cbo management training report

 Submitted by | Ka shif Inam Lead Consultant FINAL REPORT Two Days Training Course on CBO Management 17th   18th December 2014 Nowshera CBDRR Project- Mian Issa Nowshehra Organized by: Karwan Development Foundation Funded B : En ineers without Boarder - Denmark

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Submitted by | Kashif Inam Lead Consultant



Two Days Training Course on CBO

Management 17th  – 18th

December 2014 Nowshera 

CBDRR Project- Mian Issa Nowshehra

Organized by: Karwan Development Foundation

Funded B : En ineers without Boarder - Denmark

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Two Days Training Course on CBO Management 17th  – 18th December 2014 Nowshera 

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Day 1

Background and Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………2

Aim of consultancy…………………………………………….………………………………………………………………….2

Course objectives ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2

Course agenda……………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………….3-4

Session 1.1: a. Introduction and Pre Test forms distribution………..………………………………………….5

b. Introduction to CBO and subcommittee role and responsibilities………………………...................6

Session 1.2: Better understanding of CBO Management….…………………………………………………..7-9 

Session 1.3: Understanding of record keeping………………………………………………………………………..9

Session 1.4: CBO meeting at village level ………………………………………………..……………………………10

Day 2

Recap of the day 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10 

Session 2.1: Introduction to Resolution form…………………………………………..……………………………10 

Session 2.2: Introduction to issuance micro level loan and maintenance of loan record….…10-11

a)  Introduction to saving record

b)  Introduction to issuance micro level loan and maintenance of loan record

Session 2.3:  Introduction to project cycle management…………………………………..………………11-13 

Session 2.4: Role and responsibilities of CBO in risk reduction and emergency response


Session 2.5: a. Recap of both days b. Post test forms distribution………………………………………….13 

Review, way forward: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………14

Post Test………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….14 

Course Assessment test: ………………………………………………………………………………........................15 

Recommendations: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……15 

Participants Profile: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….….…16-17 

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Background & Introduction

Karwan Development foundation, KDF, is an NGO working on emergency management, relief,

rehabilitation and development. KDF has implemented various projects in terms of humanity

and social development. Currently, KDF is working on the capacity building of communities in

flood affected areas in terms of facilitating communities to become more resilient towards

future disasters. KDF is implementing a project “Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction” in

village Mian Essa Union Council Mughalkai, district Nowshera, KP. The project is implemented

in kind partnership with Danish Muslim Aid. A major target in the CBDRR project is the

organizational development (OD) of the elected Community Based Organization (CBO) in village

Mian Essa represents 21 Mohallah Committees (MCs) (14 male and 07 Female MCs) as a whole

total there are 14 Mohallah in village Mia Essa.

The main objective of the consultancy is to develop a capacity of CBO (in overall management

of organization at village level) staff and selected volunteers. Currently KDF is looking for a

technical expert on “Overall CBO Management in normal routine and in disaster scenario”,under second phase of CBDRR projects. 

Aim of the consultancy:

Training aims to prepare Al-khair welfare society at level to understand and deal with work in

managerial and administrative context that will help toward sustainability of organization at

village level further more to support in re activation of other un-structured CBO’s in district.

Additionally this training will provide an opportunity to play active and effective role in

emergency and disaster risk reduction at level when they or any other agency including

government plan and implement development project especially. Developing their capacity willhelp in making decisions about the management of human and financial resources,

coordination and communications procedures, and being aware of a range of technical and

logistical mechanism. Such training is a management tool, involving all sectors, which can help

ensure timely and effective provision as well utilization of resources according to actual need

within specific context to mitigate the risk of miss utilization of resources.

Course objectives

By the end of course, participants will be able to:

  Identify and understand the concept of Community base organization

  Explain the philosophy and approach of management

  Participants will be able to define purpose, identification of issues with solution through


  Understand the importance and use of record keeping.

  Explain the concept and importance of project cycle management

  Defining the importance and technique of accountability and quality management.

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Day One 17/12/2014

Sessions: Time Topic Mode of




Session 1:


09:30-09:45 Inauguration ceremony,Recitation from the Holy Quran 

Introduction Lead facilitator

09:45-10:30 Session 1.1. a. Pre Test forms

distribution b. Introduction to

CBO and sub-committee role

and responsibilities

Discussion &

Group work


Session 2:


to Community



and its


10:30-11:30 Session 1.2: Better

understanding of CBO


Participants will be able to

define purpose, identification of

issues with solution through

community examples

Discussion Kashif

11:30- 11:45 Tea Break/ refreshment

11:45-12:45 Session 1.3 Understanding of

record keeping

To introduce keeping record of

meeting minute, saving register,

loan register, saving register, bank

account, stamp to ensure

accountability and maintain record

od every single activity.


Activity (Exercise)



12:45-01:45 Lunch Break

01:45- 02:45 Continue: Exercise Kashif

02:30-03:00 Session 1.4: CBO meeting at

village level

Enhance the capacity of CBO to

hold monthly, quarterly and

emergency meeting at village

level making discussion on issue

with its solution

Group activity Kashif

End of Day One

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Day Two 18/12/2014

Sessions Time Topic Mode of




Session 1:


to community



and its


09:30-10:30 Recap of day one Introduction Volunteer/Kashif

10:30-11:00 Session 2.1. Introduction to

Resolution form


session with

group work


11:00-11:15 Tea break

Session 2:Introduction

to Project



11:15-12:15 Session 2.2: Introduction toissuance micro level loan and

maintenance of loan record

a)  Introduction to saving


b)  Introduction to

issuance micro level

loan and maintenance

of loan record

Group work,discussion and



12:15-1:00 Session 2.3: Introduction to

project cycle management

Intercative lecture

Discussion and



01:00-02:00 Lunch Break

02:00-03:00 Session 2.4: Role and

responsibilities of CBO in risk

reduction and emergency



lecture, discussion

and Q/A


03:00-03:15 Tea Break

03:15-04:00 Session 2.5: a. Review, way

forward b. Post test formsdistribution 

Exercise Kashif

End of Day Two

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Day 1

Course overview

Mr. Abdul Mehbud Al-khair Welfare Society officially inaugurated the course ceremony with

introduction background, strategy and program of KDF in Pakistan especially in village Main

Essa he further thanks to all participants for their interest and time.

Session 1.1: a) Introduction 

Mr. Kashif Inam has taken the lead; introduced him and requested participants to introduce

themselves. The lead facilitator shared course overview with participants focusing on

importance and impact of course in daily and in professional life. He also shared the topics

which will be discussed in coming two days under the designed course.

In order to run course smoothly the daily management team have been formed by volunteers

selected within present participants the main task of volunteers members was to observe the

time and interest of participants during course, on the other hand it was announced to

switched off mobile phone or convert it to silent mode for to avoid any disturbance during

lectures. The participants had putted their phone on silent mode immediately after


Pre-Course Assessment Forms

The volunteers from daily management team has distributed pre-course evaluation form

among participants 10 minutes time were given to participant for to fill the pre-course form

and handed over to the lead facilitator. The lead facilitator read the question in local language

Pashtu for better understanding and clarity for those who are unable to read in English and

even in national language Urdu.

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b) Introduction to CBO and sub-committee role and responsibilities

Mr. Kashif has started the first session with background and philosophy of community based

organization defining the basic concept and terminologies used in development/ social sector.

participants was divided into two groups with task to elucidate the role and responsibilities of

sub committees under CBO; groups were given 30 minutes time for discussion among each

other to brainstorm what they assume from basic concepts and their practical experience from

2010 flood till now, after the 30 minutes one volunteer was selected from each group to paste

all these group work sheets on wall and present their points they have discussed in group work.

After all presentation facilitator reflected on their group work one by one and then further

explain the purpose and importance of these sub-committees and how to streamline these sub-

committees in term of brining them under existing CBO as one organization or team/entity. It

was clarified by the facilitator these sub-committees will be not considered as separate entity in

same village otherwise they will play their role in isolation which will not create any positive

impact on development of any community/ village. Session was made interactive when

practical example was shared in relevance with terminologies and concept by facilitator.

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Session 1.2: Better understanding of CBO management

During this session Mr. Kashif Inam shared with participant’s the concept and interpretation

used for management. After few questions asked from participants facilitator explained in verysimple wording with examples the meaning and concept of management, that Management

focuses on leadership skills, such as establishing the vision of the organization and its goals,

communicating these and guiding others to accomplish them. It asserts that leadership must be

facilitative, participative and empowering to ensure visions and goals are established and

communicated. Facilitator made thorough discussion on types and function of the management

explaining the importance and role of management types making its relevancy with CBO

structure how the hierarchy under CBO system fit in. Similarly more in depth discussion were

made on management skills how goals, objective and different methodologies used to carry out

resources. Efficacy of muscular and competitive leadership how its role is important especiallywhen setting direction for individuals and organization that inspire individual and groups to

achieve the goal of organization; making them more clear on the management of organization

participants were divided into three groups with the task to identify the role/responsibility and

importance of management team members responsible for policy making and accountability,

implementation and budget management, coordination and communication.

What is Management: 

  The term management has different interpretations. The most traditional is that

management comprises a set of duties, such as planning, organizing, leading and

coordinating activities, and it also can include the group of people involved in theseactivities.


Management focuses on leadership skills, such as establishing the vision of the

organization and its goals, communicating these and guiding others to accomplish them.

It asserts that leadership must be facilitative, participative and empowering to ensure

visions and goals are established and communicated. Management  also can be

understood as the group of people responsible for making decisions in an organization,

such as executives and managers. In a nonprofit organization management can be

identified as members of the board, the executive director and programme directors

Types of Management: 

Three types of Managers:

  Top managers are those able to interpret the policy of the organization;

o  President/ senior vice president in case of CBO

  Middle managers are responsible for the implementation of policy; and

o  Vice President, General Secretary

  First-line managers are those who conduct routine administration.

o  General/Finance & coordination secretary

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o  Members

Function of Management:


o  Goals;

Objectives;o  Methods; Resources needed to carry out methods;

o  Responsibilities; and

o  Dates for the completion of tasks.


Organizing resources 

o  This ensures that minimum resources are spent to achieve the maximum effect

of the goals.


o  A leader sets direction for individuals, groups and the organization. A leader

should be able to influence others and inspire them to achieve the goals of the



Controlling and coordination

o  The manager needs to ensure that all the organizational systems, processes and

structures are controlled so that goals and objectives can be met.

Management Skills:


To achieve this balance it is important for all managers to improve their skills constantly.

Everyone – including managers – benefit from further training because it enables better

performance throughout the organisation. Managers should consider the skills they

have, if they need more skills, whether they are implementing the skills they have learnt

and how they can improve their ability to manage even further


Problem-solving and decision-making: An important part of a manager’s job is to solve problems and make decisions. Most, if

not all, issues can be resolved in this way. The basic steps are:

o  Define the problem

Prioritize the problems

o  Understand your role

o  Identify causes


Examine the potential causes of the problem. Start by describing the problem. Ask


o  What is happening?

Where is it happening?o  When did it happen?

o  How did it happen?

o  Who was involved?

Why did it happen?

  Planning: Planning is a process that involves decision-making on the organisation (ends),

the objectives (means), on how they are conducted (policies) and on the results

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(outcomes). This is a major management process and involves defining the ends, means,

conduct and results of every step of the plan.


Delegation: Delegation is the art of handing over responsibility and authority to other

people – often subordinates  – to complete a task and allowing them to figure out how

best to accomplish that task. By delegating a task to a subordinate, you are giving them

the opportunity to become more developed, fulfilled and productive people 

Task management: The first step in managing a task well is to define the activity clearly.

If the task is done by the manager and the employees or volunteers, there can be a

strong sense of ownership by all those involved. It is essential to identify the resources

and people required to complete the activity.


Meeting Procedure: Meetings can be informal or formal. They are ideal opportunities

for individuals to get together to discuss issues of common concern and to make

decisions. Meetings are necessary to discuss views and resolve issues. Managers should

plan meetings well, so that they are taken seriously.


Human resource management: Human resources management deals with the

recruitment, placement, training and development of staff members or volunteers in an

organisation. Human resources management never stops, because change is constant in

the working environment and it affects all members of the working community. This

process is an ongoing activity that should supply the organizations (including non-

governmental groups) with the right people for the right position at the right time.

  Conflict management: Conflict can occur between individuals or groups of people; it is

the expression of differences between them and it can be peaceful or violent. Generally

conflict is about power and interests. One person or group might want more power than

another. Conflict management is useful, because it can prevent the conflict from getting

worse, improves cooperation between the group members, motivates the group and

builds trust and consensus:

o  Negotiation

o  Joint problem-solving

o  Facilitation

Session 1.3: Understanding of record keeping 

Mr. Kashif explained about basics concept and purpose of record keeping that include meeting

minute, saving register, loan register, payment vouchers, bank account, stamp to ensure

accountability and transparency maintain record of every single activity. 

The facilitator explained importance and maintenance of record keeping for any organization

either it’s a CBO or NGO/INGO. The record keeping is tool that help to provide proof of

activities that undertaking by CBO for the development of any village, further more it was

explain with few practical example how record keeping will help to ensure and promote

accountability and transparency of resources used to undertake certain activities.

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Session 1.4: CBO meeting at village level 

After detail discussion on the concept and purpose of record keeping this session was started

with group work, participants were assigned as one group to demonstrate monthly meetingwhich is due as per rule of CBO. After short role play conducted in group work efforts were

made by participants to hold meeting reflected on progress and made discussion on burning

issues as per standard procedure facilitator reflected more in detail on importance of writing

minutes and keeping as record in file or register. Moreover facilitator explain the proper and

systematic standard procedure of writing meeting minutes, The basic purpose of session was to

enhance the capacity of CBO to hold monthly, quarterly and even emergency meetings at

village level with the purpose to make discussion on issues (facing by CBO in execution of any

project or single activity)toward best possible solution.

Day 2The 2

nd day activity started with the recap of day 1, where the volunteer from participants

elaborate and refresh memories of the day one sessions. Afterward facilitator reflected for a

while on previous day topics one by one.

Session 2.1: Introduction to Resolution form 

In this session facilitator focus on discussion base on organizations experiencing current issues

in development of projects i.e. writing and developing of proposal and designing projects.

Questions and answer between facilitator and participants made session quite interactive and

fruit full allowed facilitator to explain importance of resolution form and provide technical

details why and how to write a resolution form. To make more clear understanding participants

were divided in two groups to discuss immediate issues facing by community in their village and

draft a resolution form according to the standard guidelines share early in start of this session.

Both groups discussed and presented water and sanitation as burning issues which required

immediate attention toward its solution they successfully drafted the resolution form proposed

solution to fix the issue under the standard guideline.

Session 2.2: Introduction to saving record and issuance of micro level loan & maintenance of

load record


Introduction to saving record

An exercise was made at the start of session, facilitator ask the groups to prepare list of steps

required in maintenance of saving records after the group work facilitator highlighted steps

missed during group work, saving register/record required to registered bio data of all CBO

members and other community member who donate money monthly to CBO that could utilize

for different purposes in the village. The saving can be set and evaluate with at least three

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different categories starting from individuals of CBO (members) community members (other

than CBO members) and other sources such as saving in projects as well as donation from other

external sources such as political or philanthropist.

b) Introduction to issuance micro level loan and maintenance of loan record

In this session detail discussion were made on importance of loan at local level how to issue theloan and how to maintain its record according to set standard followed by an organization.

Facilitator focus on participants to keep in mind that single loan should not be issued without

proper documentation provided by any member request for loan. After recipient of request an

all members meeting will be called to made discussion for approval and disapproval of loan.

Load could be sanction to CBO member or any community member. The loan can be sanction

with the minimum amount of 10,000 up to 50,000 maximum. Monthly installments will be set

for after approval of loan to any member where returnee will sign on official register as well

voucher maintain and provided by finance secretary. Moreover participants were divided in

two groups to make discussion on modalities of loan sanction i.e. who can apply, eligibility

criteria, for what purpose loan can be sanction.

Session 2.3: Introduction to project cycle management 

In this session facilitator focus on the project management its importance starting from design

to implementation and success. Mostly participant were new to the concept of project cycle

management facilitator start explanation with some basics that why and how project

management approach is important with explaining it is used to guide Local Authorities,organizations in the design and implementation of effective and efficient projects. It is

systematic process of initiating, planning, implementing, managing and evaluating projects or

programs is known as ‘Project Cycle Management’, PCM ; it is also defined as an approach in

project management used to guide management activities and decision-making procedures

during the life-cycle of a project, from the first idea until the last ex-post (afterwards)

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evaluation. Project cycle management involves regulating and supervising the various activities

undertaken in each phase of the project cycle to ensure that projects are;

  Relevant to beneficiaries


Supportive of policies of the sponsor ; e.g. Govt and other donor partners

  Feasible and effective

Steps involve in Project cycle management: 

•  Results-oriented – not activity driven

•  Consistency

•  Logically sets objectives and actions

•  Participatory stakeholder involvement

•  Transparency

•  Shows whether objectives have been achieved: Indicators (for M&E)

•  Framework for assessing relevance, feasibility and sustainability

•  Describes external factors that influence the project’s success: assumptions and risks 

Furthermore facilitator elaborated what project mean what are the steps involves in project

and project life cycle, project mean with specific purpose achievement within given time bound

and resources under certain objectives followed by set of activities or an undertaking for the

purpose of achieving established objectives, within a given budget and time period. Afterward

each and every step involve in project life cycle were explain in very simple wording withrelevant practical examples that could easily fit in local context of village mian essa.

Steps of Project life cycle:

  Project identification

  Project formation





Plan revision



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Session 2.4: Role and responsibilities of CBO in risk reduction and emergency response 

This session was start with exercise participants split in two groups to elaborate the role and

responsibility of CBO in emergence response and risk reduction in term of early preparedness

and mitigation initiatives group one was tasked with to elaborate in their group work andpresentation role and responsibility on emergency response and group two were tasked with

risk reduction initiatives to undertake before in any project or preparedness. Afterward

facilitator reflected more in detail on role and responsibility of CBO in both pre and post

disaster scenario with the help of practical examples he further link all the purpose of training

starting from CBO management to project cycle management how these factors play an vital

role in managing disaster and risk reduction once CBO has clear understanding on linkages,

coordination, organizing resources and skills enhancement to develop, design developmental

projects with the lens of risk reduction these could minimize the risk of likelihood disaster at

the early stage. Knowledge and skills obtain from KDF and other organizations from 2010

onward can utilize effectively at all stages of development.








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Session 2.5: Review, way forward

At the end of session seventh facilitator review the topics taught in all sessions throughdiscussion, group work and asking different questions the participants shared their view

regarding course and its content where they first time get the idea of sub-committees and its

relevancy with CBO Further participants shared their views that training was very much

interactive due to the methodology and delivery style (especially brainstorming, discussion and

group work) of facilitator the participants showed commitment that they will further read the

slides and material in detail for more understanding and apply the standard and tools

accordingly to manage organization and design projects in light of risk reduction to mitigate the

impact of likely disaster that might affect their community.

Post Test:

The volunteers from daily management team has distributed post-course evaluation form

among participants to fill the pre-course form and handed over to the lead facilitator.

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Course Assessment Test:The training outcomes was assess with the help of pre and post course test. The result shows

that after the course the participants are able to understand the concept of CBO its

management, project cycle management and their role as CBO in emergency response and risk

reduction which is good sign toward their ownership in term of interest in course which they

can later on utilize in term of transfer of knowledge to other un-structured CBO in district. 


The level of understanding and commitment showed the interest of participants in course as

the duration of said training was short this would be extolled if the detail training program hasbeen arranged for the participants.

-  Continuity must be maintained for arranging this kind of training programs for CBO’s

members to strengthen their coping capacities.

-  Detailed training required on project proposal development













76 6


87 7




910 10




10 109


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Course Assessment

No of Participants Pre Test Post Test

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Few Participants Profile

Dr. Abdul Madud

President Al Khair Society

Mohallah Penjwari

Muhammad Iqrar

General Secretary AL- Khair Society

Mohallah Tarkan Khel

Fazal e Ahadmember Al- Khair welfare Society

Mohallah Seen Ghara 

Iqbal Uddin

Al- Khair welfare Society

Mohallah Tarkan Khel 

Janat Gul

Vice President Al-Khair welfare Society

Mohallah Penjwari 

Naseeb Ullah

Finance Secretary Al-Khair welafer Society

Mohalalh Abdur Rehman Khel 

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Muhammad Ali

Member Al Khiar welfare society

Mohallah Mandi Khel 
