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STA 4504 - 5503: Outline of Lecture Notes, c Alan Agresti Categorical Data Analysis 1. Introduction Methods for response (dependent) variable Y having scale that is a set of categories Explanatory variables may be categorical or contin- uous or both 1

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Page 1: Categorical DataAnalysis - University of · Example Y = vote in election (Democrat, Republican, Indepen-dent) x’s - income, education,

STA 4504 - 5503: Outline of Lecture Notes, c©Alan Agresti

Categorical Data Analysis

1. Introduction

• Methods for response (dependent) variable Y havingscale that is a set of categories

• Explanatory variables may be categorical or contin-uous or both


Page 2: Categorical DataAnalysis - University of · Example Y = vote in election (Democrat, Republican, Indepen-dent) x’s - income, education,


Y = vote in election (Democrat, Republican, Indepen-dent)

x’s - income, education, gender, race

Two types of categorical variables

Nominal - unordered categories

Ordinal - ordered categories


patient condition (excellent, good, fair, poor)

government spending (too high, about right, too low)


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transport to work (car, bus, bicycle, walk, . . . )

favorite music (rock, classical, jazz, country, folk, pop)

We pay special attention to

binary variables (success - fail)

for which nominal - ordinal distinction unimportant.


Page 4: Categorical DataAnalysis - University of · Example Y = vote in election (Democrat, Republican, Indepen-dent) x’s - income, education,

Probability Distributions for Categorical Data

The binomial distribution (and its multinomial dis-tribution generalization) plays the role that the normaldistribution does for continuous response.

Binomial Distribution

• n Bernoulli trials - two possible outcomes for each(success, failure)

• π = P (success), 1− π = P (failure) for each trial

• Y = number of successes out of n trials

• Trials are independent

Y has binomial distribution


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P (y) =n!

y!(n− y)!πy(1− π)n−y, y = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n

y! = y(y − 1)(y − 2) · · · (1) with 0! = 1 (factorial)Example Vote (Democrat, Republican)

Suppose π = prob(Democrat) = 0.50.

For random sample size n = 3, let y = number of Demo-cratic votes

p(y) =3!

y!(3− y)!.5y.53−y

p(0) =3!

0!3!.50.53 = .53 = 0.125

p(1) =3!

1!2!.51.52 = 3(.53) = 0.375

y P (y)0 0.1251 0.3752 0.3753 0.152



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• E(Y ) = nπV ar(Y ) = nπ(1− π), σ =

nπ(1− π)

• p = Yn= proportion of success (also denoted π)

E(p) = E





= π







π(1− π)


• When each trial has > 2 possible outcomes, num-bers of outcomes in various categories have multinomialdistribution


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Inference for a Proportion

We conduct inferences about parameters usingmaximum likelihood

Definition: The likelihood function is the probability ofthe observed data, expressed as a function of the param-eter value.

Example: Binomial, n = 2, observe y = 1

p(1) = 2!1!1!

π1(1− π)1 = 2π(1− π)

= ℓ(π)

the likelihood function defined for π between 0 and 1


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If π = 0, probability is ℓ(0) = 0 of getting y = 1

If π = 0.5, probability is ℓ(0.5) = 0.5 of getting y = 1

Definition The maximum likelihood (ML) estimateis the parameter value at which the likelihood functiontakes its maximum.

Example ℓ(π) = 2π(1− π) maximized at π = 0.5

i.e., y = 1 in n = 2 trials is most likely if π = 0.5.

ML estimate of π is π = 0.50.


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• For binomial, π = yn= proportion of successes.

• If y1, y2, . . . , yn are independent from normal (or manyother distributions, such as Poisson), ML estimate µ = y.

• In ordinary regression (Y ∼ normal) “least squares”estimates are ML.

• For large n for any distribution, ML estimates areoptimal (no other estimator has smaller standard error)

• For large n, ML estimators have approximate normalsampling distributions (under weak conditions)


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ML Inference about Binomial Parameter

π = p =y


Recall E(p) = π, σ(p) =√

π(1−π)n .

• Note σ(p) ↓ as n ↑, sop→ π (law of large numbers, true in general for ML)

• p is a sample mean for (0,1) data, so by CentralLimit Theorem, sampling distribution of p is approxi-mately normal for large n (True in general for ML)


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Significance Test for binomial parameter

Ho : π = πo

Ha : π 6= πo (or 1-sided)

Test statistic

z =p− πoσ(p)

=p− πo√


has large-sample standard normal (denoted N(0, 1))null distribution. (Note use null SE for test)

p-value = two-tail probability of results at least as ex-treme as observed (if null were true)


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Confidence interval (CI) for binomial parameter

Definition Wald CI for a parameter θ isθ ± zα


(e.g, for 95% confidence, estimate plus and minus 1.96estimated standard errors, where z.025 = 1.96)

Example θ = π, θ = π = p

σ(p) =√


estimated by

SE =√


95% CI is p± 1.96√


Note Wald CI often has poor performance in categoricaldata analysis unless n quite large.


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Example: Estimate π = population proportion of vege-tarians

For n = 20, we get y = 0

p = 020

= 0.0

95% CI: 0± 1.96√


= 0± 0,

= (0, 0)


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• Note what happens with Wald CI for π if p = 0 or 1

• Actual coverage probability much less than 0.95 if πnear 0 or 1.

• Wald 95% CI = set of πo values for which p-value >.05 in testing

Ho : π = πo Ha : π 6= πo


z = p−πo√


(denominator uses estimated SE)


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Definition Score test, score CI use null SE

e.g. Score 95% CI = set of πo values for which p-value> 0.05 in testing

Ho : π = πo Ha : π 6= πo


z = p−πo√


← note null SE in denominator

(known, not estimated)


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Example π = probability of being vegetarian

y = 0, n = 20, p = 0

What πo satisfies

±1.96 = 0−πo√




πo(1−πo)20 = |0− πo|

πo = 0 is one solution

solve quadratic → πo = .16 other solution

95% score CI is (0. 0.16), more sensible than Wald CIof (0, 0).


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• When solve quadratic, can show midpoint of 95% CIis


≈ y+2n+4

•Wald CI p± 1.96√

p(1− p)/n also works well if add2 successes, add 2 failures before applying (this is the“Agresti-Coull method”)

• For inference about proportions, score method tendsto perform better than Wald method, in terms of havingactual error rates closer to the advertised levels.

• Another good test, CI uses the likelihood function

(e.g. CI = values of π for which ℓ(π) close to ℓ(π)

= values of πo not rejected in “likelihood-ratio test”)

• For small n, inference uses actual binomial samplingdist. of data instead of normal approx. for that dist.


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2. Two-Way Contingency Tables

Example: Physicians Health Study ( 5 year)


GROUPYes No Total

Placebo 189 10,845 11,034Aspirin 104 10,933 11,037

ր2x2 table

Contingency table - cells contain counts of outcomes.I × J table has I rows, J columns.


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A conditional dist refers to prob. dist. of Y at fixedlevel of x.



XYes No Total

Placebo .017 .983 1.0Aspirin .009 .991 1.0

Sample conditional dist. for placebo group is

.017 =189

11, 034, .983 =

10, 845

11, 034

Natural way to look at data when

Y = response var.

X = explanatory var.


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Example: Diagnostic disease tests

Y = outcome of test: 1 = positive 2 = negative

X = reality: 1 = diseased 2 = not diseased


X1 2


sensitivity = P (Y = 1|X = 1)

specificity = P (Y = 2|X = 2)

If you get positive result, more relevant to you isP (X = 1|Y = 1). This may be low even if sensitivity,specificity high. (See pp. 23-24 of text for example ofhow this can happen when disease is relatively rare.)


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What if X, Y both response var’s?

{πij} = {P (X = i, Y = j)} form the joint distribu-tion of X and Y .

π11 π12 π1+π21 π22 π2+π+1 π+2 1.0

marginal probabilities

Sample cell counts {nij}

cell proportions {pij}

pij =nijn with n =


j nij


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Definition X and Y are statistically independent iftrue conditional dist. of Y is identical at each level of x.


X.01 .99.01 .99

Then, πij = πi+π+j all i, j

i.e., P (X = i, Y = j) = P (X = i)P (Y = j), such as


X.28 .42 .7.12 .18 .3.4 .6 1.0


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Comparing Proportions in 2x2 Tables



1 π1 1− π12 π2 1− π2

Conditional Distributions

π1 − π2 = p1 − p2

SE(p1 − p2) =

p1(1− p1)

n1+p2(1− p2)


Example: p1 = .017, p2 = .009, p1 − p2 = .008

SE =

.017× .983

11, 034+.009× .991

11, 037= .0015

95% CI for π1− π2 is .008± 1.96(.0015) = (.005, .011).

Apparently π1 − π2 > 0 (i.e., π1 > π2).


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Relative Risk = π1π2

Example: Sample p1p2= .017

.009 = 1.82

Sample proportion of heart attacks was 82% higher forplacebo group.


• See p. 58 of text for SE formula

• SAS provides CI for π1/π2.

Example: 95% CI is (1.43, 2.31)

• Independence ⇔ π1π2

= 1.0.


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Odds Ratio

GroupS F

1 π1 1− π12 π2 1− π2

The odds the response is a S instead of an F = prob(S)prob(F )

= π1/(1− π1) in row 1.

= π2/(1− π2) in row 2.

e.g., if odds = 3, S three times as likely as F .

e.g., if odds = 13, F three times as likely as S.


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Odds = 3 ⇒ P (S) = 34, P (F ) = 1


P (S) =odds

1 + odds

odds = 13 ⇒ P (S) = 1/3

1+1/3 =14

Definition: Odds Ratio

θ =π1/(1− π1)

π2/(1− π2)


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Heart AttackYes No Total

Placebo 189 10,845 11,034Aspirin 104 10,933 11,037

Sample Proportionsp1 1− p1 .0171 .9829 1.0

=p2 1− p2 .0094 .9906 1.0

Sample odds =




10, 845= .0174, placebo


10, 933= .0095, aspirin


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Sample odds Ratio

θ =.0174

.0095= 1.83

The odds of a heart attack for placebo group were 1.83time odds for aspirin group (i.e., 83% higher)

Properties of odds ratio

• Each odds > 0, and θ > 0.

• θ = 1 when π1 = π2 ; i.e., response independent ofgroup

• The farther θ falls from 1, the stronger the association

(For Y = lung cancer, some stufies have θ ≈ 10 for X= smoking, θ ≈ 2 for X = passive smoking)


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• If rows interchanged, or if columns interchanged, θ →1/θ.

e.g. θ = 3, θ = 13represent same strength of association

but in opposite directions.

• For counts

S Fn11 n12

n21 n22

θ = n11/n12n21/n22

= n11n22n12n21

= cross-product ratio

(Yule 1900) (strongly criticized by K. Pearson!)


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• Treats X,Y symmetrically

Heart AttackPlacebo Aspirin


→ θ = 1.83

• θ = 1 ⇔ log θ = 0

log odds ratio symmetric about 0

e.g., θ = 2⇒ log θ = .7

θ = 1/2⇒ log θ = −.7

• Sampling dist. of θ skewed to right, ≈ normal onlyfor very large n.

Note:We use “natural logs” (LN on most calculators)

This is the log with base e = 2.718...


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• Sampling dist. of log θ is closer to normal, so con-struct CI for log θ and then exponentiate endpoints toget CI for θ.

Large-sample (asymptotic) standard error of log θ is

SE(log θ) =









CI for log θ is

log θ ± z∝2× SE(log θ)

(eL, eU) is CI for θ


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Example: θ = 189×10,933104×10,845 = 1.83

log θ = .605

SE(log θ) =




10, 933+




10, 845= .123

95% CI for log θ is

.605 ± 1.96(.123) = (.365, .846)

95% CI for θ is

(e.365, e.846) = (1.44, 2.33)

Apparently θ > 1


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e denotes exponential function

e0 = 1, e1 = e = 2.718 . . .

e−1 = 1e = .368

ex > 0 all x

exp fn. = antilog for natural log scale ℓn

e0 = 1 means loge(1) = 0

e1 = 2.718 loge(2.718) = 1

e−1 = .368 loge(.368) = −1

loge(2) = .693 means e.693 = 2


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• θ not midpoint of CI, because of skew

• If any nij = 0, θ = 0 or ∞, and better estimate andSE results by replacing {nij} by {nij + .5}.

• When π1 and π2 close to 0

θ =π1/(1− π1)

π2/(1− π2)≈ π1

π2the relative risk


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Example: Case-control study in London hospitals(Doll and Hill 1950)

X = smoked > 1 cigarette per day for at least 1 year?

Y = Lung Cancer


Lung CancerYes No

Yes 688 650No 21 59

709 709

Case control studies are “retrospective.” Binomial sam-pling model applies to X (sampled within levels of Y ),not to Y .

Cannot estimate P (Y = yes|x),

or π1 − π2 =P (Y = yes|X = yes)− P (Y = yes|X = no)

or π1/π2


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We can estimate P (X|Y ), so can estimate θ.

θ =P (X = yes|Y = yes)/P (X = no|Y = yes)

P (X = yes|Y = no)/P (X = no|Y = no)



=688× 59

650× 21= 3.0

Odds of lung cancer for smokers were 3.0 times odds fornon-smokers.

In fact, if P (Y = yes|X) is near 0, then θ ≈ π1/π2 =rel. risk, and can conclude that prob. of lung cancer is ≈3.0 times as high for smokers as for non-smokers.


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Chi - Squared Tests of Independence



Very Little Mod. VeryDissat. Satis. Satis. Satis

< 5000 2 4 13 3 225000-15,000 2 6 22 4 3415,000-25,000 0 1 15 8 24> 25,000 0 3 13 8 24

4 14 63 23 104

Data from General Social Survey (1991)


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Ho: X and Y independent

Ha: X and Y dependent

Ho means

P (X = i, Y = j) = P (X = i)P (Y = j)

πij = πi+π+j

Expected frequency µij = nπij= mean of dist. of cell count nij

= nπi+π+j under Ho.

ML estimates µij = nπi+π+j

= n(ni+







called estimated expected frequencies


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Test Statistic

X2 =∑

all cells

(nij − µij)2


called Pearson chi - squared statistic (Karl Pearson,1900)

X2 has large-sample chi-squared dist. withdf = (I − 1)(J − 1)

I = number of rows, J = number of columns

P -value = P (X2 > X2 observed)

= right - tail prob.

(Table on p. 343 text)


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Example: Job satisfaction and income

X2 = 11.5

df = (I − 1)(J − 1) = 3× 3 = 9

Evidence against Ho is weak.

Plausible that job satisfaction and income are indepen-dent.


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• Chi-squared dist. has µ = df , σ =√2df ,

more bell-shaped as df ↑

• Likelihood-ratio test stat.

G2 = 2∑

nij log





= −2 log[

maximize likelihood when Ho true

maximize likelihood generally


G2 also is approx. χ2, df = (I − 1)(J − 1).


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Example: G2 = 13.47, df = 9, P -value = .14

• df for X2 test= no. parameters in general - no. parameters under Ho

Example: Indep. πij = πi+π+j

df = (IJ − 1)− [(I − 1) + (J − 1)]

πij = 1∑

πi+ = 1∑

π+j = 1

= (I − 1)(J − 1) ← Fisher 1922 (not Pearson 1900)

• X2 = G2 = 0 when all nij = µij.

• As n ↑, X2→ χ2 faster than G2→ χ2, usually closeif most µij > 5


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• These tests treat X,Y as nominal. Reorder rowscolumns, X2, G2 unchanged

Sec. 2.5 (we skip) presents ordinal tests. We re-analyzewith ordinal model in Ch. 6 (more powerful, much smallerP -value).


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Standardized (Adjusted) Residuals

rij =nij−µij√


Under Ho: indep., rij ≈ std. normal N(0, 1)

so |rij| > 2 or 3 represents cell that provides strongevidence against Ho

Example: n44 = 8, µ44 =24×23104 = 5.31

r44 =8− 5.31

5.31(1− 24104)(1− 23

104)= 1.51

None of cells show much evidence of association.


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Very Mod. Slightly NotFemale 170 340 174 95

(3.2) (1.0) (-1.1) (-3.5)Male 98 266 161 123

(-3.2) (-1.0) (1.1) (3.5)

General Social Survey data (variables Sex, Relpersn)

X2 = 20.6, G2 = 20.7, df = 3, P -value = 0.000

• SAS (PROC GENMOD) also provides“Pearson residuals” ( label reschi)

eij =nij − µij√


which are simpler but less variable than N(0, 1).


e2ij = X2)


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CROSSTABS suboption


options include X2 test

click on CELLS

“adjusted standardized”

gives standardized residuals

When enter data as contingency table

Income Satis. Count1 1 21 2 4. . .. . .

Select WEIGHT CASES option on DATA menu,

tell SPSS to weight cases by count


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for sample programs for examples from 1st edition oftext.


link to Laura Thompson manual

pp. 35-38 for chi-squared test, standardized residuals,

function chisq.test


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Partitioning Chi-squared

χ2a + χ2

b = χ2a+b for indep. chi-squared stat’s.

Example: G2 = 13.47, X2 = 11.52, df = 9

Compare income levels on job satisfaction

Income Job Satisfac.

VD LS MS VS< 5 2 4 13 35 -15 2 6 22 4

VD LS MS VS15-25 0 1 15 8> 25 0 3 13 8

VD LS MS VS< 15 4 10 35 7> 15 0 4 28 16


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X2 G2 df.30 .30 31.14 1.19 310.32 11.98 3

(P = .02 P = .01)11.76 13.47 9


• Job satisfaction appears to depend on whether income> or < $ 15,000

• G2 exactly partitions, X2 does not

• Text gives guidelines on how to partition so separatecomponents indep., which is needed for G2 to partitionexactly.


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Small-sample test of indep.

2 x 2 case (Fisher 1935)

n11 n12 n1+

n21 n22 n2+

n+1 n+2 n

Exact null dist. of {nij}, based on fixed row and columntotals, is

P (n11) =












= a!b!(a−b)!

Hypergeometric dist.


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Example Tea Tasting (Fisher)


Poured First

Milk TeaMilk ? 4Tea 4

4 4 8

n11 = 0,1,2,3, or 4

4 00 4

has prob.

P (4) =







) =












70= .014

P (3) =








) =16

70= .229


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n11 P (n11)0 .0141 .2292 .5143 .2294 .014

For 2 x 2 tables,

Ho: indep⇔ Ho : θ = 1 for θ = odds ratio

For Ho : θ = 1, Ha : θ > 1,

P -value = P (θ > θobs)= .229 + .014 = .243.

Not much evidence against Ho

Test using hypergeometric called Fisher’s exact test.


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For Ha : θ 6= 1, P -value =

two-tail prob. of outcomes no more likely than observed

Example: P -value = P (0)+P (1)+P (3)+P (4) = .486

Note:• Fisher’s exact test extends to I × J tables (P -value

= .23 for job sat. and income)

• If make conclusion, e.g., rejecting Ho if p ≤ α = .05,actual P (type I error) < .05 because of discreteness (seetext)


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Three - Way Contingency Tables

Example: FL death penalty court cases

Victim’s Defendant’s Death PenaltyRace Race Yes No % YesWhite White 53 414 11.3

Black 11 37 22.9Black White 0 16 0.0

Black 4 139 2.8

Y = death penalty (response var.)X = defendant’s race (explanatory)Z = victim’s race (control var.)


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53 41411 37

0 164 139

are partial tables

They control (hold constant) Z

The conditional odds ratios are:

Z = white : θXY (1) =53×37414×11 = .43

Z = black : θXY (2) = 0.00 (.94 after add .5 to cells)

Controlling for victim’s race, odds of receiving deathpenalty were lower for white defendants than black de-fendants.


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Add partial tables→ XY marginal table

Yes NoW n11 n12

B n21 n22

θXY = 1.45

Ignoring victim’s race, odds of death penalty higherfor white defendant’s.

Simpson’s Paradox: All partial tables show reverse as-soc. from that in marginal table.

Cause ?

Moral ? Can be dangerous to “collapse” contingencytables.


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Def. X and Y are conditionally independent given Z,if they are independent in each partial table.

In 2× 2×K table,

θXY (1) = · · · = θXY (K) = 1.0

Note Does not imply X and Y indep. in marginaltwo-way table


Clinic Treatment Response YZ X S F θ1 A 18 12 1.0

B 12 82 A 2 8 1.0

B 8 32

Marginal A 20 20 2.0B 20 40


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3. Generalized Linear Models

Components of a GLM

1. Random Component

Identify response var. Y

Assume independent observ’s y1, . . . , yn from particu-lar form of dist., such as Poisson or binomial

Model how µi = E(Yi) depends on explanatory var’s


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2. Systematic component

Pick explanatory var’s x1, . . . , xk for linear predictor

α + β1x1 + β2x2 + · · · + βkxk

3. Link function

Model function g(µ) of µ = E(Y ) using

g(µ) = α + β1x1 + · · · + βkxk

g is the link function


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• log(µ) = α + β1x1 + . . . uses g(µ) = log(µ).

log link often used for a “count” random component,for which µ > 0.

• log( µ1−µ) = α + β1x1 + . . . uses g(µ) = log( µ

1−µ), thelogit link.

Often used for binomial, with µ = π between 0 and 1

(logit = log of odds)

• µ = α + β1x1 + . . . uses g(µ) = µ, identity linke.g., ordinary regression for normal response.


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• A GLM generalizes ordinary regression by

1. permitting Y to have a dist. other than normal

2. permitting modeling of g(µ) rather than µ.

• The same ML (max. likelihood) fitting procedure ap-plies to all GLMs. This is basis of software such as PROCGENMOD in SAS.

(Nelder and Wedderburn, 1972)


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GLMs for Binary Data

Suppose Y = 1 or 0

Let P (Y = 1) = π, “Bernoulli trial”

P (Y = 0) = 1− π

This is binomial for n = 1 trial

E(Y ) = π

V ar(Y ) = π(1− π)

For explan. var. x, π = π(x) varies as x varies.

Linear probability model π(x) = α + βx


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This is a GLM for binomial random component andidentity link fn.

V ar(Y ) = π(x)[1 − π(x)] varies as x varies, so leastsquares not optimal.

Use ML to fit this and other GLMs.

ex. Y = infant sex organ malformation

1 = present, 0 = absent

x = mother’s alcohol consumption(average drinks per day)


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Alcohol Malformation ProportionConsumption Present Absent Total Present0 48 17,066 17,114 .0028< 1 38 14,464 14,502 .00261-2 5 788 793 .00633-5 1 126 127 .0079> 6 1 37 38 .0262

Using x scores (0, .5, 1.5, 4.0, 7.0), linear prob. modelfor π = prob. malformation present has ML fit

π = α + βx = .0025 + .0011x

At x = 0, π = α = .0025

π increases by β = .0011 for each 1-unit increase inalcohol consumption.


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• ML estimates α, β obtained by iterative numericaloptimization.

• To test Ho : β = 0 (independence), can use

z =β − 0


(for large n has approx std. normal dist. under null)

ex. z = .0011.0007 = 1.50

For Ha : β 6= 0, P -value = 0.13

Or, z2 approx. χ21 (ex. z2 = 2.24)

• Could use Pearson X2 (or G2) to test indep., but ig-nores ordering of rows

• Alternative way to apply X2 (or deviance G2) is totest fit of model. (see printout)

(compare counts to values predicted by linear model)


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• Same fit if enter 5 binomial “success totals” or the32,574 individual binary responses of 0 or 1.

• Model π(x) = α + βx can give π > 1 or π < 0

More realistic models are nonlinear in shape of π(x).


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Logistic regression model




1− π


= α + βx

is GLM for binomial Y with logit link

ex. logit(π) = log(


= −5.96 + .32x

π ↑ as x ↑, and P -value =.012 for Ho : β = 0.

(but, P = .30 if delete “present” obs. in > 6 drinks!!)


• Chap. 4 studies this model

• For contingency table, one can testHo : model fits, us-ing estimated expected frequencies that satisfy the model,with X2, G2 test stat.’s.

ex. X2 = 2.05, G2 = 1.95 for Ho : logistic regr. model

df = 3 = 5 binom. observ. - 2 parameters (P -valuelarge, no evidence against Ho)


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• Both the linear probability model and logistic regres-sion model fit adequately

How can this be?

logistic≈ linear when π near 0 or near 1 for all observedx.


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GLMs for count data

When Y is a count (0,1,2,3,...) traditional to assumePoisson dist.

P (y) =e−µµy

y!, y = 0, 1, 2, . . .

• µ = E(y)

µ = V ar(Y ), σ =√µ

• In practice often σ2 > µ, greater variation than Pois-son predicts (overdispersion)

• Negative binomial dist. has separate σ2 parameterand permits overdispersion.


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Poisson regression for count data

Suppose we assume Y has Poisson dist., x an explana-tory var.

Model µ = α + βx identity link

or log(µ) = α + βx log link

loglinear model (Ch. 7 for details about this link)

ex. Y = no. defects on silicon wafer

x = treatment (1 = B, 0 = A) dummy (indicator) var.

10 wafers for each

A : 3, 7, 6, . . . yA = 5.0

B : 6, 9, 8, . . . yB = 9.0


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For model µ = α + βx (identity link)

µ = 5.0 + 4.0x

x = 0 : µA = 5.0 (= yA)

x = 1 : µB = 9.0 (= yB)

β = 4.0 = µB − µA has SE = 1.18

(← test, CI for β)

For loglinear model log(µ) = α + βx

log(µ) = 1.609 + .588x

x = 0 : log µA = 1.609, µA = e1.609 = 5.0

x = 1 : log µ = 1.609 + .588 = 2.197, µB = e2.197 = 9.0


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Inference for GLM parameters

CI: β ± zα2(SE)

Test: Ho : β = 0

1. Wald test

z = βSE has approx. N(0, 1) dist.

For Ha : β 6= 0, can also use Wald stat.

z2 =(



is approx. χ21.

CI = set of βo values for Ho : β = βo such that

|β − βo|/SE < zα/2


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2. Likelihood-ratio test

ℓ0 = maximized likelihood when β = 0

ℓ1 = maximized likelihood for arbitrary β

Test stat. = −2 log(



= −2 log ℓ0 − (−2 log ℓ1)

= −2(L0 − L1)

Where L = maximized log likelihood


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ex. Wafer defects

Loglinear model log(µ) = α + βx

β = log µB − log µA

HO : µA = µB ⇔ β = 0

Wald test

z = βSE

= .588.176

= 3.33

z2 = 11.1, df = 1, P = .0009 for Ha : β 6= 0.

Likelihood-ratio test

L1 = 138.2, L0 = 132.4

Test stat. −2(L0 − L1) = 11.6, df = 1 P = .0007

PROC GENMOD reports LR test result with ‘type 3’option


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• For very large n, Wald test and likelihood ratio testare approx. equivalent, but for small to moderate n theLR test is more reliable and powerful.

• LR stat. also equals difference in “deviances,” goodness-of-fit stats.

ex. 27.86 - 16.27 = 11.59

• LR method also extends to CIs:

100(1 − α)% CI = set of βo in Ho : β = βo for whichP -value > α in LR test.

(i.e., do not reject Ho at α- level)



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β = log µB − log µA = log(



eβ = µBµA

eβ = e.5878 = 1.8 = µBµA.

95% CI for β is .588 ± 1.96 (.176) = (.242, .934).

95% CI for eβ = µBµA


(e.242, e.934) = (1.27, 2.54).

We’re 95% confident that µB is between 1.27 and 2.54times µA.

CI based on likelihood-ratio test is (1.28, 2.56).


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Deviance of a GLM

The saturated model has a separate parameter for eachobservation and has the perfect fit µi = yi

For a model M with maximized log likelihood LM ,

deviance = -2[LM − LS], where S = saturated model

= LR stat. for testing that all parameters not in Mequal 0.

i.e., for

Ho : model holds

Ha : saturated model


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For Poisson and binomial models for counts,

Deviance = G2 = 2∑

yi log(



← for M

When µi are large and no. of predictor settings fixed,G2 and

X2 =∑ (yi−µi)2


are used to test goodness of fit of model(i.e., Ho : model holds).

They are approx. χ2 withdf = no. observations - no. model parameters


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ex. Wafer defects

µi = 5 for 10 observ’s in Treatment A

µi = 9 for 10 observ’s in Treatment B

For loglinear model, log µ = α + βx

deviance G2 = 16.3

Pearson X2 = 16.0

df = 20-2 = 18

These do not contradict HO : model holds,

but their use with chi-square dist. is questionable

• µi not that large

• theory applies for fixed df as n ↑ (happens with con-tingency tables)


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• For GLMs one can study lack of fit using residuals(later chapters)

• Count data often show overdispersion relative toPoisson GLMs.

i.e., at fixed x, sample variance > mean, whereas var.= mean in Poisson.

(often caused by subject hetrogeneity)

ex. Y = no. times attended religious services in pastyear.

Suppose µ = 25. Is σ2 = 25 (σ = 5)?


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Negative binomial GLM

More flexible model for count that has

E(Y ) = µ, V ar(Y ) = µ +Dµ2

where D called a dispersion para.

As D → 0, neg. bin. → Poisson.

(Can derive as “gamma dist. mixture” of Poissons, wherethe Poisson mean varies according to a gamma dist.)


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ex. GSS data “In past 12 months, how many peoplehave you known personally that were victims of homi-cide?”

Y Black White0 119 10701 16 602 12 143 7 44 3 05 2 06 0 1

Model log(µ) = α + βx

Black: y = .52, s2 = 1.15

White: y = .09, s2 = .16


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For Poisson or neg. bin. model,

log µ = −2.38 + 1.73x

e1.73 = 5.7 = .522.092

= yByW

However, SE for β = 1.73 is .147 for Poisson, .238 forneg. bin.

Wald 95% CI for eβ = µB/µW is

Poisson: e1.73±1.96(.147) = (4.2, 7.5)

Neg bin: e1.73±1.96(.238) = (3.5, 9.0)

In accounting for overdispersion, neg. bin. model haswider CIs.

LR CIs are (e1.444, e2.019) = (4.2, 4.7) and (3.6, 9.2)


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For neg. bin. model, estimated dispersion para. D =4.94 (SE = 1.0)

ˆV ar(Y ) = µ + Dµ2 = µ + 4.94µ2

strong evidence of overdispersion

When Y is a count, safest strategy is to use negativebinomial GLM, especially when dispersion para. is sig-nificantly > 0.


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Models for Rates

When yi have different bases

(e.g., no. murders for cities with different popul. sizes)

more relevant to model rate at which events occur.

Let y = count with index t

Sample rate yt, E(



= µt.

Loglinear model log(



= α + βx

or log(µ)− log(t) = α + βx

See text pp. 82-84 for discussion


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4. Logistic Regression

Y = 0 or 1

π = P (Y = 1)




= α + βx

logit[π(x)] = log[



Uses “logit” link for binomial Y . Equivalently,

π(x) =exp (α + βx)

1 + exp (α + βx),

where exp (α + βx) = eα+βx.


• Sign of β indicates whether π(x) ↑ or ↓ as x ↑

• If β = 0, π(x) = eα

1+eαconstant as x ↑ (π > 1

2if α > 0)

• Curve can be approximated at fixed x by straight lineto describe rate of change.


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e.g., at x with π(x) = 12, slope = β



) (



= β4.

at x with π(x) = 0.1 or 0.9, slope = β (0.1) (0.9) =0.09β

Steepest slope where π(x) = 12.

• When π = 12, log



= log[



= log(1) = 0 =α + βx −→ x = −α

β is the x value where this happens

• 1β ≈ distance between x values with π = 0.5 and

π = 0.75 (or 0.25).

• ML fit obtained with iterative numerical methods.


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Ex. Horseshoe crabs

Y = 1 if female crab has satellites.

Y = 0 if no satellite.

x = weight (kg) (x = 2.44, s = 0.58)

n = 173

ML fit: logit[π(x)] = −3.69 + 1.82x

or π(x) = exp (−3.69+1.82x)1+exp (−3.69+1.82x)

• β > 0 so π ↑ as x ↑

• At x = x = 2.44,

π =exp (−3.69 + 1.82(2.44))

1 + exp (−3.69 + 1.82(2.44))=


1 + e0.734=


3.08= 0.676


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• π = 12 when x = −α

β= 3.69

1.82 = 2.04.

• At x = 2.04, when x ↑ 1, π ↑ approx. βπ(1 − π) =β4= 0.45.

However, s = 0.58 for weight, and 1−unit change is toolarge for this approx. to be good.(actual π = 0.86 at 3.04)

As x ↑ 0.1 kg, π ↑ approx 0.1βπ(1− π) = 0.045(actual π = 0.547).

• At x = 5.20 (max. value), π = 0.997. As x ↑ 0.1,π ↑≈ 0.1(1.82)(0.997)(0.003) = 0.0006.

Rate of changes varies as x does.


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• If we assume Y ∼ Normal and fitted modelµ = α + βx,

µ = −0.145 + 0.323x

At x = 5.2, µ = 1.53! (for estimated prob. of satellite)

• Alternative way to describe effect (not dependent onunits) is

π(x2)− π(x1)

such as π(UQ)− π(LQ)


For x = weight, LQ = 2.00, UQ = 2.85

At x = 2.00, π = 0.48; at x = 2.85, π = 0.81.

π increases by 0.33 over middle half of x values.


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Odds ratio interpretation

Since log(


= α + βx, the odds


1− π= eα+βx

When x ↑ 1, π1−π = eα+β(x+1) = eβeα+βx

−→ odds multiply by eβ, which is odds at x+1odds at x

β = 0⇐⇒ eβ = 1, odds stay constant.

Ex. β = 1.82, eβ = 6.1

Estimated odds of satellite multiply by 6.1 for 1 kg in-crease in weight.

If x ↑ 0.1, e0.1β = e0.182 = 1.20.

Estimated odds increase by 20%.


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95% CI for β is

β ± z0.025(SE) (Wald method)

1.815± 1.96(0.377), or (1.08, 2.55)

95% CI for eβ, multiplicative effect on odds of 1-unit in-crease in x, is

(e1.08, e2.55) = (2.9, 12.8).

95% CI for e0.1β is

(e0.108, e0.255) = (1.11, 1.29).

(odds increases at least 11%, at most 29%).


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• For small n, safer to use likelihood-ratio CI than WaldCI (can do with LRCI option in SAS GENMOD)

Ex. LR CI for eβ is

(e1.11, e2.60) = (3.0, 13.4)

• For binary observation (y = 0 or 1), SAS (PROC GEN-MOD) can use model statement

model y = weight/dist = bin . . .

but SAS forms logit as log[

P (Y=0)P (Y=1)


instead of log[

P (Y=1)P (Y=0)


unless use “descending” option.

e.g., get logit(π) = 3.69− 1.82x instead oflogit(π) = −3.69 + 1.82x.

• Software can also construct CI for π(x)(in SAS, PROC GENMOD or PROC LOGISTIC)

Ex. At x = 3.05 (value for 1st crab), π = 0.863. 95%CI for π is

(0.766, 0.924)


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Significance Test

H0 : β = 0 states that Y indep. of X (i.e., π(x) con-stant)

H0 : β 6= 0

z =β



0.377= 4.8

or Wald stat. z2 = 23.2, df = 1 (chi-squared)P-value< 0.0001

Very strong evidence that weight has positive effect onπ.

Likelihood-ratio test

When β = 0, L0 = −112.88 (log-likelihood under null)

When β = β, L1 = −97.87

Test stat.−2(L0 − L1) = 30.0

Under H0, has approx. χ2 dist. df = 1 (P < 0.0001)

(can get using TYPE3 option in GENMOD)


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Note: Recall for a model M ,

deviance = −2(LM − Ls)

Ls means the log-likelihood under saturated (perfect fit)model.

To compare model M0 with a more complex model M1,

LR stat . = −2(L0 − L1)

= −2(L0 − Ls)− [−2(L1 − Ls)]

= diff. of deviances

Ex. H0 : β = 0 in logit[π(x)] = α + βx (This is M1).

M0 : logit[π(x)] = α

Diff. of deviances = 225.76 − 195.74 = 30.0 = LRstatistic.


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Multiple Logistic Regression

Y binary, π = P (Y = 1)

x1, x2, . . . , xk can be quantitative, qualitative (usingdummy var’s), or both.

Model form is

logit [P (Y = 1)] = α + β1x1 + β2x2 · · · + βkxk

or, equivalently

π =eα+β1x1+β2x2···+βkxk

1 + eα+β1x1+β2x2···+βkxk

βi = partial effect of xi, controlling for other var’s inmodel.

eβi = conditional odds ratio between Y and xi (1-unitchange) keeping other predictors fixed.


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Ex. Horseshoe crab data

Sampled female has: Y = 1, at least 1 “satellite”,Y = 0, no satellites.

Let x = weight, c = color (qualitative 4 cat’s).

c1 = 1 medium lightc1 = 0 otherwisec2 = 1 mediumc2 = 0 otherwisec3 = 1 medium darkc3 = 0 otherwise

For dark crabs, c1 = c2 = c3 = 0.

CLASS COLOR statement in SAS asks SAS to set updummy variables (indicator) for COLOR (need 3 dum-mies for 4 categories).


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logit [P (Y = 1)] = α + β1c1 + β2c2 + β3c3 + β4x4

has ML fit

logit (π) = −4.53 + 1.27c1 + 1.41c2 + 1.08c3 + 1.69x

e.g., for dark crabs, c1 = c2 = c3 = 0,

logit (π) = −4.53 + 1.69x

At x = x = 2.44,

π =e−4.53+1.69(2.44)

1 + e−4.53+1.69(2.44)= 0.40

For medium light crabs (c1 = 1, c2 = c3 = 0),

logit (π) = −4.53 + 1.27(1) + 1.69x = −3.26 + 1.69x

At x = x = 2.44, π = 0.70


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• At each weight, medium-light crabs are more likelythan dark crabs to have satellites.

β = 1.27, e1.27 = 3.6

At a given weight, estimated odds a med-light crab hassatellite are 3.6 times estimated odds for dark crab.

e.g., at x = 2.44,

odds for med-light

odds for dark=


0.40/0.60= 3.6

How could you get an estimated odds radio comparingML to M or MD?

Compare ML (c1 = 1) to M (c2 = 1)

1.27− 1.41 = −0.14, e−0.14 = 0.9

At any given weight, estimated odds a ML crab has satel-lite are 0.9 times estimated odds a M crab has satellite.


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• Model assumes lack of interaction between color andweight in effects on π. This implies coefficient of x =weight is same for each color (β4 = 1.69).

i.e., shape of curve for effect of x on π is same for eachcolor.

Inference: Do we need color in model?

H0 : β1 = β2 = β3 = 0

Given weight, Y is indep. of color.


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Likelihood-ratio test statistic

−2(L0 − L1) = −2[(−97.9)− (−94.3)] = diff. of deviances

= 195.7− 188.5 = 7.2

df = 171− 168 = 3, P = 0.07

Some evidence (but not strong) of a color effect, givenweight (only 22 “dark” crabs).

Is strong evidence of weight effect (β = 1.69 has SE=0.39).

Given color, estimated odds of satellite at weight x+ 1equal e1.69 = 5.4 times estimated odds at weight x.


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Note Other simple models also adequate.

Ex. for nominal model, color estimates

(1.27, 1.41, 1.08, 0)↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ML M MD D


logit [P (Y = 1)] = α + β1x1 + β2x2

where x2 = 0, dark , x2 = 1, other color.

For it, β2 = 1.295 (SE= 0.522)

Given weight, estimated odds of satellite for nondarkcrabs = e1.295 = 3.65 times estimated odds for dark crabs.

Does model with 4 separate colors estimates fit better?

H0 : simple model (1 dummy)

Ha : more complex model (3 dummies)

Note; H0 is β1 = β2 = β3 = 0 in more complex model,

logit[P (Y = 1)] = α + β1c1 + β2c2 + β3c3 + β4x

LR stat. = diff. in deviance

= 189.17− 188.54 = 0.6 ( df = 2)


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Simple model is adequate.

How about model allowing interaction?

logit [P (Y = 1)] = α + β1c1 + β2c2 + β3c3 + β4x

+ β5c1x + β6c2x + β7c3x

Color Weight effect (coeff. of x)dark β4 (c1 = c2 = c3 = 0)

med-light β4 + β5 (c1 = 1)medium β4 + β6 (c2 = 1)med-dark β4 + β7 (c3 = 1)

For H0: no interaction (β5 = β6 = β7 = 0)

LR stat.= −2(L0 − L1) = 6.88, df= 3, P-value= 0.08.

Weak evidence of interaction.For easier interpretation, use simpler model.


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Ordinal factors

Models with dummy var’s treat color as qualitative(nominal).

To treat as quantitative, assign scores such as (1, 2, 3, 4)and model trend.

logit = α + β1x1 + β2x2

x1 : weight, x2 : color.

ML fit:

logit (π) = −2.03 + 1.65x1 − 0.51x2

SE for β1 is 0.38, SE for β2 is 0.22.

π ↓ as color ↑(more dark), controlling for weight.

e−0.51 = 0.60

which is estimated odds ratio for 1-category increase indarkness.


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Does model treating color as nominal fit better?

H0 : simpler (ordinal) model holds

Ha : more complex (nominal) model holds

LR stat. = −2(L0 − L1)

= diff. in deviances

= 190.27− 188.54 = 1.7, df = 2

Do not reject H0.

Simpler model is adequate.


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Qualitative predictors

Ex. FL death penalty revisited

Victims’ Defendant’s Death Penaltyrace race Yes No nB B 4 139 143

W 0 16 16W B 11 37 48

W 53 414 467

π = P (Y = yes )

v = 1 victims black0 victims white

d= 1 defendant black0 defendant white

Modellogit (π) = α + β1d + β2v

has ML fit

logit (π) = −2.06 + 0.87d− 2.40v

e.g., controlling for victim’s race, estimated odds ofdeath penalty for black def’s equal e0.87 = 2.38 timesestimated odds for white def’s

95% CI is:

e0.87±1.96(0.367) = (1.16, 4.89)


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Note• Lack of interaction term means estimated odds ratiobetween Y and

d same at each level of v (e0.87 = 2.38)

v same at each level of d (e−2.40 = 0.09)

(e2.40 =1

0.09) = 11.1

i.e., cont. for d, est. odds of death pen. when v = whitewere 11.1 times est. odds when v = black.

(homogeneous association) means same odds ratio ateach level of other var.

• H0 : β1 = 0 (Y conditional indep. of d given v)

Ha : β1 6= 0

z =β1SE


0.367= 2.36

or Wald stat. z2 = 5.59, df = 1, P = 0.018.

Evidence that death penalty more likely for black def’s,controlling for v.


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Likelihood-ratio testTest of H0 : β1 = 0. Compares models

H0 : logit (π) = α + β2v

Ha : logit (π) = α + β1d + β2v

LR stat. = −2(L0 − L1)

= 2(211.99− 209.48) = 5.0

= diff. of deviances

= 5.39− 0.38 = 5.01, df = 1 (P = 0.025)


• Conduct Wald, LR, test of H0 : β2 = 0

• Get point and interval estimate of odds ratio for effectof victim’s race, controlling for d.

what if v = 1 is white, v = 0 is black?


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• A common application for logistic regression havingmultiple 2× 2 tables is multi-center clinical trials.

Center Treatment ResponseS F

1 12

2 12

... ... ...K 1


logit [P (Y = 1)] = α+β1c1+β2c2+· · ·+βK−1cK−1+βx

Assumes odds ratio = eβ in each table.


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A model like this with several dummy var’s for a factoris often expressed as

logit [P (Y = 1)] = α + βci + βx

βci is effect for center i (relative to last center).

To testH0 : β = 0 about treatment effect for several 2×2tables, could use

• likelihood-ratio test

• Wald test

• Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test (p. 114)

• Small-sample generalization of Fisher’s exact test (pp.158–159)


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Ex. Exercise 4.19

Y = support current abortion laws(1 = yes, 0 = no).

logit [P (Y = 1)] = α + βGh + βR

i + βPj + βx,

where βGh is for gender, βR

i is for religion, and βPj is for

party affil.

For religion (Protestant, Catholic, Jewish)

βR1 = −0.57, βR

2 = −0.66, βR3 = 0.0

βRi represents terms

βR1 r1 + βR

2 r2 = −0.57r1 − 0.66r2,

where r1 = 1, Prot.; r1 = 0, other, and r2 = 1, Cath.;r2 = 0, other.


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Chapter 5: Building Logistic Regression Models

• Model selection

• Model checking

• Be careful with “sparse” categorical data(infinite estimates possible).

Model Selection with Many Predictors

Ex. Horseshoe crab study

Y = whether female crab has satellites(1 = yes, 0 = no).

Explanatory variables



• Color(ML, M, MD, D), dummy var’s c1, c2, c3.

• Spine condition (3 categories), dummy var’s s1, s2.


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Consider model for crabs:

logit[P (Y = 1)] = α + β1c1 + β2c2 + β3c3+ β4s1 + β5s2 + β6(weight) + β7(width)

LR test of H0 : β1 = β2 = · · · = β7 = 0 has test stat.

−2(L0 − L1) = difference of deviances

= 225.8− 185.2 = 40.6

df = 7 (P < 0.0001)

Strong evidence at least one predictor has an effect.

But,. . . , look at Wald tests of individual effects!(e.g., weight)

Multicollinearity (strong correlations among predictors)also plays havoc with GLMs.

e.g. corr(weight, width)=0.89

Partial effect of either relevant? Sufficient to pick oneof these for a model.


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Ex. Using backward elimination

• Use W = width, C = color, S = spline as predictors.

• Start with complex model, including all interactions.

• Drop “least significant”(e.g., largest P-value) variableamong highest-order terms.

• Refit model

• Continue until all variables left are significant.

Note: If testing many interactions, simpler and perhapsbetter to test at one time as a group of terms.


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Ex. H0 : Model C + S +W has 3 parameters for C, 2parameters for S, 1 parameter for W .

Ha : Model

C ∗ S ∗W = C + S +W + C × S

+ C ×W + S ×W + C × S ×W

LR stat. = diff. in deviances

= 186.6− 170.4 = 16.2

df = 166− 152 = 14 (P = 0.30)

Simpler model C + S +W is adequate.

At next stage, S can be dropped from model C+S+W .

diff. in deviances = 187.5− 186.6 = 0.9, df = 2.


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Results in model fit (see text for details)

logit(π) = −12.7 + 1.3c1 + 1.4c2 + 1.1c3 + 0.47(width)

Setting β1 = β2 = β3 gives

logit(π) = −13.0 + 1.3c + 0.48(width)

where c = 1, ML, M, MD; c = 0, D.

Conclude• Given width, estimated odds of satellite for nondark

crabs equal e1.3 = 3.7 times est. odds for dark crabs.

95% CI: e1.3±1.96(0.525) = (1.3, 10.3)(wide CI reflects small number of dark crabs in sample)

• Given color, estimated odds of satellite multiplied bye0.48±1.96(0.104) = (1.3, 2.0) for each 1 cm increase in width.


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Criteria for selecting a model

• Use theory, other research as guide.

• Parsimony (simplicity) is good.

• Can use some criterion to choose among set of models.Most popular criterion is Akaike information criterion(AIC) :Chooses model with minimum

AIC = −2(L− no. model parameters)

where L = log likelihood.

• For exploratory purpose, can use automated proce-dure such as backward elimination.

• Ideally should have ≥ 10 outcomes of each type perpredictor.

Ex. n = 1000, (Y = 1) 30 times, (Y = 0) 970 times.Model should contain ≤ 3 predictors.

Ex. n = 173 horseshoe crabs. (Y = 1): 111 crabs;(Y = 0): 62 crabs. Use ≤ 6 predictors.


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Note• Some software (e.g. PROC LOGISTIC in SAS) has

options for stepwise selection procedures.

• Can further check fit with residuals for grouped data,influence measures, cross validation.

•To summarize predictive power, can use correlation(Y, π).

Predictors Correlationcolor 0.28width 0.40

color+width 0.452color=dark+width 0.447

Another summary: Classification table

Predict Y = 1 if π > 0.50 and Y = 0 if π < 0.50


Actual Y = 1 Y = 0Y = 1 94 17 111Y = 0 34 28 62

Sensitivity=P(Y = 1|Y = 1) = 9494+17

= 0.85

Specificity=P(Y = 0|Y = 0) = 2828+34

= 0.45


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SAS: Get with CTABLE option in PROC LOGISTIC,for various “cutpoints”.

SPSS: Get with BINARY LOGISTIC choice on RE-GRESSION menu.

Model checking

Is the chosen model adequate?

• Goodness of fit testBut, tests using deviance G2, X2 limited to “nonsparse”contingency tables.

• Check whether fit improves by adding other predic-tors, interactions between predictors.

LR stat. = change in deviance is useful for comparingmodels even when G2 not valid as overall test of fit.


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EX. Florida death penalty data

Victim Defendant Death penalty (Y )Race Race Yes No nB B 4 139 143

W 0 16 16W B 11 37 48

W 53 414 467

π = P (Y = yes)

Goodness of fit

For model fit with d = 1 (black def.) or 1 (white def.)and v = 1 (black vic.) and v = 0 (white vic.),

logit (π) = −2.06 + 0.87d− 2.40v,

π =e−2.06+0.87d−2.40v

1 + e−2.06+0.87d−2.40v

e.g., for 467 cases with white def., victim, d = v = 0,

π = e−2.061+e−2.06 = 0.113.

Fitted count “Yes”= 467(0.113) = 52.8Fitted count “No”= 467(0.887) = 414.2


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Observed counts = 53 and 414

Summarizing fit over 8 cells,

X2 =∑ ( obs − fit )2

fit= 0.20

G2 = 2∑

obs logobs

fit= 0.38

= deviance for model

df = 4− 3 = 1

4 = no. binomial observ’s, 3 = no. model parameters.

For G2 = 0.38, P= 0.54 for H0 : model holds(no evidence of lack of fit).


• Model assumes lack of interaction between d and v ineffects on Y , so goodness of fit test in this example is atest of H0: no interaction.

• For continuous predictors or many predictors withsmall µi, X

2 and G2 are not approx. χ2. For betterapprox., can group data before applying X2, G2.Hosmer-Lemeshow test groups using ranges of π values


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(available in PROC LOGISTIC ).

Or, can try to group predictor values (if only 1 or 2predictors).

Residuals for Logistic Regression

At setting i of explanatory var’s, let

yi = no. successes

ni = no. trials (preferably “large”)

π = estimated prob. of success,

based on ML model fit

For a binomial GLM, Pearson residuals are

ei =yi − niπi

niπi(1− πi)

(X2 =∑


e2i )

ei (called Reschi in SAS GENMOD) is approx. N(0, v),when model holds, but v < 1.

Standardized Pearson residual (adjusted residual in somebooks, SPSS)

ri =yi − niπi


ei√1− hi


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where hi is called “leverage” (ri labelled StReschi in SAS).

ri is approx. N(0, 1) when model holds.

|ri| > 2 or 3 (approx.) suggests lack of fit.

EX. Y = admitted into graduate school at Berkeley(1=yes, 0=no). Data on p. 237 of text.

G =gender (g = 0 female, g = 1 male).

D = department (A, B, C, D, E, F).

d1 = 1, dept. A; d1 = 0, otherwise

· · · · · ·

d5 = 1, dept. E; d5 = 0, otherwise

For department F, d1 = d2 = · · · = d5 = 0.


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• Model

logit [P (Y = 1)] = α + β1d1 + · · · + β5d5 + β6g

seems to fit poorly (deviance G2 = 20.2, df=5, P=0.01)

• Simpler models fit poorly. e.g., model with β6 = 0assumes Y indep. of G, controlling for D, has

G2 = 21.7, df = 6, P = 0.001

Apparently, there is a gender × dept. interaction.

Residual analysis indicates lack of fit only for dept. A(Standardized Pearson residual= ±4.15 in model 2).

In other depts., model with no gender effect is adequate.

Note • In dept. A, θ = 0.35 (odds of admission lowerfor males)

• Alternative way to express model with qualitative fac-tor is

logit = [P (Y = 1)] = α + βXi + βZ

k ,

where βXi is effect of classification in category i of X .


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• In SPSS (version 16.0)


Generalized linear modelsւ ց

Statistics Save↓ ↓

Can choose Can choose• Likelihood-ratio χ2 stat. • Predicted value of mean• Profile likelihood CI • CI for mean (π)

• Standardized Pearson residual


Generalized linear modelsւ ↓ ց

Type of model Predictors Response• Binary logistic Predictors •Factors(qualitative dummy var.) • Dep. var Y

• Covariates(quantitative) • Binary, oridentify “trials variable” n


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Sparse data

Caution: Parameter estimates in logistic re-gression can be infinite.


S F1 8 20 10 0




P (S)

P (F )


= α + βx

eβ = odds ratio = 8×02×10 = 0

β = log odds ratio = −∞.

Ex. Text p.155 for multi-center clinical trial (5centers, each with 2× 2 table)


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Ex. y = 0 for x < 50 and y = 1 for x > 50.

logit[P (Y = 1)] = α + βx

has β =∞. Software may not realize this!

PROC GENMODβ = 3.84, SE= 15601054.

PROC LOGISTIC gives warning

SPSSβ = 1.83, SE= 674.8.

Infinite estimates exists when can separate x-values where y = 1 from x-values where y = 0(perfect discrimination).


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Ch 6: Multicategory Logit Models

Y has J categories, J > 2.

Extensions of logistic regression for nominal and ordinalY assume a multinomial distribution for Y .

Model for Nominal Responses

Let πj = P (Y = j), j = 1, 2, . . . , J

Baseline-category logits are





, j = 1, 2, . . . , J − 1.

Baseline-category logit model has form





= αj + βjx, j = 1, 2, . . . , J − 1.

i.e., separate set of parameters (αj, βj) occurs for eachlogit (for each predictor).


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• Which category we use as the baseline category (i.e.,cat. J) is arbitrary (For nominal variables, the order ofthe categories is arbitrary).

• exp(βj) is the multiplicative impact of a 1-unit increasein x on the odds of making response j instead of responseJ .

• Can use model with ordinal response variables also,but then you ignore information about ordering.


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Ex. Income and job satisfaction (1991 GSS data)

INCOME JOB SATISFACTION($ 1000) Very Little Moderate Very

dissatisfied dissatisfied satisfied satisfied< 5 2 4 13 35-15 2 6 22 415-25 0 1 15 8> 25 0 3 13 8

Using x =income scores (3, 10, 20, 30), we use SAS (PROCLOGISTIC) to fit model





= αj + βjx, j = 1, 2, 3,

for J = 4 job satisfaction categories

SPSS: fit using MULTINOMIAL LOGISTIC suboptionunder REGRESSION option in ANALYZE menu

Prediction equations





= 0.56− 0.20x





= 0.65− 0.07x





= 1.82− 0.05x


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• For each logit, odds of being in less satisfied category(instead of very satisfied) decrease as x = income ↑.

• The estimated odds of being “very dissatisfied” insteadof “very satisfied” multiplies by e−0.20 = 0.82 for each 1thousand dollar increase in income.

For a 10 thousand dollar increase in income, (e.g., fromrow 2 to row 3 or from row 3 to row 4 of table), the esti-mated odds multiply by

e10(−0.20) = e−2.0 = 0.14.

e.g, at at x = 30, the estimated odds of being “verydissatisfied” instead of “very satisfied” are just 0.14 timesthe corresponding odds at x = 20.

• Model treats income as quantitative, Y = job satisfac-tion as qualitative (nominal), but Y is ordinal. (We laterconsider a model that treats job satisfaction as ordinal.)


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Estimating response probabilities

Equivalent form of model is

πj =eαj+βjx

1 + eα1+β1x + · · · + eαJ−1+βJ−1x, j = 1, 2, . . . , J−1

πJ =1

1 + eα1+β1x + · · · + eαJ−1+βJ−1x


= eαj+βjx





= αj + βjx


πj = 1.


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Ex. Job satisfaction data

π1 =e0.56−0.20x

1 + e0.56−0.20x + e0.65−0.07x + e1.82−0.05x

π2 =e0.65−0.07x

1 + e0.56−0.20x + e0.65−0.07x + e1.82−0.05x

π3 =e1.82−0.05x

1 + e0.56−0.20x + e0.65−0.07x + e1.82−0.05x

π4 =1

1 + e0.56−0.2x + e0.65−0.07x + e1.82−0.05x

e.g. at x = 30, estimated prob. of “very satisfied” is

π4 =1

1 + e0.56−0.20x + e0.65−0.07x + e1.82−0.05x= 0.365.

Likewise, π1 = 0.002, π2 = 0.084, π3 = 0.550

π1 + π2 + π3 + π4 = 1.0


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• ML estimates determine effects for all pairs of cate-gories, e.g.





= log




− log




= (0.564− 0.199x)− (0.645− 0.070x)

= −0.081− 0.129x

• Contingency table data, so can test goodness of fit

The deviance is the LR test statistic for testing that allparameters not in model = 0.

Deviance = G2 = 4.18, df = 6, P -value = 0.65 for H0 :Model holds with linear trends for income

(Also, Pearson X2 = 3.6, df = 6, P = 0.73 for samehypothesis)

Model has 12 logits (3 at each of 4 income levels), 6 pa-rameters, so df = 12− 6 = 6 for testing fit.


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Note: Inference uses usual methods

• Wald CI for βj is βj ± z(SE)

• Wald test of H0 : βj = 0 uses z = (βj/SE) orz2 ∼ χ2


• For small n, better to use LR test, LR CI

Ex. Overall “global” test of income effect

H0 : β1 = β2 = β3 = 0

SAS reports Wald statistic = 7.03, df = 3, P= 0.07

Weak evidence, but ignores ordering of satisfaction cate-gories.

(With many parameters, Wald stat. = quadratic form


Can get LR statistic by comparing deviance with simpler“independence model”

LR stat. = 9.29, df = 3, P = 0.03.


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Model for Ordinal Responses

The cumulative probabilities are

P (Y ≤ j) = π1 + . . . + πj, j = 1, 2, . . . , J.

Cumulative logits are

logit [P (Y ≤ j)] = log


P (Y ≤ j)

1− P (Y ≤ j)


= log


P (Y ≤ j)

P (Y > j)


= log


π1 + . . . + πjπj+1 + . . . + πJ


forj = 1, 2, . . . , J − 1

Cumulative logit model has form

logit [P (Y ≤ j)] = αj + βx

• separate intercept αj for each cumulative logit

• same slope β for each cumulative logit


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• eβ = multiplicative effect of 1-unit change in x onodds that (Y ≤ j) (instead of (Y > j))

•odds of (Y ≤ j) at x2odds of (Y ≤ j) at x1

= eβ(x2−x1)

= eβ when x2 = x1 + 1

Also called proportional odds model.

Software notes

• SAS: ML fit with PROC LOGISTIC,PROC GENMOD (dist=mult, link=clogit)

PROC LOGISTIC default for dummy variable is 1 incategory, -1 if in last category, 0 otherwise.

To use usual form of 1 in category, 0 otherwise, useparam = ref option, e.g.,

CLASS race gender / param = ref ;


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ANALYZE−→ REGRESSION −→ ORDINAL to getcumulative logit model but estimates β have opposite signas in SAS (as in modeling log[P (Y > j)/P (Y ≤ j)])

Ex. Job satisfaction and income

logit [P (Y ≤ j)] = αj+ βx = αj− 0.056x, j = 1, 2, 3

Odds of response at low end of job satisfaction scale ↓ asx = income ↑

eβ = e−0.056 = 0.95

Estimated odds of satisfaction below any given level (in-stead of above it) multiplies by 0.95 for 1-unit increase inx (but, x = 3, 10, 20, 30 )

For $10, 000 increase in income, estimated odds multiplyby

e10β = e10(−0.056) = 0.57

e.g., estimated odds of satisfaction being below (insteadof above) some level at $30, 000 income equal 0.57 timesthe odds at $20, 000.


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• If reverse order, β changes sign but has same SE.

Ex. Category 1 = Very satisfied, 2 =Moderately satisfied,3 = little dissatisfied, 4 = Very dissatisfied

β = 0.056, eβ = 1.06 = 1/0.95

(Response more likely at “very satisfied” end of scale asx ↑)

• H0 : β = 0 (job satisfaction indep. of income) has

Wald stat. =


β − 0






= 7.17

(df = 1, P = 0.007)

LR statistic = 7.51 (df = 1, P = 0.006)


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These tests give stronger evidence of association than iftreat:

• Y as nominal (BCL model),





= αj + βjx

(Recall P = 0.07 for Wald test of H0 : β1 = β2 = β3 = 0)

• X, Y as nominal

Pearson test of indep. has X2 = 11.5, df = 9, P = 0.24(analogous to testing all βj = 0 in BCL model withdummy predictors).

With BCL or cumulative logit models, can have quanti-tative and qualitative predictors, interaction terms, etc.


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Ex. Y = political ideology (GSS data)(1= very liberal, . . . , 5 = very conservative)

x1 = gender (1 = F, 0 = M)

x2 = political party (1 = Democrat, 0 = Republican)

ML fit

logit [P (Y ≤ j)] = αj + 0.117x1 + 0.964x2

For β1 = 0.117, SE = 0.127For β2 = 0.964, SE = 0.130

For each gender, estimated odds a Democrat’s response isin liberal rather than conservative direction (i.e., Y ≤ jrather than Y > j ) are e0.964 = 2.62 times estimatedodds for Republican’s response.

• 95% CI for true odds ratio is

e0.964±1.96(0.130) = (2.0, 3.4)

• LR test of H0 : β2 = 0 (no party effect, given gender)has test stat. = 56.8, df = 1 (P < 0.0001)

Very strong evidence that Democrats tend to be moreliberal that Republicans (for each gender)


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Not much evidence of gender effect (for each party)

But, is there interaction?

ML fit of model permitting interaction is

logit [P (Y ≤ j)] = αj + 0.366x1 + 1.265x2− 0.509x1x2

For H0 : β3 = 0, LR stat. = 3.99, df = 1 (P = 0.046)

Estimated odds ratio for party effect (x2) is

e1.265 = 3.5 when x1 = 0 (M)

e1.265−0.509 = 2.2 when x1 = 1 (F)

Estimated odds ratio for gender effect (x1) is

e0.366 = 1.4 when x2 = 0 (Republican)

e0.366−0.509 = 0.9 when x2 = 1 (Democrat)

i.e., for Republicans, females (x1 = 1) tend to be moreliberal that males.


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Find P (Y = 1) (very liberal) for male Republicans, fe-male Republicans.

P (Y ≤ j) =eαj+0.366x1+1.265x2−0.509x1x2

1 + eαj+0.366x1+1.265x2−0.509x1x2

For j = 1, α1 = −2.674

Male Republicans (x1 = 0, x2 = 0)

P (Y = 1) =e−2.674

1 + e−2.674= 0.064

Female Republicans (x1 = 1, x2 = 0)

P (Y = 1) =e−2.674+0.366

1 + e−2.674+0.366= 0.090

(weak gender effect for Republicans, likewise for Democratsbut in opposite direction)

Similarly, P (Y = 2) = P (Y ≤ 2)− P (Y ≤ 1), etc.

Note P (Y = 5) = P (Y ≤ 5)− P (Y ≤ 4) =1− P (Y ≤ 4) (use α4 = 0.879)


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• If reverse order of response categories

(very lib., slight lib., moderate, slight cons., very cons.)−→

(very cons., slight cons., moderate, slight lib., very liberal)

estimates change sign, odds ratio −→ 1/(odds ratio)

• For ordinal response, other orders not sensible.

Ex. categories (liberal, moderate, conservative)

Enter into SAS as 1, 2, 3


or else SAS will alphabetize as(conservative, liberal, moderate)and treat that as ordering for the cumulative logits


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Ch 8: Models for Matched Pairs

Ex. Crossover study to compare drug with placebo.

86 subjects randomly assigned to receive drug then placeboor else placebo then drug.Binary response (S, F) for each

Treatment S F TotalDrug 61 25 86

Placebo 22 64 86

Methods so far (e.g., X2, G2 test of indep., CI for θ, lo-gistic regression) assume independent samples, they areinappropriate for dependent samples (e.g., same subjectsin each sample, which yield matched pairs).

To reflect dependence, display data as 86 observationsrather than 2× 86 observations.

PlaceboS F

S 12 49 61Drug

F 10 15 2522 64 86


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Population probabilities

S FS π11 π12 π1+F π21 π22 π2+

π+1 π+2 1.0

Compare dependent samples by making inference aboutπ1+ − π+1.

There is marginal homogeneity if π1+ = π+1.


π1+ − π+1 = (π11 + π12)− (π11 − π21)

= π12 − π21

So, π1+ = π+1⇐⇒ π12 = π21 (symmetry)

Under H0 : marginal homogeneity,

π12π12 + π21



Each of n∗ = n12 + n21 observations has probability12of

contributing to n12,12 of contributing to n21.

n12 ∼ bin(n∗, 12), mean = n∗

2, std. dev. =




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By normal approximation to binomial, for large n∗

z =n12 − n∗/2√


2)∼ N(0, 1)

=n12 − n21√n12 + n21


z2 =(n12 − n21)


n12 + n21∼ χ2


called McNemar’s test


PlaceboS F

S 12 49 61 (71%)Drug

F 10 1522 86(26%)

z =n12 − n21√n12 + n21

=49− 10√49 + 10

= 5.1

P < 0.0001 for H0 : π1+ = π+1 vs Ha : π1+ 6= π+1

Extremely strong evidence that probability of success ishigher for drug than placebo.


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CI for π1+ − π+1

Estimate π1+ − π+1 by p1+ − p+1, difference of sampleproportions.

V ar(p1+−p+1) = V ar(p1+)+V ar(p+1)−2Cov(p1+, p+1)

SE =

V ar(p1+ − p+1)

n11 n12

n21 n22


12 4910 15


p1+ − p+1 =n11 + n12

n− n11 + n21


=n12 − n21


49− 10

86= 0.453


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The standard error of p1+ − p+1 is



(n12 + n21)−(n12 − n21)2


For the example, this is



(49 + 10)− (49− 10)2

86= 0.075

95% CI is 0.453± 1.96(0.075) = (0.31, 0.60).

Conclude we’re 95% confident that probability of successis between 0.31 and 0.60 higher for drug than for placebo.


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Measuring agreement (Section 8.5.5)

Ex. Movie reviews by Siskel and Ebert

EbertCon Mixed Pro

Con 24 8 13 45Siskel Mixed 8 13 11 32

Pro 10 9 64 8342 30 88 160

How strong is their agreement?

Let πij = P (S = i, E = j)

P (agreement) = π11 + π22 + π33 =∑


= 1 if perfect agreement

If ratings are independent, πii = πi+π+i

P ( agreement ) =∑

πii =∑


Kappa κ =

πii −∑



=P (agree)− P (agree|independent)

1− P (agree|independent)


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•κ = 0 if agreement only equals that expected underindependence.

•κ = 1 if perfect agreement.

•Denominator = maximum difference for numerator, ifperfect agreement.


πii =24 + 13 + 64

160= 0.63

πi+π+i =








+· · ·+(







= 0.40

κ =0.63− 0.40

1− 0.40= 0.389

The strength of agreement is only moderate.


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•95% CI for κ: 0.389± 1.96(0.06) = (0.27, 0.51).

•For H0 : κ = 0,

z =κ



0.06= 6.5

There is extremely strong evidence that agreement is bet-ter than “chance”.


Analyze → Descriptive statistics → Crosstabs

Click statistics, check Kappa(McNemar also is an option).

If enter data as contingency table (e.g. one column called“count”)Data → Weight cases by count


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Ch 9: Models for Correlated, Clustered Re-sponses

Usual models apply (e.g., logistic regr. for binary var.,cumulative logit for ordinal) but model fitting must ac-count for dependence (e.g., from repeated measures onsubjects).

Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) approach to repeated measures

•Specify model in usual way.

•Select a “working correlation” matrix for best guessabout correlation pattern between pairs of observations.

Ex. For T repeated responses, exchangeable correlationis

Time1 2 · · · T

1 1 ρ · · · ρTime 2 ρ 1 · · · ρ

...T ρ ρ · · · 1

•Fitting method gives estimates that are good even ifmisspecify correlation structure.


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•Fitting method uses empirical dependence to adjuststandard errors to reflect actual observed dependence.

•Available in SAS (PROCGENMOD) using REPEATEDstatement, identifying by


the variable name identifying sampling units on which re-peated measurements occur.

•In SPSS, Analyze→ generalized linear models→ gen-eralized estimating equationsMenu to identify subject variable, working correlationmatrix

Ex. Crossover study

PlaceboS F

S 12 49 61Drug

F 10 15 2522 64 86


logit[P (Yt = 1)] = α+βt, t = 1, drug , t = 0, placebo

GEE fit

logit[P (Yt = 1)] = −1.07 + 1.96t


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Estimated odds of S with drug equal e1.96 = 7.1 timesestimated odds with placebo. 95% CI for odds ratio (formarginal probabilities) is

e1.96±1.96(0.377) = (3.4, 14.9)


•Sample marginal odds ratio

=61× 64

25× 22= 7.1 (log θ = 1.96)

(model is saturated)

S FD 61 25P 22 64

•With GEE approach, can have also “between-subject”explanatory var’s, such as gender, order of treatments,etc.

•With identity link,

P (Yt = 1) = 0.26 + 0.45t

i.e., 0.26 = 2286

= estimated prob. of success for placebo.0.26 + 0.45 = 0.71 = 61

86 = est. prob. of success for drug.

β = 0.45 = 0.71 − 0.26 = estimated difference of pro-portions.


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95% CI: 0.45±1.96(0.075) = (0.307, 0.600) for true diff.

NoteGEE is a “quasi-likelihood” method

•Assumes dist. (e.g. binomial) for Y1, for Y2, · · · , forYT , (marginal dist.’s)

•No dist. assumed for joint dist. of (Y1, Y2, · · · , YT ).

•No likelihood function

No LR inference (LR test, LR CI)

•For responses (Y1, Y2, · · · , YT ) at T times, we con-sider marginal model that describes each Yt in terms ofexplanatory var’s.

•Alternative conditional model puts terms in model forsubjects, effects apply conditional on subject. e.g.

logit[P (Yit = 1) = αi + βt]

{αi} (effect for subject i) commonly treated as “randomeffects” having a normal dist. (Ch 10)


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Ex y = response on mental depression (1= normal, 0=abnormal)three times (1,2,4 weeks)two drug treatments (standard, new)two severity of initial diagnosis groups (mild, severe)

Is the rate of improvement better with the new drug?

The data are a 2 × 2 × 2 = 23 table for profile of re-ponses on (Y1, Y2, Y3) at each of 4 combinations of drugand diagnosis severity.

Response at Three TimesDiag Drug nnn nna nan naa ann ana aan aaaMild Stan 16 13 9 3 14 4 15 6Mild New 31 0 6 0 22 2 9 0Sev Stan 2 2 8 9 9 15 27 28Sev New 7 2 5 2 31 5 32 6

Sample Proportion NormalDiagnosis Drug Week 1 Week 2 Week 4Mild Standard 0.51 0.59 0.68

New 0.53 0.79 0.97

Severe Standard 0.21 0.28 0.46New 0.18 0.50 0.83

e.g., 0.51 = (16+13+9+3)/(16+13+9+3+14+4+15+6)


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Let Yt = response of randomly selected subject at time t,(1 = normal, 0 = abnormal)

s = severity of initial diagnosis (1 = severe, 0 = mild)

d = drug treatment (1 = new, 0 = standard)

t = time (0, 1, 2), which is log2( week number ).




P (Yt = 1)

P (Yt = 0)


= α + β1s + β2d + β3t

assumes same rate of change β3 over time for each (s, d)combination.



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More realistic model



P (Yt = 1)

P (Yt = 0)


= α + β1s + β2d + β3t + β4(d× t)

permits time effect to differ by drug

d = 0 (standard), time effect = β3 for standard drug,

d = 1 (new) time effect =β3 + β4 for new drug.

GEE estimates

β1 = -1.31 s

β2 = -0.06 d

β3 = 0.48 t

β4 = 1.02 d× t

Test of H0 : no interaction (β4 = 0) has

z =β4SE


0.188= 5.4

Wald stat. z2 = 29.0 (P<0.0001)

Very strong evidence of faster improvement for new drug.

Could also add s× d, s× t interactions, but they are notsignificant.


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•When diagnosis= severe, estimated odds of normal re-sponse are e−1.31 = 0.27 times estimated odds when di-agnosis = mild, at each d× t combination.

•β2 = −0.06 is drug effect only at t = 0, e−0.06 =0.94 ≈ 1.0, so essentially no drug effect at t = 0 (after 1week). Drug effect at end of study (t = 2) estimated to

be eβ2+2(β4) = 7.2.

•Estimated time effects are

β3 = 0.48, standard treatment (d = 0)

β3 + β3 = 1.50, new treatment (d = 1)


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Cumulative Logit Modeling of Repeated Or-dinal Responses

For multicategory responses, recall popular logit modelsuse logits of cumulative probabilities (ordinal response)

log[P (Y ≤ j)/P (Y > j)] cumulative logits

or logits comparing each probability to a baseline (nomi-nal response)

log[P (Y = j)/P (Y = I)] baseline-category logits

GEE for cumulative logit models presented by Lipsitz etal. (1994)

SAS (PROC GENMOD) provides with independenceworking correlations


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Ex. Data from randomized, double-blind clinical trialcomparing hypnotic drug with placebo in patients withinsomnia problems

Time to Falling AsleepInitial Follow-up

Treatment <20 20–30 30–60 >60Active <20 7 4 1 0

20–30 11 5 2 230–60 13 23 3 1>60 9 17 13 8

Placebo <20 7 4 2 120–30 14 5 1 030–60 6 9 18 2>60 4 11 14 22

Sample marginal distributions

ResponseTreatment occasion <20 20–30 30–60 >60Active Initial 0.1 0.17 0.34 0.39

Follow-up 0.34 0.41 0.16 0.09

Placebo Initial 0.12 0.17 0.29 0.42Follow-up 0.26 0.24 0.29 0.21


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0.10 =7 + 4 + 1 + 0

7 + 4 + 1 + 0 + · · · + 9 + 17 + 13 + 8

0.34 =7 + 11 + 13 + 9

7 + 4 + 1 + 0 + · · · + 9 + 17 + 13 + 8


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data francom;

input case treat occasion outcome;


1 1 0 1

1 1 1 1

2 1 0 1

2 1 1 1

3 1 0 1

3 1 1 1

4 1 0 1

4 1 1 1

5 1 0 1

5 1 1 1

6 1 0 1

6 1 1 1

7 1 0 1

7 1 1 1

8 1 0 1

8 1 1 2

9 1 0 1

9 1 1 2

10 1 0 1

10 1 1 2

239 0 0 4

239 0 1 4


proc genmod data=insomnia;

class case;

model outcome = treat occasion treat*occasion /

dist=multinomial link=cumlogit ;

repeated subject=case / type=indep corrw;


Analysis Of GEE Parameter Estimates

Empirical Standard Error Estimates

Standard 95% Confidence

Parameter Estimate Error Limits Z Pr > |Z|

Intercept1 -2.2671 0.2188 -2.6959 -1.8383 -10.36 <.0001

Intercept2 -0.9515 0.1809 -1.3061 -0.5969 -5.26 <.0001

Intercept3 0.3517 0.1784 0.0020 0.7014 1.97 0.0487

treat 0.0336 0.2384 -0.4337 0.5009 0.14 0.8879

occasion 1.0381 0.1676 0.7096 1.3665 6.19 <.0001

treat*occasion 0.7078 0.2435 0.2305 1.1850 2.91 0.0037


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Yt = time to fall asleepx = treatment (0 = placebo, 1 = active)t = occasion (0 = initial, 1 = follow-up after 2 weeks)


logit[P (Yt ≤ j)] = αj+β1t+β2x+β3(t×x), j = 1, 2, 3

GEE estimates:β1 = 1.04 (SE = 0.17), placebo occasion effect

β2 = 0.03 (SE = 0.24), treatment effect initially

β3 = 0.71 (SE = 0.24), interaction

Considerable evidence that distribution of time to fallasleep decreased more for treatment than placebo group.

H0 : β3 = 0 has z = β3SE = 0.71

0.24 = 2.9, P = 0.004

The treatment effect is β2 = 0.03 at t = 0

β2 + β3 = 0.03 + 0.71 = 0.74 at t = 1

For the active group, the odds of response≤ j (e.g. fallingasleep in ≤ 60 minutes) are estimated to be

• e0.03 = 1.03 times the odds for placebo, at initial time(t = 0)


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• e0.74 = 2.1 times the odds for placebo, at follow-uptime (t = 1)


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Handling repeated measurement and other forms of clustered data

Observations (Y1, Y2, · · · , YT ) (e.g., T times)

1. Marginal models (Ch. 9)

Simultaneously model each E(Yt) t = 1, · · · , Tget standard errors that account for the actual depen-dence using method such as GEE (generalized estimatingequations)e.g. REPEATED statement in PROC GENMOD (SAS)

Ex. binary data Yt = 0 or 1, t = 1, 2 (matched pair)

E(Yt) = P (Yt = 1)

Model logit[P (Yt = 1)] = α + βxt, xt is the value of ex-plan. var. for observ. t

depression data (matched triplets)→ (some explan. var’sconstant across t, others vary)

Note: In practice, missing data is a common problemin longitudinal studies. (no problem for software, but areobservations “missing at random”?)


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2. Random effects models (Ch. 10)

Account for having multiple responses per subject (or“cluster”)by putting a subject term in model

Ex. binary data Yt = 0 or 1

Now let Yit = response by subject i at time t

Modellogit[P (Yit = 1)] = αi + βxt

intercept αi varies by subject

Large positive αi

large P (Yit = 1) each t

Large negative αi

small P (Yit = 1) each t

These will induce dependence, averaging over subjects.

Heterogeneous popul. ⇒ highly variable {αi}

but number of parameters > number of subjects

Solution • Treat {αi} as random rather than param-eters (fixed)


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• Assume dist. for {αi}. e.g. {αi} ∼ N(α, σ) (2para.) or αi = α + ui where is α a parameter

random effects → {ui} ∼ N(0, σ)


logit[P (Yit = 1)] = ui + α + βxt

{ui} are random effects. Parameters such as β are fixedeffects.

A generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) is a GLMwith both fixed and random effects.


Software must “integrate out” the random effects to getthe likelihood fn., ML est. β and std. error.

Also estimate σ and can predict {ui}.

Ex. depression study


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Response at Three TimesDiag Drug nnn nna nan naa ann ana aan aaaMild Stan 16 13 9 3 14 4 15 6Mild New 31 0 6 0 22 2 9 0Sev Stan 2 2 8 9 9 15 27 28Sev New 7 2 5 2 31 5 32 6

Sample Proportion NormalDiagnosis Drug Week 1 Week 2 Week 4Mild Standard 0.51 0.59 0.68

New 0.53 0.79 0.97

Severe Standard 0.21 0.28 0.46New 0.18 0.50 0.83

We used GEE to fit “marginal model”

logit[P (Yt = 1)] = α + β1s + β2d + β3t + β4(d× t)

Yt = 1 (normal), s : severity (=1 severe), d : drug (=1new), t : time (= 0,1,2).

Now we use ML to fit “random effects” model

logit[P (Yit = 1)] = ui + α+ β1s+ β2d+ β3t+ β4(d× t)

assume {ui} has N(0, σ) (need to estimate σ).

β1 = −1.32 severity effect

β2 = −0.06 drug effect at t = 0


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β3 = 0.48 time effect for standard drug (d = 0)

β4 = 1.02 add to β3 to get time effect for new drug (d = 1)

σ = 0.07 est. std. dev. of random effects


• Similar conclusions as with marginal model (e.g.,significant interaction)

• When σ = 0, estimates and std. errors same astreating repeated observ’s as independent

• Details: Ch.10 of textbook

• When σ is large, estimates from random effects logitmodel tend to be larger than estimates from marginallogit model.

Graph here


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Ch 7: Loglinear Models

• Logistic regression distinguishes between response vari-able Y and explanatory variables x1, x2, . . ..

• Loglinear models treat all variables as response vari-ables (like correlation analysis)

Ex. (text) Survey of high school students

Y1: used marijuana? (yes, no)

Y2: alcohol? (yes, no)

Y3: cigarettes? (yes, no)

Any variables independent?Strength of association?Interaction?


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Loglinear models treat cell counts as Poissonand use the log link function

Motivation: In I × J table, X and Y are independentif

P (X = i, Y = j) = P (X = i)P (Y = j) for all i, j.

πij = πi+ π+j

For expected frequencies

µij = nπij

µij = nπi+ π+j

log(µij) = λ + λXi + λY


λXi : effect of X falling in row i

λYj : effect of Y falling in column j

This is loglinear model of independence

Treats X and Y symmetrically(differs from logistic regression, which distinguishes be-tween Y =response and X =explanatory)


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Ex. Income and job satisfaction

Income Job Satisfaction (Y )($1000) Very Little Moderately Very

dissat. dissat. satis. satisfied< 5 2 4 13 3

5− 15 2 6 22 415− 25 0 1 15 8> 25 0 3 13 8

Using x =income scores (3, 10, 20, 30),we used SAS (PROC LOGISTIC) to fit model



= αj + βj x, j = 1, 2, 3


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EX. Income (I) and job satisfaction (S)

(We analyzed this using multinomial logit models in Ch.6)

Modellog(µij) = λ + λI

i + λSj

can be expressed as

log(µij) = λ+λI1z1+λI





z1 =1, income cat. 1

0, otherwise

. . . . . .

z3 =1, income cat. 3

0, otherwise

w1 =1, sat. cat. 1

0, otherwise

. . . . . .

w3 =1, sat. cat. 3

0, otherwise


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Parameter No. nonredundantλ 1λXi I − 1 (can set λX

I = 0 )λYj J − 1 (can set λY

J = 0 )λXYij (I − 1)(J − 1) (no. of products of dummy var’s)

Note.For a Poisson loglinear model

df = no. Poisson counts− no. parameters

(no. Poisson counts = no. cells)

Ex. Independence model, I × J table

logµij = λ + λXi + λY


df = IJ − [1 + (I − 1) + (J − 1)] = (I − 1)(J − 1)

Test of indep. using Pearson X2 or like-ratio G2 is agoodness-of-fit test of the indep. loglinear model.

The model allowing association

log µij = λ + λXi + λY

j + λXYij

has df= 0 (saturated), giving a perfect fit.


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Ex. Recall 4× 4 table

Independence model

log(µij) = λ + λIi + λS


has X2 = 11.5, G2 = 13.5, df= 9.

Saturated model: X2 = G2 = 0, df= 0. (All µij = nij)


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Estimated odds ratio using highest and lowest cate-gories is


µ14µ41= exp


λIS11 + λIS

44 − λIS14 − λIS



= exp(24.288) = 35, 294, 747, 720 (GENMOD)



2× 8

3× 0=∞

since model is saturated(software doesn’t quite get right answer whenML est.=∞)


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Loglinear Models for Three-way TablesTwo-factor terms represent conditional log odds ratios, atfixed level of third var.

Ex. 2× 2× 2 table

Let µijk denotes expected freq.; λXZik and λY Z

jk denoteassoc. para.’s.

log µijk = λ + λXi + λY

j + λZk + λXZ

ik + λY Zjk


• log θXY (Z) = 0 (X and Y cond. indep., given Z)

•log θX(j)Z = λXZ

11 + λXZ22 − λXZ

12 − λXZ21

= 0 if {λXZij = 0}

i.e. the XZ odds ratio is same at all levels of YDenote by (XZ, Y Z),

called model of XY conditional independence.


logµijk = λ + λXi + λY

j + λZk + λXY

ij + λXZik + λY Z


called model of homogeneous associationEach pair of var’s has association that is identical at all

levels of third var.Denote by (XY,XZ, Y Z).


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Ex. Berkeley admissions data (2× 2× 6)Gender(M,F)×Admitted(Y, N)×Department(1,2,3,4,5,6)

Recall marginal 2× 2 AG table has θ = 1.84

• Model (AD, DG)

A and G cond. indep., given D.e.g. for Dept. 1,

θAG(1) =531.4× 38.4

293.6× 69.6= 1.0

= θAG(2) = . . . = θAG(6)

But model fits poorly: G2 = 21.7, X2 = 19.9, df = 6(P < .0001) for H0 : model (AD, DG) holds.

Conclude A and G not cond. indep given D.


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• Model (AG, AD, DG)

Also permits AG assoc., with same odds ratio for eachdept.e.g. for Dept. 1,

θAG(1) =529.3× 36.3

295.7× 71.7= 0.90

= θAG(2) = . . . = θAG(6)

= exp( ˆλAG11 + ˆλAG

22 − ˆλAG12 − ˆλAG

21 )

= exp(−.0999) = .90

Control for dept., estimated odds of admission for malesequal .90 times est. odds for females.

θ = 1.84 ignores dept. (Simpson’s paradox)

But this model also fits poorly: G2 = 20.2, X2 = 18.8,df = 5 (P < .0001) for H0 : model (AG, AD, DG) holds.

i.e. true AG odds ratio not identical for each dept.

• Adding 3-factor interaction term λGADijk gives satu-

rated model (1× 1× 5 cross products of dummies)


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Residual analysis

For model (AD, DG) or (AD, AG, DG), only Dept.1has large adjusted residuals. (≈ 4 in abs. value)

Dept. 1 has

• fewer males accepted than expected by model

• more females accepted than expected by model

If re-fit model (AD, DG) to 2× 2× 5 table for Depts 2-6,G2 = 2.7, df = 5, good fit.

Inference about Conditional Associations

EX. Model (AD, AG, DG)

logµijk = λ + λGi + λA

j + λDk + λGA

ij + λGDik + λAD


H0 : λGAij = 0 (A cond. indep of G, given D)

Likelihood-ratio stat. −2(L0 − L1)= deviance for (AD, DG) -deviance for (AD, AG, DG)=21.7-20.3=1.5, with df=6-5=1 (P =.21)

H0 plausible, but test “shaky” because model (AD, AG,DG) fits poorly.


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Recall θAG(D) = exp(



= exp(−.0999) = .90

95%CI for θAG(D) is

exp[−.0999± 1.96(.0808)] = (.77, 1.06)

Plausible that θAG(D) = 1.

There are equivalences between loglinear models andcorresponding logit models that treat one of the variablesas a response var., others as explanatory. (Sec. 6.5)


• Loglinear models extend to any no. of dimensions

• Loglinear models treat all variables symmetrically;Logistic regr. models treat Y as response and othervar’s as explanatory.Logistic regr. is the more natural approach when onehas a single response var. (e.g. grad admissions) Seeoutput for logit analysis of data


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Ex Text Sec. 6.4, 6.5

Auto accidents

G = gender (F, M)

L = location (urban, rural)

S = seat belt use (no, yes)

I = injury (no, yes)

I is natural response var.

Loglinear model (GLS, IG, IL, IS) fits quite well (G2 =7.5, df = 4)

Simpler to consider logit model with I as response.

logit [P (I = yes )] = −3.34 + 0.54G + 0.76L + 0.82S

Controlling for other variables, estimated odds of injuryare:

e0.54 = 1.72 times higher for females than males (CI:(1.63, 1.82))


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e0.76 = 2.13 times higher in rural than urban locations(CI: (2.02, 2.25))

e0.82 = 2.26 times higher when not wearing seat belt(CI: (2.14, 2.39))

Why ever use loglinear model for contingency table?

Info. about all associations, not merely effects of ex-planatory var’s on response.

Ex. Auto accident data

Loglinear model (GI, GL, GS, IL, IS, LS) (G2 = 23.4, df =5)fits almost as well as (GLS, GI, IL, IS) (G2 = 7.5, df =4) in practical terms but n is huge(68,694)

Variables λ Odds ratio (θ) 1/θGL -0.21 0.81 (fem. rur.) 1.23GS -0.46 0.63 (fem. no) 1.58GI -0.54 0.58 (fem. no) 1.72LS -0.08 0.92 (rur. no) 1.09LI -0.75 0.47 (rur. no) 2.13SI -0.81 0.44 (no no) 2.26

e.g., for those

not wearing seat belts, the estimated odds of being in-


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jured are 2.26 times the estimated odds of injury for thosewearing seat belts, cont. for gender and location. (or. in-terchanges S and I in interp.)

Dissimilarity index

D =∑

|pi − πi|/2• 0 ≤ D ≤ 1, with smaller values for better fit.

• D = proportion of sample cases that must move todifferent cells for model to fit perfectly.

Ex. Loglinear model (GLS, IG, IL, IS) has D = 0.003.

Simpler model (GL, GS, LS, IG, IL, IS) has G2 = 23.4(df=5) for testing fit (P<0.001), but D = 0.008. (Goodfit for practical purposes, and simpler to interpret GS,LSassociations.)

For large n, effects can be “statistically significant”without being “practically significant.”

Model can fail goodness-of-fit test but still be adequatefor practical purposes.


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Can be useful to describe closeness of sample cell pro-portions {pi} in a contingency table to the model fittedproportions {πi}.