ce-codi-ng baan mankong

DE-CODI-NG BAAN MANKONG SPACES OF COMMUNITY FOR TRANSFORMATION 2011 MSc Building and Urban Design in Development Development Planning Unit |University College London Field Trip Report

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2011 M S c B u i l di n g a n d U r ba n D e s i g n i n D e v e l o pment Develo p m e n t P l a n n i n g U n i t | U n i v e r s i t y C o l l e g e L ondon

F i e l d T r i p Repor t











STUDENT BODY building and urban design in development 2011




DHRIN ANANTAMONGKOLCHAIdpu | budd | field trip report BANGKOK i

ACRONYMSAsian Coalition for Community Actions ACCA Asian Coalition for Housing Rights ACHR Asian Development Bank ADB Baan Mankong BM Bangkok Metropolitan Administration BMA Building and Urban Design in Development MSc BUDD Chang Chumchon ( Local Builders) CCC City Development Committee CDC City Development Fund CDF Community Organization Development Institute CODI Crown Property Bureau CPB Development Planning Unit DPU Government Housing Bank GHB International Institute for Environment and IIED Development Local Development Foundation LDF Metropolitan Waterworks Authority MWWA National Committee on Decentralization Policy for NCDP Provincial and Local Development National Economic and Social Development Board NESDB Non-Governmental Organization NGO National Housing Authority NHA National Rural Development Committee NRDC National Union of Low Income Community NULICO Organization Rural Development Fund RDF Tourism Authority of Thailand TAT Urban Community Development Office UCDO University College London UCL Urban Development Planning MSc UDP

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TABLE OF CONTENTSAcronyms Table of Contents Acknowledgments 1.1 Executive Summary 1.1 1.2 Vision 1.3 Introduction iii v vii viii x xii xiv

2.0 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND METHODOLOGY2.1 Definition of Transformation 2.2 Transformation/ Metamorphosis 2.3 Decoder 2.4 Methodology


18 18 22 24 28 30 35 48 63 66 68 92 94


3.1 Pressures and Drivers of Change 3.2 Actors 3.3 The 6 Case Studies 3.4 Diagnosis 3.5 Conclusion 4.1 Vision 4.2 Strategies and Proposals 4.3 Synergic Connections Between Strategic Proposals 4.4 DECODING Strategic Proposals




5.0 REFLECTIONS 6.0 REFERENCES6.1 List of Figures 6.2 Bibliography

99 105106 112



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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSLONDONPresented de-CODI-ng would not take place without involvement of many significant personalities. This learning experienced was facilitated and carried throughout by Development Planning Unit staff : Camillo Boano William Hunter Andrew Wade Caren Levy Cassidy Johnson Vanesa Castan Broto Ruth McLeod and all the DPU staff involved in the preparation of this trip.

BANGKOKThrough highly valuable hospitability of CODI and Somsook Boonyabancha we were exposed to practical knowledge-sharing. Our transformation process would not be complete if not for people who eagerly helped us understand what Baan Mankong means: Dr. Nattawut Usavagovitwong DPU Thai alumni NESDB Government Housing Bank LPN developers NHA ACHR ACCA

Photo by Noor Al Ghafari

With the support of communities and community leaders we had a chance to see Bangkok from a different perspective and get an overall picture of CODIs actions: Bang Khen communities Bang Bua, Roon Mai Pattana Tai, Rumjai Patthana Nu, Ruamjai-Pattana Tai, Roy Krong, Ou Tid A Nu Son, Chai Klong Bang Bua, Baan Bang Khen, Sapan Mai, Warawi Wattana and Klong Lumpai. Khlong Toey communities Koh Klang Klong Pra Ka Nhong, Sang Sun Phatana, Ruam Jai Pattana, Penang market, Rim Klong Pai Sing Tho, Rim Klong Wat Sa Parn and Lock 1,2,3 Pasi Chaloen communities Klong Lad Pha-Shi, Ra-sri, Sirapraya, Sirin and Friend, Witsampham, Wat Chan Ket 1 and Wat Chan Ket 3.

Rangsit municipality Rangsit Nimitmai, Rattana Pathum, Sang-san Nakorn Rangsit, Cha-reon Sin, Klong Nueng Pattana, Klong Sawaan, Sapann Keaw, Behind MaKro, and Lakhok Railway Bang Pu municipality Klong Mai Tai, Sam Haung,Nangnoal, Bangsamran, Srang Ton Eang and Klong Ta Kok Rattanakosin Island Baan Bart, Pom Mahakan, Wat Sumtonthammatan, Jakkaphatdephong, Wang Krom Phra Sommootamompan, Wat Saket, Wat Dusitaram, and Ta Wang. . Working with fellow Thai students strengthened our language skills and developed cultural knowledge. Cooperation with the BUDD group C and students of UDP was a great proof of what an effective community means. To all of you: SAWASDIKA and BIG KOPKUNKA !!!

/ /

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1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYBased on extensive preparatory research and informed by data collection during the fieldwork in Bangkok, Thailand, this report represents a processed and synthesized outcome of a four months long learning process, undertaken by the students of Building and Urban Design in Development (BUDD) at University College London (2010/2011) in collaboration with colleagues from the Urban Development Planning and under supervision of the Development Planning Unit academic staff. Aim This report has three objectives: First, it seeks to develop an analytical perspective embedded in a broader theoretical discourse of the social and the spatial which would help with understanding transformative processes in the context of the urban, formulate a vision of a just transformation and enable a critical evaluation of findings and proposals. Second, it aims to assess the transformative potential of The Baan Mankong Secure Housing Programme as envisioned and implemented by The Community Organizations Development Institute in the wider context of the city of Bangkok, Thailand. Third, based on a contextualized diagnosis of the challenges and opportunities of the Programme, it intends to design strategic interventions meant to strengthen its transformative potential in order to reach the envisioned goal of transformation as social justice. Findings The identification of relevant actors at different scales along with the insights about major pressures and drivers of change provided by field-work in six sites, has exposed the following issues as being the most influential for the transformative potential of the Programme: 1. The Programme is successful in mobilizing and empowering communities but the capacity to negotiate is constrained 2. The pressures of rapid urban growth pose a significant challenge for land accessibility and affordability, which hinders the ability of communities to participate in the Programme 3. The Programme fosters and builds on networking and knowledge sharing, however the process appears to be uneven 4. Even though the Programmes success lies in collective problem solving this is not fully translated into design responses


Recommendations Informed by the analytical diagnosis four strategies with detailed proposal have been designed: 1. Increase land accessibility and affordability through densification, intensification and higher productivity of land 2. Strengthen networks and capitalize design solutions through a knowledge sharing process by creating a Skills Bank, Community Resource Nodes and Channels of Effective Communication 3. Decrease vulnerability of communities by expanding accessibility to alternative funding like Booster Funds. 4. Develop alliances among the actors to optimize the capacity of negotiation based on the redefinition of roles and areas of responsibility. The added value of the individual proposals lies in the potential of not only complementary but synergic reinforcements between them. As such, these connections can multiply strategic effects over time and scale.

Conclusions The set of actions meant to re-shape financial policies, land and knowledge management prove to be successful to some extent, but the assessment of the strategic proposals shows that they can only reach their full transformative potential if supported by the active involvement of the usually marginalized in the decision making process. Building on CODIs advocacy for people lead transformative processes, it is recognized that the ultimate result of the demand driven paradigm shift is appropriation of political space that enables people to participate in the shaping of city-wide urban transformations.

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University College London 2010/2011


1. 2. 3. 4.


1. 2. 3. 4.


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1.2 VISIONPeople Become The Solution People Are The Scale -Somsook Boonyabancha


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1.3 INTRODUCTIONBangkok is not necessarily a place where jay yen yen (Thai phrase meaning: keep calm) is easily applicable. Rather it is a city that never sleeps and constantly has a lot to offer. Streets full of vendors, walls flashing with colours, cables hanging over ones head all these makes a promise of connectivity and efficiency. This dream is carried along with the construction of flyoversovershadowing the city with their monstrous presence they do not necessarily fulfill their purpose. It seems that always- smiling Bangkok citizens did not allow themselves to frown thinking about the possibility and consequences of the urban sprawl. Launched in 2003 Baan Mankong Collective Housing Program carried out by CODI (Community Organizations Development Institute- a public organization under the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security) has a certain role within the metropolis: it supports process of developing long-term, comprehensive solutions to problems of land and housing affecting the poorest within the vibrant urban structure of Bangkok (CODI website). CODIs methods evolve primarily around channelling governmental funds so that communities (being a part of the program), will have a chance to carry out necessary housing improvements along with other issues, such as: tenure security, environment, and basic access to services. This complex process requires building many bridges (not necessarily flyovers) between the communities and other actors involved (local authorities, NGOs, Academia and the national level of politics). Baan Mankong ideals go further than just a housing programme: it is about the power of the people being a part of the collective exercising freely their rights. In order to assess the Baan Mankong Programme, an intensive exploration of the city of Bangkok was undertaken by the DPU BUDD and UDP MSc students. Fieldwork was carried out in Bang Khen, Khlong Toey, Pasi Chaloen, Rangsit, Bang Pu and Rattanakosin Island, all of which are included in the BM programme. Furthermore, this helped envisage the reality of the conditions within these communities before, during and after the programme. Figures below and on the following pages are illustrating the final presentations held at CODI`s headquarters in Bangkok the 22nd May 2011.

Photo by Silvia Chi

Figure 1.2 Community mobilisation issue based presentation

Figure 1.3 Community leaders participating in the feedback


Photo by Silvia Chi

Figure 1.4 Somsook Boonyabancha participation in our presentations in BangkokPhoto by Silvia Chi

Figure 1.5 Rangsit site presentation by BUDD and UDP MSc studentsPhoto by Silvia Chi

Figure 1.6 Bang Pu site presentation by BUDD and UDP MSc studentsPhoto by Silvia Chi

Figure 1.7 Pasi Chaloen site presentation by BUDD and UDP MSc students

Figure 1.8 Rattanakosin Island site presentation by BUDD and UDP MSc students

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Photo by Silvia Chi

Photo by Sepideh Hajisoltani

Photo by Silvia Chi

NULICO puts into practice the Baan Mankong ideals of information exchange and learning by doing -Diane Archer




2.0 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND METHODOLOGYIt was quickly understood that transformation is an ongoing (infinite?) process, with a possibly utopian goal. Instead of meeting only the spatial criteria (Lefebvrian transformation definition as liberation time- space understood as reappropriation of space to fight the capitalist false consciousness) or the social criteria (Rawlsian distributive A Theory of Justice talking about rights and freedoms chosen by individuals under the condition of veil of ignorance), it was grasped that transformation definition requires a combination of both: socio-spatial components in the context of time. Result: Transformation (metamorphosis) is a long term process (time) of social and spatial improvement. This supposedly simple definition had to involve certain conditions. After careful assessment Transformation was additionally elaborated as an action of: re-designing the structure of power relations by applying a knowledge-sharing scheme that would ensure greatest possible degree of social justice. This discourse was led by the notion of freedom (specifically: freedom of choice) and ways to achieve its highest possible degree in the communal context within the structure of social justice (can individual freedom be maximized in such conditions?). This thought links directly with the theory of Development as Freedom introduced by Amartya Sen what reminds us Somsook Boonyabenchas work, who speaks of Development being Freedom (a pro-active approach).

After being exposed to Bangkok we can freely say that it is an evolving, constantly moving organism that undergoes uncontrolled processes of various metamorphosis. Having said that, our interest was the condition of the poorest citizens living in this particular city and being a part of the Baan Maankong project carried out by CODI. The task of this theoretical framework is to establish a certain understanding of socio-spatial transformation and its criteria within an urban context. This kind of framework should be used as a tool to see the potential gaps for additional interventions that would bring about a visible level of improvement (for us, these will be the strategies including the vision). It has to be underlined that our transformation definition had undergone many changes and various modifications. It was understood that it has to meet three characteristics: time/scale and space that will combine different components and criteria. This discourse is embedded within an analytical thought that will enrich further discussion over potential interventions.

2.2 TRANSFORMATION/ METAMORPHOSISDevelopment requires the removal of major sources of unfreedom: poverty as well as tyranny, poor economic opportunities as well as systematic social deprivation, neglect of public facilities as well as intolerance or overactivity of repressive states. (Sen, 3)


POWER RELATIONS | Re-design power relations through leveraging engagement of stakeholders in decision making process

KNOWLEDGE SHARING | Engage all stakeholders in efficient knowledge-sharing scheme

SOCIAL JUSTICE | Ensure equal access to rights and liberties within a democratic community attempting to achieve highest individual freedom







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Figure 2.2 Criteria and Indicators for our definition of transformation







How do we then envision the transformation definition? POWER RELATIONS | Re-design power relations through leverage engagement of stakeholders in decision making process + KNOWLEDGE SHARING | Engage all stakeholders in efficient knowledge-sharing scheme. = SOCIAL JUSTICE | Ensure equal access to rights and liberties within a democratic community attempting to achieve highest individual freedom. It was clear from the very beginning that the two components of: power relations and knowledgesharing are absolutely crucial to reach the desirable level of social justice (the ultimate goal of transformation/social development). They also go hand in hand with the Foucaldian thought of Space, Knowledge and Power interlinkage: Space is fundamental in any form of communal life, space is fundamental in any exercise of power. ( Foucault, . 254). These two notions: power and knowledge within spatial context are inseparable, therefore, improving one means improving the other ones as well. To reach the highest desirable outcome all of them should be at the same level (can they ever be?). Balancing components will hopefully lead to enhancing the importance of freedom in Sens understanding achieving the ultimate goal seen as Social Justice: (..) exercise of peoples freedoms, through liberty to participate in social choice and in making of public decisions that impel the progress of () opportunities (Sen, p. 5). Development is precisely what we would like to see within the transformation definition: shifting human condition so that the highest possible freedom (social justice in practice) through spatial and social components within a societal structure can be obtained.

It should take place within a structure of community seen as a web of beings: The networked individual is part of a continuum, [therefore] a web of beings (Manickam). Individuals should have an opportunity to enjoy their freedom through exercising their capabilities/ capacities and knowledge within a structure of democratic community. This notion could possibly target the condition of democracy to come (sort of a promise) advocated by Derrida: () idea of a democracy: equality, freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press - all these things are inscribed as promises within democracy. That is why it is a more historical concept of the political - its the only concept of a regime or a political organization in which history, that is the endless process of improvement and perfectibility, is inscribed in the concept. () that is why I call it to-come (Derrida, Politics of Friendship, p. 5). Such a discourse can be observed vividly within the current transformation of Thailands political structure struggling to establish a set of applicable norms and codes. Hopefully, the broader implication of the transformation definition will bring a stronger meaning to the democratic system that Thailand continuously works on.

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2.3 DECODERAs a methodological tool to portray and assess transformational processes, we propose a hexagonal diagram, the Decoder, with three subjects of investigation. The first axis represents the interplay between the two components defined as prerequisites for social justice, power relations re-design and knowledge sharing, to be measured through appropriate criteria (participatory design, transparency of stakeholders, community networking, enabled negotiation and generation bridge, precedent setting, cooperative intelligence accordingly). The second one shows the extent of social and spatial outcomes of investigated processes in the socio-spatial continuum based on a qualitative comparison. And the last one expresses the magnitude of change across scale (community, district, city/ metropolis) and the estimated time needed to achieve that change as well as the on-going nature of it (short, mid and long term).

In order to assess transformational processes, the impacts of their outcomes are to be analyzed along all of the three axis. According to the proposed definition of transformation, social justice is achieved when all criteria are met and social as well as spatial improvements achieved across time and scale.








par enc y

tra ns

designato ry sh ter ort m cip


par ti

me d ter ium m


lo ter ng m






mu n


generationdis tric t



me city tro / po lita n





Figure 2.3 DECODER: a methodological tool to assess transformational processes




DECODER: an analytical tool to assess transformational processess

int elli

gen ce









negotiationena blin g

com mu nit

nsp a

ren cy

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par ti

me d ter ium m


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generationdis tric t

bri dge setti ng

me city tro / po lita n



Figure 2.4 An example of how the DECODER worksRE R WE PO IONS T LAnegotiationena blin g






par enc yo

tra ns

designpat or y sh ter ort m tici


me d ter ium m


lo ter ng m




int elli

gen ce



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generationdis tric t



me city tro / po lita n


setti n



Figure 2.5 Ideal situation: transformational processes result in social justice



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int elli

gen ce



2.4 METHODOLOGYDuring a two- week field trip in Bangkok we had an opportunity to visit 6 distinct sites involved in the Baan Mankong programme. Our methods of gathering important information varied from site to site ( site visits being one of the methods). Through this different modes of data collect, we were able to triangulate the information in order to cross-check the findings in the sites. METHODS 1. Site visits 2. Interviews (Inhabitants & Institutional Actors): structured/ unstructured/ semi-structures/ informal 3. Site and house mapping 4.Visual recording of the sites (photos, videos) 5. Participative workshops 6. Final presentations to the communities. SITE VISITS Visited 6 sites ( number of communities visited within the site): Bang Khen (8) Klong Toey (8) Phasi Chaleon (6) Bang Pu (7) Rattanakosin Island (8) Rangsit (8) INTERVIEWS Common system of retrieving data was a simple interview that involved an interviewer/ interviewee(s) and a translator(s). Interviews consisted of a set of simple questions helping to get the overall picture of the assessed issue: Interviewed people were inhabitants of the communities occasionally accompanied by institutional actors. Average number of (informal) interviews per site: 10-15 Sites where interviews with local authorities took place: Klong Toey, Phasi Chaleon, Bang Pu, Rangsit (4 interviews) Type of the interview that occurred the most: semi-structured (48 interviews) with community leaders, community comitees, Crown Property Bureau staff, NULICO staff. SITE AND HOUSE MAPPING Site and house mapping (drawings/ sketches) were produced to help in understanding the spatial components of the sites and be a part of necessary documentation. VISUAL RECORDING OF THE SITES The whole experienced was accompanied by a series of photos and occasionally videos capturing what was visible within the sites. PARTICIPATIVE WORKSHOPS Sites where PARTICIPATIVE WORKSHOPS occurred: Bang Pu (1 workshop) Sites where a different type of WORKSHOP took place: Rangsit (1 workshop) FINAL PRESENTATIONS The final presentations to the communities within the week of the fieldwork as well as the final presentations held at CODI`s headquarters at the end of the fieldtrip were essential for assessing whether the initial impressions and assumptions met the reality and communities expectations/ common knowledge. The feedback of these final presentations were core in reframing and adjusting the strategies that we tested in the field. The recording of the fieldwork is elaborated in a more extended way in the annex of this report.


Photo by Tareq Razouk

Figure 2.6 Visual recording of the sites

Photo by Silvia Chi

Figure 2.7 Site visits

Figure 2.8 Interviews

Photo by Silvia Chi

Photo by Kade Wanida

Figure 2.9 Final presentation with the communities

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Photo by McKenzie O`Neill

There is a gap between the people and the system, let the people fill the gap -Somsook Boonyabancha


ANALYSISdpu | budd | field trip report BANGKOK 27

3.0 ANALYSIS3.1 PRESSURES AND DRIVERS OF CHANGEAs a major hub in South East Asia with a vision of becoming a global city, Bangkok is facing increasing pressures on land. Gentrifying forces in the central historical, commercial and residential districts have led to an increase in real estate value. These rapid urban development pressures pose great challenges for allocating affordable land and securing land tenure for the urban poor. At present, many communities are being excluded from the goods and services of the city and are often forced to look for housing solutions that are spatially and economically disconnected from the urban centre. Migration and squatting have become emerging forces within Bangkok. At the same time, megaprojects including transport expansions have greatly influenced the citys form and the sprawling conditions at the urban periphery, attempting to address the citys symptoms of high-density vehicular travel and long commute times. As a country, Thailand is experiencing a time of great internal rift. The countrys hub, Bangkok is the setting for these conflicts and therefore one of the focal points of our investigation. The highly controversial political scenario in Bangkok has had a large influence and impact over the BM Programmes activities and the roles of several actors. More importantly, it is vital to note that BM is a government funded programme, and it is somewhat vulnerable to being affected by frequent power shifts in the political arena. Several of the dominant transformative actors have experienced a greater position of power due to the nature of this conflict, increasing CODIs vulnerability but also its strength in overcoming these struggles. In the future of the Programme, this will continue to be the greatest influence that underlies all relationships between actors.

Figure 3.1 Megainfrastructure and housing in Koh Klang Klong Pra Ka Nhong

Photo by Silvia Chi


Figure 3.2 Drivers of change and pressures on Bangkok

Figure 3.3 Touristic activities in the central area of Bangkok, Rattanakosin Island

Photo by Silvia Chi

Figure 3.4 Coexistence of slums, mega projects and new developments in Klong Toey

Photo by Silvia Chi

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3.2 ACTORSWhile identifying the key actors involved in the process of transformation, we recognize how several actors were involved on different levels, with multiple and varying roles. In order to represent the multi-scalar processes involved between actors we have conceptualized the BM Programme as a machine. We have represented these complex relations through a diagram the poles represent the multi-scalar actors, the size of the gears relate to the power or dominance of each actor, and the belts between each actor explain the quality of their relations and how closely they are working together. This machine has become a critical tool for our analysis: it has helped us to diagnose actor relations and how they have evolved over time, as well as to understand how these relationships have changed or were clarified through our experiences in the field (The differences between the figure 3.6 and 3.7 point out these changes). As illustrated through the diagram, CODI is posited at the centre because it is a dominant actor in distributing funds to communities and one that has remained before and after the fieldwork experience. However, CODIs level of involvement at the community scale is less visible than originally anticipated.

Within the diagram we have illustrated how NULICO has become the strong-hold of the Programme in coordinating and organizing community activities, and acting as the emergency generator of funding and community driven processes.

COOPERATIVESeveral actors have been allies of the Programme. One important example is ACHR, as an organization they share similar strategies to the initiatives of CODI, but address the larger scale. The programmes of knowledge sharing and regional funding opportunities of large-scale ACHR projects have had an immense positive impact on the BM Programme. This has been particularly important on the community level.

1950s 1960s

The Royal Patronage of H.M. the King Misintry of Finance Thailand Rural Reconstructurction Movement National Rural Development Committee (NRDC) Misintry of Interior Local Develpoment Assistance Program (LDAP) Local Development Foundation (LDF) National Committee on Decentralization Policy for Provincial and Local Development (NCDP) NESDB PREM


Government Housing Bank Community Development Department

1980s 1990s

National Housing Authority (NHA)


Rural Development Fund (RDF)

Urban Development Community Office (UCDO) Misintry of


Urban Development Community Office (UCDO)

Figure 3.5 Actor timeline

Figure 3.6 Actor mapping before Bangkok



MONEY (From big end to small end) MONEY (Indirect) Part of but no control over





Coordinate Support Service (resourse and knowledge) Negotiate






Figure 3.7 Actor mapping after Bangkok

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Equally, NULICO has had a very strong presence in supporting CODI activities, many times filling the voids where CODI cannot act. As NULICO is born out of and imbedded within the communities, their involvement at the community level is strongest and this was made evident in our field visits to many of the communities. CODI also has a good relationship among local and larger university networks. This relationship is particularly important to the design process of CODI projects. For example, the role of Universities in the design and capacity building could be beneficial for both parties and should be further explored by CODI, especially in the case of architects and planners.

exceptional, in its positive and proactive role in advocating communities to join the programme and establishing leasing agreements, serving the interest of both parties. Another highly dynamic relationship is one between the Municipality and the community. Several communities had a cooperative relationship with members of the Municipality, or where NULICO was also collaborating with the Municipality. However, this relationship is one that is constantly evolving, and often times the landowner is highly disruptive of local relations. In many cases such as Klong Toey, this has made it especially difficult for communities to establish long-term collaborative relations with the local Municipality. Further, the Municipality often perceives communities as unorganized or limited in ability and have disregarded the needs of the community for the incentives of the landlord. As communities continue demonstrating their organization through their upgrading strategies this is shifting the perception, however the impact of the landord can still be highly problematic.

NEUTRALSeveral actors assumed to have a much stronger relationship with the Programme as their large roles and responsibilities that have been undertaken. However, many of these relationships do not possess the synergies that we originally assumed in our analysis. This is specific in the position of the GHB, NHA and NESDB with CODI. While we recognize there is no conflict between these actors, their relationships have been out of necessity and under pressure to support CODI due to their similar positions within the government structures. In this sense, the national scale of actors is primarily made up by these existing support roles.

FINANCIALCODIs provision of funding has two-fold limitations. One is the amount of savings a community is able to acquire in order to enter the programme. The other limitation is the large fiscal cut that the government agencies have endured. As a result, CODIs ability to fully support as many communities as possible is not always sufficient. The reductions in funding impact the very idea of transformation, potentially increasing vulnerabilities within communities and limiting their ability to effectively respond. NULICO has been helping to establish City/ Community Development Funds at the municipal level. These funds act as a revolving fund for communities to access, and essentially are an emergency resource generator to act without CODI. Other important financial relationships that communities rely on include donations from ACHR to CODI and to CDFs that have some impact in the community level. Additionally, the relationship between GHB and CODI was established as a result of the fiscal crisis, where GHB purchased several community loans from

CONFLICTINGThere is one relationship within all scenarios that is characterized by high tension: that is between the landlord and the communities. While many times the relations are positive and cooperative, the nature of these relations are not immediate or assumed. The role of the landlord is the most dynamic of any actor as it ranges from Central Government, Local Municipality, private entities, Royal Family lands or religious institutions. Further, the nature of the actor also lends itself to be dynamic in scale in the machine. This connection is therefore the most contingent to communities to enter the Programme as Upgrading or Reblocking strategies require tenure agreements and the greatest potential indicator for the level of transformation collectively sought by the community. The case of CPB is32 ANALYSIS ACTORS





CODI. This is the primary aim of the relationship, and is one in which CODI and communities mostly benefit.



POWERAt the level of communities, the network of NULICO is perhaps the most empowered of any agency in the Programme. This actor has the most flexibility of roles and responsibilities, ability to mobilize and influence the community directly. In fact, this actor acts primarily to organize community processes. It is important to clarify that CODI lacks any major role at this scale, and highly relies on community self-organization. While there are tense relationships in the overall actor map, there are also several strained relationships that are not characteristic of being in direct conflict to the programs efficiency but rather to the extent of leveraging transformation. Specifically, important is the role of the Community Architect. At present, this actor has not been empowered by communities or fully integrated in CODIs agenda of design. Therefore, the community architect actor has a stronger role in consulting community relations rather than actually being a part of the design and building process. The relationship between actors has disempowered the role of the Community Architect more than any within the Programme. The City Development Committee is a forum composed of members from communities, NULICO, CODI, Academia, and Municipality. On site, the presence of this team was nearly imperceptible. However, while this committee lacks power of decision-making over issues of development, it is an existing space for negotiation and discussion within the Programme.


Figure 3.8 Main actors in the national level






Figure 3.9 Main actors in the metropolitan level




Figure 3.10 Main actors in the district level




Figure 3.11 Main actors in the community levelCOMMUNITYMONEY (From big end to small end) MONEY (Indirect) Part of but no control over Coordinate Support Service (resourse and knowledge) Negotiate

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3.3 THE 6 CASE STUDIESAs part of a collective of urban practitioners, our experiences in the field gave us the opportunity to connect our theoretical analysis with fieldbased research. During our experiences in the field we refined our broad understandings of transformation to centre around four highly specific approaches: Partnerships and infrastructure, Land and Housing, Finance, and Community Mobilization and Capabilities. The aim of this approach was to filter and cluster the dense information gathered across the six sites and shape it into a synthesized analysis and proposal. Further, we sought to highlight the opportunities, concerns, and threats across sites respectively identifying recurrent and resonant themes throughout.


Ban Khen

Rattanakosin Island Pasi Chaleon Khlong Toey

Bang Pu

Figure 3.12 Location of the 6 sites within Bangkok region

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Communities visited

Figure 3.13 Location of the communities visited and significant elements within Bang Khen district

3.3.1 BANG KHENBang Khen District known as the largest district in Bangkok is located at the centre of the city within proximity of the main highways, infrastructure and transport arteries. The communities in Bang Khen District have a strong spatial bond with the canal. Since its one of the pilot projects of BM Programme there is with a well-grounded community organization and mobilizationand also, there is a the lack of influence from the municipality and local authority. It was here that they pioneered the first CDF in Bangkok setting precedent for self sufficient and financial independence from CODI whilst mitigating the repercussion of any future financial instability.Photo by Sepideh Hajisoltani

Figure 3.14 View from Bang Bua canal


Partnerships and Infrastructure Although Bang Khen has relatively strong partnerships with the district and local authority there still appears to be problems in terms of division of equal roles and relations between local authority, municipality and the communities. Partnership with Action Aid for financially supporting the Bang Bua nursery. (only NGO) Uneven knowledge among the communities can create misunderstanding and fragment partnerships as one example indicates a community member employee of government opposing to BM project due to not being aware of the project being supported by government. Uneven awareness of resources and information available in other districts due to scarcity of networks and partnerships.

Finance Originating the first CDF only for housing costs to constitute a self sufficiency and less dependency acting as a support to CODI funds. There are welfare funds available which provides for elderly care, support for families facing difficulties with loan payments, acts as security for irregular incomes of community members. Philanthropy: when government funding doesnt come through, communities/individuals donate money to neighboring communities. (e.g. bridge in Som Chais community) CDF has scaling up limitations which self-sufficiency is a motivation, but the fund is inextricably linked to CODI for continuity. CDF is also being used to bypass funding from CODI (e.g. Ruamjai Patthana Klang, where community does not have collective land title) Timing is another factor that associates with communities choosing CDF vs. CODI depending on how much money CODI has at any given time. (e.g. acquiring more from CODI in 2008, immediately following the successful protests)

Land and Housing While observing the overall picture design aspects have been neglected. The communities with partnership with municipality agreed on the New Building Codes for governmental projects which gives more room for maneuver in terms of design aspects and planning. Baan Bang Khen is an example of more developed design aspects using outside architects to design mid-rise apartments and also currently maximizing their area. (in line with growth of the city) Since 2007 there has been no visit from CODI architect which shows a disconnect between Codi architect and community. According to design standards the fact that the communities are not adapting to changing city landscape. Longevity of the buildings, quality of construction and design may not be desirable in the future. There has been a definite loss of public spaces after the BM project which requires more design feature.

Capabilities Establishing the local community builders (CCC 100 local construction labor in 5 teams )which construct the BM projects in the district as well as broader boundaries and setting up Home Service Centre which where looking to set up a call centre in future. Builders network build knowledge by implementing the first phase and teaching the locals as a process for knowledge transfer. Their capacity as a collective community to change New building codes and be the catalyst for further policy changes in government. Using protest as a means of communication which can be related to need of capacity for negotiation. Long time to get administration funds and depends if you have good relations with government. Canal cleaning every month with borrowing the BMA boats which can on the contrary indicate the imbalance sharing of relationship and roles resulted in the communities acting like a municipality which might result with over burden of work and an isolated city perception.

Figure 3.15 The pictures on top illustrate the problems and opportunities of the chart within Bang Khen district

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Communities visited






Figure 3.16 Location of the communities visited and significant elements within Khlong Toey district

3.3.2 KHLONG TOEYA site full of tensions, Khlong Toey district has one of the largest and most dense slums in Bangkok, adjacent to the nations main port. Decades of eviction struggles have resulted from clashes with the Port Authority, as the main landowner of slums settlements and major infrastructure projects that are planned for here. The high pressure on the land results not only from these external forces but also the increasing demand for housing. For the past 30 years this site has been a major entry point for migrants to the city, due to its proximity to the port and large opportunities for work. These pressures, both internal and external have resulted in multiple conflicts and a lack of cohesion across communities.

Figure 3.17 Khlong Toey: spatially fragmentated


Partnerships and Infrastructure Partnerships weaker network There are and Infrastructure linkages between non-Baan Mankong communities, There communities beyond the are weaker network and with linkages between non-Baan district. Mankong communities, One of the best communities we and with communities beyond the visited in terms of infrastructure district. and housing improvements was One of site of communities we on the the best Crown Property visited in terms of an alliance Land, as there wasinfrastructure and Baan Mankong. with housing improvements was on the presence Crown Property Strong site of of local, national Land, as there was an alliance and international NGOs, which are with Baan Mankong. providing support to communities Strong presence of cannot reach that Baan Mankong local, national and international NGOs, to negotiThey have little power which are providing or influence the Port ate with support to communities that Baan Mankonghave cannot reach Consequently, weak They have communities on Port linkages to little power to negotiate with or influence the Port land. Consequently, have weak linkages to communities on Port land.

Finance Finance The Port and the Market also serve as important sources of livelihood for communities in the The Port and the Market also district. serve as important sources of livelihood for communities in the district.

Land and Housing Land and 43 registered Housing communities squeezed in between this, sometimes on undesirable land (e.g. 43 registered communities underneath expressways), other squeezed land targeted for sometimes on in between this, develtimes on undesirable land (e.g. opment. underneath expressways), other Baan Mankong does not address times on land targeted for develcommunities that are living in the opment. most precarious situation, in areas Baan secure does not address withoutMankongtenure, under the communities that are living in the threat of eviction. most precarious situation, in areas Or communities that are socially without secure tenure, under the and spatially fragmented, included threat of migrants.eviction. Or communities that are socially Families are afraid of investing in and spatially fragmented, included their homes, because they dont migrants. know when they might need to Families also saw of investing in leave We are afraid entire commutheir homes, in temporary-looking nities living because they dont know whenfor over 40need to they might structures years, leave We also saw entire commubecause the Port actually visits the nities living in temporary-looking community every year to make structures dont over 40 years, sure they for build permanent because the Port actually visits the structures. community City year to make every Competitions Global sure they a build type of demands dontcertain permanent structures. infrastructure and Development Global City Competitions conflicting vision for the area. demands a lease through out Land security certain type of infrastructure and Development the site. conflicting vision for the area. Land security lease through out the site.

Capabilities Capabilities mobilized Communities got during events, such as eviction and fire and port authority Communities got mobilized evictions. during events, such as eviction Livelihood committee, Trash for and in communities that were not cash fire and port authority evictions. part of BM. Livelihood committee,isTrash for The district office undercash in communities that were not resourced part communities were weak in Theof BM. The district mobilizing against office is underterms of resourced first due to their suspievictions at The and trust in getting land cion communities were weak in terms of mobilizing against tenure and negotiation. evictions at first due to their suspicion and trust in getting land tenure and negotiation.

Figure 3.18 The pictures on top illustrate the problems and opportunities of the chart within Bang Khen district

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Communities visited



r ajo



Figure 3.19 Location of the communities visited and significant elements within Pasi Chaloen district

3.3.3 PASI CHALOENLocated within the metropolis, Pasi Chaloen sits on the edge of a rural past facing a rapid development future. Once agricultural land characterized by several canals, urbanization is now occurring and the city has consumed this site. Most of the communities living here have been relocated here from other parts of the city. As a result, while the relationship between the local authorities is good the network is fairly weak due to this recent development. However, due to the highly speculative nature of the land, acquiring it is perhaps the largest challenge here.

Photo by Azzurra Muzzonigro

Figure 3.20 The community leaders of the district plays an important role facilitating comunication within and between the communities


Sirin & Friend Community

Ra-sri Tum Community

Partnerships and Infrastructure


Land and Housing


Figure 3.21 In Sirin & Friend Community Codi funded the Roles and Responsibilities on Cooperatives for welfare mechacommunity partly through as nisms the cooperative (which environmental issue, such loans to within the community give repays Codi @ 2% interestnot keeps 3%to scale-up to mechaand opportunity profit for Welfare). waste management, are There is defined, subsidy that Codi addresses directly to the clearly also a which creates nism for wider inclusion of gaps of Communitymanagement thatB$ (of individuals and groups which level of 5.000.000 is which 3.000.000B$ to are reflected on the precarious to build road). ground and 2.000.000 B$condi- currently excluded from BMtions of marginalized pockets of poor settlements. Opportunity to create partnerPartnerships and Infrastructure ships among communities and with local authorities as well as with inhabitants of other parts of Roles and Responsibilities on the district affected by same issue. environmental issue, such as waste management, are not clearly defined, which creates gaps of management that is reflected on the precarious conditions of marginalized pockets of poor settlements. Opportunity to create partnerships among communities and with local authorities as well as with inhabitants of other parts of the district affected by same issue. dont constitute a viable solution to overcome the gap between the members of communities and the Finance poorest of the poor that still cant access for financial difficulties.

Photo by Azzurra Muzzonigro

Figure 3.22 In in an area of Community the loans through Increase density Ra-Sri Tum Design could play an active role the cooperative could be repayed to Codi @ 4% interest. rapid urbanization will constiin strengthening spatial and social Cooperative will keep 3% profit linkages within Additionally Codi for Welfare. the community as tute a long term viable response to will scarcity of available land in the well as B$ for land community the provide 2 subsidies: 6.900.000 between the and road urban area of Bangkok and the surrounding area as construction. and 250.000 B$ for housing constructionTax incentive for vacant land Network based Land Bank Economical constrain to acquire land for the Land Bank Land and Housing Scarce design response to communitys needs as a consequence of density in an area in Increase marginality of design of list of BMs priorities. rapid urbanization could constiDesign plays a marginal role into BM agenda but Community Architects have limited range of action within the existing priorities Capabilities of BM.

Photo by Azzurra Muzzonigro

Cooperatives for welfare mechanisms within the community give opportunity to scale-up to mechanism for wider inclusion of individuals and groups which are currently excluded from BM dont constitute a viable solution to overcome the gap between the members of communities and the poorest of the poor that still cant access for financial difficulties.

tute a long term viable response to the scarcity of available land in the urban area of Bangkok Tax incentive for vacant land Network based Land Bank Economical constrain to acquire land for the Land Bank Scarce design response to communitys needs as a consequence of marginality of design in list of BMs priorities.

Design could play an active role in strengthening spatial and social linkages within the community as well as between the community and the surrounding area as Design plays a marginal role into BM agenda but Community Architects have limited range of action within the existing priorities of BM.

Figure 3.23 Problems and opportunities within Pasi Chaloen district

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ad Major ro


Communities visited

Figure 3.24 Location of the communities visited and significant elements within Rangsit municipality

3.3.4 RANGSITSituation just outside of Bangkok, Rangsit is of a highly suburban and disconnected nature as it was once agricultural land dominated by irrigation canals. At the periphery of the city, the issues of migration and urban sprawl collide here. Similar to Pasi Chaloen, land speculation highly affects communities in this region resulting in a landscape dominated by gated communities and empty land. However, this community is exceptional in its strong community network and close relationship with the municipality.

Figure 3.25 Rangsit position in Bangkok peri-urban area


Partnerships and Infrastructure Partnerships and Infrastructure Potential better relations between NHA schemes and communities to share facilities (daycare, etc) that Potential better relationscity wide they are exploring at between NHA schemes and communities to level. share facilities (daycare, etc) that Experimenting with Private they are exploring at city highly contractors as the market is wide level. competitive in Rangsit right now Experimenting current success with Private for this and contractors as the market isdetract however careful not to highly competitive intraining schemes. from capacity Rangsit right now for this and lack of connectivity Infrastructure: current success however especially not to detract of sites, careful relocation sites from capacity training schemes. in to services as land is cheapest Infrastructure: lack of connectivity these dis-connected areas as a of sites, especially ownership sites result of private relocation and to services as land is cheapest in partnerships. these dis-connected areas as a result of private ownership and partnerships.

Finance Finance More developed CDF expansion to include Welfare Fund already, but also Occupation training as More developed CDF expansion well as Insurance. to include Welfare Fund opportuLack of criteria, while an already, but alsocompletely bypass CODI, nity to Occupation training as well as Insurance.seen as dangerthis can also be Lack of criteria,lack of an opportuous in terms of while land tenure nity to completely bypass CODI, and high risk. this can also be seen as dangerous in terms of lack of land tenure and high risk.

Land and Housing Land Land and Housing sharing schemes- 4 communities coming together to share cost of purchasing land on Land sharing Saan community. schemes- 4 one site. Sang communities coming land (large Lack of available together to share cost of purchasing land i.e. amount of private ownership on one site. Sang Saan community. land speculation) Lack ofof available land (large Lack regulation by municipality amount of private ownership i.e. addressing migration and urban land speculation) sprawl Lack of regulation by municipality addressing migration and urban sprawl

Capabilities Capabilities Very Strong Network working in cooperation with municipality, NULICO, CODI etc. All on very Very terms and in strong commugood Strong Network working in cooperation alliance on all issues. nication and with municipality, NULICO, CODI etc. All on very Knowledge Center specific to good termsin somestrong commueach site, and in examples is a nication and alliance on all unit, in concrete block making issues. Knowledge Center specific to others it is helping with accounting each site, in some etc. for the community, examples is a concrete block making networks Working issue based unit, in others it is helping with accounting which is connecting canal for the community, etc.specifically. communities together Working point that the municipalThe one issue based networks which not speaking across the connecting canal ity is is communities together specifically. province with other municipalities, The one point thatweakness at the municipalotherwise no ity is not speaking level. Community Network across the province with other municipalities, otherwise no weakness at Community Network level.

Figure 3.28. Khlong Toey: actors

Figure 3.26 The pictures on top illustrate the problems and opportunities of the chart within Rangsit Municipality

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Figure 3.27 Location of the communities visited and significant elements within the Bang Pu municipality

Ma r jor oadCommunities visited

3.3.5 BANG PULike Rangsit, Bang Pu is located outside of Bangkok Municipality, directly on the Thai coast. Environmental hazards in the coastal mangroves and canals that dominate the Bang Pu have affected land availability for communities. A satellite of Bangkok, this site is expected to grow as several megaprojects are planned for the skytrain, airport expansion, and plans of the Department of Treasury. Bang Pu is of a peri-urban nature, with many community residents working in the nearby factories or in shrimp and clam farming industries.Photo by Parvathi Nair

Figure 3.28 Floating platform used for public gathering in Bang Pu municipality.


Partnerships and Infrastructure Partnerships and Infrastructure Community leaders in Bang Poo have strong relationship with local authorities, although transparency Community leaders inquestioned of information can be Bang Poo have strong relationship with local at some point while perceived in authorities, although transparency responses to specific questions of information can be questioned asked in the shared meetings. at some Potentialpoint while perceived in for future linkages responses to specificthrough the between communities questions asked in the of knowledge and exchange shared meetings. Potential aboutfuture linkages information for the BM process between of different forms of in termscommunities through the exchange of knowledge and upgrading and the challenges that informationduring the BM process. about the process appears in terms building new roads and Through of different forms of upgrading and and megaprojects, infrastructure the challenges that appears during the process. communities are directly effected. Through building new roads and infrastructure and megaprojects, communities are directly effected.

Finance Ta Ko canal Finance community successful cost cutting project by using recycling materials - cuts 25% of Ta Ko canal community successconstruction ful cost Baht can be saved by 15000 cutting project by using recycling materials - cutsreducing using recycled material 25% of construction cost of construction process as 15000 translating it saved by well as Baht can be to financial using recycled material reducing assets. cost of constructionofprocess as Excluded members community well having access to to financial not as translating it BM due to assets. affordability Excluded members of community Ta Ko canal community is not not having have any commercial allowed to access to BM due to affordability the area or lower level activities in Ta Ko of theircanal community is has houses which not allowed to on any livelihoods. constrains havetheir commercial activitiesfrom CODI) or lower level (Design in the area of their houses which has constrains on their livelihoods. (Design from CODI)

Land and Housing Large Land and Housing amount of recycling material on sites that can be used for housing cuts 25% of Large amount of recycling construction material slum formation they used In the on sites that can be had for housing but got lost in the more space, cuts 25% of constructionappropriation of near process of In the slum formation they got home spaces when they had more space, but got lost in the relocated. process of appropriationwater but The houses are on dirty of near homeare still being rebuilt on the spaces when they got they relocated. same water with the idea of having The houses are on to substitute. stronger foundation dirty water but they are still being solid base the CODI provides the rebuilt on for samehouse, with the ideathey are the water however of having stronger foundation to substitute. located on the filthy mud water CODI provides the solid base for which is quite hazards and insanithe house, however they are tary. located on the filthy mud water which is quite hazards and insanitary.

Capabilities Capabilities The community leaders across Bang Poo know each other while on the contrary the members of The communitynot familiar with community are leaders across Bang other.know each other while each Poo on the contrary the leaders take As a tactic the members of community are one community to members from not familiar with each other. another. As a tactic the leaders take members from one community to another.

Figure 3.29 The pictures on top illustrate the problems and opportunities of the chart within Bang Pu Municipality

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Communities visited

Touristic node

Figure 3.30 Location of the communities visited and significant elements within Rattanakosin island

3.3.6 RATTANAKOSIN ISLANDFormally Phra Nakon, Rattanakosin is the oldest area in Bangkok and is saturated with historical allures such as The Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaew (Emerald Buddah Temple). The largest landowner is the CPB who is responsible for managing the Kings land assets. There is a unique rental system particular to the CPB land that has driven the CPB to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with CODI to upgrade the communities due to preserving the character of the site with participatory conservation. Over the years, there has been a multitude of plans for the area. These plans have had an increasingly disparaging bearing on tenure for most of the Rattanakosin communities as it failed to recognise the heritage of local people, such as a daily life landscape, market, and shop house excluding them from the master plan. It is this notion of culture as building and disregard for people that is the driving force behind communities in Rattanakosin Island perusing upgrading that supports culture as living heritage in order to not only secure their tenure; but to demonstrate their capacity to set precedent to be outstanding responsible good citizens and change the way they are perceived by the local area and the city, as emphasised by one community leader.


Rattanakosin Island Rattanakosin IslandPartnerships and Infrastructure Community centre was part of Partnerships and Infrastructure infrastructure proposal to CODI and therefore supported by the grant Community centre was part of Community collaborating with infrastructure childrens activities, universities: proposal to CODI and therefore supported by the art gallery. grant Partnership with private sector in Community collaborating to with palace: community is able use universities: community activities, space for childrens activities art gallery. of outside working hours Partnership is between CPB and (agreement with private sector in palace: company) is able to use private community space for community activities CODI and CPB partnership outside in the alley. of working hours walking (agreement is between CPB and Temple does not grant receipts private company) have no proof meaning residents CODI and CPB partnership of occupancy walking in the alley. warned TAT CODI architect Templebe on board but receipts should does not grant worried meaning residents have no proof they will get too involved and of occupancy disrupt peoples lives and CODI architectwant to keep TAT livelihood as they warned site should people. board but worried not the be on they will get too involved and CPB prefer educated professiondisrupt lives and als to take peoples tourism lead on livelihood as they want to keep site not the people. CPB prefer educated professionals to take lead on tourism Finance Private funding from other Finance savings group as well as interest from investment/banking. (wat saket) Private grading housing grade a Started funding from other savings group inputting as interest and grade b as well their own from investment/banking. (wat design guidelines for quality and saket) preservation. Startedhas been granted but Loan grading housing grade a and grade theinputting they have remains in b bank as their own design guidelines for quality and no proposal for plans. preservation. Community level comes down to Loan funding, receiver you get whose has been granted but remains with conditions,they have this but in the bank as developno proposal for plans. ment done for hidden agenda, Community level comes down to need to change model of commuwhose funding, receiverplan and nity development with you get this sponsor. conditions, developfind but with ment done for hidden agenda, need to change model of community development with plan and find sponsor. Land and Housing Materials used can increase heights.Land and Housing (currently buildings are concrete on the bottom and wooden on the top) Materials used can increase By law, land owner owns building, heights.are evicted, buildings are if they (currently the CPB will concrete them. reimburse on the bottom and wooden on the top) Split in land ownership has split By law, land owner owns building, community. if theyputs restrictions onCPB will CPB are evicted, the building reimburse them. heights. Split in land ownership has split No community space yet (sitram) community. If you have a fighting chicken CPB how can you live inbuilding farm puts restrictions on a high heights. rise? Thai massage how many No community upstairs, ceramics people will go space yet (sitram) If you oven, a fighting chicken have how would you need farm howthat inyou live in a high integrate can high rise. rise? Thai massage how many people will go upstairs, ceramics need oven, how would you integrate that in high rise. Capabilities Middle class contribute to savings Capabilities group to help others out Part of a network of a historic walk (between the 6 communities) Middle class contribute to savings eco-tourism walk. group tried to hold training session CPB to help others out Part of a network of a historic for each community position but walk (between the 6 communities) not successful. eco-tourism walk. departments Various government CPBtraining hold training session hold tried to for 2 comm. Reprefor each community position but sentatives who should relate to not successful.but the skills are not rest of comm.. Various government departments transferable and community hold training for 2 comm. Repremembers not interested anymore sentatives who should relate to Rely on existing asset e.g. rest of comm.. but the skills are not accountant but what if he goes? transferable community Need to build and peoples capacity members not interested anymore more. Rely on existing asset e.g. accountant but what if he goes? Need to build peoples capacity more.

Figure 3.31 The pictures on top illustrate the problems and opportunities of the chart within Rattanakosin Island

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onstrainedNegoGaGon3.4 DIAGNOSISIn the process of distinguishing between the symptoms and the fundamental underlying causes of the concerns.


Challenging, the scale at which they should be addressed and recognizing the involvement of actors, clarifying the extent of their roles and responsibility. This enhanced grasp, informed our collective clustering of these underlying triggers shifting the initial scope to encompass these new four overarching categories; negotiation, networking, land and alliances with design being inherit in all of these.

Photo by Sepideh Hajisoltani


Figure 3.32 Shack by the canal in Bang Khen.

3.4.1 NEGOTIATIONThe BM Programme has given communities tremendous capacity to negotiate with actors, for instance by collecting and owning data that enhances their power to negotiate when entering discussions with different actors. If communities cannot enter such dialogue with actors they collectively default to mass demonstrations in order to voice their demands.

DiagnosisLackofLandAccesFigure 3.33 A bridge in Bang Khen community: an example of community mobilisation to fullfill the role of the municipalityPhoto by Mahya Fatemi

Photo by Silvia Chi

Figure 3.34 View from the Klong Toey District Authority building


RaOanakosinIsland example of exercising While this represents an

nosisConstrainedNegoGaGonRaOanakosinIsland Highlighting this tension

their freedoms it also highlights that there is lack of space for negotiation. This was evident in the case of Khlong Toey where the insecurity of land and tenure, as well as the complexity of urbanization suppressed the community from being fully integrated into the decision making process surrounding the development plans made by the Port Authority. In order to avoid the instrumentalisation of the community and create a balance of power in the decision making BangKhen process the roles and responsibilities of actors need to be clarified and redefined. between supply and demand is the example of Bang Khen (Figure 3.33) where for four years the community requested the local municipality to rebuild a broken bridge that was essential for connectivity on the site. However, even after making their needs clear the municipality failed to acknowledge their request.

Figure 3.35 The main issue in Rattanakosin Island concerned the lack of willingness of CODI to start or help facilitate negotiation with the Temple land to include the poor communities in the BM Programme.

Photo by Dhrin Anantamongkolchai

BangKhen Consequently, the community self-mobilized and collected donations from visitors in order to finance the construction, thus successfully rebuilding the bridge. While this illustrates the strength of the community to proactively respond to infrastructural challenges, it raises important questions of how far these communities are being asked to mobilize and at what point they are being asked to fulfill the responsibilities of the Municipality.


National level Metropolitan level District level Community level Household level Levels in which the problem is present

Photo by Silvia Chi

Figure 3.36 View of the port in Khlong Toey. The communities have little power to negotiate with or influence the Port Authority in terms of Land Tenure and the pressures of the Global City Competition master plan.

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3.4.2 LAND ACCESSIBILITY AND RaOanakosinIsland AFFORDABILITYThe rapid urban development pressures on land pose great challenges for allocating affordable land and securing land tenure within the city centre. Land owners are not willing to negotiate on the price of land to accommodate the urban poor and the price of land is the result of its centrality to the goods and services of the urban centre. Additionally, there are a lot of interstitial spaces that are not being fully utilized. Therefore, there is a need for land readjustment on these unfilled, open space fragments in order to establish Rangsit greater productivity and connectivity, particularly within the superblocks. There have been emerging symptoms of gentrification and densification in Khlong Toey due to the intense pressures on the central business district, forcing residents to cluster on undesirable land, such as spaces underneath expressways or land that is earmarked for development. These communities are priced out of decent land as there is greater return and profit to be made by landowners, as a consequence of this, private developers negating the possibility of negotiation.Photo by McKenzie O`Neill

Figure 3.38 Different communities in Rattanakosin Island are facing the same problems in terms of the tourist and master plan; however they have no forum to discuss for collective solutions. ( for more information refer to Annex page 141)

Photo by Dhrin Anantamongkolchai

Figure 3.37 Land speculation spurred by the majority of private ownership in Rangsit with plans to develop private residential units restricted negotiation for the price of land.

Figure 3.39 Interstitial spaces in the city

Photo by Silvia Chi


BangPooBangPoo3.4.3 UNEVEN KNOWLEDGE SHARING & NETWORKING Changing the space but not changing the slum valuesKnowledge sharing within communities proved to be strong, however, there was a weak correlation of knowledge transfer between certain communities regardless of their status with the BM Programme. This is a missed opportunity as information regarding the BM Programme and the lessons learned by communities, the resources and skills that they possess that could build their capacity are not capitalized on.

WeakKnowledgeSharingProcessPhoto by Parvathi Nair

Figure 3.40 Bang Pu Community workshop Lack of networking within Bang Pu as community members were not acquainted with one another and one of the community was not aware of the different strategies that BM Programme offers to address their housing problem in terms of upgrading.( Refer to Annex page 154 for further detail on community workshops held in Bang Pu)


Rangsit represents a highly organized community where they efficiently utilized their network of communitys skills of building construction and BangPoo design in order to inform their design process. However, Rangsit networking strength raises the important question of why this is not happening elsewhere and how come there are so many projects being developed in the scale of the community without knowledge sharing taking place in the scale of the district, losing the opportunity to strengthen the network within the district and the city. In the same district, there is a strong presence of CDFs that has emerged as an alternative and autonomous finance mechanism to CODIs loan in the districts where it is implemented. However, this initiative presents the risk of being itself counterproductive as communities are obtaining CDF financing to build/ upgrade their homes regardless of land title, that can lead to potentially recreate slums-maintaining and multiply an insecure land tenure settlement. Considering this risk, the production of knowledge is central for a community that is managing CDF`s funds.

Figure 3.41 Rangsit Community building

Photo by McKenzie O`Neill


Photo by McKenzie O`Neill

Figure 3.42 Rangsit community homes in progress

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3.4.4 LIMITED DESIGN RESPONSE Planning for communities but design for KlongToey individualsPasiChalen When land is allocated and the communities begin the building process there is an overemphasis on the planning and design of individual plots. The BM Programmes success originates from its value of collective problem solving, where consensual decision-making is an integral aspect of each project. However, the housing typology within communities is detached housing.

DiagnosisLimitedFigure 3.43 Walkway through Pasi ChaleonPhoto by Azzurra Muzzonigro

There is a need for more community input in the design process in order to develop housing strategies that would represent the local vernacular and could accommodate changes in household needs over time. Equally, on the larger scale land plots are not being designed as cohesive spaces with appropriated areas for recreation, places of gathering and social enterprise. Additionally, there is a need for design strategies that would improve the productivity of the site through utilizing ecological services such as the reclamation of water or the onsite production of food. Also, the community architect could be a vehicle to promote greater knowledge sharing within the community and between communities. The longevity of buildings, quality of construction and design may not be on par in the future, due to the forward thinking design motto of the community that captures what they can afford at the given timeframe. This incremental built form will be stark contrast to the rest of the competing city skyline that has plans leveraging vertical scenarios.

DiagPhoto by Azzurra Muzzonigro

Figure 3.44 Pasi Chaloen housing design Land is a limited resource however the ineffective configuration of housing plots does not allow the community to capitalise on the full potential of their space; this can be addressed through an efficient design response. (Refer to Annex page 136)

KlongToey PasiChalen

Figure 3.45 Khlong Toey open spaces The prevalence of interstitial spaces in Khlong Toey presented for a fragmented urban fabric where there were disjointed pockets of unused space

Photo by Silvia Chi


3.4.5 DISTILLING THE DIAGNOSIS: A GRAPHIC INTERPRETATIONAs a graphic synthesis of our diagnosis, we develop these diagrams to compare the problems and opportunities across the six sites and identify the common denominators throughout. Thus clustering them according to the nature of the problem relating to: design, access, partnership, roles and relationships knowledge network and resource. Stacking these cubes adjacently, each being a representative of an issue makes it easier to compare the sites and see visually the density of each problem according to not only the site but to the overall distribution. Following a thorough analysis, we identified four entry points to address this array of issues.

Figure 3.46 Key for the cubes in the graphic synthesis of problems and opportunities across the six sites

Figure 3.47 Graphic synthesis of problems and opportunities about NETWORKS across the six sites

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Figure 3.48 Graphic synthesis of problems and opportunities about ACCESS across the six sites (explanatory chart in the next page)

Figure 3.49 Graphic synthesis of problems and opportunities about RESOURCES across the six sites


Bang KhenBaan Man Kong does not address communities that are living in the most precarious situation, in areas without secure tenure, under the threat of eviction. Communities that are socially and spatially fragmented including migrants. More developed CDF expansion to include welfare fund already, but also Occupation training as well as Insurance. Land sharing schemes- 4 communities coming together to share cost of purchasing land on one site. Sang Saan community. Lack of available land (large amount of private ownership i.e. land speculation) Cooperatives for welfare mechanisms within the community give the opportunity to scale-up to mechanism for wider inclusion of individuals and groups which are currently being excluded from BM do not constitute a viable solution to overcome the gap between the members of communities and the poorest of the poor that still cannot access for financial difficulties. Economical constrain to acquire land for the Land Bank. Infrastructure: lack of connectivity of sites, especially relocation sites to services as land is cheapest in these dis-connected areas as a result of private ownership and partnerships. Excluded members of community not having access to BM due to affordability.

Khliong Toey

Pasi Chaloen


Bang Pu

Rattanakosin Island


Originating the first CDF only for housing costs to constitute a self-sufficiency and less dependency acting as a support to CODI funds.

There are welfare funds available which provides for elderly care, support for families facing difficulties with loan payments, and acts as security for irregular incomes of community members.

Timing is another factor that associates with communities choosing CDF vs. CODI depending on how much money CODI has at any given time (e.g. acquiring more from CODI in 2008, immediately following the successful protests)

dpu | budd | field trip report BANGKOK


Figure 3.50 Graphic synthesis of problems and opportunities about KNOWLEDGE SHARING across the six sites

Figure 3.51 Graphic synthesis of problems and opportunities about DESIGN across the six sites (explanatory chart in the next page)

Figure 3.52 Graphic synthesis of problems and opportunities about ROLES AND NEGOTIATION across the six sites


Bang KhenGlobal City Competitions demands a certain type of infrastructure and Development conflicting vision for the area. Land security lease throughout the site. Scarce design response to communitys needs as a consequence of marginality of design in list of BMs priorities. Lack of regulation by municipality addressing migration and urban sprawl. In the slum formation they had more space, but got lost in the process of appropriation of near home spaces when they got relocated. Increase density in an area of rapid urbanization could constitute a long term viable response to the scarcity of available land in the urban area of Bangkok. Lack of regulation by municipality addressing migration and urban sprawl. Ta Ko canal community is not allowed to have any commercial activities in the area or lower level of their houses which has constrains on their livelihoods. (Design from CODI)

Khliong Toey

Pasi Chaloen


Bang Pu

Rattanakosin IslandStarted grading housing grade a and grade b inputting their own design guidelines for quality and preservation. Loan has been granted but remains in the bank as they have no proposal for plans. Materials used can increase heights (currently buildings are concrete on the bottom and wooden on the top) Split in land ownership has split community CPB puts restrictions building heights. No community (Sitram). space on yet


CDF is also being used to bypass funding from CODI (e.g. Ruamjai Patthana Klang, where community does not have collective land title) Design

While observing the overall picture design aspects have been neglected. Design could play an active role in strengthening spatial and social linkages within the community as well as between the community and the surrounding area. Design plays a marginal role into BM agenda but Community Architects have limited range of action within the existing priorities of BM.

Baan Bang Khen is an example of more developed design aspects using outside architects to design mid-rise apartments and also currently maximizing their area (in line with growth of the city)

According to design standards the fact that the communities are not adapting to changing city landscape.

Longevity of the buildings, quality of construction and design may not be desirable in the future.

The houses are on dirty water but they are still being rebuilt on the same water with the idea of having stronger foundation to substitute. CODI provides the solid base for the house, however they are located on the filthy mud water which is quite hazards and insanitary.

There has been a definite loss of public spaces after the BM project which requires more design feature.

dpu | budd | field trip report BANGKOK

Using protest as a means of communication which can be related to need of capacity for negotiation .


Figure 3.53 Graphic synthesis of problems and opportunities about PARTNERSHIPS AND INFRASTRUCTURE across the six sites (explanatory chart in the next page)

Figure 3.54 Summary of problems and opportunities across the six sites


Bang KhenOne of the best communities we visited in terms of infrastructure and housing improvements was on the site of Crown Property Land, as there was an alliance with Baan Man Kong. They have little power to negotiate with or influence the Port Consequently, have weak linkages to communities on Port land. Strong presence of local, national and international NGOs, which are providing support to communities that Baan Man Kong cannot reach. Working issue based networks which are connecting canal communities together specifically. Very Strong Network working in cooperation with municipality, NULICO, CODI etc. All on very good terms and in strong communication and alliance on all issues. Experimenting with Private contractors as the market is highly competitive in Rangsit right now for this and current success however careful not to detract from capacity training schemes. Due to having one community architect for the whole of Bangkok and lack of professionals such as architects the community people are misguided and are not fully informed about the effects and consequences of having new developments. Potential better relations between NHA schemes and communities to share facilities (daycare, etc.) that they are exploring at city wide level. Community leaders in Bang Poo have strong relationship with local authorities, although transparency of information can be questioned at some point while perceived in responses to specific questions asked in the shared meetings.

Khliong Toey

Pasi Chaloen


Bang Pu

Rattanakosin IslandCommunity collaborating with universities: childrens activities, art gallery. Partnership with private sector in palace: community is able to use space for community activities outside of working hours. (agreement is between CPB and private company) Temple does not grant receipts meaning residents have no proof of occupancy. CODI architect and CPB? Warn TAT should be on board but worried they will get too involved and disrupt peoples lives and livelihood as they want to keep site not the people. Community level comes down to whose funding, receiver you get this but with conditions, development done for hidden agenda, need to change model of community Development with plan and find sponsor. Middle class contribute to savings group to help others out.

Using protest as a means of communication which can be related to need of capacity for negotiation.

Since 2007 there has been no visit from CODI architect which shows a disconnect between CODI architect and community.

The communities with partnership with municipality agreed on the New Building Codes for governmental projects which gives more room for maneuver in terms of design aspects and planning.

Roles and Respo