consumption for eachzone of the flight, including the alternate.D' Determine the point of noleturn for the flight with all engines running and theequitime point with one engine inoperatiie. Cr.pni"al methods which arepart of the company's operations manual nLv be used for thesecomputations.E.F

    Prepare a cruise control (howgozit) chart from the operator,s data.Enter actual fuel consumed bn ihe cruise controi .n"rt and interpret thevariations of the actuar curye from the predicted curve.check the presence on board and. operatin! conoition of all navigationequipment. Normally a check list will be used. irrir rn".k will include a timetick or chronometer comparison. Any.rack of tnoroughness during this checkwilljustify this item being graded unsitisfactory. - -v""-Locate emergency equipment, such as the nearest fire extinguisher, lifepreserver, life rafts, exits, axe, first aid kits, etc.Recite the navigator's duties and stations during emergencies for the type ofaircraft used for the test.Demonstrate the proper use of a flux gate compass or gyrosyn compass!whe..n available), with speciar emphasii on ft,"'..ging methods and thelocation of switches, circuit breakers, and fuses. lf td;; compasses are notpart of the aircraft's equipment, an orar examination *iriu" given.Be accurate and use good judgment

    .*|:,"n setting ;no irteiing headings.Erroneous application or variation, deviation, or oiift coirection, or inconectmeasurement of course on the chart will be graded ,, ,nr"tidir&&."vvrrvv




    J .



  • L' Demonstrate or explain the use of characteristics of various chart projectionsused in long range air navigation, inctuoini tn. plotting of courses andbearinos, and the measuring o"t Jiri.n.""r]","*I\4 3""ffi:lfifofl gri;*'ii'ntitv oeiign;teo randmarks by the use or a

    N' Use a computer with facility and accuracy for the computation of winds, driftcorrectio-n and drift angfes, ground speeds, ETAs, fuel foads, etc.o' Determine-trgck, gtr;Jr'Grc, "no

    ,"inJ'bt [" double drift method. whena drift meter is not part of the aircraft':_ "q,pinlnt, an orar examination on theuse of the drift meter and a doubre orrn pl"rir"m snatt be compreted.P' Determine.ground speed and wind bt ih;].;ng method with a drift meter.when a drift meter is not olt!: rirri#t',

    "orior"n,, an orar examination onthe procedure and a probtem shall be .orpLt5o.o' Demonstrate the use o1'aii plot ror oeterriiniig wino between fixes and for:[H:,t"rffff]|""'ff' of position when uJng t*;J;'ffi absorute

    R' Give ETAs to well defined check points at reast once each hour after thesecond hour of flight' The average enor shall not be more than 5 percent ofthe intervening time intervafs, and the maximum error of any one ETA sha'not be more than 10 percent.s' Demonstrate *nowreoj"- ano use of DIF equipment and radio facirityinformation. Grading 6n tni, item wiil b; ba;;d rargery on the appricant,sselection of those radio aids which will be of rort vatue to his navigation, themanner with which he uses equipment, in.iriing filter box controil, and theprecision with which he reads.bearings. Til;ir*.fts compass heading andat compass conections must oe conioeroloi"..h bearing.T' Use care in tuning to taJio stations to insure maximum reception of signaland check for interference signals. nec"iuui *ilt o" checked to ascertainthat antenna and.BFo (voice/cw) switchll,iL in correct positions.u' ldentify at least tnree rLoo tt"ti*, using lnte-matio_nar Morse code onry foridentification' The agent or examiner wittiune in'to tn"r" stations so that the

    ,?iJxnil#it have no knowredge of *re oirectron, distance, or ftequencv ofv' Take at reast one radio bearing by manuar use of the roop. The agent orexaminer wit check the appricanri. oearing ov-t.hng a mJnuat'u-earing onthe same station jmmediatety after the .ili;;t .w' show the use of good irosirglt in

    "viiuating'racio bearings, and exprainwhy certain bearings may UJ of doubtfuf value." '

    x' Determine ano aplly "o"""tlv the conection required to be made to radiobearings before pioiting them on a Mercato. ih.rt, and demonstrate theability to plot bearings Lccurately on charts oitr" Mercator and Lambertco nfo rmal p rojeclions.

    Y' Compute the compass heading, ETA, and fuel remaining if it is assumed thatffilf#"#Ifl!: diverted to"in artemri";ilil at a iime-rp."i-nl,o by the

    z' check the counter scales of a Loran receiver for accuracy, and explain thebasic (face) adjustments which affect tuning anJcounter alignment. A guideA a sheet may be used for this test.,.A. uemonstrate knowfedge of the basic principre of Loran and the abirity to tunea Loran receiver, to match sionars, io r"io-tid;#;il;:


    il;, LoranLOps, and to identify and use Jky *"u"r.


  • AB' Take and plot bearings from a consol station.and exprain the precautionswhich must be taken wnen tuning a raoio rlleiver forconsoi sig;ats. Arso,discuss those conditions which aiect tn" LiLoirii;;;;il;;ilnr.AC' Demonstrate the-abifitv io pioperly operate .no ,"ro an absorute artimeter.AD' Determine the "D" faciors'r1

    1 t-"rb, readings of an absolutealtimeter and a pressure altimeter.AE' Determine drift angle or laieral displacement from the true headingline byapplication of Beilamy's formura ot "'u.rirtion'in"r.or.AF' Interpret the altimeter comparlson data *itn ,".p"ct to the pressure systemfound at flight level' From thjs oata evaiua* *.. accuracy of the prognosticyi,flf;fit Tip

    used ror flisht plannins .ro .pprv'tnis anarvsis io in-" lavisation

    AG' Interpret single LoPs for mos.t probable position, and show how a series ofsingle LoPs of the same body may o" ,It"o io indicate the probable trackand ground speed' Also show how a series of single Lops (celestial orradio) ftom the same cerestiar oooy oi iaoio station may be used todetermine position when the change br azimuin or- bearing is 30" or morebetween observations.AH' select one of the celestial LoPs used. during the flight and explain how tomake a singre rine of position apprgTl to a-point serected oy ine agent orexamine, giving headings, times and ETAs.Al' Demonstrate the proper lse or .n

    "rto"ompass or periscopic serctant fortaking bearingsAJ' Determine compass deviation as soon as possible after reaching cruisingartitude and whenever there is 3" of *rp"ss heading of 15. or more.AK' Take celestiSl{ hourly intervals wnen conoitions permit.- rh; accuracyof these fixes shall be checked by meant oi . Loran, radio, or visual fixwhenever praclicable. After alfowini f;;id p-roo.or" enor of


    tor"n, radio,or visual fix, a celestial fix under t -uoraot.

    ilnoition, should plot within 10miles of the actual position.AL' select celestial bodies for observlign, when possible, whose azimuths willdiffer by approximately 120" tor a 3 body fix and will differ by approximately90" for a 2 body fix. The altitudes of tne'setecteo bodies should be between25" and 75" whenever practicable.AM' Have PoMAR and any otnJi iequired reports ready for transmission at timeof schedule, and be able to inform the pilot in command promply with regardto the aircrafts position and progre* ii *mparrson with the flight pran.AN' Keep a log with sufficient rcbiure enries i; il;j;" a record ftom which theflight coutd be retracted.Ao' Note signioTll weather changes which might influence the drift or ground

    ,.ffiiff:"|h;.aircraft , such asl temperaturi i Di' fa"torr, iront"i -"Jnditions,

    AP' Determine the wind between fixes as a regurar practice.AQ' Estimate the time required rno ru.ffiGffi speed during a fetdown,under conditions specified by the pirot iricoriffi;.AR' work with sufficient speed to determin" ne'"ir"raffs position hourty bycelestial means and also make all other and records pertinentto the navigation. The applicant should ue aoie to take tne oos!rvation,compute, and prot a cerestiar Lop within a time iimit or a minuteiGre anoprot a Loran Lop within a time rimit of 3 ;il;; for ground waves and 4


  • AS




    minutes for sky waves; observe the absolute and pressure altimeters andcompute the drift or.lateral displacement within a time timit of 3 minutes.Be accurate in reading instruments and making computations. Errors whichare made and corrected without affecting Ih;;"6;iiln wirr be disregardedunless they cause considerabre ross of time. An unconected e'or in::I11,:tirr2.(including reading instruments and books) which wir affect thereported position more than 25 mites,. the heading ,.no; than 3o, or any ETAmore than 15 minutes wiil cause this item to oe gr;oeJ unsatistactory.Be alert to changing weather or other conditions during flight which miohtaffect the navigation.


    An appricant should noi rrit to take ceresliarobservations just prior to encountering a broken ol. ou",- ast sky condition,and he shourd not fair to take a bearing on a radio station, which operates atscheduled intervars and which wourd be a varuaote aiJ to the a rogicar choice and sequence in using tne various navigation methodsaccording to time and accuracy, and checkihe p;;ii;; determined by onemethod against positions determined by other methods. -

    Use a logical sequence in performing ine various orti", of a navigator andplan work according to a schedule. T-he more important duties should not beneglected for others of less importance.

  • f .

    APPENDIX B. FLTGHT NAVIGATOR TRAINING COURSE REQUIREMENTSTraining course ouflineA' Format' The ground course outfine and the flight course oufline shall becombined in one foose reat oinJe;";;-ri;il'inrtrou a tabre of contents,divided into two parts - ground

    ._":r:i ird'iigni'"orrr". Each part of thetabre of contents must Jontain a rist of tne iiajor subjects, together withhours atotted to each subject ano tne iot.rli.rr,'im and flight hours.B. Ground course ouiline;

    (1) rt is not mandatory that a course oufline have the subject headingsanansed exacrv as risted-in,,tnis pliaor"i6 fiv-;;;;;se;ent orgeneral headings and subheadings *irr oE sltistactory provided all thesubject material listed here is inituoeo-anJtn" acceptabre minimumnumber of hours is assigneg J".;* r*i.". Each generat subjectshaf r be broken down into-oetait snowinj itil to be covered.(2) lf any agency desires to include additional subjects in the groundtraining cunicurum, such as intemation"i iaw, nidiihigi;nu,'=orro*n"r*which are not required, the houri "rrJ["i'ti.'?sL additionat subjects maynot be included in tfre minimum classroom nlur".

    (3) The fotowing subjecls with crassroom hours are considered theminimum coverage ior a ground training corr!" ro,. flight navigators:

    To include CASR parts 63, 91, and 121.

    To include:

    Moisture in the atmo

  • rI Thunderstorms._

    I lctno._

    wond weather and climate.Weather maDs and weefh.raps and weather reports.


    Forecastino.rnternational Morse code.

    Abirity to receive code groups of fetters and numerars at a

    20I u t l tL ; luqg:

    Compasses.Pressure altimeters.Airspeed indicators.Driftmeters.Bearing indicators.Aircraft octants.Instrument calibration and alignment.

    -;harts and pilotaoeo include: 1 5


    vr rdt r pt uJecllons.

    _Chart symbols.I ril i lutptes oT ptlotage.


    lDead reckoninoTo include:

    Air plot.Ground plot.Calculation of ETA.Vector anafvsis.


    vuE er computer.Search.

    Absolute altimeter with:Applications -

    To include:-

    1 5


  • Principles of construction.

    Use of Bellamy's formula.with single drift conection.

    s of radio transmission and reception.Eglio aids to naviqation.

    Quadrantal conection.

    ICAO Q code for direction

    The solar system.The celestialsphere.Thq astronomical tria

    lEe of the Air Atmanac.fime and its

    Celestial line of positionStar identification.Conections to ceJestial observations.


  • Methods of cruise control.


    Total (exclusive of final examinationsFlight course oufline(1) A minimum of 150.hours of superyised flight training.sha' be given, ofyi:T;' Jff;f:"T:,'"1 :: Iili r'll"l";ru'g,u"n at night, and;:1,?:1' "' n avis a ti o n m u st b e u ieo ou ri n'gi ii n,".1 ff ,.?i',:t i:,l'sjji ?i3

    A maximum of 50 hours gf the required fright training may be obtainedin acceptabre types or syntnetic nig-rti'n"uigator training devices.


    (3) Frights shourd be at least four hours in fength and shoufd be conductedoff civil airways. s9T. training on ttng-range flights is desirabre, but isnot required. There is no rimii to ne irumoir oi,iuoe,it, tn"t may betrained on one fliqht, but at reasi one astrodror" oi one perrscopicsextant mounting rirust be provided roi eacn group of four students.


    (4) Training must be given in^dgai lggroning, pirotage, radio navigation,celestiar navigation, and the use of tne aos"olute attimeter.Equipment

    ;ffir;:R?:i3fftl;llll,i..,,de one tabre at reast 24&inch; x 32snch; in


    B' Aircraft suitabre for the flight training must be avairabre to the$rT:tor to insure that the nigit tiaining r.v oe compreiel'witnout

    The approved course operator may.contracl or obtain written agreements withaircraft operators for the use of rritl"or" aircraft. A ;;;; of the contract or writtenagreement with an aircraft operator shatt be;G;il,ilacn ot the three copies ofthe course ouaine.. submitted ioi approvat. In afr """"r,

    the approved courseoperator is responsible for the nature lho quality oiinstnriction given during flight.Instructors

    A. sufficient crassroom instructors must be avairabre to prevent anratio of students to instructors. Any ratio l;;;cess of 20 toconsidered unsatisfactory.B' At least one ground instructor must hold a valid flight.navigator certificate,and be utirized to coordinate instruction oigrol;Jscnootsubjects.

    excessive1 will be


  • 5ff?JHj',ctor who conducts flight training must hord a varid frisht navigatortv. Revision of training course

    Credit for previous training and experience

    lll,";,;ffi %ff Xr*" h o u rs "r a it" c ; ;ft ; i. ffi#:l"il". Jil J,l' #ifr:,

    Requests for revisions Jo colrse oulfings., facirities, and equipment sharlro'ow procedurer lo:orsr"l6;;;rl or the ;;;;. Hevisions shourd besu