catalonia complet


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It is in the north-east of Spain. It is divided into four provinces, which have 947 towns

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FlagsFlag of Barcelona

This is the official flag of Barcelona. It has represented the city since 1906

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FlagsCatalan flag “Senyera”

This flag is the official Catalan flag, which has represented the nation since


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FlagsFlag for Independence “Estelada”

A lot of Catalan people aren’t happy with Catalonia being a part of Spain. They feel different from it and they want to create a

new country.

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FlagsThe Reason for the Separatism

In Spain there are three nations, different from from the Spanish Nation, which are Catalonia, Euskadi and Galicia. Historically they were different Crowns, with

different languages. Euskadi was added to Castilla (future Spain) in 1035,

Galicia in 1230, and Catalonia finally in 1479.

Galicia Catalonia


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FlagsSpanish Flag

This is the official Spanish flag, which has represented the country since


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Architecture“La Masia”

The typical Catalan house is called “La Masia”. It is a rural construction

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SymbolsIt is a donkey that catalan people took as a symbol.

They decided it to have an animal representing them. The Spanish animal symbol is the bull.

Ase català

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SymbolsLa Barretina

It is like a hat and was used in Catalonia since the XVII century. Now it is used in folc acts. It can be red or purple

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It is a figure that people put in their creche. The figure is It is a catalan tradition. Its origin is in the XVII and XVIII century

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The Pyrenees are a big range of mountains, located in the north of Spain, they are the natural

border between Catalonia (Spain) and France

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LandscapesEbro River

The Ebro is the largest river by water volume and the second longest river in Spain.

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LandscapesCosta Brava

The Costa Brava is a 60 km long coast line located in Girona province. The climate, the beach and the

beauty of the landscapes makes it an important tourist attraction

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MonumentsMontserrat’s monastery

It is 50 km far from Barcelona. It was founded in 1025. It’s basilica contains the Moreneta Satue, a black Virgin from the XII century, it is the patron saint from Barcelona.

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Theater-Museum Dalí

Dalí was a very famous painter

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MonumentsEmpúries ruins

They’re in Sant Martí d’Empúries, they are roman ruins

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MonumentsAntoni Gaudí

La Pedrera

Casa Batlló

Parc Güell

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MonumentsSagrada FamiliaIt is the

latest and no finished Gaudí’s construction. People think it is going to be finished in 2026. There are really good views from Barcelona on the top.

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It’s actual name is Tarragona, it has 14 roman monuments

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Monuments Palau de la Música

It is in Barcelona, it is a concert hall. It was inaugurated in 1908

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Our Food“Embotits”

“Embotits” consist of hashed meat, generally pork, with aromatic spices. The most famous Catalan

“Embotits” are: Catalan “botifarra”(often eaten with beans), “Fuet”, “Sobrassada”, and Spanish ham and


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Our Food“Pa amb


“Pa amb tomàquet” consists of bread rubbed with tomato and seasoned with olive oil and salt. It

goes with cold meet, fish, cheese...

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Our Food“Paella”

“Paella” is a typical rice dish. The boiled rice can be cooked with, meat, fish and seafood. And

some vegetables always come with it

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Our Food“Cargols



“Cargols” (snails in catalan) and “Calçots” (long onions with a special flavour) , are often eaten in

Catalonia, usually in traditional villages.

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Our Food“Ensaïmada”

and “Coca”

“Coca” and “Ensaïmada” are traditional handmade pastries created in Catalonia and the Balearic

Islands. They can be eaten for dessert, breakfast or in the afternoon.

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It’s the most important art movement in Catalonia, between 1885 and 1920. It presents a lot of details

Palau de la MúsicaCasa


Parc Güell

Sagrada Família

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The “Sardana” is a type of circle dance which originated in the 16th century. It is performed at

every festivity.

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“Correfocs” (translation: fire-runs) are one of the most important performances in Catalan

festivities. A group of people dress as devils and set off fireworks while drums are playing.

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and “Capgrosso


“Gegants” and “Capgrossos” (Giants and Big-Heads) are costumed figures which are exhibited in Catalan

festivities. Somebody goes inside the figure and makes it dance.

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“Castells” are human towers built in all Catalan festivities and festivals. Many villages have a group of

people who train every week to be able to do it.

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“Castells” were declared World Heritage by UNESCO. In this video you can see the highest “Castell” built ever.

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“Castellers” are the people who build “Castells”. They wear special clothes, to

help others climbing.


‘s clothes

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Festivities“Diada de Sant Jordi”

This festivity is celebrated on April 23rd every year. Men give a rose to women and women

give men a book.

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“Castanyada” is celebrated every October 31st, like Halloween. The tradition consist of eating chestnuts and “Panellets”, typical marzipan
