cegedim © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without cegedim authorisation

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CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Page 2: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation


TOPIC: Treatment of patients with diarrhoea, Smecta.

TIME OF RESEARCH: October-November 2007

TARGET GROUP: pediatrics

SAMPLING POINTS: whole Czech Republic

METHODOLOGY: face to face interviewing

SAMPLING METHOD: stratified random sampling

SOURCE OF ADDRESSES: Cegedim Strategic Data


QUESTIONNAIRE: prepared by Cegedim Strategic Data on the assignment of Ipsen


Page 3: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 1: Will you estimate how many patients with diarrhoea do you monthly meet in your practice on the average.

Ipsen – Medibus PED4

average number of patients per month median – the middle value

(base for average – total sample)NTOT = 98, NLC = 36, NMC = 39, NBC = 23

Page 4: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 2: Which preparation is usually your first choice anti-diarrhoeal? (the most often named)

(% base – total sample)NTOTAL = 98, NLC = 36, NMC = 39, NBC = 23

Ipsen – Medibus PED4


Page 5: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 3A: Why is Smecta your first choice anti-diarrhoeal? Which are its main advantages, strong points?

(most often named)

(% base – Smecta is first choice anti-diarrhoeal)NTOTAL = 64

Ipsen – Medibus PED4

Page 6: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 3B: Why is Hylak your first choice anti-diarrhoeal? Which are its main advantages, strong points?

(most often named)

(% base – Hylak is first choice anti-diarrhoeal)NTOTAL = 27

Ipsen – Medibus PED4

Page 7: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007Ipsen – Medibus PED4

Q. 4: Do you currently prescribe or recommend to your patients also Smecta?

(% base – total sample)NTOT = 98

yes, I prescribe / I recommend I do not prescribe / I do not recommend

Page 8: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 5: What are your main reasons to prescribe/recommend Smecta. (most often named)

(% base – Smecta is first choice anti-diarrhoeal)NTOTAL = 98

GlaxoSmithKline – Medibus PED4

Page 9: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 6A: Will you estimate how many patients with diarrhoea do you monthly prescribe with Smecta on the average.

Ipsen – Medibus PED4

average number of patients per month median – the middle value

(base for average – total sample)NTOT = 98, NLC = 36, NMC = 39, NBC = 23

Page 10: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 6B: Will you estimate to how many patients with diarrhoea do you monthly recommend Smecta on the average.

Ipsen – Medibus PED4

average number of patients per month median – the middle value

(base for average – total sample)NTOT = 98, NBC = 36, NMC = 39, NBC = 23

Page 11: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007Ipsen – Medibus PED4

Analysis II. q. 6: Rate of prescription and recommendation of Smecta.

(% base – total sample)NTOT = 98, NBC = 36, NMC = 39, NBC = 23

Smecta - total

Page 12: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007Ipsen – Medibus PED4

Analysis II. q. 6: Rate of prescription and recommendation of Smecta.

(% base – total sample)

Smecta - prescribing Smecta - recommending

TOTAL (N = 98) LITTLE CITY (N = 36)

MIDDLE CITY (N = 39) BIG CITY (N = 23)

Page 13: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007Ipsen – Medibus PED4

Q. 7A: Will you estimate at which % of patients using Smecta do you continue with treatment with other preparations – e.g. with probiotics and at which % of patients you do not continue with additional treatment.

(base for average % - total sample)

I continue with additional treatment I do not continue with additional treatment

TOTAL (N = 98) LITTLE CITY (N = 36)

MIDDLE CITY (N = 39) BIG CITY (N = 23)

Page 14: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 7B: If you continue with additional treatment at patients using Smecta, which particular preparations do you prescribe/recommend after Smecta? (the most often named)

(% base – continue with treatment with other preparations)NTOTAL = 90

Ipsen – Medibus PED4

Page 15: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 8A: Try please to specify – when, at which cases, at what kind of patients do you use Smecta. (most often named)

(% base – total sample)NTOTAL = 98

Ipsen – Medibus PED4

Page 16: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 8B: Try please to specify – when, at which cases, at what kind of patients do you use probiotics. (most often named)

(% base – total sample)NTOTAL = 98

Ipsen – Medibus PED4

Page 17: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 9A: How do you usually solve rotavirus infections? (most often named)

(% base – total sample)NTOTAL = 98

Ipsen – Medibus PED4

Page 18: CEGEDIM © copyright 2007 – this document should not be distributed without CEGEDIM authorisation

Cegedim CZ, Cegedim Strategic Data 2007

Q. 9B: If you prescribe your patients with rotavirus infections with pharmacological treatment, which preparations do you most often use? (most often named)

(% base – total sample)NTOTAL = 98

Ipsen – Medibus PED4