cee 2014 executive coaching services 2 april 2014

CEE Executive Coaching Services & Master Executive Coach Profile Page 1 OVERVIEW OF CEE EXECUTIVE COACHING SERVICES TRANSFORMING NEXT GENERATION OF LEADERS Executive Coaching is one of the fastest growing and most misunderstood professions of this decade. Coaching used to be an “executive perk” for large company executives to help them make better business decisions. Today, coaching is rapidly being recognized as one of the best strategic weapons a company can have in its arsenal. Executive coaching focuses on developing a top executive’s full potential by coaching them to think and act beyond existing limits and paradigms. Executive coaching is a highly individualized form of leadership development and support available because it is based on the understanding that in order to be maximally effective, executives must accurately identify their strengths and areas of development, examine the impact of their behavior on others, and regularly and intentionally reflect on their values, goals, and effectiveness. The strength of executive coaching lies in the fact that it is almost exclusively an executive development strategy that builds leadership and management strength because it is ultimately concerned about understanding where the executive is, where it is that they want to go, and the things that they would have to do to get there. It is often lonely at the top for chief executives as they generally keep their own counsel, mainly because they find it difficult to discuss matters with colleagues and cannot or choose not to share their concerns with spouses and families -- executive coaching offers a way out of this by providing an opportunity for the executive have an independent sounding board and strategic partner in a safe and confidential environment. Executive Coaching can be defined as a confidential, highly-personal learning process, involving action learning and working in partnership, combining an executive coach’s observations and capabilities with an executive’s expertise; the result is that the executive achieves better and faster results-oriented outcomes. It is therefore important to create a coaching environment that is founded on trust because in a normal working day, the executive works in a fast-paced, complex and pressured environment and there is little time to sit back and reflect on the range of issues facing him/her. The Coaching Approach Effective coaching is a major key to improving business performance. Executive Coaching focuses on the qualities of effective leadership and improved business results. It is comprised of a series of structured, one-on-one interactions between a coach and an executive, aimed at enhancing the executive's performance in two areas: Individual personal performance Individual organisational performance When executives are first confronted by being coached, they are not always clear about how best to use their sessions and quite unaware that it is they who set the agenda; in fact, some executives expect executive coaching to be like a one-on-one tailored training programme

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Executive Coaching is one of the fastest growing and most misunderstood professions of this decade. Coaching used to be an “executive perk” for large company executives to help them make better business decisions. Today, coaching is rapidly being recognized as one of the best strategic weapons a company can have in its arsenal.

Executive coaching focuses on developing a top executive’s full potential by coaching them to think and act beyond existing limits and paradigms. Executive coaching is a highly individualized form of leadership development and support available because it is based on the understanding that in order to be maximally effective, executives must accurately identify their strengths and areas of development, examine the impact of their behavior on others, and regularly and intentionally reflect on their values, goals, and effectiveness. The strength of executive coaching lies in the fact that it is almost exclusively an executive development strategy that builds leadership and management strength because it is ultimately concerned about understanding where the executive is, where it is that they want to go, and the things that they would have to do to get there. It is often lonely at the top for chief executives as they generally keep their own counsel, mainly because they find it difficult to discuss matters with colleagues and cannot or choose not to share their concerns with spouses and families -- executive coaching offers a way out of this by providing an opportunity for the executive have an independent sounding board and strategic partner in a safe and confidential environment. Executive Coaching can be defined as a confidential, highly-personal learning process, involving action learning and working in partnership, combining an executive coach’s observations and capabilities with an executive’s expertise; the result is that the executive achieves better and faster results-oriented outcomes. It is therefore important to create a coaching environment that is founded on trust because in a normal working day, the executive works in a fast-paced, complex and pressured environment and there is little time to sit back and reflect on the range of issues facing him/her.

The Coaching Approach Effective coaching is a major key to improving business performance. Executive Coaching focuses on the qualities of effective leadership and improved business results. It is comprised of a series of structured, one-on-one interactions between a coach and an executive, aimed at enhancing the executive's performance in two areas:

Individual personal performance Individual organisational performance

When executives are first confronted by being coached, they are not always clear about how best to use their sessions and quite unaware that it is they who set the agenda; in fact, some executives expect executive coaching to be like a one-on-one tailored training programme

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where the executive coach initiates the agenda. Executive coaching teaches the beneficiary to minimise, delegate, or outsource non-strengths by changing ineffective behaviours or changing ineffective thinking. The up-front purpose of executive coaching is to develop key leadership capabilities or focus required for their current role, but it can also be used as an instrument to prepare them for the challenges of the next level. The whole coaching experience is structured to bring about effective action, performance improvement, and personal growth for the individual executive, as well as better results for the institution’s core business. An Executive Coach only has one item on his agenda – the client’s success. This means going where it might hurt, and keeping a client accountable to achieving their goals. Coaching helps people grow personally and as professionals. This growth allows then to commit completely to the success of an organization. When professional coaches work with organizations they can turn performance management into a collaborative process that benefits both the employee and the organization. Our Executive Coaching Solutions provide coaching on a one-on-one basis, providing an invaluable source of support and development for your managers and business leaders focuses on organisational results and business outcomes. Our Executive Coaching solutions are offered ‘face-to-face’ with support via the telephone and email, if and when necessary. Who Benefits From Coaching? Perhaps the better question is, who doesn’t? We have all had managers and clients whose leadership, team-building, change management, or interpersonal skills are non-existent. The primary goal of coaching is to help people become more effective. Coaches work with individuals to help them overcome personal obstacles, maximize their strengths, and tap into their full potential. Still, the greatest value of coaching, aren't just the business solutions, but the personal insight. An individual may think they are hiring a coach to help increase revenue, but what they will ultimately get is a big dose of self-awareness too. In today's economic environment where organizations are rapidly evolving, coaching can have a significant strategic impact. Unlike typical training and development, coaching provides continuous learning and develops people to meet current and future needs. Coaching is an investment that you make in developing your key resource people for the long-term benefit of your organization.

"The goal of coaching is the goal of good management: to make the most of an organization's valuable resources."

- Harvard Business Review The Difference between Coaching, Managing, Consulting & Training

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Coaching, managing, consulting and training are all related, and sometimes overlap. However, at their foundation, they are distinct in their focus of attention. A professional coach's primary attention is to tap into the client's own vision, wisdom and directed action in service of the client's self-identified agenda. The client applies himself/herself to his/her whole life usually including, and often focusing on their professional endeavors. A manager's primary attention is to achieve specific organizational results through their direct reports. To that end, they may direct and/or develop those direct reports through performance feedback and may use coaching skills. A consultant's primary attention is to achieving organizational results (often large systems change) through the application of specific expertise. They may or may not also be charged with transferring knowledge or a skill set to their client. A training and development professional's primary attention is the successful transfer of specific information or skills to their clients. Again, a trainer may well use a co-active approach and coaching skills. CEE “A.D.A.M.” Coaching Methodology:

Assess: Through a series of assessment and information gathering from various stakeholders, the coachee determine how their performance links to current business goals. Debrief: The coachee will be provided with feedback based on the results of the assessments and with the support of the Coach will develop a Development Plan which will enable coachees to determine what to do to close the gaps in their leadership capability. The Sponsor will sign off the Development Plan to ensure that there is alignment to the business objectives. Action Plan: The Coachee will implement the Development Plan by taking well-defined action steps and regular feedback during scheduled coaching sessions with the Coach which enables the Coachees to move toward measurable goals. Measure: A full evaluation of the coaching process and engagement based on the agreed success metrics at the beginning of the assignment yields objective measures of business results and professional outcomes for both the organisation and the coachee.

Individual (Coachee) and Organisational

Success Measure Debrief Assess


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CEE Executive Coaching Solutions:

Coaches for C-Suite Executives

CEOs and executives reporting directly to the CEO Senior HR executives High Potential Leaders Chief Learning Officers Heads of Executive/Leadership Development Heads of Talent Management.

Coaches for Executives and Leaders all the way down the leadership pipeline. Embedded coaches in internal action learning, high-potential or executive development

programs to gain real-time exposure of executives. Coach-the-Coach Internal certifications for internal or external coaches for a specific

organization. This ensures that coaching across the organization is aligned with the businesses strategic objectives and the coaches all follow a similar process.

Design and coordination of organization-wide executive coaching programs to ensure an effective use of the company’s resources. Coaching levels are assigned with pre-set investment amounts. Coaches are chosen and trained and processes are set for decision-making, tracking and reporting of development metrics.

Coaching Fees

Our executive coaching fees vary depending on the situation and needs of each client. Should we mutually agree we are a good fit we can then submit a proposal outlining our executive coaching fees.

Call or email us for a no obligation discussion on how CEE could partner with your organisation in delivering highly impactful Executive Coaching solutions for your leadership team.

For further information contact:

CENTRE FOR EXECUTIVE EDUCATION PTE LTD 259 Tampines Central Singapore 915209 Tel: (65) 6789 0977 Fax: (65) 6789 0911 Email: [email protected] Homepage: www.cee-global.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/ceeglobal

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Professor Sattar Bawany is Chief Executive Officer of The Centre for Executive Education (CEE). Prof Bawany is also concurrently the Strategic Advisor & Member of International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) Board of Trustees and Governing Council.

He is also the Managing Director as well as Master Executive Coach & Facilitator with Executive Development Associates (EDA) Asia Pacific. CEE is the Strategic Partner of EDA in Asia Pacific.

Prof Bawany is also a member of the Duke Corporate Education Global Learning Resource Network (GLRN). The Financial Times and Business Week continue to rate Duke CE as the world’s #1 provider of customized corporate education services.

Prof Bawany is also the immediate past Co-Chair of the Human Capital Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (AmCham Singapore). He is also a member of Frontier Strategy Group’s Expert Advisory Network (EAN) for Human Capital and Talent Management issues in Asia Pacific advising CEOs and CHROs of global and regional organisations.

He has over 25 years’ international business management experience, including 15 years in executive coaching, group facilitation, and leadership development and training with global management consulting firms. In addition to his business and consulting career, Prof Bawany has over 10 years of concurrent academic experience as an Adjunct Professor teaching senior executives international business strategies and human resource courses at various leading universities. He is currently the Adjunct Professor of Strategy with the Paris Graduate School of Management (PGSM).

Prof Bawany has assumed various senior management roles including that of Managing Director and Talent Management & Executive Coaching Practice Leader for DBM Asia Pacific. He was also the Global Information Services (GIS) Business Unit Leader with Mercer HR Consulting. Prior to joining Mercer, he was the Head of Hay Learning Services and Senior Consultant of Organisational Effectiveness/Leadership Development with The Hay Group. He has also assumed senior leadership roles in business development and consulting with The Forum Corporation and Mercuri International with a focus on leadership development, customer service excellence and sales force effectiveness.

Prof Bawany’s passion for people and culture is about creating an environment where employees are valued and emotionally engaged in the business. He has successfully worked with extensive number of public and private organisations regionally and internationally specialising in people and culture through transformational change, starting with the ‘end’ in mind! He is an experienced facilitator and has spent many years developing leadership

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capability through the delivery of structured talent management, leadership development programs including executive coaching.

He is especially skilled at helping executives work through leadership transition issues, whether individually or systemically. As a seasoned coach, he truly cares about others, listens with an open mind, and adds value in unexpected ways. His approach to executive coaching encourages new insights into the key capabilities and unique strengths needed to sustain practical behavioural change over time, resulting in the executive’s enhanced self -awareness, better decision making, and continuous performance improvement.

Prof Bawany is an astute advisor to executives who need to know how they are perceived and want to focus on what is most important in their professional and personal lives. He has coached a range of leaders, from CEOs, to senior vice presidents, and high potential managers. His current work in organisations focuses on encouraging individual initiative and leadership from a systemic perspective in order to achieve clearly defined business results. His specialty is effectively linking people processes to business outcomes.

He is a Key Note Speaker at international and regional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars on the following themes: Talent Management; Executive Leadership Development, Employee Engagement and Managing across Generational Gap, Strategic Human Resource Management, and Talent Management & Succession Planning.

He is an accomplished Author with a Chapter on “Maximizing the Potential of Future Leader” in the Book “Coaching in Asia the First Decade”. He has published extensively articles on topics such as Talent Management, Leadership Effectiveness, Strategic HR/OD, Career Management and Executive Coaching in the “The Straits’ Times”, “Singapore Business Review”, “Today’s Manager” and “Human Capital” magazine. He has also appeared regularly on MediaCorp’s Radio’s 93.8FM Live as a studio guest.

He holds an Executive MBA and a Bachelor in Business Administration (Marketing). His Doctoral Research is on ‘The Impact of Executive Coaching on the Personal & Professional Development of Leaders”.

Prof Bawany is a Fellow of International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) and The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). He is a Professional Member of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). He is also a Practicing Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and International Association of Coaching (IAC).

He is very well regarded by his clients for his practical "how to" approach and for his ability to communicate with his audiences and to make workplace learning a fun and pleasurable experience. Married with 2 children, he believes strongly in work-life balance and is highly dedicated and committed to achieving his goals.

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Current Professional Appointment:

Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Executive Education Managing Director & Master Executive Coach, EDA Asia Pacific Strategic Advisor of International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) Senior Advisor & Adjunct Practice Leader, Talent Management of Cegos Asia Pacific Faculty Member of Duke CE Global Learning Resource Network (GLRN) Adjunct Faculty & Executive Coach of ICLIF Leadership & Governance Centre

Past Professional Appointment:

Managing Director and Talent Management Practice Leader, DBM Asia Pacific Head of Transition & Executive Coaching Practice, DBM Asia Pacific Business Leader, Global Information Services, Mercer HR Consulting, Asia Pacific Head of Learning Services & Senior Consultant Organisational Effectiveness and

Management Development (OEMD), The Hay Group, Asia Pacific Head of Business Development, Forum Corporation, Asia Pacific Senior Consultant, Sales, Service & Leadership Development, Mercuri International


Adjunct Professor of Strategy, Paris Graduate School of Management (PGSM) MBA, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California, USA BA, Business/Marketing, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia Graduate of Corporate Coach University and Licensed Coaching Clinic Facilitator Myers-Briggs Type Indicator™ (MBTI) and Extended DISC Bar-On EQ 360™ and EQ-i™ Certifications MRG Leadership Effectiveness Analysis™ (LEA) 360 Assessment Centre for Creative Leadership (CCL) Benchmarks® and Skillscope® Assessments

Professional Affiliations:

Immediate Past Co-Chair of Human Capital Committee of American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) Singapore

Member of the Governing Council & Board of Trustees of the International Professional Managers Association, (IPMA)

Fellow of International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Professional Member of Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Professional Member of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Practicing Member of International Coaching Federation (ICF) Practicing Member of Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches (APAC)

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Brief on Selected Executive Coaching Assignment:

1. The coachee is an international assignee in Asia Pacific for the first time and has a lack of international management and cross-cultural experience. It was decided by the sponsor that a proven coaching process and the senior level international experience of the coach was a valuable additional investment to complement internal processes. Over a six-month period the executive identified and began to develop a leadership style which would enable him to move onto yet more senior levels, avoiding the derailment that so many high potentials experience executive. A high potential and very marketable executive with cross-cultural experience was subsequently promoted to a global leadership role.

2. The senior leaders of a high growth software organization were exceptionally bright but lacking in leadership skills. A framework for executive coaching engagements was established for senior leadership team. Determining individual strengths and areas for improvement was the first critical step. The participating executives (coachees) were assessed on two critical scales: business competence and personal connection. With those results as a baseline, interviews with each executive’s direct reports were conducted. That data, combined with the Coach’s observations, formed the basis for very specific, tailored 6-month, one-on-one executive coaching engagements. As a result of the team coaching engagement, the executive management team developed a common language to discuss business strategy, goals, and organizational culture issues.

3. The coachee is a successful business leader and is perceived by the Regional President & CEO as not ready for transition to the role as Country Head. There was a need for the coachee to shift from being an individual contributor to becoming a team player and leader. Her achievements would need to come through the involvement of others' ideas and opinions and by learning to balance the issues of her boss as well as peers and subordinates. At the end of the 6-months coaching engagement, positive change in the executive's leadership style was perceived at all levels of the organization. Key sensitive strategic alliances were successfully negotiated, resulting in considerable new and sustained relationship with members of the country executive team, which is critical for the client towards her goal of assuming the role of Country Head in the near future.

4. A highly successful marketing professional in a pharmaceutical firm develops better leadership skills and understanding of team work. Within six months of the onset of the coaching experience, the client's behaviour and leadership style had grown substantially and sustainably. Her retention record for key accounts and staff improved.

5. Project Management Director for a technology start-up company was struggling with gaining consensus on project management goals and on-time delivery of products. Achieved unanimous agreement over difficult issues within cross functional areas. Executive became more confident and engaged with handling challenging project assignments.

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Brief on Selected Leadership Development Assignment:

1. The Client is a leading global pharmaceutical firm which has achieved rapid growth through mergers and acquisitions (M&A). While M&A was great for the organization, it was challenging for the employees with new roles and responsibilities, new reporting structures and new expectations. Successfully incorporating merged and acquired employees meant getting everyone to feel part of the company’s newly forged customer centric culture. The "ART" (Accelerating Role Transition) Program was implemented with employee-driven process for new and transitioning employees; the organisation capitalized on the culture and built respect through clear communication between employees and their managers. The organization now includes it in the on-boarding program for new hires at all levels and has made it available to all employees changing jobs within the company. As a result, in contrast to many mergers and acquisitions, which show signs of clashing cultures and slow pay-offs, the employees of this firm score high on employee engagement and climate survey and the leaders have quickly “settled in” to new responsibilities to deliver results – fast.

2. The Client is a high-performing, global informational technology firm where the senior leadership team had set ambitious growth goals that rested on corporate values. Managers at all levels across the globe are required to align their day-to-day decision making with the values and inspire the workforce to do the same. Working with key leaders, the most effective approach was determined for achieving these results in the organisation's culture. The solution implemented includes a customised “Values-based Leadership” workshop which was designed to create buy-in to a values-driven culture, help managers connect their personal convictions with the organization’s values and prepare them to build their team’s commitment through compelling communications. The second phase includes an executive coaching program for managers and a values alignment process for individual contributors. As a result; the senior executive team and all managers lead in communicating and modelling the company’s values.

3. The Client is an Asia Pacific Regional Operations of a Global Financial Services Firm which was expanding and adapting to increasingly competitive market conditions following the Global Financial Crisis in 2008-2009. In this intensely hypercompetitive and fast moving environment the firm understand that there is one factor that keeps the company ahead - the commitment, creativity and energy of its people. They wanted a radical new focus for the leaders at all levels which would drive the results through engagement of the employee in a manner which will capture the very spirit of the company and act as a motivational, inspiring force. Using these principles and partnering with the firm, the “Leadership That Gets Results” (LTGR), a high performance leadership development programme was designed and delivered. As a result, the LTGR program has created new levels of co-operation and trust that has flourished across the various business units of the company. Managers have become more energised and motivated to take positive action and their new commitment has been cascaded through the entire company. The managers were then ready and able to shape the future success of the company and steered the firm towards achieving its corporate objectives and sustainable business results.

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Appendix - CEE’s & Strategic Partners Corporate Profile

The Centre for Executive Education (CEE) is the Executive Development Division of IPMA Asia Pacific. CEE design and implement tailor-made learning and organisational development strategies that greatly improve our client's performance, increase

market value and enhance organisational capability.

We develop insight into what drives value creation and competitive advantage in our clients' businesses. Then, we work closely with our clients to convert insight into concrete strategies and tactics. The implementation of insight has high impact in the form of value created for our clients. When we deliver impact repeatedly, we earn their trust and build lasting relationships that serve as a platform for deeper insight and ever-greater impact.

For further details and full listing of our much sought-after series of Executive Development Programs, visit: www.ipma.com.sg/cee.php

The International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) established in 1993 is an International Examining, Licensing and Regulatory Membership Qualifying Professional Body formed for the purpose of providing practicing Managers with the opportunity to participate and to be part of the process of improving managerial performance and effectiveness in all areas of business, industry and public administration.

CEE is an affiliate partner of Executive Development Associates (EDA) which is established in 1982.

EDA is a leader in creating custom-designed executive development strategies, systems and programs that help organizations build the capabilities needed to achieve their strategic objectives. EDA leads the way in the use of executive development to help organizations successfully address their marketplace challenges and accelerate the execution of their business strategy. With our proven ability to achieve results we create measurable improvements in both individual executive performance and business outcomes.

Executive Coaching is one of EDA’s Best-Practice Solutions that delivers a one-on-one growth and development opportunity and produces real business results in a short period of time. EDA customizes coaching to meet the individual’s specific needs and matches the leader with the most appropriate coach. EDA also strategically links the coaching goals to the organization's business strategies. Sessions with the individual's manager or board of directors are worked into the coaching arrangement to assure accountability to the organization’s vision and organizational strategy.

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1 December 2011

Prof Sattar BawanyStrategic AdvisorIPMA ASIA PACIFIC259 Tampines CentralSingapore 915209

Dear Prof Bawany


From the beginning, the fellow participants and I expected to gain from the experience, but never didwe anticipate the tremendous amount of insight, knowledge, and practical tools that my seniorleadership team and I learned.

There is no doubt in my mind that this leadership development program would not have been assuccessful without the benefit of your excellent facilitation and delivery skills. our leadership team werea bit hesitant at the initial mention of "consultants," but they soon discovered that you did not tell uswhat to do; rather they led our senior leadership team and me through a process of learning andanalysis, helping us to develop a sense of self-awareness in each of us.

Most importantly, as a results of the impactful program content (and the accompanying knowledge andskills) on Emotional Intelligence, Effective communication styles and the GRow Managerial coachingModel, we have learned how to effectively lead, develop, and coach our people and ensure that ourworkforce is aligned with the company,s core value.

I would whole-heartedly recommend IPMA and yourself to any company who is serious aboutstrengthening their leadership bench strength and is willing to be introspective, honest, and open-minded about i t in the process.

Warmest regards

Desmond ChanManaging DirectorMenlo Worldwide Logistics, South Asia

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25 September 2013 Prof Sattar Bawany CEO, Centre for Executive Education (CEE) Senior Advisor, Corporate Learning Solutions (CLS) 259 Tampines Central Singapore 915209 Dear Professor Bawany,


We are pleased to share with you the successful completion of the two Masterclasses, ‘HARNESSING POTENTIAL OF MULTI GENERATION WORKFORCE TO BUILD CAPACITY IN CENTRAL BANKS’ and ‘WINNING THE WAR OF TALENT’ on the 9 – 10 September 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka. We wish to express our deepest gratitude on your rich sharing of experiences especially in the area of Human Capital issues within the central banks. Your contemporary views and sharing of experiences were in deed engaging. The SEACEN Centre received positive feedback from the delegates. The delegates also shared their positive note on the lively and experiential classes that have addressed their learning needs. In closing, we take this opportunity to thank you once again for your kind cooperation and look forward to our future collaborations with you. Thank you. Sincerely,

Hookyu RHU Executive Director

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