catabolic pathways


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Post on 19-Jan-2016




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Catabolic Pathways. Glycolosis. Citric Acid Cycle. Oxidative Phosphorylation. Fermentation. Metabolic Pathways. Catabolic Pathways. Glycolysis. Citric Acid Cylce. Oxidative Phosphorylation. Fermentation. Regulation. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Catabolic Pathways
Page 2: Catabolic Pathways

Catabolic Pathways

Page 3: Catabolic Pathways


Page 4: Catabolic Pathways

Citric Acid Cycle

Page 5: Catabolic Pathways

Oxidative Phosphorylation

Page 6: Catabolic Pathways


Page 7: Catabolic Pathways

Metabolic Pathways

Page 8: Catabolic Pathways

Catabolic Pathways


GlycolysisCitric Acid


Phosphorylation Fermentation Regulation

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Page 9: Catabolic Pathways

Topic 1


Energy taken out of the chemical storage

does “work,” how is the rest released?

Page 10: Catabolic Pathways

Topic 1


As heat


Page 11: Catabolic Pathways


Why does catabolic pathways yield


Topic 1

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Back $200

The transfer of electrons during the chemical reactions.

Topic 1

Page 13: Catabolic Pathways


What is the agent that adds electrons to

another substance?

Topic 1

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Back $300

Reducing agent

Topic 1

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Why are organic molecules excellent fuels?

Topic 1

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Back $400

Because they have an abundance of

hydrogen which act as “hilltop” electrons.

Topic 1

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How does NAD+ take electrons from

glucose and other organic molecules?

Topic 1

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Back $500

By dehydrogenases that removes

hydrogen atoms.

Topic 1

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What are the smaller sugars that are

oxidized into two other molecules?

Topic 2

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Topic 2

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What are the two phases of gycolosis?

Topic 2

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Energy investment and Energy Payoff

Topic 2

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What are the final products from


Topic 2

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4 ATP and 2 NADH

Topic 2

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What is the enzyme that transfers a

phosphate group from an ATP to a sugar?

Topic 2

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Topic 2

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What is the mechanism that transfers a

phosphate group from a substrate molecule

to ADP?

Topic 2

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Substrate-level phosphorylation

Topic 2

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How does pyruvate enter the


Topic 3

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Active Trasnport

Topic 3

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What triggers the Citric Acid Cycle?

Topic 3

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Acetyl CoA

Topic 3

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What is given off to the electron transport

chain from the Citric Acid Cycle?

Topic 3

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Topic 3

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Different from glycolysis, the Citric Acid cycle forms

what kind of molecule to synthesize ATP?

Topic 3

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A GTP molecule

Topic 3

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The regeneration of this makes the Citric Acid

Cycle and actual cycle.

Topic 3

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Topic 3

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What are the two stages that make up

oxidative phosphorylation?

Topic 4

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The electron transport chain and


Topic 4

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What does the electron transport chain


Topic 4

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Topic 4

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What is the enzyme that makes ATP from ADP and inorganic


Topic 4

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ATP synthase

Topic 4

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Where does most of the H ions come from

to start chemiosmosis?

Topic 4

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H+ is released from each protein in the


Topic 4

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What is the force from the H+ gradient left from chemiosmosis?

Topic 4

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Proton-motive force

Topic 4

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When does fermentation occur?

Topic 5

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When there is an absence of oxygen

Topic 5

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What is the difference between alcohol and

lactic acid fermentation?

Topic 5

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Alcohol fermentation has an extra CO2 and

produces ethanol and lactic acid doesn’t

have the extra CO2 and produces lactate

Topic 5

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Does respiration or fermentation produce

more ATP?

Topic 5

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Respiration- 19x more than fermentaiton

Topic 5

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What type of catabolism can occur

by fermentation?

Topic 5

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Anaerobic catabolism

Topic 5

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In alcohol fermentation, what is reduced by NADH to produce


Topic 5

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Topic 5

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If there is too much ATP produced then what kind of feedback will


Topic 6

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Negative feedback

Topic 6

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To stop the production of ATP so it is not

wasted, what occurs?

Topic 6

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Feedback inhibition

Topic 6

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What is the only molecule that goes directly

through glycolysis?

Topic 6

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Topic 6

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What is the main, very sensitive enzyme that regulates respiration?

Topic 6

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Topic 6

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During the break down of proteins, what else

does it produce?

Topic 6

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Topic 6

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Page 72: Catabolic Pathways

Cell Division

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Molecular Division

Page 74: Catabolic Pathways

Plant Systems

Page 75: Catabolic Pathways

Animal Systems

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Page 77: Catabolic Pathways



Cell Division





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Page 78: Catabolic Pathways


What is the process that takes cells apart

and separates the organelles from one


Topic 7

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Cell fractionation

Topic 7

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What is the net-like array of protein filaments that

maintains the shape of the nucleus?

Topic 7

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Back $400

Nuclear lamnia

Topic 7

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What is the order of the main types of fibers in

the cytoskeleton?

Topic 7

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Back $600

Microtubules, microfilaments,

intermediate filaments

Topic 7

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What is the significance of desmosomes?

Topic 7

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Back $800

The fasten cells together into strong


Topic 7

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What is formed to help detoxify alcohol and

other harmful compounds through


Topic 7

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Back $1000


Topic 7

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What phase is the cell mostly in during its


Topic 8

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Topic 8

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Binary fission occurs in what type of cell?

Topic 8

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Topic 8

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What are the two type of proteins that regulate the cell cycle clock?

Topic 8

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Cyclin and kinase

Topic 8

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What degrades cyclin?

Topic 8

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Cyclin-dependent kinase

Topic 8

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What organelles make up the

endomembrane system?

Topic 8

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endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus,

transport vesicles and lysosomes

Topic 8

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What is the central dogma of inheritance?

Topic 9

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DNA to RNA to Protein

Topic 9

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Who confirmed that DNA is the genetic

material and basis of inheritance?

Topic 9

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Hershey and Chase

Topic 9

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What combination will fit between the DNA


Topic 9

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Purine + Pyrimidine

Topic 9

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What is sequence of nucleotide excision

and repair?

Topic 9

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Back $800

Nuclease enzyme cuts damage out, DNA polymerase

fills missing nucleotides, and

DNA ligase secures it making it complete strand

Topic 9

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When DNA polymerase is added to the DNA strand,

what is given off?

Topic 9

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2 phosphates

Topic 9

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What is the apical meristem?

Topic 10

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Localized regions of cell division at the tips

of shoots and roots

Topic 10

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What is some of the evidence that plants evolved from green


Topic 10

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Back $400

Rosette cellulose, peroxisome enzymes,

structure of sperm, and phragmoplast

Topic 10

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What is a monocot?

Topic 10

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Species with on cotyledon

Topic 10

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Vascular plants are most closely related

to what?

Topic 10

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Topic 10

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In an angiosperm, what is the pathway the pollen tube takes to fertilize?

Topic 10

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Back $1000

Stigma, style, ovary, embryo, sac

Topic 10

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What is the function of the villi and microvilli

in organisms?

Topic 11

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To increase surface area

Topic 11

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What is the artery that carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs?

Topic 11

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Pulmonary artery

Topic 11

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What type of animal has a three

chambered heart and two circuits of blood


Topic 11

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Topic 11

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What is the purpose of leptin?

Topic 11

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It suppresses hunger by an increase in level

Topic 11

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What chemical produces


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Topic 11

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What is the equation for photosynthesis?

Topic 12

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6 CO2 + 6 H20 + energy = C6H12O6 +

6 O2

Topic 12

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Who discovered that the light in the violet-blue and red regions were most effective?

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Topic 12

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In photosystem II, where does P680 receive its


Topic 12

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From the hyrolization of H2O

Topic 12

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What products are produced from the light-dependent


Topic 12

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ATP, NADPH, and O2

Topic 12

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What does C4 plants have that makes its

photosynthesis in two separate steps?

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A bundle-sheath cell

Topic 12

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What happens when DPIP is reduced?

Final Jeopardy!!!

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It turns clear

Final Jeopardy!!!