cba newsletter fall 2014


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Page 2: CBA Newsletter Fall 2014

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 2014 2


From Our Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Inside Cover)

‘Brothers’ for Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Alumni Notes & Quotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Alumni News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Alumni Weddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Athletic Hall of Fame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2014 Open House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

A Timeless Tradition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Heard in the Halls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Back Cover)

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CBA Development Office at (315) 446-5960 or [email protected].

Board of Trustees 2014-2015Chair

John Murphy, Jr. ’77

Vice Chair John O’Connor ’85

Secretary Ellen LaBerge

Principal Br. Joseph Jozwiak, FSC

Immed. Past Chair Paul Drescher

Representative of the Brothers’ Community Br. Gabriel Fiumano, FSC ’47

Alumni Association President Michael Vavonese ’76

Representative of Provincialate Br. Thomas Scanlan, FSC

Parents Club President Holly Morganti

Board Members Richard Barry | Kimberly Boynton

Br. James Butler, FSC | Ron Casciano ’71 | Steven Coker ’83 Donald DeKay Jr. ’72 | Dr. Dennis DePerro | Richard Engel ’82

Carol Fletcher | Christopher Harrigan ’90 | Marc Jones ’86 R. Daniel McCarthy ’66 | John McGowan | Michael O’Connor ’66

W. Dennis Owen, AFSC ’44 | Mark Pitonzo ’76 | Robert Scott, AFSC John Sindoni, AFSC ’63 | David Venditti ’78 | Robert Waters ’66

Honorary Board MembersEdward Barno | James Breuer ’68 | William Bush

Robert Congel ’54 | J. David Dickinson ’55 | Ernest Etoll ’53 Robert Gang, Jr. ’35 | Kevin Harrigan ’65 | Alfred Krause

John Marshall ’67 | Edward Moses ’61 | Daniel Murphy ’65 John Murphy ’48 | Anthony Oliva | Eileen Oliva | Joseph T. Scuderi ’53

Doreen Simmons

Alumni Association OfficersPresident

Michael Vavonese ’76

Vice President Carl Thomas ’91

Treasurer David Scrano ’83

Secretary Nick Aboud ’90

CBA Development StaffDirector of Development and Alumni

Patricia Callahan

Director of Alumni and Annual Giving Helen Kelley

Director of Special Events and Programs, Campaign Manager Annemarie Mosley

Communications Associate (Newsletter Editor) Judy Salamone

Administrative Assistant Linda Saladino

On the CoverMeet CBA’s Alumni Association officers Dave Scrano ’83 (Treasurer); Mike Vavonese ’76 (President); Carl Thomas ’91 (Vice President) and Nick Aboud ’90 (Secretary) and learn more about the importance of being involved at your alma mater.

Attention CBA Family: Have you considered including Christian Brothers Academy in your estate planning? Carry on the

legacy and ensure our future. Become a member of the Lasallian Legacy Society! For more information contact

Patti Callahan at 315-446-5960 X1139 or [email protected].

Brother Joseph Jozwiak, FSC

Dear Alumni and Friends of CBA,

I would like to welcome you to the Fall edition of CBA’s Alumni Newsletter. The months of November and December are significant times of the year as we celebrate Thanksgiving Day and prepare to celebrate the Birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. The spirit of gratitude and joy that is so evident during these months is reflected in the many highlights that you will read about in this edition of the Alumni Newsletter.

Christian Brothers Academy is proud of our 114 year tradition of educational excellence here in Syracuse and throughout Central New York. Our present robust enrollment of students is a clear indicator of the confidence that parents have in CBA, by entrusting their children to the care of our administration, faculty and staff. The recently held Open House was very well attended and was evidence of the great interest that many parents have in enrolling their children at CBA. The large number of students taking the entrance exam at CBA in early November was yet another sign of the interest that exists among those who are attracted to CBA as a school of choice. Truly, we are blessed at Christian Brothers Academy and most grateful to all of our alumni and friends who support the Catholic and Lasallian mission of our school.

This newsletter will provide you with a snapshot of the many great happenings and events at CBA involving our alumni, faculty, staff, parents and students. As you read through the newsletter, you will be able to catch a glimpse of individuals, programs, and events that make up our “family” here at Christian Brothers Academy. Alumni officers, a legacy family, academically high-achieving students, dedicated students in our Peer Ministry Program, alumni reunions, the Homecoming 2014 celebration, CBA’s performing arts program, the recent Lasallian Athletic Hall of Fame inductions, and our Alumni Day of Service, in addition to other people and events, will be highlighted in the pages you are about to read.

I hope that you enjoy reading through the following newsletter and experiencing the Lasallian spirit that is alive and well at Christian Brothers Academy. As we enter into the season of Advent and the celebration of Christmas, know that you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers along with the thoughts and prayers of our entire “family” here at CBA!


Brother Joseph Jozwiak, FSC Principal

“St. John Baptist de La Salle... Pray for Us!”“Live Jesus in Our Hearts... Forever!”

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CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall 20143

‘BROTHERS’ FOR LIFEMore than 7,000 graduates of CBA are automatically members of the Alumni Association. Why is it so important to be actively involved with the Alumni Association? Alumni Association Officers Mike Vavonese ’76, President; Carl Thomas ’91, Vice President; Dave Scrano ’83, Treasurer and Nick Aboud ’90, Secretary discussed this topic and more.

How and why did you get involved with the Alumni Association?D.S.- I saw the alumni page on-line and looked into how I could get involved. It’s been a great 11-year run so far. I wanted to see how the school has changed since I was a student, and to see if it could be improved year after year.N.A.- I became involved with the Alumni Association after attending my 20th reunion. I met some of the development and alumni staff and decided that I would like to volunteer my time to help a cause that helped me so many years ago.M.V.- When I returned from law school in the 1980s, I took the opportunity to attend a meeting. My brother had been involved, so I decided I wanted to attend a meeting, and I was immediately hooked with still being involved at our school. C.T.- When Brother Thomas Zoppo was principal, he encouraged me to get more involved and so I did.

What is your favorite alumni event? Why?C.T.- The Alumni Golf Tournament. It’s always an amazing event where I get to meet new people who I otherwise may not have bumped into. You really have the opportunity to get to spend time talking to and getting to know the people with whom you golf.D.S.-My favorite alumni event/activity is the Distinguished Senior interviews-it is always enjoyable and interesting to talk with such capable and interesting young adults about their ambitions and goals in life.

N.A.-My favorite alumni event is Homecoming because it’s a great night to see old friends!M.V.- Presently my favorite alumni event is the alumni homecoming tailgate and alumni football “game.” The game lasts for five minutes, but we have fun. We laugh and eat and drink for two hours and then we go on the field with the team for the pre-game prayer. It is nostalgic. In the past, it was the smoker for sure, a lot of fun! The golf tournament is good, at least when I play well!

Why do you think it is important for CBA alumni to remain connected with the school?D.S.-Remaining connected to the school helps to ensure that the core values and structure remain strong. There is great tradition in the Brothers, and a strong alumni base helps to maintain strength in the school and education the students receive. N.A.- I believe it is important for CBA Alumni to remain connected with the other alumni and the school because we are a true brotherhood. All alumni, in my experience, look forward to helping each other with their careers and/or life events. We know what it takes to make it at CBA. The work ethic and Christian values CBA instills in us automatically generate confidence.

What are your short-term goals for the Alumni Association? Long-term goals?D.S.- Short term-to enhance membership and long-term, to keep membership up and generate new ideas. C.T.-My short-term goals and my long-term goals are the same-to increase membership.

The Annual Alumni Association Golf Tournament is held in June.

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall 2014 4

What do you think is the most common misconception about the Alumni Association/alumni activities?C.T.-That these activities are all about fund raising. Fund raising for the school is certainly a small component of the alumni association, but it’s not the main mission of the Alumni Association. We are primarily concerned with getting alumni engaged, or in some cases, re-engaged with the school and with their fellow alumni.D.S.-The most common misconception is that the activities are not fun or well attended and a lot of work for those that do come. Truth is, we have a lot of fun and the many hands make for light work.

What do you feel you have gained by your involvement with the Alumni Association? C.T.- I’ve gotten to know some younger and older alumni whom I would not have otherwise met as a result of my involvement.M.V.- I have gained an insight into how much is involved in making a private school successful and the hard work and dedication of those who proceeded me in helping. The work is rewarding and so is the tradition, which I hope someday my boys will be involved with.

What is your fondest memory of your time as a student at CBA? M.V.- Having coaches and administrators like Jerry Riordan and Dr. Sam Uva ’57, who took the time and effort to help you develop in the classroom and on the athletic field, even when you didn’t show a lot of ability as a freshman and later were successful in those areas because of their dedication and interest in your future. For example, when I was a freshman, it would take me an hour to run a dash, but because of Coach Riordan’s help, by the time that I was a senior, I became successful as a sprinter.

N.A.- My favorite memory of my time at CBA would have to be any time Brother Tom Zoppo took me aside to counsel me. Having teachers that care may not mean much to the current students, but it will mean more than they know in the near future.

If you were stuck on a deserted island, which three alumni would you like to have with you? Why?N.A.- If I were stuck on a deserted island and could pick three alumni to be with me...hmmm...Danny Sizing ’90 because he cracks me up, my brother Dan Aboud ’91 because he has skills and Greg Scheiwiller ’90 because he has the best iTunes collection! M.V.- I can’t single out three individuals, but I can single out a few groups. Jeff Smith ’76, Tom Niland ’65 and David Venditti ’81 for entertainment purposes; ’76 classmates: Rick Damico for making the best Italian food; Mark Pitonzo, Dick Rheame, Joe Riccardi and Paul Mullin to keep us sane; Dr. Blanchfield ’75, Dr. Sacco ’67 and Dr. Buddy D’Addario ’76 to take care of our health needs; Mike Pikulinski ’76 and Frank Muraco ’76 to protect us from the natives; Emil Rossi ’59 in case we get into trouble; Tony Lenkiewicz, to make sure we look our Sunday best (joking); I hope I’m never in this scenario, as preference would be not to be stuck with any of them for any length of time.


CBA friends and family gather each year for the Alumni Association Homecoming Tailgate.

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The Alumni Association Purple & Gold Awards are handed out each year to CBA graduates and/or non-graduates (faculty, staff, parent, friend) who promote and support the best interests of the students, faculty and alumni of CBA.

Past Purple & Gold recipients include front row (l-r): Richard Barry; Susan Barry; John P. Sindoni ’63; Edward J. Moses ’61; Anthony Oliva; Msgr. Ronald Bill ’49; Robert Waters ’66; Eileen Oliva; John Marshall ’67;

John Marzocchi ’77; Edward Leone ’74; Br. Gabriel Fiumano, FSC ’47; Michael O’Connor ’66; Kevin Conroy


PresidentMike Vavonese ’76EducationCanisius College, 1980 Duquesne University, 1983Career/Employment HistoryPracticing Attorney Syracuse, NY Criminal and Personal Injury Law CBA FAmily legACy

Two brothers, two sons – one currently a sophomore; approximately 30 cousins including the Sidonis, Honolds, and Pitonzos, etc.Family

Wife, Betsy; sons, Michael class of ’12 Matt class of ’17, stepson Patrick

Vice PresidentCarl Thomas ’91EducationLoyola University Maryland University of South CarolinaCareer/Employment HistoryCity of Syracuse Department of Business Development, Economic Development SpecialistCBA Family LegacyTerry Thomas Roundtree ’95FamilyFather, Carl; Mother, Pearl Sister, Terry Thomas Roundtree

TreasurerDave Scrano ’83EducationSUNY Oswego, Syracuse University Computer ScienceCareer/Employment HistoryUSAF, GE/Martin Marietta/Lockheed Martin, Syracuse Research, Sensis/SAAB

SecretaryNicholas Aboud ’90EducationSt Lawrence University, Le Moyne CollegeCareer/Employment HistoryFinancial AdvisorCBA Family LegacyFred Aboud ’64 , Daniel Aboud ’91

Getting To Know Your Alumni Association Officers

The Alumni Association Officers include: Dave Scrano ’83 (Treasurer), Nick Aboud ’90 (Secretary), Mike Vavonese ’76 (President) and Carl Thomas ’91 (Vice President).

Alumni Association Events and AwardsHomecoming/Tailgate

Memorial Mass & BreakfastAlumni Sporting Events (Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer)

Purple & Gold ReceptionGolf Tournament

Alumni Scholarships/Distinguished Senior AwardThe Alumni Association holds meetings at the school on the second Tuesday

of every month (excluding January, July and August) .

1951 Denny McCormick is retired and enjoys playing golf, spending time at the YMCA, hiking and reading.

1954 The Class of 1954 gathered for their 60th reunion in September at Savannagh Dhu. The reunion was hosted by Bob ’54 and Suzanne Congel. The group enjoyed a visit from Principal Brother Joseph Jozwiak and Brother Gabe Fiumano ’47.

1957Robert D. Ventre is a self-employed attorney and has practiced law for 50 years. In 1964, he was admitted to the Federal District Court and to the New York Court, and in 1983 to the US Tax Court.

1959Emil M. Rossi was the recipient of the 2014 Onondaga County Bar Association Distinguished Lawyer Award. He was formally recognized at the OCBA Annual Dinner on Oct. 23. He has served as a Law associate with the firm of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Col and Mosle in New York City, as an assistant District Attorney with the Onondaga County District Attorney’s Office and as a Special Assistant Attorney General with the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Health and Social Services. For over 30 years, he has maintained a highly respected and successful private litigation practice in state and federal court. He has dealt with many high profile cases throughout New York State. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Onondaga County Bar Association, the Board of Directors of Catholic Charities, and the Board of St. Peter’s Day Care center, the United States Magistrate Selection Committee for the Northern District of NY, Co-Chairman of the Transition Committee for Mayor Roy Bernardi, and President of the Columbus Monument Association.

1963John P. Sindoni was the recipient of the 2014 In Hoc Signo Award by the College of Holy Cross at the Alumni Association Dinner on Sept. 26 in Worcester, MA. The In Hoc Signo Award is the association’s highest honor. It is an expression of respect and admiration for alumni who have given generously of their time and talents. Sindoni is a graduate of Holy Cross and Cornell Law School. He is a partner with Hiscock & Barclay in the real estate practice area. Sindoni has been a Holy Cross class chair or co-chair since graduation. He resides in Syracuse.

1966James W. Quinn is retired and is a ski instructor at HoliMont Ski Club in Ellicottville, NY.

1970Francis “Ric” Rivette was honored by Allegheny College on May 13 with the College’s prestigious “Blue Citation.” The award was presented to him on his 40th year Reunion Weekend to recognize his outstanding volunteer service to the College. Ric’s wife, Judith published a new novel, Saint Carmella’s Grotto. See her website for more information or to purchase a copy:

1974Steven O’Hara has five grandchildren, two in Georgia and three in Denver. Steven and his wife, Daisy celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary recently. He now has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Texas at San Antonio and is currently a Software Engineer at Google in Mountainview, CA. Last year, he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and considers himself to be a serious pool player. Joseph Rulison opened Three+One Advisors in Pittsford, NY recently. Three+One Advisors specializes in making strategic connections between public entities, higher education institutions and community banks. Their rapid growth plan is projected to bring in 100 new jobs to Monroe County in the next three years. These meaningful and high-paying positions will require professionals in analysis and technology. Three+One Advisors is looking to bring in new hires from area colleges to be part of their economic engine to build a strong New York. To inquire about internships at Three+One Advisors, contact Nick Russo at 585-484-0311 (ext. 3) or [email protected].

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 2014 6

&“Alumni Notes Quotes

Pictured: Front row (l to r): Joe Farnett, Bob Congel, Fr. Jim Mathews, Mike DeLucia, Tom Spadafora, Dom Mercurio.

Second Row Sam Vavonese, Joe Silvaggio, John Canino, Norb Zahm, Joe Rodriguez, Dick Capone, Pete Moneleone, Lenny Basile,

Don Tarquin, Don Hart, Bob Moses, Chuck Zimmerman. Missing from photo: John Fear

Joseph Rulison

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1983Kirk Dausman has been a lifelong volunteer medical first responder, an emergency medical technician and a paramedic. He served with local fire departments in Jamesville, Dewitt and Geneseo. He then volunteered in Hillsborough, NC and in Cairo and Grady County, GA. There, he was named Volunteer Firefighter of the Year, both in the city and county. He also served as Chaplain. Currently, he volunteers with Marion, MD and he is a Presbyterian Pastor.

Michael P. Boyle and his wife, Kimberly celebrated their 20th anniversary on Sept. 23. Michael also celebrated his 10 year work anniversary at Salient Management Company on June 14. He is currently the Vice President of Global Commercial Partners.

1988David Borasky was named Vice President of Quality Management with the Copernicus Group IRB (CGIRB) in Research Triangle Park, NC. CGIRB’s mission is to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects involved in clinical trials. CGIRB reviews research to ensure that it is conducted in a manner that is ethically sound, scientifically valid, and in compliance with all regulatory requirements.

1999 Michael Ilacqua and his wife, Jennifer Chen welcomed Michael Hudson Ilacqua on June 24. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces.

2000/2002 Frank ‘Tori’ Caliva ‘00 and Crystal Smith DeStefano ’02 purchased the majority of the assets of Syracuse-based Strategic Communications, LLC. Frank was the company’s former Director of Public Affairs & Strategy Development and he managed their government relations practice from Washington, DC since 2011. He has acquired the firm’s public affairs, government relations, and strategic planning areas, which will be based in the Washington, DC offices. Frank will be launching a new firm, P.R. Quinlan. The firm will provide services in these practice areas for Central New York organizations. Crystal is the firm’s former Director of Integrated Media for Public Relations and she has been with the firm since 2009. She has acquired their public relations, media monitoring, reporting, and media response practice areas, which will remain in Syracuse.

2002Photographer and graphic designer Matt Kianka displayed 31 pieces of his artwork at a reception held at Flickinger Performing Arts Center, Nichols School on April 10. He has been participating in Buffalo’s Allentown Art Festival and the Elmwood Avenue Festival of the Arts for years. The common theme in Kianka’s exhibition is the esthetic behind the decay of the subject. Through exploration, Kianka finds deteriorating items and makes stunning artwork of the subject matter through photography.

Anthony Marrone II has been selected as a recipient of this year’s Syracuse 40 Under 40 Award. He stated, “I owe so much to so many of you who have helped me along the way. Thanks to everyone for your support!”

Marcello “Chelly” DiStasio received his Doctor of Medicine degree and his PhD in biomedical engineering in May 2014 from the SUNY Health Science Center at the Brooklyn College of Medicine. He is currently a pathology resident at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston.

2003William Kearney and his wife, Elizabeth welcomed James Logan Kearney on Aug. 12 at 2:53 a.m.. The baby weighed 7 pounds and is perfectly healthy. Both mom and baby are doing fine.

Julie (Schneider) August and her husband, Joseph welcomed Olivia Louise August on Oct. 1, 2013. Olivia joins big sister, Ava Rae.

2005Maureen “Mo” (Mannion) Metlen has been hired as a blogger for the Merely Mother’s website. Mo received her degree in linguistics from The University of Pennsylvania in 2009 and her Master’s Degree in library studies from Drexel University in 2013.

2007 Kristen Grenga has been living and working in the Washington, DC area for about five years. She has a new job (since last spring) as Community Operations Manager for the East Coast for UBER. She finds UBER to be a great company to work for and she loves her job!

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&“Alumni Notes Quotes

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 2014 8

2008Kaley Pfohl successfully completed the Chicago Marathon. She says it’s one of the most challenging, yet amazing experiences she has ever had. She is extremely thankful to those who encouraged and supported her. #CHImarathon #26.2.

2009Michael Christopher Kitts is residing in Chicago, IL where he is a video intern at the Big Ten Conference. He has recently participated in the NCAA Emerging Leaders Seminar.

2010Michael Croglio participated in the White Coat Ceremony on Aug. 29 for the Stony Brook University School of Medicine. The Stony Brook University School of Medicine Class of 2018 officially began with the School’s annual White Coat Ceremony, an event that is designed to emphasize the professionalism inextricably linked

to the practice of Medicine. Each of the 128 new Stony Brook medical students received a physician-in-training white coat and took the Hippocratic Oath for the first time.

Matt Giannino of the RIT men’s cross country team was named Cross Country Runner of the Week for the Liberty League in the Easter College Athletic Conference (ECAC) and the

New York State Collegiate Track Conference (NYSCTC) for the week ending Sept. 7. It is Giannino’s first weekly honor of the season and tenth of his brilliant career. Giannino placed in the top spot, as the RIT men’s cross country team placed third of 14 teams at the Oswego State Invitational. Giannino finished the 7,750-meter course in 24:51.3, 12 seconds ahead of the second place finisher. He paced a mile of 5:10.

2010 (CONT’D)Rose McClimans has competed in the Miss Indiana pageant as Indiana’s Miss Great Lakes 2014, where she came in 4th. Rose is a student at the University of Notre Dame where she is majoring in civil engineering.

Peter Merola graduated cum laude from St. Leo University in Florida with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems.

2011Sarah Kristina Kitts is a senior at the University of Rochester studying Neuroscience where she has been on the Dean’s List for six consecutive semesters. Sarah studied abroad at the University of Sydney in Australia. While in Australia, she completed an internship at the Neuroscience Research Lab.

&“Alumni Notes Quotes

Olivia Louise August

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Alumni News

Alumni gathered for the Homecoming Tailgate on Friday, Oct. 3, prior to CBA’s football game against Liverpool.

Dave Marshall ’02, John Marshall ’67 and Peter Paris ’06 along with approximately 30 alumni, family, friends, current staff and students at CBA participated in the second annual Alumni Day of Service on Saturday, Oct . 4 . The day of service was designed by

the Mission and Ministry team at CBA to unite alumni by demonstrating their continued commitment to their Founder, Saint La Salle, by serving those most in need in their local

community . There was also a CBA Alumni Day of Service in Boston that day .At the Syracuse Alumni Day of Service, volunteers served and prepared meals and sorted

clothing at the Rescue Mission . They also painted, cleaned and performed various other tasks at the Northeast Community Center and the Cathedral Academy of Pompei .

In Boston, volunteers prepared and served meals at Saturday’s Bread at the Church of St . John the Evangelist .

On Nov. 2, more than 150 alumni, family and friends attended the Alumni Memorial Mass in the gymnasium to honor deceased members of the CBA community. Rev. John Ahern was the celebrant. After Mass, a delicious breakfast was served in the cafeteria.

Pictured with Rev. Ahern are lectors and gift bearers (l-r): Mark Carroll ’74; Nick Aboud ’90; Mark Hettler ’73; Michael Vavonese ’76; Dick Senecal ’49;

Mark Cardone ’97; Dave Scrano ’83.

Brothers Alumni Magazine—Heard In The Halls, Spring 2013

Alumni News

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall 2014 10

Close to 40 members of the CBA and Convent School classes of 1974 reunited on Friday, Oct. 3 and Saturday, Oct. 4 to celebrate their 40th anniversary with a weekend of fun and fellowship.

They kicked off the weekend Friday night at the Alumni Association Homecoming Tailgate, then set off for an evening of food, spirits and bowling at Revolutions at Destiny USA. Saturday morning, some brave golfers slogged

through a wet course at the Links at Erie Village and that evening, they partied at Borio’s Restaurant, with a beautiful backdrop of Oneida Lake and background music from the ’70’s.

BIG THANKS to Bernie Carr, Mark Carroll, Mark Grenga, Jon Law, Joe Ranieri, Rita Nicoletti, and Jen Peiffer for your hard work planning this great reunion!

Approximately 30 alumni, staff and friends of CBA enjoyed delicious pub fare, spirits, and great conversation at the Park Avenue Tavern in mid-town Manhattan on Wednesday, Oct . 22 . Memories were shared and stories retold of

CBA days of old . . .and all were happy to learn of what’s new and exciting in the lives of fellow ‘brothers .’BIG THANKS to our NYC reunion sponsors: Rich Cummings ’05; Lawrence Denson ’04; Bob Fitzsimmons ’80;

and Valerie (Sindoni) Kovacs ’95! Also, many thanks to Lauren Crossett ’05 and Kathryn Nave ’02 for helping with the planning and outreach for the event .


The Class of 1965: Jubilee Reunion

May 29-31

Save the date! More information coming soon!

Missing Class of 1965 Alumni:

We need your help in locating the following Alumni celebrating their Jubilee Reunion in May. If you have any contact information, please call the CBA Development Office at

(315) 446-5960 x1122 or email: [email protected].

Thank you!

Dennis C. Albright, James Armstrong, George C. Delany, John R. Fraser,

Charles Glowacki, John M. Hirsh, Kevin Kenney, Bernard F. Murray, John F. Murray,

Edward F. Scanlon, James Shepard, Leonard F. Stack, James Sykes, Donald G. VanDerveer

Upcoming Alumni Events

Alumni Basketball Game—December 29Naples & West Palm Beach, FL—February 2015

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2013Eric Becker ’02 married Marissa Mannarone on June 28.

Mike Ilacqua ’99 married Jennifer Chen in August.

Elizabeth Backus ’02 and Adam Hildreth were married on Aug. 17.

Andrew Alcott ’04 married Cait on Sept. 1. They currently live in Utah.

Tara Danielle Tobia ’02 and Randy Luetkenhaus were married on Sept. 28.

Tom Priest ’05 married Maggie Silkey on Oct. 12.

Sarah Sedgewick ’06 married Tucker Merrigan on Oct. 13.

2014Laura (Schneider) Hulsizer ’06 married Matt Hulsizer on Jan. 11 at Traditions at the Links in East Syracuse. Her sister, Beth Schneider ’09 was her maid of honor. Sister Julie (Schneider) August ’03 was a bridesmaid.

Nicholas Kondra ’97 married Christine Doherty on June 8 at Saint John USVI. Nicholas is a chef in Philadelphia and Christine is a private chef and co-founder of a non-profit called The Bee Foundation.

Paige Papworth ’05 married Tyler Quigley on July 6.

Gregory Terrence Redmond ’03 married Lauren Mary Scott on July 18 at St. Ann’s Church in Manlius. A reception was held at Traditions on the Links in East Syracuse. The couple honeymooned in Hawaii. Gregory is a day program administrator for Elderchoice. Lauren is a fifth grade teacher at Most Holy Rosary School in Syracuse. The couple currently resides in Camillus.

Julie Arkinson ’00 married George Anthony Garcia on July 19 at Holy Cross Church in Dewitt. The reception was held at The Lodge at Welch Allyn in Skaneateles. Stephanie (Arkinson) Sindoni ’95, the bride’s sister, was the Matron of Honor. Bridesmaids included CBA alumni Christina (Iannolo) Lanigan ’00, and Clare (Bigelow) Pearce ’00. Groomsmen, who are also CBA alumni, included Julie’s brother Nicholas Arkinson ’97 and Julie’s brother-in-law Joseph Sindoni ’92. The couple honeymooned in Aruba. They currently reside in Syracuse.

Alumni Weddings

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall 201411 Julie Arkinson ’00 and George Anthony GarciaLaura (Schneider) Hulsizer ’06; bridesmaids included sisters

Julie (Schneider) August ’03 and Beth Schenider ’09 (both left of Laura).

Gregory Redmond ’03 and Lauren Scott

Brothers Alumni Magazine—Heard In The Halls, Spring 2013

Alumni Weddings

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 2014 12


Katie Grenga ’04 married Mike Caliva ’04 on July 19 at Our Lady of Pompei Church. The reception was held at Dinosaur Bar-B-Que in Syracuse. Some of the family alumni attending the ceremony included Mark Grenga ’74, Kristen Grenga ’07, Frank Caliva ’00 and Sara Caliva ’02. Friends who attended the ceremony who were also CBA alumni and students included: Samantha Stewart (McCollum) ’04, Mark Carroll ’74, Joe Gigantelli ’74, Madison Winchell ’19, Kristen Grenga ’07, Sara Caliva ’02, Tori Caliva ’00, Megan Caliva ’12, Javee Javier ’04, Karim Habayeb ’04, Colin Conroy ’04, Jeff Brown ’04, Jess D’Eredita ’04, Jeff Gangemi ’04, Justin Jeong ’02, Jordan Jeong ’04, and Jessica Jeong ’06. The Calivas live in the Boston area.

Kelly Croglio ’03 married Alex Wotring on Sept. 13 at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Richmond, VA. The reception was held at The Jefferson Hotel in Richmond. Victor ’05, Matt ’08 and Michael Croglio ’10 were groomsmen. Carolyn Lange ’03 and Kerry Halleran ’03 were bridesmaids. Other CBA alumni included Robb Barrett ’00, Alana Kulba ’03, Luke Barrett ’03, Meghan Carrick ’03, Sara Catanzarita Parshley ’03, Kelsey Dowd ’07, and Ryan Gensler ’05.

Joseph Rinaldo, III ’04 and Dana Scrimale were married on Aug. 22 at St. Cecilia’s Church in Solvay. A reception followed at Dibbles Inn in Vernon. Pictured with Joe from (l-r) are: Courtney Guifre ’06; Richard Rinaldo, Jr. ’10; Dani Rinaldo ’06; Joe Battaglia ’04 and Mark Grenga ’74.

Paul Hennigan ’72 married Huong Phan on Aug. 8. The wedding was held in Fullerton, CA. The couple resides in Boulder, CO.

Katie Grenga ’04 and Mike Caliva ’04

Kelly Croglio ’03 and Alex Wotring

Joseph Rinaldo, III ’04 and friends

Paul Hennigan ’72 and Huong Phan

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CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 201413

Eight Individuals, Two Teams Inducted Into Lasallian Athletic Hall of Fame

Eight individuals and two teams were inducted into the school’s Lasallian Athletic Hall of Fame on Nov. 1 at the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel.

Established in 2000, the Booster Club sponsored Hall of Fame honors those who have distinguished themselves not only in their interscholastic pursuits while at CBA, but also by their accomplishments in their chosen fields after graduation.

The 2014 inductees included: Alex DeLucia ’57—Football, baseball and track star; All-City in football and baseball; All-State and considered the best lineman in Syracuse in 1956.

John Baichi ’63—Three sport (football, basketball and track) star; co-captain of the undefeated 1962 City League Champs.

James Barksdale ’63—Football and track star; played football collegiately at the University of Buffalo; co-captain of the undefeated 1962 City League Champs.

Dr. Jay Sacco ’67—Lettered in Football and Track; All-State and All-City in football and track. His record in the shot put stood for almost a decade beyond graduation.

Randy Kinn ’74—Started as a student trainer in the early 70’s and returned to CBA after graduating from Syracuse University. Randy has been a mainstay in the athletic department ever since.

Frank Giufre ’95—Football star and wrestling Letterman; All-State and All-League in football; played for Syracuse University and is currently an assistant coach for the Indianapolis Colts.

Jarett Park ’01—All-American in both soccer and lacrosse in high school; played both sports at Syracuse University. Jarett currently plays professional lacrosse for the Colorado Mammoth in the National Lacrosse League and the Washington Bayhawks of the Major Lacrosse League.

Erica LaGrow ’04—Three-sport star (soccer, bowling and lacrosse); high school lacrosse All-American; played collegiately at the University of North Carolina and is currently an assistant coach at the University of Florida.

1968 Track Team—Undefeated league and Diocesan Champs; part of the CBA Track Dynasty that spanned nearly 20 years.

1973 Cross Country Team—Undefeated league and Section III Champions; only team to win the prestigious Eastern States Championship.

Athletic Hall of Fame

The 1973 Cross Country Team (l to r): Coach Jerry Riordan, William Boyle ’74, David Dobrynski ’75, Brian Rodems ’74, Robert Walker ’75, Richard Driscoll ’74,

Joseph Kearney ’74, Peter Rickert ’76, Dan Brownell ’74, Joseph Glisson ‘75

1968 Track Team (l to r): Coach Jerry Riordan, Thomas Grover ’69, Ronald Casciano ’71, Dennis Grover ’70, Donald Brown ’71,

Thomas Kianka ’68, Albert Mydlinksi ’70 , William McCarthy ’70

Individual award recipients (l to r): Jarett Park ’01, Dr. Jay Sacco ’67, John Baichi ’63, Mike DeLucia ’54 (representing his brother Alex DeLucia ’57,

deceased), Lt. Col. James Barksdale USMC ’63, Erica LaGrow ’04, Jim Giufre (representing his son Frank Giufre ’95), Randy Kinn ’74

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 2014 14

CBA was pleased to welcome more than 1,000 people from around Central New York to its Annual Open House on Sunday, Oct. 26. The event was an opportunity to learn more about a Lasallian education at CBA and tour the hallways that embody this year’s theme “Experience CBA…A Whole New World.”

More than 300 student tour guides proudly shared the beautiful campus and offered their personal perspectives on the CBA experience.

“Our Open House theme this year was “Experience CBA…a Whole New World” and I am thrilled that so many visitors came to discover our uniqueness this past Sunday,” said Holly Dowd, Director of Admissions. “I am equally excited about the number of our current students who volunteered to proudly show off their school at Open

House. That to me speaks volumes about our CBA community. A CBA education is truly a transforming experience, as our families can attest to.”

The Brothers spirit was definitely contagious as families learned more about the challenging academic curriculum, fine arts offerings, fun extracurricular activities and outstanding athletic programs. The Open House gave visitors a taste of what a typical day at CBA is.

Some of the highlights of this year’s Open House included a presentation by the cast of the senior high drama performances of “A Tale Told By An Idiot-Scenes of Love And Death In Two Acts” by William Shakespeare, science experiments, world languages activities, a hands-on art exhibit and the chance to meet students, faculty, staff and coaches.

2014 Open House

Student tour guides shared their CBA experience with prospective students and their families. The Arbon family shows their true Brothers pride.

Everyone was in awe of science teacher Luke Ribaudo’s experiment. Faculty member Martha Ponge shows families the 3-D printer in the Engineering Lab.

Page 9: CBA Newsletter Fall 2014

*The O’Connor and Hopkins FamiliesLittle did these two families know, almost a century ago, the joining of their children would give life to a CBA legacy that continues to live on generation after generation. Now spanning across several family trees, all now intertwined, there’s no end in sight; each branch will continue to grow, holding a special place in CBA’s history. On page 16 is an even further list of those included in this family, including children of P. Augustus Hopkins, who did not attend CBA himself, but created a legacy of his own, as many of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren became ‘Brothers’.

Bob Bardenett ’42Bob Bardenett Jr. ’72

Dan Burns ’76Emmett Burns ’70

Mike Burns ’71Pat Burns ’73

Tim Burns ’74Steve Elliott ’74Andy Elliott ’76

Peter Giacobbi ’55Chris Hopkins ’43

Chris Hopkins Jr. ’72

Ed Hopkins ’75John Hopkins ’78Peter Hopkins ’75Kelly Hopkins ’77Mike Kerwin ’69

John A. Pennisi ’64

John R. Pennisi ’62Anthony Sgroi ’57Barney Werner ’40


A Timeless Tradition

Sarsfield O’Connor, Jr.


Helen Kerwin

Darcy O’Connor

marriedDoug Sedgwick

(CBA Coach)

Erin O’Connor

marriedJ.B. Werner

Patrick O’Connor


Claire Sedgwick


Sarah Sedgwick


Emily Sedgwick


Barnes Werner


Hannah Werner


Cooper Werner


Will Werner


Margaret O’Connor

J. Clancy Hopkins, Jr.


Kevin Hopkins


Kerrin Hopkins-


Evrehett Davis2012

Jim Hopkins


Roseanne Pennisi

Heather Hopkins


Courtney Hopkins


Conor Hopkins


Kerry Hopkins


Shane Hopkins


Kyle Hopkins


Jillian Hopkins


Stephen Bowman


Sarsfield Bowman


Cormack Bowman


Honor Bowman


Jeanne O’Connor

marriedRon Bowman

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 201415 CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 2014 16

Lloyd O’Connor*

1916Brother of Sarsfield

Sarsfield O’Connor

1916Brother of


Page 10: CBA Newsletter Fall 2014

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall 201417

Heard In The Halls

Sixty-nine students have earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on Advanced Placement Exams.

The College Board’s Advance Placement Program (AP) provides motivated and academically prepared students with the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses, while still in high school and earn college credit, advance placement or both, for successful performance on the AP Exams. The College Board recognizes several levels of achievement based on students’ performance on AP Exams.

Four students qualified for the National AP Scholar honor by earning an average score of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams. These students are:

Lauren DeLorenzo ’14Zachary Grzelka ’14Timothy Pierret ’14Liam Price ’14

Twenty-one students qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. These students are:

John Brower ’15James Bruska ’14Alessandra Carno ’14Lauren DeLorenzo ’14Andrew Derrenbacker ’14Michael DiGiorgio ’14Braedon Gait ’14Erinn Grover ’14Zachary Grzelka ’14Joseph Kelly ’14Sarah Lester ’14Daniel Mantooth ’14Monica Perrone ’14Timothy Pierret ’14Liam Price ’14Joseph Rupprecht ’14Joseph Stephens ’14Michael Trasolini ’14Barnes Werner ’14Ethan Wiley ’14Boxu Zhu ’14

Eighteen students qualified for the AP Scholar With Honor Award by earning an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. These students are:

Thomas Benz ’15Abigail Capella ’14Matthew Curran ’14Colin Harrington ’14Anna Kambhampaty ’15Kiersten Kennedy ’15Gregory Maziuk ’15Molly Murphy ’14Daniel O’Connor ’15Kelly Oot ’14Megan Pierce ’14Joshua Popp ’15Thomas Reith ’14Serena Schmitt ’15Ian Smith ’15P Lucas Smith ’14Patrick Tuohey ’14Andrew Ziemba ’14

Thirty students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by scoring 3 or higher on three or more AP exams. These students are:

Claire Bailey ’14Tucker Benedict ’14Joshua Brown ’15Anne Caputo ’15Jack Carey ’15Paul Civello ’15Ryan Croucher ’14Brianna Delaney ’15Gideon Dixon ’14Alexander Drescher ’14Katrina Drury ’15Timothy Fallon ’14Andrew Goodwin ’14Lillian Harrington ’15Mary Ierlan ’15Joshua Lacey ’14Samuel Lim ’14Sydney Lim ’15Melissa Lopoo ’15Sarah Martuscello ’14John McCann ’15Julie McInvale ’15Hannah Morris ’15Keegan O’Hern ’14Olivia Procopio ’15Tianyi Qiao ’14Emily Robison ’14Joseph Sullivan ’15Kaitlyn Wendl ’15Zachary Zajdel ’15

Students in the Class of 2015 earning AP Scholar Awards include (front row l-r): John McCann, Kaitlyn Wendl, Olivia Procopio, Serena Schmitt. Middle Row: Katrina Drury, Kiersten Kennedy, Joshua Popp, Jack Carey, Joseph Sullivan, Zachary Zajdel, Anne Caputo, Thomas Benz.

Back Row: Julie McInvale, Anna Kambhampaty, Hannah Morris, Lillian Harrington, Ian Smith, Daniel O’Connor, Josh Brown, Mary Frances Ierlan, Melissa Lopoo, Sydney Lim, Brianna Delaney. Absent from photo: Gregroy Maziuk and Paul Civello

Heard In The Halls

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall 2014 18

Seniors Joshua Popp (l) and Daniel O’Connor (r) were named semifinalists in the 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program. The designation, based on scores in each state on the PSAT exam, is the first step toward becoming a National Merit Scholarship winner.

About 16,000 students nationwide are chosen as semifinalists, and 90 percent go on to become finalists. To become a finalist, the semifinalist and their high school must submit a detailed scholarship application, in which they provide information about the semifinalist’s academic record, participation in school and community activities, demonstrated leadership abilities, employment, and honors and awards received.

Approximately 8,000 students will be selected as 2015 scholarship winners.

AP Scholars

National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalists

Nine students have been named Commended Students in the 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program. They are among approximately 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation who are being recognized for their exceptional academic purpose. Although they will not continue in the 2015 competition for National Merit Scholarship awards, Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2015 competition by taking the 2013 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT).

Pictured front row (l-r): Kiersten Kennedy, Madeline George, Hannah Morris, Lillian Harrington; Back row (l-r): Anna Kambhampaty, Alexander Ball, Serena Schmitt, Thomas Benz, Ian Smith

Commended Students

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CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall 201419

Heard In The Halls

Cast members in the Senior High Fall Drama “A Tale Told By An Idiot” various works of Shakespeare include front row (l-r): Nikita Sharkey, Chiara Corey, Dan Kelly, Rose Collins, Sam Burnett, Emily Rivito, Kate Benware.

Second row (l-r): Christine-Carolyn Calimlim, Dana Tuohey, Brennan Carman, Ethan Tanguay, Kyle Huynh, Camille Cady-McCrea, Tony Do Back row (l-r): Marielle LaBerge, Sean Brown, David Goodwin, Tommy O’Connor, Molly Reff, Ian Smith

This year’s Junior High Musical was Aladdin Jr. Cast members included: Front Row: Lizzie Lucas, Rocco DeLorenzo, Eli Sidibe, Ally Howard, Jared Mitchell, Brooke DelFavero, and Skyler Bertrand

Row 2: Cassidy Picciano, Sarah Dorsey, Talia Zames, Lydia Hill, Katie Dodge, Katie Oyer, Keely Whipple, Anna Ziemba, Emma Costello, Maddie Winchell, Hannah Curtin, Kristen DeLorenzo, Shannon McMullen, Sophia Schultz, Katie Purcell, and Amanda Nedell

Back Row: Jaden Buckingham, Jack Collins, Ian Rhoads, Kiley Smith, Ana Brickner, Sam Johnston, Kaitlyn Bushnell, Kirk Rothrum, Eliza Hanson and Patrick Kraft 24CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall 2014 20

Heard In The Halls

Camillo Spinoso and Alexa Radziewicz and their families pose for a photo after the two student-athletes signed letters of intent to continue their intercollegiate athletic careers at Division I institutions next year .

Spinoso will be attending George Washington University to play baseball . Radziewicz will play lacrosse at Syracuse University .

It’s been a busy fall for the 92 students that participate in Peer Ministry. The students planned the First Mass, First Friday Masses, helped out at the eighth and tenth grade boys overnight retreats, visited children at Elmcrest for Halloween

and organized a flag football tournament to benefit junior Jack Sheridan, who was diagnosed with leukemia last spring.



AthleticsJr. High


Peer Ministry

Page 12: CBA Newsletter Fall 2014

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013 3CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Fall/Winter 201421

ALUMNIPeter Carr ’54

David Corcoran ’72

G. Richard Kelley ’50

John Kelley ’64

James LaVoy, Jr. ’62

Sviatoslav “Sviat” Makohon ’86

Ferdinard Picardi ’47

FAMILY &FRIENDSBernice Bresadola ( Mother-in-law of John Sindoni ’63; Grandmother of Joseph Sindoni ’92, Valerie Sindoni Kovacs ’95, Michael Sindoni ’98, Laura Sindoni ’01, Andrew Sindoni ’06 & Nicholas Sindoni ’10)

Carol Byrnes-Troendle (Wife of Charles ’56)

Albert Cutri (Father of Albert ’02)

Anthony DelCoro ( Father of Anthony, Jr. ’79; Grandfather of Amanda ’12)

John Demlein ( Father of John, Jr. ’65, Thomas ’67, Susan (TCS) ’68, Joseph ’70, Peter ’72, James ’78, Christopher ’78; Grandfather of Matthew ’94, Brian ’96 & Sara ’00)

Caroline DeVita ( Mother-in-law of Robert Tisdell ’67; Grandmother of Alicia Tisdell ’95, Robert Tisdell ’97, Michael Tisdell ’02 & Caroline Tisdell ’08)

David Didio ( Grandfather of Annemarie ’06, Kevin ’07 & Mollie ’11)

Brother Edmund Dwyer, FSC (Former Faculty)

Frank Farnsworth, Jr. (Father of Frank, III ’06)

Frank Fernandez (Father of Frank ’67)

Ephrahim Garcia (Father of Sarah ’18)

Sandra Guido (Mother of Frank ’02 & Marissa ’12)

John Kinnally (Grandfather of Zachary ’19)

J. Paul Konowich ( Brother-in-law of Paul Drescher, Trustee; Uncle of Kathleen Drescher ’01, Michael Drescher ’03 & Molly Drescher ’08)

Dorothy Lee, TCS ’37 ( Grandmother of Elizabeth Kopf Dablock ’97 & Gretchen Kopf Bliss ’00)

Pearl Mattis (Grandmother of Norman Mingolelli ’15)

Neal McCurn (Father of Neal, Jr. ’82)

Eben Page, III (Father of Benjamin ’78)

Nicholas Petragnani (Father of Nicholas ’85)

Arlene Schwab ( Grandmother of Meaghan Mark, Teacher)

Anthony Silvaggio (Assistant Football Coach) ( Father of Anthony ’87, Jeffrey ’88; Brother of Joseph ’54)

Brother William Spellman, FSC (Honorary Board of Trustees Member)

Charlene Wisniewski ( Sister of Joseph Scuderi ’53; Aunt of Joseph Scuderi ’79)

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them . May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully departed through the mercy of God rest in peace . Amen .

In Memoriam

CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013 26CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013

24TH Annual Corvette Raffle2014 Newly Redesigned Crystal Red

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Looking Back Bet these guys back in 1968 wish they had their cellphones! Such was life in the halls of CBA—

waiting in line, to sit in a booth, to make a call. We have come a long way, haven’t we?!

Page 13: CBA Newsletter Fall 2014

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DECEMBER17 Choral Concert 7 p.m.

18 Band Concert 7 p.m.

29 Alumni Basketball Games

JANUARY9 Corvette Raffle Drawing/Assembly


Accepted Student Reception

FEBRUARY6 First Friday Mass 7:30 a.m.

TBD Alumni Regional Reception Naples and West Palm Beach

MARCH27-28 Spring Musical

For more information please visit cbasyracuse.orgor call the school at (315) 446-5960.

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