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LESSON 41 Data, Information And Information Systems 1. Data is_____________ A. a collection of facts B. useful if it is organised C. a collection of information D. useful if it is not organised 2. Information is______________ that is valuable and meaningful to a specific user. A. raw data B. picture data C. primary data D. organised data 3. Output is usually in the form of ________ 4. When ______ is arranged and organised in a meaningful way, it becomes information. A. file B. data C. folder D. document 5. Which of the following is NOT an example of audio data? A. Voice B. Tones C. Sound D. Numerical 6. An information system is a set of related components that I. collects data II. processes data III. provides information IV. makes strategies for company A. I, II and III B. I, II and IV C. II, III and IV D. I, III and IV 7. Which data type consists of sentences and paragraphs? A. Text B. Audio C. Image D. Alphanumeric 8. Data consisting of moving images are known as _________________data. A. text B. audio C. video D. photo 9. Collecting and processing data are among the functions of an information __________. A. file B. system C. storage D. component 10. When data is arranged in a _________way, it becomes information. A. top down B. ascending C. descending D. meaningful 11. Which of the following is NOT a component of information system? A. collect data B. process data C. transfer data D. provide information 12. W is in the form of documents. What is “W”? A. Input B. Output C. Process D. Input device 13. Process involves ________________ data. I. storing ICT WORKSHEET, FORM 5 A. video B. picture C. document D. multimedia 1 SCORE

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LESSON 41Data, Information And Information Systems

1. Data is_____________A. a collection of facts B. useful if it is organisedC. a collection of informationD. useful if it is not organised

2. Information is______________ that is valuable and meaningful to a specific user. A. raw data B. picture data C. primary data D. organised data

3. Output is usually in the form of ________

4. When ______ is arranged and organised in a meaningful way, it becomes information.

A. file B. data C. folder D. document

5. Which of the following is NOT an example of audio data?

A. Voice B. Tones C. Sound D. Numerical 6. An information system is a set of related

components that I. collects data II. processes data III. provides information IV. makes strategies for company

A. I, II and IIIB. I, II and IVC. II, III and IVD. I, III and IV

7. Which data type consists of sentences and paragraphs?

A. Text B. Audio C. Image D. Alphanumeric

8. Data consisting of moving images are known as _________________data.

A. text B. audio C. video

D. photo

9. Collecting and processing data are among the functions of an information __________.

A. file B. system C. storage D. component

10. When data is arranged in a _________way, it becomes information.

A. top down B. ascending C. descending D. meaningful

11. Which of the following is NOT a component of information system?

A. collect data B. process data C. transfer data D. provide information

12. W is in the form of documents. What is “W”? A. Input B. Output C. Process D. Input device

13. Process involves ________________ data. I. storing II. printing III. calculating IV. comparing

A. I, II and IIIB. I, II and IVC. I, III and IVD. II, III and IV

14. When ____________ is arranged together, they can be put into a meaningful relationship.

A. data B. video C. image D. information system


A. video B. picture C. document D. multimedia



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LESSON 42 Usage of Information Systems in Various Fields

1. We can use_____________to keep track of student statistics. A. Office Systems B. Payroll Systems C. Student Information Systems D. Learning Management Systems 2. Learning Management Systems are used to help students and teachers in online______ A. copying and writing B. booking and learning C. learning and discussion D. gaming and entertainment

3. In retail companies, information systems are used in online I. buying II. selling III. chatting IV. repairing

A. I and IIB. II and IIIC. II and IVD. III and IV

4. In the transportation industry, information systems are used to __________________. A. attract customers B. receive customer feedbacks C. organise the records of employees D. plan the delivery of goods and services

5. In __________ management, information systems are used to analyse products and services. A. student B. learning C. marketing D. human resource

6. In _____________ management, information systems are used to see employees' records. A. marketing B. transportation C. manufacturing D. human resource

7. “Information systems used to process customer orders and organise production times.” This statement refers to A. transportation industry B. marketing management

C. manufacturing management D. human resource management

8. Which of the following uses information system to buy and sell online? A. Retail company B. Learning management C. Transportation industry D. Human resource management

9. In marketing management, information systems are used to A. analyse products and services. B. answer complaints and feedbacks. C. accept online requests and suggestions. D. ask for information and communications.

10. Information systems are used in the areas of ___________, business andmanagement. A. enquiries B. education C. examination D. entertainment

11. Which of the following uses information system in online learning and discussion? A. Learning Strategies Class B. Learning Strategies System C. Learning Management Course D. Learning Management System

12. In __________________, information systems are used to process customer orders. A. business courses B. marketing studies C. learning management D. manufacturing management

13. In the ____________________, information systems are used to help plan the delivery of goods and services. A. business magazines B. advertising brochures C. transportation industry D. manufacturing factories


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LESSON 43 Information System Components

1. A _______________ monitors database security and solves errors.A. userB. system analyst C. system designerD. database administrator

2. A ________analyses the customer's needs by providing specifications to customers.A. userB. system analystC. system designerD. database administrator

3. A __________designs database according to the specifications given by system analysts.A. system analyst B. system designer C. system managerD. system programmer


Information systems personnel Computer peripherals Guidelines

Processed information Operating system End users

Computer systems Organised facts

Application software User manuals


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4. End users are people who use information systems. They can be I. clerks II. customers III. managers IV. system analysts

A. I, II and IIIB. I, II and IVC. I, III and IVD. II, III and IV

5. Information system personnel are I. system analyst II. system designer III. multimedia developer IV. database administrator

6. The hardware component in an information system means allA. compact discs, storage devices and various computer program.B. computer equipment used to perform input, processing and output functions.C. computer equipment and components sold in a computer hardware shop.D. computer devices, data media and other materials such books, manuals and guides.

7. Hardware can be divided intoA. computer desktops only.B. computer equipments and media.C. computer programs and accessories.D. hardware devices and computer software.

8 The ___________ component in an information system consists of programs for the computers.A. dataB. peopleC. softwareD. hardware

9 There are two types of software : system software and ______software.A. testingB. apparatusC. applicationD. human resource

10. Operating system programs are examples of _______________ software. A. startup B. backup C. system D. transactions

11. Procedures are operating instructions. They are made up ofA. software and hardware.B. guidelines in user manuals.C. data processing and output.D. systems control and performance.

12. Hardware resources include all data media on which data are recorded, such as

A. I, II and IIIB. I, II and IVC. I, III and IVD. II, III and IV

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A. paper, notebook and servers.B. paper, hard drives and hard covers.C. paper, floppy disks and compact discs.D. paper, keyboards and compact disc players.

13. An information system is a set of related components that ______________. I. collect data II. process data III. provide information IV. make multimedia presentation

A. I, II and IIIB. I, II and IVC. I, III and IVD. II, III and IV

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LESSON 44 Types Of Information Systems

1. Management Information System is to help managers make the processes and activities of a business to__________. A. react to situations B. run more efficiently C. behave in a smooth way D. operate at the highest cost

2. Transaction Processing System is used to __________ business transactions. A. repeat B. record C. reprint D. register

3. Decision Support System is used to help managers ____ in important areas of business. A. make right decisions B. manage people in a company C. receive payment over the Internet D. call important people with the telephone

4. Online banking is the example of A. Decision Support System B. Executive Information System C. Transaction Processing System D. Management Information System

5. Executive Information Systems are used to support ____________by top-level executives. A. preparation B. participation C. documentation D. planning strategies

6. Expert System stores knowledge and makes ________suggestions. A. logical B. systematic C. qualitative D. quantitative

7. Which of the following can be used to forecast future trends? A. Expert System B. Executive Information System C. Transaction Processing System D. Management Information System

8. Executive Information System is used to ________ future trends. A. decide B. change C. manage D. forecast


Transaction Processing System

Executive Information System

Decision Support System

Management Information System

Expert System

to store knowledge and make logical suggestions for the user

to provide regular Information to managers

to record business transactions

to help top-level management in a business company

to help managers make right decisions in important areas of business

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LESSON 45 Hierarchy Of Data

LESSON 46 Database



A record

A field

A byte

consists of eight bits and represents a character.

the smallest unit of meaningful information in the database.

A bit

A file

the smallest unit of data stored in the computer.

a collection of related records.

a collection of related fields.

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1. A __________ is a structured collection of information on specific subject. A. file B. data C. database D. document

2. We can think of a database as an ___system. A. an electronic filing B. a decision support C. a receive information D. an analyse information

3. A __________ is an example of database. A. calculator B. video games C. telephone book D. computer device

4. A database allows its contents to be easily I. stored II. updated III. accessed IV. formatted

A. I, II and III B. I, II and IV C. I, III and IV D. II, III and IV

5. To access information from a database, you need a A. an Accounting System. B. a Parts Inventory System. C. a School Registration System. D. a Database Management System.

6. Database Management System is a program that enables you to __________ information from a database. I. store II. modify III. format IV. extract

A. I, II and III B. I, II and IV C. I, III and IV D. II, III and IV

7. Database Management System provides an interface between the database and the ______.

A. file B. text C. user D. hardware

8. Examples of DBMS are I. Oracle II. SQL Server III. Microsoft Word IV. Microsoft Access

A. I, II and III B. I, II and IV C. I, III and IV D. II, III and IV

9. A DBMS is a ____________ that accesses information from a database. A. script B. program C. hardware D. component

10. The collection of organised information refers to _____________. A. file B. data C. folder D. database

11. The_____________ allows its contents to be easily accessed, updated, stored and retrieved. A. field B. records C. database D. management

12. Where does a Database Management System access information from? A. File B. Folder C. Database D. Management file

13. W allows contents to be retrieved and used. What is “W”? A. Data B. DBMS C. Database D. Input devices

LESSON 47 Benefits of Using Database SCORE

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1. One of the benefits of database is to _____A. transform data to other formatB. access information easierC. differentiate software and hardware

creditsD. develop the application software based

on run-time

2. Most data items are stored in __________ .A. one fileB. two filesC. four filesD. three files

3. A database _____________.A. duplicates the dataB. improves data integrityC. causes data to be formattedD. provides an interface to user

4. With a __________ , there is no need to repeat recording the same data.

5. The benefits of database are: I.minimises data redundancy II.makes information access easier III.allows data formatting IV.ensures that data is correct for all files

A. I, II and IIIB. I, II and IVC. I, III and IVD. II, III and IV

6. The advantages of database are the following EXCEPT _______________.

A. data can be formattedB. makes information access easierC. having to record details only onceD. data can be shared over a network

7. Ensuring that data is correct for all files are called data __________.

A. sharingB. integrityC. checking D. correction

8. When a user modifies data in the database, automatically the same data will ____ in all files.

A. createB. changeC. improveD. remain the same

9. Which of the following is a benefit of data integrity?A. Records can be sharedB. Easy information accessC. Ensures the data is correctD. Minimises data redundancy

10. Data integrity causes the modification of data in one file to be ____changed in other files.

A. manuallyB. randomlyC. selectivelyD. automatically

11. Why does database make information access easy?

A. Faster data deletionB. Random data correctionC. Data sharing over the networkD. Data can be formatted over the network

12. These are the overall benefits of database EXCEPT ___________ .

A. sharing dataB. formatting dataC. accessing dataD. correcting data

13. "A school database would record a student’s name, address and other details only once" refers to the benefit of _______________.

A. ensuring data integrity B. accessing information easilyC. minimising data redundancyD. ensuring data is correct for all files

14. “The data of an account department can be shared by the marketing department” is under the benefits of _________________.

A. ensuring data integrityB. minimising data redundancyC. ensuring data is correct for all filesD. sharing database over the network

LESSON 48Features of Microsoft Access

1.Which objects can be found in Objects bar?

I. FormsII. Queries

A. fileB. reportC. folderD. database


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III. ReportsIV. Datasheet

A. I, II and IVB. I, II and III C. I, III and IVD. II, III and IV

2. What are the examples of the Database objects?I. TablesII. QueriesIII. Design ViewIV. Datasheet View

A. I and IIB. II and IIIC. I and IVD. II and IV

3. The Menu Bar contains a group of related A. textsB. documentsC. commandsD. database objects

4. The Database Title Bar displays the _______ of the open database.A. formB. tableC. nameD. document

5. The Database Toolbar contains ________ that you click to carry out commands.A. filesB. keysC. buttonsD. objects

6. You can use Microsoft Access to store a large collection of ____________.A. programsB. informationC. documents D. presentations

7. A __________ summarises information from the database.A. FormB. TableC. QueryD. Report

8. Microsoft Access is _________program.A. a textB. an audioC. a databaseD. a multimedia

9. You can use __________to store information in a database.A. ChartB. TablesC. DiagramD. Database Toolbar

10. A __________ provides an easy way to view and enter information into a database.A. FormB. TableC. QueryD. Report

11. Reports are one of the Database ________ in Microsoft Access.A. listsB. filesC. objectsD. properties

LESSON 49 Features of Table, Query, Form and Report


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1 A __________ stores a collection of information about a specific topic.A. lineB. tableC. folderD. column

2 A __________ is a request of a specific data from a database

A. taskB. queryC. reportD. worksheet

3. What are the examples of database objects? I. Forms II. Books III. Queries

I. Records

A. I and II B. I and IIIC. II and IIID. III and IV

4. A __________ is an interface to enter information in the database.

A. formB. tableC. reportD. document

5 In a Table, each row shows the information for __________.A. one fileB. one fieldC. one queryD. one record

6 A __________ summarises the information from the database.A. FormB. TableC. QueryD. Report

7 Which method is fast and easy to use when creating a form?

A. DesignB. WizardC. PreviewD. Datasheet

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LESSON 50 Relationship Between Field, Record and File

1. Field is a specific category of_____ in a table.A. rowB. columnC. informationD. relationship

2. Which is a collection of fields about a person, place or thing in a table?A. FileB. FolderC. RecordD. Relation

3. Tuple is an alternative name for __________.A. fileB. tableC. recordD. relation

4. The __________ consist of several data types such as text, date or numerical data.A. filesB. booksC. foldersD. records

5. File is a set of ______ arranged in rows and columns.A. dataB. folderC. relationD. document

6. In a database________ consists of records.A. textB. fileC. folderD. document

7. Relation is another alternative name for ____.A. fileB. tupleC. recordD. column

8. A file must have _______ and _________.

I. tableII. fieldsIII. recordsIV. relations

A. I and IIB. I and IIIC. II and IIID. III and IV

9. The components of a _______ are rows and columns.A. fieldB. dataC. tableD. record

10. A record is also known as the____ or _____.I. rowII. fieldIII. tupleIV. column

A. I and IIB. I and IIIC. II and IIID. II and IV

11. Y is also known as a table or relation. What is “Y”?A. FileB. FieldC. RecordD. Document

12. What is a record made up of? A. FilesB. FieldsC. FormsD. Formats

13. What is a record?A. A collection of filesB. A coIIection of discsC. A collection of fieldsD. A collection of documents

14. A field is also known as ____________.A. rowB. table C. columnD. relation

15. What is a file made up of?A. Lines and rowsB. Rows and recordsC. Fields and recordsD. Relation and database



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LESSON 51 Primary Key and Foreign Key

1. Primary key must not have________ values.A. nullB. singleC. doubleD. character

2. A primary key is the field that __________ represents each record in a table.A. uniquelyB. generallyC. commonlyD. individually

3. A foreign key is the field that __________ the primary key in another table.A. insertsB. deletesC. mergesD. matches

4. Each __________in the database can have at least one primary key.A. formB. tableC. reportD. relationship

5. While ________ must have unique values, __________ may have duplicate values.A. foreign keys, foreign keysB. primary keys, foreign keysC. foreign keys, primary keysD. primary keys, primary keys

6. Why is the primary key so important in the table?I. It contains null values.II. It helps to avoid duplicate records.III. It prevents null values being entered in the unique field.IV. It ensures data integrity by uniquely representing each record.

A. I, II and IIIB. I, III and IVC. II, III and IVD. I, II, and IV

7. A primary key ensures _________ by uniquely representing each record.A. input integrityB. data integrityC. data correctionD. record modification

8. The importance of a primary key is to I. do analysis

II. make calculationsIII. avoid duplicate recordsIV. prevent null values in the unique field

A. I and IIB. I and IVC. II and IVD. III and IV

9. P matches the primary key in another table. What is "P"?

A. Foreign keyB. Unique fieldC. Common keyD. Unique identifier

10. Which of the following best describes the primary key?

A. Column or row in a table.B. Table that matches other data.C. Value equals to another foreign key.D. Field that uniquely represents each record in a table.

11. Which of the following does NOT apply to primary key?A. It ensures data integrity.B. It helps to open locked files.C. It helps to avoid duplicate recordsD. It prevents null values in the unique field.

12. The importance of the primary key:I. prevents null valuesII. ensures data integrityIII. improves data formatIV. causes duplicated recordsA. I and IIB. I and III C. II and IVD. III and IV

13. Q is the field which uniquely identifies each record in a table. What is "Q"?

A. Primary keyB. Foreign keyC. Common keyD. Duplicate key

D. record modification

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LESSON 52 Relationship between Primary Key and Foreign Key

1. Connections between fields of related tables having common values are called_____________

A. familiesB. relativesC. interactionsD. relationships

2. A __________ prevents repeating data

in a table. A. primary key B . general key C. identical key D. common key

3. A relationship works by matching data in __________ fields, usually a field with the same name in both tables.

A. keyB. sameC. commonD. separate

4 The matching fields are the __________ key from one table and a foreign key in the other table.

5. Select the importance of relationship between the primary & foreign key

I. Ensures the data consistency from table to table

II. Makes creating queries, forms and reports more difficult.

II. Reduces the need to repeatedly enter the same data item.

III. IV. A primary key in a table can be a foreign key of the other table.

A. I, II and IIIB. I, II and IVC. I, III and IVD. II, III and IV

6. A ____________ in a table can be a __________ of the other table.

A. primary key, foreign keyB. foreign key, general keyC. primary key, secondary keyD. secondary key, foreign key

7. X improves data performance by relating smaller tables into meaningful database. What is "X"?

A. Foreign keyB. Primary keyC. Common keyD. Secondary key

8. What are the connections between fields of related tables having common values?

A. InteractionsB. PartnershipsC. Relation filesD. Relationships

A. foreignB. generalC. primaryD. secondary


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LESSON 53 Database Object-Table

1. Tables are one of the Database __________ in Microsoft Access.

A. filesB. iconsC. objectsD. properties

2. Which of these are the database objects? I. Forms II. Reports III. Queries IV. Records

A. I, II and IVB. I, III and IVC. I, II and IIID. II, III and IV

3. The text data type can only contain _______ characters.A. 245B. 250C. 255D. 256

4. All databases in Microsoft Access contain at least __________ table.

5. Tables can be created by using any of these three methods which are:

I. Wizard II. Datasheet III. Layout View IV. Design View

A. I, II and IIIB. I, II and IVC. I, III and IVD. II, III and IV

6. Which of the data type that accepts RM25.50?A. TextB. MemoC. CurrencyD. Hyperlink

7. The ______________ data type will automatically number each record for the user.

A. TextB. CurrencyC. HyperlinkD. AutoNumber

8. In ____________ you can customise your fields name and data types.A. AutoFormB. Design ViewC. Table WizardD. Datasheet View

9. You can change the field size of a selected field from the __________.A. Field listB. Field viewC. Field propertiesD. Field application

10. The data type determines the kind of data you can enter into a _________.A. fileB. fieldC. designD. document

11. The Table Wizard offers many tables for both business and __________ use.A. personalB. accountC. marketingD. administration

12. AutoNumber is a_____ number assigned automatically and in sequence to each new record.A. uniqueB. generalC. commonD. document

13. The acronym OLE stands for ___________.A. Object Linking and ElectronicB. Object Layout and EmbeddingC. Object Linking and EmbeddingD. Object Limited and Embedding

A. zeroB. oneC. twoD. three


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LESSON 54 Database Object-Query

1. You can create new Queries using _______ and __________.

A. Design View, WizardB. Layout View, Wizard C. Print preview, Design ViewD. Structured Query Language, Design View

2. A _______ is a database object that retrieves specific information from a database.A. FormB. QueryC. ReportD. Request

3. We can use ___________ to perform calculations on selected records.A. FormB. TableC. ReportD. Queries

4. Queries can be created by using two methods which are:

I. Wizard II. Query ViewIII. Design ViewIV. Datasheet View

A. I and IIB. I and IIIC. II and IVD. III and IV

5. When creating a Query using Wizard, you have to specify the __________ that you want included in the query.A. FormsB. Fields C. TablesD. Reports

6. When creating a query using the Wizard, you need to select the _________ for the query.

A. fileB. keyC. fieldD. record

7. You can switch between Datasheet and Design View of Queries by clicking on the _____.

A. Edit button B. View buttonC. Menu buttonD. Window button

8. The _________ shows only the selected fields that meets the criteria.

A. HyperlinkB. Form layoutC. Query results D. Report results

9. We can perform sorting either in ascending or ___________ order.

A. searchingB. increasingC. decreasingD. descending

10. After a query is saved, it will be displayed in the ___________.

A. SQL windowB. Table windowC. Query windowD. Database window

11. A query gathers information from a __________ that fulfill the user's criteria.

A. view B. Table C. document D. presentation



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LESSON 55 Database Object-Form

1. A ________ is a database object that allows users to add, modify and view information.

A. FormB. Table C. QueryD. Report

2. You can create new Forms using ________

A. Design ViewB. Filter by form C. Datasheet View D. Structured Query Language

3. X is another method of creating Forms, besides using Design View. What is "X"?

A. WizardB. Datasheet ViewC. Form PropertiesD. Structured Query Language

4. We can use __________ View to change the design of a Form.

A. Layout B. ReportC. Design D. Datasheet

5. When you add new data into forms, you are __________ adding the data into the table.

A. manuallyB. IncreasinglyC. deacreasinglyD. automatically

6. You need to key in the __________ of the Form before you save it.

A. fileB. fieldC. nameD. document

7. To create a Form, you can use __________. A. File or ReportB. Table or QueryC. Table or ReportD. Query or Report

8 Columnar, Tabular, Datasheet and Justified are used to determine the ____________ of the information on the Form.

A. layout and designB. colour and designC. number and symbol D. arrangement and position

9. You can click on __________ of the Form, which effects its formatting and final appearance.

A. fileB. linkC. styleD. sheet

10. We can select __________ from Tables or Queries to create a new Form.

A. filesB. fieldsC. recordsD. database

11. In Design View, ___ the field to the location in the Form where you want it to appear..

A. dragB. insertC. releaseD. remove

12. We can create new controls as needed by clicking the suitable ___________ icon.

A. FileB. EditC. MenuD. Toolbox

13. A Form is an organised and formatted view of selected fields from

I. File II. TablesIII. PapersIV. Queries

A. I and IIB. I and IIIC. II and IIID. II and IV

14. What does this icon refer to? A. create new FormB. create new TableC. create new ReportD. create new Query

D. arrangement and position

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LESSON 56 Database Object-Report

1. A __________ is a database object that summaries information from the database.

A. FormB. Table C. Query D. Report

2. Besides using Design View, you can use___________ to create new report.

A. WizardB. Report View C. Datasheet ViewD. Structured Query Language

3. Which of the following allows us to change the layout of a Report?

A. Report ViewB. Design ViewC. Datasheet View D. Print Preview View

4. Reports can be created by using any of these methods which are:

I. WizardII. Design viewIII. Layout viewIV.Datasheet view

A. I and IIB. I and IVC. II and IIID. III and IV

5. You need to indicate the ________ of the Report either Portrait or Landscape.

A. print styleB. layout styleC. document styleD. orientation style

6. We can select Report on the Objects bar in the ________________.

A. File windowB. Edit windowC. Modify windowD. Database window

7. When designing a Report, you have to consider the audience and the level of ___________ they need.

A. input

B. layoutC. processD. information

8. The Microsoft Access reports are based on the Tables or _________.

A. RowsB. Queries C. Columns D. Datasheet

9. You need to specify the __________ that you want to include in the report.

A. fields B. themeC. layoutD. grouping

10. You need to indicate the ________ of the Report either Columnar, Tabular or Justified.

A. print styleB. layout styleC. document styleD. orientation style

11. In ____________, you can create label as needed by clicking the suitable toolbox button.

A. Design view B. Report wizardC. Datasheet viewD. Layout preview View

12. The order of records can be sorted according to

I. increasing orderII. ascending orderIII. decreasing orderIV.descending order

A. I and IIB. I and IIIC. II and IVD. III and IV


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LESSON 57 Data Manipulation

1. The _______ operation is used for changing data in a database Table.

A. InsertB. DeleteC. SearchD. Update

2. An Insert operation is used for _________ records to a database Table.

A. addingB. deletingC. updatingD. changing

3. The basic operations of data manipulation I. Delete II. Format III. Update IV. Calculation

A. I and IIB. I and IIIC. II and IIID. III and IV

4. The ________operation can change the order that records appear in a Table.

A. SortB. DataC. InsertD. Delete

5. Sorting Text in ascending order will sort text in _________order.

A. numericalB. descendingC. alphabeticalD. date and time

6. Sorting Number according to________ order will sort number from smallest to largest value.

A. ascending B. descendingC. alphabetical D. date and time

7. We can find some records that contain specific information in the database by using ______operation.

A. InsertB. DeleteC. SearchD. Update

8. The Find and __________ features are ideal when you want to make the same changes to many records.

A. AddB. ViewC. DeleteD. Replace

9. We can use a ______ to find some specific records in a database.

A. FormB. TableC. QueryD. Report

10. “It displays only those records that match specifications.”Which type of operation is this statement referring to?

A. Filter B. InsertC. DeleteD. Update

11. The __________ operation is used when the user wants to find or locate specific data.

A. SortB. DeleteC. SearchD. Update

12. To arrange the records in ascending or descending order, we use__________ operation.

A. SortB. InsertC. DeleteD. Update

13. The __________ operation is used for removing records from a database Table.

A. InsertB. DeleteC. SearchD. Update

14. You must state the _______ to find specific records in your database.

A. wizardB. criteriaC. methodD. calculation


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LESSON 58 Phases of System Development

1. In Analysis Phase, the system developers will identify the __________for a system.

A. programmingB. manual designC. system performance D. input, process and output

2. In ____________, system developers will identify the needs of target users.

A. Design PhaseB. Testing PhaseC. Analysis PhaseD. Documentation Phase

3. When errors are detected, the system developers will have to fix the system in ____.

A. Design PhaseB. Testing PhaseC. Analysis PhaseD. Documentation Phase

4. The following items will be considered in Analysis Phase EXCEPT

A. InputB. OutputC. ProcessD. Entity Relationship Diagram

5. In Maintenance Phase, system developers have to consider the __________.

A. program designB. system performanceC. needs of the target users D. documentation of the program

6. During __________, the system developers will design an Entity Relationship Diagram.

A. Design phase

B. Testing phaseC. Analysis phaseD. Documentation phase

7. Which of the following phase allows system developer to create database?

A. Design PhaseB. Testing PhaseC. Analysis PhaseD. Implementation Phase

8. The system developers continue to provide support during the __________ Phase.

A. TestB. DesignC. AnalysisD. Maintenance

9. In ____________, the system developers need to monitor system performance.

A. Design PhaseB. Testing PhaseC. Maintenance PhaseD. Implementation Phase

10. In Implementation Phase, system developers create the information system using .

A. spreadsheetB. word processingC. database softwareD. presentation software


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LESSON 59 Analysis Phase

1. In Analysis Phase, system developers have to define the ___ of the system they developed.

A. layoutB. designC. patternD. purpose

2. Who are involved in Analysis Phase?I. TechnicianII. Target usersIII. Network engineersIV. System developers

A. I and IIB. II and IVC. III and IVD. I and IV

3. During Analysis Phase, the needs of __________ are analysed.

A. designersB. target usersC. system developersD. hardware engineers

4. "Create a database to keep track the school’s resource" is the________ of database.

A. logicB. purposeC. planningD. learning outcome

5. Which of the following needs to be done by a system developer during Analysis Phase?

A. Define the purpose of the system.B. Analyse the design of the program.C. Define program errors faced by target

users.D. Solve all the problems related to the


6. What is the purpose of problem analysis in Analysis Phase?

A. Define the design of the system.B. Understand the needs of target users.C. Define the planning of the system

design.D. Define program errors faced by target


7. The system developers need to identify the input, ________and output of the system.

A. process B. performanceC. programmingD. program Flow Chart

8. Which of the following is NOT a task in Analysis Phase?

A. Interview the target users.B. Analyse the needs of target users.C. Determine the design of the program.D. Define problems faced by target users.

9. Which of the following is done by system developers in Analysis Phase?

A. Define the design of the system.B. Define the purpose of the system.C. Describe what the system must test.D. Implement the database design of the


10. The followings are true about Analysis Phase EXCEPT

A. define the purpose of the system.B. analyse the needs of target users.C. define problems faced by target users.D. design user interface using database


11. When you analyse problems, which of the following do you need to consider?

I. InputII. OutputIII. ProcessIV. Performance

A. I, II and IIIB. I, II and IVC. I, III and IVD. II, III and IV

12. By conducting an analysis, the system developers would have to _________.

A. test the functionality of the systemB. implement database design of the

systemC. understand the requirements of target

userD. design user interface using database


13. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Analysis Phase?

A. Focus of the system can be set.B. The last phase of system development.C. Input, process and output are identified. D. Involves system developer and target



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LESSON 60 Design Phase

1. In the __________ phase of system development, system developers use diagrams to design the system.

A. firstB. thirdC. fourthD. second

2. Diagrams used in Design Phase isA. Flow ChartB. Input, process and outputC. Structural Query LanguageD. Entity Relationship Diagram

3. The ______________ refers to the planning of the design in the system to be developed.

A. Design Phase B. Analysis Phase C. Implementation Phase D. Documentation Phase

4. The __________ describes how tables are organised and related to one another.

A. Data Flow diagramB. Input, Process and Output C. Structural Query LanguageD. Entity Relationship Diagram

5. What do you need to do after forming an Entity Relationship Diagram?

A. Name the tables B. Define target users’ need C. Match the design of tables D. Create relationships within tables

6. After creating relationships between tables in an Entity Relationship Diagram, we must ____.

A. Create primary keysB. Create duplicate keysC. name the relationshipsD. rearrange the relationships

7. What do you need to do after creating the primary key in Entity Relationship Diagram?

A. Create foreign keysB. Create multiple formsC. Delete all relationshipsD. Draw arrows to match relationships

8. Entity Relationship Diagram uses __________ to describe the system.

A. symbolsB. languages

C. simple EnglishD. Input, Process and Output

9. In School Resource System, ____________ will be used in the Design Phase.

A. Data Flow DiagramB. Input, process and outputC. Structural Query LanguageD. Entity Relationship Diagram

10. X graphically shows the tables in a system and how they relate to one another. What is X"?

A. Flow ChartB. Pseudo CodeC. Structural Query LanguageD. Entity Relationship Diagram

11. In the Design Phase, system developers seek to provide input and output __________.

A. reportsB. systemsC. interfaces D. information

12. Who is responsible to provide user Interfaces?

A. UserB. System developerC. System technicianD. System programmer

13. Entity Relationship Diagram graphically shows how _______ are organised and related to one another.

A. formsB. tablesC. queriesD. reports

14. What is the usage of Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)?

A. Design scheduleB. Assign foreign keyC. Draw graphics and animationD. Describe the relationship within tables

15. We need to classify _________ into tables before forming an Entity Relationship Diagram.

A. Program designB. Program analysisC. Program interfaceD. Project requirements




C. simple EnglishD. Input, Process and Output

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Implemetation Phase

1. In the _________ Phase, system developers will convert a design plan such as Entity Relationship Diagram into a computer system.

A. DesignB. AnalysisC. MaintenanceD. Implementation

2. System developer uses __________ as the development tool to create a database system.

A. spreadsheetB. word processingC. database softwareD. presentation software

3. In the __________ phase of system development, system developers use database software to produce the system.A. firstB. thirdC. fourthD. second

4. We need to convert the_____ into a computer system.

A. outlinesB. design planC. program planD. documentation files

5. We need to assign the _____________ between Tables in a database.

A. relationB. propertiesC. inner join D. relationships

6. The following tasks will be carried out in Implementation Phase EXCEPT

A. creating Forms.B. creating a database.C. creating Entity Relationship Diagram.D. assigning relationship between Tables.

7. Which of the following is a task in Implementation Phase?

A. Assigning table relationships.B. Analyse the needs of target users.C. Define problems faced by target users.D. Identify the design of computer system.

8. In Implementation Phase, system developer converts the design using __________ software such as Microsoft Access.

A. testingB. system C. databaseD. processing

9. We can use the primary key to form a __________ between the tables.

A. folderB. sharing C. relationshipD. partnership

10. We can use ___ to store data in a database.

A. TablesB. documents C. relationshipsD. primary keys

11. We need to establish the relationships between Tables in a____________.

A. fileB. dataC. folderD. database

12. Which of the following is NOT a task in Implementation Phase?

A. Creating TablesB. Creating a databaseC. Integrate the systemD. Assigning Table relationships

13. The ______________Phase is the phase where a system is created.

A. DesignB. TestingC. ImplementationD. Documentation

14. Which of the following is NOT true regarding Implementation Phase?

A. Database software is used.B. Network technicians are involved.C. Technical and design plans are

converted.D. It is the third phase of system



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Testing Phase

1. The Testing Phase involves_____ and users.A. accountantsB. internet providersC. system developersD. hardware personnel

2. The purpose of testing is to ensure ______.A. problems are analysedB. well designed programC. system runs correctly and is error freeD. mistakes are corrected automatically

3. The ___________ is the person who tests the database program.

A. technicianB. system developerC. security personnelD. hardware personnel

4. Before testing the ___________, data must be entered into the tables.

A. dataB. numberC. symbolD. graphic

5. The system developers will run a series of tests ________________.

A. to analyse the problemsB. to increase database speedC. to ensure the quality of databaseD. to ensure database is well designed

6. Whole _______ of the system must be tested to complete the testing.

A. textB. folderC. documentD. functionality

7. You can do ________ to verify that each database object is functioning.

A. designB. testingC. analysisD. implementation

8. After data is keyed in a table, we can then create the following.

I. FormII. PaperIII. QueryIV. Report

A. I, II and IIIB. I, III and IVC. I, II and IVD. II, III and IV

9. What is the objective of conducting a test in information system development?

A. Detect any error present.B. Help user to use the system.C. Design a database program.D. Train a new system developer.

10. Testing on the functionality of the system is to ensure __________.

A. well designed of interfacesB. documentation is identifiedC. the whole system works properlyD. mistakes are corrected automatically

11. Who are involved in a Testing Phase?A. System analyst and userB. System engineer and user C. System developer and user D. Office administrator and user

12. What is the main purpose of testing?A. Confirm that the data can be edited.B. Ensure a correct and error free system.C. Check that the results matches the

manual.D. Confirm that the design of program is


13. The following on Testing Phase is correct EXCEPT

A. data must be entered into tables.B. it involves system developer and user.C. it is the fifth phase of system

development.D. it ensures the system runs correctly and

is error free.

14 The following refers to Testing Phase EXCEPT

A. Testing Phase involves system developers and users.

B. testing helps design the user interface of the system.

C. Testing Phase is the fourth stage of system development.

D. whole functionality of the system must be tested to complete the testing.

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LESSON 63 Documentation Phase

1. Documentation in system development refers to the __________ material generated throughout all phases of system development.

A. audioB. videoC. writtenD. graphical

2. The Technical Documentation is used to explain a ________ to a system developer.

A. systemB. graphicC. symbolD. Presentation

3. “How to run the system” is in the ________.A. Design PlanB. User ManualC. Design DocumentationD. Technical Documentation

4. Documentation is very important when the system requires______in the future.

A. designsB. picturesC. changesD. animations

5. Which of the following is NOT related to the Documentation Phase?

A. User ManualB. Corrective MaintenanceC. Input, process and outputD. Entity Relationship Diagram

6. The User Manual should coverI. how to saveII. how to format systemIII. how to run the systemIV. how to design the system

A. I and IIB. I and IIIC. II and IVD. III and IV

7. Entity Relationship Diagram is generated during _____________.

A. Design PhaseB. Testing PhaseC. Analysis PhaseD. Implementation Phase

8. Y is the written materials generated during Analysis Phase. What is "Y"?

A. User Manual B. Technical DocumentationC. Input, process and outputD. Entity Relationship Diagram

9. The __________ helps to reduce the amount of time a new system developer spends learning about existing programs.

A. testingB. analysingC. maintenanceD. documentation

10. The two types of documentations which are User Manual and _______________.

A. Technical ManualB. Design DocumentationC. Manual DocumentationD. Technical Documentation

11. Input, process and output is in the ______ Documentation.

A. TextB. UserC. GraphicD. Technical

12. Documentation tells ______________ what was done in the program.

A. SalesmanB. System computersC. System developersD. office administrator

13. P is used to explain a system to a system developer. What is "P"?

A. ReportB. User ManualC. Design Documentation D. Technical Documentation

14. What is the Technical Documentation used for?

A. Delete data.B. Overcome errors.C. Train a new salesman.D. Help to improve the system.




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Maintenance Phase

1. The ____ are involved in Maintenance Phase.A. technicianB. target usersC. store supervisorsD. system developers

2. There are __________ types of maintenance in information system development.

A. fourB. fiveC. threeD. seven

3. Maintenance refers to the changes in the system by fixing or enhancing its __________.

A. functionalityB. documentationC. program designD. problem analysis

4. Setting a password to the system avoids possible future problems, is related to ______.

A. Normal MaintenanceB. Perfective MaintenanceC. Corrective MaintenanceD. Preventive Maintenance

5. "Add in new field to rectify the system design" refers to

A. Normal MaintenanceB. Perfective MaintenanceC. Corrective MaintenanceD. Preventive Maintenance

6. System maintenance involves the following EXCEPT

A. changingB. checkingC. formattingD. enhancing

7. The following on Maintenance Phase is correct EXCEPT

A. it is the last phase in system development.

B. it checks that the design matches the user interface.

C. system developers are involved in the Maintenance Phase.

D. maintenance refers to the changes in the system by fixing or enhancing its functionality.

8. System maintenance helps to _________. A. analyse the problemB. plan the program designC. improve system performanceD. implement the database design

9. What is the aim of Preventive Maintenance?A. Prevent automatic correction.B. Improve a computer program.C. Repair an error in system design.D. Prevent future breakdowns and failures.

10. Perfective Maintenance is done when the __________ require changes in the interfaces.

A. usersB. system analystsC. system developersD. mechanical engineers

11. What is used to prevent unauthorised access to confidential information in Preventive Maintenance?

A. KeyB. LockC. MessageD. Password

12. What is the function of Corrective Maintenance?

A. Creates duplicate data.B. Repair the design's error.C. Overwrites the correct data.D. Prevents unnecessary mistakes

13. Maintenance refers to changes in the system by __________ and __________ its functionality. I. fixing II. deleting III. formatting IV. enhancing

A. I and IIB. II and IVC. III and IVD. I and IV

14. Which is the function of Preventive Maintenance?

A. Repair its design.B. Detect programming mistakes.C. Avoid possible future problems.D. Add new feature to improve


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LESSON 65 Develop a Database Project

1. In ______________, we need to identify our needs before planning a database system.

A. Design PhaseB. Analysis PhaseC. Implementation PhaseD. Documentation Phase

2. A _______ helps us to organise and manage our data.

A. program listingB. program designC. program layoutD. database system

3. What is P?

A. User ManualB. Database systemC. Technical DocumentationD. Input, process and output

4. We need to determine the _______ for the Tables created in database.

A. filesB. fieldsC. recordsD. properties

5. After we create tables in a database, we need to establish their ________ between Tables.

A. relationB. relationshipC. relation modelD. database model

6. Relationship between Tables can be shown graphically using the ____________. A Entity Relationship Diagram B Cross Relationship Diagram C Match Relationship Diagram

D Analysis Relationship Diagram

7. From the database and Tables created, you can do test retrieval of the data entered using the following EXCEPT ____________. A Forms B Reports C Queries D Documents

8. Throughout the process of database development, you should keep a ______ of your work. A sequence B alignment C arrangement D documentation

9. Documentation would be useful if your system requires _______ in the future.

A testB analysisC changesD advertisements

10. We produced the Entity Relationship Diagram in X. What is "X"?

A. Design PhaseB. Maintenance PhaseC. Documentation PhaseD. Implementation Phase

11. We gathered all the written materials in Z. What is "Z"?

A. Testing PhaseB. Maintenance PhaseC. Documentation PhaseD. Implementation Phase

12. We classify project requirements into Tables during _________.

A. Design PhaseB. Testing PhaseC. Documentation PhaseD. Implementation system

13. In Implementation Phase, first we have to create a_________.

A. formB. databaseC. foreign keyD. primary key


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LESSON 66 Web-based application

1. Web-based applications are delivered to users by using the ___________.

A. fileB. internetC. transistorD. laboratory

2. Which of the following is NOT a Web-based application?

A. Web mailB. Online auctions C. Microsoft AccessD. Online retail sales

3. Global Data Monitoring Information System is a __________ information system.A. Web-basedB. Science-based C. Knowledge-basedD. Geography-based

4. Which of the following are the usage of Web-based applications?I. Web mailII. Postal mailIII. Online auctionsIV. Customer billing system

A. I, II and IIIB. I, II and IVC. I, III and IV D. II, III and IV

5. The _____________ is a Web-based disaster information management system.A. Global Resource CentreB. Millennium Development Goals C. Global Data Monitoring Information SystemD. Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System

6. Which of the following are examples of database system for Web-based applications?I. OracleII. Microsoft WordIII. Microsoft ExcelIV. Microsoft SQL Server

A. I and IIB. II and IVC. III and IVD. I and IV

7. “A Web-based information system that is interested in developing human resources for health.”This statement refers to

A. Global Resource CentreB. Millennium Development Goals C. Global Data Monitoring Information System D. Global Disaster Alert and Coordination


8. Global Data Monitoring Information System helps many countries overcome problems of

I. healthII. povertyIII. educationIV. entertainment

A. I, II and IIIB. I, II and IVC. I, III and IVD. II, III and IV

9. "Data collected on Malaria disease in Africa" is the project of

A. Global Resource CentreB. Millennium Development GoalsC. Global Data Monitoring Information SystemD. Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System

10. "eBay" is an example of _____________.A. Web mailB. online blogC. online retail salesD. customer billing system

11. Which of the following is a global information system?A. Global Web CentreB. Global Resource CentreC. Global Economy CentreD. Global Communication Centre