ce ul congestion in huawei

Telecom Source > Wireless Communication > Huawei > UMTS-HSPA > CE UL Congestion in Huawei PDA View Full Version : CE UL Congestion in Huawei scientist 05-0-!0"!# 0$%0& AM Can some" 'lease s(are wit( me (ow to re)uce (ig( utili*ation o+ UL CE, )ont wanna a)) an. CE /oar)s an) neit(er )o want to )o a so+tware ugra)e, s t(ere an. 'arameters an tune too re)uce t(e (ig( CE utili*ation t(ans mjhussain 0&-0&-!0"!# 0$%"$ AM + congestion is s'rea) among )i++erent (ours an) )a.s# an) on t(e same 1o)e2# t(e +ollowing 'arameter s can /e use) to )ecrease t(e usage o+ UL CEs UlMi)3ate T() 4DCCC% U'lin Mi) 2it 3ate T(res(ol), UlDccc3ate T() 4DCCC% U'lin 2it 3ate T(res(ol) +or DCCC, Ul6ullC7r3at e 4DCCC% U'lin 6ull Co7erage 2it 3ate, Ul823 4USE3823% U'lin 823 +or 2E ser7ice, Ul3ateDnA)9Le 7el 4DCCC% set to :3ates can /e re)uce) to !:3ates, Ul3ateU'A)9Le7e l 4DCCC% set to !:3ates can /e increase) to :3ates, ;t(er ;'tion% Decrease t(e Ma< 2it 3ate S(i+t 3== tra++ic HSPA 3e)uce nitial /it 3ate +rom & to !/s Ena/le t(e DCCC Algorit(m RFEXPERT "!-"?-!0"!# "0%0 PM Ena/le cell @ 1o)e 2 cre)it LD3 wit( +irst action as /eratere)uction @ i+ .our networ is (a7ing multi'le +reuencies t(en !n) action as inter +reuenc. loa) (o, C(ange HSUPA1TAL3AT E +rom D& to D!, C(ange UL @ DL 823 to D! /. comman) SET UUSE3823, Pierron "!-!?-!0"!# ""%= PM tae care a/out t(e so+t (an)o7er utili*ation# i+ is so (ig( ma./e is /etter tr. to re)uce blupbup "!-"-!0"!# ""%0" PM .ou can tr. ", acti7ate D.namic CE +eature !, re)uce initial /itrate ic!en 0"-0$-!0"# ""%5! PM t also wort(w(ile to c(ec t(e UE release )istri/ution in t(e cell, Hig( UL Ce usage is also a result o+ (ig( 3el5 UE 'enetration # w(ic( is a result o+ return c(annels /eing use) w(ic( (as normall. a setting o+ PS?, /est o'tion is to u'gra)e CE so no 'er+ormance im'act # or re)uce t(e PS ma< /it rate to "!? w(ic( s(oul) consume (al+ t(e amount consume) /. PS?, rongna"# 0"-!&-!0"# 0%0 PM ts reall. (el'+ul +or me /ut t(e e<act in+o u'on (im is missing w(ic( is /rie+l. a7aila/le on Wii'e)ia, $eaworth 0"-"-!0"# 0=%0 PM .ou can +irst )isa/le !ms TTBre)uc e num/er o+ HSUPA users or alternati7el. )isa/le HSUPA ;+ course t(is is assuming .ou7e got alot o+ HSUPA tra++ic w(ic( is common in most networs currentl., T(is woul) /e uicest wa. .ou coul) also c(ec HSUPA ma< t(roug('ut )uring SH; an) re)uce t(is# es'eciall. in case t(eres lots o+ o7erla' /etween t(e cells, c(eers,

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Page 1: CE UL Congestion in Huawei

7/24/2019 CE UL Congestion in Huawei

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Telecom Source > Wireless Communication > Huawei > UMTS-HSPA > CE UL Congestion in Huawei


View Full Version : CE UL Congestion in Huawei

scientist05-0-!0"!# 0$%0& AM

Can some" 'lease s(are wit( me (ow to re)uce (ig( utili*ation o+ UL CE, )ont wanna a)) an. CE/oar)s an) neit(er )o want to )o a so+tware ugra)e,s t(ere an. 'arameters an tune too re)uce t(e

(ig( CE utili*ationt(ans

mjhussain0&-0&-!0"!# 0$%"$ AM

+ congestion is s'rea) among )i++erent (ours an) )a.s# an) on t(e same 1o)e2# t(e +ollowing'arameters can /e use) to )ecrease t(e usage o+ UL CEs

UlMi)3ateT() 4DCCC% U'lin Mi) 2it 3ate T(res(ol),UlDccc3ateT() 4DCCC% U'lin 2it 3ate T(res(ol) +or DCCC,

Ul6ullC7r3ate 4DCCC% U'lin 6ull Co7erage 2it 3ate,

Ul823 4USE3823% U'lin 823 +or 2E ser7ice,Ul3ateDnA)9Le7el 4DCCC% set to :3ates can /e re)uce) to !:3ates,Ul3ateU'A)9Le7el 4DCCC% set to !:3ates can /e increase) to :3ates,

;t(er ;'tion%

Decrease t(e Ma< 2it 3ateS(i+t 3== tra++ic HSPA

3e)uce nitial /it 3ate +rom & to !/sEna/le t(e DCCC Algorit(m

RFEXPERT"!-"?-!0"!# "0%0 PM

Ena/le cell @ 1o)e 2 cre)it LD3 wit( +irst action as /eratere)uction @ i+ .our networ is (a7ing multi'le+reuencies t(en !n) action as inter +reuenc. loa) (o,

C(ange HSUPA1TAL3ATE +rom D& to D!,C(ange UL @ DL 823 to D! /. comman) SET UUSE3823,

Pierron"!-!?-!0"!# ""%= PM

tae care a/out t(e so+t (an)o7er utili*ation# i+ is so (ig( ma./e is /etter tr. to re)uce


"!-"-!0"!# ""%0" PM.ou can tr.

", acti7ate D.namic CE +eature!, re)uce initial /itrate

ic!en0"-0$-!0"# ""%5! PM

t also wort(w(ile to c(ec t(e UE release )istri/ution in t(e cell, Hig( UL Ce usage is also a result o+(ig( 3el5 UE 'enetration # w(ic( is a result o+ return c(annels /eing use) w(ic( (as normall. a setting o+ 

PS?, /est o'tion is to u'gra)e CE so no 'er+ormance im'act # or re)uce t(e PS ma< /it rate to "!?w(ic( s(oul) consume (al+ t(e amount consume) /. PS?,

rongna"#0"-!&-!0"# 0%0 PM

ts reall. (el'+ul +or me /ut t(e e<act in+o u'on (im is missing w(ic( is /rie+l. a7aila/le on Wii'e)ia,


0"-"-!0"# 0=%0 PM.ou can +irst )isa/le !ms TTBre)uce num/er o+ HSUPA users or alternati7el. )isa/le HSUPA ;+ course

t(is is assuming .ou7e got alot o+ HSUPA tra++ic w(ic( is common in most networs currentl.,T(is woul) /e uicest wa. .ou coul) also c(ec HSUPA ma< t(roug('ut )uring SH; an) re)uce t(is#

es'eciall. in case t(eres lots o+ o7erla' /etween t(e cells,


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"!-"&-!0"# 0=%5? AMC(ange TT !ms to "0ms# c(ange Cre)it S6 reser7e),

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