catoctin clarion (mechanicstown [i.e. thurmont], md.) 1912-11-28 … · 2017-12-12 · burke, vice...

i*rofcsi.sloiiui Vincent Sebold. Attorney *at-law. Attorney for Thurmont National Bank. At Thurmont Every Thursday. Jffiees Skhold B’ld’g, Emmitsburg, Md. Both (C. <6 P. Emmitsbnrg, 22—4. Phones. 1 Fred’k Co., Emmitsburg, 27. ii m. v. wvrußK AN I> IvHOltl L. €KLE VrZ, Aimnieyw-ul-lH w, FREDERICK, MARYLAND. Mr. Waters will be in Thurmont EVERY WEDNESDAY. Will give prompt attention to all Law, Equity and Testamentary business placed in our hands. Telephone call 271. CHARLES MpC. MATHIAS Attonipy-ut-Law Office with Emory L. Coblcntz, The Peoples Fire Insurance Building, Frederick, Maryland. At Thurmont Every Night and Saturday afternoons. aug 3 ly Local Items. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our thanks to all who have by words and acts shown their sympathy in our bereavement and appre- ciation of our beloved mother. Sons of Mrs. Groff. Notice. The Union Thanksgiving service will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church in this place today at 10.30 o’clock. Rev. C. E. Reinewald, of Emmitsburg, will preach the sermon, other arrangements having been made since the announce- ment in last week’s paper. Personal. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kissinger, the Misses Mary and Otelia and Master Lowell Kissinger, of Gettysburg, Pa., were guests of Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Birely during the past week. Mr. John Bollinger, who has been a member of the U. S. Army and stationed at Portland, Maine, arrived at his home in this place last week, his term of en- listment having expired. Mrs. J. Frank Weller and Mrs. Harry Ronarnus and son, of Charlestown, W. Va., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mack ley. C. it P. Telephone Company .Making Improvements. During the past week employees of the C. & P. Telephone Company have been busy making preparations to change the many wires now strung on high poles through Thurmont. These men have placed on the poles now in use a heavy messenger wire, this wire extending from the exchange at the west end of town to the eastern portion or just be- yond Walnut street. On this wire will be hung a lead-covered cable containing 50 wires. The wires now on the poles will be taken down, but the top of the poles will not be taken olf. A cable will also be strung over Church and Water streets. After the cable has been put in use, the necessity of trimming trees will be eliminated and the matter of wires be- coming crossed avoided. FORD’S GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Week of December 2, the musical com- edy success, LOUISIANA LOU, with Alexander Clark, Sophie Tucker and company of seventy-five. Louisiana Lou, is the “Merry Widow’’ of musical comedy. Alexander Carr is its David Warfield, and Sophie Tucker is its Mary Garden. What more could could amusement lovers wish for? The rollicking, frolicksome performance will be at Ford’s the week of December 2d, to entertain a public which has been pa tiently awaiting its sprightly gaiety. One of the many charms of Louisiana Lou is its unassuming naturalness. It s does not ask for kind applause. But each succeeding number has a novel attrac- tiveness which keeps the audience on the tip toe of gratified anticipation. Alex- ander Carr wields the septre of funmak- er-in-chief, with Sophie Tucker wearing the crown of ragtime queen. The chorus is of particular value. In stage-door parlance, it is Johnny-on-the- spot. It dances with zest, sings with vi- ¦ vacity, does not pose, and its whole in- terest is centered on the stage. The girls ] are fetchingly pretty, while the men look j and act like young Americans with views and ambitions of their own. Louisiana I Lou, at the Walnut street Theatre, in Philadelphia, enjoyed recently one of the most pleasant engagements of the sea- son, and its coming here promises to be a hurrah welcome to the brightest lot of musical comedy people Chicago has ever sent to this city. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Admission 25 and 50 cents Week of December 9th, “Denman Thompson’s ideal rural play, The Old Homestead. Declare War on Colds. A crusade of education which aims “that common colds may become uncom- mon within the next generation’’ has been begun by prominent New York phy- sicians. Here is a list of the “don’ts” which the doctors say will prevent the annual visitation of the cold: “Don’t sit in a draughty car.” “Don’t sleep in hot rooms.” “Don’t avoid the fresh air.” “Don’t stuff yourself at meal time. Over-eating reduces your resistance.” To which we would add-when you take a cold get rid of it as quickly as possible. To accomplish that you will find Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy most excellent. Sold by all dealers. Advertisement. Seltzer-Grant Wedding. A very pretty church wedding took place at St. Anthony’s parish church, Ml. St. Mary’s, on Wednesday morning of last week when Miss Margaret Flor- ence Grant, the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank I). Grant, of Wilming- ton, Del., became the wife of Mr. John William Seltzer, the second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Seltzer, of Mt. St. Mary’s. The nuptial mass and ser- vices were conducted by Kev. G. H. Tragesser, pastor of St. Anthony’s. Rev. J. C. McGovern of Mt. Si. Mary’s Col- lege Faculty, was also in the sanctuary. The servers for the occasion were -las. McNulty and Win. Wetzel. Dr. E. B. Sefton, of Thurmont, had the pleasure of hauling the bridal party to and from St. Anthony’s in his new automobile. The bride was dressed in cream colored satin trimmed with French lace, and wore a picture hat to match and carried a shower bouquet of orange blossoms. '1 he bridesmaid, a cousin of the bride, Miss Mabel Grant, was dressed in white embroidi ry over pink and wore a picture hat to match and carried a shower bou- quet of ferns and pink carnations. The groom and best man, Mr. Ernest Seltzer, were dressed in dark navy blue serge. Following the wedding ceremonies a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grant. Those pres- ent were Rev. G. H. Tragesser, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seltzer, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grant and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilkinson and son, Misses Mabel, Anna and Mary Giant, Alice Watson, Mary Knott, Mary Barry, Catherine Seltzer, Messrs. Ernest Seltzer, Ferhe McClintock, Thos. Grant, Lawrence Dielman and Arthur Rentzel. At 1 o’clock the bridal party and the above mentioned journeyed to the home of the groom’s parents where the wed- ding dinner was served. In addition to the above mentioned names, the follow- ing were present: Mr. and Mrs. I*. E. McNulty and son, Mrs. John Peddicord, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Joseph Kreilz, Mrs. Eugene Warthen, Misses Fannie Kolb, Maty Jordan, Clayanna Little and Addie Peddicord. During the afternoon Rev. James G. Burke, vice president of the College, and Rev. P. A. Coad, of the College Faculty, called and congratulated the newly mar- ried couple. In the evening a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Seltzer. During the reception the newly married couple were the recipients of many use- j ful and valuable presents. Among those j present were: Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Wilk- | inson and son, Mr. and Mrs. trank Grant 1 and son, Mr. and Mrs. James Seltzer and i family, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. McNulty and family, Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Sefton and j daughter, Mr. and Mis. Clark Shaffer 1 and son, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zentz, Mr. I and Mrs. Columbus Wetzel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McClain and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Knott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCarren, Messrs. Lawrence Dielman, Harry Fox, Joseph, George and Felix Hemler, Edw. and Elmer Krietz, Wm. Shorb, Sidney O’Donoghue, Wilbert Wetzel, George Peddicord, Perlie McClintock, Misses Clayanna and Alverta Little, Poepe Kolb, Mary and Mabel Grant, Marcella and Mary Jordan, Stella Baity, Mary and Irene Shorb, Lulu and Key Eyler, and Lillian Wetzel. At a late hour a sumptuous luncheon was served, after which all having re- j ported a very pleasant occasion congrat- : ulated the newly married couple and wished them a lung, happy and prosper- ous life, the guests repaired to their homes not soon to forget the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Seltzer will reside at Mt. St. Mary’s. Milk Plant is Sold. David Lowenstein, of Frederick, and Richard J. Earnshaw, receivers for the Baltimore and Washington White Cross | Milk Plant, one of the leading industries of Frederick, announce the sale of the i plant to George M. Oyster, of Washing- ton. for $27,000. As soon as the court ratifies the sale the transfer will be made. Ihe sale concludes a business venture ; which has been very unprofitable. About ! $211,000 was invested in the plant several i yaars ago. Stock to the amount of $140,- i UOO was sold, and there are standing against the company two issues of bonds amounting to $408,000. The stockholders will suffer total losses. In addition, the company owed the farm- , ers of the county about SIO,OOO for milk, and nothing will be realized on this. Mr. Oyster is a milk dealor, and he will con- tinue the plant. The company owned j between 20 and 40 horses and delivery . 1 wagons, all of which, and the good will, i arejncluded in the sale.— Post. Gracchain Letter. | Mr. John Pyles spent Saturday in i Frederick. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Joy and family spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Summers, who is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Keilholtz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Young. Mr. William Colliflower spent Sunday with his parents in this place. The Western Maryland railroad is put- , ting a concrete wall under the bridge I near the depot. j The Ladies Aid Society will hold their next meeting on Dec. 7 at the home of Mrs. Emma Firor. Rev. Huebener will hold services Sun- day morning and evening, also C. E. A Night of Terror. Few nights are more terrible than that of a mother looking on her child choking and gasping for breath during an attack of croup, and nothing in the house to re- lieve it. Many mothers have passed nights of terror in this situation. A little fore- thought will enable you to avoid all this. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is acer- ; tain cure for croup and has never been ; known to fail. Keep it at hand. For | sale by all dealers. Advertisement. J. Henry Cover Retires. A Faithful Public Servant of the People of Tliurinont. On Saturday night after the close of business, J. Henry Cover turned over the Post Office with all effects and belongings to Morris L. Rouzer, the newly appoint- ed postmaster, who qualified and took charge. It is but proper that we should say a word or two concerning the retiring post- master, who has been one of the most untiring and efficient officers that the Thurmont Post Office has ever had, while Thurmont has always had good postmas- ters she has never had a better one, and from the records of the Post Office De- partment this office stands at the head of the list. Mr. Cover was appointed postmaster by President Wm. McKinley, November 17, 1897, and has served continuously for ] 15 years. Mr. Cover was first assisted by his son, Harry C. Cover, who died about a year ago, then by a daughter. Miss Lila, (now Mrs. Emory Wisotzkey) and after the death of his son Harry, Mr. Clayton Creeger was appointed as Assistant, who, ( we understand, for time will be the As- | sistant to Mr. Rouzer. The Clarion has said before, and says again, that it sees no necessity for mak- | ing changes in postmasters when they have given such uniform satisfaction to the public as has Mr. Cover, but the devious ways of the “politicians” are j such that there are always the “faithful” ! on the outside as well as the “faithful” i on the inside, so we may well suppose that this condition will he most likely to continue until the time when we don’t have politicians which will be at the dawn of the millenium, no doubt. Mr, Morris L. Rouzer is a son of the late John Rouzer and Mrs. Emma K. Rouzer, still living, and was educated at G-ttysburg College. He married Miss Mamie Henshow, a daughter of the late Dr. Henshaw of this place. Mr. Rouzer t s not unacquainted with “post office life”, he having been a rural carrier for several years, after which he had been employed as bookkeeper for Mr. Throup until the mines closed and after this un- ; til the present time he was bookkeeper and general manager for Mr. Weyhright in the flour and feed business. We wish the new incumbent for his term of office that he will have as suc- cessful administration as his immediate predecessor. Concrete Roads To Be Built Next Year Concrete roads are to he more exten- sively constructed next year by the State Roads Commission, if plans being formed by Chairman (). E. Weller go through. Mr. Weller has become convinced of the superior durability of concrete roads | for heavy traffic and, haying made tests with sections of road in Baltimore City and a stretch of several miles in South- ern Maryland, is preparing to lay consid- erable mileage next year. He thinks concrete roads the latest ev- olution in road construction and believes 1 they meet the objections which have de- veloped to macadam roads where traffic is particularly heavy and there is much motoring. Mr. Weller says road builders through- ! out the world have come to a realization that some substitute must be found for macadam if roads of permanance are to constructed. In sections of the country where motoring is general it has been found that macadam roads disintegrate so rapidly as to make the cost of upkeep and general repairs prohibitive. The tires of motors create a vacuum behind them which draws the finer part- i ides in the screenings of water-bound macadam, and in the case of bituminous macadam lifts the carpet from the road in small cakes, according to the general experience of road builders. Unless such developing defects are immediately rem- edied the road speedily goes to pieces. Such remedying is, of course, costly. I County Doctors Elect. The annual meeting of the Frederick County Medical Society was held a few days ago at the Elks’ Club, Frederick. J Luncheon was served before the meet- i ing. The following officers were elected: President, Dr. Morris A. Birely, Thur- mont; first vice-president, Dr. S. S. May- nard, Frederick; second vice-president, Dr. Ralph R. Browning, Myersville; sec- retary, Dr. B. O. Thomas, Frederick; treasurer, Dr. H. P. Fahrney, Frederick; delegate to State Society, Dr. T. C. Routson, Buckeystown; censor, Dr. Ira J. McCurdy. Dr. T. C. Routson, Dr. E. L. Beck ley, Middletown, and Dr. B. C. Perry, Ur- bana, were named as a committee to send ¦ condolences to Mrs. Smith, widow of the Dr. Franklin Buchanan Smith, for years] a member of the Frederick County Med- ical Society. Condolences were also sent to Dr. and Mrs. L. S. Barker, of Balti- more, upon the death of their child. Dr. 1 j Barker is the head of Johns Hopkins | Medical School, and is well known in Frederick. i "First Sermon in Song.” Sunday evening last Prof. H. C. Mar- shall Marashleian, the singing evangelist, ; appeared in Trinity Reformed church be- fore a large audience. The Professor possesses a well trained voice and handles 1 the violin well. His song selections con- j sists chiefly of old familiar hymns, hut his interpretation was entirely different 1 from that of the majority of singers. ! We believe that to the majority of the j audience he was tiresome, j Prof. Marashleian says his “Sermon ' in Songs” to be given in the Town Hall, Thurmont, on Sunday, Dec. 22d, at 2.30 p. m., will last only one and a half hours because he has other services, and that it will contain more solos than there were at the Reformed church last Sun- day and likely some selections in foreign tongue. Big Wreck OaW. M. Road. i Two Freight Trains Collide at Bine Mountain Station. On Tuesday night of this week a wreck occurred on the Western Maryland rail- road at Blue Mountain House station, the east and west bound through freight trains going together head-on. The ac- cident is said to be due to a misunder- standing of orders by the crew of the westbound train. Both trains were heav- ily loaded with merchandise, and practi- ! cally all the cars and contents and en- gines of both trains were demolished. The crews of both trains were badly injured, two men being killed outright, and others are expected to die. Traffic was held up until late Wednesday. The i wreck occurred alongside of a sidetrack | and after this was cleared of debris, trains began coming through about on . schedule time. The main track was not I cleared until late' Wednesday night. Thanksgiving Dinner. The Ladies of the Mite Society of St. John’s Lutheran church will serve their usual Thanksgiving Dinner in Town Hall on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th. Supper will he served during the even- ing and also on Saturday evening follow- ing, and an entertainment given each evening. The public is cordially invited to attend. Oysters will be served Sat- urday night. Parade in Creagerslown. We have been informed that the Dem- ocrats of Creagerstown District will hold a jollification meeting and parade in Creagerstown on Tuesday evening, Dec. 3d. After the parade there will bespeak- ing in the Town Hall, and oysters will he served. The Eminit Band will he pres- ent and with the Monocacy Valley Band will furnish choice music for the occasion. Cause of Insomnia. The most common cause of insomnia is disorders of the stomach and constipa- tion. Chamberlain’s Tablets correct these disorders and enable you to sleep. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement. Business Locals. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1913 Almanac. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac for 1913 is now ready. It is the most splendid number of this popular Year Book ever printed. Its value has been more than ever proven by remarkable fulfillments of its storm, weather and earthquake forecasts this year. Professor Hicks justly merits the confidence and support of all the people. Don’t fail to send 35c for his 1913 Almanac, or only one dollar for his splendid Magazine and Almanac j one year. The best one dollar invest- ment possible in any home or business. Send to Word and Works Puulishing Co., 3401 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Conkey’s Salt ein will rid your stock of worms; ward off disease and make every animal productive. Your money hack if it doesn’t. Come in and get a trial pail. nov 14 fit* J. HOWARD CASSELL, j _ - For Sale. Three pedigree White Orpington cock- | erels (Philo strain), three Partridge Wyandotte cockerels. ROBERT ROUZER, oct 21 tf Lantz, Md. White Pine Cough Syrup prepared by Dr. Waters, knocks a cold out in a jilTy. Try it. apr. 4tf. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought 8 Stop That Cough. Get a bottle of Dr. Waters’ White Pine Cough Syrup and take it for that cough. aor. 4tf. Waters’ Pharmacy. \tw JLdvqrHsqments. To The Public! Anyone 'Wislving Jewelry. Watches, Clocks or Silverware of any kind, call to city Power House | and see samples. Will save you 25 per j cent on anything you may need. All kinds of repair work. Gold soldered joints a ! specialty. Business hours 7 to 12 a. m. and 4to9p. m. Soliciting a share of your patronage, B. R. PORTNER, nov 28 3mos Thurmont, Md. HOLLIDAY GOODS. 11. S. Landis, N. Market St. Leading Jeweler of Frederick, i We respectfully request you to call and I inspect the many pretty and useful articles suitable for Holiday Gifts. Court- : ecus treatment whether you buy or not. Make your selection and have it laid by. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, j STERLING SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, I SILVEUI’LATED WARE, HAND-TAINTED 1CHINA, CANES, SUNSHADES, UMBRELLAS, ] COMB, BRUSH AND MIRROR SETS, MILITARY BRUSHES, CLOTHES BRUSHES, j MEAT UARVEK9, STEAK CARVERS, A’C. Look for the name “Landis” on the Big Watch. Best and Quickest Repairing and Engraving. Engraving Free, i Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Phone 153 F may 11 lyr REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ThUBMONT National Bank, at Thurmont, in the State of Maryland, at the CLOSE OF BUSINESS. SEPTEMBER 4, 1912. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $151,234 23 Overdrafts, secured and unse- cured 766 93 U. S. Bonds to secure circula- tion 21,250 00 Bonds to secure Postal Savings 1,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds.. . 300 00 Bonds, securities, etc 210,959 09 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 13,000 00 Due from National Banks, (not reserve agents) 5,535 82 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Companies and Savings Banka 25,000 00 Due from approved reserve agents 51,675 37 (.’hecks and other cash items 1,411 39 Notes of other National Banks 45 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 617 55 Lawful money reserve in bank viz: Specie 20,786 20 Legal-tender notes,.. 430 00 21,216 20 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of cir- culation) 1,062 50 Total $505,074 08 LIABILITIES. Capital $25,000 00 Surplus 15,000 00 Undivided profits, less expen- ses and taxes paid 2,615 77 National Bank notes uutstand ing 19,370 00 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers 48 50 Dividends unpaid 60 00 Individual deposits subject to check 442,716 69 Certified checks 200 40 Cashier’s checks outstanding 62 69 Total $505,074 08 State of Maryland, County of Fred- erick, m: I, Jno. G. Jones, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JNO. G. JONES, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of September, 1912. Rudolph O. Eyler, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: M. L. Creager, 1 Wm. J. Stoner, Charles M. Root,i C. & P. Phone—Thurmont 24-W Report of tin* Condition of the iim\nm m of Thui'inont, Maryland, at thr rlost* of Business September 4. II 2. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $131,004 69 < Iverdrafts secured and unse- cured 50 43 Stocks Bonds, securities, etc. 62,780 00 Bonds to secure Postal Savings 1,000 00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 5,100 00 Other real estate owned 1,500 00 Mortgages and Judgments of Record 129,779 04 Due from Approved Reserve Agents 8,242 40 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: 6,325 48 U. S, Currency and Na- tional Bank Notes, ..4109 00 Gold Coin 175 00 Silver Coin 1399 45 Nickels and Cents... 642 03 Total. $345,782 04 LIABILITIES. Weekly Deposits... $ 25,000 00 Surplus Fund 19,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses interest taxes paid 2,626 03 Dividends unpaid 24 00 Subject to check 35,213 82 Savings and Special.... 243,918 19 Bills Payable including cer- tificates of deposits for money borrowed 20,000 00 Total, $345,782 04 State of Maryland, I County of Frederick, i I, Stanley R. Damuth, Cashier of the above named institution, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. STANLEY R. DAMUTH, Cashier. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 10th day of September, 1912. Rudolph O. Eyler, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: James K. Waters, 1 Joseph C. Gernand, \ Directors. John P. T. Mathias. ) FOR SALE! THREE SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES Cheap to the right party. V. li. O’Toole, Thurmont. mch lOtf. Freight Service as Usual. The Frederick Railroad Co. begs to in- form the general public that its freight service to and from Baltimore, and all other points, reached via Thurmont, has not been interrupted in any manner whatsoever. It is, as it always has been, the quick- est and best service to and from all points it reaches. July 13tf John S. Weybright - DEALER IN - Groceries! Feed! Hardware! Hammond Dairy Feed, Bran, Middling, Corn. Poultry Spplies and Feeds. Try Our Horse Feed. WATER STREET. THURMONT, MI). Our Greaseless Toilet Cream “Witlx Fercxicie Removes Dust and Oil from the Pores. One of the Best (i reuse less Creams on the Market. Compound Syrup vL Hypophosphites. A valuable Tonic and Stimulant, particularly in Bronchitis and affections of the Respiratory Organs. Our Mentholated Bronchial Lozenges Relieves Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Tickling in the Throat. tshe Corner Drug Store. PEOPLES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MARYLAND. H:m9 Office r’reS.ericlc, d.. A HOME STOCK. COMPANY. Emory L. Cohlentz. President. R. Rush Lewis, Vice-President Win. W. Donb, Secretary. Solicitors: Anna M. Jones, Thurmont. Wm. I. Renner, Rocky Ridge. Geo. W. Miinahun, Sabillasville. Chas. S. Snook, Lewiatown. Frank M. Stevens, Creagerstown. Ladies! Five centuries ago Ponce de Leon sought the fountain of Perpetual Youth in Florida- Womenfolks are finding it in A. D. S. Peroxide Cream. 25c and 50c Size. Waters’ Pharmacy, Thurmont, - - Maryland. Feed Economy 1 Animal Regulator W pnt.honn.ron and ho S, o, .n.lition and 1 I K 25c. 50c. sl. 25-lb. P.dl, $3 'O J I I •* Your money back if it fail* ' n \ pfdp Healing Ointment \ (or Powder) V|| 19, V cu ß sores nml wound*. 25c, 50c Sample free. J'JZ) Oi l I'ratta Profit-sliaring Booklet | |W Sam ’I Lung, John S. Weyhright, Geo. W. Stocksdalo. Challenge Flour Pure - Reliable - Economical - Reputable And is not Excelled by any Flour made in America. Manufactured at ZPred-ericlc, nyEaryiand., BY The Mountain City Mills. Capacity 1000 bbls. Daily. The Baltimore News AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published Every Afternoon , Including Sunday A Newspaper for the Home, for the Family Circle Covers thoroughly the news of the city. State and country. Complete market reports. Buy it from your local newsdealer or order it by mail. Ono month 00;’. I S;k months 1? Three months oe. I One year *0...0 The Baltimore flews, Baltimore, MJ.

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Page 1: Catoctin clarion (Mechanicstown [i.e. Thurmont], Md.) 1912-11-28 … · 2017-12-12 · Burke, vice president of the College, and Rev. P. A. Coad, of the College Faculty, called and


Vincent Sebold.Attorney *at-law.

Attorney for Thurmont National Bank.At Thurmont Every Thursday.

Jffiees Skhold B’ld’g, Emmitsburg, Md.

Both (C. <6 P. Emmitsbnrg, 22—4.Phones. 1 Fred’k Co., Emmitsburg, 27.

ii m. v. wvrußKA N I>

IvHOltl L. €KLE VrZ,

Aimnieyw-ul-lH w,


Mr. Waters will be in Thurmont

EVERY WEDNESDAY.Will give prompt attention to all Law,

Equity and Testamentary business placedin our hands.

Telephone call 271.


Office with Emory L. Coblcntz,The Peoples Fire Insurance Building,

Frederick, Maryland.At Thurmont Every Night and

Saturday afternoons.

aug 3 ly

Local Items.

Card of Thanks.We desire to express our thanks to all

who have by words and acts shown theirsympathy in our bereavement and appre-

ciation of our beloved mother.Sons of Mrs. Groff.

Notice.The Union Thanksgiving service will

be held in the Methodist Episcopal church

in this place today at 10.30 o’clock. Rev.

C. E. Reinewald, of Emmitsburg, will

preach the sermon, other arrangements

having been made since the announce-ment in last week’s paper.

Personal.Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kissinger, the

Misses Mary and Otelia and MasterLowell Kissinger, of Gettysburg, Pa.,were guests of Dr. and Mrs. M. A.Birely during the past week.

Mr. John Bollinger, who has been a

member of the U. S. Army and stationed

at Portland, Maine, arrived at his home

in this place last week, his term of en-

listment having expired.Mrs. J. Frank Weller and Mrs. Harry

Ronarnus and son, of Charlestown, W.Va., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles

Mack ley.

C. it P. Telephone Company .Making

Improvements.During the past week employees of

the C. & P. Telephone Company havebeen busy making preparations to change

the many wires now strung on high polesthrough Thurmont. These men haveplaced on the poles now in use a heavy

messenger wire, this wire extending

from the exchange at the west end of

town to the eastern portion or just be-yond Walnut street. On this wire will

be hung a lead-covered cable containing

50 wires. The wires now on the poles

will be taken down, but the top of thepoles will not be taken olf. A cable willalso be strung over Church and Water

streets.After the cable has been put in use,

the necessity of trimming trees will beeliminated and the matter of wires be-coming crossed avoided.


Week of December 2, the musical com-

edy success,

LOUISIANA LOU,with Alexander Clark, Sophie Tucker

and company of seventy-five.Louisiana Lou, is the “Merry Widow’’

of musical comedy. Alexander Carr isits David Warfield, and Sophie Tucker isits Mary Garden. What more couldcould amusement lovers wish for? Therollicking, frolicksome performance willbe at Ford’s the week of December 2d,

to entertain a public which has been patiently awaiting its sprightly gaiety.

One of the many charms of LouisianaLou is its unassuming naturalness. It sdoes not ask for kind applause. But eachsucceeding number has a novel attrac-tiveness which keeps the audience on thetip toe of gratified anticipation. Alex-ander Carr wields the septre of funmak-er-in-chief, with Sophie Tucker wearing

the crown of ragtime queen.The chorus is of particular value. In

stage-door parlance, it is Johnny-on-the-

spot. It dances with zest, sings with vi- ¦vacity, does not pose, and its whole in-terest is centered on the stage. The girls ]are fetchingly pretty, while the men look jand act like young Americans with viewsand ambitions of their own. Louisiana ILou, at the Walnut street Theatre, inPhiladelphia, enjoyed recently one of themost pleasant engagements of the sea-

son, and its coming here promises to bea hurrah welcome to the brightest lot ofmusical comedy people Chicago has ever

sent to this city.

Matinees Wednesday and Saturday.Admission 25 and 50 cents

Week of December 9th, “DenmanThompson’s ideal rural play, The OldHomestead. ”

Declare War on Colds.

A crusade of education which aims

“that common colds may become uncom-

mon within the next generation’’ hasbeen begun by prominent New York phy-sicians. Here is a list of the “don’ts”which the doctors say will prevent theannual visitation of the cold:

“Don’t sit in a draughty car.”“Don’t sleep in hot rooms.”“Don’t avoid the fresh air.”“Don’t stuff yourself at meal time.

Over-eating reduces your resistance.”To which we would add-when you

take a cold get rid of it as quickly as

possible. To accomplish that you willfind Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy most

excellent. Sold by all dealers.Advertisement.

Seltzer-Grant Wedding.A very pretty church wedding took

place at St. Anthony’s parish church,

Ml. St. Mary’s, on Wednesday morning

of last week when Miss Margaret Flor-ence Grant, the younger daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Frank I). Grant, of Wilming-

ton, Del., became the wife of Mr. JohnWilliam Seltzer, the second eldest son of

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Seltzer, of Mt.

St. Mary’s. The nuptial mass and ser-

vices were conducted by Kev. G. H.

Tragesser, pastor of St. Anthony’s. Rev.

J. C. McGovern of Mt. Si. Mary’s Col-

lege Faculty, was also in the sanctuary.

The servers for the occasion were -las.McNulty and Win. Wetzel. Dr. E. B.Sefton, of Thurmont, had the pleasureof hauling the bridal party to and fromSt. Anthony’s in his new automobile.The bride was dressed in cream colored

satin trimmed with French lace, andwore a picture hat to match and carrieda shower bouquet of orange blossoms.'1 he bridesmaid, a cousin of the bride,

Miss Mabel Grant, was dressed in white

embroidi ry over pink and wore a picturehat to match and carried a shower bou-quet of ferns and pink carnations. Thegroom and best man, Mr. Ernest Seltzer,

were dressed in dark navy blue serge.Following the wedding ceremonies a

sumptuous wedding breakfast was served

at the home of the bride’s grandparents,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grant. Those pres-ent were Rev. G. H. Tragesser, Mr. andMrs. Wm. Seltzer, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grant andfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilkinsonand son, Misses Mabel, Anna and MaryGiant, Alice Watson, Mary Knott, Mary

Barry, Catherine Seltzer, Messrs. ErnestSeltzer, Ferhe McClintock, Thos. Grant,Lawrence Dielman and Arthur Rentzel.

At 1 o’clock the bridal party and the

above mentioned journeyed to the home

of the groom’s parents where the wed-ding dinner was served. In addition to

the above mentioned names, the follow-ing were present: Mr. and Mrs. I*. E.McNulty and son, Mrs. John Peddicord,Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Joseph Kreilz, Mrs.Eugene Warthen, Misses Fannie Kolb,

Maty Jordan, Clayanna Little and AddiePeddicord.

During the afternoon Rev. James G.Burke, vice president of the College, andRev. P. A. Coad, of the College Faculty,

called and congratulated the newly mar-ried couple.

In the evening a reception was held at

the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Seltzer.During the reception the newly marriedcouple were the recipients of many use- jful and valuable presents. Among those jpresent were: Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Wilk- |inson and son, Mr. and Mrs. trank Grant 1and son, Mr. and Mrs. James Seltzer and ifamily, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. McNulty andfamily, Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Sefton and jdaughter, Mr. and Mis. Clark Shaffer

1 and son, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zentz, Mr. Iand Mrs. Columbus Wetzel and family,Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McClain and daugh-

ter, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Knott andfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCarren,Messrs. Lawrence Dielman, Harry Fox,Joseph, George and Felix Hemler, Edw.and Elmer Krietz, Wm. Shorb, Sidney

O’Donoghue, Wilbert Wetzel, George

Peddicord, Perlie McClintock, MissesClayanna and Alverta Little, Poepe Kolb,

Mary and Mabel Grant, Marcella and Mary

Jordan, Stella Baity, Mary and IreneShorb, Lulu and Key Eyler, and LillianWetzel.

At a late hour a sumptuous luncheonwas served, after which all having re- jported a very pleasant occasion congrat- :ulated the newly married couple andwished them a lung, happy and prosper-ous life, the guests repaired to theirhomes not soon to forget the occasion.

Mr. and Mrs. Seltzer will reside at

Mt. St. Mary’s.

Milk Plant is Sold.David Lowenstein, of Frederick, and

Richard J. Earnshaw, receivers for theBaltimore and Washington White Cross |Milk Plant, one of the leading industriesof Frederick, announce the sale of the

i plant to George M. Oyster, of Washing-

ton. for $27,000. As soon as the court

ratifies the sale the transfer will be made.Ihe sale concludes a business venture

; which has been very unprofitable. About! $211,000 was invested in the plant several

i yaars ago. Stock to the amount of $140,-

i UOO was sold, and there are standingagainst the company two issues of bondsamounting to $408,000.

The stockholders will suffer total losses.In addition, the company owed the farm- ,ers of the county about SIO,OOO for milk,and nothing will be realized on this. Mr.Oyster is a milk dealor, and he will con-tinue the plant. The company owned

j between 20 and 40 horses and delivery .

1 wagons, all of which, and the good will,

i arejncluded in the sale.— Post.

Gracchain Letter.| Mr. John Pyles spent Saturday ini Frederick.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Joy and family

spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs.Summers, who is quite ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Keilholtz spent

Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Young.Mr. William Colliflower spent Sunday

with his parents in this place.The Western Maryland railroad is put-

, ting a concrete wall under the bridge

I near the depot.j The Ladies Aid Society will hold theirnext meeting on Dec. 7 at the home ofMrs. Emma Firor.

Rev. Huebener will hold services Sun-

day morning and evening, also C. E.

A Night of Terror.Few nights are more terrible than that

of a mother looking on her child chokingand gasping for breath during an attackof croup, and nothing in the house to re-

lieve it. Many mothers have passed nights

of terror in this situation. A little fore-thought will enable you to avoid all this.Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is acer-

; tain cure for croup and has never been; known to fail. Keep it at hand. For| sale by all dealers. Advertisement.

J. Henry Cover Retires.A Faithful Public Servant of

the People of Tliurinont.On Saturday night after the close of

business, J. Henry Cover turned over thePost Office with all effects and belongings

to Morris L. Rouzer, the newly appoint-ed postmaster, who qualified and tookcharge.

It is but proper that we should say a

word or two concerning the retiring post-

master, who has been one of the mostuntiring and efficient officers that theThurmont Post Office has ever had, whileThurmont has always had good postmas-

ters she has never had a better one, andfrom the records of the Post Office De-partment this office stands at the head

of the list.Mr. Cover was appointed postmaster

by President Wm. McKinley, November17, 1897, and has served continuously for ]15 years.

Mr. Cover was first assisted by his son,

Harry C. Cover, who died about a yearago, then by a daughter. Miss Lila, (nowMrs. Emory Wisotzkey) and after thedeath of his son Harry, Mr. Clayton

Creeger was appointed as Assistant, who, (we understand, for time will be the As- |sistant to Mr. Rouzer.

The Clarion has said before, and saysagain, that it sees no necessity for mak- |ing changes in postmasters when they

have given such uniform satisfaction tothe public as has Mr. Cover, but thedevious ways of the “politicians” are jsuch that there are always the “faithful” !on the outside as well as the “faithful” ion the inside, so we may well supposethat this condition will he most likely to

continue until the time when we don’thave politicians which will be at thedawn of the millenium, no doubt.

Mr, Morris L. Rouzer is a son of the

late John Rouzer and Mrs. Emma K. •

Rouzer, still living, and was educated atG-ttysburg College. He married MissMamie Henshow, a daughter of the lateDr. Henshaw of this place. Mr. Rouzer

t s not unacquainted with “post officelife”, he having been a rural carrier forseveral years, after which he had beenemployed as bookkeeper for Mr. Throupuntil the mines closed and after this un- ;

til the present time he was bookkeeperand general manager for Mr. Weyhrightin the flour and feed business.

We wish the new incumbent for histerm of office that he will have as suc-

cessful administration as his immediatepredecessor.

Concrete Roads To Be Built Next Year

Concrete roads are to he more exten-

sively constructed next year by the StateRoads Commission, ifplans being formedby Chairman (). E. Weller go through.

Mr. Weller has become convinced ofthe superior durability of concrete roads |for heavy traffic and, haying made testswith sections of road in Baltimore City

and a stretch of several miles in South-ern Maryland, is preparing to lay consid-erable mileage next year.

He thinks concrete roads the latest ev-

olution in road construction and believes 1they meet the objections which have de-veloped to macadam roads where trafficis particularly heavy and there is muchmotoring.

Mr. Weller says road builders through- !out the world have come to a realizationthat some substitute must be found formacadam ifroads of permanance are toconstructed. In sections of the country

where motoring is general it has beenfound that macadam roads disintegrateso rapidly as to make the cost of upkeepand general repairs prohibitive.

The tires of motors create a vacuumbehind them which draws the finer part- iides in the screenings of water-boundmacadam, and in the case of bituminousmacadam lifts the carpet from the roadin small cakes, according to the generalexperience of road builders. Unless suchdeveloping defects are immediately rem-

edied the road speedily goes to pieces.Such remedying is, of course, costly. I

County Doctors Elect.The annual meeting of the Frederick

County Medical Society was held a fewdays ago at the Elks’ Club, Frederick. JLuncheon was served before the meet- iing. The following officers were elected:President, Dr. Morris A. Birely, Thur-mont; first vice-president, Dr. S. S. May-nard, Frederick; second vice-president,Dr. Ralph R. Browning, Myersville; sec-

retary, Dr. B. O. Thomas, Frederick;treasurer, Dr. H. P. Fahrney, Frederick;

delegate to State Society, Dr. T. C.Routson, Buckeystown; censor, Dr. IraJ. McCurdy.

Dr. T. C. Routson, Dr. E. L. Beck ley,Middletown, and Dr. B. C. Perry, Ur-bana, were named as a committee to send ¦condolences to Mrs. Smith, widow of theDr. Franklin Buchanan Smith, for years]a member of the Frederick County Med-ical Society. Condolences were also sentto Dr. and Mrs. L. S. Barker, of Balti-more, upon the death of their child. Dr. 1

jBarker is the head of Johns Hopkins| Medical School, and is well known inFrederick.


"First Sermon in Song.”

Sunday evening last Prof. H. C. Mar-shall Marashleian, the singing evangelist, ;appeared in TrinityReformed church be-fore a large audience. The Professorpossesses a well trained voice and handles

1 the violin well. His song selections con-

j sists chiefly of old familiar hymns, hut• his interpretation was entirely different

1 from that of the majority of singers.! We believe that to the majority of the

j audience he was tiresome,

j Prof. Marashleian says his “Sermon' in Songs” to be given in the Town Hall,Thurmont, on Sunday, Dec. 22d, at 2.30p. m., will last only one and a half hoursbecause he has other services, and thatit will contain more solos than therewere at the Reformed church last Sun-day and likely some selections in foreign


Big Wreck OaW. M. Road.i Two Freight Trains Collide at

Bine Mountain Station.On Tuesday night of this week a wreck

occurred on the Western Maryland rail-road at Blue Mountain House station,the east and west bound through freight

trains going together head-on. The ac-

cident is said to be due to a misunder-standing of orders by the crew of thewestbound train. Both trains were heav-ily loaded with merchandise, and practi-

! cally all the cars and contents and en-gines of both trains were demolished.

The crews of both trains were badlyinjured, two men being killed outright,

and others are expected to die. Trafficwas held up until late Wednesday. The

i wreck occurred alongside of a sidetrack| and after this was cleared of debris,trains began coming through about on

. schedule time. The main track was notI cleared until late' Wednesday night.

Thanksgiving Dinner.The Ladies of the Mite Society of St.

John’s Lutheran church will serve theirusual Thanksgiving Dinner in Town Hallon Thanksgiving Day, November 28th.Supper will he served during the even-

ing and also on Saturday evening follow-ing, and an entertainment given eachevening. The public is cordially invitedto attend. Oysters will be served Sat-urday night.

Parade in Creagerslown.

We have been informed that the Dem-ocrats of Creagerstown District willhold a jollification meeting and parade inCreagerstown on Tuesday evening, Dec.3d. After the parade there will bespeak-ing in the Town Hall, and oysters will heserved. The Eminit Band will he pres-ent and with the Monocacy Valley Bandwill furnish choice music for the occasion.

Cause of Insomnia.The most common cause of insomnia

is disorders of the stomach and constipa-

tion. Chamberlain’s Tablets correctthese disorders and enable you to sleep.For sale by all dealers. Advertisement.

Business Locals.

The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1913 Almanac.The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac for 1913

is now ready. It is the most splendidnumber of this popular Year Book ever

printed. Its value has been more than

ever proven by remarkable fulfillmentsof its storm, weather and earthquakeforecasts this year. Professor Hicks

justly merits the confidence and supportof all the people. Don’t fail to send 35cfor his 1913 Almanac, or only one dollarfor his splendid Magazine and Almanac jone year. The best one dollar invest-ment possible in any home or business.Send to Word and Works Puulishing

Co., 3401 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

Conkey’s Salt ein will rid your stockof worms; ward off disease and makeevery animal productive. Your moneyhack if it doesn’t. Come in and get a

trial pail.nov 14 fit* J. HOWARD CASSELL, j

_ -

For Sale.Three pedigree White Orpington cock- |

erels (Philo strain), three PartridgeWyandotte cockerels.


oct 21 tf Lantz, Md.

White Pine Cough Syrup prepared byDr. Waters, knocks a cold out in a jilTy.Try it. apr. 4tf.

CASTOR IAFor Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought


Stop That Cough.Get a bottle of Dr. Waters’ White

Pine Cough Syrup and take it for thatcough.aor. 4tf. Waters’ Pharmacy.

4§\tw JLdvqrHsqments.

To The Public!Anyone 'Wislving

Jewelry. Watches, Clocks orSilverware

of any kind, call to city Power House

| and see samples. Will save you 25 perj cent on anything you may need. Allkinds

of repair work. Gold soldered joints a

! specialty. Business hours 7 to 12 a. m.and 4to9p. m. Soliciting a share of

your patronage,B. R. PORTNER,

nov 28 3mos Thurmont, Md.

HOLLIDAY GOODS.11. S. Landis, N. Market St.

Leading Jeweler of Frederick,

i We respectfully request you to call and

I inspect the many pretty and useful

articles suitable for Holiday Gifts. Court-

: ecus treatment whether you buy or not.

Make your selection and have it laid by.







j MEAT UARVEK9, STEAK CARVERS, A’C.Look for the name “Landis” on the Big

’ Watch. Best and Quickest Repairingand Engraving. Engraving Free,

i Mail Orders Promptly Attended To.Phone 153 F may 11 lyr


THE CONDITION OF THE ThUBMONTNational Bank, at Thurmont, in

the State of Maryland, at the


RESOURCES.Loans and Discounts $151,234 23Overdrafts, secured and unse-

cured 766 93U. S. Bonds to secure circula-

tion 21,250 00Bonds to secure Postal Savings 1,000 00Premiums on U. S. Bonds.. . 300 00Bonds, securities, etc 210,959 09Banking house, furniture and

fixtures 13,000 00Due from National Banks,

(not reserve agents) 5,535 82Due from State and PrivateBanks and Bankers, TrustCompanies and Savings Banka 25,000 00Due from approved reserve

agents 51,675 37(.’hecks and other cash items 1,411 39Notes of other National Banks 45 00Fractional paper currency,

nickels and cents 617 55Lawful money reserve in bank

viz:Specie 20,786 20Legal-tender notes,.. 430 00

21,216 20Redemption fund with U. S.Treasurer (5 per cent, of cir-

culation) 1,062 50

Total $505,074 08

LIABILITIES.Capital $25,000 00Surplus 15,000 00Undivided profits, less expen-ses and taxes paid 2,615 77National Bank notes uutstand

ing 19,370 00Due to State and Private

Banks and Bankers 48 50Dividends unpaid 60 00Individual deposits subject to

check 442,716 69Certified checks 200 40Cashier’s checks outstanding 62 69

Total $505,074 08

State of Maryland, County of Fred-erick, m:

I, Jno. G. Jones, Cashier of the abovenamed bank, do solemnly swear that theabove statement is true to the best of myknowledge and belief.

JNO. G. JONES,Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this9th day of September, 1912.

Rudolph O. Eyler,Notary Public.

Correct—Attest:M. L. Creager, 1Wm. J. Stoner,

Charles M. Root,i

C. & P. Phone—Thurmont 24-W

Report of tin* Condition of the

iim\nm mof Thui'inont, Maryland, at thrrlost* of Business September 4.II2.


Loans and Discounts $131,004 69< Iverdrafts secured and unse-

cured 50 43Stocks Bonds, securities, etc. 62,780 00Bonds to secure Postal Savings 1,000 00Banking house, furniture and

fixtures 5,100 00Other real estate owned 1,500 00Mortgages and Judgments of

Record 129,779 04Due from Approved Reserve

Agents 8,242 40Lawful Money Reserve in

Bank, viz: 6,325 48U. S, Currency and Na-

tional Bank Notes, ..4109 00Gold Coin 175 00Silver Coin 1399 45Nickels and Cents... 642 03

Total. $345,782 04

LIABILITIES.Weekly Deposits... $ 25,000 00Surplus Fund 19,000 00Undivided profits, less expenses

interest taxes paid 2,626 03Dividends unpaid 24 00Subject to check 35,213 82Savings and Special.... 243,918 19Bills Payable including cer-tificates of deposits for moneyborrowed 20,000 00

Total, $345,782 04

State of Maryland, ICounty of Frederick, i ’

I, Stanley R. Damuth, Cashier of theabove named institution, do solemnlyswear that the above statement is true tothe best of my knowledge and belief.


Subscribed and Sworn to before methis 10th day of September, 1912.

Rudolph O. Eyler,Notary Public.

Correct—Attest:James K. Waters, 1

Joseph C. Gernand, \ Directors.John P. T. Mathias. )


Cheap to the right party.

V. li. O’Toole, Thurmont.mch lOtf.

Freight Service as Usual.

The Frederick Railroad Co. begs to in-

form the general public that its freight

service to and from Baltimore, and all

other points, reached via Thurmont, has

not been interrupted in any mannerwhatsoever.

It is, as it always has been, the quick-est and best service to and from all

points it reaches.July 13tf

John S. Weybright-DEALER IN -

Groceries! Feed! Hardware!

Hammond Dairy Feed, Bran, Middling, Corn.

Poultry Spplies and Feeds.Try Our Horse Feed.


Our GreaselessToilet Cream “Witlx Fercxicie

Removes Dust and Oil from the Pores.

One of the Best (ireuse less Creams on the Market.

Compound Syrup vL Hypophosphites.A valuable Tonic and Stimulant, particularly in Bronchitis and affections

of the Respiratory Organs.

Our Mentholated Bronchial LozengesRelieves Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Tickling in the Throat.

tshe Corner Drug Store.



Emory L. Cohlentz. President. R. Rush Lewis, Vice-PresidentWin. W. Donb, Secretary.

Solicitors:Anna M. Jones, Thurmont. Wm. I. Renner, Rocky Ridge.

Geo. W. Miinahun, Sabillasville. Chas. S. Snook, Lewiatown.

Frank M. Stevens, Creagerstown.

Ladies!Five centuries ago Ponce deLeon sought the fountain ofPerpetual Youth in Florida-Womenfolks are finding it in

A. D. S. Peroxide Cream.25c and 50c Size.

Waters’ Pharmacy,Thurmont, -

- Maryland.

Feed Economy 1Animal Regulator

W pnt.honn.ron and ho S, o, .n.lition and 1I K

25c. 50c. sl. 25-lb. P.dl, $3 'O J II •*

Your money back if it fail* ' n

\ pfdp Healing Ointment\ (or Powder) V||19, V cu ß sores nml wound*. 25c, 50c Sample free. J'JZ)

Oi l I'ratta Profit-sliaring Booklet | |W

Sam ’I Lung, John S. Weyhright, Geo. W. Stocksdalo.

Challenge Flour

Pure - Reliable - Economical - Reputable

And is not Excelled by any Flour made in America.

Manufactured at

ZPred-ericlc, nyEaryiand.,


The Mountain City Mills.Capacity 1000 bbls. Daily.


Published Every Afternoon , Including Sunday

A Newspaper for the Home, for the Family Circle

Covers thoroughly the news of the city. State and country.

Complete market reports.

Buy it from your local newsdealer or order it by mail.

Ono month 00;’. I S;k months 1?Three months oe. I One year *0...0

The Baltimore flews, Baltimore, MJ.