causes & symptoms of hair loss

Causes & Symptoms of Hair Loss

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Post on 05-Sep-2015




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Proper diet and herbal treatment through Healthbuddy herbal anti hair loss oil (available in Flipkart)could solve any problem regarding hair. Know the causes and symptoms to start treatment before time.


Causes & Symptoms of Hair Loss

Everyoneloses somehairevery day. Losing up to 100 hairs a day is normal.But ifhairloss runs in your family, you could lose a lot more hair. With this kind of hair loss, you may end up with bald spots if you are a man. If you are a woman, you may find that the hair on the top of your head is slowly thinning. About half of all people have this type ofhair lossby around age 50.Althoughhair lossis fairly common, it can be a tough thing to live with, especially when it changes how you look. But there are ways you can treat your hair loss.Androgenetichair loss is seen in both men and women but is worse in men.Thyroid disease,anemia, protein deficiency, and low vitamin levels may cause hair loss.

Hair Loss

1. Physical Stress:Anykind of physical traumasurgery, a car accident, or a severe illness, even the flucan cause temporary hair loss. This can trigger a type of hair loss calledtelogeneffluvium.

2. Too much Vitamin A:Overdoing vitamin A-containing supplements or medications can trigger hair loss, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.Causes of Hair Loss

Causes of Hair Loss3. Lackof Protein:If you don't get enough protein in your diet, your body may ration protein by shutting down hair growth, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. This can happen about two to three months afteradrop in proteinintake.

4. Hormonal changes:Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause temporary hair loss. This could be due to pregnancy, childbirth or the onset of menopause. Hormone levels are also affected by the thyroid gland, so thyroid problems may cause hair loss.Causes of Hair Loss

Causes of Hair Loss

5. EmotionalStress:Emotional stress is less likely to cause hair loss than physical stress, but it can happen, for instance, in the case of divorce, after the death of a loved one, or while caring for an aging parent.

6. Anemia:Almost one in 10 women aged 20 through 49 suffers from anemia due to an iron deficiency (the most common type of anemia), which is an easily fixable cause of hair loss.Causes of Hair Loss

7. Hypothyroidism:Hypothyroidism is the medical term for having anunderactive thyroid gland. This little gland located in your neck produces hormones that are critical to metabolism as well as growth and development and, when its notpumpingout enough hormones, can contribute to hair loss.

8. Dramatic Weight Loss:Sudden weight loss is a form of physical trauma that can result in thinning hair. This could happen even if theweight lossis ultimately good for you. Its possible that the weight loss itself is stressing your body or that not eating right can result in vitamin or mineral deficiencies.Causes of Hair Loss

Hairloss can appear in many different ways, depending on what's causing it. It can come on suddenly or gradually and affect just your scalp or your whole body. Some types of hair loss are temporary, and others are permanent.Hairloss can occur as thinning, in which you may not notice hair falling out, or as shedding, in which clumps of hair fall out.Symptomsof hair loss may include:

Symptoms of Hair Loss

1.Gradual thinning on top of head:This is the most common type of hair loss, affecting both men and women as they age. In men, hair often begins to recede from the forehead in a line that resembles the letter M. Women typically retain the hairline on the forehead but have a broadening of the part in their hair.

2.Circular orpatchybaldspots:Some people experience smooth, coin-sized bald spots. This type of hair loss usually affects just the scalp, but it sometimes also occurs in beards or eyebrows. In some cases, your skin may become itchy or painful before the hair falls out.Symptoms of Hair Loss

3. Suddenloosening of hair:A physical or emotional shock can cause hair to loosen. Handfuls of hair may come out when combing or washing your hair or even after gentle tugging. This type of hair loss usually causes overall hair thinning and not bald patches.

4. Full body hair loss:Some conditions and medical treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, can result in the loss of hair all over your body. The hair usually grows back.Symptoms of Hair Loss

Hairloss that is caused bymedicines, stress,lack of proteinoriron, or hair care may be prevented.Avoiding certain medicines, reducing stress, getting adequate protein and iron in your diet, and using hairstyles that don't damage your hair may reduce or prevent hair loss.Inheritedhair loss(androgeneticalopecia) cannot be prevented.

HealthbuddyAnti-Hair Loss Oil is a great remedy to this problem.

Hair Loss Prevention

HealthbuddyAnti hair-Loss Herbal Oil is available on: