cbse class 10 english hots

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  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

    Zonal Institute of Education and Training-Mysore



    Main Course %oo&

    SECTI"-% '(ITI"#

    !nit-)-$ealth and Medicine

    Q1. A newspaper in Chennai wants to publish an article about the increasing awareness of health

    and diet among the people .The table below shows some of the changes in Chennai between

    1999 and2009.Using this information, together with our own ideas and ideas from the unit! "ealth

    and #edicine !,write the article in not more than 200wcrds.

    "ealth in Chennai 1999 2009

    $umber of %oga Centre 2& '0

    $umber of "ealth Clubs (0 90

    )pecial lectures arranged on health care and diet &0 90

    *eople attending %oga Centres and "ealth Clubs +& 9&*eople using non-refined oilghee /0 2&

    Tadio *rogrammes on "ealth 2& 90

    $umber of *eriodicals on "ealth care (& &

    Q2.Rajiv/Reema of New Street, Indore reads the following advertisement in the newspaper

    about elp the !ld", an organisation for helping the aged in India. e/she de#ides to write an

    arti#le for the s#hool maga$ine, to #reate an awareness and to motivate the students in helping

    the senior #iti$ens. %rite his/her arti#le in not more than 2&&words.

    '() *' '(+'R(

    -n !rganisation woring nationwide to #are for the elderl.

    elp the old to mae our 0ISSI!N a su##ess.

    *he woes of the elderl1

    a3 (oneliness

    b3 0ental and phsi#al weaness

    #3 4inan#ial inse#urit

    d3 +ependabilit



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    elp rendered b ou1

    a3read boos

    b3give #ompan

    5tae them to hospitals

    Q6.ou re#entl #ame a#ross an arti#le on the R*I7Right to Information a#t. ou were

    impressed b its tremendous power it bestows in the hands of a #iti$en. ou de#ide to give a

    spee#h during morning assembl program of our s#hool highlighting this a#t.

    Q8.In the modern lifestle world, the oungsters have be#ome la$ due to la# of phsi#al

    e9er#ises. *he outh of the da are disease prone and stressed out. -s a #on#erned #iti$en

    deliver a spee#h in the )arent7*ea#her 0eeting" voi#ing our #on#ern. Suggest remedial


    Q:.ou are 0r.)reetam, the manager of IN;!0)" often ou are angr, stressed and

    impatient at our wor pla#e. ou #ome a#ross a resear#h stud whi#h shows that e9#essive

    use of mobile phones #an #ause stress. ou #ondu#t a meeting to stress on mobile eti- Responsible 0edia builds a health So#iet?. @se the ideas given below along with our

    own ideas to write the arti#le.

    Newspapers, television #hannels influen#e people"s mind7prejudi#ed reporting leads to

    prejudi#ed mindA leads to an unhealth so#iet.

    QB.@nder developed #ountries ,feverishl tring to industriali$e themselves, are et to #at#h

    up with the pollution problem in a big wa. In the light of the above statement write an arti#le

    on 'nvironmental )ollution7- )roblem, for the lo#al news paper in about C:&words.

    QD.-nitha read the news that the sui#ide of a #lass EII student of a reputed s#hool was due to

    her failure in the e9amination. She began to ponder whether e9amination was ne#essar to

    assess one"s a#ademi# standards. She then wrote a letter to the editor giving her ideas/views

    over this issue. %rite the letter for her in not more than C:& words.

    QF.ou are 0ohan/0eena. ou arrived in Gangalore the da the bandh was de#lared and

    ou had to fa#e a lot of hardships to rea#h home from railwa station .%rite a letter to the

    editor of a lo#al news paper bringing about details of how bandh and stries affe#t normal

    life. ou letter should not e9#eed C:&words.

    QC&.ou are Naveen/Nisha. ou are displeased with the stereotped subje#t #ombination in

    India. ou believe that #reativit finds its e9pression in the freedom to #hoose the subje#t

    #ombination of one"s #hoi#e .%rite a spee#h to be given in the morning assembl e9pressing

    our views.



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    !"IT II >E*!CATI"+

    1. ou are Rohan, a student of prestigious #ollege of 'ngineering at )une and are ver een on

    going to @S- after our #ourse. ou happen to have listened to a tal delivered b an old student

    of our institution about how our #ountr should be helped to attain the dream of being a super

    power b the ear 2&2&.*he tal inspired ou and ou de#ided to write a letter to the editor of anews paper. *aing ideas from the unit on 'du#ation along with our own ideas and notes given

    below, write the letter about the need to inspire the oung generation to to serve their #ountr.

    -lso mention how it #an be #arried out. +o not e9#eed C:& words.

    7%h oungsters want to go abroadHeen to earn foreign degree7often #heated and harassed7

    the same fa#ilities should be availableH talent for the #ountr"s development is neededHsense of

    pride should be developed for the #ountr.

    2.ou are 0ahesh of #lass E in +elhi publi# S#hool, ;handigarh. ou are to spea in a debateorgani$ed b the Rotar ;lub of +elhi. *he topi# of the debate is ;orporal punishment should be

    abolished in all 'du#ational Institutions". ive our views in favour of the statement in not more

    C:& words.

    6. Radha has to spea in the morning assembl on the growing number of boos pres#ribed in

    s#hools these das against the falling rate of litera#. 0ention the need to redu#e the burden of

    te9tboo and s#hool bags. Suggest was to improve the litera# rate. %ith referen#e to the unit on

    'du#ation write the spee#h for her in not more than C:& words.

    6. %rite a letter to the +istri#t 'du#ation !ffi#er suggesting how the edu#ational #urri#ulum

    #ould be made more fle9ible and relevant to the #hanging e#onom and environment. @se

    ideas from 'du#ation along with our own ideas write the letter in not more than C:&


    8. )repare a morning assembl spee#h on lobal Re#ession and its possible impa#t on


    =. ou hear a great deal about highl edu#ated people going abroad for higher studies for

    jobs. *his emigration deprives our #ountr of intelligent ones. ou are Rohan. %rite a letter to the

    editor of a lo#al dail e9pressing our opinion on this problem in about C:& words.

    B. ou are -rushi/-run.ou are highl inspired b the different inds of #areer options

    available to oungsters toda. ou feel the trend is both interesting as well as #hallenging. Gut

    ou now it involves taing riss. )repare a spee#h for the 0orning assembl on >!pting

    alternative #areer other than engineering and medi#ine.

    D. - debate #ompetition favouring on the topi# >'du#ation is Strength? is to be organi$ed b

    the Rotar ;lub and ou are one of the #ontestants. %rite the debate in about C:& words.

    F. Imagine that ou are the 0anaging +ire#tor of 0ahindra J 0ahindra. ou have been

    ased to address the students of II*, )owai, 0umbai who are thining of doing their 0. te#h. in

    -ustralia. %rite the tal in about C:& words



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    C&. ou are -mrita/-mrit. ou have #ondu#ted a surve and #olle#ted information on how

    small #hildren are sent to do wor in the fa#tories. our s#hool has also a so#ial awareness

    programme b displaing posters, raising slogans and giving spee#hes. %rite the spee#h ou

    had given on >;hild labour is a so#ial evil? in about C:& words.

    !nit ,-Science

    1. Gased on the pi#ture given below and ideas from unit KS#ien#eK write a spee#h to bedelivered in our s#hool assembl on the in#reasing role that te#hnolog has #ome to pla in

    our dail lives. %ord7limit 1 2&& words3 C&

    2. 0obile phones have gained popularit and have be#ome almost in7dispensable. Gut

    its advantages and handiness #anKt mae us blind to the harmful impa#t of the

    ele#tromagneti# radiation emanated on it. @sing our own ideas and with the help of

    unit on KS#ien#eK of 0;G, illuminate the harmful aspe#t of mobiles. C&

    6 ou are Sunil/Sunila. *he top ten gadgets that changed the orldare television,

    telephone, #amera, movie #amera, mi#rowave oven, video #assette plaer and

    re#order, video gaming #onsoles, walman, personal #omputer and the #ell phone.

    %rite an arti#le on the topi# L%e have be#ome slaves to 0odern adgetsL. C&



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs



    Mideo#onferen#ing is a *e#hnolog that enables people to meet and #ollaborate

    together through sight and sound no matter where the are in the world. @sing inputs

    given write an arti#le on 1 C&

    VideoconferencingA Revolution in the field of communication for your School


    :. ou are Rajan/Rajni. !n the o##asion of S#ien#e +a, a spee#h #ompetition is going

    to be organi$ed in our s#hool on the topi# K(atest @p7gradation of *e#hnologies has

    Improved !ur (ifestle. %rite the spee#h taing #lues from the unit LS#ien#eL.

    =. ou are Raghav, a s#ien#e student. *he visual shows that s#ientist have dis#overedsomething ama$ing. ou feel that a lot needs to be done in India in the field of

    resear#h for whi#h s#ientists need to be en#ouraged and given in#entives. %rite a

    letter to the editor of a leading dail e9pressing our views.

    B.. ou are the #aptain of 'verest ouse of our s#hool. %rite a spee#h to be delivered,

    in the morning assembl about K*he misuse of S#ientifi# nowledgeK with the help of



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs



    Automatic generation through sun"" cost""""..usefull for household

    lights""..#ater heating system""..traffic signals"".. loan on easy installments

    through ban!s""..stable and long life"" the nearest government

    electricity boards situated in every state.

    CC. ou saw the following advertisement in a newspaper. ou de#ide to give spee#h in

    our morning assembl on how advertisements of su#h gadgets are harmful to outh.

    @se ideas from the unit on KS#ien#eK and our own ideas 1 C&

    $ameo has announced the launch of the trendy cameo %&& camera (hone #ith

    visual flashing lights the handset is targeted at youth. It also offers features li!e built

    in V)A $amera and mobile themes M.I.*.I. ringing tones #ith synchronized lightsis an added feature.

    C2. Nu#lear energ has found more misuse than use for manindKs betterment. ighlight

    our views on the impa#t of Nu#lear weapons on %orld )ea#e and how mu#h it #an

    be put for better use. %rite an arti#le on it. C&

    C6. *he #loning of +oll spared off a vigorous debate on human #loning. *he possible

    medi#al benefits were almost overlooed. +avid Simpson of &&C, 0ount Road,

    derabad, de#ides to write a letter to the editor of a national dail how this might

    benefit the medi#al resear#h. It ma provide an insight into #an#er. *he #loned organs

    #an give life to the millions who die waiting for donors. -s +avid Simpson write theletter. C&

    C8. '9#essive use of #omputers, -ir #onditioners ele#tri#al applian#es et#. are onl

    adding to the phenomena of global warming. %rite a letter to the 'ditor of a National



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    +ail e9pressing our #on#ern as to how S#ientifi# Inventions are proving detrimental to

    the environment and the need to limit their use. Sign ourself as -bha/-sha.

    C:. Rampant Inse#urit and the desire to dominate has led to a ra#e among nationsK to

    amass sophisti#ated weapons. ou are #on#erned about the possibilit of anotherworld war and that of total annihilation of human ra#e. %rite a letter to the 'ditor of a

    national dail e9pressing our #on#ern. -lso offer suggestions. C&

    C=. @ltrasound ma#hiner su##essfull dete#ts hidden diseases and probable impairments

    in babies et to be born. owever the preferen#e for a male #hild has led to the misuse

    of this te#hnolog. %rite a letter to the editor e9pressing our views and giving

    suggestions to #urb the mena#e of female foeti#ide.


    CB. ou are Suhail/Suhela. ou #ame a#ross the following advertisement in a newspaper.

    ou are promoted to write an arti#le on the importan#e of #omputers in our dail

    e9isten#e and how the have a#

  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs



    1. 3magine that ou are adhi4a o, the cultural secretar of our school and ou are highl

    concerned about the sudden decline of the tourists from other countries to our countr.)tud the information gi5en below and write a speech stressing the importance of tourism.

    #a4e a few practical suggestions to impro5e the tourism industr in the countr in about

    1&0 words.

    2. There is a need to impro5e e6isting conditions and pro5ide new facilities to attract

    tourists from within the countr and also from foreign countries to historical places in

    our countr. 7rite an article bringing out the importance of our cultural heritage and

    suggest was and means to attract tourists. %ou ma refer to the unit tra5el and tourism.

    1&0 words

    (. %ou ha5e come across an article on 8se5en wonders of the world. %ou being an 3ndian

    feel happ and proud of the importance gi5en to Ta:mahal. ;raft an article gi5ing an ee

    catching )logan, attracting more tourists to our countr.

    +. ditor of the $ews paper e6pressing our concern and suggesting was and

    means to curb the influ6 of the tourists of )ingapore.

    /. 3ndia is a countr of temples la4es and monuments which e6hibit fine architecture, but

    as the citi?ens of the countr we need to promote tourism ma4e people aware speciall

    foreigners about what 3ndia holds for them as a tourist destination b using our own



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    ideas and ideas from tra5el and tourism design and attracti5e brochure on 83ndia as a

    tourist destination.

    '. %ou are Adam Chirst. As a member of cric4et team ou ha5e 5isited 3ndia on 5arious

    occasions. %ou ha5e interacted with the locals and are 5er much enchanted b its

    beaut customs, culture, art and architecture. 7rite a report to be published in the

    news paper of Australia to attract Aussies to 5isit 3ndia.

    =ased on the picture gi5en below and 3deas from the unit tourism write a letter to the

    editor of a newspaper on the contribution that tourism can ma4e to the 3ndian >conom

    and how it should be promoted.

    9.*repare an article for a popular 3ndian newspaper highlighting the glor of #ount Abu. Use the

    following 5isual and hints to ma4e our article as interesting as possible.



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    10. %ou are the Tourism in-charge of @og alls in

  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs



    One of the most popular hill stations in India, Munnar is situated at the confluence of

    three mountain streams - Located at 1600 M above sea level, this was once the summer

    resort of the erstwhile British Government in outh India! prawlin" tea plantations,

    picture boo# towns! windin" lanes, tre##in" and holida$ facilities ma#e Munnar a uni%uee&perience! 'mon" the e&otic flora found in the forests and "rasslands here is the

    (eela#urin)i a flower which bathes the hills in blue colour once in ever$ twelve $ears!

    *he (eela#urin)i, will bloom ne&t in +006 '! Munnar also has the hi"hest pea# in outh

    India - 'namudi - and is an ideal spot for campers who would li#e to tre#!

    %ou are in The44ad, a famous tourist spot. %ou are Euite attracted b the natural beaut of the

    surroundings.%ou ha5e also 5isited the *eriar wildlife sanctuar. 7rite a letter to our friend

    describing our sta there. Foo4 at the picture below to draw some ideas for our answers. 1&0

    words. B10 mar4s

    )/00ou have re#entl visited od"s own #ountr" erala. ou were

  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs



    *' *RIG@*'

    1). > - small hole #an sin a ship?. +is#uss this with referen#e to the lesson >*he *ribute?

    Q2. ou are one of the villagers who is #losel asso#iated with Gabuli"s famil and a witness

    to the partition. 0ae a diar entr e9pressing our feelings about the famil and the


    Q6.I shran with in for not writing letters home all these das". %h did Gabuli feel so

    e reali$es that the material #it life has #hanged his sensibilit and sensitivit towards his

    famil7blames himself for being negligent.

    Q8.%hat might be the mother"s thoughts and apprehensions while the partition was going

    on -re the apprehensions just %h

    4ear of the disintegration of the famil whi#h she looed after over the ears Punit among

    sons, her position7un#ared, ,unprote#ted, doubtful future, who will tae #are of her, will be thrown

    out of home Injusti#e, no share of land for her full at the mer# of her sons.

    Q:. %h had Gabuli never been able to brea the strands of #ompla#en#" whi#h had #oiled

    around him

    +ue to his preo##upation7material #it life7

    Q=".@suall m elder brother does not write to me". %h do ou thin he never wrote to


    Never wrote to him be#ause he never wanted anthing7he was engrossed in his duties towards

    his famil" fields and #hildren.


    Q.B. !n rea#hing home, Gabuli felt as if the house was prepared for its @ltimate ;ollapse".


    Q.D. %h do ou thin Gabuli"s mother was nowhere to be seen when the partition was

    taing pla#e

    Q.F. %rite down the memories and emotions whi#h the torn and tattered blanet" evoed

    in Gabuli"s mind.

    Q.C&. %h does Gabuli des#ribe his brother as "the land from where he #ould harvest

    everthing in l

    QCC.In the stor >*he *ribute? Gabuli writes a letter to his elder brother informing him of his

    arrival for the partition. In the letter he in#ludes his feelings about the partition and guilt about theindifferen#e and negle#t he has plaed in his part. %rite out Gabuli"s letter.



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    QC2.?Grother ou are m land from where I #ould harvest everthing in m life?

    +is#uss the signifi#an#e of this statement of Gabuli in the light of the happenings in the stor

    *he *ribute"C:&7CB: %ords3

    QC6.Imagining ourself to be Gabuli"s wife, write a letter to our mother e9pressing ourfeelings when Gabuli #ame ba# from his native village after the division of the famil propert

    and gave ou the news that he had given his share of land to his elder brother.

    QC8.Imagine ourself to be Gabuli"s elder brother, write a diar entr about our feelings on

    the partition of the propert. 0ae our entr mat#h the personalit of the eldest brother.C&&


    QC:.Gabuli sas that there was an abominable lull all around" when he rea#hed his village.

    %hat was unusual in the air %hat had brought the #hanges

    QC=.In the stor *he *ribute" Gabuli writes a letter to his brother informing him of his

    arrival for the partition. In the letter he in#ludes the feelings about the partition and guilt about the

    indifferen#e and negligen#e displaed in the past. %rite that letter for Gabuli.C:&7CB: %ords3

    QCB. Imagine our Gabuli"s greed se#ond brother .%rite a letter to our friend #ommenting

    on ounger brother"s foolishness of giving his share of propert as a tribute.C:&7CB:%ords3

    QCD.!n re#eiving Gabuli"s, note ,his elder brother writes ba# to tell him what he will do

    with his lands and the reasons for the same. %rite the letter imagining ourself to be Gabul"s elder


    QCF.*he fate of mother after the partition7a new member in another old age home %rite a

    letter to our friend imagining ourself as Gabuli"s neighbour.

    Q2&.ou are the elder brother. %rite a letter to the middle brother informing him of the noble

    a#tion of Gabuli and enlightening him against his a#tion of disintegrating himself from the famil

    and persuading him to rethin to integrate the famil again with the same love, #are and


    Cutie 2ie

    18Sensationalism and #onsumerism is the wa of world?. Substantiate this statement in relation to

    the lesson >;utie )ie?.

    2.'arth astonished him. %h and how

    ( 7rite in a paragraph on Cutie *ie!s impression about earth and earthlings.

    8 ;utie )ie"s es#ape from the s#ientifi# tomb" was wel#ome both to the s#ientists" and ;utie )ie

    himself. +o ou agree ive reasons

    : Imagine ou are ;hristopher"s mother. ou are worried about ;hristopher"s strange behaviourduring the last fortnight. %rite a diar e9pression our #on#ern.



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    6. ;hristopher%inters #ontinued his relationship with ;utie )ie even after he grew up. e writes a

    letter to a friend on the #ontinued visits of the alien and his e9perien#es with him. Imagine ou are

    %inters write the letter in C:&7CB: words.

    B. ou are ;utie )ie"s mother. -fter getting news from ;utie )ie that he is safe on 'arth, she

    writes a letter to her friend mentioning her son"s e9perien#es on earth.

    D ;utie )ie returns home. *he #orrespondent of a national news #hannel arranges an interview

    with ;utie )ie. Imagine ou are ;utie )ie, who mentall prepares himself to fa#e the interviewers.

    '9press our feelings in a diar entr.

    F *he s#ientists were desperate about the #ondition of ;utie )ie. *his made them ponder over a

    better idea to provide safet to ;utie )ie. Imagine ou are one of the s#ientists planning to provide

    a safe and se#ure pla#e for the #reature. 0ae a diar entr on his behalf.

    C& ;hristopher grows up into a teenager and re#olle#ts his e9perien#e with ;utie )ie. +es#ribethese e9perien#es in the form of a diar entr.

    CC Cutie *ie!s escape from Gthe scientific tomb! was welcome both to the scientists! and Cutie *ie


    C2. ;..%inters grew up but he did not forget his friendship with ;utie )ie. So %inters de#ides

    to write to one of his friends telling his e9perien#e..%rite the letter in about C:& words.

    C6 ;utie )ie felt e9hilarated after es#aping from his prison into the world outside. Re#ount his

    e9perien#es and his feelings.

    C8 uman beings are pi#tured as having short Plived interest on matters around them. '9plain

    how being the nine das" wonder affe#ted ;utie )ie.

    C: It is ten ears after ;utie )ie has returned to his planet.e writes a letter to ;hristopher tring

    to renew the #ommuni#ation he had with him while on earth.%rite his letter des#ribing his planet,

    people and the memories he left behind.

    The Letter

    1. 8 The grief of separation is inescapable. "ow is this pro5ed in the case of coachman Ali

    2. #iriam recei5ed the letter from Fa4shmi ;as and is filled with remorse at her father!s death. )he

    e6presses her sorrow as a diar entr. 7rite the diar entr.

    (. "ow could Ali tolerate so much of insults and rude beha5iour of the post office staff for fi5e earsH

    +. The postmaster sas he has seen coachman Ali come to the post office to collect the letter, but

    when enEuired further he is informed that he died three months ago. 7hat do ou thin4 he must

    ha5e seenH @ustif with reference to the te6t.

    &. The letter assumes a central point in the stor. "owH



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    /. "ow was the postmaster a changed person at the end.

    '. 7hat did Ali thin4 of lifeH "ow did he get such a 5iew of itH

    . ;o ou thin4 Fa4shmi ;as could ha5e deli5ered the letter to Ali!s gra5e had he not recei5ed the

    fi5e golden coins gi5en to him b AliH 7hH 7h notH

    9. Comment on the postmaster!s change at the end.

    10. Coachman Ali hands o5er fi5e gold guineas to the cler4 as4ing him to deli5er the letter to his

    gra5e if the letter comes from his daughter. 7hen the letter comes, he deli5ers the letter

    accompanied b the postmaster. Dn returning home he ma4es a diar entr recollecting the

    pre5ious incident and his present feelings. 7rite the diar entr.

    11. 3magine that ou are the postmaster. %ou saw Ali!s ghost and were bewildered. The ghost has

    opened our ees and ou are changed at heart. 7rite an account of our encounter and how the

    apparition has changed ou fore5er.

    12. %ou belong to Ali!s 5illage. After his death ou felt 5er sad. 7rite a letter to our sister on the

    character and suffering of this e6traordinar person.

    1(. The ghost whom the postmaster saw disappeared in the morning light.7as it reall a ghost, or a

    pro:ection of his an6iet and guiltHComment.

    1+. 3magine Ali got #iriam!s letter before his death. As Ali, write a letter to a friend e6pressing our

    :o at such an e5ent.

    1&.Ali is a representati5e of an aged parent of modern times,who are abandoned b their


    C=. >-li"s was an isolated small world and no one bothered to disturb him. > +is#uss.

    *he @ltimate Safari

    Q1. ou are the guide taing the refugees a#ross the ruger )ar. ou are filled with fear andapprehension. 0ae a diar entr e9pressing our feeling after su##essfull rea#hing the


    Q2. -s the narrator of the @ltimate Safari write a paragraph on the life in the war torn


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    Q:.?%e were in the war too, but we were #hildren.?+o ou thin the #hildren were fighting

    in the war %hat does the writer mean b this statement

    Q=. Imagine that ou are the little girl in >*he @ltimate Safari. 0ae a diar entr on how

    our grandmother was different from other refugees. C:&7CB:%ords3

    QB.Imagine ou are a nurse doing our job for the refugee #amp in >*he @ltimate

    Safari.?Now des#ribe what fa#ilities were provided to the refugees and what impressed ou

    about the narrator"s

  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    Q=.*he rea#tions of the villagers to a #risis is well brought out in the poem. ow would the

    urbanites have rea#ted to su#h a situation

    QB.%hat, a##ording to the villagers, might have been the reasons for the s#orpion bite

    QD.ow do different people ou meet in the poem rea#t to the in#ident of the s#orpion bite

    QF.'9amine the poeti# devi#es used in the poem.

    QC&.ustif the title of the poem Night of the S#orpion


    Q1.Dde to the 7est wind is a smbolic poem. ;iscuss.

    Q2.7h does the poet want to become the 7est 7indH "ow does he :ustif that the

    wind is super powerH

    Q(.>6plain the concept of fi5e elements as emerges in the poem.

    7ith reference to the 7ild 7est 7ind and its action JDn >arthK a destroer of deadlea5es and preser5er of winged seeds. 3n 7aterK 7a4es #editerranean, clea5es

    chasms on Atlantic, the sea plants destros themsel5es. 3n )4K commotion, loose

    clouds, effects blac4 rain, fire, lightning . ireK scattering poet!s spar4s of thoughts in

    the noo4 and corner of the world. AirK the wind itself stri4es e5erwhere to destroL


    Q+.7hat is )hell!s praer to the 7est 7indH

    Q&.7hat is the messagetheme of GDde to the 7est 7ind!H

    The frog and the "ightingale

    1 3n spite of the frog!s crass cacophon how could he emerge as the winnerH

    2 The $ightingale is responsible for her own death. Comment.

    ( 7hat characteristics helped the frog to o5erpower the $ightingaleH

    +. "ow did the other creatures of the forest respond to the frog and the $ightingaleH

    &. Comment on :ealous and selfishness, in 5iew of the poem the frog and the $ightingale.



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    / $ightingale was timorous but the frog was arrogant. Then wh do both rehearse togetherH

    Q..G)he was a stupid creature!. )as the frog about the nightingale. ;o ou support this 5iewH

    D ow did the frog ill the nightingale without an blame on him

    Q..The frog all along intended to become Gunri5alled!. @ustif the statement.

    Q.."ow can we sa that this poem is the replica of human 5alues in this fast changing societH

    11 Comment on the 4ind of professional ri5alr delineated in this poem which lea5es an impact on

    our societ.

    12 7h does i4ram )eth generall use animal characters to con5e a message to societH

    C6 >Inno#en#e is nowadas robbed of its naturalness and e9ploited b selfishness.?+iagnose the

    statement with relevan#e to frog and Nightingale

    C8. (a# of self #onfiden#e ills our talent, the nightingale is a good e9ample for this.


    C:.Gring out the smbolism as used b the poet in the poem >*he frog and the Nightingale?.


    C. %hat sort of pre#on#eptions does the poet refer to in the #onte9t of the poem 0irror"

    2. *he woman in the poem is sear#hing for something in the depths of the mirror, %hat is it

    6. ;an we #all the poem >0irror? #onfessional If so how

    8. ow has the mirror been able to maintain its truthful nature da b da

    :. %hat lesson does the mirror tea#h us through this poem

    =. %h is the mirror not #ruel and onl truthful

    B. *he woman in the poem is sear#hing for something in the depths of the mirror. %hat is it

    . 8anit th name is woman. "ow does the poem 8#irror 8highlight thisH



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    9. 8The #irror represents the 5anit of a woman and her refusal to accept unpleasant realit of her

    fading beaut. Comment

    10. )ocrates said, Gtruth is disturbing!. Analse the statement with respect to the poem G#irror!

    T$E (IME 3 T$E A"CIE"T MA(I"E(

    Long anser ty2e 5uestions of 6 7ar&s 8glo9al co72rehension:

    Q.C. %h do the sailors hail albatross as a 2&hristian soul

    It saved them from death and destru#tion

    Q. 2. ow does the wedding guest feel while listening to the stor of the an#ient mariner

    -ngr, impatient et mesmerised

    Q.6. ow does the an#ient mariner be#ome the sinner

    illed the -lbatross

    Q. 8. %hat was the attitude of the sailors after the illing of -lbatross %h do ou thin

    the rea#ted in this wa

    *he hailed the an#ient 0ariner7the believed it brought the mist and snow

    Q.:.%hat is the reason for the #hange in the attitude of the other sailors to the an#ient

    mariner"s #rime %hat is the signifi#an#e of this #hange

    *he rea#tion #hanged into a hostile one later when the ship got stu# mid o#ean under the

    hot sun.

    Q. =. ;omment on the theme of #rime and punishment in the poem *he Rime of the -n#ient


    *he an#ient 0ariner suffered for his sin, so he #arries with him the burden of his guilt

    Q.B.%hat would be the end of the poem *he Rime of the -n#ient 0ariner in our opinion"

    e seems to be doomed forever #arring with him the burden of his guilt. *he sailors would

    probabl die of thirst stranded in the mid7seas.

    Q.D. %hat is meant b >an albatross around one"s ne#? %h was the albatross hung around

    the mariner"s ne#

    - sign of punishment for one"s misdeeds. *o remind him of his #rime.



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    Christ7as Carol

    Long anser ty2e 5uestions of 6 7ar&s 8glo9al co72rehension:

    C. %hat role does the ghost of a#ob 0arle pla in #hanging 0r.S#rooge

    Reminds him of his own life and suffering7warns him to #hange before it is too late7

    announ#es the arrival of three ghosts.

    2. +is#uss the role of four ghosts in ennobling 'bene$er s#rooge

    *hat if S#rooge does not show #harit,forbearan#e mer#, and benevolen#e he will suffer

    and die a lonel death7he should #hange before it is too late.

    6. %h did s#rooge bear the responsibilit of the treatment of *in *im

    *ransformed into a ind and benevolent man.e #hanges into a benevolent and ind man.

    8. %hat do ou learn from the life and famil of Gob ;rat#hit

    app with whatever little the have7no #omplaints about anthing7#elebrates ;hristmas

    with joous spirit.

    :. %hat lesson do ou derive from the pla

    Selfish, miserl, mean minded behaviour results in a lonel isolated life

    =. ustif the suitabilit of the title of the pla - ;hristmas ;arol ".

    *he )la shows the transformation of a selfish miserl man into a ;hristian soul7

    happened on ;hristmas +a7 'arlier he turned awa people7#alled ;hristmas #elebration a

    humbug7refused ;harit. (ater he revels in the true spirit of ;hristmas,sharing, giving and

    #aring for others7to eep alive the spirit of ;hristmas

    B. %h do ou thin S#rooge got #ut off from so#iet before meeting the ghosts

    e thought onl of himself7refused to donate to #harit7#ut off from so#iet. Sad and

    lonel #hildhood7shunned b loved ones.

    D. S#rooge sent the pri$e *ure to Gob ;rat#hit and told the bo to eep the

    #onsiderable #hange with him +es#ribe the transformed S#rooge.

    Sends pri$ed *ure to ;rat#hit"s home,tells the bo to eep the #hange,goes to 4red"s

    home to #elebrate ;hristmas,taes 4red into business,raises ;rat#hit"s salarand be#omes a

    se#ond father to *in *im

    F. ow does ;harles +i#ens bring out the spirit of ;hristmas in - ;hristmas ;arol"



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    7*ransformation of a miserl man to a ;hristian soul

    C&.. %as S#rooge happ in his s#hool das Illustrate our answer b giving an


    (onel and unwanted7'ven va#ations were spent alone without loved ones around him7;hildhood deprivations probabl turned him into a bitter soul.

    CC. +is#uss the supernatural element in the pla - ;hristmas ;arol". %hat role does it

    pla to transform 'bene$er S#rooge

    *he visitations of the three ghosts and the ghost of a#ob 0arle re#laimed him from a

    mean, selfish, miserl man to a generous, benevolent and ind ;hristian

    C2. *he ghost of ;hristmas past showed S#rooge a sli#e of his past. %hat lesson did helearn from it

    *hat he had been selfish and unhelpful7that he turned awa from his loved ones and

    be#ame a lonel and bitter man.

    Q..=ring out the )upernaturalism pre5ailing in the pla GA Christmas Carol! and its impact on the


    Ihost of @acob #arle and the three ghosts of Christmas *ast, *resent and uture teach some

    important lessons to )crooge-ma4es him aware of his shortcomings-reclaims him from a doomed


    Q..Compare and contrast the attitudes of >bene?er )crooge and =ob Cratchit towards life.

    )crooge hated celebration of an 4indM Cratchit lo5ed life-for him life was a celebration )crooge was

    miserl,Cratchit was generous-he cared for others and shared his meagre resources to spread

    happinessM )crooge found charit and generosit awa to pic4 people!s poc4ets.

    ;ulius Caesar

    1. 7h does Anton call =rutus 8 the noblest oman of them all.H


    2 7h was it essential for the conspirators to include =rutus in the conspiracH

    (.7as @ulius Caesar reall ambitiousH Ii5e instances from the te6t to pro5e this.

    +. 3f @ulius Caesar had acted upon Calpurnia!s words Bplea what would ha5e been the progress of the




  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    &. 7hat is the dramatic significance of the supernatural element of the plaH

    /. 3s it correct to sa that Caesar dead pro5es to be more powerful than the li5ing CaesarH

    '. ;o ou agree that Caesar was himself responsible for his deathH

    . 7h does =rutus fail and Anton succeed in his speechH

    9. 7hat is the dramatic significance of Caesar!s willH

    10. 7hat is the special feature of Anton!s speechH

    11. 7h do ou thin4 Caesar does not accept his wife!s words and 5iewsH

    12. ;o ou thin4 the audience in 8@ulius Caesar is fic4le mindedH 7hH

    1(. 7hat is our opinion about oman mobs in the plaH

    1+. 7hat is the significance of the dead bod of @ulius Caesar in the plaH

    1&. Comment on the reactions of the crowd to =rutus! speech and then to Anton!s speech.



    Christ7as Carol-$ints

    Long anser ty2e 5uestions of 6 7ar&s 8glo9al co72rehension:

    1.Reminds him of his own life and suffering7warns him to #hange before it is too late7announ#es the arrival of three ghosts.

    2 +is#uss the role of four ghosts in ennobling 'bene$er s#rooge

    *hat if S#rooge does not show #harit,forbearan#e mer#, and benevolen#e he will suffer and

    die a lonel death7he should #hange before it is too late.

    6 %h did s#rooge bear the responsibilit of the treatment of *in *im

    *ransformed into a ind and benevolent man.e #hanges into a benevolent and ind man.

    8 %hat do ou learn from the life and famil of Gob ;rat#hit



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    app with whatever little the have7no #omplaints about anthing7#elebrates ;hristmas

    with joous spirit.

    : %hat lesson do ou derive from the pla

    Selfish, miserl, mean minded behaviour results in a lonel isolated life

    = ustif the suitabilit of the title of the pla - ;hristmas ;arol ".

    *he )la shows the transformation of a selfish miserl man into a ;hristian soul7happened on

    ;hristmas +a7 'arlier he turned awa people7#alled ;hristmas #elebration a humbug7refused

    ;harit. (ater he revels in the true spirit of ;hristmas,sharing, giving and #aring for others7to

    eep alive the spirit of ;hristmas

    B %h do ou thin S#rooge got #ut off from so#iet before meeting the ghosts

    e thought onl of himself7refused to donate to #harit7#ut off from so#iet. Sad and lonel

    #hildhood7shunned b loved ones.

    D. S#rooge sent the pri$e *ure to Gob ;rat#hit and told the bo to eep the

    #onsiderable #hange with him +es#ribe the transformed S#rooge.

    Sends pri$ed *ure to ;rat#hit"s home,tells the bo to eep the #hange,goes to 4red"s

    home to #elebrate ;hristmas,taes 4red into business,raises ;rat#hit"s salarand be#omes a

    se#ond father to *in *im

    F ow does ;harles +i#ens bring out the spirit of ;hristmas in - ;hristmas ;arol"

    7*ransformation of a miserl man to a ;hristian soul

    C&.. %as S#rooge happ in his s#hool das Illustrate our answer b giving an


    (onel and unwanted7'ven va#ations were spent alone without loved ones around him7

    ;hildhood deprivations probabl turned him into a bitter soul.

    CC +is#uss the supernatural element in the pla - ;hristmas ;arol". %hat role does it

    pla to transform 'bene$er S#rooge

    *he visitations of the three ghosts and the ghost of a#ob 0arle re#laimed him from a

    mean, selfish, miserl man to a generous, benevolent and ind ;hristian

    C2 *he ghost of ;hristmas past showed S#rooge a sli#e of his past. %hat lesson did he

    learn from it



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    *hat he had been selfish and unhelpful7that he turned awa from his loved ones and

    be#ame a lonel and bitter man.

    Q..=ring out the )upernaturalism pre5ailing in the pla GA Christmas Carol! and its impact on the


    Ihost of @acob #arle and the three ghosts of Christmas *ast, *resent and uture teach some

    important lessons to )crooge-ma4es him aware of his shortcomings-reclaims him from a doomed


    Q..Compare and contrast the attitudes of >bene?er )crooge and =ob Cratchit towards life.

    )crooge hated celebration of an 4indM Cratchit lo5ed life-for him life was a celebration )crooge was

    miserl,Cratchit was generous-he cared for others and shared his meagre resources to spread

    happinessM )crooge found charit and generosit awa to pic4 people!s poc4ets.


    Ode o to the west wind

    1The 7est 7ind is smbol of destruction L re:u5enation N degenerationL

    regeneration N death L rebirthresurrection.

    2 *oet wea4, helpless-burdened b the weight of the hours-personal despondenc-

    needs a super power to re5olutioni?e the societ and get o5er his problems-finds the7est 7ind the supreme power in the cosmos-destroer and preser5er-its action in

    earth, s4 ,water-uncontrollable, impetuous, wild, swift and proud.

    ( 7ith reference to the 7ild 7est 7ind and its action JDn >arthK a destroer of

    dead lea5es and preser5er of winged seeds. 3n 7aterK 7a4es #editerranean, clea5es

    chasms on Atlantic, the sea plants destros themsel5es. 3n )4K commotion, loose

    clouds, effects blac4 rain, fire, lightning . ireK scattering poet!s spar4s of thoughts in

    the noo4 and corner of the world. AirK the wind itself stri4es e5erwhere to destroL


    + eEuest the wind to impart some of its energ to him b lifting li4e a leaf, a wa5e,

    a cloud from the thorns of life. Fet him be used as a lre b the wind, e5en as the

    forest is. #a his words of thoughts be scattered among man4ind li4e ashes and

    spar4s from an une6tinguished hearth .=oth for him and world, let spring succeed


    & egenerati5e power of poetr-rise of hope Nwest wind as destroer L preser5er-

    The Mirror



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    1*he mirror has no opinion or ideas that are formed beforehand but it taes in things as the


    2She is desperatel looing out for her lost beaut and outh.

    ( *he poem is #onfessional in that it tals of an ageing woman who finds it diffi#ult to #ometo terms with her fading beaut. *he poet #omposed the poem after the prime of her outh

    when she reali$es the transitor nature of outh

    + It refle#ts what it sees without bias or prejudi#e.

    & *ransien#e of life

    / It is free of an bias.

    ' *he beaut that she has lost

    The moon and candle hides her age, she turns to them.7hen the mirror reflects the truth she does

    not accept it. )he greets her fading beaut with agitation of her hands

    10 7hen she sees the realit she refuses to accept it. )o she turns to those Gliars!-the candles and

    the moon.

    The 3rog and the "ightingale-$ints

    1Cle5er, manipulati5e-e6ploited the nightingale!s 5ulnerabilit

    2Too naO5e to the e6plitati5e and cunning manipulations of the frog-lac4ed self belief

    ()hrewd, cunning,boastful who too4 ad5antage of the $ightingale!s timidit.

    +The loathed his 5oice but admired the melodious 5oice of the nightingale.

    & This allegorical poem comments on the destructi5e nature of en5 and selfishness.3t laso brings into

    focus the fall of a talented but naO5e creature.Fac4 of confidence can be fatal.

    / rog boasts of his splendid baritone and becomes the nightingale!s self appointed trainer.

    ' The nightingale was foolish enough to belie5e e5erthing the frog said about himself."eclaims to be

    critic of high repute-the nightingale is impressed-ner5ous and prone to influence-fails to see through the

    moti5e of the frog.



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    D3 Assumes the role of trainer-introduces himself with attributes that are false-$ightingale belie5es him.

    "e puts her through rigorous training that ultimatel brea4s and 4ills her.

    9The frog intended to destro the nightingale!s self confidence with constant criticism. "e became hertrainer without ha5ing an musical talent-o5er e6ploited her 5oice Nas a result she burst a 5ein and died.

    10latter fells the mightiest-the gullible and naO5e $ightingale was no e6ception. )imilarl lac4 of self

    esteem can ma4e e5en the most talented wither awa.

    11 Dften the less talented get awa with boastfulness and arrogance. The rog!s shrewd manipulation

    of the naO5e $ightingale helped him to e6ploit her and the situation. or the frog the goal was more

    important than the means.

    12 The poem is a fable where animal characters tal4 and beha5e as humans to portra with telling effect

    the nature of human character and beha5iour. The characters and e5ents here smboli?e the hidden

    moti5es and human wea4nesses

    C63 Inno#en#e #an sometimes lead to poor judgement as in the #ase of the nightingale. !ne

    be#omes vulnerable and open to e9ploitation

    C8. Nightingale was talented but inno#ent Pignorant about her #apabilities7had a poor sense of

    judgement7so e9ploiter b the #raft frog to suit his end7he su##eeded to destro her with

    #onstant #riti#ism.

    C:3 *he frog smboli$es an overbearing #riti# who boasts of

  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    Q. 8. *he hailed the an#ient 0ariner7the believed it brought the mist and snow

    Q.:. *he rea#tion #hanged into a hostile one later when the ship got stu# mid o#ean under

    the hot sun.

    Q. =. *he an#ient 0ariner suffered for his sin, so he #arries with him the burden of his guilt

    Q.B. e seems to be doomed forever #arring with him the burden of his guilt. *he sailors

    would probabl die of thirst stranded in the mid7seas.

    Q.D. - sign of punishment for one"s misdeeds7 *o remind him of his #rime.

    NI* !4 *' S;!R)I!N

    QC. Superstitious, traditional, with the pea#e of understanding on ea#h fa#e.

    Q2 *raditional villagers, all gathered together for a #ommon good.7smbol of lovingmotherhood read to suffer and than od for sparing her #hildren.

    Q6. *he sum of good is balan#ed against the sum of evil in this unreal, illusor world

    Q8. -fter writhing in intense pain for more than fourteen hours the mother thaned od that

    the s#orpion pi#ed on her and spared her #hildren.

    Q:. 4ather was a s#epti# and rationalist7inspite of his beliefs he tried all inds of traditional

    and superstitious methods to #ure his wife.

    Q=. )erhaps would have done what the father had done. *he tried all inds of methods to#ure a loved one.

    QB. In#essant rain must have driven the s#orpion from seeing refuge under a sa# of ri#e.

    QD. Millagers7 superstitiousT )oet7an9ious and worriedT 4ather7an9iousT 0other7in pain and

    thanful the s#orpion pi#ed on her and spared her #hildren.

    QF. Simile Plie swarms of flies

    0etaphor7throwing giant s#orpion shadows

    QC&. *he sting of the s#orpion disturbed the entire household and the villagers. -ll

    attention turned to mother to relieve her of suffering from the painful effe#ts of the

    s#orpion sting, all een to sear#h for the s#orpion and paral$e the evil one"to stop the

    movement of poison in the mother"s blood



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    The Letter

    1. 8 The grief of separation is inescapable. "ow is this pro5ed in the case of coachman Ali

    2. #iriam recei5ed the letter from Fa4shmi ;as and is filled with remorse at her father!s death. )he

    e6presses her sorrow as a diar entr. 7rite the diar entr.

    (. "ow could Ali tolerate so much of insults and rude beha5iour of the post office staff for fi5e earsH

    +. The postmaster sas he has seen coachman Ali come to the post office to collect the letter, but

    when enEuired further he is informed that he died three months ago. 7hat do ou thin4 he must

    ha5e seenH @ustif with reference to the te6t.

    &. The letter assumes a central point in the stor. "owH

    /. "ow was the postmaster a changed person at the end.

    '. 7hat did Ali thin4 of lifeH "ow did he get such a 5iew of itH

    . ;o ou thin4 Fa4shmi ;as could ha5e deli5ered the letter to Ali!s gra5e had he not recei5ed the

    fi5e golden coins gi5en to him b AliH 7hH 7h notH

    9. Comment on the postmaster!s change at the end.

    10. Coachman Ali hands o5er fi5e gold guineas to the cler4 as4ing him to deli5er the letter to his

    gra5e if the letter comes from his daughter. 7hen the letter comes, he deli5ers the letter

    accompanied b the postmaster. Dn returning home he ma4es a diar entr recollecting the

    pre5ious incident and his present feelings. 7rite the diar entr.

    11. 3magine that ou are the postmaster. %ou saw Ali!s ghost and were bewildered. The ghost has

    opened our ees and ou are changed at heart. 7rite an account of our encounter and how the

    apparition has changed ou fore5er.

    12. %ou belong to Ali!s 5illage. After his death ou felt 5er sad. 7rite a letter to our sister on the

    character and suffering of this e6traordinar person.

    1(. The ghost whom the postmaster saw disappeared in the morning light.7as it reall a ghost, or a

    pro:ection of his an6iet and guiltHComment.

    1+. 3magine Ali got #iriam!s letter before his death. As Ali, write a letter to a friend e6pressing our

    :o at such an e5ent.

    1&.Ali is a representati5e of an aged parent of modern times,who are abandoned b their


    1/. 8Ali!s was an isolated small world and no one bothered to disturb him. 8 ;iscuss.



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    (I*'R-*@R'1*RIG@*'.some sample hints3

    C. - small hole #an sin a ship. It taes onl a small thrust to topple a might man.

    Similar is the #ase with the famil of Gabuli. %hen the were together the were a

    might famil. Gut it too onl a little effort from the part of the brothers to tear apart that

    famil. *he se#ond brother"s disgruntlement led to the partition of the house and the

    propert whi#h left the poor mother heartbroen. *he elder brother"s selflessness onl

    made the situation more patheti#. *hough it brought out the goodness in Gabuli whi#h

    was hidden in #obwebs of pointless living, he also reali$ed the death of everthing that he

    held dearH the se#urit of the elder brother"s presen#e and the #omfort of the joint

    famil sstem. -fter the partition the famil would no longer have the strength oftogetherness or #ooperation of the brothers. It #an be #ompared to a ship whi#h was sun

    due to the selfishness of the se#ond brother.


    the arrival of Gabuli to tae part in the partition.

    the da of partition. *he attitude of ea#h brother. *he distan#e shown b the

    se#ond brother. *he silen#e of the mother

    the things heaped in the middle of the #ourtard. *he wat#h added to the heap b

    the elder brother.

    the heartrending partition itself

    e9pressing sho# when learned about the sa#rifi#e of Gabuli

    Q6. e reali$es that the material #it life has #hanged his sensibilit and sensitivit towards

    his famil7blames himself for being negligent.

    Q8. 4ear of the disintegration of the famil whi#h she looed after over the ears Punit

    among sons, her position7un#ared, ,unprote#ted, doubtful future, who will tae #are of her, will be

    thrown out of home Injusti#e, no share of land for her full at the mer# of her sons.

    Q:. +ue to his preo##upation7material #it life7

    Q=Never wrote to him be#ause he never wanted anthing7he was engrossed in his duties

    towards his famil" fields and #hildren. .

    Q.D. %h do ou thin Gabuli"s mother was nowhere to be seen when the partition was

    taing pla#e

    Q.F. %rite down the memories and emotions whi#h the torn and tattered blanet" evoedin Gabuli"s mind.



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    Q.C&. %h does Gabuli des#ribe his brother as "the land from where he #ould harvest

    everthing in l

    QCC.In the stor >*he *ribute? Gabuli writes a letter to his elder brother informing him of his

    arrival for the partition. In the letter he in#ludes his feelings about the partition and guilt about theindifferen#e and negle#t he has plaed in his part. %rite out Gabuli"s letter.

    QC2.?Grother ou are m land from where I #ould harvest everthing in m life?

    $I"TS-Cutie 4ie

    C. *reating ;utie )ie as a media sensation. 7people taing interest in ;utie )ie as long as he

    was #ute but loosing interest on#e he starts shedding his feathers and looing ugl.*he

    #onsumer industr maing dolls, and other ;utie )ie memorabilia whi#h be#ome an instant

    su##ess 7*he best e9ample of #onsumerism is when people #ompletel dis#ard this highl

    popular #ommodit in no time at all and go after a pop star when ;utie )ie loses his


    2. 'arth full of surprises7 media sensation7unpleasant e9perien#e in glass prison7happ

    e9perien#e outside7sill #reatures Pfound agood friend in ;.. %inters.7ad been in the

    atmosphere that didn"t suit him 7Grought him to brin of death.7'arth temperature pleasant

    and refreshing 7Sun and rain both tingled his de#aed bod7 '#stati# feeling7 Ra of hope first brush with humans not ver pleasant. *he s#ientists and the media people mae his

    life miserable. !nl sad about his #ondition and his inabilit to #ommuni#ate. - glimpse into theselfish and #onsumerist human so#iet. Reali$es the limited intelligen#e of animals lie dogs and

    #ats. 4inall befriends a bab whi#h maes his regeneration possible.

    8. S#ientists saw him as a painful reminder of their failure. ;utie )ie #ould breathe fresh air at

    last7pro#ess of re#over started. e e9plored the pla#e, got food, made friends with


    :. is e9#itement at his first meeting with the alien7his growing friendship. '9#hange of their

    different world views7meeting and #ommuni#ating through their minds7#ontinuing e9#hange of

    thoughts. )romise to visit ea#h other"s planets. is first brush with humans not ver pleasant.

    ..writing strange J rare emergen#es with the alien ;utie )ie.. enjos

    his sweet #ompan.. his presen#e transports me to the other world learnt

    the stor of #rstal #ities. ;reatures living in the #aves stories about

    the invaders of venue.. five was of nowing odspe#ial food

    grown when three moons are full .. his golden feathers and sweet voi#e lres me to visit his

    planet. a lot to learn.

    =.. ;hristopher loos around for his friend, doesn"t find him starts wailing. (oos and behaves

    miserable7pushes awa food7a#ts diffi#ult. 0other is pu$$led wonders what #aused it7dismisses it

    as #hildish whims.



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    B.*he s#ientists and the media people mae his life miserable. !nl sad about his #ondition and

    his inabilit to #ommuni#ate7 - glimpse into the selfish and #onsumerist human so#iet7Reali$es

    the limited intelligen#e of animals lie dogs and #ats 74inall befriends a bab whi#h maes his

    regeneration possible7 - veiled referen#e to the loss of inno#en#e as man grows up7 ;utie )ie"s

    mother also appre#iates the pure love that emanates between the mother and the bab.

    .-n interview es#aped into the world of earthT 'arth astonished him7onl one sun7his home

    planet has three, de#aing bod naed sin, #aptured in artifi#ial atmosphere of glass prison .*he

    es#ape, unable to #onta#t mother7sees friend golden eed #reature befriended Pba# home.

    F.*he unsuitable idea of a glass prison dis#arded7sees to e9periment with ;h Ptsal outside the

    prison7wonders if he"ll regain his whisers and feathers7de#ides not to give up7wonders if a

    humane approa#h will help.

    C&. %as a small bab7si9 wees and three das7met a new friend ;h7tsal7same si$e and

    sensibilities7the understood ea#h otherHtheir minds met and the #ommuni#ated7ne9tmorning friend was gone7sad and lonel7 hoping for a reunion some da

    CC. ;utie )ie"s es#ape from the s#ientifi# tomb" was wel#ome both to the s#ientists and ;utie

    )ie himself. *he s#ientist7 jailors felt powerless and a little annoed when ;utie )ie lost his

    whisers and irides#ent feathers and be#ame naed and ugl in the glass prison. is si#ness

    a##used the s#ientists of in#ompeten#e and his survival was an embarrassment to them. ;utie

    )ie felt miserable and alone in the glass prison sin#e his whisers, whi#h were his means of

    #ommuni#ation, did not wor. *o lose his beautiful feathers was to lose himself. e felt that

    he was hideous and ver near to death. So he was greatl relieved to es#ape from his

    s#ientifi# tomb.

    C2. - friend with a beautiful mind7des#ription of ;utie )ie7 e9#hange of information about

    their respe#tive planets7their families7love for mother Ppromise to eep in tou#h through the

    gala9ies. ..writing strange J rare emergen#es with the alien ;utie

    )ie.. enjo his sweet #ompan.. his presen#e transports me to the

    other world learnt the stor of #rstal #ities. ;reatures living in the

    #aves stories about the invaders of venue.. five was of nowing

    odspe#ial food grown when three moons are full .. his golden

    feathers and sweet voi#e lres me to visit his planet. a lot to learn.

    C6.lass prison, hellish life7managed to get through a small hole7#an now breathe fresh air7

    felt the warmth of sun Pnew atmosphere looed pleasant7rain drops felt on bod7e#stati#

    feeling7desire to #onta#t own people7initiall no whisers Praindrops brings new lease of life"

    C80 Initiall people glued to their *M sets P;h tsal was a huge sensation. )eople lost attention

    soon after7lost his feathers and whisers7be#ame ugl7s#ientists did not have an idea7 gave

    up the effort. *he #onsumer industr maing dolls, and other ;utie )ie memorabilia be#ome aninstant su##esRe#alls das spent on earth7#rstal #ities, #reatures in #aves, pionMenus invaders P

    #ertain food that grew on spe#ial o##asionsHmore re#ent developments on the related topi#s7

    memories of their #onversation et#.



  • 8/11/2019 CBSE Class 10 English HOTs


    C:.'arth astonished him. -nd he made a friend in ;hristopher. e #ould breathe the air and

    the temperature was pleasant. *here was even a sun to warm his de#aing bod and tingle his

    naed sin. e enjoed the rain. 4or the first time, his bod was less than agon to him. -s

    the rain drops beat on his tortured flesh, he felt even the gates of his mind open. is #lever

    hands e9plored the fa#ts and things of 'arth and found them eas. e felt everthing on the

    earth to be big, #rude and simple, a #hild"s pla. e #ould eat plants. is whisers andfeathers started to grow. e wants to renew #onta#t with his old friend and #ome on a holida

    on#e again