cathedral of the immaculate 22th-sixth sunday in...

CATHEDRAL OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Mission Statement We, the worshipping community of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, rooted in the Gospel and the celebration of the Eucharist, seek to make known God’s love in the world through serving one another, sharing our faith and welcoming all. Established 1848 125 Eagle Street Albany, New York 12202-1718 Telephone: 518-463-4447 Email: [email protected] Most Reverend Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D. Bishop of Albany Very Reverend David R. LeFort, S.T.L., V.G. Rector Reverend John Tallman, Parochial Vicar Reverend Paul Mijas, Parochial Vicar Mr. Timothy J. Kosto, II, Deacon Schedule of Liturgical Celebrations The Holy Eucharist (Mass) The Lord’s Day: Saturday 5:15 p.m. (anticipated Mass) Sunday’s 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Weekdays: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 12:15 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday 7:15 a.m. Holy Days: Please check the bulletin and website. The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 11:30 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. and other times by appointment

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Mission Statement We, the worshipping community of the Cathedral of the Immaculate

Conception of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, rooted in the Gospel and the celebration of the Eucharist, seek to make known God’s love in the

world through serving one another, sharing our faith and welcoming all.

Established 1848

125 Eagle Street Albany, New York 12202-1718 Telephone: 518-463-4447 Email: [email protected]

Most Reverend Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D. Bishop of Albany

Very Reverend David R. LeFort, S.T.L., V.G. Rector Reverend John Tallman, Parochial Vicar

Reverend Paul Mijas, Parochial Vicar Mr. Timothy J. Kosto, II, Deacon

Schedule of Liturgical Celebrations The Holy Eucharist (Mass) The Lord’s Day: Saturday 5:15 p.m. (anticipated Mass) Sunday’s 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Weekdays: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 12:15 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday 7:15 a.m. Holy Days: Please check the bulletin and website. The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 11:30 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. and other times by appointment

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Rosary Walk For Life


Join clergy , religious , and the lay faithful in reciting the rosary in procession around the NYS Capitol to promote the culture of life.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: 10am - Mass at Cathedral of the Immaculate

Conception 11: 30am - Walk to Empire Plaza 11:45am - Rosary for Life 12:20 pm -Talk by

Sr. Lillian Peters at the Cathedral of the Im-maculate Conception 1:00 pm - Reception

Priestly Ordination On Saturday, June 15th beginning at 11:00am,

Bishop Scharfenberger will ordain three men to

the Ordained Priesthood here at the Cathedral. If

you have never experienced the Rite of Ordina-

tion, it is quite special. All are welcome to pray

and celebrate with our entire diocese as Deacons

Sam Bellafiore, Kyle Eades and

Mike Melanson are ordained priests for service in

our diocese.

Cathedral Food Pantry Social Services News…

Traditionally the last week of each month we have the op-

portunity to ask for your generous support. Sometime it is

helpful to give a few suggestions. Here are some items our

guests appreciate: tuna fish, apricot or strawberry jelly,

toothpaste, shampoo, hand cream and deodorant. Monetary

donations are always welcome. In the name of the grateful

guests who come to the Food



Sage Gators’ Basketball Camp for boys ages 7-15: July 8-12 @ Sage College of Albany. Regis-ter online at or contact Brian Barnes at 518-292-1969 or by email [email protected] for more information.

First Reading: One of the most pressing issues for the earliest Christian community, and indeed the subject of the first church “council” as Acts of the Apostles tells the story, pertained to Gentile Christians. Jesus, his disciples and Apostles, and the first members of the Christian community were all Jewish. Now the new community has to decide: Must Gentiles who come to have faith in Jesus also become Jews (that is, be circumcised ac-cording to the law of Moses)? We hear today the decision of the Apostles and elders of the com-

munity: what is asked of Gentile believers is ob-servance of dietary laws, avoidance of idolatry, and prohibition of Marriage within certain de-grees of kinship, but not circumcision. Second Reading: The universal theme is likewise found in the de-scription of the glorious, heavenly Jerusalem, whose gates, marked with the names of ances-tors of Israel, open in every direction, toward all peoples. The walls of the City are inscribed with the names of the Apostles. Jesus, who brought salvation to all, is the fulfillment of the promises first made to Israel. The city gleamed with glory of God who was its light, and the Lamb, who was its lamp. Gospel: The Strong connection, almost identification,

between loving Jesus and keeping his word is

stressed. Jesus and his Father come to us in

and through this loving obedience and dwell

within us. Jesus tells his disciples here, the

night before he dies, that the Father will send

the Holy Spirit, an Advocate on their behalf, just

as he had sent Jesus. The Holy Spirit will teach

them and help them to remember all that Jesus

told them. Jesus’ Farewell gift to them is a deep

and abiding peace. His return to the Father

should be a source of great joy He has accom-

plished the mission for which he was sent. They

will not be left alone.

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Page 3: CATHEDRAL OF THE IMMACULATE 22th-SIXTH sunday in easter.pdf · which you patronize. A solicitation letter from Fr. LeFort is available from

Sixth Sunday Of Easter


Annual Bishop’s Appeal We have begun the 65th annual Bishop’s Ap-

peal: “Thanks to YOU” we have shared each year

in educating those who desire intellectual and

spiritual growth, we have contributed to the

feeding of the poor, clothing and housing those

less fortunate, prayed with and for our sisters

and brothers in the Lord. Yes, from this appeal,

many blessings are shared with of faith commu-

nities and beyond. Our goal this year is

$73,451. In the next few weeks, won’t you con-

sider how you will participate in this effort and

share your pledge? For more information, please


Celebrating the Burmese Catholic & Christian


On May 24, 2014, Pope Francis beati-

fied Isidore Ngei Ko Lat, a catechist from Burma

who was martyred in 1950, at the age of 31. Isi-

dore was preparing for priesthood when World

War II began. Returning home to begin catechiz-

ing young children in the Catholic faith, he en-

countered Blessed Mario Vergara of the PIME

Missionaries. After the 1948 independence of

Myanmar, both were persecuted by the guerillas

in Myanmar and ultimately murdered. Blessed

Isidore is the first Burmese Catholic beatified of

that country's history. This Sunday, May 26,

during the 5pm liturgy here at the Cathedral, we

offer thanks to God for the gift of faith among

the Burmese Community and share the joy of

the 5th anniversary of Bl. Isidore's beatification

with them. All are welcome.

Each year's Cathedral Classic includes auc-tions for items such as gift cards/certificates to businesses such as restaurants, theaters and specialty stores. The profits from the Classic help in funding the Cathedral's ongoing restora-tion. One way you can assist with the Restora-tion is by donating items for the Classic auctions or soliciting donations for items from businesses which you patronize. A solicitation letter from Fr. LeFort is available from the Rectory, along with a brochure describing the Classic and ex-plaining sponsorship opportunities. Please deliv-er all auction items to the Rectory by Thursday June 14th. If you have any questions, you can contact the Classic Chair, Jim Horan, at [email protected]

Stewardship Treasure

The Collection for Sunday May 19th was $3,048.36 The Second Collection Total was


Thank you for all you have given to

the Cathedral.

Please pray for our sick; Jeffrey Abraham, Robert Buell, Shirley Anderson, Lucy Apisa, Stephen Beattie, Carol Bruce, Grace Isabelle Caruso, Carmella Cervera, Mary Faith Colvin, Patricia Contti, Theresa Cooney, Sr., Gertrude Cosenke, RSCJ, Marc Daniels, John Dare, Jr., Denise Degasparis, Michael Dolan, Ann Doherty, JoAnn DeLucia, Diane Fontanelli, Janette Fusco, Bernice Girma, Karen Goral, Carol Greenshields, Jean Gutbrodt, Bryan Han-ley, Jacqueline Heisler, Kelly Hemming, Ken-neth Hockeson; Douglas Hoffeler, Dorothy Jor-dan, Reny Jose, Bill Keane, Amy Keegan, James

Laung, Donald Law, Gayle Leonard, Rebecca Leno, Therese Lenz, Diane Lo Prete, Marie-Ann Melenfant, John McGrath, Mary Grace Meneses Sr., Maria Mercurio, CSJ, Stephanie Merenda, Diane Mueller, James Murphy, Mary Murphy, Shane O’Donnell, Josephine Pitcherale, Marcia Pedone, Catherine Rappazzo, Mark Roman, Matthew Rosato, Megan Ruthman, Elaine Spoor, Adam Ventura, Sebastian Vicencio, Richard Warner, Raphael Warner , Rosa Maria Santos

The Cathedral Rectory and

Food Pantry will be Closed

Monday May 27th, in ob-servance of Memorial Day.

There will be NO 12:15pm


“Things have a price and can be for sale, but

people have a dignity that is priceless and

worth far more than things.”

~ Pope Francis

We welcome into the life of God

and the Church

Lucas Shepherd Leo

who was baptized on May 19th, 2019.

May he grow in grace, faith and holiness.

Page 4: CATHEDRAL OF THE IMMACULATE 22th-SIXTH sunday in easter.pdf · which you patronize. A solicitation letter from Fr. LeFort is available from


May 26,2019

Cathedral Liturgical Celebrations, Meetings and Mass Intentions for the week of May 25,

2019 – June 2, 2019

Saturday, May 25, 5:15PM Mass Sunday, May 26, 9:00AM Mass Intention: Penny & Ken Leis 11:00AM Mass Intention: Nicolae Giurescu

5:00PM Mass Monday, May 27, Memorial Day 12:15 PM NO Mass Tuesday, May 28, 7:15AM Mass 12:00PM AA Meeting (Rectory) 7:00PM CBA Senior Liturgy Mass Wednesday, May 29, 12:15 PM Mass Thursday, May 30, ASCENSION 7:15AM Mass 12:15PM Mass 5:15PM Mass Friday May 31, 12:15 PM Mass Intention: D'Acchille Family Intention: Colin Kenneally Saturday, June 1, 5:15PM Mass

Parish Receptions for Re-Igniting Our Faith immediately following Mass Sunday, June 2, 9:00AM Mass 11:00AM Mass Intention: Joseph and Ruth Petro Parish Receptions for Re-Igniting Our Faith immediately following Mass 5:00PM Mass

Page 5: CATHEDRAL OF THE IMMACULATE 22th-SIXTH sunday in easter.pdf · which you patronize. A solicitation letter from Fr. LeFort is available from


May 26,2019

Parish Receptions for Re-Igniting Our Faith

Over the last several weeks, our

parish bulletin has been sharing

information concerning the Re-

Igniting Our Faith campaign, in-

tending to strengthen and grow the gift of faith

that is shared among us and around us, both

as a parish and as a community of many par-

ishes throughout our diocese. We are now

planning two receptions at the Cathedral for

parishioners and friends to share more specific

information about this effort. Immediately fol-

lowing the 5:15pm Mass on Saturday, June 1,

and immediately following the 11:00am Mass

on Sunday, June 2. Both receptions will be

held in the gathering space of the Cathedral.

Please do take some time to share in one of

these receptions so that you have the oppor-

tunity to reflect on the needs we face and the

possibilities of sharing in response to those

needs. Please RSVP to the parish office

(email [email protected]) so we can plan to

welcome you.

Cathedral Registration, if you have moved, changed

email or phone numbers, have any changes in your fam-

ily, please consider updating your registration infor-


PARISHIONER ( Please print )



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