cast0r1a - nys historic...

'^^Wf^^ff^^ tj The Kind You Have Always efirs the Signature of B*k*tUSmUt- 1 A perfect Remedyfor Constipa- fion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea j Worms .ConvuteiMis,B?vCTish- ness and Lo^SSOF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of Use Tor Over Thirty Years CAST0R1A O'Neil & Hafe, INSURANCE, Surety Bonds. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Howard Block, - - MaloncT, N.' Y. TJl PEOPLE ' S IITOit fill!.KKNNI. NEW YORK TRI-WEEKU TRIBUNE. covering news of thp^tfa-r tbr< impjrtaist foreign cable : THE DAILY TRIBU>£ < niestte and Foreign < Published on Monday, Wednesday and Fridar, i* ' n realitr a tme.ftv sb frverr-other-dar Dally, a-iviii^ the It test new* on--days--of i^ae. and h I i 13 WEEKLY PaMi«!ie-1? on Thursday and known for nearly & years irfevery part of tbe United States" ai* a Na- tiotu-d Family Kevr.«paper of lite higiiest CiS^s. for It -eontuins all the most -hK-b appears iiuj important eenetau new* of THE D ILY TRI- Ir utains ] 'farmers and ais-*> Ik>- L<. Humor- tt:ou,Fa*hi'*n Note*. fE up to the hour of eoing to press, an Agri- eaiturai Department of the fatebest order, has entertaining readjust for ev^ry member oi the family, old and-votragk Market Jteports which are accepted as &ushoritr by tariaer< and eouft- try merchants, and is eiekn. np to date, interest- ing and instructiv oas Items Industrial inf< Agricultural Matters and comprehensive and re- liable Financial and Market rrpo!t« Regular &ubM-ripiioc price. $"1.50 per year. i ""»^r*i^»r s'rh^-rinimn nHpp 3i <Y) n*r VP« We^-msh it hih XI.* Farmer for 81.75 | ^S&^^-fSFSSSZJ for $1< per year, j per year _ Send all orders to THE FARMER, Malone, N. Y. COAL IS €tt>19FGr I W W S now jnst as fast as onr wagons can cart ft to your cellars, but tbe prices are going to go up. Forewarned is forearmed S So don't wait for cold weather to catch yoo unprepared. 43«»t your supply now, white prices are down and the roads are good. Ofir coal is high grade, well-screened and guaranteed to be satisfactory. Office at ~*~~ Thompson & Wood'^ West Main Street. COrBT, FEATKLIN COtTXTY. Lydia K. AwSr*?*-*, plaintiff, vs. William C. Chapman, Clarjs^st cbsruoaii. his wife. Warren 3*. Cbaptflan m& Ella Vimymm, his wife, de- feadaBt*. .^ Pursuant to a jungrnaent of foreclosure and sale . rendered herein on the 4th day of April, 190 » and duly entered to tbe t^soktta County Clerk's offit«oat^5thda/of AerS, MM. 1, the under 8i#aed, tke referee da'y apwinted for such par- pose by saJd^wdRmeM. will sellaf tsiblk; aaetaon t o the Mzfees* bkJcter. <>» Friday, *&e 3l«t day of May, i m s 4 » ^ d o e k is the forenoon of thai day, at. tbe front door of tbe Coart Hoose^te Maione TiSage, in FrankJin i ooaty. Kew- Tort, tb* real eet*ie directed by said jad^menttofee 6otd aed therein described as foliows: All that oertain iot, p4et#or pareel of " " * " ? in the T^vm of ] town of grandest pfatoe <rf be^m^se. earn- Can't Fool the Horse On the quality of the feed. May try:to make yourself believe tnat the poorer grades of OA^S, etc, are jasc as good, but the falHsg off in strength and flesh will prove different. Fcccf ijold by us hr^^od°Ksi*48-pos- gible to get Jt. And our prices are not higher than th^- ordinary stuff coats. Our custom mill is again rnnoiag at foil capacity aod dolag excellent work. O. S. Lawrence, TI€«.«-.PUSSUAKT TO AS OKDER OF III Hon. Saa&ael A. Beman. Smrroeate of Ox Coantj of Franklin, aad mcoot^ixug to tbe statute to saofc case raade asd provided, m>iioe is hweby jriTen So all persons baring claims against M»rtir K. Porter, Ute of Maione. ia said ooucty. de oeaaed, t&at they are required to exhibit Oaf sae-with tbe vouchers thereof, to the under son W J'orter a* aUire of F. W. Law Men Who Are Now Prominent on the Stage of the World A. Cnbaa Patriot. The prominent fig-are in the Cuban constitutional-convention has &een Salvador Cisner- os, a white-haired patriarch at x 76 years, who _ has fougrnt for Cuban al- his ¥ho Salvador Owneros. during 1 most » since birth, and j had been pr%jn- inent in every Ct> baa insurrection the last half of the past It has fallen to his lot to stand as the most ardent champion of absolute independence, and he has threatened all sori^s of trouble should the United States^ in- sist on any conditions before gTant- ivg Cuban self-government. Twice he has served the cause of Cuba as provisional president during the revolutions against Spain. Dur- ing 1 the wars that raged over Cuba in the *60*s"he played a Qoiis^pleuous part p y p pj g and was chosen provisional presidem r~During the time that he iv>1 of .the island republic. He held the j new position Capt. Treat w cjuestkmable office ujntil J2j>anish arms ! the rank and pav of a colonel, but he bd d ll ii S j il At that time Jiejemainedjat ttwLaead- emy fojr four years, grratmating- with the class of '82. On t h e \ l s t of Au- gust, 1899, he was &ssignetir*r£&U~Xo West Point as senior instructor ©f-f artillery la?||^,~and nas been at the academy since that time. Since"nil" jgraduatTOn Capt. Treat has been continuously in the artillery, service, with the exception of «ueh time as he ^served in the volunteers during the war with Spain, wlfen he was detailed to the adjutant-general's department. His first service was as a * junior "second lieutenant in the Fifth artillery, where he found, as all junior officers do, that life in the regular army for a sub-lieutenant is not much better than life in $¥est Point for a plebe cadet. Bu> jthere is an end as a rule to all disagreeable^ things, and seven years after his graduation he became a first lieuten- ant in the same regiment. Eleven years later, or .on March 2, 1899, he was promoted to the rank of captain I assigned to the Seventh artillery. I fill hfe II have J2j bad conquered all opposition to Span- ish rule, and then ^rent to Xew York. In that city he earned a somewhat precarious living/as a retail cigar merchant, and attracted to his place f bi h Cb i p will again drop back to his regular pl£n a in tbe servk-e after he has com- pleted 1he three roars* tour of duty which the customs of the service al- low an officer-at the .Point. The t j of business mapt other Cuban agi- j new siiperintentient is a native of tators who hacf sought refuge in this ; Maine, but was r raised in Wisconsin, country at the close of the war. Of this little coterie of, friends he re- mained the leader. When "the lait revolution, that re- suited in the final overthrow of Span- ish rule in Cuba, broke out he again i Brilliant Boer Leader. Louis Botha, the commander in chief of the 1 Boer forces, took com-, maad at a time when the glory of , g j took a prominent part, and was again j t h e Boer cam- chosen provisional " presiclept. His i paign was fast Cuban friends in New York either re- j fading. England's turned to^ the island to fight in the i troops were fast ranks of the Cuban army, or became I gaining the ^as- associated with the Cuban "junta in j cendeney, and this country, and he directed much j about all that the of their efforts; * j Boer foree% could Strange as it m a / seem, the old |4?o was to make roan is himself of nobler Spanish ; t h e victory of Qen. Louis Botha- birth, hJs title being marquis dej England as costly as possible. Belancourt, but little more than this j But throughout the war the record is. known of his personal history ; of Botha has. been a brilliant one, aside from the part he has-4aken in ; With The breaking out of hostilities Cuba's* fight for freedom. Senator Carter's Sew Job. It is an interesting set. pi men who j are to manage the St. Loni: tion. In this con- nection many prominent M i s- sourians are com- ing" into even greater prom- inence, but one man who will fig- ure as prominent- ly as any as not a Missourian at all. To say this is to Senator T. H. Carter, savin other words that the fair is TO De broadly national! Of course Missouri- England he was but a private soldier, less than 35 years of age. and with no previous military training. xposi- ' * l s £ ea k' s much for his ability as a { soldier that he should have in the short space of time that elapsed be- tween the. breaking out of hostilities olid the death of Gen. Joubert that his ability should have become so apparent-that he "would be chosen to succeed Gen. Joubert. even when was"but to Jead a forlor7i hope. In the civil affairs of the Trans- vaal republic, however, Boiha was a leiukT before the war. He had been ] a member-of the Transvaal parlia- ment, and a strong advocate of fore- ins* the hand of "England. When the . ... , ,. . . war which he had advocated came he ans, more espec^allv those livms 1 m - . ., ' .. / , .•* , ~ T . "• le-ti me halls of parliament to take, and immediately about bt. L,, arc A - , . " , _ , i up arms m ctefen most largely interested ana are do- ' , ing most to make *ne enterpr^e a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ conspicuous success. ^_At the same time its national scope*" is emph&sizec All About You , ; people axe suffering from colds in the head, with fever depression and weakness. It's the Gnp 1 Be read/ when it first attack* you I Has on hand »t allttewa soft *m B u i Wooi Tloorfng » 8p«l«hr. Honey of Horehound 2 and Tar should bb taken at the first sign of Grip. It cures. 25^, 50^, $1.00 j ^ r bottle; the largest size cheapest. At all druggists. Take none but Hale's. Pfc'sTMttadN topTem hteltorti. TOMKISSANE —-BBEEDEB OP THE— Rhode Island Reds, Celebrated for Dressed Poultry and Eggs. JUST SUIT THE PABHEB. Matnre Early, tay Early, and make Soperb Dressed Poultry. Have as yellow skin aod legs as any white fowl. Are Dot angular, bony, and leggy when dressed, aod nave no black pin feathers. Are hardiest and lay largest (thick shelled pink tinted) eggs of any fowl of their size and a greater number. Are most dan- geroae rivals the Wyandottsand Ply month Rocks ever bad, and have come to stay. Fowls for sale in the fall. Eggs $ 100 per setting. . Order early if yoti want any. Also sin- comb Brown Leghorns, 50c. per setting. TCTSnOBSANE llwlo Malone, X. Y. SEEDS. Wb«a In need of anything in our Itne call as up by new Telephone and tbe same ftbali have owr carefal and prompt atten- tion. , WMppleville Mills. FLOWER SEEDS. Gardens next. You follow tbe fashion ia hats and gowns; you should in the flowers you grow. Sweet Peas, Nasturtiums and Asters take the lead in the flower world. Nothing bat the choicest and freshest seeds sold. Sweet Peas by the pound or package. - Mrs: W. C. Stevens. JL-* Hoc. Samuel A. Bemaa, Snrrofrate of tba County of Fraiildin, and aeeordia? to the utatate in such ease made and provided, notice Is hereby s'iven to all uetmm b&ving clain» a^aiset Mary Campbell, Isite oi Wesmfle, i s n M ootratr, ucoeaf €o. that they are required to exhibit tlxe satner with tbe voaebers thereof, to the mwier- Rigned, administrator, at bis office in Maloue VfiliE^ev in said cotmty, cm or before the 9th day e4 November next. Bated April 26th. isei. ALBERT C. HADLET. »™^ s Temporary Administrator. AttY-for Admr. Seed WTieat, Seed Oats, p Q-rassand. Clover Seeds. The best we could bay. Many-,years' experience in farming has taught as the best in the seed line is none too good. Prices also right. Floar and feed at wholesale and retail. The Cash Feed Store, Geo, I^Nortkridge. NewStore! I have opened my store in Howard Block and shall keep there for inspection a£ all times SASH AND BLINDS OF ETERY DESCRIPTION. of the indepernl- country as a private sol- As general officer, though tme p p by the appointment of United States ! M hi [ yoxins'est of all the Boer scene brilliant leader. f United States ! Senator Career, of Montana, as chain* [ h e b a s P r o v e n a man of the board of commissioners, i has been t h e G e u - ^ of ! cause, .while De Wet -has the He By birth Senator Carter is an Qfaioan, but h.e did not stay lonsr in that state, but moved to Illinois, «here he received his coxtiHron school education. His early experiences were as varied as they have been In recent years, shifting- from farm hand to railroadinsr and Then, for sev- eral years, school-teaching'. In Illi- nois, too. is where he got his first iesral learninsr and was admitted to the bar. Tlieu he decided to see still more of his country, and,moving with the star of empire, took up a brief residence in Burlington, la. From ^here be went, in .1SS2, to Montana. He was successful in his profession. J-was territorial delegate to congress, and upon the, admission of Montana to statekood he became the state's first representative in congress. fpon the expiration of his term Mr. Carter w^s appointed commissioner of the United States land office, which position he held until July,of 1892, when he was selected as chairman of the republican national committee. Three years later the Montana legis- lature elected him to represent tbe. state in the upper house of corijsrrss. His term as senator expired March JbJ3g&-^g§3u.ogggEg fijg _gejjrgnie.nti and durmg- the closing 1 hours of the last congress he achieved Consider- able notoriety by hits ten-hour speech, which was the means of preventing- legislative action being taken on tbe river and harbor bill. s*~ SFew Superintendent mt West Point. West Point cadets liave a new mas- ter to d<*al with in the person of Capt. Charles G. Treat, who was Recently appointed super- intendent-of that institution of mil- itary learning to succeed Oapt. Al- bert L. Mills, of the First <avairy, who has been on Sftpb C***. a. Tn*t, duty ^ superin- tendent and commandant at West Potnt ^ ^ tiie » stranger at WeefePwa*. m;m^0^:^^^¥m: been the "Stonewall" Jackson. Both men have luade a brilliant fi,£rht against stii 1 - pendons odds, and the wonder has been that they have been able to continue it so long. Jndsre Taft. The probabilities are that Judire IT. Taft. of Cincinnati, will be the first eivii governor of the Philippine islands under the juris- diction of the United States. At present he is ! _prfesMent of the] commission whieh has temporary char<re of affairs Judge Wm, H. Taft. in the islands. He is a man who combines rare scholarly ability with equally rare executive talent. His work in the Philippines is said to have given great satisfaction to the department of state in Washmgr^pn. Until his re- cent eonneetkm witfi the government of otir far-off possessions the fame of Judge Taft was wholly that of a jurist and a scholar. Hi^» preeminent ability showed' itself while he was yet in 1S7S second in rank in a class of 120, and was chosen as saluta- torian and class orator for the grad- TErtMg' exercises~of the class, 'gifteen. years later he received from his alma mater the degree of LL- D. lINso years after his graduation young 1 Taft was admitted to the bar in Cin- cinnati. For a year or so he did newspaper work, being law reporter for one of the city dailies. Then he was successively assistant prosecutor for Hamiltba county and internal"! revenue collector for the First Ohio district. After four years in genera! law practice he became judge of the t i t I 1 Jd p jg state' superior court. In 1890 g Taft was made solicitor general lor the. United States department of jus- tice, and resigned that place in 18327 «ka he was appointed A j*dge of the federal \mas&. Since 289S sod up to '5 of my own maanfacture. All goods are made upon honor and guaranteed. If you want any- thing in my line call at 2fo. 78 Bast Main St., store formerly oc- cupied by Lawrence & Taylor. I MAKE Launches, Skiffs, and ail kinds of wood- work to order. This is Headquarters lor Builders' Hirdiare, Oils, Paints, VABMISHBS, &c., &c. CHAS, BOARDWAY, MALO5CE, N. Y. Calf Mm lantei Having engaged E. A. Higgins, of Bostor, an experienced taaaer, we will pap the highest marlfet price for skins. Call at Rennie's market or Nicholson's Fruit Store. WE SELL FERTILIZER By the ton or buBdrel^ounds and guaraotee tbe qoalitv- Give us yofiT "orders. Bones purchased. C- W. Nicholson & Co., HABOJTB, N. Y. 15tf C- A ESCULETTS at a pbrste. f refaaded* and all rectal disorders. PfeasL_ 50c, Satisfaction .^uarsu^eed or money E.F.Bowley, _ A. W. Stiekaey, - CW.Hyd©, Barnes & Co. (or by mail of Etts »rt»g Co., Phila.) Call at~ filters t^?!?'7;jP^?^^^r^^??^H^i'-- 1 ' ^^*^^^^F'v ^^^^S^^^^^ *—J - • melir.;^- Cedtfr Green Slab Woo<L Easily Loaded from Elevator. N _ Hon. Samuel A. Bemaa. County of PmalcUn. and a(xwr i d d id i S & OJ? emaa. Surrogate of tbe County of PmalcUn. and a(xwrdin« to tbe statute in smai «ase made and provided, ootioe is hereby giventoAll persons having clsutD8asato*t Hartiut M. Meeker, late of Malone. in said coonty, d^- momd, that they are reqairedi to exhibit tba same, with tbe voachers thereof, to tb« under- signed executor at my reftkieofte in M alone. In said ooanty, on or-before tbe 1st day of October, next. Bated March 25th, 1901, JOHN E; FISK, Executor. BAIXJER & CASTTWEIX. Attys. itroTicB.—puB8CA?rr TO AN ORDER OF JLH MOO. Samuel A. Beman, Surrogate of the County of Franklin, aod according to tbe statute in s«oh case made and T^ovided, notice is hereby given to all persons haviBg claims a«aiust Fred- erick D, Wlllmartbt late of Barke, In «aid oo«ta- tv, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the uBder- siffued. B4cQinistratri3t. at her residence in Burke, in said county, on or beiore the 10th day or Aueasti»ext. Iteted Jaanary 2tod. 1901. SYLVIA A. W7LLXARTH, 5w2T Adifati ( CITATION FOE TEMPORARY ADMINI8- j trntk»n, Tbe People erf the State of Kew York, to Thomas D fBohoe^ t«sid«nce onkaowu^ constitntin? one of ihe nest of fcfn of Joan Don- oboe, late of M alone, absentee, semi greeting:— Whereas. Martin V. Donohoe, one of tbe next of kin of said John Bonohoe. afetmt«e, has lately appHed to tbe Surrogate bi our county of Frank- lin t<» have Thomas A^atns appeinfei temporar? administrator of tbe poodK ctiattels and credits of Joba Donohoe, late of Malone, altsentee: Yoa are bereby cited and required personal)r to be and apjwar before oiir .surrogate of the Cotmty of Fran^iiT} at the Surrojfate's ofSce hi Malone Village in frankHn txmnty on the 20th day of May. 1901. at ten o'clock in tbe forest**©— of that <isy. tben and there to s&oW cause why . Letters of Administration (temporary) upon %h& s*oods. chattels and credits «>f Jobn I>onoboe, aforesaid, should not be granted Thomas Adaa3«. lo testimony whereof, we have hereunto affixt*t the seal of onr said Surrogaie. Witness, Hon. Samoel A.. Bemaiu Sarrogate of said Coanty or [L. ?.] Frafiklin at tbe Surrogate's of- fiee. m Malone Village, this SSfco day of March. 1901. W*. P. EARLE, 14VT CJerk of the Surrogate's Court. T^T OTICK.—PUBSUANT TO AX OEDSR OW JLH Boa, Saiaael A. Beman. snirogate of turn County of Franklin, and according to the statute la such ease made and provided, notice is hereby given to all persons baviag claims against Peter Sheffield, late of Baane. in said eonoty.deeeased* that they are required to exhibit the same, wfca the vouchers thereof, to the under^jnied, Mary Sheffield; at the office of Kellas & Geoaway in. tbe village of Malone, in said county on or be- - fore the 2Tth day of Jaly, ae^t. Bated Janaary Kth, wn. MAgY-«&EfePlfitB^ A4 KSUAS & OENAWAY. Attorneys. N #TICE;-PCKSrANT TO AN ORDES OF Hon. SattHMjLA; Seman. Surrogate of tb« County of Fraiiklia. and aecoHJios; to the statute is such case made and provided, aotice is hereof given to all persons having; claim* agalxif't Henry HQtchins. late of Brandon, in said county, de- ceased, that they are required to exhibit tfc« same, with the vouchers thereof, to tiie under- signed. Lewis D. Gale, a* his residence ia Brandon, ia said Cotmty,onor before tbe SXJi day of Jnly next. Bated JaUTiary 14th. 1901 SK-27 LEWIS D. GALE. Executor. H. SL CHAKBKKLAD.% Atty., Maloae. X. Y. N EW YOBS SUPKSMB COVBT. lia Ooant G HBki Mary SmKhwtSteae JJefoei 1 In pursnance of a jadmseat aod decree of /oi»- dosure aod sa3e. duLjLgranted in the above en- titled action *nd e«efS3 in the FraakJin CoTtoty dtek' flS th r*h d f M%J9W tion *nd e«ef oflSee oa the n the Fra day of Ttoty J9W» named, will sell at public auction at tb% front tioorof *h*ToTm HaJI i« the YfUase of Saranao Lake, Franklin t^aaty. Sew York, on the Sist dav of May, 1901, at <me o'clock in the aft«raooa, the foliowW 4e«:ribod premise, viz. AH that certain tract r* pare*] of land sitoata ia tbe sew sarrey made bi' S«noel Shaw m the fioath-eastp»rt of Township Bomber nio«,"81d Mlitary Tract, hi the Town ot Fraakliu, is tba County of FraxtkMs aod State of Ketr York, b©- htg known a$ lot number two & of said anreey, and is bounded as follows, to wi(:Beirinnln>r a t a stake. ^eJa« oa-tha nt*rtli-w-eat cor«3-of lot No. erne, of sabjsufa-division, thence north efama de- grees east, foaiteea e^talos aad fifty gsks to i white napte mtftog marked Ho. S sat * -—' south seventy-tiine d $& and fifty links to a stake dJfo.SawJS: thenoes* ewfate*T3ictolM «»d thirty e^bt fekal^«W stub mailed, beinir tbe mm&m eotoa**^ N ^feeeee aqrth ao»oala^lafe 4«BMft

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The Kind You HaveAlwaysefirs the



1 A perfect Remedyfor Constipa-fion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea

j Worms .ConvuteiMis,B?vCTish-ness and Lo^SSOF SLEEP.

Facsimile Signature of

UseTor Over

Thirty Years

CAST0R1AO'Neil & Hafe,

INSURANCE,Surety Bonds.

LOANS NEGOTIATED.Howard Block, - - MaloncT, N.' Y.

TJl PEOPLE'S IITOit f i l l ! . K K N N I .NEW YORKTRI-WEEKUTRIBUNE.covering news of thp^tfa-r tbr<impjrtaist foreign cable :THE DAILY TRIBU>£ <niestte and Foreign <

Published on Monday,Wednesday and Fridar,i* ' n realitr a tme.ftv sbfrverr-other-dar Dally,a-iviii^ the It test new*on--days--of i ^ a e . and

h I i 13

WEEKLYPaMi«!ie-1? on Thursday

and known for nearly &years irfevery part of tbeUnited States" ai* a Na-tiotu-d Family Kevr.«paperof lite higiiest CiS^s. forIt -eontuins all the most

-hK-b appears iiuj important eenetau new* of THE D ILY TRI-Ir utains ] 'farmers and

ais-*> Ik>-

L<. Humor-tt:ou,Fa*hi'*n Note*.

f E up to the hour of eoing to press, an Agri-eaiturai Department of the fatebest order, hasentertaining readjust for ev^ry member oi thefamily, old and-votragk Market Jteports whichare accepted as &ushoritr by tariaer< and eouft-try merchants, and is eiekn. np to date, interest-ing and instructiv

oas Items Industrial inf<Agricultural Matters and comprehensive and re-liable Financial and Market rrpo!t«

Regular &ubM-ripiioc price. $"1.50 per year. i ""»^r*i^»r s'rh^-rinimn nHpp 3i <Y) n* r V P «We^-msh it hih XI.* Farmer for 81.75 | ^S&^^-fSFSSSZJ for $1<

per year, j p e r year_

Send all orders to THE FARMER,Malone, N. Y.

COAL IS €tt>19FGr IWWSnow jnst as fast as onr wagons can cartft to your cellars, but tbe prices are goingto go up. Forewarned is forearmed S Sodon't wait for cold weather to catch yoounprepared. 43«»t your supply now, whiteprices are down and the roads are good.Ofir coal is high grade, well-screened andguaranteed to be satisfactory.

Office at ~*~~Thompson & Wood' West Main Street.

COrBT, FEATKLIN COtTXTY.Lydia K. AwSr*?*-*, plaintiff, vs. William C.

Chapman, Clarjs^st cbsruoaii. his wife. Warren3*. Cbaptflan m& Ella Vimymm, his wife, de-feadaBt*. . ^

Pursuant to a jungrnaent of foreclosure and sale. rendered herein on the 4th day of April, 190 » and

duly entered to tbe t^soktta County Clerk'soff i t«oat^5thda/of AerS, MM. 1, the under8i#aed, tke referee da'y apwinted for such par-pose by saJd^wdRmeM. will sellaf tsiblk; aaetaonto the Mzfees* bkJcter. <>» Friday, *&e 3l«t day ofMay, i m s 4 » ^ d o e k is the forenoon of thaiday, at. tbe front door of tbe Coart Hoose^teMaione TiSage, in FrankJin i ooaty. Kew- Tort,tb* real eet*ie directed by said jad^ment to fee6otd aed therein described as foliows:

All that oertain iot, p4et#or pareel of "" * " ? in the T^vm of ]

town of grandest pfatoe <rf be^m^se. earn-

Can't Fool the HorseOn the quality of the feed. Maytry:to make yourself believe tnatthe poorer grades of OA^S, etc,are jasc as good, but the falHsgoff in strength and flesh willprove different.

Fcccfijold by us hr^^od°Ksi*48-pos-gible to get Jt. And our pricesare not higher than th^- ordinarystuff coats. Our custom mill isagain rnnoiag at foil capacityaod dolag excellent work.

O. S. Lawrence,

TI€«.«-.PUSSUAKT TO AS OKDER OFIII Hon. Saa&ael A. Beman. Smrroeate of OxCoantj of Franklin, aad mcoot^ixug to tbe statuteto saofc case raade asd provided, m>iioe is hwebyjriTen So all persons baring claims against M»rtirK. Porter, Ute of Maione. ia said ooucty. deoeaaed, t&at they are required to exhibit Oafsae-with tbe vouchers thereof, to the under

son W J'orter a* aUire of F. W. Law

Men Who Are Now Prominenton the Stage of the World

A. Cnbaa Patriot.The prominent fig-are in the Cuban

constitutional-convention has &eenSalvador Cisner-os, a white-hairedpatriarch at x76years, who _ hasfougrnt for Cuban



Salvador Owneros.


most » sincebir th, and jhad been pr%jn-inent in every Ct>baa insurrect ion

the last half of the pastIt has fallen to his

lot to stand as the most ardentchampion of absolute independence,and he has threatened all sori s oftrouble should the United States^ in-sist on any conditions before gTant-ivg Cuban self-government.

Twice he has served the cause ofCuba as provisional president duringthe revolutions against Spain. Dur-ing1 the wars that raged over Cuba inthe *60*s"he played a Qoiis pleuous partp y p p j gand was chosen provisional presidem r~During the time that he iv>1of .the island republic. He held the j new position Capt. Treat wcjuestkmable office ujntil J2j>anish arms ! the rank and pav of a colonel, but heb d d ll ii S j i l

At that time Jiejemainedjat ttwLaead-emy fojr four years, grratmating- withthe class of '82. On the \ l s t of Au-gust, 1899, he was &ssignetir*r£&U~XoWest Point as senior instructor ©f-fartillery la?| |^,~and nas been at theacademy since that time.

Since"nil" jgraduatTOn Capt. Treathas been continuously in the artillery,service, with the exception of «uehtime as he ^served in the volunteersduring the war with Spain, wlfen hewas detailed to the adjutant-general'sdepartment. His first service was asa * junior "second lieutenant in theFifth artillery, where he found, asall junior officers do, that life in theregular army for a sub-lieutenant isnot much better than life in $¥estPoint for a plebe cadet. Bu> jthere isan end as a rule to all disagreeable^things, and seven years after hisgraduation he became a first lieuten-ant in the same regiment. Elevenyears later, or .on March 2, 1899, hewas promoted to the rank of captain

I assigned to the Seventh artillery.I fill hfeII have

J2jbad conquered all opposition to Span-ish rule, and then ^rent to Xew York.In that city he earned a somewhatprecarious living/as a retail cigarmerchant, and attracted to his placef b i h Cb i

pwill again drop back to his regularpl£na in tbe servk-e after he has com-pleted 1he three roars* tour of dutywhich the customs of the service al-low an officer-at the .Point. Thet j

of business mapt other Cuban agi- j new siiperintentient is a native oftators who hacf sought refuge in this ; Maine, but wasrraised in Wisconsin,country at the close of the war. Ofthis little coterie of, friends he re-mained the leader.

When "the lait revolution, that re-suited in the final overthrow of Span-ish rule in Cuba, broke out he again


Brilliant Boer Leader.Louis Botha, the commander in

chief of the1 Boer forces, took com-,maad at a timewhen the glory of, g j

took a prominent part, and was again j t h e Boer cam-chosen provisional " presiclept. His i paign w a s fastCuban friends in New York either re- j fading. England'sturned to^ the island to fight in the i troops were fastranks of the Cuban army, or became I gaining the ^as-associated with the Cuban "junta in j cendeney, a n dthis country, and he directed much j about all that theof their efforts; * j Boer foree% could

Strange as it m a / seem, the old |4?o was to makeroan is himself of nobler Spanish ; t h e victory of Qen. Louis Botha-birth, hJs title being marquis dej England as costly as possible.Belancourt, but little more than this j But throughout the war the recordis. known of his personal history ; of Botha has. been a brilliant one,aside from the part he has-4aken in ; With The breaking out of hostilitiesCuba's* fight for freedom.

Senator Carter's Sew Job.It is an interesting set. pi men who j

are to manage the St. Loni:tion. In this con-nection m a n yprominent M i s-sourians are com-ing" into evengreater p r o m -inence, but oneman who will fig-ure as prominent-ly as any as not aMissourian at all.To say this is to Senator T. H. Carter,savin other words that the fair is TO Debroadly national! Of course Missouri-

England he was but a privatesoldier, less than 35 years of age. andwith no previous military training.

xposi- ' * l s£eak's much for his ability as a{ soldier that he should have in theshort space of time that elapsed be-tween the. breaking out of hostilitiesolid the death of Gen. Joubert thathis ability should have become soapparent-that he "would be chosen tosucceed Gen. Joubert. even whenwas"but to Jead a forlor7i hope.

In the civil affairs of the Trans-vaal republic, however, Boiha was aleiukT before the war. He had been

] a member-of the Transvaal parlia-ment, and a strong advocate of fore-ins* the hand of "England. When the

. ... , ,. . . • war which he had advocated came heans, more espec^allv those livms1 m - . .,

' . . / , .•* , ~ T . "• le-ti me halls of parliament to take,and immediately about bt. L,, arc A

- , . " , _ , i up arms m ctefenmost largely interested ana are do- • ' ,ing most to make *ne enterpr^e a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^conspicuous success. _At the sametime its national scope*" is emph&sizec

All About You , ;

people axe suffering from colds inthe head, with fever depression andweakness. It's the Gnp 1 Be read/when it first attack* you I

Has on hand »t allttewa

soft *mB u i Wooi Tloorfng » 8p«l«hr.

Honey ofHorehound

2 and Tarshould bb taken at the first sign ofGrip. It cures. 25^, 50^, $1.00 j ^ rbottle; the largest size cheapest. Atall druggists. Take none but Hale's.

Pfc'sTMttadN topTem hteltorti.


Rhode Island Reds,Celebrated for

Dressed Poultryand Eggs.


Matnre Early, t ay Early, and makeSoperb Dressed Poultry. Have as yellowskin aod legs as any white fowl. Are Dotangular, bony, and leggy when dressed,aod nave no black pin feathers. Arehardiest and lay largest (thick shelledpink tinted) eggs of any fowl of their sizeand a greater number. Are most dan-geroae rivals the Wyandottsand Ply monthRocks ever bad, and have come to stay.

Fowls for sale in the fall.Eggs $ 100 per setting.

. Order early if yoti want any. Also sin-comb Brown Leghorns, 50c. per setting.

TCTSnOBSANEllwlo Malone, X. Y.


Wb«a In need of anything in our Itnecall as up by new Telephone and tbe sameftbali have owr carefal and prompt atten-tion. ,

WMppleville Mills.FLOWER SEEDS.

Gardens next. You follow tbe fashion iahats and gowns; you should in theflowers you grow. Sweet Peas,Nasturtiums and Asters take thelead in the flower world. Nothingbat the choicest and freshest seedssold. Sweet Peas by the pound orpackage. -

Mrs: W. C. Stevens.JL-* Hoc. Samuel A. Bemaa, Snrrofrate of tbaCounty of Fraiildin, and aeeord ia? t o the u ta ta t ein such ease made and provided, notice Is herebys'iven to all uetmm b&ving c la in» a^aiset Mary

Campbell, Isite oi Wesmfle , i s n M ootratr ,ucoeaf €o. tha t they a r e required t o exhibit tlxesatne r with tbe voaebers thereof, to the mwier-Rigned, administrator, a t bis office in MaloueVfiliE^ev in said cotmty, cm or before the 9th daye4 November next .

Ba ted April 26th. i se i .ALBERT C. HADLET.

»™^s Temporary Administrator.At tY-for Admr.

Seed WTieat,

Seed Oats,p

Q-rassand.Clover Seeds.

The best we could bay. Many-,years'experience in farming has taught as thebest in the seed line is none too good.Prices also right.

Floar and feed at wholesale and retail.

The Cash Feed Store,Geo, I^Nortkridge.

NewStore!I have opened my storein Howard Block andshall keep there forinspection a£ all times


of the indepernl-country as a private sol-

As general officer, thoughtme p pby the appointment of United States !

M h i [

yoxins'est of all the Boer scenebrilliant leader.

f United States !Senator Career, of Montana, as chain* [ h e b a s P r o v e n a

man of the board of commissioners, i h a s b e e n t h e G e u - ^ o f

! cause, .while De Wet -has



By birth Senator Carter is anQfaioan, but h.e did not stay lonsr inthat state, but moved to Illinois,«here he received his coxtiHron schooleducation. His early experienceswere as varied as they have been Inrecent years, shifting- from farmhand to railroadinsr and Then, for sev-eral years, school-teaching'. In Illi-nois, too. is where he got his firstiesral learninsr and was admitted tothe bar. Tlieu he decided to see stillmore of his country, and,moving withthe star of empire, took up a briefresidence in Burlington, la. From^here be went, in .1SS2, to Montana.He was successful in his profession.

J-was territorial delegate to congress,and upon the, admission of Montanato statekood he became the state'sfirst representative in congress.fpon the expiration of his term Mr.Carter w^s appointed commissionerof the United States land office, whichposition he held until July,of 1892,when he was selected as chairman ofthe republican national committee.Three years later the Montana legis-lature elected him to represent tbe.state in the upper house of corijsrrss.His term as senator expired March

JbJ3g&-^g§3u.ogggEg fijg _gejjrgnie.nti

and durmg- the closing1 hours of thelast congress he achieved Consider-able notoriety by hits ten-hour speech,which was the means of preventing-legislative action being taken on tberiver and harbor bill. s*~

SFew Superintendent mt West Point.West Point cadets liave a new mas-

ter to d<*al with in the person of Capt.Charles G. Treat,who was Recentlyappointed super-intendent-of thatinstitution of mil-itary learning tosucceed Oapt. Al-bert L. Mills, ofthe First <avairy,who has been on

Sftpb C***. a. Tn*t, duty ^ superin-tendent and commandant at WestPotnt ^

^ tiie» stranger at WeefePwa*.


been the"Stonewall" Jackson. Both men haveluade a brilliant fi,£rht against stii1-pendons odds, and the wonder hasbeen that they have been able tocontinue it so long.

Jndsre Taft.The probabilities are that Judire

IT. Taft. of Cincinnati, willbe the first eiviigovernor of thePhilippine islandsunder the juris-diction of t h eUnited States. Atpresent h e i s

!_prfesMent of the]commission whiehh a s temporarychar<re of affairs

Judge Wm, H. Taft. in t h e islands.He is a man who combines rarescholarly ability with equally rareexecutive talent. His work in thePhilippines is said to have givengreat satisfaction to the departmentof state in Washmgr^pn. Until his re-cent eonneetkm witfi the governmentof otir far-off possessions the fameof Judge Taft was wholly that of ajurist and a scholar. Hi » preeminentability showed' itself while he was yet

in 1S7S second in rank in a classof 120, and was chosen as saluta-torian and class orator for the grad-TErtMg' exercises~of the class, 'gifteen.years later he received from his almamater the degree of LL- D. lINsoyears after his graduation young1

Taft was admitted to the bar in Cin-cinnati. For a year or so he didnewspaper work, being law reporterfor one of the city dailies. Then hewas successively assistant prosecutorfor Hamiltba county and internal"!revenue collector for the First Ohiodistrict. After four years in genera!law practice he became judge of the

t i t I 1 Jdp jg

state' superior court. In 1890 gTaft was made solicitor general lorthe. United States department of jus-tice, and resigned that place in 18327« k a he was appointed A j*dge of thefederal \mas&. Since 289S sod up to

'5of my own maanfacture.

All goods are made upon honorand guaranteed. If you want any-thing in my line call at 2fo. 78Bast Main St., store formerly oc-cupied by Lawrence & Taylor.


Launches, Skiffs,and ail kinds of wood-

work to order.

This is Headquarters lor

Builders' Hirdiare, Oils, Paints,VABMISHBS, &c., &c.


CalfMm lanteiHaving engaged E. A. Higgins, of Bostor,

an experienced taaaer, we will papthe highest marlfet price for skins.

Call at Rennie's market orNicholson's Fruit Store.

WE SELL FERTILIZERBy the ton or buBdrel^ounds and

guaraotee tbe qoalitv- Giveus yofiT "orders. Bones


C- W. Nicholson & Co.,HABOJTB, N. Y. 15tf

C- A

ESCULETTSat a pbrste.f refaaded*

and all rectal disorders. PfeasL_50c, Satisfaction .^uarsu^eed or money

E.F.Bowley, _A. W. Stiekaey,

- CW.Hyd©,Barnes & Co.

(or by mail of Etts »rt»g Co., Phila.)

Call at~

filterst^?!?'7;jP^?^^^r^^??^H^i'--1' ^^*^^^^F'v ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * — J • - •



Green Slab Woo<L

Easily Loaded from Elevator. •

N_ Hon. Samuel A. Bemaa.County of PmalcUn. and a(xwri d d id

iS& OJ?emaa. Surrogate of tbe

County of PmalcUn. and a(xwrdin« to tbe statutein smai «ase made and provided, ootioe is herebygiven to All persons having clsutD8asato*t HartiutM. Meeker, late of Malone. in said coonty, d^-momd, that they are reqairedi to exhibit tbasame, with tbe voachers thereof, to tb« under-signed executor at my reftkieofte in M alone. Insaid ooanty, on or-bef ore tbe 1st day of October,next.

Bated March 25th, 1901,JOHN E; FISK, Executor.


itroTicB.—puB8CA?rr TO AN ORDER OFJLH MOO. Samuel A. Beman, Surrogate of theCounty of Franklin, aod according to tbe s ta tutein s«oh case made and T^ovided, notice is herebygiven to all persons haviBg claims a«aiust Fred-erick D, Wlllmartbt late of Barke, In «aid oo«ta-tv, deceased, tha t they are required to exhibitthe same, with the vouchers thereof, to the uBder-siffued. B4cQinistratri3t. a t her residence in Burke,in said county, on or beiore the 10th day orAueasti»ext.

Iteted Jaanary 2tod. 1901.SYLVIA A. W7LLXARTH,

5w2T A d i f a t i

(CITATION FOE TEMPORARY ADMINI8-j trntk»n, Tbe People erf the State of Kew

York, to Thomas D fBohoe^ t«sid«nce onkaowu^constitntin? one of i h e nest of fcfn of Joan Don-oboe, late of M alone, absentee, semi greeting:—

Whereas. Martin V. Donohoe, one of tbe nextof kin of said John Bonohoe. afetmt«e, has latelyappHed to tbe Surrogate bi our county of Frank-lin t<» have Thomas A^atns appeinfei temporar?administrator of tbe poodK ctiattels and creditsof Joba Donohoe, late of Malone, altsentee:

Yoa are bereby cited and required personal)rto be and apjwar before oiir .surrogate of theCotmty of Fran^iiT} at the Surrojfate's ofSce hiMalone Village in frankHn txmnty on the 20thday of May. 1901. at ten o'clock in tbe forest**©—of that <isy. tben and there to s&oW cause why .Letters of Administration (temporary) upon %h&s*oods. chattels and credits «>f Jobn I>onoboe,aforesaid, should not be granted t« ThomasAdaa3«.

lo testimony whereof, we have hereunto affixt*tthe seal of onr said Surrogaie.Witness, Hon. Samoel A.. BemaiuSarrogate of said Coanty or

[L. ?.] Frafiklin at tbe Surrogate's of-fiee. m Malone Village, this SSfcoday of March. 1901.

W * . P. EARLE,14VT CJerk of the Surrogate's Court.

T^T OTICK.—PUBSUANT TO AX OEDSR OWJLH Boa, Saiaael A. Beman. snirogate of turnCounty of Franklin, and according to the s ta tutela such ease made and provided, notice is herebygiven to all persons baviag claims against PeterSheffield, late of Baane. in said eonoty.deeeased*that they are required to exhibit the same, wfcathe vouchers thereof, to the under^jnied, MarySheffield; at the office of Kellas & Geoaway in.tbe village of Malone, in said county on or be- -fore the 2Tth day of Jaly, ae^t.

Bated Janaary Kth, wn.MAgY-«&EfePlfitB^ A4

K S U A S & OENAWAY. Attorneys.

N # T I C E ; - P C K S r A N T TO AN ORDES OFHon. SattHMjLA; Seman. Surrogate of tb«

County of Fraiiklia. and aecoHJios; to the s tatuteis such case made and provided, aotice is hereofgiven to all persons having; claim* agalxif't HenryHQtchins. late of Brandon, in said county, de-ceased, that they are required to exhibit tfc«same, with the vouchers thereof, to tiie under-signed. Lewis D. Gale, a* his residence i aBrandon, ia said Cotmty ,onor before tbe SXJiday of Jnly next.

Bated JaUTiary 14th. 1901SK-27 LEWIS D. GALE. Executor.H. SL CHAKBKKLAD.% Atty., Maloae. X. Y.


Mary SmKhwtSteae JJefoei 1In pursnance of a jadmseat aod decree of /oi»-

dosure aod sa3e. duLjLgranted in the above en-titled action *nd e«efS3 in the FraakJin CoTtotydtek ' flS th r*h d f M % J 9 W

tion *nd e«efoflSee oa the

n the Fraday of


named, will sell at public auction at tb% fronttioorof *h*ToTm HaJI i« the YfUase of SaranaoLake, Franklin t^aaty. Sew York, on the Sistdav of May, 1901, at <me o'clock in the aft«raooa,the foliowW 4e«:ribod premise, viz.

AH that certain tract r* pare*] of land sitoataia tbe sew sarrey made bi' S«noel Shaw m thefioath-eastp»rt of Township Bomber nio«,"81dMlitary Tract, hi the Town ot Fraakliu, is tbaCounty of FraxtkMs aod State of Ketr York, b©-htg known a$ lot number two & of said anreey,and is bounded as follows, to wi(:Beirinnln>r a t astake. ^eJa« oa-tha nt*rtli-w-eat cor«3-of lot No.erne, of sabjsufa-division, thence north efama de-grees east, foaiteea e^talos aad fifty gsks to iwhite napte mtftog marked Ho. S sat * - — 'south seventy-tiine d $&and fifty links to a stakedJfo.SawJS: thenoes*

ewfate*T3ictolM «»d thirty e^bt fekal^«Wstub mailed, beinir tbe mm&m eotoa**^N ^feeeee aqrth ao»oala^lafe 4«BMft