castro valley women’s club

CASTRO VALLEY WOMEN’S CLUB NOVEMBER 2017 NEWSLETTER (510) 461-7692/E-mail: [email protected] Carolyn Darcey, President Here Come the Holidays I can’t believe it’s November already. We are moving into the busiest time of year and getting geared up for our 5 th Annual Holiday Boutique. Our partners from SOS Meals on Wheels will be there selling chili with cornbread, chicken salad sandwiches, chips and beverages. If you have some time to spare, our committees can use a hand with decorating, set- up, manning the bake sale table, selling raffle tickets or cleaning up. If you can help, please contact Charlotte Lusschen. Please come out on November 3 rd or 4 th , have a bite to eat, shop (we have some fabulous vendors), and check out the great raffle prizes. Remember, all proceeds go to SOS Meals on Wheels. I am looking forward to our November 15 th meeting with our featured speaker, Dallas Woodburn. She is a freelance writer and founder of Write On! Books. Dallas relocated to Castro Valley two years ago. Hope you come out to meet her and make her welcome. If I don’t see you before, I wish you and your families a very safe and happy Thanksgiving. Carolyn

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NOVEMBER 2017 NEWSLETTER(510) 461-7692/E-mail: [email protected]

Carolyn Darcey, President Here Come the Holidays I can’t believe it’s November already. We are moving into the busiest time of year and getting geared up for our 5th Annual Holiday Boutique. Our partners from SOS Meals on Wheels will be there selling chili with cornbread, chicken salad sandwiches, chips and beverages. If you have some time to spare, our committees can use a hand with decorating, set-up, manning the bake sale table, selling raffle tickets or cleaning up. If you can help, please contact Charlotte Lusschen. Please come out on November 3rd or 4th, have a bite to eat, shop (we have some fabulous vendors), and check out the great raffle prizes. Remember, all proceeds go to SOS Meals on Wheels.

I am looking forward to our November 15th meeting with our featured speaker, Dallas Woodburn. She is a freelance writer and founder of Write On! Books. Dallas relocated to Castro Valley two years ago. Hope you come out to meet her and make her welcome.

If I don’t see you before, I wish you and your families a very safe and happy Thanksgiving.


Plan to attend! Spread the word about the Great prizes!

It’s Time to get baking for our Fundraiser!! If you have no time to package your treats, Martha and Wendy will do that for you.

Let’s fill the Bake Sale table with irresistible desserts! 😊

GENERAL MEETING November 15th at 1:00 PM


Guest Speaker: Dallas Woodburn - writer, speaker

and literacy advocate.

Dallas is the founder of Write on! For Literacy, a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging young people to read and write. Her Bio reads that her first book, There’s A Huge Pimple On My Nose, was published when she was just a teenager. It sold thousands of copies and had glowing reviews in the Los Angeles Times. She has been published in many articles and books that include Family Circle, Reader’s Digest, and the popular Chicken Soup books.

Let’s plan to welcome this very special award - winning author with a full audience. Another great opportunity to Invite your friends to visit our clubhouse.


*Cheryl Lowe

Doreen Flores

Tina Osborne

Laurel Poole

Louise Salazar

Responsibility of the *Chairperson is to ensure that Committee Members provide Brunch items for the Saturday Bridge Fundraiser, November 18.

Responsibility of the Members is to serve on a Committee of the Month. Members not fulfilling their obligation to serve on a committee, regardless of reasons, will be assessed a non-participation fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00). No-participation fee payments must be made payable to CVWC and mailed to P.O. Box 2764, Castro Valley, CA, 94546. *Committees are the backbone of an organization that provide a wonderful opportunity of working together and one that builds new Friendships at the same time.

Thank you ladies, for your time and hospitality ~

November BirthdaysMartha Maxson 11/07 Olga Swartz 11/17

Happy Birthday to You !

With Sweet Wishes **********************************************************


Tuesday, December 5

Orchard Nursery and Florist

4010 Mt. Diablo Blvd, Lafayette

Orchard is an extravagant outing that will have you in the Christmas spirit!

Additional details will be sent in a separate e-mail and will be discussed at the November meeting. Car Pool will be available.

Holiday Christmas Luncheon Wednesday, December 13 at the Clubhouse

The Madrigal singers from Castro Valley High School will entertain us with beautiful holiday songs as they do each year.


Friday, December 15

Stephanie Bigelow, Hostess

4812 Proctor Rd., Castro Valley

*Additional details in the December newsletter.

Looking ahead to January 2018

Jim Knudsen will be our guest speaker on Wednesday, January 17 at our club meeting. Jim is a member of the 100 Club Board of Directors, a not for profit charitable organization that provides immediate support for spouses of police officers and firefighters that have been killed in the line of duty in Alameda County. The club also provides scholarships for the children of these men and women.



21966 Dolores Apt. 215, Castro Valley, 94546

Pat Ryan – New Address

499 Estudillo Apt 302, San Leandro 94577 New Members

Allison Ching

e-mail: [email protected]


Michelle Barrows

4111 Heyer, Castro Valley 94546


e-mail: [email protected]

Saturday Bridge Fundraiser Results

Seven tables participated in the October 21st Saturday Bridge Fundraiser.

Congratulations to the following individuals who had the top scores:

Cheryl Coffey.......................................4,280 Points

Lori Fields................. ... .......................2,680 Points

Diane Johnston.....................................2,540 Points

The next Saturday Fundraiser will be held on November 18. Please mark your calendars accordingly. If you must cancel your table or have difficulty finding a

substitute please call Liz Hartman at 510-783-8424.

A* note from Sandy Schneider, in reference to Bridge article in the October


*Sandy’s Bridge lessons will start on Friday, January 12, 2018 from 1: to 3 pm and will continue at the same time every Friday through at least February. She has decided to wait until after the Holidays, so you still have time to sign up!Sandy would appreciate a RSVP, a call or e-mail in early January. The lessons will be at Sandy’s house. For more information call 510-538-3029


Michelle Barrows, New Member

Michelle was introduced at the October meeting and looks forward to getting involved in the club’s community projects and socializing with new friends.

Michelle grew up in Sacramento and moved to Castro Valley in January of this year. She has worked with special needs children and adults for many years. She currently is a volunteer in the drama class for the disabled once a week in San Francisco. Michelle lives with her boyfriend and two dogs. She enjoys crochet,

scrapbooking and is learning to sew. Michelle has an Easy Shop where she has stickers, planners and calendars.

Welcome to the CVWC Michelle!

Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting-October-2017

With sadness, we announce the passing of Jane Lippincott on Wednesday. Jane joined the Club in 1961, was president twice and always an active and enthusiastic member of the Castro Valley Women's Club. During her 1987-1989 presidency, the Club raised $8,000 from bridge parties, Pecan sales, a Chanticleer Theater party, Book Review Tea, raffles, craft sales and Home Tour.

Adventure of the Month included Gourmet Sunset Magazine Luncheons, tours of the Oakland Library, Market Street in San Francisco, John Muir’s home and a night at the Opera.

In 1989 the Club celebrated its 40th anniversary and the clubhouse addition of a kitchen, storage room and rest room was completed.

The 2nd successful Home Tour raised enough money to contribute $2,000 to Juvenile Diabetes Family Camp and $2,000 to Vesper Hospice.

During her second presidency, 1998-1999, the club year began with an elegant tea at Stephanie Bigelow's home that raised $900. Ninety members and guests turned out for the Christmas Dinner Dance at the Crow Canyon Country Club. A raffle sponsored by the "Evening Section" raised $2,300 and the Home Tour netted $3,600 for the Treasury. Membership climbed to 130.

In addition to these many accomplishments, we remember Jane as an avid bridge player, very social, outgoing and a dear friend.

Jane celebrated her 99th birthday August 22nd. In accordance with her wishes, no services are planned.

Liz Hartman