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Causes of the American Revolution EDU 653 By: Dave Bowers

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Causes of the American Revolution

EDU 653

By: Dave Bowers

Proclamation of 1763

• Pontiac’s War convinced the British to close lands west of the Appalachians Mountains.

• This angered colonists and many chose to ignore it

• 10,000 troops were sent to enforce the law

Author: Lanma726

Stamp Act of 1765

• Taxed documents

• Wills

• Diplomas

• Marriage licenses

• Newspapers

• Almanacs

• Playing cards

• Dice

• Colonists rioted in protest

• Tax collectors were tarred & feathered

Author: Pennsylvania Journal


Taxation without Representation

• Colonists did not feel they could be taxed

• They did not have representation in Parliament

• This right was guaranteed by the Magna Carta

Author: jimmiehomeschoolmom

Townshend Acts

• Stamp Act is repealed• Charles Townshend

creates the taxes• Glass• Paper• Paint• Lead • Tea

• Writs of Assistance• Used to search cargo

• Colonists sign nonimportation agreement & boycott British goods

Author: Joshua Reynolds


Sons of Liberty

• Group formed to protest British taxes

• Used fear to intimidate tax collectors

• Protest Video

Author: Philip Dawe


Samuel Adams

• Well known member of the Sons of Liberty

• Cousin the 2nd President John Adams

• Organized the committee of correspondence

• Spread the word of the events in Massachusetts

Author: John Singleton Copley


Quartering Act

• Colonists had to provide housing to British soldiers stationed in the colonies

• Thought of it as another tax

• Large military presence in Boston and New York City

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The Boston Massacre• Angry crowd protested

• Soldiers panicked and fired shots at crowd

• 5 colonists killed

• Soldiers arrested and tried in court

• John Adams was lawyer –received light sentences

• Townshend Acts repealed same day

Author: Paul Revere{{PD-1923}}

The Tea Act

• Tax on Tea remained after Townshend Acts

• Tea Act tried to bail out the British East India Company

• Cut out the merchants

• Colonists feared further action

• Boycott against Tea

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The Boston Tea Party

• Sons of Liberty refused to let tea ships unload

• Governor demanded the cargo be unloaded

• Colonists request ships sail away

• Request denied by customs

• Colonists dressed as Indians opened and dumped tea in to Boston Harbor

Author: W.D. Cooper


The Intolerable Acts

• Punishment from the Boston Tea Party

• Port of Boston is closed

• Allow only 1 town meeting per year

• British officials charge with a crime return to England for trial

• New harsher Quartering Act

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First Continental Congress

• 12 colonies were represented

• Agreed to support Massachusetts and boycott British goods

• Encourage each colony to train a Militia

Author: Edward Savage &/or Robert Edge Pine


Shot Heard ‘Round the World

• Paul Revere & William Dawes warned colonists that “The British are coming”

• Minutemen faced British soldiers

• Small battles near Lexington and Concord

• Ended the hope of an agreement with Britain

Author: Daniel Chester French


Olive Branch Petition

• Continental Congress voted to end the quarrel with Britain

• Sent delegates to see the King

• Declared loyalty to the King

• Asked for Intolerable Acts to be repealed

• King was furious• Vowed to bring rebels to

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George Washington and the Continental Army

• Washington was leader of the Army

• Pro’s• Soldiers were good


• Knew the land

• Con’s• Untrained

• Few supplies

• No NavyAuthor: Brian0918


Works Cited

• Davidson, James West. The American Nation: Beginnings to 1877. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1997. Print

• Colonists Protest British Policies video courtesy of

• Microsoft Clip Art pictures from Microsoft Clip Art 2003

• Pictures: Wikipedia Commons