catalogue arabian final kkni 2013

qualified friendly loyal hardworking BNP2TKI Yes,We are answer! the Yes,We are answer! the !

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qualified friendly loyal hardworking



of IndonesiaOverseas Workers


Yes,We are answer! theYes,We are answer! the!

Page 2: catalogue arabian final kkni 2013

Catalogue of Indonesia Overseas Workers 2013

3rd Edition - English/Arabian

Published by : BNP2TKIThe National Board for the Placement and Protectionof Indonesia Overseas Workers

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher, at the address below :Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52, South Jakarta, 12770, INDONESIAPhone/ Fax: +62-21-79190366; 79188922Email: [email protected]; [email protected]:,

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of IndonesiaOverseas Workers


!Yes,We are answer! the

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Qualified, hardworking, loyal, friendly are Indonesian workers. The quality that quarantee high productivity to any kind of business.

The purpose of making this Catalogue is to provide anybody who involves in overseas employment an adequate information on the supply of professional workers in Indonesia.

This Catalogue lists major occupations from hospitality, health, construction, oil/gas and Information Tecnology and Manufacture sectors, completed with competencies attached to each occupation. List of schools/ training centers and profession associations from where they are educated/trained and affiliated are also provided.

We do hope you may find the right prospective workers. Please do not hesitate to contact us or the institutions listed at the end of this book.

Looking forward to having cooperation with you for mutually benefit.

National Boardfor the Placement and Protectionof Indonesian Overseas Workers


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Indonesia is a republic country in Southeast Asia with Jakarta as its capital city. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, Philippines, and Australia. Indonesia com-prises 17,508 islands with a population of around 230 million people. Across its many islands, Indonesia has developed a shared identity defined by a national language, ethnic diversity, and religious pluralism. “Bhin-neka Tunggal Ika” (“Unity in Diversity”) is Indonesia’s national motto. The country is richly endowed with natural resources.


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The National Board for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Workers (known as BNP2TKI - Badan Nasional Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Ker-ja Indonesia) is a government institution, which mandated to optimize the benefit of Indonesian overseas employment pro-gramme . The Board established in 2006 by Presidential Regulation No. 81/ 2006. As stipulated by Regulation, the main task of the Board is to carry out the promotion, placement, and protection of Indonesian overseas workers.


(Badan Nasional

Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenga Kerja Indonesia)

2006No. 81/2006

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Positions listed in the catalog are developed

based on competency standards that are tai-

lored to the Indonesian Qualification Framework

or Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI)

in accordance with the Directorate General of

Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Cul-

ture of the Republic of Indonesia.

KKNI refers to the grading framework of compe-

tence qualifications that can reconcile, equalize,

and integrate the areas of education and voca-

tional training and work experience in the con-

text of work competence recognition in accor-

dance with work structure in the various sectors.

KKNI embodies the quality and identity of the In-

donesian people associated with the Indonesian

national education and training system.

KKNI consists of nine (9) levels of qualification,

starting from qualification 1 as the lowest qualifi-

cation to Qualifications - 9 as the highest qualifi-

cation. Qualification level is the nationally agreed

level of learning achievement, which is ordered

based on the size of education and/or training

outcomes acquired through formal, non-formal,

and informal education, or work experience.


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Level Achievement in KKNI through Different


EXPLANATION:LEVEL 1 (Senior High School/SMP)

Capable of performing simple, limited, routine

tasks, using established tools, rules, and pro-

cesses, and under guidance, supervision, and

responsibility of their superiors. Having factual


Responsible for their own work and may not be

held accountable for others’ work.

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LEVEL 3 (Diploma-1/D-1)

Capable of carrying out a series of specific tasks,

by translating the information and using tools,

based on a selection of work procedures, and ca-

pable of demonstrating performance with mea-

surable quality and quantity, which is partly a re-

sult of their own work with indirect supervision.

Having full operational knowledge, general prin-

ciples and concepts related to facts of certain ar-

eas of expertise, so as to be able to resolve various

prevalent issues using appropriate methods.

Ability to collaborate and communicate within

their scope.

Responsible for their own work and may be held

accountable for quantity and quality of others’


LEVEL 4 (Diploma-2/D-2)

Ability to complete extensive-scope tasks and

specific cases by analyzing information only,

selecting appropriate methods of standardized

multiple choices, and capable of showing perfor-

mance with measurable quality and quantity.

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Having basic operational knowledge and factual

knowledge of specific areas of work, so that they

can choose an available resolution to common

problems arising.

Responsible for their own work and may be held

accountable for guiding others.

LEVEL 2 (Senior High School/SMA)

Capable of performing a specific task, using tools,

and information, and commonly done work pro-

cedures, and showing performance with mea-

surable quality, under direct supervision of their


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LEVEL 5 (Diploma-3/D-3)


Ability to complete extensive-scope tasks, se-

lecting appropriate methods of standardized or

non-standardized multiple choices by analyzing

the data, and capable of demonstrating perfor-

mance with measurable quality and quantity.

Mastering theoretical concepts of particular ar-

eas of knowledge in general, and capable of for-

mulating procedural problem solving.

Ability to manage and organize work groups and

preparing a written report comprehensively.

Responsible for their own work and may be held

accountable for achievement of the group’s


Ability to apply their expertise and utilize their

science and technology in the areas in problem

solving and capable of adapting to the situation

at hand.

Mastering theoretical concepts of particular ar-

eas of knowledge in general and theoretical con-

cepts of in-depth particular parts in such areas

of knowledge, and capable of formulating pro-

cedural problem solving.

Mastering a few basic principles of particular

areas of expertise and capable of aligning with

factual issues in their work areas.

Ability to work together and communicate, to

prepare a written report within a limited scope,

and to have initiatives.

Responsible for their own work and may be held

accountable for others’ work.

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Ability to plan and manage resources under

their responsibility, and comprehensively evalu-

ate works by utilizing science and technology to

produce strategic development measures of the


Ability to solve problems of science, technology,

and or art in their scientific discipline through

mono-disciplinary approach.

Ability to conduct research and take strategic de-

cisions with full accountability and responsibility

for all aspects which are under the responsibility

of their expertise.


Ability to develop knowledge, technology, and

or art within their scientific discipline or profes-

sional practice through research, to produce in-

novative and reliable works.

Ability to solve problems of science, technol-

ogy, and or art within their scientific discipline

through inter- or multi-disciplinary approach.

Ability to manage research and development for

the benefit of society and science, and having

a capacity to be awarded national and interna-

tional recognition.

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Ability to take the right decisions based on anal-

ysis of information and data, and capable of pro-

viding guidance in selecting a variety of alterna-

tive solutions independently and in-group.

Responsible for their own work and may be held

accountable for achievement of the organiza-

tion’s work.

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Ability to develop new knowledge, technology,

and or art within their scientific discipline or pro-

fessional practice through research, to produce

creative, original, and reliable works.

Ability to solve problems of science, technol-

ogy, and or art within their scientific discipline

through inter-, multi- or trans-disciplinary ap-


Ability to manage, lead, and develop research

and development for the benefit of science and

the benefit of mankind, and having a capacity to

be awarded national and international recogni-


Description of Qualification on KKNI reflects

on learning outcomes obtained by a person

through education, training, work experience,

self-learning paths. Learning outcomes: internal-

ization and accumulation of science, knowledge,

know-how, skills, affections, and competencies

achieved through a structured educational pro-

cess and covers a specific area of science/exper-

tise or through work experience.


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Science: a scientific methodology-based system

for building knowledge through research find-

ings in a body of knowledge. Ongoing studies

used to construct a science must be supported

by data recording, measured observation and

analysis and aim to improve human understand-

ing of natural and social phenomena.

Knowledge: mastery of theories and skills by a

person in a particular area of expertise or un-

derstanding of facts and information a person

obtained through experience or education for a

particular purpose.

Know-how: mastery of theories and skills by a

person in a particular area of expertise or under-

standing of methodologies and technical skills a

person acquired through experience or educa-

tion for a particular purpose.

Skill: psychomotor skills (including manual dex-

terity and the use of methods, materials, tools

and instruments) achieved through measur-

able training based on knowledge or know-how

possessed; a skilled person is able to produce a

product or performance that can be assessed

qualitatively and quantitatively.

Affection: a person’s sensitive attitude to aspects

around their life, to be fostered by either his/her

learning process or his/her family environment

or society at large.

Competency: accumulation of a person’s ca-

pability to carry out a job description in a mea-

sured manner through a structured assessment,

including aspects of self-reliance and individual

responsibility in the work area.

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Main Contents




Indonesian Qualification


Main Contents

Hospitality & Tourism

Health Care


Oil & Gas

Information Technology


Contacts - Tourism

Contacts - Health Care

Contacts - Construction

Contacts - Oil & Gas

Contact - IT

Contact - Manufaktur







































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Indonesian workers of tourism are well known for their readiness to serve international community. Many of them work in famous international hotel such as The Grand Hyatt, Hilton, The Mandarin, Holiday Inn, Accord Group, Crown, Club-Med, Sheraton, JW Marriot, Ritz Carl-ton, Inter-Continental Hotel and luxury cruises. So far, our hospitality and tourism workforce have been sent to various countries such as, The United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Singapore, Ma-laysia, India, Maldive, Macau, USA and Canada, France, Italy, Netherland, and Greece.

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Food & Beverage


Outlet Manager

Head Waiter





Spa Therapist

Food Production



Chef de Partie

Commis Chef

Commis Pastry

Demi Chef

Executive Chef

Front Office






















Telephone Operator


Bell Boy





Floor Supervisor

Room Attendant

Laundry Manager

Laundry Attendant

Public Area Cleaner

Tour & Travel

Tour Manager

Tour Guide/Tour Leader

Document Staff

Reservation Staff

















Hospitality & Tourism

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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage physical asset and infrastructure, prepare and monitor operational budget, develop a marketing strategy and coordinate sales activities, lead and manage people, gather and present product information, read and write in English at an advanced level.

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking.

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of Hotel Academy Diploma/Bachelor


F&B Director

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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage stock purchases and inventories, prepare routine financial statements, recruit and select staff, monitor staff performance standards, use oral English to convey a complex ex-change of ideas, read and write in English at an advanced level.

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking.

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of Hotel Academy Diploma/Bachelor


F&B outletManager

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Professional CompetenciesAble to establish and maintain a safe working environment, provide gueridon service, start conversations and develop good relations with guests.

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking.

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of Hotel Academy Diploma/Bachelor


HeaD Waiter


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Professional CompetenciesAble to make and prepare cocktail, mocktail and juggling, clean and tidy bar area, operated a bar facility, operate a cellar system, serve a range of wine products.

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking.

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of Hotel Academy Diploma/Bachelor

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Professional CompetenciesAble to provide advice to patrons on food and beverage services, take food order and provide courteous table service, clean and tidy service areas, provide room service

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking.

Education & Other CertificationAt least Highschool Graduate and hold a Certificate from Licensed Training Program



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Professional CompetenciesAble to provide advice to patrons on food and beverage services, take food order and provide courteous table service, clean and tidy service areas, provide room service

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking.

Education & Other CertificationAt least Highschool Graduate and hold a Certificate from Licensed Training Program

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Professional CompetenciesAble to help customer to become relax by giving techniques & variety of massages, prepare the room for guest; assist them to their designated rooms, prepare client’s toiletries, oils and lotion and other necessity for aroma therapy, advising the customer suitable massages according to what they want.

Personal QualitiesExcellent communication and listening skills, perform good customer service

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of Physical Therapy (licensed) or Physical Education, graduate of vocational training course in Massage Therapy or Reflexology in any institution accredited by (BNSP - National Board of Professional Certification)


Spa tHerapiSt

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Professional CompetenciesAble to prepare and Produce yeast Goods, prepare bakery products for patisserie

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of hotel academy Diploma/Bachelor

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Professional CompetenciesAble to Identify and prepare various meats, prepare portion and controlled meat cuts

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of hotel academy Diploma/Bachelor



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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage stock purchases and inventories, monitor staff performance standards, monitor, control and order new stock, prepare and display petits fours, sugar work, prepare and present chocolate goods, dessert, prepare and produce cakes, pastries, yeast goods, bakery products for patisserie

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of hotel academy Diploma/Bachelor

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Professional CompetenciesAble to monitor routine workplace operations, identify and prepare various meats, maintain strategies for safe storages of prepared foods, prepare soups, prepare and cook seafood, prepare hot and cold dessert dishes

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of hotel academy Diploma/Bachelor


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Professional CompetenciesAble to prepare and display petits fours, sugar work, prepare and model marzipan, prepare and present desserts, gateaux, torten and cakes, prepare and produce cakes and pastries

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of hotel academy Diploma/Bachelor


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Professional CompetenciesAble to establish and maintain quality control in food productions, monitor, control and order new stock, monitor routine workplace operations, maintain strategies for safe storage of prepared foods, plan, prepare and display a buffet service, prepare soup, prepare and cook poultry and game meats, prepare appetizer and salad, coach other in job skill

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of hotel academy Diploma/Bachelor


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Professional CompetenciesAble to design menus and meals to meet specific market requirement and specific dietary or cultural need, establish and maintain quality control in food productions, recruit and select staff, monitor staff performance standards, use oral English to convey a complex exchange of ideas, read and write in English at an advanced level

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienist, good looking

Education & Other CertificationGraduate of hotel academy Diploma/Bachelor

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Professional CompetenciesAble to establish and maintain a safe and secure workplace, manage the effective use of human resources, quality customer/guest services, financial performance within a budget, stock purchases and inventories, legal requirements for business compliance, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of training outcomes, plan and establish systems and procedures, plan and conduct an evacuation of premises.

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, courteous to guests, strong & good communication skills, neat, and polite

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program


Fo Manager

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Fo SuperviSor

Professional CompetenciesAble to provide accommodation services, maintain a paper-based filing and retrieval system, guest financial records, financial standards and records, receive and process reservation system, process a financial transaction for services rendered, transactions for purchase of goods or services, monitor routine workplace operations, conduct a night audit.

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, courteous to guests, good communication skills, neat, and polite

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program

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Professional CompetenciesAble to provide accommodation services, receives and process reservations, process a financial transaction for services rendered, maintain a paper based filling and retrieval system, guests’ financial records, prepare routine financial statements

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, good communication skills, neat, polite, good looking

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program

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Professional CompetenciesAble to receive and process reservations, handling room key to the customers, informing them the scope of their reservations including meal, activity and other endeavors, making restaurant, parking slot, activity reservations for the guests, confirming reservations for the guests, recording the occupied and available rooms in the computer files

Personal Qualitiespleasing personality, know how to communicate with different customers

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate a (PABX) switchboard, receive and place in-coming phone calls, facilitate out-going phone calls, provide information about in-house services, international (IDD) service information.

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, good communication skills, neat, polite, good looking

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program





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Professional CompetenciesAble to process financial transactions, maintain financial records, financial manage within budget

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, must have good communication skills, neat, polite, good looking

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program

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Professional CompetenciesAble to provide bell boy/porter service, a lost and found facility, escort, carry and store valuable items

Personal QualitiesFriendly, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, must have good communication skills, neat, polite, good looking

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program


Bell Boy

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Professional CompetenciesAble to greet and register guests, provide porter services, able to coordinate with the concierge in hotel

Personal QualitiesFriendly, neat, polite, good looking

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program

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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage physical assets and infrastructure, prepare, manage and monitor operational budgets, manage stock purchases and infrastructure, recruit and select staff, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of training outcomes, acces and retrieve computer-based data, start conversations and develop good relations with guest

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, courteous to guests, must have good communication skills

Education & Other CertificationDiploma III and IV graduate, completed training program




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Professional CompetenciesAble to establish and maintain a safe and secure workplace, manage, monitor and control quality customer/guest services, workplace relations, operations and diversity, roster staff, conduct a staff performance standards and assessment process.

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, must have good communication skills

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program

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Professional CompetenciesAble to receive and securely store in-coming goods, deliver training sessions, coach others in job skills, conduct training for a small group, perform basic first aid procedures.

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, must have good communication skills

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program



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Professional CompetenciesAble to provide housekeeping services to guests, clean and prepare rooms for incoming guests, provide a lost and found facility, develop and update local knowledge.

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, must have good communication skills

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program

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Professional CompetenciesAble to establish and maintain a safe and secure workplace, manage quality customer/guest services, stock purchases and inventories, legal requirements for business compliance, prepare and monitor operational budgets.

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, must have good communication skills

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program



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Professional CompetenciesAre able to wash and to the the dry cleaning, collect dirty clothes, beddings and prepare for washing, separate the colored from white ones, put marks or place in each containers according to owners to avoid misplacements, iron and fold dried clothes and deploy to the designated rooms or areas, assist customers with their laundry problem, clean and maintain industrial work area and equipment, provide a lost and found facility.

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienic,hard working

Education & Other CertificationAt least High School graduate with 2-5 years experience as a laundry attendant

5 - 2

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Professional CompetenciesAble to provide housekeeping service to guest, clean public areas, facilities and equipment, provide a lost and found facility, clean and maintain industrial work and equipment

Personal QualitiesNeat, polite, friendly, hygienic,hard working

Education & Other CertificationDiploma II and III graduate, completed training program


puBlic area cleaner

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tour Manager

Professional CompetenciesAble to manage tour both inbound and outbound, manage the operation of tours and travel agency and airlines

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, must have good communication skills, neat, polite, good looking

Education & Other CertificationVocational Training/ Education Program Diploma IV Graduate, Bachelor in Tourism Destination (S1)


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Professional CompetenciesAble to lead, inform and manage a group of tourist both inbound and outbound

Personal QualitiesFriendly, leadership skills, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, must have good communication skills, neat, polite, good looking

Education & Other CertificationVocational Training/ Education Program Diploma IV Graduate, Bachelor in Tourism Destination (S1)


tour guiDe/tour leaDer


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DocuMent StaFF

Professional CompetenciesAble to handle the administration of outbound; implement ad-ministrative procedures; collect and present information; prepare plan and manage business documents and meetings; receive and store goods; supervise and order goods; plan and establish systems and procedures, manage and evaluate projects.

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, must have good communication skills, neat, polite, good looking, accurate

Education & Other CertificationVocational Training/ Education Program Diploma III and IV Graduate.

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Professional CompetenciesAble to prepare the administration of tour, handle reservation tour of taylor made tour and ready made tour, operate reservation computer system.

Personal QualitiesFriendly, strong attention to detail, leadership skills, work quickly and efficiently, must be courteous to guests, must have good communication skills, neat, polite, good looking.

Education & Other CertificationVocational Training/ Education Program Diploma III Graduate,


reServation StaFF

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Indonesian workers of health care are well known for their friendliness apart from their professional quality. They provide excellent services upon infant and children, elder people, as well as handicap people. They come with various qualifications, from diploma to master degree with intensive training. So far, our health care workforce have been sent to various countries such as, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, The United Arab Emir-ates, Qatar, Kuwait, Canada, France, Netherland, German and United Kingdom.

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Baby Sitter

Care Giver/ Elderly Sitter



Rontgen Operator

Professional Nurse

Vocational Nurse








Health Care

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Professional CompetenciesAble to know the basic understanding of the stages of child’s de-velopment and behaviour, the basic understanding of needed-nutrition, basic techniques of feeding, dressing, diapering, bathing, and playing with younger & older children, and how to act in an emergency.

Personal Qualitiesmature, honest, patience, naturally love children, love to teach, hardworking, loyal, care, hygienist

Education & Other CertificationCertificate in Nursery Governess

BaBy Sitter

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Professional CompetenciesAble to know the basic understanding of the stages of aged people’s development and behaviour, the basic understanding of needed nutrition, the basic techniques of feeding, dressing, diapering, bathing, and accompanying aged people and how to act in an emergency.

Personal Qualitiesmature, honest, patience, naturally love aged people, love to teach, hardworking, loyal, care, hygienist

Education & Other CertificationCertificate in Nursery Governess

care giver/elDerly Sitter

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Professional CompetenciesAble to plan food and nutrition programs, and supervise the preparation and serving of meals; help prevent and treat illnesses by promoting healthy eating habits and suggesting diet modifications; promote sound eating habits through education, and conduct research.

Personal Qualitiesneat, hygienist, mature, patience, helpful, friendly, handy,hardworking, loyal, care

Education & Other CertificationDiploma Degree in Nutrition


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Professional CompetenciesAble to provide advice, care and support for women, their partners and families before, during and after childbirth; help women make their own decisions about the care and ser-vices they access; personally responsible for the health of both mother and child; provide health education and parenting support.

Personal Qualitiesneat, hygienist, mature, patience, helpful, friendly, handy,hardworking, loyal, care

Education & Other CertificationDiploma or Bachelor Degree in Midwifery


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Professional CompetenciesAble to provide advice, care and support for physical examination, collect data from clients, wound care, decision in nursing diagnosis, nursing intervention, nursing process evaluation, emergency nursing, nosokomial infection prevention, health education for client and family Personal Qualitiesneat, hygienist, mature, patience, helpful, friendly, handy,hardworking, loyal, care

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Nursing

proFeSSionalnurSe nosokomial

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Professional CompetenciesAble to perform diagnostic imaging examination as physicians’ order, prepare patients for examinations by ex-plaining the procedures, removing jewelry and other articles, and positioning patients, so that the part of the body can be appropriately radiographed, keep and adjust patient’ record and maintain equipment.

Personal Qualitiesneat, hygienist, mature, patience, helpful, friendly, handy,hardworking, loyal, care

Education & Other CertificationDiploma Degree in Radiodiagnostic and Radiotheraphy


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Professional CompetenciesAble to observe patients’ physical (weight, height, temperatures, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure); help patients get in/ out of bed , walk, eat, dress, bathe, pee on bed, apply compress, serve meals, answer patients’ need, escort patients to operating and examining rooms; maintain medicines intake, set up sterilled equipment

Personal Qualitiesneat, hygienist, mature, patience, helpful, friendly, handy,hardworking, loyal, care

Education & Other CertificationDiploma Degree in Nursing

vocational nurSe

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Indonesian workers of construction are well known for their technical expertise,hard-working, high work ethic, discipline, dedication, loyaliness, and friendliness.Their lack of problems they bring to the workplace make Indonesian workers sought after by foreigner employers. So far, our construction workforce have been sent to various countries such as, The United Arab Emirates, Libya, Aljazair, Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam

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Building Construction

Carpenter Foreman

General Building Worker

Stone Mason Foreman


Bridge Construction Engineer

Civil Engineering Draftsman

Cost Estimator Engineer

Dam Construction Engineer

Road & Bridge Surveying Technician

Road Asphalt Worker

Road Construction Engineer

Road Pavement Foreman

Steed Rods Workers

Tunnel Construction Engineer


Intermediate Electrical Circuitry Installer

Electrical Technician


















Arc Welder

Asphalt Mixing Plant Operator

Bituman Sprayer Operator

Bulldozer Operator

Excavator Operator

Forklift Operator

Heavy Equipment Mechanic

Mechanical Drafter & Designer

Motor Grader Operator

Tower Crane Operator

Wheel Crane Operator

Wheel Loader Operator

Wood Machine Operator















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Professional CompetenciesAble to direct building operation by coordinating, directing, supervising, and responsible for building operation, preservation, and maintenance activities based in work contract agreement, system and operational procedure, laws in building construction, and company’s policies.

Personal QualitiesFluent in English (written and oral), creative, innovative, communicative and having a leadership skill, honest and trustworthy.

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Engineering or equivalent, hold a certificate in chief engineering or chief planning & quality assurance




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Professional CompetenciesAble to execute construction work of wood double roof (easel), cushion, window and door, including plafond, wood wall and floor according to job picture/ detail drawing.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduate or equivalent with special training in the subject matter.



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Professional CompetenciesAble to carry out building construction, concrete foundry, brick intalling of office, apartment, segment house, hotel and factory, and other construction works such as damaged electric knob, etc.also able to build partition walls as well as to repair minor or significant damages using simple equipment.

Personal QualitiesFluent in English (written and oral), creative, innovative, communicative and having a leadership skill, honest and trustworthy.

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Engineering or equivalent, hold a certificate in chief engineering or chief planning & quality assurance



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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage construction work of stone, multiply and brick, plaster, broadcast according to job picture/ detail drawing

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationCivil of vocational/ technical high school.


Stone MaSonForeMan

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Professional CompetenciesAble to carry out all activities, give direction to technicians, foremen and workers in implementing stages of bridge construction works activities based on implementation method, technical drawings and specifications.

Personal QualitiesFluent in English (written and oral), creative, innovative, communicative and having a leadership skill, honest and trustworthy.

Education & Other CertificationDiploma, Bachelor Degree in Engineering.




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Professional CompetenciesAble to preparing work draft based on sketch and specification done by the architect or technician, preparing detailed work plan and drawing based on sketch and specification done by the civil engineer, examining the sketch done by the technician, calculate plan adjustment; prepare implementation and drawing details accuracy.

Personal Qualitiesattention to detail, ability to work with others, desire to think creatively, capabilities of overcoming problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile

Education & Other CertificationSenior High School Graduate or equivalent with special training in the subject matter.



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Professional CompetenciesAble to interpret construction drawings and specifications; prepare quantity take-offs; prepare estimates for the project, monitor and record project costs and schedule application charts to track cost; maintain change order records; help analyze tenders and auctions as well as the process of determining the winner; assist in planning, making graphics, making work schedules, and projected cost of activity.

Personal QualitiesAttention to detail, capabilities of overcoming problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Civil Engineering, and hold a competency certificate as cost estimator engineer



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Professional CompetenciesAble to carry out dam construction based on drawings, Contract Quality Plan (RMK) and contract documents.

Personal QualitiesAttention to detail, ability to work with others, desire to think creatively, capabilities of overcoming problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Civil or Irrigation Engineering.

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roaD & BriDgeSurveyingtecHnician

Professional CompetenciesAble to carry out measuring, data processing, and data presenting in the form of situation map in certain scale, and staking out based on the work drawing as well as work implementation monitoring.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school in mathematical and natural sciences, technical high school majoring in building or geodesy, or Bachelor Degree in Geodesy.

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roaD aSpHaltWorker

Professional CompetenciesAble to carry out hot asphalt work in the areas that can’t be reached by asphalt pavers, final tidying after coating by asphalt pavers, as well as road maintenance.

Personal QualitiesAttention to detail, capabilities of overcoming problems with innovative solutions, hardworking.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school or equivalent, hold a competency certificate as asphalt worker.

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Professional CompetenciesAble to carry out all activities, give direction to technicians, fore-men, and workers in implementing stages of road construction of works activities based on implementation method, technical drawings, and specifications.

Personal QualitiesAttention to detail, capabilities of overcoming problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile..

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Civil Engineering or Master in Road Engineering

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Professional CompetenciesAble to carry out road pavement works comprising foundation layers as well as surface layers works.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior Vocational High School majoring in Civil Engineering or Technical High School majoring in Building, hold an Indonesian National Labor Competency Certificate on the similar subject.

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Steel roDSWorkerS

Professional CompetenciesAble to repairing, coordinating, and check concrete restating work.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduate or equivalent and hold a certificate of competency as concrete restating work.

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Professional CompetenciesAble to direct technicians, foremen, and workers in tunnel construction works based on work methods, drawings, and technical specification.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationDiploma, Bachelor Degree, majoring in Civil Engineering or Geology.

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electrical circuitryinStaller

Professional CompetenciesAble to repair electric installation; maintain and repair electrical circuitry; oil circuit switcher and breaker, recloser voltage regula-tor, load break switch and capacity bank at the petroleum well and industry sites, cleaning and take care of transformer guard houses, ring bus, substation, switching station, install grounding system and safety.

Personal QualitiesAttention to detail, ability to work with others, creative, ability to overcome problems with innovative solutions, hardworking.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school or passed the basic level electrical circuitry installer

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Professional CompetenciesAble to install, repair, operate and maintain the electronic equipment and system.

Personal QualitiesAttention to detail, ability to overcome problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationDiploma III and IV in the same field.

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arc WelDer

Professional CompetenciesAble to weld parts using hand tool that release heat of arc place objects to be weld on position, prepare the surface that need to be weld, lining electrode as long as weld line to put metal and electrode and melt together with worked object.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, creative, ability to overcome problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduates or equivalent; completed training program on Welding.

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aSpHaltMixing plant


Professional CompetenciesAble to operate asphalt mixer machine in the plant operation to produce hot mix asphalt.

Personal QualitiesStrength, ability to work with others, hardworking

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduate, and hold competency certificate as a asphalt mixing plant operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate Bitumen Sprayer Machine to produce asphalt layer with certain thickness at determine work area.

Personal QualitiesStrength, ability to work with others, hardworking

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduate or equivalent; completed training program on bitumen sprayer machine.

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate bulldozer correctly and safely, carry out daily maintenance based on maintenance guidelines and submit operation progress report.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationnSenior high school graduate, and hold competency certificate as a bulldozer operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate excavator correctly and safely, carry out daily maintenance based on maintenance guidelines and submit operation progress report.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationnSenior high school graduate, and hold competency certificate as a excavator operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate Forklift correctly and safely, execute daily maintenance according to the maintenance guidance and make a report.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduate, and hold competency certificate as a forklift operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to execute daily maintainance, analyze damage and re-pait the heavy equipment according to the guidance.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduate or equivalent, and hold a certificate in heavy equipment.

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MecHanicalDraFter &DeSigner

Professional CompetenciesSkillful and competent in industrial tasks related to industrial and mechanical drafting and design, competent in using Mechanical Desktop, Pro Engineering, Art CAM, and AutoCAD Software, etc.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, creative, ability to overcome problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationDiploma Degree in Civil Engineering.

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Professional CompetenciesAble to carry out motor grader daily maintenance and operation correctly and safely based on maintenance and operation guidelines as well as submit operation and safety work reports.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, creative, ability to overcome problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduate, and hold competency certificate as a motor grader operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate tower crane correctly and safely, carry out daily maintenance guidelines and submit progress reports.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, creative, ability to overcome problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduate, and hold competency certificate as a tower crane operator


toWer craneoperator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate wheel crane correctly and safely, carry out daily maintenance based on maintenance guidelines and submit operation reports.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, creative, ability to overcome problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduate, and hold competency certificate as a wheel crane operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate wheel loader correctly and safely, carry out daily maintenance based on maintenance guidelines and submit operation reports.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, creative, ability to overcome problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduate, and hold competency certificate as a wheel loader operator




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Professional CompetenciesAble to operator wood machine correctly and safely, carry out daily maintenance based on maintenance guidelines and submit operation reports.

Personal QualitiesStrength, attention to detail, ability to work with others, creative, ability to overcome problems with innovative solutions, hardworking, handy/agile.

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduate, and hold competency certificate as a wood machine operator

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As one of the biggest oil and gas production countries, Indonesia is proudly introduce the best workforce in oil and gas industry. Most of University offer programmes that closely meet the industrial need and in obtaining recognition as an expert, they need to hold an Indonesian National Work Competencies Standard Certification. Our construction workforce have been sent to various countries such as, The United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Spain, Scandinavian countries, Australia, USA, and Asian countries.

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Chief Engineer

Civil Drafter

Civil Designer

Civil Engineer

Document Control and

Filing System

Electrical Designer

Electrical Drafter

Electrical Technician

Electrical Engineer

Engineering Manager

Instrument & Control Designer

Instrument & Control Drafter

Instrument & Control Engineer

Instrument Technician


Mechanical Engineer

Pipe Fitter

Pipeline Designer

Pipeline Drafter

Pipeline Engineer





















Pipeline Inspector

Piping Designer

Piping Drafter

Piping Engineer

Piping Inspector

Planning and Scheduling

Process Engineer

Procurement Manager

Project Manager

QA/QC Engineer (Piping, Instrument,

Electrical, Civil Structure)

SHE (Safety, Health and

Environment) Engineer

Structure Designer

Structure Drafter

Structure Engineer

Welder Great 6
















Oil & Gas Sector

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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage engineers in all disciplines, familiar with Engineering Plant Design.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 15 years in Engineering and Plant Design, Strong management and Engineering Plant Design, Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationMechanical Engineer and has Project Management Certificate and Piping Expert Certificate

cHieF engineer

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Civil Engineering Drafting and familiar with Civil software drafting.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in Civil Engineering Drafting, Civil drafting.

Education & Other CertificationSenior High School and Civil skill Drafting Certificate

civil DraFter

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Civil Engineering and familiar with Civil software.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Civil Engineering, Civil and drafting, Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationSenior High School Graduate and Civil skill Certificate

civil DeSigner

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Civil Engineering and familiar with Civil software.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Civil Engineering, Civil Technology and drafting, Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationCivil Engineer and has Civil Expert Certificate

civil engineer

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with document control and project filing system; Able and familiar with document control and filing system work.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in project document control and filing system

Education & Other CertificationDiploma D3 or Engineer and has Document Control and Filing expert Certificate

DocuMent control anD Filing SySteM

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Electrical Engineering, able and familiar with Electrical drafting

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Technology And Drafting and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationSenior High School and has Electrical Skill Certificate

electrical DeSigner

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Electrical Engineering Drafting, able and familiar with Electrical drafting

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in Electrical Engineering Drafting, Electrical Drafting.

Education & Other CertificationSenior High School Graduate and has Electrical Skill Drafting Certificate

electrical DraFter

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Professional CompetenciesFamiliar with Electrical Installation Drawing. Familiar to install, to maintain and to set electrical devices.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in Electrical Technician.

Education & Other CertificationElectrical or Physic Technical High School or Senior high school.

electrical tecHnician

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Electrical Engineering, able and familiar with Electrical technology and drafting

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Technology And Drafting and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationElectrical Engineer and has Electrical Expert Certificate

electrical engineer

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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage engineers in all disciplines, familiar with Engineering Plant Design.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 10 years in Engineering and Plant Design, Strong management and Engineering Plant Design, Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationMechanical Engineer or Electrical and has Project Management Certificate and Piping, Mechanical or Electrical Expert Certificate

engineering Manager

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Professional CompetenciesFamiliar with Piping Engineering & Plant Design. Familiar with instrument and control design and drawing (hoke up drawing).

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Piping Engineering and Plant Design, Instrument And Control Design.Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationElectrical or Physic Technical or Senior high school.

inStruMent & control DeSigner

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Professional CompetenciesFamiliar with Piping Engineering & Plant Design Instrument and Control Drawing. Familiar with instrument and control drawing.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in Piping Engineering and Plant Design, Instrument And Control Drafting.

Education & Other CertificationElectrical or Physic Technical or Senior high school, Instrument Drafting Certificate

inStruMent & control


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Professional CompetenciesFamiliar with Piping Engineering & Plant Design. Familiar with instrument and control system.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Piping Engineering and Plant Design, Instrument And Control SystemProfessional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationElectrical or Physic Technical and has an Instrument and Control Expert Certificate

inStruMent & control engineer

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Professional CompetenciesFamiliar with Instrument and Control Installation Drawing. Familiar to install, to maintain and to set instrument devices.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in Instrument And Control Technician.

Education & Other CertificationElectrical or Physic Technical High School or Senior high school.

inStruMent tecHnician

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Professional CompetenciesFamiliar with Mechanical Installation Drawing. Familiar to install, to maintain and to set mechanical devices.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in Mechanic.

Education & Other CertificationMechanical Technical High School or Senior high school.


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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Piping Engineering and Plant Design, able and familiar with Mechanical technology and drafting

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Piping Engineering and Plant Design & Mechanical Technology And Drafting and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationMechanical Engineer and has Mechanical Expert Certificate

MecHanical engineer

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with piping construction Drawings and familiar with pipe fitter calculation and measurement.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in Pipe Fitter Work onshore or offshore.

Education & Other CertificationSenior High School Graduate and has Pipe Fitter Skill Certificate

pipe Fitter tecHnician

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Pipeline Engineering, able and familiar with pipeline design and pipeline element sheet.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Pipeline Engineering, Pipeline Design And Drafting and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association. Familiar with pipeline drawing software and min. Auto CAD or PDS or PDMS

Education & Other CertificationJunior High School and has Pipeline Skill Certificate

pipeline DeSigner

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Pipeline Engineering Drafting, able and familiar with pipeline element sheet drawing.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in Pipeline Engineering Drafting, Pipeline Design And Drafting. Familiar with pipeline drawing software and min. Auto CAD or PDS or PDMS or pipeline drafting software.

Education & Other CertificationJunior High School and pipeline drafter skill certificate.

pipeline DraFter

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with onshore and offshore Pipeline Engineering, able and familiar with pipeline technology and drafting

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in onshore and offshore Pipeline Engineering, Pipeline Technology And Drafting and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationMechanical Engineer and has Project Piping and Pipeline Expert Certificate

pipeline engineer

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Pipeline Engineering Drawing, able and familiar with pipeline design and pipeline element sheet

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Pipeline Inspection, Pipeline Design And Drafting and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationJunior High School and has Pipeline Inspector Skill Certificate

pipeline inSpector

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Piping Engineering and Plant Design, able and familiar with piping design and drafting

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Piping Engineering and Plant Design, Piping Design And Drafting and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association. Familiar with piping drawing software and min. Auto CAD or PDS or PDMS

Education & Other CertificationJunior High School and has Piping Skill Certificate


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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Piping Engineering and Plant Design Drafting, able and familiar with piping drafting software.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in Piping Engineering and Plant Design Drafting, Piping Drafting. Familiar with piping drawing software and min. Auto CAD or PDS or PDMS

Education & Other CertificationJunior High School and has Piping Skill Drafter Certificate


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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Piping Engineering and Plant Design, able and familiar with piping technology and drafting

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Piping Engineering and Plant Design, Piping Technology And Drafting and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationMechanical Engineer and has Project Piping Expert Certificate


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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Piping Engineering and Plant Design, able and familiar with piping design and drafting and inspection work.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Piping Inspection, Piping Design And Drafting and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationJunior High School and has Piping Inspector Skill Certificate

piping inSpector

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with project planning and scheduling; Able and familiar with planning and scheduling software

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in project planning and scheduling and familiar with planning and scheduling software

Education & Other CertificationDiploma D3 or Engineer and has Planning and scheduling expert Certificate

planning anD ScHeDuling

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Professional CompetenciesFamiliar with Process Engineering Plant Design. Software like Hysis,

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in Engineering and Plant Design, Strong in process of Engineering Plant Design, Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationGas, Petrochemical Technical Chemical and has a Process Expert Certificate

proceSS engineer

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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage procurement and buyers, familiar with Procurement policy and procedure

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 10 years in Procurement,Strong management and procurement, Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationEconomic, Electrical or Mechanical Engineer and has Project Management Certificate

procureMent Manager

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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage engineering, procurement and construction, familiar with Project Plants.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 10 years in EPC. Project Plant, Strong management and Engineering, Procurement and Construction Plants, Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationMechanical, Electrical Engineer and has Project Management Certificate

project Manager

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with QA/QC procedure and familiar with QA/QC inspection and survey of materials and equipments.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in QA/QC for Engineering, Procurement And Construction, Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationDiscipline Engineers and has QS Certificate

qa/qc engineer (piping,

inStruMent, electrical, civil


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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with SHE policy & procedure

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in SHE for Engineering, Procurement And Construction, Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationDiscipline Engineers and has SHE Expert Certificate

SHe (SaFety, HealtH anD

environMent) engineer

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Structure Engineering and familiar with structure software onshore and offshore work to include pipe support.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Structure Engineering, Structure drafting, Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationSr.High School and has Civil Structure Skill Certificate


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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Structure Engineering Drafting and familiar with structure software drafting onshore and offshore work to include pipe support.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 5 years in Structure Engineering Drafting, Structure drafting.

Education & Other CertificationSenior High School and has Civil Structure Skill Drafting Certificate

Structure DraFter

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Structure Engineering and familiar with structure software onshore and offshore work to include pipe support.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in Structure Engineering, Structure Technology and drafting, Professional and member of Indonesian Professional Engineer Association.

Education & Other CertificationCivil Engineer and has Civil Structure Expert Certificate

Structure engineer

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Professional CompetenciesAble and familiar with Welding Pipe, plat and plant equipments.

Personal QualitiesExperiences more than 8 years in welding work for piping, plate, beam and plant equipments.

Education & Other CertificationJunior High School and has Welder Skill Certificate

WelDergraDe 6

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Indonesian workers of Information Technology are well known for their creativity, strong visual sense and computer skills, confidence, attention to details, excellent teamworking, disclipines and pleasant personality.IT professionals perform in numerous functions, such as: installing applications to design complex computer networks, information databases, data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design; as well as executing management and administration of entire systems. Information technology is starting to expand beyond conventional personal computer and network technology, and other technologies such as the use of cell phones, televisions, automobiles, and more, which is increasing the demand for such jobs.

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Computer and Information Systems


Computer Graphic Specialist

Computer Hardware Engineers

Computer Network Specialist

Computer Programmers

Computer Science Teachers,


Computer Security Specialists

Computer Software Engineers,


Computer Software Engineers,

Systems Software

Computer Support Specialists

Computer Systems Analysts

Computer Technician

(hardware and network)

Database Administrators














Database Engineer & Programmer

Information System Design

Information Technology Project


IT Enterpreneur

Network and Computer Systems


Network Systems and Data

Communications Analysts

Program Analyst

R&D Engineer

Software Developer

System Analyst

System Engineer

System Support Engineer

Web Administrators

Web Designer & Programmer

Web Developer

Information Technology143















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Professional CompetenciesAble to review project plans and coordinate project activity; able to manage backup, security and user help systems Develop and interpret organizational goals, policies, and procedures; develop computer information resources, provide data security and control, strategic computing, and disaster recovery Consult with users, management, vendors, and technicians; provide users with technical support for computer problems.

Personal QualitiesDependability, Integrity, Adaptability/Flexibility, Attention to Detail, Cooperation, Analytical Thinking, Independence, Leadership, Concern for Others, Initiative

Education & Other CertificationSenior high school graduates; completed training program on Welding.

coMputer anD inForMation

SySteMS ManagerS

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Professional CompetenciesHave knowledge of software engineering and computing; intelligent system, database technology and data mining; distributed computer network system; able to use computer graphics and image processing; program management of mobile devices; multimedia programming; able to grasp client needs and consider practical solutions

Personal QualitiesCreative flair, A strong visual sense, Originality, Strong computer skills, Confidence, pay attention to detail, Good teamworking skills

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science

coMputer grapHic


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Professional CompetenciesAble to Research, design, develop, and test computer or computer-related; Provide technical support throughout the product development and implementation process; Test and verify hardware and support peripherals to ensure the specifications and requirements; Monitor functioning of equipment; Analyze information, Build, test, and modify product prototypes

Personal QualitiesAttention to Detail, Integrity, Dependability, Adaptability/Flexibility, Analytical Thinking, Cooperation, Independence, Persistence

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering

coMputer HarDWare engineerS

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Professional CompetenciesAble to Make sure that the computer hardware and network infrastructure for an IT organization is properly maintained; rolling out new software installs, maintaining the disk images for new computer installs, the standards for server installations and applications, and monitoring the performance of the network, checking for security breaches, poor data management practices

Personal QualitiesStrong computer skills, Good teamworking skills, Strong service orientation with excellent communications skills for understanding technical problems and clearly explaining solutions, Effective time management and personal organization skills

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science

coMputer netWork SpecialiSt

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Professional CompetenciesAble to design, and apply the language programming on desktop of computer and in internet, responsible for applying technology and database design

Personal QualitiesAnalytical Thinking, Attention to Detail, Initiative, Achievement/ Effort, Cooperation, Adaptability/Flexibility, Persistence, Dependability, Independence Creative, innovative, communicative, honest, trustworthy

Education & Other CertificationDiploma in Informatics Management, hold a certificate in Oracle and Forensic Security

coMputer prograMMerS

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Professional CompetenciesAble to evaluate and grade students’ class work, laboratory work, assignments, and papers; Maintain student attendance records, grades, and other required records; Prepare and deliver lectures to undergraduate or graduate students on topics such as programming, data structures, and software design; Supervise students’ laboratory work

Personal QualitiesDependability, Integrity, Analytical Thinking, Self Control, Initiative, Attention to Detail, Independence, Persistence, Adaptability/ Flexibility, Concern for Others, patien

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering

coMputer Science

teacHerS, poSt-SeconDary

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Professional CompetenciesAble to encrypt data transmissions and erect firewalls to conceal confidential information; Develop plans to safeguard against accidental destruction/ disclosure; Review violations of computer security; Monitor use of data files and regulate access to safeguard information; Monitor current computer viruses; Modify computer security files; Perform risk assessments and execute tests of data processing system and promote security awareness to ensure system security and to improve server and network efficiency

Personal QualitiesIntegrity, Analytical Thinking, Initiative, Dependability, Attention to Detail, Persistence, Self Control, Adaptability/Flexibility, Cooperation

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science

coMputer Security


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Professional CompetenciesAble to modify existing software to correct errors, adapt to new hardware, or improve performance; Develop and direct software system testing and validate procedures, programming, and documentation; Confer with systems analysts, engineers, programmers etc. to design system and obtain information on a project; Design, develop and modify software systems using scientific analysis and mathematical models; Supervise the work of programmers, technologists and technicians and other personnel.

Personal QualitiesAnalytical, Thinking, Attention to Detail, Dependability, Innovation, Cooperative, Leadership, Persistence, Initiative

Education & Other CertificationBachelor’s degree in Computer and Information Sciences or Computer Engineering Technologies/Technicians

coMputer SoFtWare engineerS,


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Professional CompetenciesAble to modify existing software, correct errors, adapt to new hardware, upgrade interfaces and improve performance; Analyze information to determine, recommend and plan installation of a new or modified system; Direct software programming and develop documentation; Store, retrieve, and manipulate data for analysis of system capabilities and requirements; Coordinate installation of software system; Prepare reports concerning project

Personal QualitiesAttention to Detail, Analytical Thinking, Independence, Initiative, Achievement/Effort, Persistence, Cooperation, Dependability, Adaptability/Flexibility

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering

coMputer SoFtWare engineerS,

SySteMS SoFtWare

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Professional CompetenciesAble to oversee the daily performance of computer systems; Enter commands and observe system functioning to verify correct operations and detect errors; Set up equipment, performing or ensuring proper installation; Install and perform minor repairs; Maintain records of daily data communication; conduct computer diagnostics to investigate and resolve problems; Develop training materials and procedures to establish requirements for new systems or modifications.

Personal QualitiesDependability, Attention to Detail, Cooperation, Analytical Thinking, Integrity, Initiative, Persistence, adaptability/Flexibility, Achievement/Effort

Education & Other CertificationBachelor’s degree in Computer Science

coMputer Support


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Professional CompetenciesAble to expand or modify system; Test, maintain, and monitor computer programs and systems, including coordinating the installation of computer programs and systems; Develop, document and revise system design procedures, test procedures, and quality standards; Review and analyze computer printouts and performance indicators; Coordinate and link the computer systems within an organization; Determine computer software or hardware needed to set up or alter system.

Personal QualitiesDiscipline and self motivation Attention to Detail, Analytical Thinking, Dependability, Integrity, Adaptability/Flexibility, Innovation, Cooperation, Initiative

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science or Information System

coMputer SySteMS


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Professional CompetenciesAble to build or configure new hardware, installing and updating software packages, and creating and maintaining computer networks; Have knowledge of networking and telecommunications, automation and robotic devices, digital systems, computer systems management, mobile technology system

Personal QualitiesStrong computer skills, Good teamworking skills, Strong service orientation, Effective time management and personal organization skills

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Engineering

coMputer tecHnician

(HarDWare anD netWork)

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Professional CompetenciesAble to test programs or databases, correct errors and make modifications; Modify existing databases and its management systems, programmers and analysts; Plan, coordinate and implement security measures to safeguard information; Write and code logical and physical database descriptions and specify identifiers of database; Approve, schedule, plan, and supervise the installation and testing of new products and improvements to computer systems

Personal QualitiesStrong computer skills, Good teamworking, Planning and organisational skills, Good communication skills, Attention to Detail, Integrity, Analytical Thinking, Initiative, Persistence, Innovation, Achievement/Effort

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science

DataBaSe aDMiniStra-


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Professional CompetenciesHave knowledge of information systems design and development, database engineering; Strong knowledge of web design; Having knowledge in designing and operating the computer network

Personal QualitiesStrong computer skills, Good teamworking skills, Planning and organisational skills, Good communication skills.

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Information System

DataBaSe engineer &


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Professional CompetenciesAble to describe how analysts and designers view system requirements from different perspectives; Explain the function of infrastructure and administration components in a real information processing system; Explain analysts and designers view the boundary between analysis and design differently; Describe the principal subsystems into which a computer information system is partitioned.

Personal QualitiesStrong computer skills, Proactive, problem solving mentality, Strong communications skills, team work, Discipline and self motivation, Project management capabilities

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Information System

inForMation SySteM DeSign

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Professional CompetenciesAble to develop and manage work breakdown structure (WBS) of information technology projects; update project plans; Manage project execution; Prepare project status reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing information and trends; Assign duties, responsibilities, and spans of authority to project personnel; Coordinate recruitment or selection of project personnel; Develop and manage annual budgets; Develop implementation plans that include analyses such as cost-benefit or return on investment (ROI);

Personal QualitiesStrong computer skills, Good communicator, Competence, Ability to delegate tasks, Team building skills, Problem solving skills

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science

inForMation tecHnology

project ManagerS

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Professional CompetenciesAble to plan, implement, configure and maintain information technology infrastructure within the organization

Personal QualitiesStrong computer skills, Strong belief in themselves, Search for new ideas and innovation, Openness to change, Competitive by nature, Highly motivated and energetic, Accepting of constructive criticism and rejection

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Information System

it enterpreneur

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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage a small and big network administration and responsible for building operation, preservation, and maintenance activities based in work contract agreement, system and operational procedure, laws in building construction, and companies policies.

Personal QualitiesStrong computer skills, Have good organisational skills, logical, work accurately, analytical, good communication and people skills

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Engineering, Computer System, hold a certificate in Cisco and Forensic Security

netWork anD coMputer

SySteMS aDMiniStra-


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Professional CompetenciesAble to analyze, design, test, and evaluate network systems; Perform network modeling, analysis, and planning; Maintain and back up files on the network server; Test and evaluate hardware and software; Design and implement systems, network configurations and network architecture; Monitor system performance and provide security measures, troubleshooting and maintenance; Identify upgraded equipment such as modems, fiber optic cables, and telephone wires;

Personal QualitiesAttention to Detail, Integrity, Dependability, Adaptability/Flexibility, Analytical Thinking, Cooperation, Independence, Persistence

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science

netWork SySteMS

anD Data coMMunicationS


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Professional CompetenciesAble to analyzes corporate programs to assist in the development of more efficient systems, reducing costs, improving programs or implementing new programs

Personal Qualitiesstrong analytical, problem-solving and computer skills, as well as attention to detail, Communication skills, Computer/IT experience, Discipline and self motivation, Project management capabilities

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Information System

prograMMe analySt

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Professional CompetenciesHave knowledge of networking and telecommunications, automation and robotic devices, digital systems, computer systems management, mobile technology system; Responsible for planning, directing and controlling of all research,development activities leading to new or improved product; and processing, product and raw materials testing, product development and pure research

Personal QualitiesStrong computer skills, work in independently and in a structured manner, Analytical skills

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Engineering

r&D engineer

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Professional CompetenciesHave knowledge of software engineering and computing, intelligent system, database technology and data mining, distributed computer network system, computer graphics and image processing, program management of mobile devices, multimedia programming; Testing, defining, supporting acceptance testing and gathering feedback from pre-release testers; Participation in software release and post-release activities, and competitive analysis; Able to comply with the company’s standards and procedures

Personal QualitiesTeam work, Appreciate IT technology, Focused/concentrate, independent work, Good conceptual. problem solving; Good knowledge products and software

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Information System

SoFtWare Developer

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Professional CompetenciesAble to analyze, design, build, and implement an information system, responsible for basic of business management and data processing

Personal QualitiesProblem solving, Communication skills, Computer/IT experience, Discipline and self motivation, Project management capabilities

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science or Information System, hold a certificate in Oracle and Forensic Security.

SySteM analySt

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Professional CompetenciesAble to develop theoretical models; coordinate the work of many specialists; Have knowledge of networking and telecommunications, automation and robotic devices, digital systems, computer systems management, mobile technology system

Personal QualitiesStrong computer skills, Proactive, problem solving mentality, Strong communications skills, team work

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering

SySteM engineer

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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage project, configure and setup the sites, implement systems’ maintenance and administration; Respond to customer’s enquiries; Identify and resolve routine operational systems problems; Install and operate LAN, WAN and dial access services for operations;

Personal QualitiesStrong computer, communication skill, Self motivated and independent, Team player and motivator, Self managed individual

Education & Other CertificationBachelor’s Degree in Information System/ Electrical/ Electronic/ Computer Engineering/ Computer Science or its equivalent

SySteM Support engineer

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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage web environment design, deployment, development and maintenance activities; Perform testing and quality assurance of web sites and web applications; Back up or modify applications and related data; Review or update web page content or links; Monitor systems; Implement web site security measures; Administer internet/intranet infrastructure, including components such as web, file transfer protocol (FTP), news and mail servers; Test backup or recovery plans regularly and resolve any problems.

Personal QualitiesAttention to Detail, Initiative, Dependability, Analytical Thinking, Innovation, Adaptability/Flexibility, Cooperation, Persistence, Achievement/Effort, Integrity

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science

WeB aDMiniStra-


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Professional CompetenciesAble to manage project, configure and setup the sites, implement systems’ maintenance and administration; Respond to customer’s enquiries; Identify and resolve routine operational systems problems; Install and operate LAN, WAN and dial access services for operations;

Personal QualitiesAttention to Detail, Initiative, Dependability, Analytical Thinking, Innovation, Adaptability/Flexibility, Cooperation, Persistence, Achievement/Effort, Integrity

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science

WeB DeSigner & prograMMer

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Professional CompetenciesHave knowledge of software engineering and computing; intelligent system; database technology and data mining; distributed computer network system; computer graphics and image processing; program management of mobile devices; multimedia programming; Able to design and develop websites; Adept at combining design theory with design practice to create the perfect hybrid; Have skills in software programming and graphics; Keep up to date with advances in computer technology and how this affects the business environment

Personal Qualitiesproblem solving, organisational, communication skills, creative and imagination

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Degree in Computer Science

WeB Developer

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Indonesian workers are well-known as qualified, hard-working, diligent and friendly workers, which come with various qualification from operator up to management level. They have been working in many countries such as Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, most Middle-Eastern countries and some European countries.

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3D Modeller Operator

Automation Engineer

Automotive Mechanics

CAD Junior Designer

CNC Maintenance Technician

CNC Programmer

Component and Product Designer

Cosimir Robotic Operator

Electrical and Mechanical Car Engine


Electrical Mechanic

Electrical Welder

Executing Mechanics (loading and

unloading equipment)

Gas Welding Operator

Hydraulic Pneumatic Operator

Lathe Machine Operator

Machine Designer

Machinery and Tool industrial De-

signer / Tools Maker

Maintenance Automotive Foreman



















Maintenance Supervisor

Mechanic Technician

Mechanical and Electrical (ME)

Engineering (Spv)



















Mechanical fluida

Milling CNC (Computer Numerical

Controller) Operator

Milling Manual Operator

Motorcycle Electro-Mechanic


Plastic Injection Machine Operator

Programmable Logic Controller

(PLC) Operator

Press Machine Operator

Press Wheel Operator

Product and Process Analyst

Production Foreman

Production Managers

Production Supervisor

Programmer Supervisor

Scrub Manual Operator

Universal Testing Machine Operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to handle shifting schedules, set priorities, and handle multiple projects with team support; able to use three techniques such as: spline or patch modeling (best for creating hard objects with curved shapes, such as buildings, cars, and furniture), box modeling (best for creating organic models, like characters), and polymodeling (may be the most effective, precise, and advanced technique)

Personal QualitiesCreative, attention to detail, self sufficient

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Diploma Degree In Techanical

3D MoDeller operator

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Professional CompetenciesResponsible for automation and system controls’ design, specification, programming, simulation and testing, and start-up assistance

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationBachelor In Electrical, Mechanical or Computer Engineering

autoMation engineer

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Professional CompetenciesAble to maintain and replace the chain; instal, test, and improve lighting and wiring systems; install, test and improve air compressor and components, emission controls’ system, advanced cooling systems’ components, manual and automatic transmission systems, and suspension system; perform diagnosis in complex systems, automatic transmission system’s overhaul; remove the cylinder head, assessed components and assembled cylinder head; improve braking system, suspension system, ignition system, steering system, conducted overhaul petrol fuel system components, and advanced cooling system overhaul; assemble and install the following brake system components; removing, installing, and setting the wheel; dismantle, repair, and replacing tires tires in and out, motorcycle frame

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum. Diploma Degree in Automotive

autoMotive MecHanicS

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Professional CompetenciesAble to design a machine using cad and process into an objects; having knowledge of engineering and drafting principals, such as 2D and 3D projections, surface development, dimensioning, isometric, international code and standard, such as ASME, AWS, AISC, and other standards from licensee; create, design and develop arrangement lay-outs of complex major equipment such as pressure parts, non pressure parts; develop detail and shop drawings from arrangement, major assemblies, or layouts on pressure part and non pressure part items of boilers

Personal QualitiesAttention to detail, master the technique of drawing

Education & Other CertificationMinimum. Diploma Degree in Marine/Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent

caD junior DeSigner

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Professional CompetenciesAble to maintain CNC machines; repair and install renewable energy production’s machine and automation manufacturing industry; design mechatronics and maintain support station healthcare (mssh); able to solve troubleshooting; work on servo drives (AC and DC), spindle drives (AC and DC), CNC controls with hard-drives and flash memory, PLC systems and controls, changing ballscrews, drives and drive motors, clutches and spindle bearings; have knowledge in electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems; able to read and understand electrical schematics and diagrams, hydraulic schematics and diagrams, pneumatic schematics and diagrams in elementary level

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum. Diploma Degree in Techanical

cnc Maintenance


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Professional CompetenciesAble to create a design by milling CNC turning lathe; input highly-detailed instructions into a computer system that guides robotic arms and tools to perform precision machines; determine the exact dimensions of the item and decids the best means of cutting, welding, and boring raw materials; able to do the basics of programming, software functions’ introduction, and program’s transfer

Personal QualitiesAccurate, passion, dicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum. Diploma Degree in Technical

cnc prograMMer

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Professional CompetenciesAble to perform modification and evaluation of semiconductor’s devices and components; perform developmental and/or work test, product requirements’ review and logic diagrams; plan and organize projects’ design or phases, respond to customer/client’s requests or events as they occurred, develop solutions to problems, and utilize formal education and judgement; have good knowledge of logic, circuit and physical design, and verification; able to perform design’s test, look for design problem solutions, create products’ working models, and determine the best materials for a particular product

Personal QualitiesDisciplined, motivated and innovative, with a focus on quality

Education & Other CertificationBachelor in Mechanical and Civil Engineering

coMponent anD proDuct


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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate cosimir robotic, set up and operate industrial robot to drill, countersink, and counterbore metallic and nonmetallic workpieces used to manufacture aircraft parts or tools, according to specifications and pre-programmed machine control instructions: read work order and specifications to determine prescribed setup and operation

Personal QualitiesCreative, attention to detail, self sufficient

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Diploma Degree In Techanical

coSiMir roBotic operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to perform electrical and ignition control, testing, maintaining, and replacing batteries; improve instrument, warning and starter’s system, charging system repair; maintain and improve the drive system electronic control

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum. Diploma in Automotive and Machine Mechanical

electrical anD MecHanical car engine tecHnician

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Professional CompetenciesAble to fix electrical system; perform on light series/ electrical systems; maintain and improve engine management system

Personal QualitiesHard working, mature, high integrity

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Diploma in Electrical

electrical MecHanic

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate and manage electric welding equipment, electric ARC welding, TIG welding; process heating and welding two pieces of metal together using strong electric current

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum. Vocational School

electrical WelDer

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Professional CompetenciesAble to carry out maintenance/ repair machinery; have knowledge to work on hydraulic system and have skills in the electric field

Personal QualitiesDetail, disipline, self motivated person, cooperate, independent and customer oriented

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Diploma in Technical

executing MecHanicS

(loaDing anD unloaDing equipMent)

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate gas welding equipment; acytelin, oxy-fuel, gas-welding machine to weld metal parts; set up the welding level, turn regulator valves to start the flow of gases, torch’s lights, and gas mixture and pressure adjustment to obtain flame of desired size and color; turn knob to synchronize movement of torch or workpiece; feed the flux and filler with welding action; and set switch to stop machine at end of weld; record setup and operate data, reweld defected joints using hand-torch; pre-heat workpiece in furnace; lay out, fit, and tack-weld workpieces together; operate machine equipped with two or more welding torches; remove surplus flux, slag, and splatter, using wirebrush, portable grinder, and hand scraper

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard workeing and self motifaved person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum. Vocational School

gaS WelDing operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to identify components of heavy equipment’s hydraulic systems; perform maintenance of heavy equipment’s hydraulic system, repair hydraulic system components on the machine and solve problems (troubleshooting) on the heavy equipment’s hydraulic systems

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working, self motivated person, strong person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Diploma in Technical

HyDraulic pneuMatic operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate a lathe tool, machine and equipment; test graded, grooved, conical, threaded, cartels, spheres; set up and/or operate lathes to perform machine operations, such as turning, boring, threading, and facing, on metallic or non-metallic workpieces according to specifications

Personal QualitiesCommunicative, energic, responsible and result oriented, excellent inter-personal, high analytical skill, quick learner, discipline

Education & Other CertificationMinimum. Vocational School

latHe MacHine operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to design industry’s machine and tool; mold and DIS; JIG and fixture; design products and components in automotive industrial/manufacturing; analyze process and products; read and create engine drafter to achieve the level of the machine designer

Personal QualitiesAccurate, creative, dicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum. Vocational School

MacHine DeSigner

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Professional CompetenciesAble to measure and metrology design of mould & dies and jig & fixture; operate manual tool machines (bench work, turning, milling, grinding, assembling, etc.); operate the machines and computer-based tools computerized numerical control (CNC); use computerized aided design (CAD) and computerized aided manufacture (CAM)

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Bachelor Degree in Technical and Mechanical Industry

MacHinery anD tool

inDuStrial DeSigner /

toolS Maker

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Professional CompetenciesAble to supervise the personnel; identify lubricants and lubrication; mechanical and work principle’s maintenance, work principle and maintain hydraulic; introduce 3 phase of motor induction; repair and maintain all types of motor equipment, safety precaution related to work and cost of repair and replacement; diagnoze automotive equipment mechanical troubles

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working, initiative and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationBachelor or Diploma in Automotive Majoring in Industrial Technical; Mechanical; or Electrical

Maintenance autoMotive


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Professional CompetenciesAble to do preventive maintenance; explain machine parts; calculate to optimize machine; make reports and evaluation of preventive maintenance; arrange preventive maintenance schedule; familiar with hydraulic, pneumatic & PLC

Personal QualitiesProved excellent skills in analytical thinking, problem solving, and quick response

Education & Other CertificationBachelor in Technical

Maintenance SuperviSor

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Professional CompetenciesAble to ensure the implementation of periodic maintenance system; analyze the damage and make improvements in mechanical and electronic equipment; and maintain the following engine components

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Diploma in Electrical

MecHanic tecHnician

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Professional CompetenciesHave knowledge of PLC, preventive maintenance planning, machine and machine design; set, operate, and control special machines; perform diagnosis procedure, engine overhaul and assessing components, check safety/ feasibility vehicles, check tolerances and conduct appropriate testing procedures; able to read technical drawing, understand the auto cad and visio drawing; able to find power tools, measurement of electrical quantities, electrical control components, electrical diagrams and symbols reading materials, components and connecting electrical circuits

Personal QualitiesHard working, self starter, strong team player, independent, mature, high integrity, participative leadership style, flexible, multicultural type of person & adaptive to different culture

Education & Other CertificationBachelor Engineering in Mechanical, Mechatronic/Electromechanical, Electrical/Electronic Engineering or EquivalentMecHanical

anD electrical (Me)

engineering (Spv)

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Professional CompetenciesAble to analyze the damage in the pipe, pipeline repairs which related with the flow in pipes

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Diploma in Mechanical

MecHanical FluiDa

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Professional CompetenciesAble to read blueprints/drawings and inspection equipment; operate computerized CNC milling machine; analyze the machines, programmes; set and operate machines; understand the basic of machine, parts of the CNC machine, types of damage and handlings, engine maintenance schemes, preventive and reactive maintenance on CNC machine

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Diploma in Technical

Milling cnc (coMputer nuMerical

controller) operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate milling’s manual, raw materials process into finished materials using milling manual; and work on objects with precised size; operate the drill tool; face milling until the end milling

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Vocational School in Mechanical

Milling Manual operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to maintain the gasoline fuel system; check the motorcycle electrical and conduct motorcycles periodic repairs

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Vocational School in Electrical, Mechanical and Automotive

Motorcycle electro-

MecHanic tecHnician

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Professional CompetenciesAble to set machine controls; regulate molding temperature, plastic volume, molding pressure and time, according to plastics and molding procedures

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Vocational School

plaStic injection MacHine


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Professional CompetenciesKnow the concept of PLC, siemens PLC, PLC applications, basic programmer, basic logic functions, memory functions, timer functions and comparator functions; the procedures of applications for PLC programs, communication of PLC to the computer and use try sim simulation, commissioning PLC with hardware, communications PLC with a computer, PLC trouble shooting

Personal QualitiesAttention to details, precision, patient

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Diploma in Automotive Engineering

prograMMaBle logic

controlle (plc)operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to verify the quality using simple measurement instruments; read and understand blue print; do basic math concepts; operate a press machine’s manual, simple routine setup, loading and unloading tools; perform machine maintenance; provide secondary operation during production; direct performance operations such as punching, shearing, blanking, and forming

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Vocational School in Machine

preSS MacHine operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to set up and operate press wheel transmision, machines to saw, cut, shear, slit, punch, crimp, notch, bend, or straighten metal or plastic material

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Vocational School and may require some Vocational Training or Job-related Course Work

preSS WHeel operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to write and execute SQL statements to retrieve and analyze data; identify trends and suggest improvements in product and process; ensure customer satisfaction by addressing customer problems promptly and professionally; provide product support and assistance to customers; evaluate customer problem, perform root cause analysis and define permanent resolutions; coordinate with cross-functional teams to analyze complex problems and derive solutions; assist in new product releases and product enhancements; develop new techniques to optimize product support processes

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationBachelor in Technical Engineering

proDuct anD proceSS analySt

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Professional CompetenciesAble to supervise aspects of inventory control, perform quality assurance and equipment maintenance or repair; control department’s responsible for a specific product; control sole supervision for entire facility, branch, or division; control the production’s workflow; lead the engagement process at the team level to ensure improvements are made, metrics are tracked, and confirm that production deadlines are always met and held to a standard of consistency

Personal QualitiesAble to lead, motivate and work under pressure, attention to detail, mature, hard working and self motivated person, trustworthy, team player, good initiative, responsible, dicipline

Education & Other CertificationDiploma in Production

proDuction ForeMan

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Professional CompetenciesAble to ensure that goods and services are produced efficiently, health and safety guidelines are followed, and correct amounts are produced at the right cost and quality; able to supervise the production process, draw up a production schedule, estimate costs and set the quality standards, monitor the production processes and adjust schedules; able to supervise and motivate a team work; review the performance of subordinates, identify training needs

Personal QualitiesAble to work under pressure, confident, adaptable, friendly and patience

Education & Other CertificationBachelor in Industrial Engineering

proDuction ManagerS

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Professional CompetenciesAble to lead and develop team; reports to the production manager or plant/works manager and responsible for achieving immediate and short-term objectives laid down by the production manager, such as output, quality, waste, yield, safety and overtime costs; take technical decisions on a regular basis

Personal QualitiesCreative and innovative, discipline, accurate, strong leadership, good in coordination and team work, assertive, disciplined, diligent and able to work under pressure

Education & Other CertificationBachelor in Machine and Industrial Engineering

proDuction SuperviSor

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Professional CompetenciesAble to design and construct precised tools, products and components in automotive/ manufacturing industries; maintain, repair and quality control of machine and production tools; have knowledge of production process of machine, mechanical and manufacturing industry

Personal QualitiesDiscipline, creative and innovative

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Diploma in Technical

prograMMer SuperviSor

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate the scrub device manually, establish raw materials into semi-finished goods through the hone (filling, marking, sawing, sculpting, chiseling, drilling, threading, and thread cutting), curved pipe (pipe bends and bending plate)

Personal QualitiesDisciplined, attaention to detail, patience, hard working

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Vocational School

ScruB Manual operator

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Professional CompetenciesAble to operate a universal testing machine; perform machine maintenance such as testing the strength of materials with either static tensile test (tensile test), flexibility test (flexure/ bend test), press test (compress test) or form test of fatique dynamic test

Personal QualitiesDicipline, hard working and self motivated person

Education & Other CertificationMinimum Diploma in Industry

univerSal teSting MacHine


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Bandung Tourism InstituteSTP Pariwisata BandungJl. DR. Setiabudhi 186 Bandung, Indonesia, 40141Tel: +62-22-2011456; 2036067Fax: +62-22-2012097Email: [email protected]:

Dhyana Pura Tourism Education CollegeSTIM & PPLP Dhyana PuraJl. Kampus Dyana Pura. Br. Tegaljaya, Dalung, Kuta Bali, Indonesia, 80351 Tel: +62-361-426450/1Fax: +62-361-426452Email: [email protected]; [email protected]@yahoo.comWebsite:

Faculty of School of TourismUdayana UniversityFakultas Pariwisata Universitas UdayanaJl. DR. R. Goris 7 Denpasar, Bali, IndonesiaTel/Fax: +62-361-223798E-mail: [email protected]: Tourism AcademySTP MakassarJl. Gunung Rinjani Kota Mandiri Tanjung Bunga Makassar, South SulawesiIndonesiaTel: +62-411-838456Fax: +62-411-838366E-mail: [email protected]:

Medan Tourism AcademyAkademi Pariwisata MedanJl. RS. Haji No. 12, Medan, Indonesia, 20371Tel: +62-61-6632182 Fax: +62-61-6629441Email: [email protected];[email protected]:

Nusa Dua Institute of TourismSTP Nusa DuaJl. Darmawangsa, Kampial, Nusa DuaBali, Indonesia, 80363Tel: +62-361- 773537 Fax: +62-361-774821 Email: [email protected] Website:

ContactsHospitality & Tourism

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Pelita Harapan School of Hospitality & TourismSTP Universitas Pelita HarapanJl. MH Thamrin 2 TangerangIndonesia, 15810 Tel: +62-21-5460901 Fax: +62-21-5460910 Email: [email protected]:

Sahid Institute of TourismSTP SahidJl. Kemiri No. 22, Pondok CabePamulang, IndonesiaTel: +62-21-7402329Fax: +62-21-7428152E-mail: [email protected]:

The Bali International Tourism InstituteSekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bali InternasionalJl. Kecak No. 12 Gatot Subroto Timur Denpasar, Bali, IndonesiaTel: +62-361-426699, 426700 Fax: +62-361-426640 Email: [email protected]:

Trisakti Institute of TourismSTP TrisaktiJl. IKPN Tanah Kusir, Bintaro South Jakarta, Indonesia, 12330 Tel: +62-21-7377738-41. Fax: +62-21-73887763/ 73692286Email: [email protected] Website:

Ubud Spa AcademyJl. Cok Rai Pudak Br. yang Loni Ubud Bali, IndonesiaTel: +62-361-972431Fax: +62-361-972428Email: [email protected];[email protected]:

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Bethesda yakum yogyakarta Nursing Academy Akper Bethesda yakum yogyakartaJl. Johar Nurhadi No 6yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55224Tel: +62-274-517065Fax: +62-274-524565Email: [email protected]:

Brawijaya UniversityUniversitas BrawijayaJl. Veteran, Malang, Indonesia, 65145Tel/ Fax: +62-341-569117, 567192Email: [email protected]:

Jakarta II Health PolytechnicPoltekkes Jakarta IIJl. Hang Jebat Raya No. 47A,Cilandak, South Jakarta, IndonesiaTel: +62-21-75909605Fax: +62-21-75909638

Jakarta III Health Polytechnic Poltekkes Jakarta IIIJl. Hankam Arteri JORR Jatiwarna KM. 6,Bekasi, IndonesiaTel/ Fax: +62-21-84978696

Santo Borromeus BandungNursing Academy Akper Santo Borromeus BandungJl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 101 Bandung,IndonesiaTel/ Fax: +62-22-2505821Website:

St. Carolus School of Health SciencesSTIKES St. CarolusJl. Salemba Raya 41, Central Jakarta,Indonesia 10440Tel: +62-21-3904441 ext. 2368Fax: +62-21-3924094Email: [email protected]:

The Training Institution Mutiara KasihBadan Penyelenggaraan Pelatihan Mutiara KasihWisma Sint. AnnaJl. Raya Bogor KM. 24,6 CijantungEast Jakarta, Indonesia, 13770Tel: +62-21-87794555Fax: +62-21-87782529Email: [email protected]

ContactsHealth Care

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Center for Competency and Construction Training DevelopmentMinistry of Public WorksPusat Pembinaan dan Pelatihan Konstruksi, Pusbin KPK, Kementrian PUJl. Sapta Taruna Raya, Komplek PUPasar Jumat, South Jakarta, IndonesiaTel: +62-21-7656532Fax: +62-21-7511847Email: [email protected]

CEVEST - Center for Vocational and Extention Service TrainingBalai Besar Pengembangan Latihan Kerja Luar NegeriJl. Guntur Raya No. 1, Kayuringin, Bekasi, Indonesia, 17144Tel: +62-21-8841147Fax: +62-21-8841146Email: [email protected]@gmail.comWebsite:

Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of SurabayaPoliteknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember SurabayaKampus PENS, Jl. Raya ITS, Keputihan,Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia, 60111Tel: +62-31-5947280; Fax: +62-31-5946114Email: [email protected]:;;

Indonesian Professional Enginner AssocitionPersatuan Insinyur Profesional IndonesiaJl. Cipete IV/14, Cilandak - JakartaIndonesia, 12410Tel: +62-21-7691661; 7507254Fax : +62-21-7694044Email: [email protected]:

Tin Manufacturing PolytechnicPoliteknik Manufaktur TimahKawasan Industri Air Kantung, Sungailiat, Indonesia, 33211Tel: +62-717-93586; 93585Fax : +62-717-93585Email: [email protected]:

Public Polytechnic of BandungPoliteknik Negeri BandungJl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. CiwarugaPO Box. 1234, Bandung, Indonesia, 40012Tel: +62-22-2013789Fax: +62-22-2013889Email: [email protected]:


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Public Polytechnic of JakartaPoliteknik Negeri JakartaKampus UI Depok, Indonesia, 16425Tel: +62-21-7863534; 7270036Fax: +62-21-7270034Email: [email protected]:

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Education and Training Centre onOil and Gas (PUSDIKLAT MIGAS)Pusdiklat Migas CepuJl. Sorogo No. 1 Cepu, Kabupaten Blora, Central Java, Indonesia, 58315Tel: +62-296-421888Fax: +62-296-421891, 425143Email: [email protected]:

Indonesian Professional Enginner AssocitionPersatuan Insinyur Profesional IndonesiaJl. Cipete IV/14, Cilandak - JakartaIndonesia, 12410Tel: +62-21-7691661; 7507254Fax : +62-21-7694044Email: [email protected]:

ContactsOil & Gas Sector

Oil and Gas Academy Energy and Mineral InstitutePTK Akamigas-STEM Jl. Gajah Mada No. 38 Cepu, Blora,Central Java, Indonesia, 58312 Tel: +62-296-421897 Fax: +62-296-425939Email: [email protected]

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources RIBadan Diklat ESDM JakartaJl. Gatot Subroto No. 49, Jakarta, IndonesiaTel: +62-21-5250383Website:

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Academic Information Management and Computer of BogorAkademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (AMIK) BogorJl Raya Pajajaran 100, Baranangsiang, East Bogor, Bogor, Indonesia 16143Tel: +62-251-8318145, 8378773Fax: +62-251-8318145Email: [email protected] :

College of Management Information Systems and Computer ScienceSTMIK AMIKOM yogyakartaJl. Ring Road Utara,Condong Catur, yogyakartaTel: +62-274-884201-206Fax: +62-274-884208Email: [email protected]:

Dian Nuswantoro UniversityUniversitas Dian NuswantoroJl. Nakula I No. 5-11 Semarang, Central Java, IndonesiaTel: +62-24-3517261 Fax: +62-24-3520165Email: [email protected]:

Gunadarma UniversityUniversitas GunadarmaJl. Margonda Raya 100, DepokJawa Barat, Indonesia 16424Tel: +62-21-7888-1112Email: [email protected]

Indonesian Computer University of BandungUniversitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) BandungJl.Dipatiukur No.112, Bandung, East Java, IndonesiaTel: +62-22-2504119. Fax: +62-22-2533754Website:

Polytechnic LP3I of BandungPoliteknik LP3I BandungJl. Pahlawan No. 59 Bandung,Indonesia 40123Tel: +62-22-2506500Fax: +62-22-2512564Email : [email protected] :

ContactsInformation Technology

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Polytechnic of BatamPoliteknik BatamParkway Street, Batam Centre, Batam, Indonesia, 29461Tel: +62-778-469856, 469860Fax: +62-778-463620Email: [email protected]:

Pratama Mulia Polytechnic of SurakartaPoliteknik Pratama Mulia SurakartaJl. Haryo Panular No. 18A, Surakarta, IndonesiaTel: +62-271-712637 Fax: +62-271-727710Email: [email protected] Website:

Science and Technology Institute AKPRINDInstitut Sains dan Teknologi AKPRINDJl. Kalisahak No. 28, yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55222Tel: +62-274-563029 Fax: +62-274-563847Website:

STIKOM BaliSekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Teknik Komputer (STIKOM) BaliJl. Raya Puputan Renon No. 86, Denpasar, Bali, IndonesiaTel: +62-361- 244445Fax: +62-361-264773Website:

STIMIK BanjarbaruSekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STIMIK) BanjarbaruJl. Jend. Ahmad yani Km. 33,5, Loktabat, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, IndonesiaTel: +62-511-4782881Fax: +62-511-4782881Website:

STIMIK BumigoraSekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STIMIK) BumigoraJl. Ismail Marzuki, Mataram, NTB, Indonesia, 83121Tel: +62-370-634498Fax: +62-370-638369Email: [email protected]:

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Caltex Polytechnic of RiauPoliteknik Caltex RiauJl. Umban Sari No 1, Rumbai, Pekanbaru, Indonesia, 28265Tel: +62-761-53939Fax: +62-761-554224

Faculty of Engineering,North Sumatra University Fakultas Teknik Universitas,Sumatera Utara, MedanJalan Almamater, Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia, 20155Tel: +62-61-8212090, 8211236, 8213250Fax: +62-61-8213250Email: [email protected] Website:

Institute Technology of MalangInstitut Teknologi MalangJl. Bendungan Sigura-gura No. 2, Malang, Indonesia, 65145 Tel: +62-341-551431 Fax: +62-341-553015 Website:

Institute Technology of Sepuluh NovemberInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS)Kampus ITS Keputihan Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia, 60111Tel: +62-31-5994251, 5947264 Fax: +62-31-5923465 Email: [email protected] Website:

Islamic State University of Sultan Syarif KasimUniversitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Syarif KasimJl. HR. Soebrantas No. 155 KM.18Simpang Baru PamamPekanbaru, PO BOX 1004, Indonesia 28293Tel: +62-761-562223Webmail:

Islamic University of Indonesia Universitas Islam IndonesiaGedung Fakultas Teknologi Industri,Kampus Terpadu UIIJl. Klaiurang KM 14,5 yogyakarta,Indonesia, 55584Tel: +62-274-895287Fax: +62-274-895007Email: [email protected]

Islamic University of MalangUniversitas Negeri Islam MalangJl. MT. Haryono 193 Dinoyo Lowokwaru, Malang, Indonesia, 65144Tel: +62-341-551822, 551932 Fax: +62-341-552249 Website:

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Lambung Mangkurat UniversityUniversitas Lambung MangkuratJl. Brigjen. H. Hasan Basri,Banjarmasin, Indonesia, 70123Tel: +62-511-54177, 54195, 361294Fax: +62-511-66400Email: [email protected]

Mahasaraswati UniversityUniversitas MahasaraswatiJl. Kamboja No. 11A, Denpasar, Bali,IndonesiaTel: +62-361-227019Email: [email protected]:

Maritim Raja Ali Haji UniversityUniversitas Maritim Raja Ali HajiJl. Politeknik Senggarang-Tanjung Pinang, PO BOX 155, IndonesiaTel: +62-771-7001550, 7038999Fax: +62-771-7038999Email: [email protected]:

Muhammadiyah University of MalangUniversitas Muhammadiyah MalangJl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246, Malang,Indonesia, 65144 Tel: +62-341-464318 Ext. 159, 178 Email: [email protected] Website:

Muhammadiyah University of SurakartaUniversitas Muhammadiyah SurakartaJl. A. yani Tromol Pos 1, Pabelan, Surakarta, Indonesia, 57102Tel: +62-271-717417Fax: +62-271-715448

National Institute of Technology BandungITENAS BandungJl. Penghulu K H Hasan Mustopha No. 23Bandung, Indonesia, 40124Tel: +62-22-7272215Fax: +62-22-7202892Email: [email protected] :

Pembangunan Nasional ”Veteran” Universityof SurabayaFakultas Teknik, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ”Veteran” SurabayaJl. Raya Rungkut Madya, Surabaya, IndonesiaTel: +62-31-8706369Fax: +62-31-8782257

Pratama Mulia Polytechnic of SurakartaPoliteknik Pratama Mulia SurakartaJl. Haryo Panular No. 18A, Surakarta, IndonesiaTel: +62-271-712637Fax: +62-271-727710Email: [email protected]:

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Sains and Technology Institute Institut Sains dan Teknologi AKPRINDJl Kalisahak No. 28 yogyakarta,Indonesia, 55222Tel: +62-274-563029Fax: +62-274-563847

Sebelas Maret University of SurakartaUniversitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) SurakartaJl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Surakarta,Indonesia, 57126Tel: +62-271-647069Fax: +62-271-662118Email: [email protected]

State Polytechnic of MalangPoliteknik Negeri MalangJl Veteran, Malang, Indonesia 65145Tel: +62-341-551340, 551341 Fax: +62-341-551708Email: [email protected] Website:

State Polytechnic for Manufacturingof BandungPoliteknik Manufaktur Negeri BandungJl. Kanayakan No. 21 Dago Bandung, Indonesia, 40135Tel: +62-22-2500241Fax: +62-22-2502649Website :

State Polytechnic of SemarangPoliteknik Negeri SemarangJl. Prof. H. Soedarto, SH Tembalang,Semarang, IndonesiaTel: +62-24-7473417Fax: +62-24-7472396

State Polytechnic of SriwijayaPoliteknik Negeri SriwijayaJl Srijaya Negara Bukit Besar, Palembang, Indonesia, 30137Tel: +62-711-353414Fax: +62-711-355918Email : [email protected] :

State University of SurabayaUniversitas Negeri SurabayaJl. Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, Indonesia, 60231 Tel: +62-31-8280383, 8280009 Fax: +62-31-8280804 Email: [email protected] Website:

State University of yogyakarta Universitas Negeri yogyakartaKampus Karangmalang, yogyakarta,Indonesia, 55281Tel: +62-274-586168Fax: +62-274-586734Email: [email protected], [email protected]: [email protected]

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Tadulako UniversityUniversitas TadulakoKampus Bumi Tadulako Tondo, Palu, Indonesia, 94118 Tel: +62-451-422611 Fax: +62-451-422611 Email: [email protected]

Technical Academy for Manufacturingof SurakartaAkademi Teknik Mesin Industri (ATMI) SurakartaJl. Mojo No. 1 Surakarta, IndonesiaTel: +62-271-714466Fax: +62-271-714390Email: [email protected]

Udayana UniversityUniversitas UdayanaKampus Bukit Jimbaran Badung, Bali, IndonesiaTel: +62-361-701954, 704845Fax: +62-361-701907Email: [email protected]:

University of MataramUniversitas MataramJl. Majapahit No. 62, Mataram, IndonesiaTel: +62-370-631166, 633007Fax: +62-370-636041

University of Muhammadiyah yogyakarta Universitas Muhammadiyah yogyakartaJl. Lingkar Selatan, Kasihan Bantul, DIy, Indonesia, 55183Tel: +62 274-387656Fax: +62 274-387646

University of 17 Agustus 1945 Universitas 17 Agustus 1945Jl. Semolowaru 45, Surabaya, IndonesiaTel: +62-31-5931800, 5927817Fax: +62-31-5947145 Email: [email protected] Website:

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National Board for the Placement and Protectionof Indonesia Overseas WorkersJl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52, South Jakarta, 12770, INDONESIAPhone/ Fax: +62-21-79190366; 79188922Email: [email protected]; [email protected]:,

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