cedarcrest high school...apprenticeship programs - earn money while being trained with excellent...

Cedarcrest High School Home of the Red Wolves! Volume 25 Issue 5 January Message from the Principal... It seems like the older I get the faster the school years go! Not sure if that is because the world is changing and accelerating as we speak, or if I am just getting old. Probably the second, but I am going with the rapid world changes, primarily because I have seen one of the more harmful effects of a changing world. And with this thought in mind, I have one word I want to share with everyone this month. Sleep. More specifically, are your children getting enough sleep? There is an amazing amount of research which talks about the lack of sleep our young adults are getting each night. So much so that I thought I would summarize the information for you, just to make it easy: Behavior which we dismiss as "teenage angst" i.e. moodiness, impulsive behavior, carelessness, sleeping during the day, could actually be symptoms of chronic and severe sleep deprivation. We know there are radical changes occurring in adolescence, including hormonal shifts and brain development. These changes need a rested body in order to advance at a healthy rate. Lack of sleep has also been directly related to the ability to exercise self-control over one's emotions, impulses and mood. According to a 2010 large-scale study published in The Journal of Adolescent Health, a scant 8% of US high school students get the recommended amount of sleep. Some 23% get six hours of sleep on an average school night and 10% get only 5 hours. Adolescents who are suffering from sleep deprivation can exhibit many of the same symptoms as having ADHD, including an inability to stay on task or focused. This can lead to a misdiagnosis. Research by Carskadon, et al. shows that sleep-deprived teens are far more likely to use stimulants like caffeine and nicotine to get through the day. They also can be at risk of self-medicating with alcohol to deal with sleep-related negative moods. Additionally, teens are also more likely to engage in unprotected sex and reckless driving than their peers who get upwards of seven hours of sleep a night. This is believed to be because they lack impulse control and suffer from impaired judgment that leads to poor decision-making. I could go on, how sleep deprivation causes; depression, suppresses the immune system, can trigger certain types of mental illness, and can even result in suicidal ideation. Instead, I recommend you all do a little of your own research, see for yourself, the information is easy to come by. I would like to encourage everyone to consider sleep as a New Year's resolution. Parents, model getting enough sleep (you will thank me for this in the morning) and make sure your student is also getting enough sleep. From what I have learned, the recommended optimal amount of sleep that an adolescent should get is seven (minimal) to nine hours a night. This will likely mean that you need to make sure they are turning off devices one hour prior to bed time and this will likely be a battle. I know this. It may not be easy. But the only way we can truly give our students a fighting chance to keep up with this world is to make sure they are well rested! If you would like more information, a good source to start with is the Child Mind Institute, at Childmind.org Finally, I would like to invite all parents to join me at the RIVERVIEW EDUCATION FOUNDATION 2019 Evening for Education Dinner Auction. This year's event is on In this Issue Message from the Principal College and Career Center News Winter Formal Counseling Center Family Science Night Class of 2019 Career and Technical Education AP Information PTSA Fairytales & Frosting From the Nurse CHSET Important Phone Numbers Main Office (425) 844 - 4800 Attendance Office (425) 844 - 4806 Counseling Office (425) 844 - 4807 Office Hours 6:30am - 3:00pm For School Closure, Late Start or Early Dismissal Information Riverview School District Emergency Weather Related Schedule Changes Quick Links 2017-2018 Calendar Bell Schedule Cedarcrest Website

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Page 1: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

Cedarcrest High School Home of the Red Wolves!

Volume 25 Issue 5 January

Message from the Principal...

It seems like the older I get the faster the school years go! Not sure if that is because theworld is changing and accelerating as we speak, or if I am just getting old. Probably thesecond, but I am going with the rapid world changes, primarily because I have seen one ofthe more harmful effects of a changing world. And with this thought in mind, I have oneword I want to share with everyone this month. Sleep. More specifically, are your childrengetting enough sleep? There is an amazing amount of research which talks about the lackof sleep our young adults are getting each night. So much so that I thought I wouldsummarize the information for you, just to make it easy:

Behavior which we dismiss as "teenage angst" i.e. moodiness, impulsive behavior,carelessness, sleeping during the day, could actually be symptoms of chronic andsevere sleep deprivation.We know there are radical changes occurring in adolescence, including hormonalshifts and brain development. These changes need a rested body in order toadvance at a healthy rate.Lack of sleep has also been directly related to the ability to exercise self-control overone's emotions, impulses and mood.According to a 2010 large-scale study published in The Journal of AdolescentHealth, a scant 8% of US high school students get the recommended amount ofsleep. Some 23% get six hours of sleep on an average school night and 10% getonly 5 hours.Adolescents who are suffering from sleep deprivation can exhibit many of the samesymptoms as having ADHD, including an inability to stay on task or focused. Thiscan lead to a misdiagnosis.Research by Carskadon, et al. shows that sleep-deprived teens are far more likelyto use stimulants like caffeine and nicotine to get through the day. They also can beat risk of self-medicating with alcohol to deal with sleep-related negative moods.Additionally, teens are also more likely to engage in unprotected sex and recklessdriving than their peers who get upwards of seven hours of sleep a night. This isbelieved to be because they lack impulse control and suffer from impaired judgmentthat leads to poor decision-making.

I could go on, how sleep deprivation causes; depression, suppresses the immunesystem, can trigger certain types of mental illness, and can even result in suicidal ideation.Instead, I recommend you all do a little of your own research, see for yourself, theinformation is easy to come by.

I would like to encourage everyone to consider sleep as a New Year's resolution. Parents,model getting enough sleep (you will thank me for this in the morning) and make sure yourstudent is also getting enough sleep. From what I have learned, the recommended optimalamount of sleep that an adolescent should get is seven (minimal) to nine hours a night.This will likely mean that you need to make sure they are turning off devices one hour priorto bed time and this will likely be a battle. I know this. It may not be easy. But the only waywe can truly give our students a fighting chance to keep up with this world is to make surethey are well rested! If you would like more information, a good source to start with is theChild Mind Institute, at Childmind.org

Finally, I would like to invite all parents to join me at the RIVERVIEW EDUCATIONFOUNDATION 2019 Evening for Education Dinner Auction. This year's event is on

In this Issue

Message from thePrincipalCollege and CareerCenter NewsWinter FormalCounseling CenterFamily Science NightClass of 2019Career and TechnicalEducationAP InformationPTSAFairytales & FrostingFrom the NurseCHSET

Important PhoneNumbers

Main Office(425) 844 - 4800 Attendance Office(425) 844 - 4806 Counseling Office(425) 844 - 4807 Office Hours6:30am - 3:00pm

For School Closure,Late Start or Early

Dismissal Information

Riverview School DistrictEmergency Weather

Related Schedule Changes

Quick Links2017-2018 CalendarBell ScheduleCedarcrest Website

Page 2: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

FOUNDATION 2019 Evening for Education Dinner Auction. This year's event is onJanuary 26th at the Bellevue Marriott. This event features a delicious dinner, exciting silentand live auctions, games, giveaways, and the company of others who value education asyou do.REF is an integral partner providing thousands of dollars in grant money to CedarcrestHigh School, as well as every other school in the district. Grants are awarded in the areasof Technology, Health and Wellness, Science, Language, Career and TechnicalEducation, Math, Visual and Performing Arts, Student Services and more. Yourattendance at this event will help sustain this important work.To register, go to www.refweb.org/auction. For more information, contact Auction Co-Chair Kappie Ayers at [email protected].

Happy New Year to all and to all a good night!

Ray LaBatePrincipal

College and Career Center News

ASVAB TestWednesday, January 16, 20197:35 a.m. - 10:40 a.m., CHS LRC The ASVAB Test will be offered to all interested juniors and seniors on the morning ofJanuary 16, 2019. This is a valuable vocational aptitude test and it is free to interestedstudents. The results from this test will provide students with useful information about theirabilities, interests, and possible career preferences. If you are not quite sure what you'dlike to pursue after high school, this assessment tool will help you to identify areas thatalign with your interests and skills. Although sponsored by the military, there is NoObligation Whatsoever to any branch of the Armed Forces. Sign up in the Career Center. Career CornerApprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30, 2019 to talkabout apprenticeships and how to apply. Choose from numerous trades such asAerospace, Auto Mechanic, Communication Technician, Corrections Officer, EducationalParaprofessional, Machinist, Electrician, and Fire Fighter to name just a few. Anapprenticeship can offer on the job training at no cost, while earning a living. Go to theCareer Center for a detailed list of over 100 apprenticeship opportunities.

SAT and ACT ALERTSAT - Registration for the March 8, 2019 test is to be completed by February 8, 2019.Online registration can be found at www.collegeboard.com.ACT - Registration for the February 9, 2019 test is to be completed by January 11, 2019.Online registration can be found at http://www.act.org/.

Winter Formal

This years winter formal is "Winter in Venice" and is being held February 9th, 2019 atThe Canal in Seattle. The dance is from 8pm-11pm and includes a photo booth foranyone to use. Many students will be going in groups or with friends. There will be no datepasses allowed and there is a limited number of tickets. The cost is $25 with an ASB cardand $30 without an ASB card. Tickets go on sale Monday, January 28.

Counseling Center News and Information

Happy New Year Cedarcrest families! May 2019 bring you happiness, achieved goals,and well-being for your family. As I write this, there are only 13 more days left in thissemester! Grades and credits are an important consideration to be attending to. Pleasego onto Skyward and check grades. This is your last chance to put a final push in tomake sure all your work is turned in, do any re-taking of tests if possible, andcommunicate with your teachers to verify you have done everything possible to achieveyour best scores. Remember, the difference between a B and B+ can make a bigdifference in the end when it comes to college admission and scholarship cut-offs. This isalso a good time to look at next semester and verify you are registered for the right

Cedarcrest WebsiteCedarcrest MonthlyCalendarRiverview School DistrictFamily Access Check yourStudent's Grades Online

Important ReminderPlease remember all parentsand visitors must sign in atthe main office when visitingthe campus. We will beissuing a temporary visitorbadge while in the building.Thank you for helping keepour school safe and secure. Numbered parking spacesare reserved from 6:30 am to2:15 pm on school days.Violators will be ticketedand/or towed. Guests, pleasepark in the visitor parking lotlocated in the west parkinglot.

Payments AcceptedBefore school 6:30-7:30am,Break, Lunch & after school2:00-3:00 pm. Payments canbe made in the Main Officewith Patricia orthrough eFunds online or withthe mobile app.

Refund Policy for StudentFees: Refunds for class feesmust be requested by mid-term of the semester in whichthe class was originallyscheduled. After mid-term, norefunds will be issued. Sportsparticipation fee refunds mustbe requested within the sportseason that was paid for.Payments may be refunded oryou can have your fee appliedto a later season within thesame school year ifapplicable. No refunds will bemade from a prior year'spayment. Sport participationrefunds will only be issuedprior to the first regularseason competition. Norefunds will be issued forstudents who becomeineligible due to grades orCode of Conduct violations.


WESCO Athletics is

the website where youcan find everything forCedarcrest High SchoolAthletics! Here you cansee the daily schedule,news, Cedarcrestcontacts, directions toour playing facilities,photos, standings andmore. Be sure to click

Page 3: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

also a good time to look at next semester and verify you are registered for the rightclasses. If there are any schedule changes that need to be made, such as you are inthe wrong course level, please make an appointment to see your counselor. As areminder, class changes must be made in the first 10 days of a course. We preferchanges to be made within the first week. Changes after 10 days results in an automaticF in the course and no credit will be given.

The following are dates to be aware of:

STAMP Language Proficiency test will be administered on Saturday, January 26th. Ifyou are bilingual and would like to earn credit and potentially a seal of biliteracy, this is agreat opportunity! To sign up, there is a two-step process: 1. The cost is $25 payable toCHS in the main office. 2. Sign up to take the test in the counseling center after paying. Several languages are offered. If the STAMP test does not offer your language, the ALTALanguage test is also available, but the cost is $120. See Mrs. Erhardt for details. Running Start Informational meeting for students will be held February 5th duringadvisory. This is a general meeting that will help inform current Sophomores and Juniorsabout Running Start. The information presented during advisory on February 5th is goingto cover much of the same information presented at the January 16th evening event onCollege Information at Cedarcrest. There are also several parent/student informationmeetings put on by local Running Start colleges that are also important to attend. Pleasesee college websites for those dates and times. Each school has their own sessions. Interested students need to also spend time on our Cedarcrest counseling website. Wehave a Running Start tab that offers essential information that students (and parents) needto be aware of when considering participating in a Running Start program. Parents, it isimportant you understand your role in supporting your student if they choose RunningStart. Parents do not have access to grades or teachers in Running Start. Students areexpected to be independent college students. This is a big change for manyfamilies. Choosing to participate in Running Start and become a college student at theage of 15 or 16 is an important decision. There are a lot of benefits, but it is important tobe aware of all aspects of Running Start. Cedarcrest High School is working towardsoffering more college credit in the high school options for our students, so this might be adirection that students would like to consider as well. More information coming on theseprograms soon!

Snoqualmie Dollars for Scholars Informational Session will be held for seniors duringadvisory on February 7th. Dollars for Scholars offers nearly 50 scholarships to ourCedarcrest seniors! All students planning to attend either a two or four-year college shouldapply! Applications will be due the end of March.

Family Science NightCome to Cedarcrest Family Science Night! January 23, 6 PM to 8 PM.

For the past several years, we have used the end of January for Family Science Night, to havefamily, friends, and community come to Cedarcrest and help the students prepare for ScienceFair. This year we are changing the focus of Family Science Night. Students will be presentingscience activities and demonstrations, and will be teaching the science behind what they areshowing. Members from various school clubs will also be present to show some of the sciencebehind their activities. These are hands-on, get up close, fun demos for the whole family and for allages. Our goal is to also have representatives from other schools in the District. Come play, havefun, and learn! Cedarcrest STEM Fair will be Saturday, February 23, 2019 . Watch for more information to come.

Save to Date

8th Grade Parent Night Tuesday, February 12 from 6:30-8:00 PM in the CHS Theater

more. Be sure to clickthe orange Subscribebutton to subscribe to theCedarcrest sports teamsyou wish to get scheduleupdates for and followthem on their officialTwitter page:@CHSRedWolves. Instant schedule changealerts will be sent tosubscribers and onTwitter. Go Red Wolves!

Stay Connected with CHSUsing REMIND.COM

Class of 2019: Text@2019chsrw to 81010. Or,

in your phones web browsertype:


Class of 2020:Text @2020chsrw to 81010.

Or, in your phones webbrowser

type: rmd.at/2020chsrw

Class of 2021:Text @2021chsrw to 81010.

Or, in your phones webbrowser

type: rmd.at/2021chsrw

Class of 2022: Text@2022chsrw to 81010Or, inyour phones web browser

type: rmd.at/2022chsrw

Winter Break is over butwinter is still here.

Stay warm and cozy all thetime and show school spirit.

Cedarcrest Stadium Blankets

for sale - $50Proceeds to benefit the Track

& Field team

Cedarcrest "Soccer style"scarves for sale - $20

Proceeds to benefit the

Cross Country team

Contact Bruce McDowell 425-844-4832

[email protected]

Band News

Cedarcrest Band News

Pep Band in 2019

Page 4: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

Pep Band in 2019The Cedarcrest High School Pep Band will play at Boys and Girls basketball games. They will play a variety of musicincluding the fight song to bring energy and excitement to a game for the crowd and to support the team.

Tolt and CHS Combined Concert on February 1CHS Band and Tolt Middle School 8th grade band will perform together on Friday, February 1. The concert is at 7 pm in the CHS theater. Join us!

Support the CHS Band on May 17, 2019

Please join us for a relaxing evening atCherry Valley Winery. Browse over 100silent auction items and have a fun timesupporting Cedarcrest High School Bands.Cedarcrest High School Jazz Band willprovide entertainment. This is the 3rd annual Auction and this yearthe Boosters are raising money to purchasenew band uniforms. Hope to see you there! More information will be available soon. Youcan find the latest information on theCedarcrest Bands webpage.


Christmas in Carnation Parade

In December the Cedarcrest Marching Band and Color Guard and the Tolt Middle School 8th Grade Band entertained the crowd with holiday music and marched in the Christmas in Carnation Parade. The crowds came out to enjoy theparade as well as the tree lighting and Winter showcase.

Cedarcrest Percussion Ensemble, Jazz Band,Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and WindEnsemble performed their Winter Concertselections. The Combined Wind Symphony's annualperformance of "Sleigh Ride" was a crowd favorite.

Page 5: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

District Survey

The Riverview School District recognizes and values the voices and perspectives of our school community. In order forus to continue to improve as a school district and in each of our schools, it is important for us to know how our students,staff, and parents/guardians regard the job we are doing in providing a quality education for all of our children. Feedbackis crucial for us to know what our community considers our strengths and our opportunities for growth. In January, we will be asking for feedback from our students, staff and parents/guardians. The survey was developedby the Center for Educational Effectiveness, a Bellevue, WA based research firm. Students (grades 4-12) and staff willcomplete the survey at school and the parent/guardian survey will come electronically. The parent/guardian survey willtake approximately 10 minutes to complete. The information you provide will help us in our district and schoolimprovement processes. We would greatly appreciate your input on this survey. Thanks!

Class of 2019Link to Grad Ad Instructions


Parents ~ Keep your SENIOR safe graduation night by sending them toCEDARCRESTS HIGH SCHOOL'S PTSA


June 14th following graduation until 6:30 June 15thTickets $155 until Jan 31st then $175

All tickets PAID IN FULL before Feb 1st will be entered in theBUS DRAWING!

Winner gets first choice for Bus Sign Up along with 5 FriendsContract & Payment online @ http://chs.my-pta.org or by check to the Student Store. Please make checks payable to

CHS PTSA (note seniors name).Names will also be entered into a drawing for a Free Grad Night Ticket!

Questions email: Teresa Busch @ [email protected]

SENIOR GRAD ADSSenior grad ads are an opportunity to give your senior a shout out in the yearbook praising them for their success, showoff beautiful photos of your graduating senior, or just simply remind them how much you love them. Grad ads will bemade exclusively online at www.yearbookforever.com. If you are struggling with these ads, please contact Ms. Schneidervia email ([email protected]) or phone (425)844-4821. Ads must be turned in by March 1st, 2019 at 11:59pm.There will be no exceptions made for late ads. Even though this deadline is far off, DON'T DELAY. There are only 20pages sectioned out for senior ads this year and it is a first come first serve basis.

RAFFLE TICKETSThe Senior class is selling raffle tickets for $10 each to benefit the Class of 2019 Grad Night transportation. On April 2ndone ticket will be drawn and the winner will receive $500. Must be 18 to purchase a ticket. Winner does not need to bepresent to win. If you would like to help sell tickets or purchase a ticket, please contact: Sarah Tharrington @ [email protected]

CHS - PTSA PresentsSenior Slide Show

Photos will be shown on June 12th and at the commencement of graduation on June 14th.WE NEED YOUR PICTURES by April 30, 2019.

Please submit your photos to [email protected]. Place the full name (last name first) in the subject line.Attach the photos as a jpeg file if possible. 3-5 picture each.

Career and Technical Education


Registration for PNW Dual College Credit began on December 1!

Page 6: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

(Directions are below)

College Credit in High School Through Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Last year, 394 students earned 3019 college credits from Bellevue College, Cascadia Community College,Shoreline Community College, Edmonds Community College, and Lake Washington Technical College. Thesestudents and their parents might have saved over $317,508.23 in tuition fees.

However, just 106 students paid the $46 per year to transcript credits with these colleges. Pacific Northwest DualCollege Credit (formerly Tech Prep) transcripted 757 credits saving our Cedarcrest families $79,613.69. Thisleaves $237,894.54 worth of unclaimed college credits.

Every eligible 9th-12th grade CTE student should be able to have these credits available to them when theygraduate, so it is important to be sure to pay the annual PNW Dual Credit fee after signing up. Don't leave this free money on the table!

Credits can be earned in the following courses:Sports Medicine I & IIDigital Video2D Animation3D AnimationPhotographyDigital Imaging I & IIFloriculture (Spokane Community College)HorticultureAgriscience A & BGreenhouse Operations I & IIArchitecture and Engineering Design I & IIIntro to Computer ProgrammingAdvanced Computer ProgrammingIntro to BusinessBusiness LawFinancial PlanningMarketing I & IIIT Academy

REGISTRATION BEGAN DECEMBER 1st FOR COLLEGE CREDIT!We will assist students in their first and second semester classes with registration, however, the $46 payment isthe responsibility of the student and their family.

Registration opened December 1 for all students to register for college credit through Pacific NW Dual CollegeCredit.

What you need to do if not registered:

1. Make sure the course you are taking has college credit. Check the list above. If there are two colleges listed,select the one you would like to earn credit through. You cannot register for both colleges.

2. You must maintain a "B" average to receive credit.

3. You will need to pay the $46.00 fee which will cover all the courses you complete in one school year. If you are onfree and reduce lunch, your tuition is waived. Just contact your teacher or College and Career Adviser to havethose fees waived. Payment is not due until June 6, so you can defer payment until June- but don't forget!

To register follow the directions below. If you need assistance, please contact Pacific NW College Credit for anyhelp with registration, payment, and transcript information. They are happy to help.Riverview School District does not have anything to do with registration, payments, transcripts, or questionsregarding Pacific NW Dual College Credit.

Pacific NW Dual College Credit works directly with all the colleges participating, so all questions should be

Page 7: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

Pacific NW Dual College Credit works directly with all the colleges participating, so all questions should bedirected to them, however, we are happy to help if we can.

IMPORTANT - Your $46 annual fee covers ALL the classes you register for during one school year. Also, once credit is awarded,transcripts should be requested directly from the awarding college. contactthe registrar directly at BCC, Lake Washington Tech, Cascadia, Edmonds, and Shoreline.

CONTACT INFORMATION:Tanya Rettinger, Director

(425) [email protected]

Amy West, Program Specialist V(425) 564-6158

[email protected]

STUDENT REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS:1. Go tohttps://www.pnwcollegecredit.org/2. Click "Register"3. CLICK HERE to begin registration. Select "Students Click Here."4. Select the option relevant to you:

* If you have NEVER REGISTERED for credit before, click on "Create an Account" in the top left corner. * Note: Save your logon and password; use your home email & contact information; your school does not have access to retrieve your account or your logon/password. * If you are a RETURNING STUDENT, you may login with your User Name and Password OR your Tech Prep ID number and birth date.

5. To find available classes, click "Register for Classes." Your high school will auto-populate. Do not fill out any other fields. Click "Go Search". 6. Place a check in the box to the left of the classes you are currently in and click the "Register" button in the top-left navigation menu. 7. On the next screen, click the checkbox for the teacher who is teaching your class. 8. When you've made your selections, click "Save & Register." 9. If you have provided an email address, a confirmation will be emailed to you. If not, you may want to print a copy for your records. 10.Pay your $46 consortium fee at http://pay.techprepcc.org. 11.The deadline for ALL consortium fees is on or before June 15th.

To Pay by Mail with Check or Money Order:Payable to PNW College Credit (Tech Prep)Pacific NW College Credit (Tech Prep)C/O Bellevue College, MS N-2153000 Landerholm Circle SEBellevue, WA 98007

AP Information

SATRegistration is now open to take the SAT at Cedarcrest High School on March 9, 2019. As of the second week of January,we only have 60 spots remaining. If you are planning to take the exam at CHS, be sure to register soon! The registrationdeadline is February 8, 2019. Visit https://www.collegeboard.org for more information.

APAP Exam registration will be open February 1-28. You will be registering and paying for your exams online at

Page 8: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

AP Exam registration will be open February 1-28. You will be registering and paying for your exams online atwww.TotalRegistration.net/AP/480145 The fee is $105 per exam. Fee reductions are available for qualifying students. Please contact either your counselor or theTeaching & Learning office for more information.

Printable Flyer

Page 9: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

Printable Flyer


Membership Thanks to all who have joined CHS PTSA so far this year! If you haven't joined yet, there's still time! Go towww.chs.my-pta.org for easy online joining. Not only does your membership support our students, there are great discountsand perks only available to members. Don't miss out!

Student Store Volunteers needed for daily shifts. The student store is open during all lunches on Tuesday, Wednesday andThursday. We are offering a variety of snacks and supplies. This is a fun way to connect with students during the day, it'ssuper easy and all proceeds support PTSA programs, grants and scholarships! Contact Nat @ [email protected] to beadded to the sign up list, where you can choose your day.

CHS Spirit Wear Shirts, sweatshirts, hats, duffle bags and backpacks are available for sale! Go to www.chs.my-pta.org for

easy online ordering! If you have any questions, please contact Genessa @ [email protected] Questions? Contact Nicole Rohwer, President [email protected]. Don't forget to like our Facebook page for more updates! https://www.facebook.com/cedarcrestptsa/ Please also consider joining the Facebook group for your child's class. This is a great place to receive information regardingongoing events for individual class activities.

Cedarcrest High School - Class of 2019:https://www.facebook.com/groups/125302461456720/ Cedarcrest High School - Class of 2020:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1952167818338667/ Cedarcrest High School - Class of 2021:https://www.facebook.com/groups/354196198343202/

Cedarcrest High School - Class of 2022:https://www.facebook.com/groups/204569743629377/

Page 10: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

Cedarcrest PTSA Supports RIVERVIEW EDUCATION FOUNDATIONWe encourage parents and staff to attend the 2019 Evening for Education Dinner Auction. Saturday, January 26th, at theBellevue Marriott. This event features a delicious dinner, exciting silent and live auctions, games, giveaways, and thecompany of others who value education as you do. The Foundation is an integral partner with the Riverview School Districtproviding many grants to Cedarcrest High School, as well as every other school in the district. Every child in the district hasaccess to items purchased with REF grant funding. To register, go to www.refweb.org/auction. For more information, contactAuction Co-Chair Kappie Ayers at [email protected].

Choir News

Page 11: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

Tickets are now on sale for the Cedarcrest Choir's annual Fairytales & Frosting concert. This magical dessert concert isespecially for youngsters who enjoy Disney music, movies, and dressing up! You can expect a wide variety of dance, vocal,and theatrical performances and you can't beat the delicious cupcakes! Join us onSaturday, February 9th at the Riverview ESC for the12pm or 3pm show. Seating is reserved so call Mrs. Koster in the main office and get your tickets today. All tickets are $12 and include dessert, a

take home goody, and a magical live concert.

From the Nurse...

Medications at SchoolIf your student needs to carry over-the-counter (OTC) medications during the school day, please send only a day's supply ofthe medication in the originally labeled container (ie. travel-size) with a note from parent/guardian, per District PolicyP3080-2.

Health Concerns/VaccinationsIn order to better serve students' health at CHS, emails will be sent or calls will be made to parents/guardians this month toupdate their health record and check vaccination status, if needed.

Flu SeasonSeasonal "flu" occurs between October and May and typically peaks in January and February. The CDC encourageseveryone, especially school personnel, to get vaccinated because children are among the most vulnerable to the disease.

Wash hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer;Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth;Avoid close contact with those who are already sick;Get plenty of sleep;Eat healthy food and drink plenty of fluids;Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with a tissue or the crook of your arm;Stay home, if ill, for at least 24 hours after fever is gone.

For more information about seasonal flu see http://www.cdc.gov/flu/ Leigh-Ann Gutmann, RNCedarcrest High School Nurse [email protected]

Page 12: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

Cedarcrest High School Equestrian Team

The Cedarcrest Equestrian Team has been working hard for several months preparing for its first District meet,next week January 17-20 at the Northwest Fairgrounds in Lynden Washington. Each season there are 3 districtmeets each of which are a 4-day horse show consisting of individual performance events in all disciplines(including hunt seat, stock seat, saddleseat, dressage, trail, showmanship, working rancher), individual and teamgaming events, drill team and working pairs competitions, as well as cow events. Several of our Cedarcrest

Page 13: Cedarcrest High School...Apprenticeship Programs - Earn money while being trained with excellent benefits! Andrea Anderson will be in the Career Center during Advisory on January 30,

gaming events, drill team and working pairs competitions, as well as cow events. Several of our Cedarcrestathletes will be competing in all categories. Wish our team luck this week as they push toward State qualifications over the next 3 meets! Go Redwolves!

NondiscriminationThe Riverview School District complies w ith all federal and state statutes and regulations and does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex,race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide orservice animal, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. This holds true for all district employment and student opportunities. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district's Title IX/RCW 28A.640 Off icer (Janet L. Gavigan, 425-844-4500) andSection 504/ADA Coordinator (Dr. Ken Heikkila, 425-844-4500) at 15510 1st Ave. NE, Duvall, WA 98019.