catalogue 2016-17

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A BRIEFPSY-COM SERVICES is an independent organization directed and managed by the professional psychologist. The organization aims to apply the principles of psychology to the solution of social, clinical, educational and industrial problems.

To aid in meeting various kinds of client objectives, PSY-COM SERVICES is operating under three main divisions, each specializing in a particular area of service. Brief sketches of these divisions are as follows:

1. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS DIVISION - using innovative software programs to do statistical analysis and desk top publishing (report writing, tables and graphs etc.).2. PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS DIVISION - giving unique services in publishing/dealing/supplying tests and importing new tests from abroad;3. PSYCHOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT DIVISION - dealing/manufacturing/supplying instruments to be used in experimental psychology for educational and research purposes;4. PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING PROGRAM - giving unique services in conducting Psychological Testing Program for Educational Vocational Guidance for school students and for Selection, Placement, Promotion and Training Needs Analysis in Industry.

We at PSY-COM SERVICES, would very much like to have your support in the successful implementation of these and other such projects which we shall undertake in future. We assure you of our prompt response in all the above areas at all times and confidently look forward to the same level of response you will extend to usC O N T E N T S


Page No.

1.Psychological Tests- Personality and Clinical Tests3

- Neuro-Psychological Tests8

- Adjustment Tests10

- Interest Tests11

- Study Habit / Guidance Needs12

- Self Concept / Attitude Scales12

- HRD Assessment Tests13

- Intelligence & Ability Tests15

- Performance Tests17

- Tests On Creativity17

- Projective Tests182. Psychological Equipments- Psychophysics19

- Perception20

- Learning and Memory20

- Attention21

- Occupational Skills and Aptitude21

- Reaction Time Measurement22



1. Multi-dimensional Assessment of Personality Scale (MAP Series) - by Sanjay Vohra.

MAP is a Series of tests ranging from children of primary level to normal adult personality. It is used to analyze/report individual differences in personality. The MAP Series has four Forms for different levels (MAP Form A, T, C and P):

MAP Form A (ADULTS): (Hindi and English) It measures 20 primary dimensions of personality and is widely used in industries for selection, and placement. In diagnostic and therapeutic settings Form A provides psychologists with measures of 20 dimensions. The dimensions measured are: Adaptability, Achievement Motivation, Boldness, Competitiveness, Enthusiasm, General Ability, Guilt Proneness, Imagination, Innovation, Leadership, Maturity, Self-Control, Sensitivity, Shrewdness, Self-Sufficiency, Suspiciousness, Social Warmth, and Tension. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 45 minutes to complete.MAP Series - Form A (Adult) Test Materials:

A.Handbook for MAP Series

1 copy


B.Reusable Booklet:

Pkt. of 25


C.Profile sheets

Pkt. of 100


D.Answer Sheet

Pkt. of 100


E.Scoring keys:

1 set



Form A

2200.00 2. MAP - Form T (TEENAGERS): (Hindi and English) It measures 20 primary dimensions of personality. Counselors and school psychologists use Form-T to advise school or college students, in spotting the potential dropouts, personality disorders, low achievers, etc. The dimensions measured are: Adaptability, Academic Achievement, Boldness, Competitiveness, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Excitability, General Ability, Guilt Proneness, Individualism, Innovation, Leadership, Maturity, Mental Health, Morality, Self-Control, Sensitivity, Self-Sufficiency, Social Warmth, and Tension. This test is for 12-18 years, and takes about 45 minutes to complete.MAP Series - Form T (Teenage) Test Materials:

A.Handbook for MAP Series

1 copy


B.Reusable Booklet:

Pkt. of 25


C.Profile sheets

Pkt. of 100


D.Answer Sheet

Pkt. of 100


E.Scoring keys:

1 set



Form T

2200.00 3. MAP Scales - Form C (CHILDREN): (English version only) It measures 20 primary dimensions of personality and is useful in predicting and evaluating the course of personal, social, and academic development of a child. The dimensions included are: Adaptability, Academic performance, Boldness, Competition, Creativity, Curiosity, Enthusiasm, Excitability, General ability, Guilt proneness, Individualism, Independence, Leadership, Maturity, Mental Health, Morality, Self-control, Sensitivity, Social Warmth, and Tension. This test is for 7-11 years, and takes about 45 minutes to complete.MAP Series - Form C (Children) Test Materials:

A.Handbook for MAP Series

1 copy


B.Reusable Booklet:

Pkt. of 25


C.Profile sheets

Pkt. of 100


D.Answer Sheet

Pkt. of 100


E.Scoring keys:

1 set



Form C

2200.00 4. MAP Scales - Form P (PRIMARY): (English version only) The Form P enables objective personality assessment of the child. Since the subjects are too young to read the questions, the questionnaire is read by the counselor/teacher. The responses are marked on the booklet. It measures 10 personality dimensions which include: Boldness, Competitive, Excitability, Emotional Stability, General Ability, Guilt proneness, Morality, Sensitivity, Social Warmth, and Tension. For 4-7 years, and takes about 45 minutes to complete.MAP Series - Form P (Primary) Test Materials:

A.Handbook for MAP Series

1 copy


B.Consumable Booklet:

Pkt. of 100


C.Profile sheets:

Pkt. of 100


D.Scoring keys:

1 set



Form P


5. Eysencks Personality Questionnaire (Revised) (E.P.Q.-R) (English Version Only). E.P.Q. is the result of many years of developmental work. It was designed to give the ready measure of three important personality dimensions: Psychoticism, Extraversion and Neuroticism (commonly known as PEN scale). Each of these three traits is measured by means of 90 questions, carefully selected after lengthy item analysis and factor analysis. This test is for 15 years and above, and takes about 20 minutes to complete.EPQ-R Test Materials:

A.Consumable Booklet:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy


C.Scoring keys:

1 set



1 set


6. Eysencks Maudsley Personality Inventory - (Hindi and English) E.M.P.I. is a result of many years of developmental work. It was designed to give a rough-and-ready measure of two important personality dimensions: Neuroticism and Extraversion. Each of these two traits is measured by means of 24 questions, carefully selected after lengthy item analyses and factor analyses. This test is for 14 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes time.EMPI Test Materials:

A.Test forms:

Pkt. of 100


B.Scoring key:

1 copy



1 copy



1 set


7. 16PF Questionnaire - by R.B. Cattell and IPAT Staff (Hindi and English) 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF) is a test of normal adult personality. It has 5 forms, form A and B (187 items) for normal adults, C and D (105 items) for occupational groups and E (128 items) for low literates. It is widely used by psychologists, for research and in industry for selection, placement, training and promotion. Age range is 16 years and above and takes about 50 minutes to complete. Sten Score Norms available for both males and females combined and separately.

A.COMPLETE SET: (Form A & B)1 set



1 set



1 set


D.COMPLETE SET: (Form C & D)1 set



1 set



1 set



1 set


8. High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) - by R.B. Cattell and IPAT Staff (Hindi and English) HSPQ measures 14 personality dimensions. It has 142 items in each form and is meant for 12-18 years and takes about 45 minutes to complete. Sten Score Norms available for both boys and girls, combined and separately.

A.COMPLETE SET: (Form A & B)1 set



1 set



1 set


9. Childrens Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) - by R.B. Cattell and Porter (Hindi and English) Childrens Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) measures 14 personality dimensions. It has 140 items in each form and is meant for 8-12 years and takes about 45 minutes to complete. Sten Score Norms available for both boys and girls, combined and separately.

A.COMPLETE SET: (Form A & B)1 set



1 set



1 set


10. Scale for Introversion-Extraversion Dimension (SIED) - by Sanjay Vohra (English Version Only). SIED is a short (40 items) scale designed to indicate the extent of Extroversion and Introversion tendencies, which an employee or a student has. A very useful test for business, industries, schools and colleges for personnel selection, educational and vocational guidance etc. This test is for 15 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes time.SIED Test Materials:

A.Consumable Booklet:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy


C.Scoring keys:

1 set



1 set


11. Deo-Mohan Achievement Motivation Scale - by P.Deo & Asha Mohan (English Version Only) This is a standard verbal measure, which measures the achievement motivation in general. It was primarily constructed to validate the projective test of achievement motivation by the same authors. Some of the factors which are measured are: academic motivation, need for achievement, academic challenge, achievement anxiety, importance of grades, work methods, interpersonal relations etc. This test is for 13-20 years and above, and takes about 20 minutes time.


1 set


12. State-Trait Anxiety Test (STAT) - by Sanjay Vohra (English Version Only) STAT is a brief 40-item test measuring anxiety. Five anxiety dimensions measured are Guilt proneness (Gp), Maturity (Ma), Self-control (Sc), Suspiciousness (Su) and Tension (Tn). It can be administered both, individually or in group situations. It provides separate state, trait and total anxiety score. This test is for 14 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes time.A.Consumable Booklet:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy


C.Scoring keys:

1 set



1 set


13. IPAT Anxiety Scale (or Self Analysis Form) - by Krug & Laughlin (Hindi and English).This brief, 40 item questionnaire provides a convenient and practical measure of anxiety level. This test is for 16 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.A.Consumable booklets:

Pkt. of 100


B.Scoring key:

1 set



1 copy



1 set

1400.0014. Sinhas Comprehensive Anxiety Test - by A.K.P. Sinha & L.N.K. Sinha (Hindi and English). This scale with 90 items measures anxiety, at four different levels i.e. extremely high anxiety, high anxiety, normal anxiety, low anxiety and very low anxiety. This test is for 17 years and above, and takes about 30 minutes to complete.SCAT Test Materials:

A.Consumable booklets:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy



1 set


15. Levensons Scale for Locus of Control (Indian adaptation) - by Sanjay Vohra (English Version Only) This is a 24 item Likert type rating scale which measures locus of control in three dimensions, i.e. Powerful Others (P), Chance and Individual Control (I). This scale also provides the intensity of individuals belief and places him on a profile to be compared with others. This test is for 16 years and above, and takes about 10 minutes to complete.LSLC Test Materials:

A.Consumable booklets:

Pkt. of 100


B.Scoring key:

1 set



1 copy



1 set


16. Malins Vineland Social Maturity Scale - by J. Bharat Raj (English Version Only). E.A. Doll originally devised the Vineland Social Maturity Scale in 1935. It proved itself to be unequally useful instrument in measuring social maturity of children and young adults. This scale is being used at many clinics, institutions and also for mentally retarded cases. This test is for 0-15 years, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.MVSMS Test Materials:

A.Consumable booklets:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy



1 set


17. Raos Social Maturity Scale - by Nalini Rao (Hindi and English) This 96-item scale measures Social Maturity in 3 dimensions, (1) Personal Adequacy covering work orientation, self-direction, and ability to take stress, (2) Interpersonal Adequacy covering communication, enlightened trust and cooperation, (3) Social Adequacy covering social commitment, social tolerance and openness to change. This test is for 11-17 years, and takes 30 minutes time.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


18. Emotional Maturity Scale - by Y. Singh & M. Bhargava (Hindi and English) This scale consists of 48 items with five categories - Emotional instability, Emotional regression, Social maladjustment, Lack of independence and Personality disintegration. This test is for adolescents and adults, and takes about 15 minutes to complete. A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


19. Emotional Stability Questionnaire - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only) This scale consists of 60 items and gives sten score on total emotional stability of an individual. Emotional stability refers to dynamic integration and emotional maturity as opposed to uncontrolled, disorganized generalized emotionality. This test is for 14-35 years, and takes about 20 minutes to complete.ESQ Test Materials:

A.Consumable booklets:

Pkt. of 100


B.Scoring key:

1 set



1 copy



1 set

1100.00 20. Level of Aspiration Scale - by M.A. Shah & M. Bhargava (Hindi and English). This is a performance based test. The performance sheet has 50 circles, which are arranged in five rows. The subject is to draw four lines in the circles, so they may appear like a human face. This test is for 15 years and above, and takes about 20 minutes time.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


21. Moral Judgment Test - by D.N. Sinha & Meera Verma (Hindi Version only) This test of Moral Judgment for children has been constructed on the model of a general intelligence tests in which items on reasoning, discrimination, analogies and best answers, etc. have been included but with the variation that all the items have moral connotation. This test is for 6-11 years, and takes about 25 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


22. IPAT Depression Scale (or Personal Assessment Inventory) - by Krug & Laughlin (English Version only).A quick assessment of depression, this 40-item questionnaire is for use in clinical diagnosis of depression. This test is for 16 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.A.Consumable booklets:

Pkt. of 100


B.Scoring key:

1 set



1 copy



1 set


23. Depression Scale - by S. Karim (Hindi and English). This 96-item questionnaire is for use in clinical diagnosis of depression. This test is for 16 years and above, and takes about 25 minutes to complete.DS Test Materials:

A.Reusable booklets:

Pkt. of 25


B.Answer sheets:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy



1 set


24. Frustration Scale - by Chauhan and Tewari (Hindi and English). For assessment of frustration, this 40-item questionnaire is for use in clinical diagnosis of frustration. This test is for 13 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.FS Test Materials:

A.Consumable booklet:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy



1 set


25. Rozenwizes Picture Frustration Scale (for Adults) Indian Adaptation by Udai PareekA.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


26. Rozenwizes Picture Frustration Scale (for Children) Indian Adaptation by Udai PareekA.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


27. Aggression Scale - by Pal and Naqvi (Hindi and English). Assessment of aggression, this 30-item questionnaire is for use in clinical diagnosis of aggression. This test is for 14-24 years, and takes about 15 minutes time.A.Consumable booklet:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy



1 set


28. Dimensional Personality Inventory- by Mahesh Bhargava (Hindi and English). For assessment of personality, this 60-item inventory is for 14-50 years, and takes about 25 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


29. Problem Check List - by M C Joshi and Jagdish Pandey (Hindi and English). It is based on Mooney Problem Checklist (High School Form) and it contains 30 problems in each of eleven areas of adolescents problems. They are (i) health and physical development, (ii) finance, living conditions and employment, (iii) social and recreational activities (iv) sex and marriage, (v) socio-psychological relations, (vi) personal-psychological relations, (vii) moral and religion, (viii) home and family, (ix) future-vocational and educational, (x) adjustment to school work, and (xi) curriculum and teaching procedures. It takes about 25 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


30. Clinical Case Study - by S.K. Dixit (English and Hindi)


1 set



31. P.G.I. Battery of Brain Dysfunction (Performance Type) - by D. Pershad & S.K. Verma. This battery consists five sub tests - Memory scale, Performance tests of intelligence, Verbal adult intelligence scale, Nahor-Benson Test and Bender-Gestalt Test to measure brain dysfunction of various types. A very useful battery for research and in clinical practice. This test is for 20-50 years, and takes 60 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


32. P.G.I. Memory Scale - by D. Pershad & N.N. Wig (Hindi and English) P.G.I. Memory Scale is a battery of ten sub-tests covering remote memory, recent memory, mental balance, attention & concentration, delayed recall, immediate recall, verbal retention for similar and dissimilar pairs, visual retention & recognition. This test is for 20-45 years, and takes about 60 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


33. Psycho-Physiological State Inventory (PPSI) - by Sanjay Vohra (English Version Only). This 40-item questionnaire is the result of an investigation into the psychological and physiological experiences, which differentiate the Psychoneurotic from the Normal. The PPSI is designed for use with the late adolescent or adult groups of either sex. It has been found useful in the detection of neurotic tendencies in the individuals. The division of questions permits the user to discover whether the predominating dysfunction is psychological or physiological in nature. This test is for 16 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.PPSI Test Materials:A.Consumable booklets:

Pkt. of 100

900.00B.Scoring key:

1 set


1 copy


1 set

1100.00 34. Mental Health Battery (MHB) A.K. Singh and Alpana Sengupta (English / Hindi). This 100-item battery measures mental health of 13 to 22 years age group, through six health indices emotional stability, over all adjustment, autonomy, security-insecurity, self concept and intelligence.


1 set


35. P.G.I. Health Questionnaire N-1 - by S.K. Verma, D. Pershad, & N.N. Wig (English and Hindi). This test consists of 38 items to measure physical and psychological distress. It reflects a need for early psychiatric help and follow-up. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.


1 set


36. Cornell Medical Index (CMI) Health Questionnaire- by N.N. Wig, D. Pershad and S.K. Verma (Hindi Version Only) Male/Female Forms This questionnaire contains 195 items in informal language so as to be understood by persons with a reading knowledge to measure physical distress and emotional or psychological distress. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 45 minutes to complete.


1 set


B.COMPLETE SET (Female Form):1 set


C.COMPLETE SET (Male + Female Form): 1 set


37. Presumptive Stressful Life Events Scale - by Gurmeet Singh et al. (English Version Only) This test is designed to estimate the number of stressful life events and to quantify the presumptive stress (weighted scores) as experienced by an average Indian adult in comparison to different clinical groups. It consists of 51 life-events, which are further classified according to (a) whether they were personal or impersonal; (b) whether they were desirable, undesirable, and ambiguous. This test is for 16-35 years, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set

1000.0038. Medico-Psychological Questionnaire - by J.B. Raj (English Version Only) This questionnaire consists of 50 items to measure Hysteria, Neurasthenia, Anxiety neurosis, Reaction depression and Obsessive-compulsive tendencies of normal and abnormal people. The test measures neuroticism in terms of emotional adjustment and maladjustment. This test is for 17 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


39. Style of Learning and Thinking (SOLAT) - by D. Venkataraman (English Version Only). The SOLAT indicates a students learning strategy and brain hemisphere preference in problem solving. It helps educators conceptualize different styles of thinking and learning that are apparent in students. This scale consists of 50 items which measure Left, Right, or Integrated dominance of the brain. This test is for 13 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.

SOLAT Test Materials:

A.Consumable booklets:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy



1 set


40. PGI General Well Being Measure - (English and Hindi) This measure consists of 20 statements to measure the subjective feeling of ones well being. This test is for 17 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set

1000.00ADJUSTMENT TESTS41. Global Adjustment Scale (GAS) Form A - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only). GAS measures adjustment in six primary areas of adjustment. It is used to analyze and report individual differences in adjustment, and point out specific problem areas. It measures adjustment in six areas: Family, Health, Social, Emotional, Occupational and Sexual adjustment. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 30 minutes to complete.GAS Form A (Adults) Test Materials:

A.Reusable booklets:

Pkt. of 25


B.Answer sheets:

Pkt. of 100


C.Profile Sheet

Pkt. of 100


D.Scoring keys:

1 set



1 copy



1 set

1750.0042. Global Adjustment Scale (GAS) Form S - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only). GAS Form S (for Students) obtains reliable information from the individual concerning what he thinks and feels about his: Family, Health, Social, Emotional, School and Sexual adjustment. This test has been standardized on more than 800 protocols tested at more than 7 locations throughout the country. This test is for 13-18 years, and takes about 30 minutes to complete.GAS Form S (Students) Test Materials:

A.Reusable booklets:

Pkt. of 25


B.Answer sheets:

Pkt. of 100


C.Profile Sheet

Pkt. of 100


D.Scoring keys:

1 set



1 copy



1 set


43. Adjustment Inventory for School Students - by A.K.P. Sinha & R.P. Singh (Hindi and English) This 60-item inventory measures adjustment of school students in three areas - emotional, social and educational. It has been standardized on a sample of 1950 students of both sexes. This test is for 12-17 years, takes about 20 minutes time.AISS Test Materials:

A.Consumable booklets:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy



1 set

1100.00 44. Adjustment Inventory for College Students - by A.K.P. Sinha & R.P. Singh (Hind and English) This 102-item inventory measures adjustment of college students in five major areas - home, health, social, emotional and educational. This test has been standardized on 1550 male and 730 female college students. This test is for 18 years and above college students, and takes about 30 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set

1400.00 45. Mangals Teacher Adjustment Inventory - by S.K. Mangal (Hind and English) This 70-item inventory has been designed for the preliminary assessment of the adjustment or maladjustment of teachers of both the sexes. This test is for teachers of all ages, and takes about 30 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set

1400.0046. Family Environment Scale - by Sanjay Vohra (English Version Only) This scale provides score on seven dimensions of family environment. These include Competitive framework, Cohesion, Expression, Independence, Moral orientation, Organization and Recreational orientation. It can be used both by children as well as parents separately and together. This test is for children and parents, and takes about 30 minutes to complete.FES Test Materials:

A.Reusable booklets:

Pkt. of 25


B.Answer sheets

Pkt. of 100


C.Scoring Key

1 set



1 copy



1 set


47. Parent Child Relationship Scale - by Nalini Rao (Hindi and English). This scale contains 100 items categorized into ten dimensions in a cyclic order. Each respondent scores for both father and mother separately on a five-point scale. This test is for parents, and takes about 30 minutes to complete.


1 set

1100.0048. Quality of Life Scale - by B.L. Dubey,Padma Dwivedi & S.K.Verma (English version only). A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set

1400.00INTEREST TESTS49. Crites Career Maturity Inventory - (Indian adaptation) by N. Gupta (Hindi and English) An attitude scale containing 50 items. It measures aspects like: decisiveness, involvement, independence, orientation and compromise in career decision-making. It also has a test measuring cognitive variables: self-appraisal, occupational information, goal selection, planning, and problem solving. This test is for 12-18 years, and takes about 30 minutes to complete.


1 set


50. Comprehensive Interest Schedule (CIS) - by Sanjay Vohra (English Version only). The CIS is an objective device measuring interest in eight broad vocational areas. Each vocational area has two sub fields (except the last two). These eight broad areas are as following: (1) Influential - administrative and enterprising, (2) Venturous - defense and sports, (3) Artistic - creative and performing, (4) Scientific - medical and technical, (5) Analytical - expressive and computational, (6) Social - humanitarian and education, (7) Nature and (8) Clerical. It provides scores on fourteen occupational interest areas. This test is for 15 years and above, and takes about 20 minutes time. CIS Test Materials:

A.Consumable booklets: Male Form Pkt. of 100


Female Form Pkt. of 100



1 copy



1 set


D.COMPLETE SET: (Female Form)1 set


E.COMPLETE SET: (Male + Female Form) 1 set

1750.0051. Educational Interest Record (EIR) - by S.P. Kulshrestha (English / Hindi). Measures educational interest in seven areas agriculture, commerce, fine arts, home science, humanities, science and technology. This test is for 13 years and above, and takes about 20 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set

1100.00 52. Vocational Interest Record (VIR) - by S.P. Kulshrestha (English / Hindi). Measures vocational interest in ten areas literary, scientific, executive, commercial, constructive, artistic, agriculture, persuasive, social and household. This test is for 13 years and above, and takes about 20 minutes to complete.


1 set

1100.00 53. Career Preference Record (CPR) - by Vivek Bhargava and Rajshree Bhargava (English / Hindi). Measures career prerference in ten areas Mass Media, Journalism and Information Technology (MMJ, Aristic and Designing (AD), Science and Technology (ScT), Agriculture and Horticulture (Ag.), Commercial and Management (CM), Medical Profession (M), Defence Services (D), Tourism and Hotel Management (TH), Law and Order (LO), Educational Administration and Teaching (E). This test is for 13 years and above, and takes about 20 minutes time.


1 set

1100.00 54. Multi Factor Interest Quesionnaire (MFIQ) - by S.D. Kapoor and R.N. Singh (English / Hindi) This interest questionnaire provides score on eight factors; Business (B), Clerical (Cl), Agricultural (Ag), Mechanical (Me), Scin\ennific (Sc), Outdoor (Od), Aesthetic (As), and Social (So). This test is for 11-18 years and takes about 30 minutes to complete.

MFIQ Test Materials:

A.Reusable booklets:

Pkt. of 25


B.Answer sheets

Pkt. of 100


C.Scoring Key

1 set



1 copy



1 set


STUDY HABIT/GUIDANCE NEEDS TESTS55. Study Habit Inventory -by M. Mukhopadhyay & D.N. Sansanwal (Hindi and English) This inventory measures study habit, in nine study behaviours. These are Comprehension, Concentration, Task-orientation, Interaction, Drilling, Supports, Recording, Set, and Language. This test is for students, and takes about 20 minutes time.


1 set


56. Guidance Needs Inventory - by J.S. Grewal & M. Sharma (English Version Only). This 65 items test can be used to identify the type and strength of guidance needs of an individual student in five areas, namely - physical, social, psychological, educational, and vocational needs. This test is for students, and takes about 25 minutes time.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set



57. Self-Concept Questionnaire - by R.K. Saraswat (Hindi and English) This 48-item questionnaire measures self-concept in six areas- physical, social, temperamental, educational, moral and intellectual aspects of school going children. This test is for 14-18 years, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.SCQ Test Materials:

A.Consumable booklets:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy



1 set


58. Self-Esteem Inventory - by G.P. Thakur (Hindi and English) This 59-item questionnaire measures self-esteem. This test is for 15-19 years, and takes about 20 minutes to complete.SEI Test Materials:

A.Consumable booklets:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy



1 set

850.0059. Sodhis Attitude Scale - by T.S. Sodhi (Hindi and English) This 71-item scale measures attitude of higher secondary students towards teachers, parents, discipline, life, humanity, community, country and religion. This test is for 14-19 years, and takes about 20 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


60. Value Test (Study of Values) - by R.K. Ojha (Hindi and English) This test contains 45 items in two parts, and measures six important values - theoretical, economical, aesthetic, social, political and religious. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


61. Personal Value Questionnaire - by Sherry & Verma (Hindi and English) This 40 item questionnaire measures values in 10 important areas - religious, social, democratic, aesthetic, knowledge, hedonistic, power, family prestige, health, and economical. This test is for 15 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set



62. Workers Personality Scale (WPS) - by Sanjay Vohra (English and Hindi). This test (180 items) is designed to measure Workers Personality. Ten basic personality dimensions are included in this scale. These ten dimensions include Adaptability, General Ability, Group Dependency, Hygiene Consciousness, Maturity, Mental Health Morality, Sincerity, Social Warmth and Tough-minded. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 50 minutes to complete.WPS Test Materials:

A.Reusable booklets:

Pkt. of 25


B.Answer sheets:

Pkt. of 100


C.Scoring Key

1 set



1 copy



1 set


63. Comprehensive Scale of Entrepreneurship - by V.P. Sharma (English Version Only). This test is designed to discover entrepreneurship qualities of the youth through six sub tests - Self-perception of Entrepreneurship; Organizational ability and Managerial skill; Personality maturity; Executive reaction pattern; Human relations; and Human engineering. This test is for 18-25 years and takes about 150 minutes to complete.


1 set

2250.00 64. Organizational Climate Inventory - by S.N. Chattopadhyay and K.G. Agarwal (Hindi and English). This 70 item inventory measures the organizational climate with the help of eleven areas, namely - performance standards; communication flow; reward system; responsibility; conflict resolution; organizational structure; motivational level; decision making process; support system; warmth; identity problems. Organizational climate is the sum total of all these scale scores. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 30 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


65. Occupational Stress Index - by A.K. Srivastava and A.P. Singh (Hindi & English). This scale contains 46 items related to occupational stress. These include over load, role ambiguity, role conflict, group pressure, responsibility, under-participation, powerlessness, poor peer relationship etc. Test is for 18 years & above & takes 15 minutes time.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


66. Managerial Effectiveness Scale - by Upendar Dhar and Santosh Dhar (English version only) This 29-item scale measures Managerial Effectiveness. It was standardized on 200 executives working in private and public sector. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


67. Work Motivation Questionnaire - by K.G. Agarwal (Hindi and English) This 26 item questionnaire measures the work motivation in any profession in six areas, namely - Dependence; Organizational orientation; Work group relations; Intrinsic motivation; Material incentives; and Job situation. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


68. Long Employee Attitude Scale - by H.C. Ganguli (English version only) This 26 item scale covers the various areas of any organization - nature of work, income security, supervision on organizational and personal aspects, colleagues and co-workers, promotional and training opportunities, welfare activities, union-management relation and company policies. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 20 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


69. Performance Appraisal Form (Employee) - by PSY-COM (English Version only). This form is designed to aid performance appraisal and merit review. It has been developed to give objective, cutting down on halo effect, rendering a fair and accurate evaluation of performance. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.A.Consumable Forms:

Pkt. of 100


70. Job satisfaction Scale - by Amar Singh and T.R. Sharma (English Version only) Although this 30-item scale is standardized on college teachers, engineers, advocates and doctors only, it measures the job satisfaction level of almost all kinds of professions. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete. A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


71. Leadership Preference Scale - by L.I. Bhusahan (English Version only) This 30-item scale measures authoritarian vs. democratic leadership style. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes time.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set

950.00 INTELLIGENCE AND ABILITY TESTS72. Davids Battery of Differential Abilities (DBDA-Revised) - (Indian adaptation) Sanjay Vohra (English Version Only). There are eight sub-tests in DBDA-Revised, each designed to measure a single primary ability factor. Each ability factor contributes to a measure of ability important in industrial settings, career and vocational counseling. The tests in the battery may be used individually or in a combination. The tests includes: Verbal ability, Numerical ability, Spatial ability, Closure (i.e. Perceptual completion ability), Mechanical ability, Psychomotor ability, Reasoning ability, and Clerical ability. This test is for 14 years and above, and takes about 60 minutes to complete. DBDA Test Materials:

A.Test BookletsVerbal Ability

Pkt. of 25


Numerical ability

Pkt. of 25


Spatial ability

Pkt. of 25


Closure ability

Pkt. of 25


Reasoning ability

Pkt. of 25


Clerical ability

Pkt. of 25


Mechanical abilityPkt. of 25


Psychomotor abilityPkt. of 100


B.Answer Sheet

Pkt. of 100


C.Ability graph sheets:

Pkt. of 100


D.Scoring keys:

1 set



1 copy


F.COMPLETE SET: (25 test booklets each)1 set


G.COMPLETE SET: (10 test booklets each)1 set


73. Scientific Aptitude Test Battery - by K.K. Agarwal (English/Hindi) This battery has been developed to predict success in science and is useful for selection and guidance purposes. It has four sub-tests i.e. Reasoning, Numerical Ability, Science Information, and Science Vocabulary Test. It has been standardized on 127 students of both sexes of class X. It is for 14 years and above and takes 90 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set

1500.0074. Mechanical Ability and Information Scale - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only) This test measures the mechanical aptitude of students of 13 years and above, and takes about 9 minutes to complete.


1 set


75. Teaching Aptitude Scale - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only). This test has 119 items. It measures aptitude in eight areas: Communication, Intelligence, Maturity, Perceptive, Persistence, Receptive, Social Warmth & Teaching Interest. This test is for teachers, and takes 40 minutes to complete.

TAS Test Materials:

A.Reusable Booklets:

Pkt. of 25


B.Answer Sheets:

Pkt. of 100


C.Profile Sheets:

Pkt. of 100


D.Scoring Key

1 set



1 copy



1 set


76. Duncans Sales Aptitude Test - (Indian adaptation) Sanjay Vohra (English Version Only). This test has been designed to help in appraising sales ability, potential in selecting sales personnel. It provides an objective measure of one important aspect of sales aptitude, namely knowledge and understanding of basic principles of selling. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 20 minutes to complete.DSAT Test Materials:

A.Test booklets:

Pkt. of 25


B.Answer Sheet

Pkt. of 100


C.Scoring key

1 copy



1 copy 100.00


1 set


77. Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) - by Cattell and Cattell (Hindi and English) CFIT is designed to measure individual intelligence by reducing the influence of verbal fluency, cultural climate and educational level. It minimizes the cultural bias. Individually or group administered. Scale 1 age range 4-8 years, 22 minutes, Scale 2, age range 8-14 years, 15 minutes, Scale 3, age range 14 years and above, 15 minutes.CFIT Test Materials:


1 set


B.SCALE 2 COMPLETE SET: (Form A & B)1 set



1 set



1 set


E.SCALE 3 COMPLETE SET: (Form A & B)1 set



1 set



1 set


78. Group Test of Intelligence - by Pramila Ahuja (for 9-13 years) (English Version Only) This test contains seven sub tests. Test I is a practice test and the remaining are the test proper. In each test, one page is for instructions and practice, and one for the test items. This test takes about 35 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


79. Group Test of Intelligence (13-17years)- by G.C. Ahuja (English Version Only) This test contains seven sub tests. Test I is a practice test and the remaining are the test proper. For each test, one page is for instructions and practice example and one for the test items. This test takes about 35 minutes to complete.A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


80. Mangal Emotional Intelligence Inventory - by S.K. Mangal and Shubhra Mangal (Hindi and English)

It consists of 100 items in 4 areas: 1) Inter Personal Awareness (own emotions), 2) Inter Personal Awareness (on emotions), 3) Intra Personal Management (own emotions), and 4) Inter Personal Management (other then emotions). Age range is 14 years and above.


1 set


81. Developmental Screening Test (DST) - by J. Bharat Raj It is designed to measure the mental development of children from birth to 15 years of age.1 set

1800.0082. Gassel Drawing Test of Intelligence (GDTI) - by S. Vekatesan (English Version Only).

1 set

2100.0083. Draw A Person (DAP) - by A. Kohli, M. Kaur & R. Malhotra (English Version Only).

1 set


84. Draw A Man Test - by Pramila Phatak For children 21/2 to 16 years. Non-verbal test, no culture free. 1 set


85. Problem Solving Concept Formation Test - by Haffman and Kaisenien 1 set2100.0086. Problem Solving Ability Test - by L N Dubey (Hindi/English)1 set



87. Bhatias Battery of Performance Intelligence Tests


1 set


Extra: Scoring sheets -

Pkt. of 100



1 copy


88. Stanford Binet Test of Intelligence (Indian Adaptation) by Kulshrestha6000.0089. Indian Child Intelligence Test (Indian Adaptation) by Usha Khire18500.00

(4-12 years)90. Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID-II) 1993


(infants as young as 1 month to 42 months)

91. Alexander Pass Along Test

1 set

1200.0092. Kohs Block Design Test

1 set

1200.0093. Seguin Form Board Test (with manual) 1 set


94. Intelligence Scale for Children (performance type)1 set


95. Verbal Test of Creative Thinking - by Baqer Mehdi (Hindi and English)

This test includes four sub tests namely - Consequences test, Unusual uses test, Similarity test and Product improvement test. The test provides three factor scores namely Fluency, Flexibility and Originality.


1 set


96. Non-Verbal Test of Creative Thinking - by Baqer Mehdi (Hindi and English)

This test is intended to measure the individuals ability to deal with figural content in a creative manner. Three types of activities are used for this purpose, viz., Picture construction, Picture completion, and Triangles and Ellipses. This test provides two factor scores - Elaboration and Originality.


1 set


97. Passi Test of Creativity - by B.K. Passi (Hindi and English).

This test is divided into six parts (4 verbal and 2 non-verbal) namely - Seeing problems test, Unusual uses tests, Consequences test, the test of Inquisitiveness, Square Puzzle test and Blocks test of creativity.


1 set



98. Cassells Somatic Ink-Blot Test

1 set


99. Rorschach Ink-Blot Test

1 set


100. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) (Indian adaptation) by L.P. Mehrotra

(set of 31 cards and manual)A.COMPLETE SET:

1 set


101. T.A.T. Record and Analysis Blank -

Pkt. of 25

750.00102. Children's Apperception Test (CAT) Indian Adaptation

2750.00103. Children's Apperception Test (CAT) Indian Adaptation (Coloured)2950.00

104. Word Association Test - by Jung/Kent-Rosanoff (English and Hindi Version)

This projective method is intended to reveal the associative connections between stimulus words and free verbal responses. The WAT is considered as a tool for the diagnosis of complexes that cause emotional irritation. Complexes may be disclosed by unusual response content, thinking disturbances, and by the formal characteristics of the associative process.

WAT Test Materials:

A.Test Form:

Pkt. of 100



1 copy 150.00


1 set


105. Deo-Mohan Projective Test of Achievement Motivation - P. Deo and Asha Mohan (English and Hindi Version). This projective technique is considered to be useful for the purpose of revealing the thoughts and feelings of subjects, as they would not know exactly what is being measured through their responses. The pattern of TAT type test has been adopted and the model of McClelland-Atkinson has been used in this measurement technique.


1 set


This division deals and manufactures psychological apparatus/instruments for research and educational purposes. The apparatus/instruments are designed and tested by our own qualified psychologists. The list of instruments and apparatus and their various applications are described below:


1. Aesthesiometer (vernier caliper type) - This is an instrument for measuring the sensitivity of skin. It is measured by determining the minimum separation at which two points can be perceived as two. The distance between two points can be read on the scale to the minimum of 1/10th of a millimeter.

Aesthesiometer Two points

1 each


Aesthesiometer Three points

1 each


2. Weight Discrimination Sets - These are used to measure a subjects weight discrimination. They consist of blocks made of aluminum, identical in sizes but different in weight. The subject determines the difference between the weights. In size-weight discrimination various blocks made of aluminum are in different sizes, but same in weight. The subject determines the difference between size and weights.

Weight Discrimination Box (12 weights) 1 each


Weight Discrimination Box (22 weights) 1 each


Size Weight Illusion Box (14 weights)1 each


Size Weight Illusion Box (22 weights)1 each


3. Muller-Lyer Illusion Apparatus - This is an apparatus to examine geometrical optical illusion with arrow-headed and feather-headed lines. It has a millimeter scale at the back to measure the error with the accuracy of one millimeter. It can be conveniently used for experiments on perceptual error, knowledge of results, effect of motivation on perception, etc. It is available in two models with or without stand.

Muller-Lyer Illusion with stand

1 set


Muller-Lyer Illusion without stand1 set


4. Galton Bar Apparatus - This apparatus is used to examine the perceptual accuracy of distance with or without knowledge of results. The subject is required to shift the bars at equal distances. It can be used for experiments on feedback effects on motivation, performance, and learning, etc. The Galton bar is affixed with a scale on the reverse side to detect the error up to one millimeter.

Galton Bar Apparatus with stand

1 set


Galton Bar Apparatus without stand1 set


5. Auditory Discrimination Test - This test is used to find out the Auditory Difference Threshold (Limen). It consists of a set of five tuning forks, stroke pad and manual.

Auditory Discrimination Test

1 set


6. Colour Mixture (Electrical) - This apparatus is used to observe the laws, which govern colour mixture. It is supplied with six coloured/black & white discs, which can be inter-leaved and fixed on the rotator for colour mixing. Experiments which can be performed on this apparatus are: determine the three laws of colour mixing; observe the phenomena of mixture when coloured lights instead of coloured discs are used; and observe the phenomenon reported by Hecht as evidence of the non-primary nature of yellow.

Colour Mixture (Electrical):

1 set


7. PSY-COM Depth Perception Apparatus - This apparatus is Howard Dolman Type Depth Perception Apparatus to measure the precision of depth perception under binocular and monocular cues conditions.

PSY-COM Depth Perception Apparatus: 1 set


8. Colour Preference Apparatus - The method of paired comparisons can be understood by this apparatus very conveniently. It consists of two pairs of discs with six colours each, which can be rotated by hand with the help of a knob at the back of each disc. The subject has to make pairs of each colours and stimulus values attached to it for both discs.

Colour Preference Apparatus:

1 set


9. Size Constancy Apparatus - This can measure the equivalency sensation against both equilateral triangles of the standard stimulus and comparison stimulus. The subject with the help of a string can adjust the comparison stimulus. A millimeter scale gives the reading of the subjects judgement.

Size Constancy Apparatus:

1 set


10. PSY-COM Kinesthesiometer Board - This apparatus is used to measure the accuracy of judgement based upon Kinesthesis sense (sense of movement). Kinesthesiometer Board is marked with angles from 0 to 90 degrees.

PSY-COM Kinesthesiometer Board:1 set


PSY-COM Kinesthesiometer Equipment:1 set


LEARNING AND MEMORY11. Mirror Drawing Apparatus - This instrument is used for motor learning, with particular reference to transfer effects. The essential feature of the instrument is a stimulus board, which projects a figure on a mirror. The subject is required to trace the figure with his hands kept out from his view by a screen. Only way he can follow the course of his tracing is by means of the mirror. Errors in tracing and time to trace the course can be determined as a measure of learning. This instrument also comes in an electrical model with a six digit electronic counter. Every time the stylus fails to trace the figure, the counter will come into operation. Hence, the number of errors in tracing by the subject can be measured accurately.

Mirror Drawing Apparatus Simple

1 set


Mirror Drawing Electrical (with reset counter)1 set

5200.00Star sheets

Pkt. of 100450.00

12. Human Maze - This is an electrical instrument consisting of rows and columns of metal points. Some of them are connected to form a maze path. Any contact of the stylus with the maze-path gives the white or yellow light, or the right light or GO ON signal. But contact in the wrong path gives a GO BACK or red signal/sound. All these mazes are not electrical; some are metallic or wooden and can be traced by hand or wooden stylus only. Some of the common mazes supplied by us are as following:

Finger Maze

1 set


Pointed (with error counter)

1 set

5200.0013. PSY-COM Memory Apparatus1 set


14. Card Sorting Tray -

1 set


15. Letter Substitution Sheets -

Pkt. of 100



16. Tachistoscope (fall-type) - This instrument provides an exposure of 1/10th of a second for stimulus on a card. It can be used for experiments on span of attention, span of apprehension, & other short time exposure stimulus.

Tachistoscope (fall-type):

1 set


Tachistoscope (Electronic):

1 set


17. Rotator with Masons Disc - The masons disc is used in the experiment for Span of Attention. The disc is rotated at high speed with the help of an electrical rotator.

Rotator with Masons Disc:

1 set


18. Division of Attention Board (with error counter) 1 set


19. Two Hand Coordination (with error counter) 1 set


20. Finger Dexterity Board - This board is used for the assessment of finger manipulation ability. It consists of 400 pins that are to be placed in the 100 holes of the board i.e. 4 pins in each hole.

Finger Dexterity Board:

1 set


21. Tweezer Dexterity Board - This board is similar to the above except that instead of fingers the same task is to be done by a tweezer. But the holes are smaller and only one pin can be inserted in each hole.

Tweezer Dexterity Board:

1 set


22. Steadiness Tester - This tester is employed in testing the muscle coordination of the arm, especially the ability to hold the arm steady, or to test the sway of the arm brought by emotional changes. There are nine holes of various sizes. The subject is required to insert a stylus into the holes in order and be careful not to touch the rim of the hole. When the stylus touches the rim/edge of the hole an electric buzzer is sounded.

Steadiness Tester without counter

1 set


Steadiness Tester with reset counter

1 set



23. R.T. Apparatus: Electronic (with Chronoscope) 1 set


24. Electronic Chronoscope (Timer Only)

1 set


25. Stop watch:- Mechanical

1 each


- Stopwatch (Electronic)

1 each


- Stop-clock (fly back)

1 each


26. Metronome: - Mechanical (German/Swiss)1 set


- Electronic

1 set


27. Ishiharas Colour Blindness Test:

1 each


28. Wooden Screen (12x15):

1 each


29. Photographs of Psychologists (Black and White) 1 each


30. Photographs of Psychologists (Coloured)1 each


31. Human Physiology Charts (Italian in a set): 1 set


32. Human Physiology Charts (Individual Hanging): 1 set


33. Hand Tally Counter:

1 each


34. Blind Goggles

1 each



16 PF Questionnaire - by R.B. Cattell and IPAT Staff Form A & B (English / Hindi) (Sl. No. 7A)4200.00

16 PF Questionnaire - by R.B. Cattell and IPAT Staff Form A (English / Hindi) (Sl. No. 7B)3400.00

16 PF Questionnaire - by R.B. Cattell and IPAT Staff Form B (English / Hindi) (Sl. No. 7C)3400.00

16 PF Questionnaire - by R.B. Cattell and IPAT Staff Form C & D (English / Hindi) (Sl. No. 7D)4200.00

16 PF Questionnaire - by R.B. Cattell and IPAT Staff Form C (English / Hindi) (Sl. No. 7E)3400.00

16 PF Questionnaire - by R.B. Cattell and IPAT Staff Form D (English / Hindi) (Sl. No. 7F)3400.00

16 PF Questionnaire - by R.B. Cattell and IPAT Staff Form E (English / Hindi) (Sl. No. 7G)3700.00

Adjustment Inventory for College Students (AICS) - by Sinha & Singh (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 44)1400.00

Adjustment Inventory for School Students (AISS) - by Sinha & Singh (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 43)1100.00

Aggression Scale by Pal and Naqvi (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 27)750.00

Alexanders Pass-along Test (Sl. No. 91)


Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID-II) 1993 (infants 1 month 42 months) (Sl. No. 90)18500.00

Bhatias Battery of Performance Intelligence Tests (Sl. No. 87)4900.00

Career Preference Record by Vivek Bhargava and Rajshree Bhargava (English / Hindi) (Sl. No. 53)1100.00

Cassells Somatic Ink-blot Test (Sl. No. 98)


Children's Apperception Test (CAT) Indian Adaptation (102)2750.00

Children's Apperception Test (CAT) Indian Adaptation (Coloured) (103)2950.00

Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) by R.B.Cattel & Porter Form A & B (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 9A)4200.00

Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) by R.B. Cattel and Porter Form A (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 9B)3400.00

Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) by R.B. Cattel and Porter Form B (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 9C)3400.00

Clinical Case Study - by S.K. Dixit (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 30)950.00

Comprehensive Interest Schedule (CIS) - by Sanjay Vohra Male Form (English version only) (Sl. No. 50C)950.00

Comprehensive Interest Schedule (CIS) - by Sanjay Vohra Female Form (English version only) (Sl. No. 50D)950.00

Comprehensive Interest Schedule (CIS) - by Sanjay Vohra Male+Female (English version only) (Sl. No. 50E)1750.00

Comprehensive Scale of Entrepreneurship (CSE) - V.P. Sharma (English version only) (Sl. No. 63)2250.00

Cornell Medical Index Health Questionnaire - by Wig et al. (Hindi/English) Male Form (Sl. No. 36A)1100.00

Cornell Medical Index Health Questionnaire - by Wig et al. (Hindi/English) Female Form (Sl. No. 36B)1100.00

Cornell Medical Index Health Questionnaire - by Wig et al. (Hindi/English) Male/Female (Sl. No. 36C)2100.00

Crites Career Maturity Inventory - by Nirmala Gupta (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 49)4500.00

Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) - by Cattell & Cattell Scale 1 (S. No. 77A)3100.00

Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) - by Cattell & Cattell Form A & B (Hindi/English) Scale 2 (S. No. 77B)3100.00

Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) - by Cattell and Cattell Form A (Hindi/English) Scale 2 (S. No. 77C)2300.00

Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) - by Cattell and Cattell Form B (Hindi/English) Scale 2 (S. No. 77D)2300.00

Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) - by Cattell & Cattell Form A & B (Hindi/English) Scale 3 (S. No. 77E)3100.00

Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) - by Cattell and Cattell Form A (Hindi/English) Scale 3 (S. No. 77F)2300.00

Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) - by Cattell and Cattell Form B (Hindi/English) Scale 3 (S. No. 77G)2300.00

Davids Battery of Differential Abilities (DBDA) - (Indian) Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 72)5750.00

Davids Battery of Differential Abilities (DBDA) - (Indian) Sanjay Vohra 10 Booklets (English version only)3550.00

Deo-Mohan Achievement Motivation Scale - P. Deo & A. Mohan (English version only) (Sl. No. 11)1500.00

Deo-Mohan Projective Test of Achievement Motivation - P. Deo & A. Mohan (English/Hindi) (Sl. No. 105)1300.00

Depression Scale by S. Karim (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 23) 950.00

Developmental Screening Test (DST) - by J. Bharat Raj (English version only) (Sl. No. 81)1800.00

Dimensional Personality Inventory by Mahesh Bhargava (English/Hindi) (Sl. No. 28)1400.00

Draw-A-Man Test - by Pramila Pathak (Sl. No. 84)1400.00

Draw-A-Person (DAP) - A. Kohli, M. Kaur & R. Malhotra (Sl. No. 83)1500.00

Duncans Sales Aptitude Test (DSAT) - (Indian adaptation) Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 76)1250.00

Educational Interest Record by SP Kulshrestha (English/Hindi) (Sl. No. 51)1100.00

Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) - by Y. Singh and M. Bhargava (English/Hindi) (Sl. No. 18)1100.00

Emotional Stability Questionnaire (ESQ) - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 19)1100.00

Eysencks Maudsley Personality Inventory (EMPI)- (English / Hindi) (Sl. No. 6)900.00

Eysencks Personality Questionnaire - Revised (E.P.Q.-R) (English version only) (Sl. No. 5)1100.00

Family Environment Scale (FES) - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 46)1400.00

Frustration Scale by Chauhan and Tewari (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 24)750.00

Gassel Drawing Test of Intelligence by S. Venkatesan (Sl. No. 82)2100.00Global Adjustment Scale (GAS-A) - by Sanjay Vohra Form A for Adults (English version only) (Sl. No. 41)1750.00

Global Adjustment Scale (GAS-S) - by Sanjay Vohra Form S for Students (English version only) (Sl. No. 42)1750.00

Group Test of Intelligence (GTI) - by Pramila Ahuja (9-13 yrs.) (English version only) (Sl. No. 78)1750.00

Group Test of Intelligence (GTI) - by G.C. Ahuja (13-17yrs.) (English version only) (Sl. No. 79)1750.00

Guidance Needs Inventory (GNI) - by Grewal & Sharma (English version only) (Sl. No. 56)1100.00

High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) by Cattell & IPAT Form A & B (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 8A)4200.00

High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) by Cattell & IPAT A (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 8B)3400.00

High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) by Cattell & IPAT Form B (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 8C)3400.00

Indian Child Intelligence Test (Indian adaptation) by Usha Khire (4-12 years) (Sl. No. 89)18500.00

Intelligence Scale for Children - by (Performance Type) (Sl. No. 94)6000.00

IPAT Anxiety Scale (Self Analysis Form) - by Krug & Laughlin (Hindi/English) (S.No. 13)1400.00

IPAT Depression Scale (Personal Assessment Inventory) - by Krug & Laughlin (English Version) (22)1400.00

Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) - by Amar Singh & T.R. Sharma (English/Hindi) (Sl. No. 70)950.00

Kohs Block Design Test (Sl. No. 92)


Leadership Preference Scale - by L.I. Bhusahan (English Version only) (Sl. No. 71)950.00

Level of Aspiration Scale (LAS) - by Shah & Bhargava (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 20)1100.00

Levensons Scale for Locus of Control (Indian adaptation) - by Sanjay Vohra (English version) (Sl. No. 15)1100.00

Long Employee Attitude Scale by H.C. Ganguli (English version only) (Sl. No. 68)1100.00

Malins Vineland Social Maturity Scale - by J. Bharat Raj (English version only) (Sl. No. 16)1100.00

Mangals Teacher Adjustment Inventory (MTAI) - by S.K. Mangal (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 45)1400.00

Mangal Emotional Intelligence Inventory by S.K. Mangal & Subhra Mangal (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 80)1450.00

Managerial Effectiveness Scale by Upender Dhar and Santosh Dhar (English version only) (Sl. No. 66)1100.00

Mechanical Ability and Information Scale (MAIS) - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 74)1000.00

Medico Psychological Questionnaire (MPQ) - by J. Bharat Raj (English version only) (Sl. No. 38)1100.00

Mental Health Battery by AK Singh and Alpana Sengupta (English/Hindi) (Sl. No. 34)1100.00

Moral Judgment Test (MJT) - by D.N. Sinha & Meera Verma (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 21)1400.00

Multi-dimensional Assessment of Personality - (Form A) Sanjay Vohra (English/Hindi) (Sl. No. 1)2200.00

Multi-dimensional Assessment of Personality - (Form T) Sanjay Vohra (English/Hindi) (Sl. No. 2)2200.00

Multi-dimensional Assessment of Personality - (Form C) Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 3)2200.00

Multi-dimensional Assessment of Personality - (Form P) Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 4)2200.00

Multi Factor Interest Questionnaire by SD Kapoor and RN Singh (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 54)1450.00

Non-Verbal Test of Creative Thinking - by Baqer Mehdi (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 96)1500.00

Organizational Climate Inventory (OCI) - by Chattopadhyay & Agarwal (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 64)1450.00

Occupational Stress Index (OSI) - by A.K. Srivastava and A.P. Singh (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 65)1100.00

P.G.I. Battery of Brain Dysfunction (PGIBBD) Performance Type (Sl. No. 31)9000.00

P.G.I. General Well Being Measure (PGIGWBM) (English/Hindi) (Sl. No. 40)1000.00

P.G.I. Health Questionnaire N-1 (PGIHQ) (English/Hindi) by Verma et al. (Sl. No. 35)1100.00

P.G.I. Memory Scale (PGIMS) - by Pershad & Wig (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 32)1100.00

Parent Child Relationship Scale (PCRS) - by Nalini Rao (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 47)1100.00

Passi's Test of Creativity - by B.K. Passi (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 97)3200.00

Performance Appraisal Form (Employee) - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 69)800.00

Personal Value Questionnaire (PVQ) - by Sherry & Verma (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 61)1250.00

Presumptive Stressful Life Events Scale (PSLE) - By Gurmeet Singh et al. (English version) (Sl. No. 37)1000.00

Problem Check List - by M.C. Joshi and Jagdish Pandey (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 29)1400.00

Problem Solving Ability Test - by L.N. Dubey (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 86)1000.00

Problem Solving Concept Formation Test - by Haffman Kasanein (Sl. No. 85)2100.00

Psycho-Physiological State Inventory (PPSI) - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 33)1100.00

Quality of Life (QOL) - by B.L. Dubey, Padma Dwivedi and S.K. Verma (English version only) (Sl. No. 48)1400.00Raos Social Maturity Scale (RSMS) - by Nalini Rao (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 17)1100.00

Rorscach Ink Blot Test (Sl. No. 99)


Rozenweizs Picture Frustration Scale (for Adults) Indian Adaptation by Udai Pareek (Sl. No. 25)2000.00

Rozenweizs Picture Frustration Scale (for Children) Indian Adaptation by Udai Pareek (Sl. No. 26)2000.00

Scale for Introversion-Extraversion Dimension (SIED) - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 10)1100.00

Scientific Aptitude Test Battery (SATB) - K.K. Agarwal (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 73)1500.00

Seguin Form Board Test (with manual) (Sl. No. 93) 1900.00

Self Concept Questionnaire (SCQ) - by R.K. Saraswat (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 57)1100.00

Self Esteem Inventory (SEI) by G.P. Thakur (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 58)850.00

Sinhas Comprehensive Anxiety Test - by A.K.P. Sinha & L.N.K. Sinha (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 14)1100.00

Sodhis Attitude Scale (SAS) - by T.S. Sodhi (Hindi /English) (Sl. No. 59)1100.00

Stanford Binet Test of Intelligence (Indian Adaptation) by Kulshrestha (Sl. No. 88)6000.00

State-Trait Anxiety Test (STAT) - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 12)1100.00

Study Habit Inventory (SHI) - by M. Mukhopadhyay and S.N. Sansanwal (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 55)1100.00

Style of Learning and Thinking (SOLAT)-by D. Venkataraman (English version only) (Sl. No. 39)1100.00

Teaching Aptitude Scale (TAS) - by Sanjay Vohra (English version only) (Sl. No. 75)1850.00

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) (Indian) by L.P. Mehrotra (set of 31 cards and manual) (Sl. No. 100)1900.00

T.A.T. Record and Analysis Blank By L.P. Mehrotra Pkt. of 25 (English version only) (Sl. No. 101)750.00

Value Test (Study of Values) - by R.K. Ojha (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 60)1250.00

Verbal Test of Creative Thinking - by Baqer Mehdi (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 95)1500.00

Vocational Interest Record by SP (Hindi/English) Kulshrestha (Sl. No. 52)1100.00

Word Association Test (WAT) - by Jung (English version only) (Sl. No. 104)750.00

Work Motivation Questionnaire (WMQ) - by Agarwal (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 67)1100.00

Workers Personality Scale (WPS) - by Sanjay Vohra (Hindi/English) (Sl. No. 62)1500.00



Aesthesiometer -

- Two Points(Sl. No. 1)350.00

Aesthesiometer -- Three Points(Sl. No. 1)450.00

Auditory Discrimination Test

(Sl. No. 5)1900.00

Blind Goggles

(Sl. No. 34)500.00

Card Sorting TrayCard Sorting Tray

(Sl. No. 14)1900.00

Chronoscope Electronic

(Sl. No. 24)5200.00

Colour Mixture Apparatus (Electrical)(Sl. No. 6)1900.00

Colour Preference Apparatus

(Sl. No. 8)1900.00

Depth Perception Apparatus

(Sl. No. 7)5200.00

Division of Attention Board - (Electrical) with reset counter(Sl. No. 18)6200.00

Electronic Chronoscope(Timer)

(Sl. No. 24)5200.00

Finger Dexterity Board

(Sl. No. 20)1350.00

Galton Bar Apparatus- With stand(Sl. No. 4)1900.00

Galton Bar Apparatus- Without stand(Sl. No. 4)1500.00

Hand Tally Counter

(Sl. No. 33)950.00

Human Maze- Finger Maze(Sl. No. 12)1200.00

Human Maze- Pointed (electrical) with reset counter(Sl. No. 12)5200.00

Human Physiology Charts- Italian Set(Sl. No. 31)1900.00

Human Physiology Charts- Individual Hanging(Sl. No. 32)900.00

Ishihara's Colour Blindness Test

(Sl. No. 27)2900.00

Kinesthesiometer Board

(Sl. No. 10)1900.00

Kinesthesiometer Equipment

(Sl. No. 10)3200.00

Letter Substitution Sheets

(Sl. No. 15)850.00

Muller Lyer Illusion Apparatus- With stand(Sl. No. 3)1900.00

Muller Lyer Illusion Apparatus- Without stand(Sl. No. 3)1500.00

Memory Apparatus - Electronic(Sl. No. 13)7200.00

Metronome- Mechanical (German/Swiss)(Sl. No. 26)13500.00

Metronome- Electronic(Sl. No. 26)6200.00

Mirror Drawing Apparatus- Simple(Sl. No. 11)2950.00

Mirror Drawing Apparatus- Electrical (with reset counter)(Sl. No. 11)5200.00

Mirror Drawing Apparatus- Star Sheets(Sl. No. 11)450.00

Photographs of Psychologists- Black and White(Sl. No. 29)500.00

Photographs of Psychologists- Coloured(Sl. No. 30)600.00

Reaction Time Apparatus - Electronic (with chronoscope)(Sl. No. 23)8750.00

Rotator with Mason's Disc

(Sl. No. 17)1900.00

Size Constancy Apparatus

(Sl. No. 9)3100.00

Steadiness Tester- without counter(Sl. No. 22)1900.00

Steadiness Tester- (Electrical) with reset counter(Sl. No. 22)4200.00

Stop Watch- Mechanical (SI. No. 25)2700.00

- Stop Watch (Electronic)(SI.No. 25)950.00

- Stop Clock (fly back type)(Sl. No. 25)950.00

Tachistoscope- fall type(Sl. No. 16)1900.00

Tachistoscope- Electronic(Sl. No. 16)7200.00

Tweezer Dexterity Board

(Sl. No. 21)1350.00

Two Hand Coordination- (Electrical) with reset counter(Sl. No. 19)6200.00

Weight Discrimination Sets- Weight Discrimination Box (12 weights)(Sl. No. 2)1850.00

Weight Discrimination Sets- Weight Discrimination Box (22 weights)(Sl. No. 2)2150.00

Weight Discrimination Sets- Size Weight Illusion Box (14 weights)(Sl. No. 2)2000.00

Weight Discrimination Sets- Size Weight Illusion Box (22 weights)(Sl. No. 2)2400.00

Wooden Screen- 12x15(Sl. No. 28)500.00ORDERING INFORMATION1. Be sure you select the right test form (some tests with same name have different forms e.g. Form A for Adults, Form S for students etc.). 2.While sending your orders through e-mail or letters or fax, please type/or write your address in bold letters with Pin Code and telephone no. Also mention if bills are required in duplicate or triplicate. Also write name of the department and billing address, if different from the dispatch address. 3. Tests are sold only in the multiples of quantities mentioned in the Price List / Catalogue. Requests / Orders for partial package will be filled in with the next higher quantity mentioned in the Catalogue / Price List.

4.All colleges, schools, government agencies and institutions etc. must send official Purchase Order duly signed and stamped by the head of the organization/institution.5. Individuals must send full amount of the total order in advance (including handling charges) enabling us to send the required materials by post / courier immediately. Partial payments may cause delay in dispatch of materials. If delivery is required through air courier, please confirm air courier charges from us beforehand.6. Please note that you have to give Declaration that the tests will be used only by a Professional Psychologist, Psychology Lecturer, and / or qualified supervisors or under the guidance of Professional Psychologist, Psychology Lecturer and/or qualified supervisors, and same will not be photocopied. 7.Tests are sold to libraries with an understanding that these will be accessible only to the professionals, and students authorized by their Professors, and/or qualified supervisors, and same will not be photocopied. 8.All prices are subject to change without any prior notice. However, the quotations bearing Reference No., and Date will be valid for a period of two months only (60 days). 9.Prices mentioned in this Price List are net, ex-stores and all other handling charges (including insurance, postage, packing, forwarding etc. or alternatively delivery at purchasers destination by courier personal delivery, which will be at our discretion), will be extra, Please confirm the same before placing order.

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