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Index A acceptance and approval of proposals, 46 acceptance of project at deployment and, 323 acceptance testing in, 306-307 actual cost of work performed (ACWP), 237 agenda for meetings, 147-149, 150, 277-278, 453 approval of project, 95-96, 102-103, 140, 141 in project approach, 140, 141 in project plan, 128 signatories to, 102-103 architecture and design, 160-162, 456, 457 as-is delivery to client, 317-318 assumptions, in project proposal document, 44, 87 audience. See target audience of project B baselines, 200-201, 200, 201 benchmarking, 308 benefits of project, 413 determining, 78-79 project definition, 77-79 beta testing, 307 black-box testing in, 305, 305, 305 brainstorming, 30-34 capturing ideas generated by, 32 categorizing ideas generated by, 33 communication and preparation for, 31 defining purpose of, 31 finalizing concepts generated by, 34 individual ideas and, 33-34 prioritizing concepts generated by, 34 rules for, 31-32 selecting generated categories for further, 33 summarizing and prioritizing categories generated by, 33 topics and categories defined for, 32 browser support, 51 budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), 237 budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS), 237 budgeting. See costs and budgeting bugs, debugging, defect tracking process in, 135-136 build process, 133 builds, monitoring and managing progress of, 236 bully and blackmailer managers, 373 burnout avoidance and, 389-393 business case, 29 case study of OFIS project example, 410 determining and defining, 74 in project definition document, 73-74 business management skills, 13 business requirements of project, 75-76 case study of OFIS project example, 411 NOTE: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations or code listing; t indicates a table.

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Aacceptance and approval of proposals, 46

acceptance of project at deployment and, 323

acceptance testing in, 306-307

actual cost of work performed (ACWP), 237

agenda for meetings, 147-149, 150, 277-278, 453

approval of project, 95-96, 102-103, 140, 141

in project approach, 140, 141

in project plan, 128

signatories to, 102-103

architecture and design, 160-162, 456, 457

as-is delivery to client, 317-318

assumptions, in project proposal document, 44, 87

audience. See target audience of project

Bbaselines, 200-201, 200, 201

benchmarking, 308

benefits of project, 413

determining, 78-79

project definition, 77-79

beta testing, 307

black-box testing in, 305, 305, 305

brainstorming, 30-34

capturing ideas generated by, 32

categorizing ideas generated by, 33

communication and preparation for, 31

defining purpose of, 31

finalizing concepts generated by, 34

individual ideas and, 33-34

prioritizing concepts generated by, 34

rules for, 31-32

selecting generated categories for further, 33

summarizing and prioritizing categories generated by,


topics and categories defined for, 32

browser support, 51

budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), 237

budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS), 237

budgeting. See costs and budgeting

bugs, debugging, defect tracking process in, 135-136

build process, 133

builds, monitoring and managing progress of, 236

bully and blackmailer managers, 373

burnout avoidance and, 389-393

business case, 29

case study of OFIS project example, 410

determining and defining, 74

in project definition document, 73-74

business management skills, 13

business requirements of project, 75-76

case study of OFIS project example, 411

NOTE: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations or code listing; t indicates a table.

Ccalendar selection, in scheduling, 173

Calendar view, in MS Project, 191, 191

canceled projects, 340-341

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), 26

career plan, 402-405, 403, 481

career planning, 402-405

case study, Office Fulfillment and Inventory System

(OFIS) project, 409-414

CD ROM, document templates on, 419-481, 419-422,


celebrating end of project, 341, 344-345

change control board to approve changes, 130

change control process, 6, 60, 129-132, 131, 208-213,

248-254. See also client expectations

after completion of project, 331

budgeting and, 242

change control board to approve changes in, 130

change control process document for, 129, 447

change log for, 249, 250, 465

change request form for, 129, 249, 250, 464

client expectations and, 208-213

deferring a change in, 131-132

dependencies of tasks and, 252-253

documenting all change requests in, 132, 251-252

emergencies, crises and, 210-213

emergency change requests (ECRs) in, 253-254, 253,


feature creep and, 217-219

firing a client and, 212-213

in project plan, 111

reasons for changes being requested, 130

scope creep and, 213-217

small changes in, 251-252

team member understanding of, 252-253

change log, 249, 250, 465

change request form, 129, 249, 250, 464

changing management and, 364-368

client acceptance agreement, 323-327, 324, 326, 472

client acceptance criteria, in project plan, 128

client acceptance meeting presentation document, 471

client expectations, 207-213. See also change process


change control process and, 208-213

discretionary, 189

emergencies, crises and, 210-213

entering, in MS Project, 189-192

external, 189

firing a client and, 212-213

linking tasks in Calendar view for, in MS Project, 191,


linking tasks in Gantt Chart for, in MS Project,

190-191, 190, 191, 190

linking tasks in Network Diagram View for, in MS

Project, 192, 192, 192

mandatory, 189

setting and managing, 207-213, 207

client references, 43

climbing the corporate ladder, 406-408

closure, 329-345

canceled projects and, 340-341

celebrating end of project, 341, 344-345

change requests, work orders, defect reports, 331

client relationship and, 329-330

disbanding project team following, 342-345

lessons-learned meeting for, 331-337

point releases and, 331

process workflow in, 329-330, 330

project closure report for, 338-339, 340

project completion agreement for, 342-344, 343

support following, 329

training and, 330

coaching, 350, 353-355

code complete milestone, 310

code review, 243


code complete milestone in, 310

code reviews in, 243

configuration management (CM) in, 134

defect tracking process in, 135-136

error checking, 138

feature complete milestone in, 243

monitoring, 138

source control in, 133-134

versioning in, 134

collaboration technique, in conflict management, 381

communication plan, 121

communication plan document, 121, 440

communication skills, 2-3, 10-11, 271-296, 349-350.

See also meetings

communication plan in, 121, 440

documentation and, 289-290

email in, 272-275

formal communication schedule and plan in, 122, 123

informal communication plan in, 123, 123

jargon and three letter acronym (TLA) syndrome, 36-37

leadership and, 385-388, 385-388

meetings and. See meetings

monitoring and managing progress of, 236

negative phrasing and language in, 271-272

open nature of, importance of, 290-292

political correctness and, 292-296

poor, indications of, 292

positive phrasing and language in, 272

presentations as. See presentations, 285

rules for communication, 124

status communications report in, 136

Index � C484

status reports in, 136-138, 225-233. See also status


verbal communication in, 271-272

complex vs. simple projects in, 47-48

concept approval, 36

concepts of project management, 1-18

configuration management (CM), 134

conflict management, 6, 377-385

connection speeds, 51

constraints, 44, 219-220

project definition, 88

risk management and, 254

triple constraints triangle in, 219-220, 219

consultants, 63

contingency budget, 241

contractors, contract labor, 62-63

corporate and cultural information in project proposal

document, 43

cost performance index (CPI), 237

cost variance (CV), 237

costs and budgeting, 60-61, 67-68, 98-102, 236-243

actual cost of work performed (ACWP) in, 237

bonuses tied to, 101

budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP) in, 237

budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS) in, 237

categories of, 99

change control process and, 242

contingency budget in, 241

cost performance index (CPI) in, 237

cost variance (CV) in, 237

crashing in, 238

creating a budget for, 102

cuts in, 100

dependencies and, 241

earned value analysis in, 237

failing projects and, recognizing, 268-269

fast tracking in, 238

final estimates and, 165

Gantt chart for tracking costs in, 236-237

initial budget in, 98

input for, 98, 102

invoicing process and, 239-240

meetings, costs associated with, 279-280, 280

monitoring and managing progress of, 235

moving money around in, 100

nonlabor costs in, 241

overbudget in, tips to control, 240-243

overtime in, 238

percentage variance allowance in, 100-101

phased implementation in, 238

project definition, 92-94

realistic expectations in, 99

risk areas of, 242

schedule performance index (SPI) in, 237

schedule variance (SV) in, 237

scheduling and, 177-179, 178, 179

scope of project and, 241

staying within, 239-243

surplus in, 102

timelines and, 99

tracking costs in, 67-68, 99-100, 236-237

triple constraints triangle in, 219-220, 219

variable costs in, 101-102

warning signs of trouble and, 245-248

costs and payment details, 45

crashing, in budgeting, 238

creep, feature, 217-219

creep, scope, 213-217

crises. See emergencies, crises

crisis management and leadership, 375

critical path and critical tasks, 197-199, 198, 199

customer support guide, 314

Ddatabase design and specification, 162-164, 458

deadlines. See also scheduling

obstacles and delays, 257-259

setting, 396

debugging. See bugs, debugging

decision makers

decision support system (DSS) plan in, 119-120

in project definition document, 72-73, 72

decision support system (DSS), 136, 119-120, 438

in project approach, 136

defect reports, 303-304, 331

defect tracking process, 135-136, 450

defects, monitoring and managing progress of, 236

delays, 257-259

delegation, 355-357, 396

deliverables, 22, 45, 116-117

project plan, 116-117

scheduling and, 187-188, 188

delivery dates, obstacles and delays, 257-259


budgeting and, 241

change control process and, 208-213, 252-253

discretionary, 189

external, 189

linking tasks in Calendar view for, in MS Project, 191,


linking tasks in Gantt Chart for, in MS Project,

190-191, 190, 191

linking tasks in Network Diagram View for, in MS

Project, 192, 192

mandatory, 189

scheduling and, 188-192

deployment, 23, 60, 124, 317-327

acceptance of project and, 323

as-is delivery to client at, 317-318

NOTE: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations or code listing; t indicates a table.

C - D � Index 485

deployment, continued

client acceptance agreement in, 323-327, 324, 326

developing deployment plan for, 310, 441

finalizing plan for, 318-319

handoff in, 318, 319, 323, 327

Internet projects, steps in, 322, 323

key elements in, 318

problems with project and, 317-318

release notes and, 321

software project, steps in, 321, 322

status meetings for, 320

steps in, 319-323

training and, 320

deployment plan document, 310, 441

Design for Six Sigma (DSS), 25

design phase, 21-22

design process workflow, 157, 158

design reviews, 164-165

design specification, 21-22

designs and specifications, 160-164

desktop projects, 51-53

detailed task lists, 22, 165-166, 166, 460

development detailed task lists, 165-166, 166

development environment, 44, 115

development environment document, 435

development methodologies, 43

development phase, 22. See also project development, 205

development team, status report meeting for, 228-230

difficult employees, 351-352

disbanding project team, 342-345

discretionary dependency, scheduling and, 189

DMADV process, 25. See also Six Sigma

DMAIC process, 25. See also Six Sigma

document templates, on CD ROM, 419-481, 419-422, 423

documentation, 4, 289-290

change requests, 132

change, 251-252

importance of, 289-290

meeting minutes, 284-285

minute taking during meetings, 153-155, 154

monitoring and managing progress of, 236

problem to be solved, 82

project documentation process in, 140, 140

proposed solution, 83

scope of project, 85, 85

dot.com companies, 27-28

Eearned value analysis, 237

effectiveness management, 372-375

e-mail communications, 272-275

emergencies, crises, 210-213

emergency change requests (ECRs) in, 253-254, 253,


escalation procedures in, 138-139, 139

notification list for, 139, 139

status reporting and, 228

emergency change requests (ECRs), 253-254, 253, 466

empowerment of employees and, 376-377

equipment, 63-66

late delivery of, 64-66

error checking, 138

escalation procedures, 138-139, 139, 452

estimate document, 429

estimating, 4-5

final estimates and, 165

help and input in, 35-36, 93-94

high-level, how to generate, 34-36

initial, how to generate, 34-36

in project concept, 30, 34-36

in project definition, 92

project manager’s ability for, 93

Request for Information (RFI), 34, 37, 38, 41, 426

Request for Proposal (RFP), 34, 37, 38-41, 427

Request for Quotation (RFQ), 37-38, 425

template for, 36, 36

executive summary in project proposal document, 42

external dependency, scheduling and, 189

external projects, 48-50

Ffacilitation, facilitators for meetings, 278-279

failed projects

canceled projects and, 340-341

recognizing signs of, 268-269

ten reasons for, 416

fast tracking, 238

feature complete milestone, 243

feature creep, 217-219

feedback to employees, 354-355

filtering, resource, 222-223, 223

final estimates, 22, 165

finish dates, scheduling and, 172

firing a client, 212-213

Ford, 26

formal communication schedule and plan, 122, 123

functional requirements, 21, 117-118, 436

GGantt charts, 177, 190-191, 190, 191

budget/cost tracking using, 236-237

General Electric, 26

goals of a project, 73, 76. See also objectives of project

graphical user interfaces (GUIs), 51

greenlighting of project, 46-47, 69

growth of organization, 366-368

Index � D - G486

Hhand off, 318, 319, 323, 327. See also closure;


hardware architecture design, 21

hardware as resources, 63-66

hardware projects, lifecycle of, 53-58, 54-57(t)

harassment, political correctness and, 292-296

help content for product, 309

hierarchical management, 15-16, 16

high—level schedule, 116

human resources. See people resources

hurry up and wait syndrome, 263-266

Iimplementation phase, phased implementation in, 238

in-scope. See scope of project

industry standard PM methodologies and processes,


informal communication plan, 123, 123

initiation of project, 27-68

concept approval in, 36

greenlighting of project in, 46-47, 69

planning phase in, 28-29

project characteristics and (kinds of projects), 47-58

complex vs. simple projects in, 47-48

desktop vs. Internet projects in, 51-53

internal vs. external, 48-50

short vs. long-term projects in, 47

software vs. hardware projects in, 53-58, 54-57(t)

project concept in, 29-36

benefits listing for, 29-30

brainstorming in, 30-34

business case in, 29

description of, 30

initial estimates in, 30, 34-36. See also estimating

proposal for projects in, 28-29, 36-41

acceptance and approval of, 46

assumptions in, 44

client references in, 43

constraints, limitations, risks in, 44

corporate and cultural information in project

proposal document for, 43

costs and payment details in, 45

development environment for, 44

development methodologies and processes in, 43

executive summary in project proposal document

for, 42

greenlighting of project in, 46-47, 69

milestones and deliverables in, 45

phases of proposed project in, 45

previous projects and clients list in, 43

problem definition in, 44

project proposal document in, 41-47

proposed solutions in, 44

quality assurance and test processes in, 43

Request for Information (RFI), 34, 37, 38, 41, 426

Request for Proposal (RFP), 34, 37, 39-41, 427

Request for Quotation (RFQ), 37-38, 425

submissions and requests in, 46

team description in, 45

terms and conditions in, 45

resources defined for, 60-68

stakeholders defined for, 58-60

workflow through, 29, 29

integration and testing. 22-23, 297-315

code complete milestone in, 310

deployment plan development in, 310

help content for product in, 309

operational support plan development in, 310-314

optimization of product in, 309

process workflow for, 297-298, 298

quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC),


service-level agreement (SLA) in, 315

training plan development in, 314

integration testing, 306

internal development, 59

internal projects, 48-50

International Organization for Standardization (ISO

9000/1400), 26

Internet projects, 51-53

deployment and, steps in, 322, 323

interrogator managers vs., 374

invoicing process, for accurate budget tracking, 239-240

it is not my fault managers, 373-374

Jjargon and three letter acronym (TLA) syndrome, 36-37

Kkey business requirements, 75-76

case study of OFIS project example, 411

kick-off. See project kick-off, 143

kick-off meeting, 143-148

agenda for, 147-149, 150, 453

kick-off meeting minutes, 455

kick-off meeting presentation, 454

Kodak, 26

Llayoffs, 364-368

leadership and management, 9-10, 347-388

attitude in, 351

bully and blackmailer managers vs., 373

burnout avoidance and, 389-393

NOTE: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations or code listing; t indicates a table.

H - L � Index 487

leadership and management, continued

changing management and, 364-368

characteristics of, 347-348

coaching in, 350, 353-355

collaboration technique and, in conflict management,


communication skills and, 349-350, 385-388,


conflict management and, 377-385

crisis management and, 375

deadline setting and, 396

delegation and, 355-357, 396

difficult employees and, 351-352

effectiveness management and, 372-375

empowerment of employees and, 376-377

feedback to employees and, 354-355

growth of organization and, 366-368

interrogator managers vs., 374

it is not my fault managers vs., 373-374

matrix management in, 16-18, 17

meetings and, 281

micromanagers vs., 374

mixed management structure in, 18

motivating team members through, 357-363

open door policy and, in conflict management,


participation of team members and, 349-350

performance reviews and, 368-372

personal development plans and, 358-363, 359

personal problems and, 352

political correctness and, 292-296

poor-me managers vs., 373

prioritizing and, 395-396

problems with team members and, dealing with,


procrastination and, 397

recognition and advancement of team members

through, 363

responsibility of, 348-349

rewarding good performance and, 361-363

self-directed initiatives and, in conflict management,


skills required for, 351

stress and, 353, 390-393

styles of management and, 372-375

supervisors, dealing with your own supervisors,


teams and, 348-353

time management and, 393-398

traditional (hierarchical) management in, 15-16, 16

training and, 350-351

trust and, 383-384

lessons-learned agenda, 332, 332, 473

lessons-learned meeting, 331-337

agenda for, 332, 332, 473

capturing issues in, 333

case study of OFIS project example, 414

categories defined for, 333

categorizing issues in, 333-334

discussing issues in, 334

plan for, 337, 337, 474

prioritizing issues in, 334

process for, 333-335, 335

rules for, 333

summarizing categories in, 334

summary presentation in, 334

tactical plans for, 335-337, 336, 475

lessons-learned plan, 337, 337, 474

lessons-learned tactical plan, 336, 475

leveling in scheduling, 173, 196-197, 197, 224

lifecycle of project, 19-24, 20, 129

deployment phase in, 23

design phase in, 21-22

development phase in, 22

integration phase in, 22-23

managing each step in, 24-25

phases of, 19-20, 20

planning phase in, 20-21

post deployment phase in, 23-24

project approach, 129

software vs. hardware projects, 53-58, 54-57(t)

limitations on project, 44

long-term projects, 47

Mmanagement style, 2, 6, 372-375, 385-388, 385-388.

See also leadership and management

mandatory dependency, scheduling and, 189

Marketing Requirements Document (MRD), 96-98, 431

matrix management, 16-18, 17

measurement plan, 127, 127, 445

measuring quality, 106-110

measurement plan for, 127, 127, 445

measuring success of a project, 15

meetings, 275-284

agenda for, 277-278, 453

cost of, 279-280, 280

equipment and props needed for, 146-147

facilitation, facilitators for, 278-279

kick-off meeting for, 143-148

latecomers to, 11-12

leadership and direction in, 281

lessons-learned type. See lessons-learned meeting

minute taking during, 153-155, 154, 284-285, 455

necessity for, determining, 279-280

participants in, 145-146

participation in, 281-283

planning for, 276-278

power of, harnessing of, 275-276

Index � L - M488

presentations during, 151-153, 151, 285-289

process workflow for, 276-277, 277

purpose and goals of, 276-277

resistance to, overcoming, 275

snacks and refreshments for, 147

status report, 228-230

staying on track with, 151-153

time allocated for, 147

tone of, 151-153, 283-284

virtual employees and, 147

methodologies of PM, 19-26

industry standard, 25-26

International Organization for Standardization (ISO

9000/1400) as, 26

lifecycle, 19-24, 20

Project Management Institute (PMI), body of

knowledge (PMBOK) as, 25

Six Sigma as, 25-26

Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity

Model Integration (CMMI), 26

micromanagers vs., 374

milestones, 22, 45, 116-117

code complete milestone in, 310

feature complete milestone in, 243

monitoring and managing progress of, 235

project plan, 116-117

scheduling and, 187-188, 188

minute taking during meetings, 153-155, 154, 284-285,


mission statements, 4

mixed management structure, 18

money as resource, 67-68

monitoring and managing progress, 234-236

monitoring and reporting, 138, 451

motivation for employees, 357-363

Nnegative phrasing and language in communications,


network and system architecture and design in,

160-161, 456

Network Diagram View, in MS Project, 192, 192

network diagrams or PERT charts for, 177

notification list for emergencies, crises, 139, 139

Oobjectives of project, 76-77. See also goals of a project

identifying, 76

obstacles and delays, 257-259

open door policy and, in conflict management, 382-383

operating system support, 51

operational support, 310-314

customer support guide in, 314

operations document in, 311-312

plan development in, 310-314

release notes in, 314

system administrator guide in, 312

technical support guide in, 313

user guide in, 312-313

operations document, 311-312

operations plan document, 125, 442

optimization of product, 309

organizational processes document, 449

organizational skills, 8-9

organizational structures, 15-18, 94, 95

changing management and, 364-368

growth of organization and, 366-368

matrix management in, 16-18, 17

mixed management structure in, 18

project 94, 95

project plan, 114, 114

traditional (hierarchical) management in, 15-16, 16

out-of-scope. See scope of project

outline numbers for schedule tasks, in MS Project, 182,


outside resource profile, 114, 114

overtime, in budgeting, 238

Pparticipation in meetings/team, 281-283, 349-350

payment details, 45

people management skills, 10

people resources, 61-63

burnout avoidance and, 389-393

changing management and, 364-368

coaching in, 350, 353-355

collaboration technique and, in conflict management,


conflict management and, 377-385

consultants in, 63

contractors, contract labor, 62-6 3

difficult employees and, 351-352

effectiveness management and, 372-375

empowerment of employees and, 376-377

failing projects and, recognizing, 268-269

feedback to employees and, 354-355

growth of organization and, 366-368

internal resources as, 63

layoffs, upheavals in, 364-368

leveling of, 224

motivation for, 357-363

open door policy and, in conflict management,


performance reviews and, 368-372

personal development plans and, 358-363, 359

political correctness and, 292-296

NOTE: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations or code listing; t indicates a table.

M - P � Index 489

people resources, continued

problems with team members and, dealing with,


recognition and advancement, 363

Resource Usage View of, in MS Project, 195-196, 196

rewarding good performance and, 361-363

roles and responsibilities in, 61-62, 111-115, 115

scheduling and, 192-197, 193-197

self-directed initiatives and, in conflict management,


skills assessment in, 112, 113

staffing plan in, 111-115

training and, 350-351

triple constraints triangle in, 219-220, 219

vendors in, 63

warning signs of trouble and, 245-248

workload management in, 220-225, 222-224

percentage variance allowance, in budgeting, 100-101

performance reviews, 368-372

performance testing, 308-309

personal development plan, 4, 358-363, 359, 399-402,


personal growth and development, 389-409

burnout avoidance and, 389-393

career planning and, 402-405

climbing the corporate ladder in, 406-408

improvement areas for yourself, 401-402

new skill development in, 405-406

personal development plan in, 399-402

procrastination and, 397

stress and, 390-393

task list process workflow and, 397-398, 398

time management and, 393-398

personal time log, 395-396, 396, 480

PERT charts for, 177

phased implementation in, 238

phases of project lifecycle. See lifecycle of project

planning phase, 20-21, 28-29, 157-158

importance of planning in, 157-158

point releases, 331

political correctness, 292-296

poor-me managers vs., 373

positive phrasing and language in communications, 272

post deployment phase in, 23-24

PowerPoint presentation (blank), 285, 286, 468

prerequisites for project, 86

presentations, 3-4, 14, 151-153, 151, 285-289

attitude during, 288-289

backup plan for, 287

creating, 285-286

needs for, 286-287

PowerPoint for, 285, 286

public speaking fears and, 287-288

question and answer period during, 289

rehearsing, 287

support materials for, 287

tips for, 288

tools for, 286

prioritizing tasks, 395-396

scheduling and, 173

problem definition, 44

case study of OFIS project example, 410-411

documenting, 82

project definition and, 81-82

problems with team members, dealing with, 362-363

problems. See emergencies, crises

procrastination, 397

wait and hurry up syndrome in, 266-267

progress monitoring and management, 234-236

project approach, 20, 21, 105, 128-141, 446

approval of project in, 140, 141

change control process in, 129-132, 131

client processes in, 135

contents of, 128-129

decision support system (DSS) process in, 136

defect tracking process in, 135-136

escalation procedures in, 138-139, 139

lifecyle described in, 129

monitoring and reporting in, 138

organizational processes in, 135

project documentation process in, 140, 140

special processes or considerations in, 138

status reporting process in, 136-138

technical processes in, 133-134

vendor processes in

project characteristics, 14-15, 47-58

complex vs. simple projects in, 47-48

desktop vs. Internet projects, 51-53

internal vs. external, 48-50

short- vs. long-term projects in, 47

software vs. hardware projects in, 53-58, 54-57(t)

project closure meeting presentation document, 477

project closure report, 338-339, 340, 476

project completion agreement, 342-344, 343, 478

project concept

benefits listing for, 29-30

brainstorming in, 30-34

business case in, 29

description of, 30

initial estimates in, 30, 34-36. See also estimating

project definition document, 20, 21, 69-71, 430

approval of, 95-96

assumptions listed in, 87

benefits of project listed in, 77-79

business case in, 73-74

client name in, 71

constraints listed in, 88

contents of, 70

decision makers listed in, 72-73, 72

document for, 71-84

Index � P490

estimates in, 92

goals of a project, 73

key business requirements in, 75-76

organizational structure in, 94, 95

prerequisites listed in, 86

problem definition in, 81-82

project description and goals in, 73

project name and codenames in, 71

project objectives listed in, 76-77

proposed solutions in, 82-83

risks listed in, 88-92

scope of project in, 83-86, 84

target audience listed in, 79-80

time and costs, 92-94

project design, 157-166

contents of, 159

database design and specification in, 162-164

design process workflow in, 157, 158

design reviews in, 164-165

designs and specifications in, 160-164

development detailed task lists in, 165-166, 166

final estimates in, 165

network and system architecture and design in,


scope of project in, 159

software system architecture and design in, 161-162

technical design and specification in, 162

user interface (UI) design and specification in,


project development, 205-243, 206

client expectations in, 207-213

code and security review in, 243

constraints, 219-220

costs and budgeting in, 236-243

feature complete milestone in, 243

monitoring and managing progress in, 234-236

schedule updating in, 233-234

scope of project and, 213-219

status reports in, 225-233

workflow in, 206-207, 206, 207

workload management in, 220-225, 222-224

project documentation. See documentation

project initiation. See initiation of project

project kick-off, 143-155, 143

kick-off meeting for, 143-148

agenda for, 147-149, 150

equipment and props needed for, 146-147

minute taking during, 153-155, 154

participants in, 145-146

preparing for, 144-148

presentations during, 151-153, 151

snacks and refreshments for, 147

staying on track with, 151-153

time allocated for, 147

tone of, 151-153

virtual employees and, 147

team building in, 145-146

project lifecycle presentation document, 424

project manager’s role, 1-7

business management skills in, 13

communication skills in, 2-3, 10-11

conflict and change management skills in, 6

contributing to company’s management team and, 6

documentation skills in, 4

dual roles of project manager and, 7

employee role of, 7

estimation skills in, 4-5

leadership skills in, 9-10

management skills in, 2

management structures and, 6

organizational skills in, 8-9

people management skills in, 10

presentation and reporting skills in, 3-4, 14

scheduling skills in, 5-6

skills required for, 8-14

technical/specialized knowledge skills in, 12-13

time management skills in, 11-12

toolkit for project managers, 14, 417-418

types of managers, 2

Project Management Institute (PMI), body of knowledge

(PMBOK), 25

project plan, 20, 21, 105-128, 433

approval of project in, 128

changes since project definition approval in, 111

client acceptance criteria in, 128

communication plan in, 121

communication rules in, 124

contents of, 110

creation of, 105, 111

decision support system (DSS) plan in, 119-120

deliverables and milestones in, 116-117

deployment plan in, 124

development environment in, 115

formal communication schedule and plan in, 122, 123

functional requirements in, 117-118

high-level schedule in, 116

informal communication plan in, 123, 123

measurement plan for, 127, 127

operations plan in, 125

organizational structure in, 114, 114

outside resource profile for, 114, 114

project definition Overview in, 111

quality assurance (QA) plan in, 120-121

quality management and, 106-110

risk management plan for, 126-127

roles and responsibilities in, 115, 115

staffing plan in, 111-115

steering committee and stakeholders list in, 121, 122

technical requirements in, 118-119

training plan in, 125-126

NOTE: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations or code listing; t indicates a table.

P � Index 491

project proposal document, 28, 41-47, 428. See also

proposals for projects

project review meeting presentation, 463

project schedule, 167-203. see also scheduling skills

project scheduling. See scheduling skills

project success, five keys to, 415-416

proposal for project, 4, 28-29, 36-41

acceptance and approval of, 46

assumptions in, 44

client references in, 43

constraints, limitations, risks in, 44

corporate and cultural information in project proposal

document for, 43

costs and payment details in, 45

development environment for, 44

development methodologies and processes in, 43

executive summary in project proposal document for,


greenlighting of project in, 46-47, 69

milestones and deliverables in, 45

phases of proposed project in, 45

previous projects and clients list in, 43

problem definition in, 44

project proposal document in, 41-47

proposed solutions in, 44

quality assurance and test processes in, 43

Request for Information (RFI), 34, 37, 38, 41, 426

Request for Proposal (RFP), 34, 37, 39-41, 427

Request for Quotation (RFQ), 37-38, 425

submissions and requests in, 46

team description in, 45

terms and conditions in, 45

proposed solutions of project, 44

case study of OFIS project example, 412-414

documenting, 83

in project definition, 82-83

public speaking fears and presentations, 287-288

Qquality assurance (QA), 22, 43, 51, 120-121, 298-305.

See also testing

acceptance testing in, 306-307

benchmarking in, 308

beta testing in, 307

defect reports in, 303-304

defect tracking process in, 135-136

development teams and, 299-300

integration testing in, 306

measurement plan for, 127, 127

monitoring and managing progress of, 235-236

organization for, 300-301, 301

performance testing in, 308-309

process of, 301-304, 302

project plan, 120-121

quality assurance plan document, 439

quality control (QC) vs., 298-305

quality risk assessment document for, 304, 469

regression testing in, 307-308

risk assessment and, 304

role of, 300

security testing in, 309

test cases in, 303

test matrix in, 302

test plan in, 302

test scripts in, 303

testing for, 300, 301-304, 306-309

traceability matrix in, 303

usability testing in, 307

warning signs of trouble and, 245-248

white-box vs. black-box testing in, 305, 305

quality control (QC), 298-305. See also quality assurance


quality management, 106-110

checks and balances in, 106-107

client’s perception of, 108-109

measurable vs. nonmeasurable outcomes in, 107, 107

measuring quality for, 106-110

methodologies for, 109

planning for quality in, 106-107

reviews in, 106-107

quality risk assessment document, 469

question and answer period during presentation, 289

Rrecommended reading, 418

regression testing in, 307-308

release notes, 314, 321

releases, monitoring and managing progress of, 236

reporting skills, 3-4. See also presentations

status reporting process in, 136-138

Status Reports in, 136-138

Request for Information (RFI), 34, 37, 38, 41, 426

Request for Proposal (RFP), 34, 37, 39-41, 427

Request for Quotation (RFQ), 37-38, 425

resources, 60-68, 192-197, 193-197. See also people

resources; scheduling

costs and budgeting in, 60-61

critical path and critical tasks in, 197-199, 198, 199

equipment as, 63-66

filtering of, 222-223, 223

leveling in, 224

money as, 67-68

monitoring and managing progress of, 235

outside resource profile for, 114, 114

people as, 61-63

resource filtering in, 222-223, 223

Resource Usage View of, in MS Project, 195-196, 196

Index � P - R492

scheduling and, 177-179, 178, 179, 192-197,


time as, 66-67

triple constraints triangle in, 219-220, 219

types of, 60

workload management in, 220-225, 222-224

resource graphs for scheduling, 177

resource sheets for scheduling, 177, 178, 179

resource usage chart for scheduling, 177

Resource Usage View of, in MS Project, 195-196, 196

return material authorization (RMA), 314

return on investment (ROI), 28


code, 243

design, 164-165

quality, 106-107

security, 243

rewarding good performance, 361-363

risk action plan, 126, 255

risk log, 126, 127, 254, 255-257, 257, 467

risk management, 44, 88-92, 126-127, 245-269

analyzing risks in, 126, 255, 255

categories of risk in, 91

change control process and, 248-254

constraints and, 254

failing projects and, recognizing, 268-269

hurry up and wait syndrome in, 263-266

identifying risks in, 89-92, 126, 254-255, 254

matrix for, 90, 90

obstacles and delays in, 257-259

planning for, 89

prioritization of risks in, 126

project definition listing of, 88-92

quality risk assessment and, 304

recognizing and evaluating risks in, 88-92, 126,


risk action plan for, 126, 255

risk log, 126, 127, 254, 255-257, 257, 467

root cause analysis in, 246-247

schedule overrun in, 259-263

wait and hurry up syndrome in, 266-267

warning signs of trouble and, 245-248

risk management plan document, 444

risk matrix, 90, 90

role of project manager. See project manager’s role

roles and responsibilities of team/stakeholders, 61-62,

111-115, 115

root cause analysis, 246-247

rules for communication, 124

Sschedule performance index (SPI), 237

schedule variance (SV), 237

scheduling, 5-6, 167-203, 233-234, 259-263

actual cost of work performed (ACWP) in, 237

backup file for, in MS Project, 174

baselines in, 200-201, 200, 201

budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP) in, 237

budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS) in, 237

calendar for, 173

change control process and, 208-213, 252-253

code complete milestone in, 310

costs entered into, 177-179

creation of schedule and, workflow diagram for, 169,


critical path and critical tasks in, 197-199, 198, 199

current date in, 173

dependencies in, 188-192

development detailed task lists in, 165-166, 166

duration of tasks in, in MS Project, 186-187, 187

failing projects and, recognizing, 268-269

fast tracking in, 238

file created for, in MS Project, 170-174, 171-173

finish dates in, 172

first-level tasks in, in MS Project, 184-185, 184, 185

Gantt charts for, 177

high-level schedule in, 116

hurry up and wait syndrome in, 263-266

information needed before starting, 170

leveling in, 173, 196-197, 197, 224

linking tasks in Calendar view for, in MS Project, 191,


linking tasks in Gantt Chart for, in MS Project,

190-191, 190, 191

linking tasks in Network Diagram View for, in MS

Project, 192, 192

Microsoft Project software for, 168

milestones and deliverables in, 187-188, 188

monitoring and managing progress of, 235

network diagrams or PERT charts for, 177

obstacles and delays, 257-259

options selection for, in MS Project, 176, 176

organizational skills in, 8-9

outline numbers for, in MS Project, 182, 183

overrun in, 259-263

phased implementation in, 238

prioritizing tasks in, 173

project schedule in, 167-203

remote or virtual employees and, 260-262

resource filtering in, 222-223, 223

resource graphs for, 177

resource sheets for, 177, 178, 179

resource usage chart for, 177

Resource Usage View of, in MS Project, 195-196, 196

resources added to tasks in, 192-197, 193-197

resources entered into, 177-179

saving file for, in MS Project, 174-175, 174

schedule from dates in, 172

NOTE: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations or code listing; t indicates a table.

R - S � Index 493

scheduling, continued

schedule performance index (SPI) in, 237

schedule variance (SV) in, 237

second-level and subtasks in, in MS Project, 185-186,


shared team members, multiple projects and, 262-263

start dates in, 172

status date in, 173

task usage charts for, 177

templates for, in MS Project, 202-203, 202, 203

tools for, 167-168

tracking Gantt charts for, 177

triple constraints triangle in, 219-220, 219

updating, 233-234

updating, in MS Project, 175, 175

views of, in MS Project, 176-177, 177

wait and hurry up syndrome in, 266-267

warning signs of trouble and, 245-248

work breakdown structure (WBS) in, 180-182, 180,

181, 182

Working Time calendars in, 193

workload management in, 220-225, 222-224

scope creep, 213-217

scope of project, 83-86, 84, 159, 213-219

budgeting and, 241

defining, 84

designs and specifications, 160-164

documenting, using system diagram, 85, 85

feature creep and, 217-219

in scope vs. out of scope, 84-86

network and system architecture and design in,


scope creep in, 213-217

system diagram for, 85, 85

target audience and, 80

warning signs of trouble and, 245-248

security, 60

security reviews in, 243

security testing in, 309

self-directed initiatives, in conflict management, 382-383

service level agreement (SLA), 315, 470

short- vs. long-term projects in, 47

simple projects in, 47-48

Six Sigma, 25-26

skills assessment, 112, 113

skills required for effective PM, 8-14. See also project

manager’s role

software architecture design, 21

Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 26

software for project management, 417-418

software projects, 53-58, 54-57(t)

deployment and, 321, 322

lifecycle of, 53-58, 54-57(t)

software system architecture and design in, 161-162, 457

solution. See proposed solutions

source control, 133-134

speaking fears and presentations, 287-288

specifications, 160-164

staffing plan, 111-115, 434

contents of, 112

general information in, 112

skills assessment in, 112, 113

staffing profile in, 112, 113

stakeholders in project, 58-60, 121, 122

change management and, 60

deployment phase, 60

groups and subgroups of, 59-60

internal development in, 59

security in, 60

status reporting to, 231-233

steering committee in, 59

start dates, scheduling and, 172

statement of work (SOW), 103, 432

status communication form, 232, 233, 462

status communications report, 136

status meetings, deployment and, 320

status report form, 136-138, 226-229, 227, 461

status reporting, 136-138, 225-233

contents of, 225-226

design of, 137-138

development team meeting for, 228-230

input for, from team members, 226-229

meetings for, 228-230

monitoring and managing progress of, 235

stakeholders and, 231-233

status communications report in, 136

status report form for, 136-138, 226-229, 227, 461

status reports in, 136-138, 225-233

urgent issues outside of status reporting cycle, 228

written status communication form for, 232, 233

steering committee, 59, 121, 122

stress and leadership ability, 353, 390-393

styles of management, 2, 6, 372-375, 385-388, 385-388

successful projects, five keys to, 415-416

supervisors, dealing with your own supervisors, 352-353

system administrator guide, 312

system architecture and design in, 160-162, 456, 457

Ttactical plans, lessons-learned, 335-337, 336

target audience of project, 79-80

identifying, 80-81

scope of project and, 80

task lists, 22

task usage charts for scheduling, 177

tasks. see scheduling

team charters, 4

team development, 145-146, 348-353, 348

technical design and specification, 162, 458

Index � S - T494

technical processes, 133-134, 448

build process in, 133

configuration management (CM) in, 134

source control in, 133-134

versioning in, 134

technical requirements, 21, 118-119, 437

technical support guide, 313

technical/specialized knowledge skills, 12-13

templates for CD ROM documents, 419-481, 419-422,


templates for scheduling, in MS Project, 202-203, 202,


terms and conditions, 45

test cases, 303

test matrix, 302

test plan, 302

test scripts, 303

testing, 43, 301-304, 306-309. See also quality

assurance (QA)

acceptance testing in, 306-307

benchmarking in, 308

beta testing in, 307

defect reports in, 303-304

integration testing in, 306

Internet projects, 51-52

performance testing in, 308-309

regression testing in, 307-308

security testing in, 309

test cases in, 303

test matrix in, 302

test plan in, 302

test scripts in, 303

traceability matrix in, 303

usability testing in, 307

white-box vs. black-box testing in, 305, 305

Texaco, 26

three letter acronym (TLA) syndrome, 36-37

time management, 11-12, 66-67, 393-398. See also


deadline setting and, 396

delegation in, 396

personal growth and development, 393-398

personal time log and, 395-396, 396, 480

prioritizing and, 395-396, 395

procrastination and, 397

project definition, 92-94

task list process workflow and, 397-398, 398

time as resource and, 66-67

timelines, obstacles and delays along, 257-259

tools for PM, 14, 417-418

traceability matrix, 303

tracking costs. See budgeting

tracking Gantt charts for scheduling, 177

traditional (hierarchical) management, 15-16, 16

training, 320-321, 350-351

coaching and, 350, 353-355

new skill development in, 405-406

ongoing, 330

training plan in, 125-126, 314, 443

training manual document, 469

training plan document, 125-126, 314, 443

triple constraints triangle, 219-220, 219

trust and management, 383-384

UU.S. Air Force, 26

United Parcel Service (UPS), 26

usability testing, 307

user guide, 312-313

user interface (UI) design and specification in, 163-164,


Vvariable costs in budgeting, 101-102

vendors, 63

verbal communication, 271-272

versioning, 134. See also source control

virtual employees

meetings and, 147

scheduling, 260-262

Wwait and hurry up syndrome, 266-267

warning signs of trouble, 245-248

white-box vs. black-box testing in, 305, 305

work breakdown structure (WBS), 180-182, 180, 181,


work orders, 331

Working Time calendars, 193

workload management, 220-225, 222-224

written status communication form, 232, 233

YY2K bug fixes, 27-28

NOTE: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations or code listing; t indicates a table.

T - Y � Index 495