cccc annual report 2009

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  • 8/9/2019 CCCC Annual Report 2009


    Christ Church Community Centre




    1 January 2009 31 December 2009

    Contents Page

    Administrative Information 1

    2. Structure, Governance and Management 2

    3. Objectives and activities 3

    4. Achievements and performance 4

    5. Statement of Income and Expenditure 2009 6

    6. Financial Review 8

    7. Conclusion 9

    8. Appendix 1 Publicity 10

    9. Appendix 2 Regular Weekly activities 11

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    Administrative Information

    Name of the CharityChrist Church Community Centre, also known as CCCC.

    Registered Charity Number1118891.

    Address of the CharityMain Street, Darley, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 2QF.

    TrusteesAnn Atkinson (AVA Dance Academy)Naomi Brown (Christ Church)Nicky Carter (Playgroup)Merrily Chapman (Parochial Church Council)Terry Elsworth (Secretary)Reverend Matthew Scott Evans (Vicar)Susan Fawcett (Brownies)Angela Houseman (Chair and Lunch Club)

    Christine Houseman (Treasurer)Janet Hutton (Publicity)Kelly Little (Playgroup)Erica Spencer (Cubs and Scouts)Brenda Wilcock (Bookings Secretary)

    SolicitorDavid Coates of Gordons LLPRiverside WestWhitehall Road, Leeds LS1 4AW


    HSBC Bank, High Street, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 5AW

    Independent ExaminerTim Chapman, FCMA, Far High Westcliffe, Bewerley, Harrogate, HG3 5JA

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    2. Structure, Governance and Management

    Governing DocumentChrist Church Community Centre is governed by the Lease/Trust Deed dated 22 March2007 between the Trustees and the Diocese of Ripon and Leeds. The Lease gives theTrustees title of the former Christ Church Hall for 25 years at a peppercorn rent.

    How the Charity is constitutedThe Trustees named are the Management Committee. Each user group may appointone representative member and the remainder of the committee is made up of electedmembers. A maximum of 8 representative members and 8 elected members make upthe committee and, in addition, the committee may include 2 co-opted members. Thesenumbers are to include the incumbent of Christ Church, Darley. The named Trusteeswill stand down at the end of the Annual General Meeting in February 2010 but may bere-appointed.

    The AGM of Christ Church Community Centre will be advertised in Darley and thesurrounding area for at least two weeks prior to the meeting to give the opportunity forvolunteers to offer their services as Trustees/members of the Management Committee.User groups will be requested to appoint their representatives.

    A Minute book is provided at the first ordinary meeting after the AGM for signature bythe members to accept their responsibilities as Trustees.

    Policies and Procedures adoptedHealth and Safety, Child and Vulnerable Adult and Equal Opportunities and Diversityand Environmental policies have been adopted.

    Risk assessmentA risk assessment has been carried out and is included in the Health and Safety Policy.As well as carrying out its own risk assessment, CCCC has requested all user groupsto carry out risk assessments of their own activities.


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    4. Achievements and Performance

    Fund raising events have continued throughout the year. CCCC, as a member ofFocus on Darley, benefitted from funds raised by the New Years Eve party and theDarley Donkey Derby. Both events provided enjoyable functions for the community aswell as being profitable events. Fewston Teas continue to be well supported, as doesthe 200 Club, and provide additional funds. The committee and friends have providedStrawberry Teas and Christmas Lunch for the Arthritis Support Group, again providingvaluable funding for CCCC.

    Money raised is excellent match funding and evidence of community commitmentwhenr applications have been made to grant awarding bodies. The income hasenabled the committee to finance improvements to the acoustics of the main hall. Thisimprovement has been greatly appreciated by users. The hall was re-decorated duringthe summer of 2009 to maintain the hall to a high standard.

    An application to Awards for All England was successful and this, together with anaward from the BT Community Connections Award Scheme, has enabled thecommittee to purchase additional laptop computers, printers, screen, digital projectorand computer safes to facilitate the introduction of computer courses. A proportion ofthe Awards for All England grant was to support an Open Evening and publicity inSeptember. This has been extremely beneficial as, in the Autumn term, 62 additionalpeople attended regular activities at CCCC. This is in addition to new parentsaccompanying children to activities at the centre. Grants have also been received fromPateley Bridge Mayors Fund and North Yorkshire County Council Fund.

    These grants and fund raising have also helped to pay for the boarding out of the lofts

    and installation of shelving in these areas to provide storage space for user groups andvillage organisations. This expenditure will appear in the accounts for 2010 as the workwas carried out late in December 2009.

    The discreet Terraco Ambient finish was applied to the main hall ceiling greatly improvingacoustics in the hall without spoiling the attractive appearance and dcor of the area.

    Extra safe organised storage for all groups has been created in the lofts


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    Regular weekly activitiesRegular groups continue to meet. Appendix 2 on page 12 of this report gives full detailsof regular bookings showing how the bookings have increased since the centre was re-opened in September 2008. Even though North Yorkshire Adult Learning Serviceswithdrew support at the end of 2008, new computer classes have been introduced aswell as a Family History class, Pilates class and Golden Girls Exercise Class. Latin,Painting and Drawing and Patchwork classes continue to be well supported.

    The groups existing before the refurbishment continue to meet (Playgroup, Cubs,Scouts, Brownies, AVA Dance, Luncheon Club for the elderly and Christ Church). Inaddition, private initiatives continue to be successful. Three exercise classes and aYoga class are running on a regular basis and a Latin class, Karate Class and Pilatesclass are proving popular. The Mobile Library continues to visit on a three-weekly basisand tea and coffee are served. The Chiropody facilities continue to be available. Thebuilding is also now used for childrens parties, other social and charity events and fortraining days by outside organisations e.g. Harrogate Borough Council.

    Swot AnalysisThe committee has highlighted the following strengths, weaknesses, opportunities andthreats facing the committee during 2010.

    Strengths Weaknesses

    Excellent, attractive facilityProactive management teamSupportive, enthusiastic user groupEncouraging use by the local and widercommunityLocal community values new facility bysupporting fund raising for the centre

    Only a small financial reserveVolunteer managementcommittee has limited timeavailable to commit to the project

    Opportunities ThreatsContinue to maintain and improvefacilities for all usersPublicise the facilities to increase lettingincomeResearch introduction of new activitiesResearch opportunities to work inpartnership with other centres offeringadult learning courses to maximisepublicity for CCCC courses andactivities

    Loss of one or more main hirers.Community becomes tired ofsupporting fund raising before areserve fund is achievedRepair work required to exterior ofroof due to poor workmanship

    Future plansTo develop partnerships with other local services and centres to maximise the effectsof our Marketing strategy.

    To complete the annual maintenance plan.

    To improve the main hall for commercial hire by introducing blackout facilities and fansfor exercise classes.

    To work with other groups in the village to establish a youth group.

    To secure the guttering round the building and to fit a snow barrier to the roof adjacent

    to the footpath to the centre.

    PublicityA summary of publicity and advertising carried out during the year appears in Appendix1 on page 10 of this report.


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    5. Statement of Income and Expenditure 2009


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    6. Financial Review

    In order to give a clear picture of the financial state at the end of 2009 details of debtors andcreditors outstanding are given below. I would say that none of the debts are long term andrepresent the most recently invoiced accounts.DebtorsD Howden Karate class 85.00Lisa Hall Boot Camp 38.25

    First Aid class tutor 40.85WEA Family History Class 100.00Darley Lunch Club 32.50Darley Brownies 37.50Michelle Hennon legs,Tums and bums class 25.50Michelle Hennon Golden Girls Class 25.50Lisa Hall Boot Camp 37.50David Traher Chiropodist 15.00Damien Howden Karate 174.50

    Total 612.10

    CreditorsLoft storage 1,800Closer for main door 100

    Total 1,900

    Summary ReconciliationIncome and Expenditure Statement Balance at 31/12/2009 10,127.75Plus Debtors above 612.10Less Creditors above -1.900.00

    Balance in hand 8,839.85*

    *This sum includes 5,000 being held as a reserve fund. It is the intention to build upthis figure by at least 1,000 per year.

    Hall lettings have again been very encouraging despite the loss of North YorkshireLearning Services who pulled out in December 2008 giving no notice that they nolonger had funding to continue the classes.

    The acoustic work in the main hall has been carried out and has successfully dealt withthe problem of noise levels.

    The two lofts have been boarded out to provide storage space for CCCC, ChristChurch and other local organisations (eg Darley in Bloom). This expenditure isaccounted for in the creditors above.

    The above expenditure brings to an end all the items identified as necessary tocomplete the project. There is, of course, the maintenance of the building to be carriedout, particularly the resealing of the main hall floor. Another item to be addressed is theproblem of snow falling from the roof onto the footpath leading to the entrance of thehall.

    CCCC has been allowed to de-register from charging/reclaiming VAT. This hasenabled to Committee to maintain hire charges at the same level for 2010.

    Trustee remuneration and expensesNo remuneration was paid directly or indirectly out of the funds of the Charity to anyTrustee or any person or persons known to be connected with them.


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    7. ConclusionCCCC has again had a successful year, both in the encouraging level of use of the halland financially. The Management Committee realises the importance of building up areserve fund to ensure the future of CCCC. The Committee also recognises itsresponsibility to maintain the building to its present standard so that it may be enjoyed,not only for the duration of the Lease, but for many more years.

    The burden of running CCCC on a daily basis falls on a small number of volunteers,which is much appreciated. Offers of help are always welcomed by the committee.

    We wish to thank all those who have supported us during the year. Without the huge numberof volunteers who have helped with fund raising and the general running of the building, wecould not continue to maintain the building to a high standard.

    We confidently look forward to another successful year.

    Signed on behalf of Christ Church Community Centre

    Angela HousemanChairFebruary 2010


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    Appendix 2 - Regular Weekly Activities at CCCC


    2006 2007 2008 2009

    (Pre Refurbishment)(Post


    Brownies Brownies Brownies Brownies

    Cubs Cubs Cubs Cubs

    Dance Classes Dance Classes Dance Classes Dance Classes

    Lunch Club Lunch Club Lunch Club Lunch Club

    ESTABLISHEDPlaygroup x 3 sessions

    Playgroup x 3sessions Playgroup x 3 sessions Playgroup x 3 sessions

    Scouts Scouts Scouts Scouts

    ACTIVITIESLibrary Coffee Morning

    Library CoffeeMorning Library Coffee Morning Library Coffee Morning

    Chiropody Chiropody

    Fitness Class L G T B Fitness Class L G T B

    Painting & Drawing Painting & Drawing

    Yoga Class Yoga Class

    Heritage project - cont. of AgeConcern

    Boot Camp exercise

    Latin Class

    Karate Class + extra evening

    Golden Girls

    Patchwork workshops*

    Chiropody Age Concern project Pilates

    Digital Photography Boot Camp exercise IT Courses*

    NEW Fitness Class Latin Class Family History

    IT Bus French Class Easter Egg Workshop*

    ACTIVITIES Painting & Drawing Karate Class First Aid*Spanish Class Patchwork workshops*

    Yoga ClassChristmas CakeDecoration *

    NCT Meetings Senior Fitness


    ACTIVITIES 7 15 19 22

    INCREASE 114% 21% 16%
