ccctma regional bike summary report

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  • 8/14/2019 CCCTMA Regional Bike Summary Report


    2002 D Lincoln Dr ive West

    Mar l t on, NJ 08053

    (856) 596-8228

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    Southern New J ersey

    Sept ember 2008

  • 8/14/2019 CCCTMA Regional Bike Summary Report




    Southern New Jersey

    Septem ber 2008

    Prepared by:

    Cross County ConnectionTransportation Management Association

    2002 D Lincoln Drive WestMarlton, NJ 08053

    Phone: 856-596-8228Fax: 856-983-0388

    [email protected] .com

  • 8/14/2019 CCCTMA Regional Bike Summary Report


    Bicycle Facilities Inventory: Summary Report




    Section Page

    Introduction 1

    Methodology 2

    Inventory Findings 3

    Burlington and Camden Counties 3

    Atlantic County 8

    Gloucester County 9

    Salem County 10

    Cumberland County 11

    Cape May County 12

    Summary 13


    Map Title Page

    Burlington and Camden Counties: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2003 4

    Burlington County Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2008 5

    Camden County Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2008 6

    Atlantic County: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2005 8

    Gloucester County: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2005 9

    Salem County: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2006 10

    Cumberland County: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2006 11

    Cape May County: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2007 12

    Southern New Jersey Bicycle Facilities Inventory 14

    List of Tables

    Bicycle Facilities Inventory, Burlington and Camden Counties, 2003-2008 7

    Bicycle Facilities Inventory by County, Southern New Jersey 13

  • 8/14/2019 CCCTMA Regional Bike Summary Report


    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 1 September 2008


    In recent years, much attention has been given to improving bicycle facilities

    throughout New Jersey. An increasing number of municipalities in southern NewJersey are adding bicycle facilities to their road network. NJ TRANSIT permitsbicycles on-board most of its public transit services. In southern New Jersey,bicycles are permitted on NJ TRANSIT buses, the River LINE, the Atlantic Cityrail line, the BurLink system and the Port Authority Transit Corporation (PATCO)Speedline. As traffic congestion continues to worsen and gas prices continue toincrease, government leaders and the private sector throughout New Jersey arerealizing the worth of bicycling as a commute alternative. The cost to stripe abicycle lane or install a bike rack at a worksite is small when compared toimproving roadways and building more parking.

    The Cross County Connection bicycle facilities project examines the county andmunicipal bicycle facilities network specifically for commuting purposes. Giventhe increased awareness of, and interest in, bicycling as a commute alternative,Cross County Connection decided to inventory bicycle facilities throughoutsouthern New Jersey. Given the size of Cross County Connections seven countyservice area, the work has been conducted over several years and through twophases.

    The term bicycle facility, as used in Cross County Connections reports,denotes improvements and provisions made by public agencies to accommodateor encourage bicycling and shared roadways not specifically designated forbicycle use. Existing facilities are those facilities that have already been built andare officially designated as a bike route through signage and/or pavementstriping. Proposed facilities are those facilities that are proposed, but notnecessarily funded, or pending construction.

    The primary goal of the Bicycle Facilities Inventory and Analysis reports is toinventory the existing and proposed bicycle facilities in the seven southerncounties. These reports also indentified gaps in the existing bicycle network andranked and prioritized those proposed facilities that should be given priority forconstruction. Finally, Cross County Connection has indentified potential sourcesof funding to construct the highest ranked proposed facilities in order to assist themunicipalities and counties to close the gaps in the regional bicycle facilitiesnetwork.

  • 8/14/2019 CCCTMA Regional Bike Summary Report


    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 2 September 2008


    To inventory commuter oriented bicycle facilities in each county, Cross County

    Connection surveyed each municipality and county, the South JerseyTransportation Planning Organization (SJTPO) and the Delaware ValleyRegional Planning Commission (DVRPC). Data was collected on the location ofthe bicycle facility, its name, status (existing or proposed), type (on-road or offroad) and its length. Cross County Connection input the collected data into itsGeographical Information System (GIS) software and created municipal andcounty maps showing all facilities for which data was collected.

    Municipal data was cross-referenced with the NJ Department of Transportations(NJDOT) New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, 2004, as well ascounty and Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) plans. Priority was given

    to municipal-reported facilities. If a facility was reported by a municipality, itsuperseded DVRPC, SJTPO or NJDOT data. The facilities were grouped intofour categories, as follows:

    Existing facilitieso On-roado Off-road

    Proposed facilitieso On-roado Off-road

    Cross County Connection created attribute tables as well as county andmunicipal maps of facilities. Once the inventory was finalized and mapped, CrossCounty Connection was able to identify gaps in each countys bicycle network aswell as gaps between counties. Cross County Connection undertook Phase II ofthis project; the gap and prioritization analysis. To identify those bicycle facilitiesthat should be built in the near future, Cross County Connection developed a setof ranking criteria and applied each criterion to the bicycle facility inventory. Thepurpose of ranking criteria is to determine which facilities are most suitable forcommuter usage. The ranking criteria are as follows:

    1. Proximity to commuter roadways

    2. Number of New Jersey TRANSIT bus routes within two miles3. Proximity to business parks4. Number of schools within two miles

    During each phase of the project, the municipalities, counties and MPOs weresent preliminary findings (maps and tables) and asked to comment. Allcomments received were incorporated into the final reports. The inventories andanalysis took place between 2004 and 2008.

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    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 3 September 2008


    The following is a brief summary of inventory findings for each county. For

    detailed inventory findings, as well as the analysis, including the gap analysisand facilities recommended for construction, please see the full report for eachcounty. The complete inventory and analysis reports, including maps, for eachcounty can be viewed on the Cross County Connection website

    Burlington and Camden Counties

    In June 2004, Cross County Connection completed the Burlington and CamdenCounties Bicycle Facilitiesreport. During the winter of 2003, all 77 municipalitiesin the two counties were surveyed to obtain the needed information. Cross

    County Connection found 37 municipalities had existing and proposed facilitiessuitable for commuting. These facilities represented 390 segments totalingapproximately 429 miles, as follows:

    Burlington County:o 313 segments over 362.7 miles.

    Existing facilities: 196 segments over 126.1 miles Proposed facilities: 117 segments over 236.6 miles

    Camden County: 77 segments over 66.4 miles.


    Existing facilities: 46 segments over 32.6 mileso Proposed facilities: 31 segments over 33.8 miles

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    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 4 September 2008

    Burlington and CamdenCounties: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2003

    Source: Cross County Connection, Bicycle Facilities Inventory and Analysis: Burlington andCamden Counties, June 2004.

    In February 2008, Cross County Connection updated the 2003 inventory bysurveying the 77 municipalities in Burlington and Camden Counties. The twocounties have experienced a significant increase in the existing and proposedbicycle facilities in the five years since the original inventory was undertaken.The updated survey found an 84% increase in the number of municipalities (68)reporting existing and/or proposed facilities suitable for commuting. Thesefacilities represent 622 segments totaling approximately 726 miles. The updatedinventory shows the number of segments has increased by 59.5% to 622between 2003 and 2008. Additionally, the number of miles of existing andproposed segments has increased by 69% from 429 miles to 726 miles, during

    the five year period.

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    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 5 September 2008

    Burlington County: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2008

    Source: Cross County Connection, Bicycle Facilities Inventory: Burlington County, August 2008.

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    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 6 September 2008

    Camden County: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2008

    Source: Cross County Connection, Bicycle Facilities Inventory: Camden County, August 2008.

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    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 7 September 2008

    Burlington County experienced a large increase in bicycle facilities segments andmiles by adding 153 facilities to its current inventory, totaling approximately 196miles. These new segments represent an increase in bicycle facility miles of

    approximately 54% since 2003.

    Camden County has added 79 new facilities to its inventory, totalingapproximately 102 miles. These new miles represent an increase in bicyclefacility miles of approximately 153% from 2003.

    Burlington County:

    Existing facilities: 267 segments over 227.2 miles Proposed facilities: 199 segments over 331.1 miles

    Camden County:

    Existing facilities: 69 segments over 50.5 miles Proposed facilities: 87 segments over 117.6 miles

    Bicycle Facilities InventoryBurlington and Camden Counties, 2003-2008

    2003 Inventory 2008 InventoryPercent Increase


    Segments Miles Segments Miles Segments Miles

    Burlington County 313 362.7 466 558.3 48.9% 53.9%

    Camden County 77 66.4 156 168.1 102.6% 153.2%

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    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 8 September 2008

    Atlantic County

    In December 2005, Cross County Connection completed the Atlantic County

    Bicycle Facilities Inventory and Analysisreport. During the winter of 2004, the 23municipalities in Atlantic County were surveyed to obtain the needed information.Cross County Connection found all 23 municipalities had existing and proposedfacilities suitable for commuting. These facilities represent 68 segments totalingapproximately 250 miles as follows:

    Existing facilitieso 22 segments over 37 miles

    Proposed facilitieso 46 segments over 213 miles

    Atlantic County: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2005

    Source: Cross County Connection, Bicycle Facilities Inventory and Analysis: Atlantic County,December 2005.

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    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 9 September 2008

    Gloucester County

    In June 2005, Cross County Connection completed the Gloucester County

    Bicycle Facilities Inventory and Analysis report. During the fall of 2004, all 24municipalities were surveyed to obtain the needed information. Cross CountyConnection found 14 municipalities had existing and proposed facilities suitablefor commuting. These facilities represent 40 segments totaling approximately 82miles:

    Existing facilitieso 12 over 12.2 miles

    Proposed facilitieso 28 over 69.6 miles

    Gloucester County: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2005

    Source: Cross County Connection, Bicycle Facilities Inventory and Analysis: Gloucester County,June 2005.

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    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 10 September 2008

    Salem County

    In June 2007, Cross County Connection completed the Salem County Bicycle

    Facilities Inventory and Analysis report. During the fall of 2005 and winter of2006, all 15 municipalities were surveyed to obtain the needed information.Cross County Connection found 14 municipalities had existing and proposedfacilities suitable for commuting. These facilities represent 35 segments totalingapproximately 122 miles:

    Existing facilitieso 13 segments over 6.8 miles

    Proposed facilitieso 22 segments over 114.7 miles

    Salem County: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2006

    Source: Cross County Connection, Bicycle Facilities Inventory and Analysis: Salem County, June2007.

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  • 8/14/2019 CCCTMA Regional Bike Summary Report


    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 12 September 2008

    Cape May County

    In May 2008, Cross County Connection completed the Cape May County Bicycle

    Facilities Inventory and Analysis report. During the spring of 2007, all 16municipalities were surveyed to obtain the needed information. Cross CountyConnection found 15 municipalities had existing and proposed facilities suitablefor commuting. These facilities represent 52 segments totaling approximately 119miles:

    Existing facilitieso 28 segments over 39.5 miles

    Proposed facilitieso 24 segments over 79.3 miles

    Cape May County: Bicycle Facilities Inventory, 2007

    Source: Cross County Connection, Bicycle Facilities Inventory and Analysis: Cape May County,May 2008.

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    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 13 September 2008


    The emphasis of Cross County Connections bicycle facilities inventory and

    analysis project is to encourage the use of bicycle commuting by building abicycle network in southern New Jersey. As the table below and the maps in thisreport demonstrate, southern New Jersey has an extensive bicycle networksystem planned. Once completed, the seven counties bicycle network willinclude approximately 1,500 miles of bicycle facilities which will be available tocommuters (recreational and closed-looped facilities were not included in thisanalysis). However, at the present time only 30% of this network has beencompleted.

    Bicycle Facilities Inventory by County

    Southern New Jersey

    Existing Facilities Proposed Facilities Total Facilities

    County Segments Miles Segments Miles Segments MilesDate of DataCollection

    Atlantic 22 37.0 46 213.0 68 250.0 2005

    Burlington 267 227.2 199 331.1 466 558.3 2003; updated 2008

    Camden 69 50.5 87 117.6 156 168.1 2003; updated 2008

    Cape May 28 39.5 24 79.3 52 118.8 2007

    Cumberland 42 75.4 31 115.8 73 191.2 2006

    Gloucester 12 12.2 28 69.6 40 81.8 2005

    Salem 13 6.8 22 114.7 35 121.5 2006

    Total 453 448.6 437 1041.1 890 1489.7

    Source: Cross County Connection inventory of bicycle facilities by county. For a copy of each

    county report contact Cross County Connection or visit

    Cross County Connections work identifies, through the ranking and prioritizationanalyses, those facilities that have the highest potential to fill in the gaps in theregions bicycle network. Given the limited amount of financial resourcesavailable to build bicycle facilities, the ranking and prioritization analyses shouldbe useful in determining which facilities should be given priority for constructionfunding.

    The bicycle facilities inventory will be updated periodically to reflect changes

    made at the local and county levels. The updated inventories will be available onCross County Connections website. Cross County Connection is available toprovide technical assistance to the counties and municipalities that haveproposed bicycle facilities recommended for construction in the county reports.

    Given the limited financial resources available for construction projects, it ishoped that the Cross County Connection Bicycle Facilities Inventory andAnalysis reports will enable the region to implement those projects that will have

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    Bicycle Facilities: Summary Report


    Cross County Connection 14 September 2008

    the most benefit to the region-wide bicycle network. Bicycle commutingrepresents a viable alternative to the single occupant vehicle. Its potential toreduce traffic congestion and improve air quality, especially when linked withpublic transit is significant.